L2 virtual private network extensions.
Version: 2019-07-08
module huawei-l2vpn-extension { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-l2vpn-extension"; prefix l2vpn-extension; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } import huawei-l2vpn { prefix l2vpn; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-vrrp { prefix vrrp; } import huawei-ip { prefix ip; } import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-tunnel-management { prefix tnlm; } import huawei-mpls-te { prefix mpls-te; } import huawei-mpls-te-cr-static { prefix mpls-te-cr-static; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com"; description "L2 virtual private network extensions."; revision "2019-07-08" { description "Init revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "l2vpn"; typedef qos-query-type { type enumeration { enum "be" { value 0; description "Best effort (BE) service-class."; } enum "af1" { value 1; description "Assured forwarding 1 (AF1) service-class."; } enum "af2" { value 2; description "Assured forwarding 2 (AF2) service-class."; } enum "af3" { value 3; description "Assured forwarding 3 (AF3) service-class."; } enum "af4" { value 4; description "Assured forwarding 4 (AF4) service-class."; } enum "ef" { value 5; description "Expedited forwarding (EF) service-class."; } enum "cs6" { value 6; description "Class selector 6 (CS6) service-class."; } enum "cs7" { value 7; description "Class selector 7 (CS7) service-class."; } } description "L2VPN QoS query."; } typedef pw-role-type { type enumeration { enum "primary" { value 1; description "The PW role type is primary."; } enum "backup" { value 2; description "The PW role type is backup."; } enum "bypass" { value 3; description "The PW role type is bypass."; } enum "left-primary" { value 4; description "The left side PW of multi-segment instance."; } enum "right-primary" { value 5; description "The right side PW of multi-segment instance."; } enum "right-backup" { value 6; description "The backup of the right side PW."; } enum "ac-bypass" { value 7; description "The PW role type is AC-bypass."; } enum "pw-bypass" { value 8; description "The PW role type is PW-bypass."; } } description "L2VPN PW role type."; } grouping qos-query-info-grp { description "QoS query info."; leaf packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "The total number of output packets."; } leaf bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "The total number of output bytes."; } leaf packets-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "The last 300 seconds packets rate."; } leaf bits-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "The last 300 seconds bits rate."; } leaf discard-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "The total discard number of the packets."; } leaf discard-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "The total discard number of the bytes."; } leaf discard-packets-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "The last 300 seconds discard packets rate."; } leaf discard-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "The last 300 seconds discard bits rate."; } } // grouping qos-query-info-grp grouping qos-traffic-statistics-grp { description "QoS traffic-statistics table."; leaf last-clear-time { type string { length "1..60"; } description "Last time of clean out."; } leaf bits-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "The traffic bits rate received on the PW."; } leaf packets-rate { type uint64; units "pps"; description "The traffic packet rate received on the PW."; } leaf output-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "The traffic bytes transmitted out of the PW."; } leaf output-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "The traffic packets transmitted out of the PW."; } container qos-querys { description "List of the QoS traffic-statistics."; list qos-query { key "query"; description "Indicates the query table of the QoS traffic statistics."; leaf query { type qos-query-type; description "Indicates the query of the QoS traffic statistics."; } uses qos-query-info-grp; } // list qos-query } // container qos-querys } // grouping qos-traffic-statistics-grp grouping qos-parameter-grp { description "QoS parameter information."; leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0 | 16..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; default "0"; description "Specify the CIR."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "0 | 16..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; description "Specify the PIR."; } leaf profile-name { when "../pir>0"; type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:profiles/qos:profile/qos:name"; } description "Specify the name of QoS profile."; } } // grouping qos-parameter-grp grouping pw-info-grp { description "Operational data of L2VPN PWs using tunnels."; container pws { config false; description "List of L2VPN PWs using tunnels."; list pw { key "index"; description "Operational data of L2VPN PW using tunnels."; leaf index { type uint32; description "Index automatically generated by the host for each PW, which is used to quickly search for PWs."; } leaf instance-name { type l2vpn:l2vpn-instance-name; description "The name of L2VPN instance."; } leaf instance-type { type l2vpn:l2vpn-instance-type; description "The type of L2VPN instance."; } leaf pw-role { type pw-role-type; description "Role of a PW."; } leaf peer-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Peer IP address of a PW."; } leaf pw-id { type uint32; description "PW ID of a PW."; } leaf encapsulation-type { type l2vpn:encapsulation-type; description "Encapsulation type of a PW."; } leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "The name of an AC interface."; } } // list pw } // container pws } // grouping pw-info-grp augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls { description "Configure the vpls QoS traffic statistics."; container qos-parameter { must "cir<=pir" { error-message "The pir value is less than cir value."; } must "not(cir=0 and pir=0)" { error-message "The cir and pir value can not be zero at same time."; } must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()/../../l2vpn:name][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw/l2vpn-extension:qos-parameter)"; presence "enable QoS for pw"; description "Enable/disable the QoS parameter information."; uses qos-parameter-grp; } // container qos-parameter container qos-traffic-statistics { config false; description "Operational data of QoS traffic statistics table."; uses qos-traffic-statistics-grp; } // container qos-traffic-statistics } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw { description "Configure the vpls ldp pw QoS traffic statistics."; container qos-parameter { when "../l2vpn:name"; must "cir<=pir" { error-message "The pir value is less than cir value."; } must "not(cir=0 and pir=0)" { error-message "The cir and pir value can not be zero at same time."; } must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()/../../../../../l2vpn:name][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn-extension:qos-parameter)"; presence "enable QoS for pw"; description "Enable/disable the QoS parameter information."; uses qos-parameter-grp; } // container qos-parameter container qos-traffic-statistics { config false; description "Operational data of QoS traffic statistics table."; uses qos-traffic-statistics-grp; } // container qos-traffic-statistics } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpws-bgp/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw { description "Configure the vpws-bgp pw QoS traffic statistics."; container qos-parameter { must "cir<=pir" { error-message "The pir value is less than cir value."; } must "not(cir=0 and pir=0)" { error-message "The cir and pir value can not be zero at same time."; } presence "enable QoS for pw"; description "Enable/disable the QoS parameter information."; uses qos-parameter-grp; } // container qos-parameter container qos-traffic-statistics { config false; description "Operational data of QoS traffic statistics table."; leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Indicates the type and number of the AC interface."; } uses qos-traffic-statistics-grp; } // container qos-traffic-statistics } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpws-ldp/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw { description "Configure the vpws-ldp pw QoS traffic statistics."; container qos-parameter { when "../l2vpn:role!='ac-bypass' and ../l2vpn:role!='pw-bypass'"; must "cir<=pir" { error-message "The pir value is less than cir value."; } must "not(cir=0 and pir=0)" { error-message "The cir and pir value can not be zero at same time."; } must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpws-ldp/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw/l2vpn:endpoint)"; must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpws-ldp/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw/l2vpn:color)"; presence "enable QoS for pw"; description "Enable/disable the QoS parameter information."; uses qos-parameter-grp; } // container qos-parameter container qos-traffic-statistics { config false; description "Operational data of QoS traffic statistics table."; leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Indicates the type and number of the AC interface."; } uses qos-traffic-statistics-grp; } // container qos-traffic-statistics } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpws-switch/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw { description "Configure the vpws-switch pw QoS traffic statistics."; container qos-parameter { when "../../../l2vpn:switch-type != 'ldp-ldp-bak'"; must "cir<=pir" { error-message "The pir value is less than cir value."; } must "not(cir=0 and pir=0)" { error-message "The cir and pir value can not be zero at same time."; } must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpws-switch/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw/l2vpn:endpoint)"; must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpws-switch/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw/l2vpn:color)"; presence "enable QoS for pw"; description "Enable/disable QoS parameter information."; uses qos-parameter-grp; } // container qos-parameter } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:common/l2vpn:pw-templates/l2vpn:pw-template { description "Configure the QoS traffic statistics in pw-template."; container qos-parameter { must "cir<=pir" { error-message "The pir value is less than cir value."; } must "not(cir=0 and pir=0)" { error-message "The cir and pir value can not be zero at same time."; } presence "enable QoS for pw"; description "Enable/disable QoS parameter information."; uses qos-parameter-grp; } // container qos-parameter } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:acs/l2vpn:ac { description "Configure the VPLS OAM mapping."; container ac-oam-mapping { ext:operation-exclude "update"; when "../../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal' and /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../l2vpn:interface-name]/ifm:class='sub-interface'"; presence "enable ac oam mapping"; description "Enable/disable OAM mapping."; leaf type { type l2vpn:ac-oam-mapping-type; must "../type='1ag' and ../md-name and ../ma-name"; mandatory true; description "VPLS OAM mapping type."; } leaf md-name { when "../type='1ag'"; type string { length "1..43"; } description "VPLS OAM mapping parameter MD name."; } leaf ma-name { when "../type='1ag'"; type string { length "1..43"; } description "VPLS OAM mapping parameter MA name."; } } // container ac-oam-mapping } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:pws/l2vpn:pw { description "Configure the vpls track VRRP."; container track-vrrp { ext:operation-exclude "update"; when "../../../../l2vpn:work-mode='bd-mode'"; presence "enable pw track vrrp"; description "Configure VRRP parameter list."; leaf vrrp-interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ip:ipv4/vrrp:vrrp/vrrp:groups/vrrp:group[vrrp:id=current()/../vrrp-vrid]/vrrp:admin-flag or /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/vrrp:vrrp/vrrp:groups/vrrp:group[vrrp:id=current()/../vrrp-vrid]/vrrp:admin-flag"; mandatory true; description "VRRP interface."; } leaf vrrp-vrid { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "VRID of a VRRP backup group."; } leaf pw-redundancy { type boolean; must "../pw-redundancy='true'"; default "true"; description "Enable/disable VRRP PW redundancy mode."; } leaf backup-block-all { type boolean; must "../backup-block-all='true'"; default "true"; description "Enable/disable block the traffic on the backup PW."; } } // container track-vrrp } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/tnlm:tunnel-protocol/tnlm:type/mpls-te:mpls-te/mpls-te:te-tunnel/mpls-te:tunnel-mode/mpls-te:p2p-rsvp-te/mpls-te:rsvp-te { description "Operational data of L2VPN PWs using tunnels."; uses pw-info-grp; } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/tnlm:tunnel-protocol/tnlm:type/mpls-te:mpls-te/mpls-te:te-tunnel/mpls-te:sr-te { description "Operational data of L2VPN PWs using tunnels."; uses pw-info-grp; } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/tnlm:tunnel-protocol/tnlm:type/mpls-te:mpls-te/mpls-te:te-tunnel/mpls-te-cr-static:cr-static { description "Operational data of L2VPN PWs using tunnels."; uses pw-info-grp; } } // module huawei-l2vpn-extension
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