Common interface management, which includes the public configuration of interfaces.
Version: 2020-03-23
module huawei-fim-ifm { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-fim-ifm"; prefix fim-ifm; import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-ethernet { prefix ethernet; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Common interface management, which includes the public configuration of interfaces."; reference "Huawei private."; revision "2020-03-23" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "forwarding"; typedef enable-type { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 0; description "Disable."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Enable."; } } description "Enable type."; } typedef statistic-mode-type { type enumeration { enum "forward" { value 1; description "Forward mode statistics."; } enum "mac" { value 0; description "MAC mode statistics."; } } description "Ip Statistic Mode Type."; } typedef ve-mode-type { type enumeration { enum "through" { value 1; description "Software loopback."; } enum "loopback" { value 0; description "Hardware loopback."; } enum "half-through" { value 3; description "Software switch hardware loopback."; } } description "VE Forward Mode Type."; } typedef ve-interface-type { type enumeration { enum "L2VE" { value 1; description "Layer 2 Terminate Virtual-Ethernet interface."; } enum "L3VE" { value 2; description "Layer 3 Access Virtual-Ethernet interface."; } enum "terminate-ve" { value 7; description "Layer 3 Terminate Virtual-Ethernet interface."; } } description "VE Interface Type."; } typedef local-forward-type { type enumeration { enum "unicast" { value 1; description "Unicast Local Forward."; } } description "Trunk Local Forward Type."; } typedef reset-ipversion-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 1; description "IPv4 reset."; } enum "ipv6" { value 2; description "IPv6 reset."; } } description "Reset IP vertion type."; } typedef reset-dispcard-type { type enumeration { enum "mac" { value 1; description "MAC reset."; } enum "mtu" { value 2; description "MTU reset."; } } description "Reset discard vertion type."; } rpc rst-macmtu-intf { ext:node-ref "/ifm/interfaces/interface"; description "Clear MAC and MTU error statistics."; input { leaf interface-name { type string { length "1..63"; } mandatory true; description "Interface name."; } leaf discard-type { type reset-dispcard-type; description "Configure the discard type."; } leaf ip-version { type reset-ipversion-type; description "Configure the discard IP version."; } } } // rpc rst-macmtu-intf rpc rst-macmtu-slot { ext:node-ref "/ifm/interfaces/interface"; description "Clear MAC&MTU error statistics."; input { leaf board-position { type string { length "1..32"; } mandatory true; description "Board position."; } leaf discard-type { type reset-dispcard-type; description "Configure the discard type."; } leaf ip-version { type reset-ipversion-type; description "Configure the discard IP version."; } } } // rpc rst-macmtu-slot rpc rst-mru-discard { ext:node-ref "/ifm/interfaces/interface"; description "Clear interface MRU discard statistics."; input { leaf interface-name { type string { length "1..63"; } mandatory true; description "Interface name of clear interface MRU discard statistics."; } } } // rpc rst-mru-discard augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface { description "Interface forward configuration to the interface management module."; container fim { description "Configure the function of statistic to main interface."; leaf statistic-enable { when "../../ifm:class='main-interface' and ../../ifm:type!='Virtual-Ethernet' and ../../ifm:type!='Tunnel' and ../../ifm:type!='NULL' and ../../ifm:type!='LoopBack' and ../../ifm:type!='Global-VE' and ../../ifm:type!='Nve' and ../../ifm:type!='Vlanif' and ../../ifm:type!='PW-VE' and ../../ifm:type!='Vbdif' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-200GE' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-50G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-100G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-10G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-400G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-50|100G'"; type enable-type; default "disable"; description "Enable the function of traffic statistics."; } leaf statistic-mode { when "not(../../ifm:type='Tunnel' or ../../ifm:type='NULL' or ../../ifm:type='LoopBack' or ../../ifm:type='Nve' or ((../../ifm:type='PW-VE' or ../../ifm:type='Global-VE' or ../../ifm:type='Virtual-Ethernet') and (../../ifm:class='main-interface')) or ../../ifm:type='FlexE-200GE' or ../../ifm:type='FlexE-50G' or ../../ifm:type='FlexE-100G' or ../../ifm:type='FlexE-10G' or ../../ifm:type='FlexE-400G' or ../../ifm:type='FlexE-50|100G')"; type statistic-mode-type; default "mac"; description "Configure the traffic statistics mode."; } leaf mac-statistic-enable { when "../../ifm:class='main-interface' and ../../ifm:type!='Virtual-Ethernet' and ../../ifm:type!='Tunnel' and ../../ifm:type!='NULL' and ../../ifm:type!='LoopBack' and ../../ifm:type!='Global-VE' and ../../ifm:type!='Nve' and ../../ifm:type!='Vbdif' and ../../ifm:type!='Vlanif' and ../../ifm:type!='PW-VE' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-200GE' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-50G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-100G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-10G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-400G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-50|100G'"; type enable-type; default "disable"; description "Enable the function of bit per seconds (bps) statistics."; } } // container fim container fim-ifm-mru { description "Configure the maximum receive unit."; leaf mru { when "../../ifm:type!='Virtual-Ethernet' and ../../ifm:type!='Tunnel' and ../../ifm:type!='NULL' and ../../ifm:type!='LoopBack' and ../../ifm:type!='Global-VE' and ../../ifm:type!='Nve' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-200GE' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-50G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-100G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-10G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-400G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-50|100G'"; type uint16 { range "46..9600"; } units "Byte"; must "not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/fim-ifm:fim-tcp-mss/fim-ifm:tcp-mss)"; description "Maximum receive unit of an interface."; } leaf mru-statistic-enable { when "../mru"; type enable-type; default "disable"; description "Enable discard statistics of maximum receive unit of an interface."; } } // container fim-ifm-mru container fim-tcp-mss { description "Configure Tcp mss."; leaf tcp-mss { when "../../ifm:type!='Virtual-Ethernet' and ../../ifm:type!='Tunnel' and ../../ifm:type!='NULL' and ../../ifm:type!='LoopBack' and ../../ifm:type!='Global-VE' and ../../ifm:type!='Nve' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-200GE' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-50G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-100G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-10G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-400G' and ../../ifm:type!='FlexE-50|100G'"; type uint16 { range "32..9500"; } units "Byte"; must "(not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ethernet:ethernet/ethernet:main-interface/ethernet:l2-attribute) or not(../tcp-mss)) and not(/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/fim-ifm:fim-ifm-mru/fim-ifm:mru)"; description "Maxitum Segment Size of an interface."; } } // container fim-tcp-mss container fim-ifm-bdifint { when "../ifm:type='Vbdif'"; description "Configure forward configurations to VBDIF interface."; leaf vbdif-loopback-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the VBDIF loopback forward mode."; } } // container fim-ifm-bdifint container fim-ifm-veint { description "Configure Virtual-Ethernet interface information."; leaf ve-forward-mode { when "(../../ifm:type='Virtual-Ethernet' and ../../fim-ifm:ve-group/fim-ifm:type='L2VE') or (../../ifm:type='Global-VE' and ../../fim-ifm:ve-group/fim-ifm:type='L2VE')"; type ve-mode-type; default "loopback"; description "Virtual-Ethernet forward mode type."; } leaf ve-slot-id { when "../../ifm:type='Global-VE' and ../../fim-ifm:ve-group/fim-ifm:type='L2VE'"; type string { length "1..512"; } description "Remove boards from a global VE interface."; } } // container fim-ifm-veint container ve-group { when "../ifm:type='Virtual-Ethernet' or ../ifm:type='Global-VE'"; presence "configure ve-group."; description "Enable/disable a Virtual-Ethernet Group."; leaf type { ext:operation-exclude "update" { description "The node cannot be modified when ve-group is configured."; } type ve-interface-type; mandatory true; description "Virtual-Ethernet interface type."; } leaf id { ext:operation-exclude "update" { description "The node cannot be modified when ve-group is configured."; } type uint32 { range "1..8192"; } mandatory true; description "Virtual-Ethernet group ID."; } } // container ve-group container mru-discard-statistic { config false; description "Statistics of maximum receive unit of an interface."; leaf packet { type uint64; description "Display the packets of discarded statistics of maximum receive unit of an interface."; } leaf byte { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Display the bytes of discarded statistics of maximum receive unit of an interface."; } } // container mru-discard-statistic container macmtu-discard-stat { config false; description "MAC&MTU error statistics."; leaf mtu-ipv4 { type uint64; description "IPv4 MTU error statistics."; } leaf mtu-ipv6 { type uint64; description "IPv6 MTU error statistics."; } leaf mac-ipv4 { type uint64; default "0"; description "IPv4 MAC error statistics."; } leaf mac-ipv6 { type uint64; description "IPv6 MAC error statistics."; } } // container macmtu-discard-stat } augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:global { description "Global configuration to the interface management module."; container fim-ifm-global { description "Configure FIM global configurations."; leaf global-strict-filter { type enable-type; default "disable"; description "Global filter enable status."; } leaf dual-stat-enable { type enable-type; default "disable"; description "Set forward mode statistic for all interfaces."; } leaf trunk-delaysend-time { type uint32 { range "1000..300000"; } units "ms"; default "1500"; description "Configure the delay time for an ETH-Trunk interface to join a member interface in a unicast scenario."; } leaf trunk-adjust-enable { type enable-type; default "disable"; description "Enable the function of trunk load-blance dynamic-adjust."; } leaf qinq-transport-enable { type enable-type; default "disable"; description "Configures Ethernet interfaces to retain the outer TPID EtherType value in received QinQ packets."; } } // container fim-ifm-global container fim-trunk-localfwd { description "Configure the function of trunk local forward."; leaf enable { type enable-type; default "disable"; description "Trunk Local Forward enable status."; } } // container fim-trunk-localfwd container ve-groups { config false; description "List of the relation of Virtual-Ethernet and ve-group."; list ve-group { key "ve-group-id slot-id"; description "Operational state of the relation of Virtual-Ethernet and ve-group."; leaf ve-group-id { type uint32; description "VE-group id."; } leaf slot-id { type string { length "1..24"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf l2-ve-ifname { type pub-type:if-name; description "Terminate Virtual-Ethernet interface."; } leaf l3-ve-ifname { type pub-type:if-name; description "Access Virtual-Ethernet interface."; } } // list ve-group } // container ve-groups } } // module huawei-fim-ifm
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