Flowspec type.
Version: 2020-03-23
submodule huawei-flowspec-type { yang-version 1; belongs-to huawei-flowspec { prefix flowspec; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com"; description "Flowspec type."; revision "2020-03-23" { description "Add fragment-operator-type, Modify flow-match-operator-type, operator-type and match-port-type."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-05-08" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } typedef af-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4flow" { value 7; description "IPv4flow."; } enum "ipv6flow" { value 15; description "IPv6flow."; } } description "The type of flow route address family."; } typedef operator-type { type enumeration { enum "less-than" { value 1; description "Less than."; } enum "equal" { value 2; description "Equal."; } enum "greater-than" { value 3; description "Greater than."; } } description "Operator."; } typedef match-fragment-type { type enumeration { enum "fragment" { value 1; description "Check fragments."; } enum "fragment-spe-first" { value 2; description "Check the first fragment."; } enum "non-fragment" { value 3; description "Check unfragmented packets."; } } description "Fragment type name."; } typedef match-port-type { type enumeration { enum "match-dest-port" { value 5; description "Match the destination port."; } enum "match-source-port" { value 6; description "Match the source port."; } } description "Port type."; } typedef match-origin-as-type { type enumeration { enum "match-dest-origin-as" { value 201; description "Specify an origin-AS rule for the destination IP."; } } description "Origin-AS type."; } typedef as-number-type { type string { length "1..11"; pattern '((([1-9]\d{0,8})|([1-3]\d{9})|(4[0-1]\d{8})|(42[0-8]\d{7})|(429[0-3]\d{6})|(4294[0-8]\d{5})|(42949[0-5]\d{4})|(429496[0-6]\d{3})|(4294967[0-1]\d{2})|(42949672[0-8]\d{1})|(429496729[0-5]))|((([1-9]\d{0,3})|([1-5]\d{4})|(6[0-4]\d{3})|(65[0-4]\d{2})|(655[0-2]\d)|(6553[0-5]))[\.](([0-9]\d{0,3})|([1-5]\d{4})|(6[0-4]\d{3})|(65[0-4]\d{2})|(655[0-2]\d)|(6553[0-5]))))'; } description "AS number in asplain format or in asdot format."; } typedef flow-match-operator-type { type enumeration { enum "match" { value 1; description "Match operator."; } enum "not" { value 2; description "Not operator."; } enum "any-match" { value 3; description "Any-match operator."; } } description "Match operator type."; } typedef fragment-operator-type { type enumeration { enum "match" { value 1; description "Match operator."; } enum "not" { value 2; description "Not operator."; } } description "Fragment operator type."; } } // submodule huawei-flowspec-type
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