Global configuration.
Version: 2021-09-24
module huawei-debug { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-debug"; prefix debug; import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Global configuration."; revision "2021-09-24" { description "Add container disk for disk detection configurations."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-05-29" { description "Init revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "diagnose"; container debug { description "Debug information."; container cpu-infos { description "List of CPU information of boards."; list cpu-info { ext:generated-by "system"; ext:operation-exclude "create"; must "unoverload-threshold <= (overload-threshold - 3)"; key "position"; description "Configure CPU information of a board."; leaf position { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Board position."; } leaf overload-threshold { type uint32 { range "4..100"; } units "%"; default "90"; description "Overload threshold."; } leaf unoverload-threshold { type uint32 { range "1..97"; } units "%"; default "75"; description "Overload alarm clear threshold."; } leaf interval { type uint32 { range "1..60"; } units "min"; default "8"; description "Overload alarm cycle."; } leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "Board index."; } leaf system-cpu-usage { type uint32 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; config false; description "CPU usage."; } leaf monitor-number { type uint32 { range "6..360"; } config false; description "Monitor number in one alarm cycle."; } leaf monitor-cycle { type uint32; units "s"; config false; description "Monitor cycle."; } leaf overload-state-change-time { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "Last overload state changetime."; } leaf current-overload-state { type string { length "1..31"; } config false; description "Current overload state."; } } // list cpu-info } // container cpu-infos container memory-infos { description "List of memory information of boards."; list memory-info { ext:generated-by "system"; ext:operation-exclude "create"; must "unoverload-threshold <= (overload-threshold - 3)"; must "overload-threshold <= memreli-exception-threshold"; must "memreli-notice-threshold <= (memreli-overload-threshold - 5)"; must "memreli-overload-threshold <= (memreli-exception-threshold - 5)"; key "position"; description "Configure memory information about a board."; leaf position { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Board position."; } leaf overload-threshold { ext:dynamic-default; type uint32 { range "75..100"; } units "%"; description "Overload threshold."; } leaf unoverload-threshold { ext:dynamic-default; type uint32 { range "1..97"; } units "%"; description "Overload alarm clear threshold."; } leaf memreli-notice-threshold { ext:dynamic-default; type uint32 { range "5..90"; } units "%"; description "Board memory reliability notice threshold."; } leaf memreli-overload-threshold { ext:dynamic-default; type uint32 { range "10..95"; } units "%"; description "Board memory reliability overload threshold."; } leaf memreli-exception-threshold { ext:dynamic-default; type uint32 { range "75..100"; } units "%"; description "Board memory reliability exception threshold."; } leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "Board index."; } leaf os-memory-total { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Total OS memory."; } leaf os-memory-use { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Used OS memory."; } leaf os-memory-free { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Available OS memory."; } leaf os-memory-usage { type uint32 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; config false; description "OS memory usage."; } leaf do-memory-total { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Total VRP memory."; } leaf do-memory-use { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Used VRP memory."; } leaf do-memory-free { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Available VRP memory."; } leaf do-memory-usage { type uint32 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; config false; description "VRP memory usage."; } leaf simple-memory-total { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Total simple memory."; } leaf simple-memory-use { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Used simple memory."; } leaf simple-memory-free { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Available simple memory."; } leaf simple-memory-usage { type uint32 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; config false; description "Simple memory usage."; } leaf overload-state-change-time { type string { length "1..31"; } config false; description "Last overload state changetime."; } leaf current-overload-state { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "Current overload state."; } } // list memory-info } // container memory-infos container resouce-reliability { description "Configure resource reliability info."; container memory-reliability { description "Configure memory reliability info."; leaf enable { type boolean; default 'false'; description "Enable/disable memory reliability."; } } // container memory-reliability container memory-reliability-switchover-threshold { description "Configure memory threshold for board switchover."; leaf threshold { ext:dynamic-default; type uint32 { range "50..100"; } units "%"; description "Memory threshold for board switchover."; } } // container memory-reliability-switchover-threshold container flow-control-message-reliability { description "Configure flow-control-message reliability info."; leaf enable { type boolean; default 'true'; description "Enable/disable flow-control-message reliability."; } } // container flow-control-message-reliability } // container resouce-reliability container disk { description "Configure disk detection configurations."; container global { description "Configure disk detection global configurations."; leaf fault-detect-tolerance-time { type uint8 { range "15..120"; } units "s"; default "90"; description "Fault detection tolerance time."; } } // container global } // container disk container service-cpu-infos { config false; description "List of service cpu-usage information of boards."; list service-cpu-info { key "position service-name"; config false; description "Service cpu-usage statistics for a board."; leaf position { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "Board position."; } leaf service-name { type string { length "0..50"; } config false; description "Service name."; } leaf service-cpu-usage { type uint32 { range "0..100"; } units "%"; config false; description "CPU usage of service."; } } // list service-cpu-info } // container service-cpu-infos container board-resouce-states { config false; description "List of board monitoring information."; list board-resouce-state { key "position"; config false; description "Board monitoring statistics."; leaf position { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "Board position."; } leaf entity-index { type uint32; config false; description "Board index."; } leaf board-name { type string { length "0..128"; } config false; description "Board name."; } leaf cpu-usage { type uint32; units "%"; config false; description "CPU usage."; } leaf memory-total-size { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Total memory size."; } leaf memory-used-size { type uint32; units "kB"; config false; description "Used memory size."; } leaf memory-usage { type uint32; units "%"; config false; description "Memory usage."; } } // list board-resouce-state } // container board-resouce-states } // container debug } // module huawei-debug
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