The module defines a collection of YANG definitions common for all Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and Multicast Liste...
Version: 2020-05-21
module huawei-igmp-mld-snooping { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-igmp-mld-snooping"; prefix ims; import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-vlan { prefix vlan; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-acl { prefix acl; } import huawei-multicast { prefix mc; } import huawei-bd { prefix bd; } import huawei-evpn { prefix evpn; } import huawei-l2vpn { prefix l2vpn; } import huawei-ethernet { prefix ethernet; } import huawei-nvo3 { prefix nvo3; } import huawei-igmp-mld { prefix igmp-mld; } import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "The module defines a collection of YANG definitions common for all Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping devices."; revision "2020-05-21" { description "Add a when condition for IGMP snooping of VPLS. Modify the type of except-acl. Add a when condition for mld-snooping. Modify the type and the must conditions of some nodes that reference ACL. Add the must conditions for limit-max-entry. Modify design for multicast VLAN. Add node send-query-source-address. Add node send-query-prune-source-port. Add the must conditions for some nodes. Add the when conditions for some nodes. Modify the type for some nodes. Modify the design for static-router-ports and ssm-mapping-groups and proxy-uplink-port."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-03-04" { description "Modify units."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-01-21" { description "Modify the type of remote-peer from IPv4IPv6 to IPv4."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-12-12" { description "Add new leaves; Modify units of some leaves; Modify ssm-mapping-policy type from leafref to string, Leafref should be used together with require-instance When version 1.1 is supported."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-03-30" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "l2mc"; typedef snooping-mode { type enumeration { enum "asm-ssm" { value 1; description "A device learns multicast entries with group addresses in the ASM and SSM address ranges."; } enum "asm-only" { value 2; description "A device only learns multicast entries with group addresses in the ASM address range."; } enum "ssm-only" { value 3; description "A device only learns multicast entries with group addresses in the SSM address range."; } } description "Snooping mode."; } typedef copy-mode { type enumeration { enum "invalid" { value 0; description "Invalid value, do not copy."; } enum "by-vlan" { value 1; description "By VLAN."; } enum "by-unicast-mac" { value 2; description "By unicast MAC."; } } description "Multicast copy mode."; } typedef evi-rt-type { type enumeration { enum "export-extcommunity" { value 2; description "Export-extcommunity."; } enum "import-extcommunity" { value 3; description "Import-extcommunity."; } } description "EVI RT type."; } typedef entry-flag-type { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "None."; } enum "protocol" { value 1; description "Entry generated through protocol packets or static configuration."; } enum "active" { value 2; description "Entry generated through multicast data flows."; } enum "protocol-active" { value 3; description "Both protocol and active."; } enum "fastchannel" { value 4; description "Entry generated through fast channel configuration."; } enum "protocol-fastchannel" { value 5; description "Both protocol and fast-channel."; } enum "active-fastchannel" { value 6; description "Both active and fast-channel."; } enum "protocol-active-fastchannel" { value 7; description "Both protocol, active and fast-channel."; } } description "Entry flag type."; } typedef source-flag-type { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { value 0; description "Unknown."; } enum "igmp" { value 1; description "IGMP."; } enum "active" { value 2; description "Active."; } enum "igmp-active" { value 3; description "IGMP Active."; } enum "fastchannel" { value 4; description "Fast-Channel."; } enum "igmp-fastchannel" { value 5; description "IGMP Fast-Channel."; } enum "active-fastchannel" { value 6; description "Active Fast-Channel."; } enum "igmp-active-fastchannel" { value 7; description "IGMP Active Fast-Channel."; } enum "mld" { value 9; description "MLD."; } enum "active6" { value 10; description "Active."; } enum "mld-active6" { value 11; description "MLD Active6."; } enum "fastchannel6" { value 12; description "Fast-Channel."; } enum "mld-fastchannel6" { value 13; description "MLD Fast-Channel."; } enum "active6-fastchannel6" { value 14; description "Active Fast-Channel."; } enum "mld-active6-fastchannel6" { value 15; description "MLD Active Fast-Channel."; } enum "trill" { value 16; description "Trill."; } enum "igmp-trill" { value 17; description "IGMP Trill."; } enum "active-trill" { value 18; description "Active Trill."; } enum "igmp-active-trill" { value 19; description "IGMP Active Trill."; } } description "Source flag type."; } typedef l2mc-esi { type string { length "0..24"; pattern '(^ *(00([0-9a-fA-F]){2}\.(([0-9a-fA-F]){4}\.){3}(([0-9a-fA-F]){4}))? *$)'; } description "ESI is begin with a-f or A-f or 0-9."; } typedef df-status-type { type enumeration { enum "df" { value 1; description "The PE is DF."; } enum "non-df" { value 2; description "The PE is non-DF."; } } description "DF status type."; } typedef remote-flag-type { type enumeration { enum "local" { value 1; description "Local."; } enum "remote" { value 2; description "Remote."; } enum "local-remote" { value 3; description "Local Remote."; } } description "Remote flag type."; } typedef smet-prefix { type string { length "1..68"; } description "SMET prefix."; } typedef join-prefix { type string { length "1..90"; } description "IGMP Join Synch prefix."; } grouping display-vlan-port-info { description "List of layer 2 multicast port information of a VLAN."; container group-ports { config false; description "List of layer 2 multicast port information."; list group-port { key "group-address source-address"; description "Layer 2 multicast port state."; leaf group-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Address of a multicast group."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf up-time { type pub-type:time-tick; units "s"; description "Time since a router port was discovered."; } leaf entry-flag { type entry-flag-type; description "Entity flag."; } leaf source-flag { type source-flag-type; description "Source flag."; } container ports { description "List of port state."; list port { key "interface"; description "Port state."; leaf interface { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Interface name."; } leaf up-time { type pub-type:time-tick; description "Time since a router port was discovered."; } leaf expire-time { type pub-type:time-tick { } description "Time after which a port will be deleted from the router port record table."; } leaf port-flag { type string { length "0..64"; } description "Port flag. S: static; D: dynamic; M: SSM-mapping."; } } // list port } // container ports } // list group-port } // container group-ports } // grouping display-vlan-port-info grouping display-evpn-routing-table { description "Routing table infomation."; leaf nexthop { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Next-hop address to which packets are sent."; } leaf local-preference { type uint32; description "Local preference."; } leaf protocol-preferred-value { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Preferred value of a protocol."; } leaf as-path { type string { length "1..300"; } description "List of the ASs that packets pass through."; } leaf origin { type evpn:bgp-origin-type; description "Origin of a route."; } leaf route-flag { type string { length "1..100"; } description "Route flag."; } leaf advertised-peers { type string { length "1..300"; } description "Sending peers."; } leaf route-duration-time { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Time stamp of a route."; } leaf originator { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Router ID of the route initiator."; } leaf remote-route-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Router ID of a peer."; } leaf other-attribute { type string { length "1..300"; } description "Other attribute."; } leaf flags { type string { length "1..50"; } description "Flag fields of INCLUDE and EXCLUDE filter-modes and IGMP snooping version."; } leaf qos-info { type string { length "1..20"; } description "Qos infomation."; } } // grouping display-evpn-routing-table augment /bd:bd/bd:instances/bd:instance { description "Adds configuration to the bd module."; container igmp-snooping { description "Configure IGMP snooping in the BD."; container global { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; description "Configure IGMP snooping in the BD."; leaf ssm-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic'))"; description "SSM group range policy."; } leaf version { type uint32 { range "1..3"; } default "2"; description "IGMP version on an interface."; } leaf ssm-mapping-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable SSM mapping."; } leaf ssm-mapping-policy { when "../ssm-mapping-enable='true'"; type string { length "1..31"; } must "not(../../ssm-mapping-groups/ssm-mapping-group)"; description "Configure a policy for SSM Mapping."; } leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable IGMP snooping in the bridge domain."; } leaf group-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "IGMP group policy."; } leaf group-policy-version { when "../group-policy-acl"; type uint32 { range "1..3"; } description "A group policy applies only to a specified IGMP version."; } leaf max-response-time { type uint32 { range "1..25"; } units "s"; default "10"; description "Maximum response time for an IGMP Query message. This time is used to control the deadline for user hosts to send Report messages."; } leaf immediately-leave { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable prompt-leave. Prompt-Leave allows an interface to immediately delete a group record after receiving a Leave message for this group, without sending a last-member query message."; } leaf immediately-leave-acl { when "../immediately-leave='true'"; type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "ACL used to control the applicable range of IGMP prompt-leave."; } leaf proxy-enable { type boolean; must "../proxy-enable='false' or (../report-suppress='false' and ../querier-enable='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable IGMP snooping proxy."; } leaf multicast-group-model { type snooping-mode; default "asm-ssm"; description "IGMP group join mode."; } leaf ip-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "IP filter policy."; } leaf query-ip-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "Querier IP policy."; } leaf querier-election { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable IGMP querier election."; } leaf proxy-router-protocol-pass { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable an IGMP snooping proxy-enabled device to transparently transmit IGMP Report messages."; } leaf querier-enable { type boolean; must "(../proxy-enable='false' and not (../../../evpn:evpn/evpn:name)) or (../querier-enable='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable an IGMP querier."; } leaf query-interval { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } units "s"; default "60"; description "Interval at which a device sends General Query messages."; } leaf require-router-alert { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to permit only IGMP messages that contain the Router-Alert option in the IP header. By default, IGMP messages that do not carry the Router-Alert option are also permitted."; } leaf send-router-alert { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable a device to send IGMP messages that contain the Router-Alert option in the IP header."; } leaf robustness { type uint32 { range "2..5"; } default "2"; description "Number of times for retransmitting a message to avoid packet loss."; } leaf router-aging-time { type uint32 { range "1..1000"; } units "s"; default "180"; description "Aging time of dynamic router ports. By default, the aging time of a dynamic router port is 180 seconds or equals the holdtime value contained in a PIM Hello packet."; } leaf router-port-learning { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable dynamic router port learning."; } leaf query-suppress-time { type uint32 { range "0..300"; } units "s"; default "10"; description "Time during which IGMP Report messages are suppressed."; } leaf last-member-query-interval { type uint32 { range "1..5"; } units "s"; default "1"; description "Interval at which a last-member query message is sent."; } leaf static-group-suppress-dynamic-join { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 device from sending IGMP Report and Leave messages of a group that has been configured as a static group on the upstream device."; } leaf report-suppress { type boolean; must "(../proxy-enable='false' and not (../../../evpn:evpn/evpn:name)) or (../report-suppress='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of suppressing IGMP Report messages."; } leaf source-life-time { type uint32 { range "60..1000"; } units "s"; default "210"; description "Aging time for entries triggered by multicast flows."; } leaf designated-vlan { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } must "(not (../../../evpn:evpn/evpn:name)) or (not (../designated-vlan))"; description "Specify the IGMP snooping VLAN in which multicast messages and data are transparently transmitted."; } leaf signal-smet-disable { type boolean; must "(../../../evpn:evpn/evpn:name) or ../signal-smet-disable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of signal-smet."; } leaf signal-synch-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of signal-synch. Configuration prerequisite for the leaf: The BD instance is associated with an EVPN instance, and IGMP snooping proxy is enabled for the BD or IGMP is enabled on the VBDIF interface of the BD."; } leaf signal-ignore-df-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of signal-ignore-df. Configuration prerequisite for the leaf: The BD instance is associated with an EVPN instance, and IGMP snooping proxy is enabled for the BD or IGMP is enabled on the VBDIF interface of the BD."; } container evi-rts { when "../signal-synch-enable='true'"; description "List of EVI-RT extended community."; list evi-rt { key "type"; description "Configure EVI-RT extended community."; leaf type { type evi-rt-type; description "Specify the VPN target type. Export-extcommunity: specifies the extended community attributes carried in routing information to be sent. Import-extcommunity: receives routing information carrying specified extended community attributes."; } leaf value { type string { length "3..21"; pattern '(((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}):(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}|0))|((6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}|0):(429496729[0-5]|42949672[0-8]\d|4294967[0-1]\d{2}|429496[0-6]\d{3}|42949[0-5]\d{4}|4294[0-8]\d{5}|429[0-3]\d{6}|42[0-8]\d{7}|4[0-1]\d{8}|[1-3]\d{9}|[1-9]\d{0,8}))|((6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}):0)|((429496729[0-5]|42949672[0-8]\d|4294967[0-1]\d{2}|429496[0-6]\d{3}|42949[0-5]\d{4}|4294[0-8]\d{5}|429[0-3]\d{6}|42[0-8]\d{7}|4[0-1]\d{8}|[1-3]\d{9}|[1-9]\d{5,8}|[7-9]\d{4}|6[6-9]\d{3}|65[6-9]\d{2}|655[4-9]\d|6553[6-9]):(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}|0))|((6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3})\.(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}|0):(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}|0))|(0\.(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}):(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}|0))|(0\.0:(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}))'; } mandatory true; description "Vpn-target: adds VPN target extended community attribute to the export or import VPN target extended community list. The vpn-target can be expressed in either of the following formats: (1)16-bit AS number:32-bit user-defined number. For example, 1:3. The AS number ranges from 0 to 65535. The user-defined number ranges from 0 to 4294967295. The AS number and the user-defined number cannot be 0s at the same time. That is, a VPN target cannot be 0:0. (2)32-bit IP address:16-bit user-defined number. For example, The IP address ranges from to The user-defined number ranges from 0 to 65535. (3)32-bit AS number:16-bit user-defined number. For example, 65537:3. The AS number ranges from 65536 to 4294967295. The user-defined number ranges from 0 to 65535. (4)32-bit AS number in dotted notation:16-bit user-defined number. For example, 0.0:3 or 0.1:0. The 32-bit AS number in dotted notation is in the format of x.y, where x and y are integers that both range from 0 to 65535. The user-defined number ranges from 0 to 65535. The AS number and user-defined number cannot both be 0s. Specifically, a VPN target cannot be 0:0.0."; } } // list evi-rt } // container evi-rts } // container global container interfaces { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; description "List of sub-interface configuration."; list interface { must "not(../../../nvo3:nvo3/nvo3:vni-list)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:default)"; must "./group-policy-acl or ./learning='false' or ./proxy-uplink-port='true'"; key "name"; description "Configure sub-interface configuration."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name"; } description "Interface name."; } leaf group-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance') or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance')"; description "Configure a policy for filtering multicast groups on an interface to control the range of multicast groups that hosts can join."; } leaf group-policy-version { when "../group-policy-acl"; type uint32 { range "1..3"; } description "A group policy applies only to a specified IGMP version."; } leaf learning { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable IGMP-snooping learning function."; } leaf proxy-uplink-port { type boolean; must "(../proxy-uplink-port='false') or (not(../pe-vid) and not(../ce-vid) and /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:untag) or ((../pe-vid) and not(../ce-vid) and /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q) or ((../pe-vid) and (../ce-vid) and /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:qinqs)"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable IGMP proxy uplink port."; } leaf pe-vid { when "../proxy-uplink-port='true'"; type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Outer VLAN ID."; } leaf ce-vid { when "../proxy-uplink-port='true'"; type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Inner VLAN ID."; } } // list interface } // container interfaces container pw-static-router-ports { when "(/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable or /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/igmp-mld:igmp/igmp-mld:interfaces/igmp-mld:interface[igmp-mld:enable='true'][igmp-mld:name=/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:type='Vbdif'][ifm:number=string(current()/../../bd:id)]/ifm:name]) and /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bds/l2vpn:bd[l2vpn:id=current()/../../bd:id]"; description "List of router port configurations of PWs."; list pw-static-router-port { must "not(../../../nvo3:nvo3/nvo3:vni-list)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:default)"; key "vsi-name remote-peer negotiation-vc-id"; description "Configure router port configuration of a PW."; leaf vsi-name { type leafref { path "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:name"; } description "Name of a virtual switch instance."; } leaf remote-peer { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '([1-9]|[1-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-68-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "IP address of the peer end."; } leaf negotiation-vc-id { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Negotiation VC ID."; } } // list pw-static-router-port } // container pw-static-router-ports container static-router-ports { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable or /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/igmp-mld:igmp/igmp-mld:interfaces/igmp-mld:interface[igmp-mld:enable='true'][igmp-mld:name=/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:type='Vbdif'][ifm:number=string(current()/../../bd:id)]/ifm:name]"; description "List of static router port configuration of sub-interfaces."; list static-router-port { must "not(../../../nvo3:nvo3/nvo3:vni-list)"; key "interface"; description "Configure static router port configuration of sub-interfaces."; leaf interface { type leafref { path "../../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name"; } must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:untag"; description "Interface name."; } } // list static-router-port } // container static-router-ports container static-dot1q-router-ports { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable or /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/igmp-mld:igmp/igmp-mld:interfaces/igmp-mld:interface[igmp-mld:enable='true'][igmp-mld:name=/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:type='Vbdif'][ifm:number=string(current()/../../bd:id)]/ifm:name]"; description "List of static router port configuration of sub-interfaces."; list static-dot1q-router-port { must "not(../../../nvo3:nvo3/nvo3:vni-list)"; key "interface vid"; description "Configure static dot1q router port configuration of sub-interfaces."; leaf interface { type leafref { path "../../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name"; } must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q/ethernet:vlans"; description "Interface name."; } leaf vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } must "not(../../../global/designated-vlan) or ../vid=../../../global/designated-vlan"; description "Outer VLAN ID."; } } // list static-dot1q-router-port } // container static-dot1q-router-ports container static-qinq-router-ports { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable or /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/igmp-mld:igmp/igmp-mld:interfaces/igmp-mld:interface[igmp-mld:enable='true'][igmp-mld:name=/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:type='Vbdif'][ifm:number=string(current()/../../bd:id)]/ifm:name]"; description "List of static router port configuration of sub-interfaces."; list static-qinq-router-port { must "not(../../../nvo3:nvo3/nvo3:vni-list)"; key "interface pe-vid ce-vid"; description "Configure static qinq router port configuration of sub-interfaces."; leaf interface { type leafref { path "../../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name"; } must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:qinqs/ethernet:qinq-vids"; description "Interface name."; } leaf pe-vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } must "not(../../../global/designated-vlan)"; description "Outer VLAN ID."; } leaf ce-vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Inner VLAN ID."; } } // list static-qinq-router-port } // container static-qinq-router-ports container ssm-mapping-groups { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; description "List of SSM mapping configuration of a BD."; list ssm-mapping-group { must "not(../../../nvo3:nvo3/nvo3:vni-list)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l2-sub-interface/ethernet:default)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name][ifm:type='Global-VE'])"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../../bd:service-points/bd:service-point/bd:interface-name][ifm:type='Virtual-Ethernet'])"; key "group-address mask-length source-address"; max-elements 128; description "Configure SSM mapping configuration of a BD."; leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Address of a multicast group."; } leaf mask-length { type uint32 { range "4..32"; } description "Mask length of a group address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '([1-9]|[1-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-68-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source IPv4 address."; } } // list ssm-mapping-group } // container ssm-mapping-groups container group-ports { config false; description "List of layer 2 multicast port information."; list group-port { key "group-address source-address"; description "Layer 2 multicast port state."; leaf group-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Address of a multicast group. In IPv4, the value ranges from to, in dotted decimal notation."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source address."; } leaf source-up-time { type pub-type:time-tick; description "Time since a multicast source was discovered."; } leaf group-up-time { type pub-type:time-tick; description "Time since a multicast group was discovered."; } leaf entry-flag { type entry-flag-type; description "Entity flag."; } leaf source-flag { type source-flag-type; description "Source flag."; } container ports { description "List of port state."; list port { key "interface"; description "Port state."; leaf interface { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Interface name."; } leaf up-time { type pub-type:time-tick; description "Time since a router port was discovered."; } leaf expire-time { type pub-type:time-tick { } description "Time after which a port will be deleted from the router port record table."; } leaf port-flag { type string { length "0..50"; } description "Port flag. S: static; D: dynamic; M: SSM-mapping."; } leaf esi { type l2mc-esi; description "Ethernet Segment Identifier."; } leaf df-status { type df-status-type; description "One of the PEs may be either DF or non-DF In a redundancy mode."; } leaf remote-flag { type remote-flag-type; description "The source of the port information. Remote: passed from other devices; local: locally generated; local remote: both."; } } // list port } // container ports } // list group-port } // container group-ports } // container igmp-snooping } augment /mc:multicast { description "Adds igmp/mld snooping configuration to the multicast module."; container igmp-snooping { description "Configure igmp-snooping features."; container global-enable { presence "igmp-snooping enable"; description "Enable/disable global IGMP snooping."; leaf send-query { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of sending Layer 2 multicast Query messages."; } leaf send-query-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } default ""; description "Source IP address for Layer 2 multicast General Query messages."; } } // container global-enable container instances { when "../ims:global-enable"; description "List of Layer 2 multicast instance configuration."; list instance { key "id"; description "Configure Layer 2 multicast instance."; leaf id { type uint32 { range "1..32"; } description "Instance ID."; } choice multicast-instance-type { description "Multicast-instance type."; case vlan { description "Multicast-instance type is VLAN."; leaf vlan-id { type leafref { path "/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan/vlan:id"; } must "/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:id=current()]/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:enable='true'"; must "/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:id=current()]/vlan:type='common'"; must "count(../../ims:instance[ims:vlan-id=current()])=1"; description "ID of a virtual local area network."; } } // case vlan case vsi { description "Multicast-instance type is VSI."; leaf vsi-name { type leafref { path "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:name"; } must "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:enable='true'"; must "count(../../ims:instance[ims:vsi-name=current()])=1"; must "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bgp-signaling)"; must "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bgp-multi-homing-signaling or (/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bgpad-signaling and /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:leaf and not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:root)) or (not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bgpad-signaling) and /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id)"; description "Name of a virtual switch instance."; } } // case vsi } // choice multicast-instance-type container user-instance-vsis { description "List of VSIs configured as user-instance."; list user-instance-vsi { key "vsi-name"; description "Configure VSI as user-instance."; leaf vsi-name { type leafref { path "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:name"; } must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()]/l2vpn:vpls/ims:igmp-snooping)"; must "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; must "not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bgp-signaling)"; must "/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bgp-multi-homing-signaling or (/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bgpad-signaling and /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:leaf and not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:root)) or (not(/l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:bgpad-signaling) and /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance[l2vpn:name=current()][l2vpn:type='vpls']/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id)"; description "Name of a virtual switch instance."; } } // list user-instance-vsi } // container user-instance-vsis container user-instance-vlan { description "Configure VLAN as user-instance."; leaf vlans { type pub-type:vlan-range; description "VLAN list."; } } // container user-instance-vlan } // list instance } // container instances container global-channel { presence "L2-multicast-channel."; description "Enable/disable L2-multicast CAC."; leaf unspecified-channel-deny { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to filter out multicast data for undefined groups in a channel. Specify the unspecified channel, deny the join of multicast group that does not belong to any channel."; } } // container global-channel } // container igmp-snooping container mld-snooping { description "Configure MLD snooping features."; container global-enable { presence "mld-snooping enable"; description "Enable/disable global MLD snooping."; leaf send-query { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of sending Layer 2 multicast Query messages."; } leaf send-query-source-address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone { pattern '([Ff][Ee]80:)(([0]{1,4}:){0,2})(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:)|([Ff][Ee]80:)(([0]{1,4}:){3})((((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:)(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|(:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2})((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})|:)))'; } default "FE80::"; description "Source IP address for Layer 2 multicast General Query messages."; } } // container global-enable } // container mld-snooping } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls { description "Adds configuration to the L2VPN module."; container igmp-snooping { description "Configure Layer 2 multicast configurations in the VSI."; container global { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable and ((../../l2vpn:bgp-signaling and not(../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling)) or ../../l2vpn:bgp-multi-homing-signaling or (../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling and ../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:leaf and not(../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:root)) or (not(../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling) and not(../../l2vpn:bgp-signaling) and ../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id and ../../l2vpn:p2p-vsi='false')) and ../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; description "Configure Layer 2 multicast in the VSI."; leaf ssm-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic'))"; description "SSM group range policy."; } leaf version { type uint32 { range "1..3"; } default "2"; description "Layer 2 multicast version on an interface."; } leaf ssm-mapping-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable SSM mapping."; } leaf ssm-mapping-policy { when "../ssm-mapping-enable='true'"; type string { length "1..31"; } must "not(../../ssm-mapping-groups/ssm-mapping-group)"; description "Configure a policy for SSM mapping."; } leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast snooping in the VSI."; } leaf group-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "Layer 2 multicast group policy."; } leaf group-policy-version { when "../group-policy-acl"; type uint32 { range "1..3"; } description "A group policy applies only to a specified layer 2 multicast version."; } leaf max-response-time { type uint32 { range "1..127"; } units "s"; default "10"; description "Maximum response time for a Layer 2 multicast Query message. This time is used to control the deadline for user hosts to send Report messages."; } leaf immediately-leave { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable prompt-leave. Prompt-Leave allows an interface to immediately delete a group record after receiving a Leave message for this group, without sending a last-member query message."; } leaf immediately-leave-acl { when "../immediately-leave='true'"; type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "ACL used to control the applicable range of layer 2 multicast prompt-leave."; } leaf proxy-enable { type boolean; must "../proxy-enable='false' or (../querier-enable='false' and ../report-suppress='false' and ../packet-encapsulation-raw='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast snooping proxy."; } leaf multicast-group-model { type snooping-mode; default "asm-ssm"; description "Layer 2 multicast group join mode."; } leaf ip-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "IP filter policy."; } leaf query-ip-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "Querier IP policy."; } leaf querier-election { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast querier election."; } leaf proxy-router-protocol-pass { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 multicast snooping proxy-enabled device to transparently transmit Layer 2 multicast Report messages."; } leaf querier-enable { type boolean; must "../querier-enable='false' or (../proxy-enable='false' and ../packet-encapsulation-raw='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 multicast querier."; } leaf query-interval { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } units "s"; default "60"; description "Interval at which a device sends General Query messages."; } leaf require-router-alert { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to permit only Layer 2 multicast messages that contain the Router-Alert option in the IP header."; } leaf send-router-alert { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable a device to permit only Layer 2 multicast messages that contain the Router-Alert option in the IP header."; } leaf robustness { type uint32 { range "2..5"; } default "2"; description "Number of times for retransmitting a message to avoid packet loss."; } leaf router-aging-time { type uint32 { range "1..1000"; } units "s"; default "180"; description "Aging time of dynamic router ports. The aging time of a dynamic router port is default value or equals to the holdtime value contained in a PIM Hello packet."; } leaf router-port-learning { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable dynamic router port learning."; } leaf last-member-query-interval { type uint32 { range "1..5"; } units "s"; default "1"; description "Interval at which a last-member query message is sent."; } leaf static-group-suppress-dynamic-join { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 device from sending Layer 2 multicast Report and Leave messages of a group that has been configured as a static group on the upstream device."; } leaf report-suppress { type boolean; must "../report-suppress='false' or ../proxy-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of suppressing Layer 2 multicast Report messages."; } leaf source-life-time { type uint32 { range "60..1000"; } units "s"; default "210"; description "Aging time for entries triggered by multicast flows."; } leaf limit-max-entry { when "not(../../../l2vpn:bgp-signaling)"; type uint32 { range "1..16384"; } description "Maximum number of entries that can be generated."; } leaf limit-except-acl { when "../limit-max-entry"; type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "ACL used to prevent groups from being counted against the multicast group number limit. A basic ACL filters both (*, G) and (S, G) multicast entries, while an advanced ACL filters only (S, G) multicast entries."; } leaf backup-query-forward { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of forwarding Layer 2 multicast query packet to backup PW."; } leaf backup-query-source-mac-replace { when "../backup-query-forward='true'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of replacing MAC address when forwarding query packet to backup PW."; } leaf backup-report-forward { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of forwarding report packet received from backup PW."; } leaf backup-report-source-mac-replace { when "../backup-report-forward='true'"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of replacing MAC address when forwarding report packet received from backup PW."; } leaf dynamic-trunk-bandwidth-lose-mode { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable dynamic Eth-Trunk bandwidth limit lose mode."; } leaf pim-forward-to-router-port-only { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable PIM messages forwarding to router port only."; } leaf qinq-stacking-listen { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable listening report from qinq-stacking interface in the VSI, by default, igmp-snooping enable in the VSI will be conflict with the qinq-stacking interface binding vsi."; } leaf qinq-stacking-copy-mode { when "../qinq-stacking-listen='true'"; type copy-mode; default "invalid"; description "Specify the qinq-stacking interface copy mode, by default, the traffic will not be forward to the qinq-stacking interface."; } leaf qinq-mapping-listen { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable listening report from qinq-mapping interface in the VSI, by default, igmp-snooping enable in the VSI will be conflict with the qinq-mapping interface binding vsi."; } leaf qinq-mapping-copy-mode { when "../qinq-mapping-listen='true'"; type copy-mode; default "invalid"; description "Specify the qinq-mapping interface copy mode, by default, the traffic will not be forward to the qinq-mapping interface."; } leaf user-info-delete-delay-time { type uint32 { range "0..300"; } units "s"; default "70"; description "The user information delete delay time of qinq statcking and qinq mapping interface."; } leaf pw-fast-control { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable PW fast control, do not delete entries fot PW ports when the PW state become down."; } leaf pw-fast-control-holdtime { when "../pw-fast-control='true'"; type uint32 { range "5..120"; } units "s"; description "PW fast control holdtime."; } leaf packet-encapsulation-raw { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to reserve the original tag and add a new tag to the IGMP Report packets when the packets are forwarded from L2VE sub-interface to L3VE QinQ termination sub-interface."; } } // container global container transparent-vlan { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable and (../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id and ../../l2vpn:p2p-vsi='false') and ../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; must "../global/report-suppress='false' and ../global/proxy-enable='false' and ../global/querier-enable='false'"; must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:acs/l2vpn:ac/l2vpn:interface-name]/ifm:class!='sub-interface'"; must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:acs/l2vpn:ac/l2vpn:interface-name]/ifm:type!='Vlanif'"; presence "transparent-vlan enable"; description "Enable/disable a device to transmit IGMP messages with VLAN tag transparently."; } // container transparent-vlan container static-router-port { description "Configure static router port."; container ldp-pws { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable and ../../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id and ../../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; description "List of router ports for VSIs."; list ldp-pw { key "remote-peer negotiation-vc-id"; description "Configure a router port for a VSI."; leaf remote-peer { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer end."; } leaf negotiation-vc-id { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Negotiation VC ID."; } } // list ldp-pw } // container ldp-pws container bgp-ad-pws { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable and ../../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:leaf"; description "Configure router ports for VSIs."; leaf-list remoter-peer { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Configure IP address of the peer end."; } } // container bgp-ad-pws } // container static-router-port container proxy-uplink-port { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; description "Configure IGMP/MLD snooping proxy uplink interfaces."; container ldp-pws { description "List of router ports for VSIs."; list ldp-pw { must "../../../ims:global/ims:proxy-enable='true' or ../../../ims:global/ims:querier-enable='true'"; must "not (../../../../l2vpn:acs/l2vpn:ac/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:proxy-uplink-port)"; must "../../../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal' and ../../../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id and not(../../../../l2vpn:bgp-signaling) and (not(../../../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling) or (../../../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling and ../../../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:leaf and not(../../../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:root)))"; must "not (../../bgp-ad-pws)"; key "remote-peer negotiation-vc-id"; max-elements 1; description "Configure router ports for a VSI."; leaf remote-peer { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '([1-9]|[1-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-68-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "IP address of the peer end."; } leaf negotiation-vc-id { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Negotiation VC ID."; } } // list ldp-pw } // container ldp-pws container bgp-ad-pws { description "Configure router ports for VSIs."; leaf-list remoter-peer { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '([1-9]|[1-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-68-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } must "../../../ims:global/ims:proxy-enable='true' or ../../../ims:global/ims:querier-enable='true'"; must "not (../../../../l2vpn:acs/l2vpn:ac/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:proxy-uplink-port)"; must "(../../../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling and ../../../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:leaf and not(../../../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:root)) or (../../../../l2vpn:bgp-multi-homing-signaling)"; must "not (../../ldp-pws)"; max-elements 1; description "Configure IP address of the peer end."; } } // container bgp-ad-pws } // container proxy-uplink-port container ssm-mapping-groups { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable and ((../../l2vpn:bgp-signaling and not(../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling)) or ../../l2vpn:bgp-multi-homing-signaling or (../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling and ../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:leaf and not(../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:root)) or (not(../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling) and not(../../l2vpn:bgp-signaling) and ../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id)) and ../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; description "List of SSM mapping configurations."; list ssm-mapping-group { must "not(../../global/ssm-mapping-policy)"; must "not(/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:instances/ims:instance/ims:user-instance-vsis/ims:user-instance-vsi[ims:vsi-name=current()/../../../../l2vpn:name])"; key "group-address mask-length source-address"; max-elements 128; description "Configure groups for which a device can immediately forward multicast data after receiving IGMP report messages."; leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Address of a multicast group."; } leaf mask-length { type uint32 { range "4..32"; } description "Mask length of a group address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '([1-9]|[1-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-68-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source IPv4 address."; } } // list ssm-mapping-group } // container ssm-mapping-groups } // container igmp-snooping container mld-snooping { description "Configure Layer 2 multicast MLD snooping in the VSI."; container global { when "/mc:multicast/ims:mld-snooping/ims:global-enable and ../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id and ../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; description "Configure Layer 2 multicast in the VSI."; leaf ssm-policy-acl { type leafref { path "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6/acl:identity"; } must "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic'"; description "SSM group range policy."; } leaf version { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } default "2"; description "Layer 2 multicast version on an interface."; } leaf ssm-mapping-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable SSM mapping."; } leaf ssm-mapping-policy { when "../ssm-mapping-enable='true'"; type string { length "1..31"; } must "not(../../ssm-mapping-groups/ssm-mapping-group)"; description "Configure a policy for SSM mapping."; } leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast snooping in the VSI."; } leaf group-policy-acl { type leafref { path "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6/acl:identity"; } must "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'"; description "Layer 2 multicast group policy."; } leaf group-policy-version { when "../group-policy-acl"; type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "A group policy applies only to a specified layer 2 multicast version."; } leaf max-response-time { type uint32 { range "1..25"; } units "s"; default "10"; description "Maximum response time for a Layer 2 multicast Query message. This time is used to control the deadline for user hosts to send Report messages."; } leaf immediately-leave { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable prompt-leave. Prompt-Leave allows an interface to immediately delete a group record after receiving a Leave message for this group, without sending a last-member query message."; } leaf immediately-leave-acl { when "../immediately-leave='true'"; type leafref { path "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6/acl:identity"; } must "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'"; description "ACL used to control the applicable range of layer 2 multicast prompt-leave."; } leaf proxy-enable { type boolean; must "../proxy-enable='false' or (../querier-enable='false' and ../report-suppress='false' and ../packet-encapsulation-raw='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast snooping proxy."; } leaf multicast-group-model { type snooping-mode; default "asm-ssm"; description "Layer 2 multicast group join mode."; } leaf ip-policy-acl { type leafref { path "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6/acl:identity"; } must "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'"; description "IP filter policy."; } leaf query-ip-policy-acl { type leafref { path "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6/acl:identity"; } must "/acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:group6s/acl:group6[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'"; description "Querier IP policy."; } leaf querier-election { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast querier election."; } leaf proxy-router-protocol-pass { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 multicast snooping proxy-enabled device to transparently transmit Layer 2 multicast Report messages."; } leaf querier-enable { type boolean; must "../querier-enable='false' or (../proxy-enable='false' and ../packet-encapsulation-raw='false')"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 multicast querier."; } leaf query-interval { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } units "s"; default "125"; description "Interval at which a device sends General Query messages."; } leaf require-router-alert { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to permit only Layer 2 multicast messages that contain the Router-Alert option in the IP header."; } leaf send-router-alert { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable a device to permit only Layer 2 multicast messages that contain the Router-Alert option in the IP header."; } leaf robustness { type uint32 { range "2..5"; } default "2"; description "Number of times for retransmitting a message to avoid packet loss."; } leaf router-aging-time { type uint32 { range "1..1000"; } units "s"; default "180"; description "Aging time of dynamic router ports. The aging time of a dynamic router port is default value or equals to the holdtime value contained in a PIM Hello packet."; } leaf router-port-learning { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable dynamic router port learning."; } leaf last-member-query-interval { type uint32 { range "1..5"; } units "s"; default "1"; description "Interval at which a last-member query message is sent."; } leaf static-group-suppress-dynamic-join { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 device from sending Layer 2 multicast Report and Leave messages of a group that has been configured as a static group on the upstream device."; } leaf report-suppress { type boolean; must "../report-suppress='false' or ../proxy-enable='false'"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of suppressing Layer 2 multicast Report messages."; } leaf source-life-time { type uint32 { range "60..1000"; } units "s"; default "210"; description "Aging time for entries triggered by multicast flows."; } leaf packet-encapsulation-raw { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to reserve the original tag and add a new tag to the IGMP Report packets when the packets are forwarded from L2VE sub-interface to L3VE QinQ termination sub-interface."; } } // container global container static-router-port { description "Configure static router ports."; container ldp-pws { when "/mc:multicast/ims:mld-snooping/ims:global-enable and ../../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id and ../../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; description "List of router ports for VSIs."; list ldp-pw { key "remote-peer negotiation-vc-id"; description "Configure a router port for a VSI."; leaf remote-peer { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the peer end."; } leaf negotiation-vc-id { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Negotiation VC ID."; } } // list ldp-pw } // container ldp-pws } // container static-router-port container ssm-mapping-groups { when "/mc:multicast/ims:mld-snooping/ims:global-enable and ../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id and ../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; description "List of SSM mapping configurations."; list ssm-mapping-group { must "not(../../global/ssm-mapping-policy)"; must "not(/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:instances/ims:instance[ims:vsi-name=current()/../../../../l2vpn:name])"; must "not(/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:instances/ims:instance/ims:user-instance-vsis/ims:user-instance-vsi[ims:vsi-name=current()/../../../../l2vpn:name])"; key "group-address mask-length source-address"; max-elements 128; description "Configure groups for which a device can immediately forward multicast data after receiving IGMP report messages."; leaf group-address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone { pattern '[Ff]{2}[0-9A-Fa-f][03-9a-fA-F].+'; } description "Address of a multicast group."; } leaf mask-length { type uint32 { range "16 | 32 | 64 | 128"; } description "Mask length of a group address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source IPv6 address. Value restrictions: The value cannot be any of the following: All 0s: 0::0, Loopback address: 0::1, Multicast address: ff00::0/8, Link-local address: fe80::0/10, In the format of ::x.x.x.x, class A addresses do not contain network segments 0 and 127. Class A, B, and C addresses cannot be network numbers or broadcast numbers."; } } // list ssm-mapping-group } // container ssm-mapping-groups } // container mld-snooping } augment /vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan { description "Adds configuration to the VLAN module."; container igmp-snooping { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; description "Configure Layer 2 multicast in the VLAN."; container global { must "proxy-enable='false' or (querier-enable='false' and report-suppress='false')"; must "(../../vlan:type='common') or (../../vlan:type='super' and ( proxy-enable='false' or (not (/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:super-vlan=current()/../../vlan:id]/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:querier-enable='true') and not (/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:super-vlan=current()/../../vlan:id]/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:report-suppress='true')))) or (../../vlan:type='sub' and (proxy-enable='false' or (not (/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:id=current()/../../vlan:super-vlan]/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:querier-enable='true') and not(/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:id=current()/../../vlan:super-vlan]/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:report-suppress='true') and not(/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:super-vlan=current()/../../vlan:super-vlan]/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:querier-enable='true') and not(/vlan:vlan/vlan:vlans/vlan:vlan[vlan:super-vlan=current()/../../vlan:super-vlan]/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:report-suppress='true'))))"; description "Configure Layer 2 multicast in the VLAN."; leaf ssm-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic'))"; description "SSM group range policy."; } leaf version { type uint32 { range "1..3"; } default "2"; description "Layer 2 multicast version on an interface."; } leaf ssm-mapping-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable SSM mapping."; } leaf ssm-mapping-policy { when "../ssm-mapping-enable='true'"; type string { length "1..31"; } must "not(../../ssm-mapping-groups/ssm-mapping-group)"; description "Configure a policy for SSM mapping."; } leaf report-suppress { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of suppressing report messages."; } leaf static-group-suppress-dynamic-join { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 device from sending Layer 2 multicast report and leave messages of a group that has been configured as a static group on the upstream device."; } leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast snooping in the VLAN."; } leaf group-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "Configure a policy for filtering multicast groups on an interface to control the range of multicast groups that hosts can join."; } leaf group-policy-version { when "../group-policy-acl"; type uint32 { range "1..3"; } description "A group policy applies only to a specified Layer 2 multicast version."; } leaf max-response-time { type uint32 { range "1..25"; } units "s"; default "10"; description "Maximum response time for a Layer 2 multicast Query message. This time is used to control the deadline for user hosts to send report messages."; } leaf immediately-leave { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable prompt-leave. Prompt-Leave allows an interface to immediately delete a group record after receiving a leave message for this group, without sending a last-member query message."; } leaf immediately-leave-acl { when "../immediately-leave='true'"; type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "ACL used to control the applicable range of Layer 2 multicast prompt-leave."; } leaf proxy-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast snooping proxy."; } leaf multicast-group-model { type snooping-mode; default "asm-ssm"; description "Layer 2 multicast group join mode."; } leaf ip-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "IP filter policy."; } leaf query-ip-policy-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "Querier IP policy."; } leaf querier-election { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable Layer 2 multicast querier election."; } leaf proxy-router-protocol-pass { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 multicast snooping proxy-enabled device to transparently transmit Layer 2 multicast report messages."; } leaf querier-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a Layer 2 multicast querier."; } leaf query-interval { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } units "s"; default "60"; description "Interval at which a device sends general query messages."; } leaf require-router-alert { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to permit only Layer 2 multicast messages that contain the router-alert option in the IP header."; } leaf send-router-alert { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable a device to send Layer 2 multicast router alert."; } leaf robustness { type uint32 { range "2..5"; } default "2"; description "Number of times for retransmitting a message to avoid packet loss."; } leaf last-member-query-interval { type uint32 { range "1..5"; } units "s"; default "1"; description "Interval at which a last-member query message is sent."; } leaf router-aging-time { type uint32 { range "1..1000"; } units "s"; default "180"; description "Aging time of dynamic router ports. The aging time of a dynamic router port is default value or equals to the holdtime value contained in a PIM hello packet."; } leaf router-port-learning { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable dynamic router port learning."; } leaf source-life-time { type uint32 { range "60..1000"; } units "s"; default "210"; description "Aging time for entries triggered by multicast flows."; } leaf pim-forward-to-router-port-only { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable PIM messages forwarding to router port only."; } leaf send-query-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(12[0-6]|1[0-1]\d|[1-9]\d|[1-9])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}|(12[8-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Source IP address for Layer 2 multicast General Query messages."; } } // container global container multicast-vlan { must "../global/enable='true'"; must "../../vlan:type='common'"; must "not (/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:instances/ims:instance[ims:vlan-id=current()/../../vlan:id])"; presence "Enable multicast VLAN."; description "Configure multicast VLAN."; leaf user-vlans { type pub-type:vlan-range; description "User VLAN of the multicast VLAN."; } leaf querier-election-user-vlans { when "../user-vlans"; type pub-type:vlan-range; description "Enable the querier election function in user VLANs."; } leaf send-query-prune-source-port { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a multicast VLAN from sending General Query messages back through the source interface in the user VLAN."; } } // container multicast-vlan container ssm-mapping-groups { description "List of SSM mapping configurations."; list ssm-mapping-group { must "not(../../global/ssm-mapping-policy)"; key "group-address mask-length source-address"; max-elements 128; description "Configure SSM mapping of a VLAN."; leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '(22[4-9]|23\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Address of a multicast group."; } leaf mask-length { type uint32 { range "4..32"; } description "Mask length of a group address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone { pattern '([1-9]|[1-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-68-9]|1[3-9]\d|2[0-1]\d|22[0-3])(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}'; } description "Multicast source IPv4 address."; } } // list ssm-mapping-group } // container ssm-mapping-groups uses display-vlan-port-info; } // container igmp-snooping container mld-snooping { when "/mc:multicast/ims:mld-snooping/ims:global-enable"; description "Configure Layer 2 multicast configurations in the VLAN."; container ssm-mapping-groups { description "List of SSM mapping configurations."; list ssm-mapping-group { must "not(/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:instances/ims:instance[ims:vlan-id=current()/../../../vlan:id])"; key "group-address mask-length source-address"; max-elements 128; description "Configure SSM mapping of a VLAN."; leaf group-address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone { pattern '[Ff]{2}[0-9A-Fa-f][03-9a-fA-F].+'; } description "Address of a multicast group."; } leaf mask-length { type uint32 { range "16 | 32 | 64 | 128"; } description "Mask length of a group address."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; description "Multicast source IPv6 address. Value restrictions: The value cannot be any of the following: All 0s: 0::0, Loopback address: 0::1, Multicast address: ff00::0/8, Link-local address: fe80::0/10, In the format of ::x.x.x.x, class A addresses do not contain network segments 0 and 127. Class A, B, and C addresses cannot be network numbers or broadcast numbers."; } } // list ssm-mapping-group } // container ssm-mapping-groups } // container mld-snooping } augment /l2vpn:l2vpn/l2vpn:instances/l2vpn:instance/l2vpn:vpls/l2vpn:acs/l2vpn:ac { description "Adds configuration to the L2VPN module."; container igmp-snooping { description "Configure IGMP-snooping on VPLS AC interface."; container static-router-port { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable and ((../../../../l2vpn:bgp-signaling and not(../../../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling)) or ../../../../l2vpn:bgp-multi-homing-signaling or (../../../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling and ../../../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:leaf and not(../../../../l2vpn:ipmsi/l2vpn:root)) or (not(../../../../l2vpn:bgpad-signaling) and not(../../../../l2vpn:bgp-signaling) and ../../../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id)) and ../../../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-termination)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-stacking)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-mapping)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:vlan-type-policy/ethernet:policy-type='8021p')"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q-termination/ethernet:dot1q-vlans-policy/ethernet:policy-vlans/ethernet:policy-vlan[ethernet:policy-type='8021p'])"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q-termination/ethernet:dot1q-vlans-policy/ethernet:policy-vlan-groups/ethernet:policy-vlan-group[ethernet:policy-type='8021p'])"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:untag-policy)"; must "not(/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:instances/ims:instance/ims:user-instance-vsis/ims:user-instance-vsi[ims:vsi-name=current()/../../../../../l2vpn:name])"; presence "static-router-port."; description "Configure static router port."; } // container static-router-port container backup-report-forward { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ifm:type='Eth-Trunk'"; must "not (/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-stacking)"; must "not (/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-mapping)"; presence "backup-report-forward."; description "Configure backup interfaces that forward report to router port."; } // container backup-report-forward container proxy-uplink-port { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; must "(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:vlan-type-dot1q[ethernet:vlan-type-vid=current()/pe-vid] and not(./ce-vid)) or (/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ifm:class='main-interface' and not(./pe-vid) and not(./ce-vid)) or (/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q-termination and ./pe-vid and not(./ce-vid)) or (/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-termination/ethernet:qinq-vids/ethernet:qinq-vid[ethernet:pe-vlan-begin<=current()/pe-vid][ethernet:pe-vlan-end>=current()/pe-vid] and /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-termination/ethernet:qinq-vids/ethernet:qinq-vid[ethernet:ce-vlan-begin<=current()/ce-vid][ethernet:ce-vlan-end>=current()/ce-vid])"; must "(../../../../ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:proxy-enable='true') or (../../../../ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global/ims:querier-enable='true')"; must "not (../../../../ims:igmp-snooping/ims:proxy-uplink-port)"; presence "proxy-uplink-port."; description "Configure a proxy uplink port."; leaf pe-vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Outer VLAN ID."; } leaf ce-vid { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Inner VLAN ID."; } } // container proxy-uplink-port container limit-max-entry { description "Configure Layer 2 multicast entry limit of an AC interface."; leaf config-entry { type uint32 { range "1..16384"; } must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ifm:type!='Vlanif'"; must "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ifm:type!='IMEth'"; description "Maximum number of entries that can be generated. VLANIF or IMETH interface does not support."; } leaf except-acl { when "../config-entry"; type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "ACL used to prevent groups from being counted against the multicast group number limit. A basic ACL filters both (*, G) and (S, G) multicast entries, while an advanced ACL filters only (S, G) multicast entries."; } leaf current-entry { type uint32 { range "0..16384"; } config false; description "Current entry statistics."; } } // container limit-max-entry } // container igmp-snooping container mld-snooping { description "Configure MLD-snooping on VPLS AC interface."; container static-router-port { when "/mc:multicast/ims:mld-snooping/ims:global-enable and ../../../../l2vpn:ldp-signaling/l2vpn:vsi-id and ../../../../l2vpn:work-mode='normal'"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-termination)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-stacking)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:qinq-mapping)"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:vlan-type-policy/ethernet:policy-type='8021p')"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q-termination/ethernet:dot1q-vlans-policy/ethernet:policy-vlans/ethernet:policy-vlan[ethernet:policy-type='8021p'])"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:dot1q-termination/ethernet:dot1q-vlans-policy/ethernet:policy-vlan-groups/ethernet:policy-vlan-group[ethernet:policy-type='8021p'])"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface[ifm:name=current()/../../l2vpn:interface-name]/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:l3-sub-interface/ethernet:untag-policy)"; must "not(/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:instances/ims:instance/ims:user-instance-vsis/ims:user-instance-vsi[ims:vsi-name=current()/../../../../../l2vpn:name])"; presence "static-router-port."; description "Configure static router port."; } // container static-router-port } // container mld-snooping } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface { description "Adds configuration to the ifm module."; container igmp-snooping { description "Configure Layer 2 multicast in the VLAN interface."; leaf learning-disable-vlans { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; type pub-type:vlan-range; description "Whether dynamic entry learning is enabled on an interface."; } leaf static-router-port-vlans { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; type pub-type:vlan-range; description "List of VLANs for static router ports."; } leaf limit-max-entry { type uint32 { range "1..16384"; } description "Maximum number of entries that can be generated."; } leaf except-acl { when "../limit-max-entry>0"; type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "ACL used to prevent groups from being counted against the multicast group number limit. A basic ACL filters both (*, G) and (S, G) multicast entries, while an advanced ACL filters only (S, G) multicast entries."; } container proxy-uplink-ports { when "/mc:multicast/ims:igmp-snooping/ims:global-enable"; description "List of layer 2 multicast proxy uplink ports. layer 2 multicast Query messages cannot be sent to such ports to prevent layer 2 multicast querier reelection."; list proxy-uplink-port { must "../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:main-interface/ethernet:l2-attribute"; key "vlan-id"; description "Configure Layer 2 multicast proxy uplink port."; leaf vlan-id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "ID of a virtual local area network."; } } // list proxy-uplink-port } // container proxy-uplink-ports container number-limits { description "List of limit configurations of interfaces."; list number-limit { must "vlan-id-end>=vlan-id-begin"; must "../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:main-interface/ethernet:l2-attribute"; key "limit-max-entry vlan-id-begin vlan-id-end"; description "Configure limit of an interface. The newly configured VLAN tag range may be combined with the existing VLAN tag range."; leaf limit-max-entry { type uint32 { range "1..16384"; } description "Maximum number of entries that can be generated."; } leaf vlan-id-begin { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "Begin VLAN ID in batch configuration."; } leaf vlan-id-end { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "End VLAN ID in batch configuration."; } leaf except-acl { type acl:acl4-identity; must "(/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:number=number(current())]/acl:type='advance')) or (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()] and (/acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='basic' or /acl:acl/acl:groups/acl:group[acl:identity=current()]/acl:type='advance'))"; description "ACL used to prevent groups from being counted against the multicast group number limit. A basic ACL filters both (*, G) and (S, G) multicast entries, while an advanced ACL filters only (S, G) multicast entries."; } } // list number-limit } // container number-limits } // container igmp-snooping container mld-snooping { description "Configure Layer 2 multicast in the VLAN interface."; leaf learning-disable-vlans { when "/mc:multicast/ims:mld-snooping/ims:global-enable"; type pub-type:vlan-range; description "Whether dynamic entry learning is enabled on an interface."; } leaf static-router-port-vlans { when "/mc:multicast/ims:mld-snooping/ims:global-enable"; type pub-type:vlan-range; description "List of VLANs for static router ports."; } container proxy-uplink-ports { when "/mc:multicast/ims:mld-snooping/ims:global-enable"; description "List of Layer 2 multicast proxy uplink ports. Layer 2 multicast Query messages cannot be sent to such ports to prevent layer 2 multicast querier reelection."; list proxy-uplink-port { must "../../../ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:main-interface/ethernet:l2-attribute"; key "vlan-id"; description "Configure Layer 2 multicast proxy uplink port."; leaf vlan-id { type uint32 { range "1..4094"; } description "ID of a virtual local area network."; } } // list proxy-uplink-port } // container proxy-uplink-ports } // container mld-snooping } augment /evpn:evpn/evpn:instances/evpn:instance { description "EVPN multicast routes."; container smet-routes { config false; description "List of SMET routes."; list smet-route { key "rd prefix from route-type-flag"; config false; description "Statistics of SMET routes."; leaf rd { type string { length "3..21"; } description "Route distinguisher."; } leaf prefix { type smet-prefix; description "Prefix of SMET route."; } leaf from { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Source peer that sends a route."; } leaf route-type-flag { type evpn:best-flag-type; description "Route type."; } uses display-evpn-routing-table; } // list smet-route } // container smet-routes container join-routes { config false; description "List of IGMP Join Synch routes."; list join-route { key "rd prefix from route-type-flag"; config false; description "Statistics of IGMP Join Synch routes."; leaf rd { type string { length "3..21"; } description "Route distinguisher."; } leaf prefix { type join-prefix; description "Prefix of IGMP Join Synch route."; } leaf from { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Source peer that sends a route."; } leaf route-type-flag { type evpn:best-flag-type; description "Route type."; } uses display-evpn-routing-table; } // list join-route } // container join-routes } } // module huawei-igmp-mld-snooping
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