Notification of L2VPN.
Version: 2019-07-08
module huawei-l2vpn-notification { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-l2vpn-notification"; prefix l2vpn-notification; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Notification of L2VPN."; revision "2019-07-08" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "l2vpn"; typedef l2vpn-alarm-service-type { type enumeration { enum "vll" { value 0; description "The alarm service type is VLL."; } enum "vpls" { value 1; description "The alarm service type is VPLS."; } } description "L2VPN alarm service type."; } typedef l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type { type enumeration { enum "svc" { value 0; description "The alarm protocol type is SVC."; } enum "ldp" { value 1; description "The alarm protocol type is LDP."; } enum "bgp" { value 2; description "The alarm protocol type is BGP."; } enum "max" { value 3; description "The alarm protocol type is MAX."; } } description "L2VPN alarm protocol type."; } typedef encapsulation-type { type enumeration { enum "fr" { value 1; description "The encapsulation type is FR."; } enum "atm-aal5-sdu" { value 2; description "The encapsulation type is ATM-AAL5-SDU."; } enum "atm-trans-cell" { value 3; description "The encapsulation type is ATM-TRANS-CELL."; } enum "vlan" { value 4; description "The encapsulation type is VLAN."; } enum "ethernet" { value 5; description "The encapsulation type is ETHERNET."; } enum "hdlc" { value 6; description "The encapsulation type is HDLC."; } enum "ppp" { value 7; description "The encapsulation type is PPP."; } enum "cem" { value 8; description "The encapsulation type is CEM."; } enum "atm-nto1-vcc" { value 9; description "The encapsulation type is ATM-Nto1-VCC."; } enum "atm-nto1-vpc" { value 10; description "The encapsulation type is ATM-Nto1-VPC."; } enum "ip-layer2" { value 11; description "The encapsulation type is IP-Layer2."; } enum "atm-1to1-vcc" { value 12; description "The encapsulation type is ATM-1to1-VCC."; } enum "atm-1to1-vpc" { value 13; description "The encapsulation type is ATM-1to1-VPC."; } enum "atm-aal5-pdu" { value 14; description "The encapsulation type is ATM-AAL5-PDU."; } enum "fr-port-mode" { value 15; description "The encapsulation type is FR-PORT-MODE."; } enum "cep" { value 16; description "The encapsulation type is CEP."; } enum "satop-e1" { value 17; description "The encapsulation type is SAToP-E1."; } enum "satop-t1" { value 18; description "The encapsulation type is SAToP-T1."; } enum "satop-e3" { value 19; description "The encapsulation type is SAToP-E3."; } enum "satop-t3" { value 20; description "The encapsulation type is SAToP-T3."; } enum "cesopsn-basic" { value 21; description "The encapsulation type is CESoPSN-BASIC."; } enum "tdmoip-aal1" { value 22; description "The encapsulation type is TDMoIP-AAL1."; } enum "cesopsn-tdm" { value 23; description "The encapsulation type is CESoPSN-TDM."; } enum "tdmoip-aal2" { value 24; description "The encapsulation type is TDMoIP-AAL2."; } enum "fr-dlci" { value 25; description "The encapsulation type is FR-DLCI."; } enum "ip-interworking" { value 64; description "The encapsulation type is IP interworking."; } enum "unsupport" { value 255; description "This encapsulation type is used when the encapsulation types of AC interfaces at the two ends of a local CCC are different, or the ATM bundle interfaces do not have any member, or the VPLS LDP PW on a router inherits the encapsulation type of a VSI."; } } description "L2VPN encapsulate type."; } typedef l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type { type enumeration { enum "primary" { value 1; description "The alarm PW role type is primary."; } enum "secondary" { value 2; description "The alarm PW type role is secondary."; } } description "L2VPN alarm PW role type."; } notification vpls-block-label-not-enough { description "The block labels of VPLS are not enough."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification vpls-block-label-not-enough notification vpls-block-label-not-enough-clear { description "The block labels of VPLS are enough."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification vpls-block-label-not-enough-clear notification vpls-pw-redundancy-degraded { description "VPLS PW redundancy reported a protect degraded alarm."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } leaf protect-group-name { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Name of a VPLS PW protection group."; } leaf protect-group-mode { type uint32; description "PW redundancy mode of a VPLS PW protection group: - 2: FRR. - 3: Master. - 4: Independent."; } } // notification vpls-pw-redundancy-degraded notification vpls-pw-redundancy-degraded-clear { description "VPLS PW redundancy reported the clearing of the protect degraded alarm."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } leaf protect-group-name { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Name of a VPLS PW protection group."; } leaf protect-group-mode { type uint32; description "PW redundancy mode of a VPLS PW protection group."; } } // notification vpls-pw-redundancy-degraded-clear notification vpls-pw-number-max-exceed { description "The number of VPLS VCs reaches the maximum limit."; leaf limit-class { type uint32; description "Limit type. The value L2VPN_VC_LIMIT_CLASS_VPLS indicates the VPLS VC limit."; } leaf max-pw-number { type uint32; description "Maximum number of VPLS VCs allowed."; } } // notification vpls-pw-number-max-exceed notification vpls-pw-number-max-clear { description "The number of VPLS VCs is less than 95 percent of the maximum limit."; leaf limit-class { type uint32; description "Limit type. The value L2VPN_VC_LIMIT_CLASS_VPLS indicates the VPLS VC limit."; } leaf max-pw-number { type uint32; description "Maximum number of VPLS VCs allowed."; } } // notification vpls-pw-number-max-clear notification vpls-instance-down { description "The status of the VPLS VSI turned down."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Indicates the name of a VSI."; } leaf vsi-id { type uint32; description "Indicates the ID of a VSI."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Indicates the cause of the VSI status change."; } leaf vsi-status { type uint32; description "Indicates the status of the VSI: - 1: VSI up - 2: VSI down - 3: VSI admin down."; } leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "Indicates the interface index."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Indicates the interface name."; } } // notification vpls-instance-down notification vpls-instance-up { description "The status of the VPLS VSI turned up."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Indicates the name of a VSI."; } leaf vsi-id { type uint32; description "Indicates the ID of a VSI."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Indicates the cause of the VSI status change."; } leaf vsi-status { type uint32; description "Indicates the status of the VSI: - 1: VSI up - 2: VSI down - 3: VSI admin down."; } leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "Indicates the interface index."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Indicates the interface name."; } } // notification vpls-instance-up notification vpws-ccc-down { description "The status of the CCC VC turned down."; leaf ccc-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Indicates the name of the CCC connection."; } leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "Indicates the index of the AC interface that connects to the first CE."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Indicates the cause of the VC status change."; } leaf interface-index2 { type uint32; description "Indicates the index of the AC interface that connects to the second CE."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Indicates the AC interface name."; } } // notification vpws-ccc-down notification vpws-ccc-up { description "The status of the CCC VC turned up."; leaf ccc-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Indicates the name of the CCC connection."; } leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "Indicates the index of the AC interface that connects to the first CE."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Indicates the cause of the VC status change."; } leaf interface-index2 { type uint32; description "Indicates the index of the AC interface that connects to the second CE."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Indicates the AC interface name."; } } // notification vpws-ccc-up notification vpws-single-ccc-pw-down { description "The status of the single CCC VC turned down."; leaf in-interface-index { type uint32; description "Index of the traffic incoming-AC interface connected to a CE."; } leaf out-interface-index { type uint32; description "Index of the traffic outgoing-AC interface connected to a CE."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause for the CCC VC status change."; } leaf in-interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Name of the traffic incoming-AC interface connected to a CE."; } leaf out-interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Name of the traffic outgoing-AC interface connected to a CE."; } } // notification vpws-single-ccc-pw-down notification vpws-single-ccc-pw-up { description "The status of the single CCC VC turned up."; leaf in-interface-index { type uint32; description "Index of the traffic incoming-AC interface connected to a CE."; } leaf out-interface-index { type uint32; description "Index of the traffic outgoing-AC interface connected to a CE."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause for the CCC VC status change."; } leaf in-interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Name of the traffic incoming-AC interface connected to a CE."; } leaf out-interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Name of the traffic outgoing-AC interface connected to a CE."; } } // notification vpws-single-ccc-pw-up notification vpws-ldp-pw-down { description "The status of the PWE3 VC turned down."; leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type uint32; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of a peer."; } leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "AC interface index."; } leaf vc-inbound-label { type uint32; description "Incoming label of a VC."; } leaf vc-outbound-label { type uint32; description "Outgoing label of a VC."; } leaf secondary-pw { type uint32; description "Secondary PW."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } leaf sys-up-time { type yang:timeticks; description "System startup time."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "AC interface name."; } leaf switch-vc-id { type uint32; description "Switch VC ID."; } leaf tunnel-policy-name { type string { length "1..39"; } description "Name of a tunnel policy."; } } // notification vpws-ldp-pw-down notification vpws-ldp-pw-up { description "The status of the PWE3 VC turned up."; leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type uint32; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of a peer."; } leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "AC interface index."; } leaf vc-inbound-label { type uint32; description "Incoming label of a VC."; } leaf vc-outbound-label { type uint32; description "Outgoing label of a VC."; } leaf secondary-pw { type uint32; description "Secondary PW."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } leaf sys-up-time { type yang:timeticks; description "System startup time."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "AC interface name."; } leaf switch-vc-id { type uint32; description "Switch VC ID."; } leaf tunnel-policy-name { type string { length "1..39"; } description "Name of a tunnel policy."; } } // notification vpws-ldp-pw-up notification vpws-svc-pw-down { description "The status of the SVC VC turned down."; leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "AC interface index."; } leaf svc-id { type uint32; description "SVC PW ID."; } leaf svc-type { type uint32; description "SVC type."; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer address."; } leaf svc-inbound-label { type uint32; description "Incoming label of an SVC PW."; } leaf svc-outbound-label { type uint32; description "Outgoing label of an SVC PW."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } leaf interface-index2 { type uint32; description "AC interface index."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "AC interface name."; } leaf tunnel-policy-name { type string { length "1..39"; } description "Name of the referenced tunnel policy."; } } // notification vpws-svc-pw-down notification vpws-svc-pw-up { description "The status of the SVC VC turned up."; leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "AC interface index."; } leaf svc-id { type uint32; description "SVC PW ID."; } leaf svc-type { type uint32; description "SVC type."; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer address."; } leaf svc-inbound-label { type uint32; description "Incoming label of an SVC PW."; } leaf svc-outbound-label { type uint32; description "Outgoing label of an SVC PW."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } leaf interface-index2 { type uint32; description "AC interface index."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "AC interface name."; } leaf tunnel-policy-name { type string { length "1..39"; } description "Name of the referenced tunnel policy."; } } // notification vpws-svc-pw-up notification pw-oam-ais { description "OAM reported an AIS alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-ais notification pw-oam-ais-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the AIS alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-ais-clear notification pw-oam-client-signal-failue { description "OAM reported an alarm about a client signal failure."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-client-signal-failue notification pw-oam-client-signal-failue-clear { description "OAM reported an alarm about the removal of the client signal failure."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-client-signal-failue-clear notification pw-oam-dbdi { description "OAM reported a BDI alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-dbdi notification pw-oam-dbdi-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the BDI alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-dbdi-clear notification pw-oam-dloc { description "OAM reported an alarm about PW disconnection."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-dloc notification pw-oam-dloc-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the dLOC alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-dloc-clear notification pw-oam-excess { description "OAM reported an Excess alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-excess notification pw-oam-excess-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the Excess alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-excess-clear notification pw-oam-fail { description "OAM reported a Fail alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-fail notification pw-oam-fail-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the Fail alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-fail-clear notification pw-oam-fdi { description "OAM reported an FDI alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-fdi notification pw-oam-fdi-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the FDI alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-fdi-clear notification pw-oam-lock { description "OAM reported a LCK alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-lock notification pw-oam-lock-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the LCK alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-lock-clear notification pw-oam-local-lock { description "OAM reported a Lock alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-local-lock notification pw-oam-local-lock-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the Lock alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-local-lock-clear notification pw-oam-unexpected-meg { description "OAM reported an unexpected MEG alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-unexpected-meg notification pw-oam-unexpected-meg-clear { description "Reported the clearing of the unexpected MEG alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-unexpected-meg-clear notification pw-oam-unexpected-mep { description "OAM reported an unexpected MEP alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-unexpected-mep notification pw-oam-unexpected-mep-clear { description "OAM reported an alarm about the clearing of the unexpected MEP alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-unexpected-mep-clear notification pw-oam-mismatch { description "OAM reported a Mismatch alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-mismatch notification pw-oam-mismatch-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the Mismatch alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-mismatch-clear notification pw-oam-mismerge { description "OAM reported a Mismerge alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-mismerge notification pw-oam-mismerge-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the Mismerge alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-mismerge-clear notification pw-oam-unexpected-period { description "OAM reported an alarm about an unexpected CV packet period."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-unexpected-period notification pw-oam-unexpected-period-clear { description "OAM reported an alarm about the rectification of the unexpected CV packet period."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-unexpected-period-clear notification pw-oam-rdi { description "OAM reported an alarm about a remote defect."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-rdi notification pw-oam-rdi-clear { description "OAM reported an alarm about the removal of the remote defect."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-rdi-clear notification pw-oam-sd1-far { description "The OAM module reported an alarm, indicating that the far-end packet loss ratio exceeded the sd1 threshold."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-sd1-far notification pw-oam-sd1-far-clear { description "The OAM module reported an alarm, indicating that the far-end packet loss ratio dropped below the sd1 threshold."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-sd1-far-clear notification pw-oam-sd2-far { description "The OAM module reported an alarm, indicating that the far-end packet loss ratio exceeded the sd2 threshold."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-sd2-far notification pw-oam-sd2-far-clear { description "The OAM module reported an alarm, indicating that the far-end packet loss ratio dropped below the sd2 threshold."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-sd2-far-clear notification pw-oam-sd2-near { description "The OAM module reported an alarm, indicating that the near-end packet loss ratio exceeded the sd2 threshold."; leaf service-type { type uint32; description "Type of the service: - 0: VLL - 1: VPLS."; } leaf protocol-type { type uint32; description "Type of the protocol: - 0: SVC - 1: LDP - 2: BGP (not supported for the time being)."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type uint32; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type uint32; description "PW identifier: - 1: primary PW - 2: secondary PW."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-sd2-near notification pw-oam-sd2-near-clear { description "The OAM module reported an alarm, indicating that the near-end packet loss ratio dropped below the sd2 threshold."; leaf service-type { type uint32; description "Type of the service: - 0: VLL - 1: VPLS."; } leaf protocol-type { type uint32; description "Type of the protocol: - 0: SVC - 1: LDP - 2: BGP (not supported for the time being)."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type uint32; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type uint32; description "PW identifier: - 1: primary PW - 2: secondary PW."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-sd2-near-clear notification pw-oam-unknown { description "OAM reported an Unknown alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-unknown notification pw-oam-unknown-clear { description "OAM reported the clearing of the Unknown alarm."; leaf service-type { type l2vpn-alarm-service-type; description "Type of the service."; } leaf protocol-type { type l2vpn-alarm-protocol-type; description "Type of the protocol."; } leaf vc-id { type uint32; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type encapsulation-type; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-addr { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer."; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface index."; } leaf pw-master { type l2vpn-alarm-pw-role-type; description "PW identifier."; } leaf rmt-site-id { type uint32; description "Remote site ID."; } leaf in-label { type uint32; description "VC in-label."; } leaf out-label { type uint32; description "VC out-label."; } leaf if-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Interface name."; } leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } } // notification pw-oam-unknown-clear notification pw-aps-bypass-pw-mismatch { description "APS reported a bypass mismatch alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-bypass-pw-mismatch notification pw-aps-bypass-pw-mismatch-clear { description "APS reported the clearing of the bypass mismatch alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-bypass-pw-mismatch-clear notification pw-aps-degraded { description "APS reported a PW degraded alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-degraded notification pw-aps-degraded-clear { description "APS reported the clearing of the PW degraded alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-degraded-clear notification pw-aps-id-mismatch { description "APS reported an ID mismatch alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-id-mismatch notification pw-aps-id-mismatch-clear { description "APS reported the clearing of the ID mismatch alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-id-mismatch-clear notification pw-aps-lost { description "APS reported a packet lost alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-lost notification pw-aps-lost-clear { description "APS reported the clearing of the packet loss alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-lost-clear notification pw-aps-out-age { description "APS reported a PW outage alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-out-age notification pw-aps-out-age-clear { description "APS reported the clearing of the PW outage alarm."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-out-age-clear notification pw-aps-patch-mismatch { description "APS reported an alarm about the mismatch of the working and protection paths."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-patch-mismatch notification pw-aps-patch-mismatch-clear { description "APS reported an alarm about the rectification of the mismatch of the working and protection paths."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-patch-mismatch-clear notification pw-aps-switch-fail { description "APS reported an alarm about the inconsistent switching results on the local and remote ends."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-switch-fail notification pw-aps-switch-fail-clear { description "APS reported an alarm about the rectification of the inconsistency in switching results on the local and remote ends."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-switch-fail-clear notification pw-aps-type-mismatch { description "APS reported an alarm about the mismatch of the protection type."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-type-mismatch notification pw-aps-type-mismatch-clear { description "APS reported an alarm about the rectification of the mismatch of the protection type."; leaf pw-aps-id { type uint32; description "ID of the PW APS instance."; } leaf pwid { type uint32; description "ID of the PW."; } leaf pwtype { type encapsulation-type; description "PW encapsulation type."; } leaf pw-peer-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination address of the PW."; } leaf pw-index { type uint32; description "Interface index of the PW."; } } // notification pw-aps-type-mismatch-clear notification vpws-pw-redundancy-degraded { description "VPWS PW redundancy reported a protect degraded alarm."; leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "Index of an AC interface."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Name of an AC interface."; } leaf primary-pw-id { type uint32; description "Primary PW ID."; } leaf primary-pw-type { type uint32; description "Primary PW type."; } leaf primary-peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer IP address of the primary PW."; } } // notification vpws-pw-redundancy-degraded notification vpws-pw-redundancy-degraded-clear { description "VPWS PW redundancy reported the clearing of the protect degraded alarm."; leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "Index of an AC interface."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Name of an AC interface."; } leaf primary-pw-id { type uint32; description "Primary PW ID."; } leaf primary-pw-type { type uint32; description "Primary PW type."; } leaf primary-peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer IP address of the primary PW."; } } // notification vpws-pw-redundancy-degraded-clear notification vpws-bgp-pw-down { description "The status of the kompella VC turned down."; leaf vc-vpn-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "MPLS L2VPN instance name."; } leaf ce-id { type uint32; description "ID of the local CE."; } leaf interface-index { type uint64; description "Index of an AC interface."; } leaf remote-ce-id { type uint32; description "ID of the remote CE."; } leaf secondary-vc { type uint32; description "Secondary VC."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Reason of the VC status change."; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer IP address of the PW."; } leaf tunnel-policy-index { type string { length "1..39"; } description "Name of the tunnel policy used by the PW."; } leaf active-state { type uint32; description "PW forwarding status."; } } // notification vpws-bgp-pw-down notification vpws-bgp-pw-up { description "The status of the kompella VC turned up."; leaf vc-vpn-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "MPLS L2VPN instance name."; } leaf ce-id { type uint32; description "ID of the local CE."; } leaf interface-index { type uint64; description "Index of an AC interface."; } leaf remote-ce-id { type uint32; description "ID of the remote CE."; } leaf secondary-vc { type uint32; description "Secondary VC."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Reason of the VC status change."; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer IP address of the PW."; } leaf tunnel-policy-index { type string { length "1..39"; } description "Name of the tunnel policy used by the PW."; } leaf active-state { type uint32; description "PW forwarding status."; } } // notification vpws-bgp-pw-up notification vpws-block-label-not-enough { description "The block labels of VPWS are not enough."; leaf vpn-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "MPLS L2VPN instance name."; } leaf ce-id { type uint32; description "CE ID."; } } // notification vpws-block-label-not-enough notification vpws-block-label-not-enough-clear { description "The block labels of VPWS are enough."; leaf vpn-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "MPLS L2VPN instance name."; } leaf ce-id { type uint32; description "CE ID."; } } // notification vpws-block-label-not-enough-clear notification vpls-pw-down { description "The status of the VPLS VC turned down."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Indicates the name of a VSI."; } leaf pw-id { type uint32; description "Indicates the ID of a PW."; } leaf remote-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Indicates the IP address of the remote peer."; } leaf pw-type { type uint32; description "Indicates the type of a PW: - 1: normal - 2: other."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Indicates the cause of the VC status change."; } leaf sys-up-time { type yang:timeticks; description "Indicates the time for system startup."; } leaf tunnel-policy-name { type string { length "1..39"; } description "Indicates the name of a tunnel policy."; } } // notification vpls-pw-down notification vpls-pw-up { description "The status of the VPLS VC turned up."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Indicates the name of a VSI."; } leaf pw-id { type uint32; description "Indicates the ID of a PW."; } leaf remote-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Indicates the IP address of the remote peer."; } leaf pw-type { type uint32; description "Indicates the type of a PW: - 1: normal - 2: other."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Indicates the cause of the VC status change."; } leaf sys-up-time { type yang:timeticks; description "Indicates the time for system startup."; } leaf tunnel-policy-name { type string { length "1..39"; } description "Indicates the name of a tunnel policy."; } } // notification vpls-pw-up notification vpws-bgp-pw-switch-protecting-to-working { description "A Kompella VC switched from the protecting state to the working state."; leaf vc-vpn-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VPWS Kompella VPN instance name."; } leaf ce-id { type uint32; description "CE ID."; } leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "Indicates the interface index."; } leaf remote-ce-id { type uint32; description "Remote CE ID."; } leaf ctrl-word { type uint32; description "L2VPN control word."; } leaf secondary-pw-remote-ce-id { type uint32; description "Remote CE ID of secondary PW."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } } // notification vpws-bgp-pw-switch-protecting-to-working notification vpws-bgp-pw-switch-working-to-protecting { description "A kompella VC switched from the working state to the protecting state."; leaf vc-vpn-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VPWS kompella VPN instance name."; } leaf ce-id { type uint32; description "CE ID."; } leaf interface-index { type uint32; description "Indicates the interface index."; } leaf remote-ce-id { type uint32; description "Remote CE ID."; } leaf ctrl-word { type uint32; description "L2VPN control word."; } leaf secondary-vc-remote-ce-id { type uint32; description "Indicates the time for system startup."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } } // notification vpws-bgp-pw-switch-working-to-protecting notification vpws-ldp-pw-switch-protecting-to-working { description "The PWE3 VC status changed from protection to working."; leaf vc-id { type uint64; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type uint64; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of a peer."; } leaf ctrl-word { type uint64; description "L2VPN control word."; } leaf primary-pw-id { type uint64; description "Indicates the ID of a primary PW."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint64; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Indicates the interface name."; } } // notification vpws-ldp-pw-switch-protecting-to-working notification vpws-ldp-pw-switch-working-to-protecting { description "The PWE3 VC status changed from working to protection."; leaf vc-id { type uint64; description "VC ID."; } leaf vc-type { type uint64; description "VC type."; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of a peer."; } leaf ctrl-word { type uint64; description "L2VPN control word."; } leaf secondary-pw-id { type uint64; description "Indicates the ID of a secondary PW."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint64; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } leaf interface-name { type pub-type:if-name; description "Indicates the interface name."; } } // notification vpws-ldp-pw-switch-working-to-protecting notification vpls-pw-status-change { description "The VPLS VC status changed."; leaf vsi-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VSI name."; } leaf pw-id { type uint32; description "Indicates the ID of a PW."; } leaf remote-ip { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Indicates the IP address of the remote peer."; } leaf l2vpn-state-change-reason { type uint32; description "Cause of the VC status change."; } leaf pw-state { type uint32; description "PW state."; } leaf pw-working-state { type uint32; description "PW working state."; } leaf sys-up-time { type yang:timeticks; description "System startup time."; } } // notification vpls-pw-status-change } // module huawei-l2vpn-notification
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