MAC routing management module that stores and selects the optimal MAC.
Version: 2020-03-30
module huawei-macm { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-macm"; prefix macm; import huawei-evpn { prefix evpn; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "MAC routing management module that stores and selects the optimal MAC."; revision "2020-03-30" { description "Add container macm."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-01-10" { description "Init revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "vstm"; typedef limit-action { type enumeration { enum "mac-unchanged" { value 0; description "When the number of EVPN MAC routes reach the upper limit, the MAC routes remain unchanged and the system generates an alarm."; } enum "simply-alert" { value 1; description "When the number of EVPN MAC routes reach the upper limit, the subsequent routes can be added to replace the existing routes and the system only generates an alarm."; } enum "relearn-unchanged" { value 2; description "The existing EVPN MAC routes must to be deleted, and relearn to the upper limit for once. Then the MAC routes remain unchanged and the system generates an alarm."; } } description "The action of MAC routing limit."; } typedef route-flag { type enumeration { enum "download" { value 1; description "Download to FIB."; } enum "no-download" { value 2; description "Not download to FIB."; } } description "MAC route flag."; } typedef route-status { type enumeration { enum "active" { value 1; description "Active route."; } enum "inactive" { value 2; description "Inactive route."; } enum "invalid" { value 3; description "Invalid route."; } } description "MAC route status."; } typedef route-source { type enumeration { enum "local" { value 1; description "From Local."; } enum "BGP" { value 2; description "From BGP."; } enum "total" { value 3; description "Learn from local and via BGP."; } } description "MAC route source."; } typedef route-type { type enumeration { enum "dynamic" { value 1; description "Dynamic."; } enum "static" { value 2; description "Static."; } enum "dynamic-black-hole" { value 3; description "Dynamic black-hole."; } enum "dynamic-leaf" { value 4; description "Dynamic E-tree leaf."; } enum "static-leaf" { value 5; description "Static E-tree leaf."; } } description "MAC route type."; } container macm { config false; description "MAC route management that stores and selects the optimal MAC."; container evpn-global { description "Statistics of global attributes."; container statistics { description "List of EVPN instance MAC route statistics."; list statistic { key "protocol"; description "Statistics of MAC Route collection."; leaf protocol { type route-source; description "MAC route source."; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Number of MAC routes in total."; } leaf active { type uint32; description "Number of active MAC routes."; } leaf added { type uint32; description "Number of active and inactive MAC routes added to the MAC table."; } leaf deleted { type uint32; description "Number of MAC routes deleted from the MAC table."; } leaf freed { type uint32; description "Number of MAC routes that are permanently deleted from the MAC table."; } } // list statistic } // container statistics } // container evpn-global container evpn-instances { description "List of attributes in EVPN instances."; list evpn-instance { key "name"; description "Operational data of attributes in an EVPN instance."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/evpn:evpn/evpn:instances/evpn:instance/evpn:name"; } description "The name of EVPN instance."; } container statistics { description "List of MAC route statistics in an EVPN instance."; list statistic { key "protocol"; description "Statistics of MAC routes."; leaf protocol { type route-source; description "MAC route source."; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Number of MAC routes in total."; } leaf active { type uint32; description "Number of active MAC routes."; } leaf added { type uint32; description "Number of active and inactive MAC routes added to the MAC table."; } leaf deleted { type uint32; description "Number of MAC routes deleted from the MAC table."; } leaf freed { type uint32; description "Number of MAC routes that are permanently deleted from the MAC table."; } } // list statistic } // container statistics container routes { description "List of EVPN MAC routes."; list route { key "mac vlan-tag-id"; description "Operational data of EVPN MAC route table."; leaf mac { type pub-type:mac-address { length "0..255"; } description "MAC address."; } leaf vlan-tag-id { type uint32; description "VLAN tag ID."; } leaf protocol { type route-source; description "Mac route source."; } leaf domain-id { type uint32; description "Bridge domain ID."; } leaf peer { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "The address of Remote for Mac route."; } leaf interface { type pub-type:if-name; description "Outbound interface to reach the next hop. If the outbound interface is a tunnel interface, the tunnel interface name is displayed."; } leaf flag { type route-flag; description "MAC route flag."; } leaf label { type uint32; description "Label that is allocated by MPLS and used for traffic forwarding via tunnel."; } leaf indirect-id { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "Indirect ID for a MAC route."; } leaf status { type route-status; description "MAC route status."; } leaf type { type route-type; description "MAC route type."; } leaf age { type string { length "0..20"; } description "Keep alive time."; } leaf tunnel { type string { length "1..21"; } description "Tunnel information."; } leaf ce-vlan { type uint32; description "Inner VLAN tag."; } leaf pe-vlan { type uint32; description "Outer VLAN tag."; } leaf vtep-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "The address of VTEP."; } } // list route } // container routes } // list evpn-instance } // container evpn-instances } // container macm } // module huawei-macm
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