Clock cluster management data model define.
Version: 2020-03-14
module huawei-clocksync-cluster { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-clocksync-cluster"; prefix clocksync-cluster; import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Clock cluster management data model define."; revision "2020-03-14" { description "Modify the node description."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-03-04" { description "Modify the node description."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-12-25" { description "Fixed some problems."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-05-06" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "clksync"; typedef cm-pull-in-state { type enumeration { enum "pull-in" { value 1; description "Pull-in."; } enum "pull-out" { value 0; description "Pull-out."; } } description "Cluster management pull in state type."; } typedef cm-src-state { type enumeration { enum "normal" { value 1; description "Normal."; } enum "abnormal" { value 0; description "Abnormal."; } } description "Cluster management source state type."; } typedef clock-trace-status { type enumeration { enum "freerun" { value 0; description "Freerun."; } enum "fastlock" { value 1; description "Fastlock."; } enum "trace" { value 2; description "Trace."; } enum "hold" { value 3; description "Hold."; } } description "Clock trace status type."; } container clocksync-cluster { description "Clock cluster management data model."; container inter-links { description "List of configure internal communication interface information. Including the source names and internal communication interface."; list inter-link { ext:generated-by "system"; ext:operation-exclude "create"; key "src-name"; description "Configure internal communication interface information."; leaf src-name { type string { length "1..51"; } description "Name of an internal communication interface."; } leaf switch { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable or disable internal communication."; } } // list inter-link } // container inter-links container freq-trace-topos { config false; description "List of statistics of information about the frequency syncing topology in the cluster. Including the chassis ID, frequency locking status, syncing source name, syncing source status, and pull-in status."; list freq-trace-topo { key "chassis-id"; config false; description "Statistics of information about the frequency syncing topology in the cluster."; leaf chassis-id { type string { length "1..21"; } config false; description "Chassis ID of the frequency syncing topology."; } leaf trace-state { type clock-trace-status; config false; description "Sync status of the frequency topology."; } leaf pullin-state { type cm-pull-in-state; config false; description "Pull-in status of the frequency syncing topology."; } leaf trace-source { type string { length "1..51"; } config false; description "Syncing source name of the frequency topology."; } leaf lock-state { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "Frequency locking status of the cluster chassis."; } } // list freq-trace-topo } // container freq-trace-topos container time-trace-topos { config false; description "List of statistics of cluster time syncing topology information. Including the chassis ID, time locking status, and PTP device clock IDs."; list time-trace-topo { key "chassis-id"; config false; description "Statistics of cluster time syncing topology information."; leaf chassis-id { type string { length "1..21"; } config false; description "Chassis ID of time syncing topology."; } leaf trace-source { type string { length "1..51"; } config false; description "Source name of the time syncing topology."; } leaf lock-state { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "Time locking status of time syncing topology."; } leaf ptp-clock-id { type string { length "16"; } config false; description "PTP device clock ID of cluster time syncing topology."; } } // list time-trace-topo } // container time-trace-topos container freq-link-ports { config false; description "List of statistics of internal communication interface used to perform frequency synchronization between chassis in the cluster."; list freq-link-port { key "src-name"; config false; description "Statistics of internal communication interface used to perform frequency synchronization between chassis in the cluster."; leaf src-name { type string { length "1..51"; } config false; description "Clock source name of the cluster chassis."; } leaf state { type cm-src-state; config false; description "Clock source status of the cluster chassis."; } leaf peer-src-name { type string { length "1..51"; } config false; description "Name of the peer interface in the cluster chassis."; } } // list freq-link-port } // container freq-link-ports container time-link-ports { config false; description "List of statistics of internal communication interface of the time syncing topology."; list time-link-port { key "src-name"; config false; description "Statistics of internal communication interface of the time syncing topology."; leaf src-name { type string { length "1..51"; } config false; description "Source name of the time syncing topology."; } leaf state { type cm-src-state; config false; description "Source status of the time syncing topology."; } leaf peer-src-name { type string { length "1..51"; } config false; description "Adjacent interface name of the time syncing topology."; } } // list time-link-port } // container time-link-ports } // container clocksync-cluster augment /ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface { description "Interface."; container vinter-links { description "Configure internal communication interface in a virtual cluster."; leaf src-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } must "../../ifm:name=current()"; description "Name of an internal communication interface."; } } // container vinter-links } } // module huawei-clocksync-cluster
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