Multiple spanning tree protocol.
Version: 2019-04-23
module huawei-mstp { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-mstp"; prefix mstp; import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-vlan { prefix vlan; } import huawei-ethernet { prefix ethernet; } import huawei-l2vpn { prefix l2vpn; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Multiple spanning tree protocol."; revision "2019-04-23" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "mstp"; typedef bpdu-filter-type { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 1; description "Disable the BPDU filter function."; } enum "enable" { value 2; description "Enable the BPDU filter function."; } enum "default" { value 3; description "The default BPDU filter function."; } } description "BPDU filter type."; } typedef compliance-type { type enumeration { enum "auto" { value 1; description "Indicates that the MST BPDU format is self-adaptive."; } enum "dot1s" { value 2; description "Indicates that the MST BPDU format is standard IEEE 802.1s."; } enum "legacy" { value 3; description "Indicates that the MST BPDU format is proprietary."; } } description "MSTP BPDU format type."; } typedef edge-port-type { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 1; description "Set a port as a non-edge port."; } enum "enable" { value 2; description "Set a port as an edge port."; } enum "default" { value 3; description "Default port."; } } description "Edge port type."; } typedef stp-mode { type enumeration { enum "stp" { value 0; description "Spanning tree protocol mode."; } enum "rstp" { value 2; description "Rapid spanning tree protocol mode."; } enum "mstp" { value 3; description "Multiple ppanning tree protocol mode."; } enum "vbst" { value 4; description "VLAN-Based spanning tree protocol mode."; } } description "STP mode."; } typedef path-cost-standard-type { type enumeration { enum "dot1d-1998" { value 1; description "IEEE 802.1D standard used to calculate the path cost."; } enum "dot1t" { value 2; description "IEEE 802.1T standard used to calculate the path cost."; } enum "legacy" { value 3; description "Huawei legacy standard used to calculate the path cost."; } } description "Path Cost Standard."; } typedef point-to-point-type { type enumeration { enum "force-true" { value 1; description "The link type is a point to point link."; } enum "force-false" { value 2; description "The link type is not a point to point link."; } enum "auto" { value 3; description "The spanning tree protocol detects automatically whether the port is connected to a point to point link."; } } description "The link type of a port."; } typedef port-state-type { type enumeration { enum "down" { value 1; description "Down status."; } enum "disabled" { value 2; description "Disabled status."; } enum "forwarding" { value 3; description "Forwarding status."; } enum "learning" { value 4; description "Learning status."; } enum "discarding" { value 5; description "Discarding status."; } enum "inactive" { value 6; description "Inactive status."; } } description "The type of STP port state."; } typedef protection-type { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 1; description "No protection."; } enum "loopback" { value 2; description "Loopback detection."; } enum "bpdu-root" { value 3; description "BPDU and root protection."; } enum "root" { value 4; description "Root protection."; } enum "bpdu" { value 5; description "BPDU protection."; } enum "loop" { value 6; description "Loop protection."; } } description "STP protection type."; } typedef port-role-type { type enumeration { enum "disabled" { value 1; description "Inactive port."; } enum "alternate" { value 2; description "Alternate port."; } enum "backup" { value 3; description "Backup port."; } enum "root" { value 4; description "Root port."; } enum "designated" { value 5; description "Designated port."; } enum "master" { value 6; description "Master Port."; } } description "STP port role."; } typedef root-type { type enumeration { enum "normal" { value 1; description "Configure a device as a normal root bridge of a spanning tree."; } enum "primary" { value 2; description "Configure a device as a primary root bridge of a spanning tree."; } enum "secondary" { value 3; description "Configure a device as a secondary root bridge of a spanning tree."; } } description "STP root type."; } typedef converge-mode { type enumeration { enum "fast" { value 1; description "Set MSTP aging mode to fast."; } enum "normal" { value 2; description "Set MSTP aging mode to normal."; } } description "MSTP converge mode."; } container mstp { description "Multiple spanning tree protocol."; container global { description "Configure MSTP global attributes."; leaf bpdu-filter { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable to default configuration of the BPDU filter function."; } leaf edge-port { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable default configuration of global edge port function."; } leaf bridge-address { type pub-type:mac-address { pattern '[0-9a-f][02468ace][0-9a-f]{2}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){2}'; } description "Bridge MAC address."; } leaf transmit-limit { type uint16 { range "1..255"; } default "6"; description "Maximum number of BPDUs allowed to be sent globally within a hello interval."; } leaf vstp-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable V-STP function."; } } // container global container default-process { description "Configure default MSTP process."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable STP/RSTP/MSTP on a device."; } leaf bpdu-protection { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable to configure BPDU protection on an edge port. This function prevents network flapping caused by attack packets."; } leaf flush-capability { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable to flush capability on a switch."; } leaf max-hops { type uint16 { range "1..40"; } default "20"; description "Set the maximum hops of a spanning tree in an MST region."; } leaf mode { type stp-mode; default "mstp"; description "Set an operation mode for the current MSTP process."; } leaf path-cost-standard { type path-cost-standard-type; default "dot1t"; description "Set a standard for calculating the path cost."; } leaf tc-protection { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable to configure the TC BPDU protection function for an MSTP process."; } leaf tc-protection-threshold { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } default "1"; description "Set the maximum number of TC BPDUs that the MSTP can handle."; } leaf tc-protection-interval { type uint16 { range "1..600"; } units "s"; description "Set the time the MSTP device takes to handle the maximum number of TC BPDUs and immediately refresh forwarding entries."; } leaf timer-factor { type uint8 { range "1..10"; } default "3"; description "Set a multiplier for the Hello timer. If a device does not receive BPDUs from an upstream device within the timeout period (timeout period = hello time x 3 x timer factor), the spanning tree is calculated again."; } leaf region-name { ext:dynamic-default; type string { length "1..32"; } description "Configure an MST region name for a device."; } leaf revision-level { type uint16 { range "0..65535"; } default "0"; description "Configure a revision level for an MST region."; } leaf forward-delay { type uint16 { range "400..3000"; } units "10 ms"; must "(../forward-delay) mod 100 = 0"; default "1500"; description "Set the value of the forward delay. The step is 1000ms."; } leaf hello-time { type uint16 { range "100..1000"; } units "10 ms"; must "(../hello-time) mod 100 = 0"; default "200"; description "Set the interval at which BPDUs are sent. The step is 1000ms."; } leaf max-age { type uint16 { range "600..4000"; } units "10 ms"; must "(../max-age) mod 100 = 0"; default "2000"; description "Set the BPDU aging time on a port of a device. The step is 1000ms."; } leaf converge-mode { type converge-mode; default "normal"; description "MSTP convergence mode."; } container default-instance { description "Configure instance."; leaf priority { when "../root-type='normal'"; type uint32 { range "0..61440"; } must "(../priority) mod 4096 = 0"; default "32768"; description "Set the priority of a device in a spanning tree instance. The default step is 4096, that is, the device can have 16 priorities configured, such as 0, 4096, and 8192. A smaller value indicates a higher priority."; } leaf root-type { type root-type; default "normal"; description "Configure the current device as the root bridge of a spanning tree instance."; } leaf vlan-mapping { type pub-type:vlan-range; config false; description "VLAN mappings in instance 0."; } } // container default-instance container instances { description "List of configurations of process instance."; list instance { must "(priority and priority!=32768) or (root-type and root-type!='normal') or vlan-mapping"; key "id"; description "Configure process instance."; leaf id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Instance ID."; } leaf priority { when "../root-type='normal'"; type uint32 { range "0..61440"; } must "(../priority) mod 4096 = 0"; default "32768"; description "Set the priority of a device in a spanning tree instance. The default step is 4096, that is, the device can have 16 priorities configured, such as 0, 4096, and 8192. A smaller value indicates a higher priority."; } leaf root-type { type root-type; default "normal"; description "Configure the current device as the root bridge of a spanning tree instance."; } leaf vlan-mapping { type pub-type:vlan-range; must "not(/vlan:vlan/vlan:instances/vlan:instance)"; description "VLAN mappings in instance."; } } // list instance } // container instances container cist-info { config false; description "Statistics of stp."; leaf bridge-id { type string { length "1..64"; } description "Common and internal spanning tree (CIST) bridge ID."; } leaf root-id { type string { length "1..64"; } description "CIST root bridge ID."; } leaf erpc-cost { type uint32; description "Cost of the external path from the switch to the CIST root bridge."; } leaf regroot-id { type string { length "1..64"; } description "ID of the CIST region root bridge."; } leaf irpc-cost { type uint32; description "Cost of the internal path from the switch to the CIST region root bridge."; } leaf active-hello-time { type uint16 { range "1..10"; } units "s"; description "BPDUs parameters hello-time is being used."; } leaf active-max-age { type uint16 { range "6..40"; } units "s"; description "BPDUs parameters max-age is being used."; } leaf active-forward-delay { type uint16 { range "4..30"; } units "s"; description "BPDUs parameters forward-delay is being used."; } leaf active-max-hops { type uint16 { range "1..40"; } description "BPDUs parameters max-hops is being used."; } leaf root-port-id { type string { length "1..32"; } description "ID of the CIST root port."; } leaf tc-tcn-receive-num { type uint32; description "Number of received TC or TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tc-count-pre-hello { type uint32; description "Number of TC BPDUs received each Hello time."; } leaf last-change-interval { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Time past since the last topology changed."; } leaf tc-number { type uint32; description "Number of topology changes."; } leaf is-topo-changed { type boolean; description "Whether the topology is changed."; } } // container cist-info container msti-infos { config false; description "List of STP msti-info."; list msti-info { key "instance-id"; description "Statistics of msti-info."; leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Instance ID."; } leaf bridge-id { type string { length "1..64"; } description "Common and internal spanning tree (CIST) bridge ID."; } leaf reg-root-id { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Region root bridge ID."; } leaf root-port-id { type string { length "1..32"; } description "ID of the CIST root port."; } leaf master-bridge { type string { length "1..64"; } description "ID of the bridge where the master interface resides."; } leaf irpc-cost { type uint32; description "Cost of the internal path from the switch to the CIST region root bridge."; } leaf cost-to-master { type uint32; description "Cost of the path from the switch to the bridge where the master interface resides."; } leaf tc-receive-num { type uint32; description "Number of received TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-count-pre-hello { type uint32; description "Number of TC BPDUs received each Hello time."; } leaf last-change-interval { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Time past since the last topology changed."; } leaf last-change-occurred { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Last TC occurred."; } leaf tc-number { type uint32; description "Number of topology changes."; } leaf is-topo-changed { type boolean; description "Whether the topology is changed."; } } // list msti-info } // container msti-infos container interface-bpdu-statistics { config false; description "List of statistics about sent and received topology change (TC) and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs on interfaces."; list interface-bpdu-statistic { key "instance-id port-name"; description "Statistics of sent and received topology change (TC) and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs on interfaces."; leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "0..4094"; } description "STP instance id."; } leaf port-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Port name."; } leaf tc-send { type uint32; description "Statistics about sent TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-receive { type uint32; description "Statistics about receive TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-discard { type uint32; description "Statistics about discard TC BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-send { type uint32; description "Statistics about sent TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-receive { type uint32; description "Statistics about receive TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-discard { type uint32; description "Statistics about discard TCN BPDUs."; } } // list interface-bpdu-statistic } // container interface-bpdu-statistics container pw-bpdu-statistics { config false; description "List of statistics about sent and received topology change (TC) and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs on interfaces."; list pw-bpdu-statistic { key "instance-id pw-name vsi-name"; description "Statistics of sent and received topology change (TC) and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs on interfaces."; leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "0..4094"; } description "STP instance id."; } leaf pw-name { type string { length "1..63"; } description "PW name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..63"; } description "VSI name."; } leaf tc-send { type uint32; description "Statistics about sent TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-receive { type uint32; description "Statistics about receive TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-discard { type uint32; description "Statistics about discard TC BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-send { type uint32; description "Statistics about sent TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-receive { type uint32; description "Statistics about receive TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-discard { type uint32; description "Statistics about discard TCN BPDUs."; } } // list pw-bpdu-statistic } // container pw-bpdu-statistics } // container default-process container processs { description "List of MSTP processes."; list process { key "id"; description "Configure MSTP process."; leaf id { type uint32 { range "1..256"; } description "MSTP process ID."; } leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable STP/RSTP/MSTP on a device."; } leaf bpdu-protection { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable to configure BPDU protection on an edge port. This function prevents network flapping caused by attack packets."; } leaf flush-capability { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable to flush capability on a switch."; } leaf max-hops { type uint16 { range "1..40"; } default "20"; description "Set the maximum hops of a spanning tree in an MST region."; } leaf mode { type stp-mode; default "mstp"; description "Set an operation mode for the current MSTP process."; } leaf path-cost-standard { type path-cost-standard-type; default "dot1t"; description "Set a standard for calculating the path cost."; } leaf tc-protection { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable to configure the TC BPDU protection function for an MSTP process."; } leaf tc-protection-threshold { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } default "1"; description "Set the maximum number of TC BPDUs that the MSTP can handle."; } leaf tc-protection-interval { type uint16 { range "1..600"; } units "s"; description "Set the time the MSTP device takes to handle the maximum number of TC BPDUs and immediately refresh forwarding entries."; } leaf timer-factor { type uint8 { range "1..10"; } default "3"; description "Set a multiplier for the Hello timer. If a device does not receive BPDUs from an upstream device within the timeout period (timeout period = hello time x 3 x timer factor), the spanning tree is calculated again."; } leaf region-name { ext:dynamic-default; type string { length "1..32"; } description "Configure an MST region name for a device."; } leaf revision-level { type uint16 { range "0..65535"; } default "0"; description "Configure a revision level for an MST region."; } leaf forward-delay { type uint16 { range "400..3000"; } units "10 ms"; must "(../forward-delay) mod 100 = 0"; default "1500"; description "Set the value of the forward delay. The step is 1000ms."; } leaf hello-time { type uint16 { range "100..1000"; } units "10 ms"; must "(../hello-time) mod 100 = 0"; default "200"; description "Set the interval at which BPDUs are sent. The step is 1000ms."; } leaf max-age { type uint16 { range "600..4000"; } units "10 ms"; must "(../max-age) mod 100 = 0"; default "2000"; description "Set the BPDU aging time on a port of a device. The step is 1000ms."; } leaf tc-notify { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the TC notification function on the current MSTP process."; } leaf link-share-protect { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable to configure shared-link protection for an MSTP process."; } container default-instance { description "Configure instance."; leaf priority { when "../root-type='normal'"; type uint32 { range "0..61440"; } must "(../priority) mod 4096 = 0"; default "32768"; description "Set the priority of a device in a spanning tree instance. The default step is 4096, that is, the device can have 16 priorities configured, such as 0, 4096, and 8192. A smaller value indicates a higher priority."; } leaf root-type { type root-type; default "normal"; description "Configure the current device as the root bridge of a spanning tree instance."; } leaf vlan-mapping { type pub-type:vlan-range; config false; description "VLAN mappings in instance 0."; } } // container default-instance container instances { description "List of configurations of process instance."; list instance { must "(priority and priority!=32768) or (root-type and root-type!='normal') or vlan-mapping"; key "id"; description "Configure process instance."; leaf id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Instance ID."; } leaf priority { when "../root-type='normal'"; type uint32 { range "0..61440"; } must "(../priority) mod 4096 = 0"; default "32768"; description "Set the priority of a device in a spanning tree instance. The default step is 4096, that is, the device can have 16 priorities configured, such as 0, 4096, and 8192. A smaller value indicates a higher priority."; } leaf root-type { type root-type; default "normal"; description "Configure the current device as the root bridge of a spanning tree instance."; } leaf vlan-mapping { type pub-type:vlan-range; must "not(/vlan:vlan/vlan:instances/vlan:instance)"; description "VLAN mappings in instance."; } } // list instance } // container instances container cist-info { config false; description "Statistics of stp."; leaf bridge-id { type string { length "1..64"; } description "Common and internal spanning tree (CIST) bridge ID."; } leaf root-id { type string { length "1..64"; } description "CIST root bridge ID."; } leaf erpc-cost { type uint32; description "Cost of the external path from the switch to the CIST root bridge."; } leaf regroot-id { type string { length "1..64"; } description "ID of the CIST region root bridge."; } leaf irpc-cost { type uint32; description "Cost of the internal path from the switch to the CIST region root bridge."; } leaf active-hello-time { type uint16 { range "1..10"; } units "s"; description "BPDUs parameters hello-time is being used."; } leaf active-max-age { type uint16 { range "6..40"; } units "s"; description "BPDUs parameters max-age is being used."; } leaf active-forward-delay { type uint16 { range "4..30"; } units "s"; description "BPDUs parameters forward-delay is being used."; } leaf active-max-hops { type uint16 { range "1..40"; } description "BPDUs parameters max-hops is being used."; } leaf root-port-id { type string { length "1..32"; } description "ID of the CIST root port."; } leaf tc-tcn-receive-num { type uint32; description "Number of received TC or TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tc-count-pre-hello { type uint32; description "Number of TC BPDUs received each Hello time."; } leaf last-change-interval { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Time past since the last topology changed."; } leaf tc-number { type uint32; description "Number of topology changes."; } leaf is-topo-changed { type boolean; description "Whether the topology is changed."; } } // container cist-info container msti-infos { config false; description "List of STP msti-info."; list msti-info { key "instance-id"; description "Statistics of msti-info."; leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Instance ID."; } leaf bridge-id { type string { length "1..64"; } description "Common and internal spanning tree (CIST) bridge ID."; } leaf reg-root-id { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Region root bridge ID."; } leaf root-port-id { type string { length "1..32"; } description "ID of the CIST root port."; } leaf master-bridge { type string { length "1..64"; } description "ID of the bridge where the master interface resides."; } leaf irpc-cost { type uint32; description "Cost of the internal path from the switch to the CIST region root bridge."; } leaf cost-to-master { type uint32; description "Cost of the path from the switch to the bridge where the master interface resides."; } leaf tc-receive-num { type uint32; description "Number of received TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-count-pre-hello { type uint32; description "Number of TC BPDUs received each Hello time."; } leaf last-change-interval { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Time past since the last topology changed."; } leaf last-change-occurred { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Last TC occurred."; } leaf tc-number { type uint32; description "Number of topology changes."; } leaf is-topo-changed { type boolean; description "Whether the topology is changed."; } } // list msti-info } // container msti-infos container interface-bpdu-statistics { config false; description "List of statistics about sent and received topology change (TC) and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs on interfaces."; list interface-bpdu-statistic { key "instance-id port-name"; description "Statistics of sent and received topology change (TC) and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs on interfaces."; leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "0..4094"; } description "STP instance id."; } leaf port-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Port name."; } leaf tc-send { type uint32; description "Statistics about sent TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-receive { type uint32; description "Statistics about receive TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-discard { type uint32; description "Statistics about discard TC BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-send { type uint32; description "Statistics about sent TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-receive { type uint32; description "Statistics about receive TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-discard { type uint32; description "Statistics about discard TCN BPDUs."; } } // list interface-bpdu-statistic } // container interface-bpdu-statistics container pw-bpdu-statistics { config false; description "List of statistics about sent and received topology change (TC) and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs on interfaces."; list pw-bpdu-statistic { key "instance-id pw-name vsi-name"; description "Statistics of sent and received topology change (TC) and topology change notification (TCN) BPDUs on interfaces."; leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "0..4094"; } description "STP instance id."; } leaf pw-name { type string { length "1..63"; } description "PW name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..63"; } description "VSI name."; } leaf tc-send { type uint32; description "Statistics about sent TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-receive { type uint32; description "Statistics about receive TC BPDUs."; } leaf tc-discard { type uint32; description "Statistics about discard TC BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-send { type uint32; description "Statistics about sent TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-receive { type uint32; description "Statistics about receive TCN BPDUs."; } leaf tcn-discard { type uint32; description "Statistics about discard TCN BPDUs."; } } // list pw-bpdu-statistic } // container pw-bpdu-statistics } // list process } // container processs container error-packet-statistic { config false; description "Operational state of displaying error packet information, including error packet statistics, packet contents and receiving time."; leaf time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Display the last time when error packets were received."; } leaf count { type uint32; description "Display the statistics about error packets received by MSTP."; } leaf content { type string { length "0..4500"; } description "Display the contents of received error packets."; } } // container error-packet-statistic } // container mstp rpc defalut-process-mcheck { ext:node-ref "/mstp:mstp/mstp:default-process"; description "Configure all ports bound to the default MSTP process to automatically switch back to the RSTP/MSTP mode."; } // rpc defalut-process-mcheck rpc process-mcheck { ext:node-ref "/mstp:mstp/mstp:processs/mstp:process"; description "Configure all ports bound to the current MSTP process to automatically switch back to the RSTP/MSTP mode."; input { leaf process-id { type leafref { path "/mstp:mstp/mstp:processs/mstp:process/mstp:id"; } mandatory true; description "MSTP process ID."; } } } // rpc process-mcheck rpc port-mcheck { ext:node-ref "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:main-interface/ethernet:l2-attribute/mstp:mstp-attribute"; ext:node-ref "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:main-interface/mstp:mstp-attribute"; description "Configure the current port to automatically switch back to the RSTP/MSTP mode."; input { leaf if-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } mandatory true; description "Interface name."; } } } // rpc port-mcheck rpc pw-mcheck { ext:node-ref "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw/mstp:mstp-attribute"; description "Configure the current PW to automatically switch back to the RSTP/MSTP mode."; input { leaf vsi-name { type leafref { path "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:name"; } mandatory true; description "VSI name."; } leaf pw-name { type leafref { path "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw/l2vpn:name"; } mandatory true; description "PW name."; } } } // rpc pw-mcheck rpc set-default-process-bridge-diameter { ext:node-ref "/mstp:mstp/mstp:default-process"; description "The device will automatically set proper values for hello time, forward delay, and max age based on the configured network diameter."; input { leaf bridge-diameter { type uint8 { range "2..7"; } description "Bridge diameter."; } } } // rpc set-default-process-bridge-diameter rpc unset-default-process-bridge-diameter { ext:node-ref "/mstp:mstp/mstp:default-process"; description "The device will not automatically set proper values for hello time, forward delay, and max age based on the configured network diameter."; } // rpc unset-default-process-bridge-diameter rpc set-process-bridge-diameter { ext:node-ref "/mstp:mstp/mstp:processs/mstp:process"; description "The device will automatically set proper values for hello time, forward delay, and max age based on the configured network diameter."; input { leaf process-id { type leafref { path "/mstp:mstp/mstp:processs/mstp:process/mstp:id"; } mandatory true; description "MSTP process ID."; } leaf bridge-diameter { type uint8 { range "2..7"; } mandatory true; description "Bridge diameter."; } } } // rpc set-process-bridge-diameter rpc unset-process-bridge-diameter { ext:node-ref "/mstp:mstp/mstp:processs/mstp:process"; description "The device will not automatically set proper values for hello time, forward delay, and max age based on the configured network diameter."; input { leaf process-id { type leafref { path "/mstp:mstp/mstp:processs/mstp:process/mstp:id"; } mandatory true; description "MSTP process ID."; } } } // rpc unset-process-bridge-diameter } // module huawei-mstp
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