MPLS forward.
Version: 2020-06-10
module huawei-mpls-forward { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-mpls-forward"; prefix mpls-forward; import huawei-loadbalance { prefix loadbalance; } import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-l3vpn { prefix l3vpn; } import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } import huawei-mpls { prefix mpls; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-tunnel-management { prefix tnlm; } import huawei-mpls-te { prefix mpls-te; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "MPLS forward."; revision "2020-06-10" { description "Adding new nodes."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-05-18" { description "Updating nodes."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-03-25" { description "Modifying some non-standard descriptions."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-02-27" { description "Removing the invalid definition of enumeration type and modifying the invalid statements."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-03-27" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "forwarding"; typedef hash-type { type enumeration { enum "flow" { value 194; description "Load balance based on flow."; } enum "packet" { value 195; description "Load balance based on packet."; } } description "Hash type."; } typedef l3vpn-ingpipe-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 1; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "shortpipe" { value 2; description "Short pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 3; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "The mode of the L3VPN ingress pipe mode."; } typedef l3vpn-egpipe-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 1; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "shortpipe" { value 2; description "Short pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 3; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "The mode of the L3VPN egress pipe mode."; } typedef l3vpn-pipe-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 1; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "shortpipe" { value 2; description "Short pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 3; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "The mode of the L3VPN pipe mode."; } typedef l3vpn-ttl-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 1; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 3; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "The mode of the L3VPN tunnel."; } typedef l3vpn-service-class { type enumeration { enum "be" { value 0; description "BE service class."; } enum "af1" { value 1; description "AF1 service class."; } enum "af2" { value 2; description "AF2 service class."; } enum "af3" { value 3; description "AF3 service class."; } enum "af4" { value 4; description "AF4 service class."; } enum "ef" { value 5; description "EF service class."; } enum "cs6" { value 6; description "CS6 service class."; } enum "cs7" { value 7; description "CS7 service class."; } } description "The service class of L3VPN."; } typedef l3vpn-color { type enumeration { enum "green" { value 0; description "Green."; } enum "yellow" { value 1; description "Yellow."; } enum "red" { value 2; description "Red."; } } description "The color of L3VPN."; } typedef deep-hash-flag { type enumeration { enum "l3" { value 1; description "Hashed based on L3 IP."; } } description "Deep hash configuration flag."; } typedef deep-hash-fragment { type enumeration { enum "ip" { value 1; description "Hash-field based on IP."; } enum "disable" { value 3; description "Hash-field not based on anything."; } } description "Deep hash configuration fragment."; } typedef enable-flag { type enumeration { enum "enable" { value 1; description "The CFG is enabled."; } enum "disable" { value 0; description "The CFG is disabled."; } } description "Enable flag type."; } typedef te-pipe-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 1; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 3; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "TE pipe mode."; } typedef te-pipe-service-class { type enumeration { enum "be" { value 0; description "Best effort (EF) service class."; } enum "af1" { value 1; description "Assured forwarding 1 (AF1) service class."; } enum "af2" { value 2; description "Assured forwarding 2 (AF2) service class."; } enum "af3" { value 3; description "Assured forwarding 3 (AF3) service class."; } enum "af4" { value 4; description "Assured forwarding 4 (AF4) service class."; } enum "ef" { value 5; description "Expedited forwarding (EF) service class."; } enum "cs6" { value 6; description "Class selector 6 (CS6) service class."; } enum "cs7" { value 7; description "Class selector 7 (CS7) service class."; } } description "TE pipe service class."; } typedef te-pipe-color { type enumeration { enum "green" { value 0; description "Green."; } enum "yellow" { value 1; description "Yellow."; } enum "red" { value 2; description "Red."; } } description "TE pipe color."; } typedef check-mode { type enumeration { enum "ip" { value 291; description "The check mode is IP."; } enum "label-contained-length" { value 292; description "The check mode is label-contained-length."; } } description "Check mode."; } typedef enl-exp-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 2; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 1; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "Explicit null label EXP mode."; } typedef enl-ttl-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 1; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 0; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "Explicit null label TTL mode."; } typedef ela-exp-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 2; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 1; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "Entropy label EXP mode."; } typedef ela-ttl-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 1; description "Pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 0; description "Uniform pipe mode."; } } description "Entropy label TTL mode."; } augment /loadbalance:loadbalance { description "MPLS forward configuration to the load balance module."; container mpls-hashpacket { description "Configure load balance based on packet."; leaf hash-type { type hash-type; default "flow"; description "Load balance mode."; } } // container mpls-hashpacket container mpls-intfmtu { description "Configure interface MTU check mode."; leaf chkmode { type check-mode; default "ip"; description "Check mode configuration."; } } // container mpls-intfmtu container mpls-loadblc-elawords { description "Configure MPLS entropy label load balance control word enable."; leaf elawords-enable { type enable-flag; default "disable"; description "MPLS entropy label load balance control word enable value."; } } // container mpls-loadblc-elawords container p2mp-load-balance-num { description "Configure P2MP trunk load balance."; leaf number { type uint32 { range "2..64"; } default "16"; description "P2MP trunk load balance number."; } } // container p2mp-load-balance-num } augment /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/l3vpn:afs/l3vpn:af { description "MPLS forward configuration to the L3VPN module."; container vrfpipe { description "Configure L3VPN pipe."; leaf split-mode { type boolean; must "((../split-mode='false' and ../pipe-mode and not(../ingress-pipe-mode) and not(../egress-pipe-mode)) or (../split-mode='true' and not(../pipe-mode) and ../ingress-pipe-mode and ../egress-pipe-mode))"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable pipe mode."; } leaf pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='false'"; type l3vpn-pipe-mode; default "uniform"; description "Pipe mode."; } leaf ingress-pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='true'"; type l3vpn-ingpipe-mode; default "uniform"; description "Ingress pipe mode."; } leaf service-class { when "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type l3vpn-service-class; default "be"; description "Service class."; } leaf color { when "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type l3vpn-color; default "green"; description "Color."; } leaf egress-pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='true'"; type l3vpn-egpipe-mode; default "uniform"; description "Egress pipe mode."; } leaf domain-name { when "(../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:diffserv-domains/qos:diffserv-domain/qos:name"; } default "default"; description "DS domain name."; } } // container vrfpipe container vpn-ttlmode { description "Configure TTL mode."; leaf ttlmode { type l3vpn-ttl-mode; default "pipe"; description "TTL mode value."; } } // container vpn-ttlmode } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface { description "MPLS forward configuration to the ifm module."; container deephashcfg { when "../ifm:type='Ethernet' or ../ifm:type='FlexE' or ../ifm:type='GigabitEthernet' or ../ifm:type='100GE' or ../ifm:type='10GE' or ../ifm:type='4x10GE' or ../ifm:type='10x10GE' or ../ifm:type='3x40GE' or ../ifm:type='4x25GE' or ../ifm:type='25GE' or ../ifm:type='50GE' or ../ifm:type='50|100GE' or ../ifm:type='XGigabitEthernet' or ../ifm:type='Pos' or ../ifm:type='40GE' or ../ifm:type='MEth' or ../ifm:type='400GE' or ../ifm:type='GEBrief' or ../ifm:type='200GE'"; description "Configure MPLS deep hash mode."; leaf fragment-field { type deep-hash-fragment; default "disable"; description "MPLS deep hash fields."; } leaf deepmplshash { type deep-hash-flag; default "l3"; description "MPLS deep hash value."; } } // container deephashcfg container if-poison-reverse { when "../ifm:type='Ethernet' or ../ifm:type='FlexE' or ../ifm:type='GigabitEthernet' or ../ifm:type='100GE' or ../ifm:type='10GE' or ../ifm:type='4x10GE' or ../ifm:type='10x10GE' or ../ifm:type='3x40GE' or ../ifm:type='4x25GE' or ../ifm:type='25GE' or ../ifm:type='XGigabitEthernet' or ../ifm:type='Eth-Trunk' or ../ifm:type='Ip-Trunk' or ../ifm:type='400GE' or ../ifm:type='Pos' or ../ifm:type='40GE' or ../ifm:type='MEth' or ../ifm:type='GEBrief' or ../ifm:type='200GE' or ../ifm:type='50|100GE' or ../ifm:type='50GE'"; presence "Enable poison reverse on an interface"; description "Configure MPLS poison reverse on the interface."; } // container if-poison-reverse container if-p2mp-load-balance { when "../ifm:type='Eth-Trunk' or ../ifm:type='Ip-Trunk'"; description "Configure Trunk-enable."; leaf loadbanlance-enable { type enable-flag; default "disable"; description "Trunk enable flag."; } leaf root-loadbanlance-enable { type enable-flag; default "disable"; description "Root node trunk enable flag."; } leaf root-loadbanlance-spmsidis { when "../root-loadbanlance-enable='enable' or /mpls:mpls/mpls-forward:p2mp-forceload/mpls-forward:forceload-enable='enable'"; type enable-flag; default "disable"; description "Root node S-PMSI trunk disable flag."; } } // container if-p2mp-load-balance container bgp-localifnet-traffic { when "../ifm:type='GigabitEthernet' or ../ifm:type='XGigabitEthernet' or ../ifm:type='10GE' or ../ifm:type='25GE' or ../ifm:type='40GE' or ../ifm:type='50GE' or ../ifm:type='100GE' or ../ifm:type='200GE' or ../ifm:type = 'FlexE' or ../ifm:type='400GE' or ../ifm:type='50|100GE' or ../ifm:type='Ethernet' or ../ifm:type='Eth-Trunk' or ../ifm:type='Ip-Trunk' or ../ifm:type='Pos' or ../ifm:type='4x10GE' or ../ifm:type='10x10GE' or ../ifm:type='3x40GE' or ../ifm:type='4x25GE' or ../ifm:type='Mp-group' or ../ifm:type='Serial' or ../ifm:class='sub-interface'"; description "Configure the HQoS function for the traffic carried by a BGP local IFNET tunnel on an interface."; leaf localifnet-enable { type enable-flag; default "disable"; description "Traffic enable flag."; } } // container bgp-localifnet-traffic } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/tnlm:tunnel-protocol/tnlm:type/mpls-te:mpls-te/mpls-te:te-tunnel { description "MPLS forward configuration to the MPLS TE tunnel module."; container mplstunnelpipe { description "Configure TE pipe mode."; leaf pipe-mode { type te-pipe-mode; default "uniform"; description "Specifies the pipe mode of TE tunnel."; } leaf service-class { when "not(../pipe-mode='uniform')"; type te-pipe-service-class; default "be"; description "PHB of ingress packet."; } leaf color { when "not(../pipe-mode='uniform')"; type te-pipe-color; default "green"; description "Color of ingress packet."; } } // container mplstunnelpipe container mpls-tunnel-service-class { description "Configure specifies the service class of te tunnel."; leaf default-enable { type boolean; must "(../default-enable='false') or not(../af1-enable='true' or ../af2-enable='true' or ../af3-enable='true' or ../af4-enable='true' or ../be-enable='true' or ../cs6-enable='true' or ../cs7-enable='true' or ../ef-enable='true')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable default service class."; } leaf be-enable { type boolean; must "../be-enable='false' or ../default-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable BE service class."; } leaf af1-enable { type boolean; must "../af1-enable='false' or ../default-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable AF1 service class."; } leaf af2-enable { type boolean; must "../af2-enable='false' or ../default-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable AF2 service class."; } leaf af3-enable { type boolean; must "../af3-enable='false' or ../default-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable AF3 service class."; } leaf af4-enable { type boolean; must "../af4-enable='false' or ../default-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable AF4 service class."; } leaf ef-enable { type boolean; must "../ef-enable='false' or ../default-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable EF service class."; } leaf cs6-enable { type boolean; must "../cs6-enable='false' or ../default-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable CS6 service class."; } leaf cs7-enable { type boolean; must "../cs7-enable='false' or ../default-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable CS7 service class."; } } // container mpls-tunnel-service-class container mpls-tunnel-dscp { when "../mpls-te:common-attributes/mpls-te:signal-protocol='segment-routing'"; description "Configure DSCP value."; leaf ipv4-defalut { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable default of IPv4."; } leaf ipv6-defalut { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable default of IPv6."; } leaf ipv4-dscp-value { type string { length "1..512"; } must "../ipv4-dscp-value='*' or ../ipv4-defalut='false'"; default "*"; description "IPv4 DSCP, in the format of 0,1,2,3-10,63. A DSCP value is an integer ranging from 0 to 63.Entering an asterisk (*) deletes DSCP configuration."; } leaf ipv6-dscp-value { type string { length "1..512"; } must "../ipv6-dscp-value='*' or ../ipv6-defalut='false'"; default "*"; description "IPv6 DSCP, in the format of 0,1,2,3-10,63. A DSCP value is an integer ranging from 0 to 63.Entering an asterisk (*) deletes DSCP configuration."; } } // container mpls-tunnel-dscp } augment /mpls:mpls { description "MPLS forward configuration to the MPLS module."; container ds-enhance { description "Configure global shortpipe."; leaf enhance-enable { type enable-flag; default "disable"; description "Shortpipe global enhance enable."; } } // container ds-enhance container p2mp-fastswitch { description "Configure P2MP fast switch."; leaf fastswitch-enable { type enable-flag; default "disable"; description "P2MP global fast switch."; } } // container p2mp-fastswitch container p2mp-forceload { description "Configure P2MP forceload."; leaf forceload-enable { type enable-flag; default "disable"; description "P2MP force loadbalance."; } } // container p2mp-forceload container p2mp-frrwtrtime { description "Configure P2MP FRR WTR for forwarding plane."; leaf frrwtrtime-forpdt { type uint32 { range "5..600"; } units "s"; default "5"; description "P2MP FRR WTR for forwarding plane."; } } // container p2mp-frrwtrtime container te-reverse-path-forwarding { description "Configure MPLS TE global RPF capability."; leaf te-rpf-enable { type enable-flag; default "enable"; description "MPLS TE RPF capability enable."; } } // container te-reverse-path-forwarding container bgp-separate { description "Configure MPLS multiple hop disjoint."; leaf bgpsepen { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable MPLS multi-tunnel encapsulation decoupling."; } } // container bgp-separate container ldp-separate { description "Configure MPLS global convergence enhancement."; leaf ldpsepen { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable LDP-SRBE convergence enhancement."; } } // container ldp-separate container te-multiprot { description "Configure MPLS TE global multi-protect fast switch."; leaf multi-protect-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable MPLS TE multi-protect fast switch."; } } // container te-multiprot container active-tnl { config false; description "Statistics of MPLS TE LSP state INFOs."; list tnlactinfo { key "interfacename"; config false; description "Statistics of MPLS TE LSP state INFOs."; leaf interfacename { type pub-type:if-name; config false; description "Specifies an MPLS TE interface name."; } leaf activepath { type string { length "1..30"; } config false; description "MPLS TE LSP forward type."; } leaf tunnelid { type pub-type:hex-binary; config false; description "Tunnel ID."; } leaf outinterface { type string { length "1..30"; } config false; description "The tunnel out interface."; } } // list tnlactinfo } // container active-tnl container disp-convergence-mode { config false; description "Operational state of convergence mode state info."; leaf is-enable { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "Convergence mode enable check."; } } // container disp-convergence-mode } augment /mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global { when "/mpls:mpls/mpls:common/mpls:global/mpls:mpls-enable='true'"; description "MPLS forward configuration to the MPLS module."; container exp-ttl-mode { description "Configure pipe mode for explicit null label."; leaf exppipemode { type enl-exp-mode; default "uniform"; description "Pipe mode of EXP for explicit null label."; } leaf ttlpipemode { type enl-ttl-mode; default "uniform"; description "Pipe mode of TTL for explicit null label."; } } // container exp-ttl-mode container entropy-label-mode { description "Configure pipe mode for entropy label."; leaf exp-pipemode { type ela-exp-mode; default "uniform"; description "Pipe mode of EXP for entropy label."; } leaf ttl-pipemode { type ela-ttl-mode; default "uniform"; description "Pipe mode of TTL for entropy label."; } } // container entropy-label-mode } augment /mpls:mpls/mpls:common { description "MPLS forward configuration to the MPLS module."; container mpls-forward { description "Configure MPLS forward configuration to the MPLS module."; container static-label-only { description "Configure the parameters related to the exclusive static label range. The function takes effect after the device is restarted."; leaf max-label { type uint32 { range "2048..15999"; } description "The static label in the exclusive range ranges from 16 to the configured value. The labels that exceed the range can be used by both static and dynamic services."; } } // container static-label-only } // container mpls-forward } } // module huawei-mpls-forward
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