L2 protocol tunnel.
Version: 2020-03-13
module huawei-l2pt { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-l2pt"; prefix l2pt; import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-ethernet { prefix ethernet; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-vlan { prefix vlan; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com"; description "L2 protocol tunnel."; revision "2020-03-13" { description "Modify description."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-04-23" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "ethernet"; typedef bpdu-role-type { type enumeration { enum "customer" { value 0; description "The bridge role is a customer."; } enum "provider" { value 1; description "The bridge role is a provider."; } } description "Role type."; } typedef protocol-type { type enumeration { enum "EOAM3AH" { value 1; description "Ethernet in the First mile OAM."; } enum "LLDP" { value 2; description "Link Layer discovery protocol."; } enum "GMRP" { value 3; description "GARP multicast registration protocol."; } enum "GVRP" { value 4; description "GARP VLAN registration protocol."; } enum "DLDP" { value 5; description "Device link detection protocol."; } enum "HGMP" { value 6; description "HUAWEI group management protocol."; } enum "VTP" { value 7; description "VLAN trunking protocol."; } enum "DTP" { value 8; description "Dynamic trunking protocol."; } enum "CDP" { value 9; description "Cisco discovery protocol."; } enum "UDLD" { value 10; description "Unidirectional link detection."; } enum "PAGP" { value 11; description "Port aggregation protocol."; } enum "PVST-PLUS" { value 12; description "Per VLAN spanning tree plus."; } enum "STP" { value 13; description "Spanning tree protocol."; } enum "LACP" { value 14; description "Link aggregation control protocol."; } enum "MVRP" { value 15; description "Multiple VLAN registration protocol."; } enum "MMRP" { value 16; description "Multiple MAC registration protocol."; } enum "E-LMI" { value 17; description "Ethernet local management interface."; } enum "802.1X" { value 18; description "802.1X protocol."; } enum "SSTP" { value 19; description "Secure socket tunneling protocol."; } } description "Protocol Type."; } typedef action-mode { type enumeration { enum "enable" { value 0; description "Enable mode."; } enum "drop" { value 1; description "Drop mode."; } enum "reverse" { value 2; description "Reverse mode."; } enum "reverse-drop" { value 3; description "Reverse drop mode."; } } description "Action mode."; } typedef vlan-action-mode { type enumeration { enum "enable" { value 0; description "Enable mode."; } enum "reverse" { value 2; description "Reverse mode."; } } description "VLAN action mode."; } typedef encapsulation-type { type enumeration { enum "ETHERNETII" { value 1; description "EthernetII type."; } enum "LLC" { value 2; description "Logical link control type."; } enum "SNAP" { value 3; description "Sub-network access protocol."; } } description "Encapsulation type."; } container l2pt { description "L2 protocol tunnel."; container bpdu-attribute { description "Configure BPDU tunnel global attribute."; leaf bridge-role { type bpdu-role-type; default "customer"; description "Bridge role that can be a customer or provider."; } leaf group-mac { type pub-type:mac-address { pattern '[0-9a-f][1|3|5|7|9|b|d|f][0-9a-f]{2}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){2}'; } must "not (/l2pt:l2pt/l2pt:well-known-protocol/l2pt:group-macs/l2pt:group-mac[l2pt:protocol-type = 'STP'][l2pt:group-mac = current()])"; default "0100-0ccd-cdd0"; description "BPDU well-known destination MAC address, Multicast MAC address, excluding 0180-c200-0000 to 0180-c200-002f and ffff-ffff-ffff."; } } // container bpdu-attribute container well-known-protocol { description "Configure L2PT well-known protocol attributes."; container group-macs { description "List of L2PT well-known protocol group MAC address."; list group-mac { key "protocol-type"; description "Configure L2PT well-known Protocol attributes."; leaf protocol-type { type protocol-type; description "Well-known protocol name."; } leaf group-mac { type pub-type:mac-address { pattern '01[0-9a-f]{2}(-[0-9a-f]{4}){2}'; } must "not (../protocol-type='STP' and ../group-mac=../../../../bpdu-attribute/group-mac)"; mandatory true; description "Well-known MAC address begin with 0x01, excluding but not limited to 0180-c200-0000 to 0180-c200-002f."; } } // list group-mac } // container group-macs container protocols { config false; description "List of protocol informations."; list protocol { key "protocol-type"; description "Statistics of protocol information."; leaf protocol-type { type protocol-type; description "Well-known protocol name."; } leaf group-mac { type pub-type:mac-address; description "User-definded protocol group MAC address."; } leaf protocol-mac { type pub-type:mac-address; description "MAC address of protocol."; } leaf encapsulation-type { type encapsulation-type; description "Ethernet encapsulation type of layer 2 packets."; } leaf ethernet-type { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "Protocol type of EthernetII."; } leaf snap-type { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "The type of sub-network access protocol."; } leaf dsap-value { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "The value of destination service access point value."; } leaf ssap-value { type pub-type:hex-binary; description "The value of source service access point."; } } // list protocol } // container protocols } // container well-known-protocol } // container l2pt } // module huawei-l2pt
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