Network monitor.
Version: 2021-06-22
module huawei-mirror { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-mirror"; prefix mirror; import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } import huawei-devm { prefix devm; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-bd { prefix bd; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-ethernet { prefix ethernet; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Network monitor."; revision "2021-06-22" { description "Optimization constraints."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-07-11" { description "Optimization constraints."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-02-25" { description "Optimization constraints."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-01-19" { description "Optimization constraints."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-01-14" { description "Add global observes container."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-12-24" { description "The modifications in the schema file are synchronized to the YANG file."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-12-13" { description "The modifications in the schema file are synchronized to the YANG file."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-11-21" { description "The modifications in the schema file are synchronized to the YANG file."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-10-24" { description "The modifications in the schema file are synchronized to the YANG file."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-05-04" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "mirror"; typedef direction-type { type enumeration { enum "inbound" { value 0; description "Inbound."; } enum "outbound" { value 1; description "Outbound."; } } description "Direction."; } typedef without-filter { type enumeration { enum "true" { value 1; description "Enable."; } enum "false" { value 0; description "Disable."; } } description "Disable observe filter in observe port."; } typedef with-linklayer-header { type enumeration { enum "true" { value 1; description "Enable."; } enum "false" { value 0; description "Disable."; } } description "With linklayer header observe filter in observe port."; } typedef pop-label { type enumeration { enum "one" { value 1; description "One POP."; } enum "two" { value 2; description "Two POP."; } enum "all" { value 3; description "All POP."; } } description "Specify POP MPLS label."; } typedef mirror-type { type enumeration { enum "port" { value 0; description "Port."; } enum "policy" { value 1; description "Traffic policy."; } } description "Mirror type."; } typedef query-direction-type { type enumeration { enum "in" { value 0; description "In."; } enum "out" { value 1; description "Out."; } enum "in-out" { value 2; description "In-Out."; } } description "Direction type."; } typedef identifier-type { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "None."; } enum "pe-vid" { value 1; description "PE-VID."; } enum "ce-vid" { value 2; description "CE-VID."; } enum "pe-ce-vid" { value 3; description "PE-CE-VID."; } } description "Identifier type."; } container mirror { description "Mirror."; container statistic-enable { presence "create statistic-enable"; description "Enable/disable mirror statistic."; } // container statistic-enable container instances { description "List of mirror instance."; list instance { key "instance-name"; description "Configure mirror instance."; leaf instance-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Mirror instance name."; } container instance-slice { presence "create instance mirror slice-size"; description "Enable/disable mirror instance slice."; leaf slice-size { type uint32 { range "64..9600"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "Length of packet."; } } // container instance-slice container instance-car { must "(not(./pir) and not(./pbs)) or (./pbs)"; must "not(./pir) or ./pir>=./cir"; presence "create instance-car"; description "Enable/disable mirror instance car."; leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Committed information rate."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } units "kbit/s"; description "Peak information rate."; } leaf cbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "Committed burst size, which has dynamic defaults."; } leaf pbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; description "Peak burst size, which has dynamic defaults."; } } // container instance-car } // list instance } // container instances container observe-user-define-acls { description "List of observe user-defined acl."; list observe-user-define-acl { key "filter-id"; max-elements 8; description "Configure observe user-defined acl."; leaf filter-id { type uint8 { range "1..8"; } description "Filter index."; } container offsets { description "List of observe user-defined offset."; list offset { key "config-index"; unique "offset-value"; min-elements 1; max-elements 4; description "Configure observe user-defined offset."; leaf config-index { type uint32 { range "1..4"; } description "Offset index. The config-index values in the offset must start at 1 and be consecutive."; } leaf offset-value { type uint32 { range "0..114"; } mandatory true; description "Offset."; } leaf payload-value { type pub-type:hex-binary; mandatory true; description "Payload value, Value range HEX[0,ffffffff]."; } leaf payload-mask { type pub-type:hex-binary; mandatory true; description "Payload mask, Value range HEX[0,ffffffff]."; } } // list offset } // container offsets } // list observe-user-define-acl } // container observe-user-define-acls container query-ports { config false; description "List of query port-mirror infos."; list query-port { key "if-name"; config false; description "Query port-mirror info state."; leaf if-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } config false; description "Interface name."; } leaf type { type mirror-type; config false; description "The value 0 indicates port mirroring, and the value 1 indicates flow mirroring."; } leaf direction { type query-direction-type; config false; description "Direction."; } leaf in-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; config false; description "Inbound packets."; } leaf out-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; config false; description "Outbound packets."; } leaf in-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; config false; description "Inbound Drop Packets."; } leaf out-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; config false; description "Outbound Drop Packets."; } leaf in-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; config false; description "Inbound bytes."; } leaf out-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; config false; description "Outbound bytes."; } leaf in-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; config false; description "Inbound Drop Bytes."; } leaf out-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; config false; description "Outbound Drop Bytes."; } leaf in-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; config false; description "Inbound pps."; } leaf out-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; config false; description "Outbound pps."; } leaf in-drop-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; config false; description "Inbound Drop pps."; } leaf out-drop-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; config false; description "Outbound Drop pps."; } leaf in-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; config false; description "Inbound bps."; } leaf out-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; config false; description "Outbound bps."; } leaf in-drop-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; config false; description "Inbound Drop bps."; } leaf out-drop-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; config false; description "Outbound Drop bps."; } leaf in-car-speed { type uint32; units "kbit/s"; config false; description "Inbound CAR speed."; } leaf out-car-speed { type uint32; units "kbit/s"; config false; description "Outbound CAR speed."; } } // list query-port } // container query-ports container query-traffic-policy-ports { config false; description "List of query traffic policy port."; list query-traffic-policy-port { key "if-name traffic-policy-name"; description "Query port-mirror for multi traffic policy state."; leaf if-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Interface name."; } leaf traffic-policy-name { type string { length "1..127"; } description "Traffic policy name."; } leaf type { type mirror-type; description "The value 0 indicates port mirroring, and the value 1 indicates flow mirroring."; } leaf direction { type query-direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf in-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Inbound packets."; } leaf out-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Outbound packets."; } leaf in-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Inbound Drop Packets."; } leaf out-drop-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Outbound Drop Packets."; } leaf in-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Inbound bytes."; } leaf out-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Outbound bytes."; } leaf in-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Inbound Drop Bytes."; } leaf out-drop-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Outbound Drop Bytes."; } leaf in-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Inbound pps."; } leaf out-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Outbound pps."; } leaf in-drop-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Inbound Drop pps."; } leaf out-drop-pps { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Outbound Drop pps."; } leaf in-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Inbound bps."; } leaf out-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Outbound bps."; } leaf in-drop-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Inbound Drop bps."; } leaf out-drop-bps { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Outbound Drop bps."; } leaf in-car-speed { type uint32; units "kbit/s"; config false; description "Inbound CAR speed."; } leaf out-car-speed { type uint32; units "kbit/s"; config false; description "Outbound CAR speed."; } } // list query-traffic-policy-port } // container query-traffic-policy-ports } // container mirror augment /devm:devm/devm:mpu-boards/devm:mpu-board { description "Observing boards."; container mirror { description "Configure Mirror."; container slot-observe { presence "create slot-observe"; description "Enable/disable observing board."; leaf observe-index { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Observing index."; } } // container slot-observe container observe-filters { description "List of mirror filter rules."; list observe-filter { must "./src-ipaddr or ./dst-ipaddr or ./dst-ipaddr or ./src-port or ./dst-port or ./src-macaddr or ./pppoe-session-id or ./dst-macaddr or ./vlan or ./eth-type or ./ppp-protocol or ./ip-protocol"; key "filter-id"; max-elements 8; description "Configure mirror filter rule."; leaf filter-id { type uint8 { range "0..7"; } description "User ID number."; } leaf src-ipaddr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "(../src-ipaddr-mask)"; description "Source IP."; } leaf src-ipaddr-mask { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "(../src-ipaddr)"; description "Source IP mask."; } leaf dst-ipaddr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "(../dst-ipaddr-mask)"; description "Destination IP."; } leaf dst-ipaddr-mask { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "(../dst-ipaddr)"; description "Destination IP mask."; } leaf src-port { type uint16; description "Source port."; } leaf dst-port { type uint16; description "Destination port."; } leaf src-macaddr { type pub-type:mac-address; description "Source MAC."; } leaf pppoe-session-id { type uint16 { range "1..65535"; } description "PPPOE session ID."; } leaf dst-macaddr { type pub-type:mac-address; description "Destination MAC."; } leaf vlan { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "VLAN ID."; } leaf eth-type { type pub-type:hex-binary { length "1..6"; } description "Ethernet type."; } choice protocol-type { description "Protocol type."; case ppp { description "PPP."; leaf ppp-protocol { type pub-type:hex-binary { length "1..6"; } description "PPP protocol."; } } // case ppp case ip { description "IP."; leaf ip-protocol { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "IP protocol."; } } // case ip } // choice protocol-type } // list observe-filter } // container observe-filters } // container mirror } augment /devm:devm/devm:lpu-boards/devm:lpu-board { description "Observing boards."; container mirror { description "Configure mirror."; container slot-observe { presence "create slot-observe"; description "Enable/disable observing board."; leaf observe-index { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Observing index."; } } // container slot-observe container rate-limit-percent { presence "create rate-limit-percent"; description "Enable/disable mirroring rate-value."; leaf rate-value { type uint8 { range "1..100"; } units "%"; mandatory true; description "Rate value."; } } // container rate-limit-percent container observe-filters { description "List of mirror filter rules."; list observe-filter { must "./src-ipaddr or ./dst-ipaddr or ./dst-ipaddr or ./src-port or ./dst-port or ./src-macaddr or ./pppoe-session-id or ./dst-macaddr or ./vlan or ./eth-type or ./ppp-protocol or ./ip-protocol"; key "filter-id"; max-elements 8; description "Configure mirror filter rule."; leaf filter-id { type uint8 { range "0..7"; } description "User ID number."; } leaf src-ipaddr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "(../src-ipaddr-mask)"; description "Source IP."; } leaf src-ipaddr-mask { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "(../src-ipaddr)"; description "Source IP mask."; } leaf dst-ipaddr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "(../dst-ipaddr-mask)"; description "Destination IP."; } leaf dst-ipaddr-mask { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; must "(../dst-ipaddr)"; description "Destination IP mask."; } leaf src-port { type uint16; description "Source port."; } leaf dst-port { type uint16; description "Destination port."; } leaf src-macaddr { type pub-type:mac-address; description "Source MAC."; } leaf pppoe-session-id { type uint16 { range "1..65535"; } description "PPPOE session ID."; } leaf dst-macaddr { type pub-type:mac-address; description "Destination MAC."; } leaf vlan { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "VLAN ID."; } leaf eth-type { type pub-type:hex-binary { length "1..6"; } description "Ethernet type."; } choice protocol-type { description "Protocol type."; case ppp { description "PPP."; leaf ppp-protocol { type pub-type:hex-binary { length "1..6"; } description "PPP protocol."; } } // case ppp case ip { description "IP."; leaf ip-protocol { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "IP protocol."; } } // case ip } // choice protocol-type } // list observe-filter } // container observe-filters } // container mirror } augment /qos:qos/qos:global-config { description "Observing boards.."; container mirror { description "Configure mirror."; container to-observe { presence "create to-observe"; description "Enable/disable observing board."; leaf index { type uint8 { range "1..8"; } mandatory true; description "Observing index."; } } // container to-observe } // container mirror } augment /qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-behaviors/qos:traffic-behavior { description "Mirror."; container mirror { description "Configure Mirror."; container mirror-enable { presence "create mirror-enable"; description "Enable/disable flow mirroring action."; } // container mirror-enable container mirror-slice { presence "create mirror-slice"; description "Enable/disable flow mirroring slice action."; leaf slice-size { type uint32 { range "64..9600"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "Length of packet."; } } // container mirror-slice container mirror-car { must "(not(./pir) and not(./pbs)) or (./pbs)"; must "not(./pir) or ./pir>=./cir"; presence "create mirror-car"; description "Enable/disable flow mirroring car action."; leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Committed information rate."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } units "kbit/s"; description "Peak information rate."; } leaf cbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "Committed burst size."; } leaf pbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; description "Peak burst size."; } } // container mirror-car container mirror-to { presence "create mirror-to"; description "Enable/disable flow mirroring to."; leaf observe-index { type string { length "1..50"; pattern '((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9]){1}((,(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])){0,7}))'; } mandatory true; description "Observing index. Enter the observation index value, which is separated by a comma (,) and the index value must be unique. For example, 1 or 1,3,5,7,9."; } } // container mirror-to } // container mirror } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface { description "Port-mirror."; container mirror { description "Configure port mirroring."; container port-mirrors { must "not(count(./port-mirror)>0 and (../port-observe or count(../integrateds/integrated)>0))"; description "List of mirroring interfaces."; list port-mirror { must "((./direction='inbound' and not(../../evc-l2-port-mirrors/pubs/pub[direction='inbound'])) or (./direction='outbound' and not(../../evc-l2-port-mirrors/pubs/pub[direction='outbound'])))"; must "((./direction='inbound' and not(../../evc-l2-port-mirrors/dot1q-types/dot1q-type[direction='inbound'])) or (./direction='outbound' and not(../../evc-l2-port-mirrors/dot1q-types/dot1q-type[direction='outbound'])))"; must "((./direction='inbound' and not(../../evc-l2-port-mirrors/qinq-types/qinq-type[direction='inbound'])) or (./direction='outbound' and not(../../evc-l2-port-mirrors/qinq-types/qinq-type[direction='outbound'])))"; key "direction cpu-packet"; description "Configure mirroring interface."; leaf direction { type direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf cpu-packet { type boolean; must "../direction!='outbound' or ../cpu-packet!='true'"; description "Enable/disable a separate mirroring function for sending CPU packets."; } choice property { description "Port mirroring property."; case vlan { description "Virtual LAN."; leaf cevlan { type pub-type:vlan-range; must "../../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:main-interface/ethernet:l2-attribute"; must "not(../cpu-packet='true')"; description "VLAN ID."; } } // case vlan case user-defined-filter-rule { description "Mirror user-defined-filter rule."; leaf filter-id { type leafref { path "/mirror:mirror/mirror:observe-user-define-acls/mirror:observe-user-define-acl/mirror:filter-id"; } description "Filter index."; } } // case user-defined-filter-rule } // choice property } // list port-mirror } // container port-mirrors container port-mirror-slice { presence "create port-mirroring slice-size"; description "Enable/disable grab fixed-length packet."; leaf slice-size { type uint32 { range "64..9600"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "Length of packet."; } } // container port-mirror-slice container without-header { when "../port-mirrors/port-mirror"; must "(../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='inbound'] and not(../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='inbound']/cevlan)) or (../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='outbound'] and not(../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='outbound']/cevlan))"; presence "create without-header"; description "Enable/disable specify packet mirroring from layer 3."; } // container without-header container port-mirror-car { must "not(../port-observe)"; must "(not(./pir) and not(./pbs)) or (./pbs)"; must "not(./pir) or ./pir>=./cir"; presence "create port-mirror-car"; description "Enable/disable flow mirroring car action."; leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Committed information rate."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } units "kbit/s"; description "Peak information rate."; } leaf cbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; mandatory true; description "Committed burst size."; } leaf pbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; description "Peak burst size."; } } // container port-mirror-car container port-mirror-to { must "not(../port-observe or count(../integrateds/integrated)>0)"; presence "create port-mirror-to"; status deprecated; description "Enable/disable flow mirroring to. The container port-mirror-to is deprecated. You are advised to use the container '/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/mirror:mirror/mirror:mirror-by-directions','/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/mirror:mirror/mirror:mirror-to-multis','/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/mirror:mirror/mirror:mirror-to-null0'."; leaf observe-index { type string { length "1..50"; pattern '(null0)|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9]){1}((,(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])){0,7}))'; } mandatory true; status deprecated; description "Observing index. Enter the observation index value, which is separated by a comma (,) and the index value must be unique. For example, 1 or 1,3,5,7,9. If mirroring based on no observing port is required, enter null0. The leaf observe-index is deprecated. You are advised to use the container '/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/mirror:mirror/mirror:mirror-by-directions','/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/mirror:mirror/mirror:mirror-to-multis','/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/mirror:mirror/mirror:mirror-to-null0'."; } } // container port-mirror-to container mirror-by-directions { description "List of port-mirroring to by directions."; list mirror-by-direction { key "direction"; max-elements 2; description "Configure port-mirroring to by direction."; leaf direction { type enumeration { enum "inbound" { value 0; description "Inbound."; } enum "outbound" { value 1; description "Outbound."; } enum "both" { value 2; description "Both direction."; } } must "../direction!='both' or (../direction='both' and count(../../mirror-by-direction)=1)"; description "Direction."; } leaf observe-index { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Observe port index."; } } // list mirror-by-direction } // container mirror-by-directions container mirror-to-multis { must "not(count(./mirror-to-multi)>0 and (../port-observe or count(../mirror-by-directions/mirror-by-direction)>0 or ../mirror-to-null0 or count(../integrateds/integrated)>0))"; must "count(mirror-to-multi[direction='both'])!=1 and count(mirror-to-multi[direction='both'])<=8"; description "List of port-mirroring to multiple observe ports."; list mirror-to-multi { key "observe-index direction"; description "Configure port-mirroring to observe port index."; leaf observe-index { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } description "Observe port index."; } leaf direction { type enumeration { enum "both" { value 2; description "Both direction."; } } description "Direction."; } } // list mirror-to-multi } // container mirror-to-multis container mirror-to-null0 { presence "create mirror-to-null0"; description "Enable/disable port-mirroring to null0 observe port."; } // container mirror-to-null0 container port-fragments { when "../../ifm:type='Mp-group'"; must "not(count(./port-fragment)>0 and (../port-mirrors/port-mirror/cevlan or ../port-observe or count(../integrateds/integrated)>0 or count(../evc-l2-port-mirrors/pubs/pub)>0 or count(../evc-l2-port-mirrors/dot1q-types/dot1q-type)>0 or count(../evc-l2-port-mirrors/qinq-types/qinq-type)>0))"; description "List of fragment mirroring interfaces."; list port-fragment { key "direction"; description "Configure fragment mirroring interface (supported by some subcards)."; leaf direction { type direction-type; description "Direction."; } } // list port-fragment } // container port-fragments container integrateds { description "List of the port-mirroring to interface command configures port mirroring in integrated mode."; list integrated { key "direction cpu-packet"; description "Configure the port-mirroring to interface command configures port mirroring in integrated mode."; leaf direction { type direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf cpu-packet { type boolean; must "../direction!='outbound' or ../cpu-packet!='true'"; must "not(../../integrated[direction='inbound'][cpu-packet != current()])"; description "Enable/disable a separate mirroring function for sending CPU packets."; } leaf filter-id { type leafref { path "/mirror:mirror/mirror:observe-user-define-acls/mirror:observe-user-define-acl/mirror:filter-id"; } description "User-defined-filter rule number."; } choice observe-port { mandatory true; description "Observe port."; case port-null0 { description "Specify observing port null0."; leaf null0 { type empty; description "Specify observing port null0."; } } // case port-null0 case port-observe { description "Port observe."; leaf if-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } must "../observe-index"; must "../../../../ifm:name != current()"; description "Name of an observing interface."; } leaf observe-index { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } must "../if-name"; description "Observing index. An index corresponds to only one observing port."; } } // case port-observe } // choice observe-port } // list integrated } // container integrateds container bas-port-mirrors { must "not (count(./bas-port-mirror)>0 and (../port-observe or count(../integrateds/integrated)>0 or count(../evc-l2-port-mirrors/pubs/pub)>0 or count(../evc-l2-port-mirrors/dot1q-types/dot1q-type)>0 or count(../evc-l2-port-mirrors/qinq-types/qinq-type)>0))"; description "List of QinQ match port mirrors."; list bas-port-mirror { must "../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:user-vlan-any or ../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:user-vlan-common/ethernet:user-vlan-qinqs"; must "./pevlan-begin <= ./pevlan-end"; must "./cevlan-begin <= ./cevlan-end"; must "(./pevlan-end - ./pevlan-begin + 1) * (./cevlan-end - ./cevlan-begin + 1) <= 4096"; must "((./direction='inbound' and not(../../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='inbound'])) or (./direction='outbound' and not(../../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='outbound'])))"; key "direction pevlan-begin pevlan-end cevlan-begin cevlan-end"; description "Configure QinQ match port mirror."; leaf direction { type direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf pevlan-begin { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "PEVLANBegin."; } leaf pevlan-end { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "PEVLANEnd."; } leaf cevlan-begin { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "CEVLANBegin."; } leaf cevlan-end { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "CEVLANEnd."; } } // list bas-port-mirror } // container bas-port-mirrors container evc-l2-port-mirrors { description "Configure EVC l2 port mirror."; container pubs { must "not(count(./pub)>0 and (../../port-observe))"; description "List of EVC l2 port mirror."; list pub { must "(../../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:default or ../../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:untag or ../../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q/ethernet:vlans or ../../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:qinqs/ethernet:qinq-vids/ethernet:qinq-vid or ../../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:qinqs/ethernet:qinq-vid-ce-default)"; must "((./direction='inbound' and not(../../../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='inbound'] or ../../../integrateds/integrated[direction='inbound'])) or (./direction='outbound' and not(../../../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='outbound'] or ../../../integrateds/integrated[direction='outbound'])))"; key "direction"; description "Configure EVC l2 port mirror."; leaf direction { type direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf instance-name { type leafref { path "/mirror:mirror/mirror:instances/mirror:instance/mirror:instance-name"; } mandatory true; description "Mirror instance name."; } leaf group-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Group name."; } } // list pub } // container pubs container dot1q-types { must "not(count(./dot1q-type)>0 and (../../port-observe))"; description "List of EVC l2 port mirror."; list dot1q-type { must "../../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q/ethernet:vlans"; must "((./direction='inbound' and not(../../../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='inbound'] or ../../../integrateds/integrated[direction='inbound'] or ../../pubs/pub[direction='inbound'])) or (./direction='outbound' and not(../../../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='outbound'] or ../../../integrateds/integrated[direction='outbound'] or ../../pubs/pub[direction='outbound'])))"; must "./vlan-begin <= ./vlan-end"; key "direction vlan-begin vlan-end"; description "Configure EVC l2 port mirror."; leaf direction { type direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf vlan-begin { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "CE VLAN begin."; } leaf vlan-end { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "CE VLAN end."; } leaf instance-name { type leafref { path "/mirror:mirror/mirror:instances/mirror:instance/mirror:instance-name"; } mandatory true; description "Mirror instance name."; } leaf identify { type identifier-type; must "../identify='none' or ../identify='ce-vid'"; mandatory true; description "Identify."; } leaf group-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Group name."; } } // list dot1q-type } // container dot1q-types container qinq-types { must "not(count(./qinq-type)>0 and (../../port-observe))"; description "List of EVC l2 port mirror."; list qinq-type { must "../../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:qinqs/ethernet:qinq-vids/ethernet:qinq-vid"; must "((./direction='inbound' and not(../../../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='inbound'] or ../../../integrateds/integrated[direction='inbound'] or ../../pubs/pub[direction='inbound'])) or (./direction='outbound' and not(../../../port-mirrors/port-mirror[direction='outbound'] or ../../../integrateds/integrated[direction='outbound'] or ../../pubs/pub[direction='outbound'])))"; must "./cevlan-begin <= ./cevlan-end"; key "direction pevlan cevlan-begin cevlan-end"; description "Configure EVC l2 port mirror."; leaf direction { type direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf pevlan { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "PE VLAN."; } leaf cevlan-begin { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "CE VLAN begin."; } leaf cevlan-end { type uint16 { range "1..4094"; } description "CE VLAN end."; } leaf instance-name { type leafref { path "/mirror:mirror/mirror:instances/mirror:instance/mirror:instance-name"; } mandatory true; description "Mirror instance name."; } leaf identify { type identifier-type; mandatory true; description "Identify."; } leaf group-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Group name."; } } // list qinq-type } // container qinq-types } // container evc-l2-port-mirrors container port-observe { presence 'port-observe'; description "Enable/disable specify observing port index."; leaf observe-index { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Observing index. An index corresponds to only one observing port."; } leaf without-filter { type without-filter; default "false"; description "Disable observe filter in observe port."; } leaf destination-mac { type pub-type:mac-address; description "The observer port specifies the MAC address."; } leaf pop-label { type pop-label; must "not(../destination-mac) and ../../../ifm:class='main-interface'"; description "Type of POP MPLS label."; } leaf sub-extend { when "../pop-label"; type empty; description "The MPLS label-POP function enable on sub-interface."; } leaf with-linklayer-header { type with-linklayer-header; must "../../../ifm:class='sub-interface' or ../with-linklayer-header='false'"; default "false"; description "Specify packet mirroring from layer 3."; } } // container port-observe } // container mirror } augment /bd:bd/bd:instances/bd:instance { description "Port mirror under bridge domain."; container mirror { description "Configure mirror."; container bd-port-mirrors { description "List of BD port mirror."; list bd-port-mirror { key "direction"; description "Configure BD port mirror."; leaf direction { type direction-type; description "Direction."; } leaf instance-name { type leafref { path "/mirror:mirror/mirror:instances/mirror:instance/mirror:instance-name"; } mandatory true; description "Mirror instance name."; } leaf group-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Group name."; } } // list bd-port-mirror } // container bd-port-mirrors } // container mirror } } // module huawei-mirror
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