Evpn ext configuration.
Version: 2020-03-06
module huawei-evpn-ext { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-evpn-ext"; prefix evpn-ext; import huawei-evpn { prefix evpn; } import huawei-license { prefix lcs; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } import huawei-pic { prefix pic; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email: support@huawei.com"; description "Evpn ext configuration."; revision "2020-03-06" { description "Add pipe type."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-01-13" { description "Modify description."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-10-26" { description "Add container."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-04-23" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "forwarding"; typedef lcs-active-type { type enumeration { enum "deactive" { value 0; description "Specify the license active type as deactivate."; } enum "active" { value 1; description "Specify the license active type as activate."; } } description "License active type."; } typedef lcs-active-status-type { type enumeration { enum "unallocated" { value 0; description "Specify the license active status as unallocated."; } enum "allocated" { value 1; description "Specify the license active status as allocated."; } enum "activated" { value 2; description "Specify the license active status as ctivated."; } } description "License active status type."; } typedef evpn-pipe-mode { type enumeration { enum "pipe" { value 1; description "Evpn pipe mode."; } enum "shortpipe" { value 2; description "Evpn Short Pipe mode."; } enum "uniform" { value 3; description "Evpn uniform mode."; } } description "Evpn pipe mode."; } typedef evpn-service-class { type enumeration { enum "be" { value 0; description "Specify the CoS as BE."; } enum "af1" { value 1; description "Specify the CoS as AF1."; } enum "af2" { value 2; description "Specify the CoS as AF2."; } enum "af3" { value 3; description "Specify the CoS as AF3."; } enum "af4" { value 4; description "Specify the CoS as AF4."; } enum "ef" { value 5; description "Specify the CoS as EF."; } enum "cs6" { value 6; description "Specify the CoS as CS6."; } enum "cs7" { value 7; description "Specify the CoS as CS7."; } } description "Description of CoS."; } typedef evpn-color { type enumeration { enum "green" { value 0; description "Specify the packet color as green."; } enum "yellow" { value 1; description "Specify the packet color as yellow."; } enum "red" { value 2; description "Specify the packet color as red."; } } description "Description of packet color."; } typedef evpn-trust-type { type enumeration { enum "outpri" { value 0; description "Specify the trust type as OUTTER-VLAN-8021P."; } enum "inpri" { value 1; description "Specify the trust type as INNER-VLAN-8021P."; } enum "ipdscp" { value 2; description "Specify the trust type as IP-DSCP."; } } description "Description of trust type."; } augment /evpn:evpn { description "EVPN configuration."; container system { description "Configure the system configuration of evpn."; container port-select { description "Configure the port selection abort EVPN accessing VLL."; leaf flag { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the coupling flag in the EVPN-accessing-VLL direction."; } } // container port-select container self-board { description "Configure evpn reserve-interface enhancement."; leaf flag { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the flag to use the internal GRE reserved interfaces to implement public-network-and-private-network decoupling in the BUM forwarding process."; } } // container self-board container evpn-udp-port { description "Configure the UDP port."; leaf port-id { type uint32 { range "1025..65535"; } description "Specifies a port number for a UDP interface."; } } // container evpn-udp-port } // container system } augment /evpn:evpn/evpn:instances/evpn:instance/evpn:normal-evpn { description "Normal evpn pipe configuration."; container pipe { description "Configure the diffserv mode of evpn."; leaf split-mode { type boolean; must "((../split-mode='false' and not(../ingress-pipe-mode) and not(../egress-pipe-mode) and ../pipe-mode) or (../split-mode='true' and not(../pipe-mode) and ../ingress-pipe-mode and ../egress-pipe-mode and not(../ingress-pipe-mode='uniform' and ../egress-pipe-mode='uniform')))"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable split mode."; } leaf pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='false'"; type evpn-pipe-mode; must "(../split-mode='false') and ((../pipe-mode='pipe' and (../service-class) and (../color)) or (../pipe-mode='shortpipe' and (../service-class) and (../color) and (../domain-name)) or (../pipe-mode='uniform'))"; default "uniform"; description "Specify the pipe mode."; } leaf ingress-pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='true'"; type evpn-pipe-mode; must "((../split-mode='true') and (((../service-class) and (../color) and (../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe')) or (../ingress-pipe-mode='uniform' and ../egress-pipe-mode!='uniform')))"; default "uniform"; description "Specify the ingress pipe mode."; } leaf egress-pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='true'"; type evpn-pipe-mode; must "((../split-mode='true') and (((../domain-name) and (../trust-type) and (../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')) or (../egress-pipe-mode='pipe') or (../egress-pipe-mode='uniform' and ../ingress-pipe-mode!='uniform')))"; default "uniform"; description "Specify the egress pipe mode."; } leaf service-class { when "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type evpn-service-class; must "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; default "be"; description "Specify the CoS."; } leaf color { when "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type evpn-color; must "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; default "green"; description "Specify the color of packets."; } leaf domain-name { when "(../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:diffserv-domains/qos:diffserv-domain/qos:name"; } must "(../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; default "default"; description "DS domain name."; } leaf trust-type { when "../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe'"; type evpn-trust-type; must "../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe'"; default "outpri"; description "Specify the trust type."; } } // container pipe container reserve-if-switch { description "Configure EVPN broadcast fast switching."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the flag of EVPN broadcast fast switching."; } } // container reserve-if-switch } augment /evpn:evpn/evpn:instances/evpn:instance/evpn:bd-evpn { description "BD evpn pipe configuration."; container pipe { description "Configure the diffserv mode of evpn."; leaf split-mode { type boolean; must "((../split-mode='false' and not(../ingress-pipe-mode) and not(../egress-pipe-mode) and ../pipe-mode) or (../split-mode='true' and not(../pipe-mode) and ../ingress-pipe-mode and ../egress-pipe-mode and not(../ingress-pipe-mode='uniform' and ../egress-pipe-mode='uniform')))"; default "false"; description "Enable/disable split mode."; } leaf pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='false'"; type evpn-pipe-mode; must "(../split-mode='false') and ((../pipe-mode='pipe' and (../service-class) and (../color)) or (../pipe-mode='shortpipe' and (../service-class) and (../color) and (../domain-name)) or (../pipe-mode='uniform'))"; default "uniform"; description "Specify the pipe mode."; } leaf ingress-pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='true'"; type evpn-pipe-mode; must "((../split-mode='true') and (((../service-class) and (../color) and (../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe')) or (../ingress-pipe-mode='uniform' and ../egress-pipe-mode!='uniform')))"; default "uniform"; description "Specify the ingress pipe mode."; } leaf egress-pipe-mode { when "../split-mode='true'"; type evpn-pipe-mode; must "((../split-mode='true') and (((../domain-name) and (../trust-type) and (../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')) or (../egress-pipe-mode='pipe') or (../egress-pipe-mode='uniform' and ../ingress-pipe-mode!='uniform')))"; default "uniform"; description "Specify the egress pipe mode."; } leaf service-class { when "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type evpn-service-class; must "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; default "be"; description "Specify the CoS."; } leaf color { when "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type evpn-color; must "(../pipe-mode='pipe' or ../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='pipe' or ../ingress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; default "green"; description "Specify the color of packets."; } leaf domain-name { when "(../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:diffserv-domains/qos:diffserv-domain/qos:name"; } must "(../pipe-mode='shortpipe' or ../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe')"; default "default"; description "DS domain name."; } leaf trust-type { when "../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe'"; type evpn-trust-type; must "../egress-pipe-mode='shortpipe'"; default "outpri"; description "Specify the trust type."; } } // container pipe } augment /lcs:license/lcs:license-items/lcs:license-item { status deprecated; description "License resource usage."; container lcs-port-evpns { when "../lcs:name='LCR5S40NEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KNEVN0L' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KXEVN0L' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40XEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KNEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KXEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S5KNEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S5KKEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S5KXEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S60NEVPAP' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S60XEVPAP' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KNEVN0Q' or ../lcs:name='LCR6S00NEVNAQ' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40VEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40YEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00NEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00VEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00YEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS69NEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS69VEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS69YEVN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR8S00EVPNC2' or ../lcs:name='LCR8S00EVPNC4' or ../lcs:name='LCR8SF0EVPNC1' or ../lcs:name='LCR8SF0EVPNC4' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S00EVPNC2' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S00EVPNC4' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS00EVPNC2' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS00EVPNC4'"; status deprecated; description "List of evpn port license information."; list lcs-port-evpn { key "position"; status deprecated; description "Configure evpn port license."; leaf position { type leafref { path "/lcs:license/pic:lcs-ports/pic:port-basic/pic:position"; } status deprecated; description "Port position."; } } // list lcs-port-evpn } // container lcs-port-evpns container lcs-port-vxlans { when "../lcs:name='LCR5S40NXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40XLAN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40XLAV0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40XLAY0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40YXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40XLAX0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR5S40XXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00XLAN0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00NXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00VXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00XLAY0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00YXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00XLAX0P' or ../lcs:name='LCX6S00XXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS69NXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS69VXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS69YXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LTNRS69XXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KNXLA0S' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KNXLA0Q' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KNXLA0R' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KNXLA0P' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KXXLAQ' or ../lcs:name='LCR9S9KXXLA0P'"; status deprecated; description "List of vxlan port license information."; list lcs-port-vxlan { key "position"; status deprecated; description "Configure vxlan port license."; leaf position { type leafref { path "/lcs:license/pic:lcs-ports/pic:port-basic/pic:position"; } status deprecated; description "VXLAN port license interface position, the format is slotid/cardid/portid."; } } // list lcs-port-vxlan } // container lcs-port-vxlans } augment /lcs:license { description "License resource usage."; container lcs-port-evpns { description "List of evpn port license information."; list lcs-port-evpn { key "position"; description "Configure evpn port license."; leaf position { type leafref { path "/lcs:license/pic:lcs-ports/pic:port-basic/pic:position"; } description "Port position."; } leaf active-status { type lcs-active-status-type; config false; description "Activated state."; } } // list lcs-port-evpn } // container lcs-port-evpns container lcs-port-vxlans { description "List of vxlan port license information."; list lcs-port-vxlan { key "position"; description "Configure vxlan port license."; leaf position { type leafref { path "/lcs:license/pic:lcs-ports/pic:port-basic/pic:position"; } description "VXLAN port license interface position, the format is slotid/cardid/portid."; } leaf active-status { type lcs-active-status-type; config false; description "Activated state."; } } // list lcs-port-vxlan } // container lcs-port-vxlans } } // module huawei-evpn-ext
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