This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Configurations of cgn.
Version: 2021-08-05
module huawei-cgn { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-cgn"; prefix cgn; import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import huawei-license { prefix lcs; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Configurations of cgn."; revision "2021-08-05" { description "Add new countiners instance-address-usages and rpc get-port-usage-distributes and augment license."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2021-04-23" { description "Add new countiners nat-service-infos and nat-instance-infos."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2021-02-24" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "nat"; typedef engine-id { type enumeration { enum "NA" { value 0; description "The enumeration is NA when the service is based on slot or card."; } enum "engine0" { value 1; description "Engine ID 0."; } enum "engine1" { value 2; description "Engine ID 1."; } enum "engine2" { value 3; description "Engine ID 2."; } enum "engine3" { value 4; description "Engine ID 3."; } } description "CGN engine ID."; } typedef card-id { type enumeration { enum "NA" { value 0; description "The enumeration is NA when the service is based on slot or engine."; } enum "card0" { value 1; description "Card ID 0."; } enum "card1" { value 2; description "Card ID 1."; } } description "CGN card ID."; } typedef instance-type { type enumeration { enum "nat" { value 0; description "Nat type."; } enum "ds-lite" { value 1; description "DS-Lite type."; } enum "nat64" { value 2; description "Nat64 type."; } } description "Instance type."; } typedef license-type { type enumeration { enum "bandwidth-board-increment" { value 0; description "Incremental board bandwidth."; } enum "bandwidth-board" { value 1; description "Boad bandwidth which need to specified."; } enum "bandwidth-card" { value 2; description "Subcard bandwidth license type."; } } description "CGN bandwidth license type."; } typedef valid-flag { type enumeration { enum "valid" { value 0; description "Whether the license configuration is valid on the board."; } enum "invalid" { value 1; description "License configuration is invalid on the board."; } enum "invalid-board-type-error" { value 2; description "Invalid (board type error)."; } enum "invalid-board-unregistered" { value 3; description "Invalid (board unregistered)."; } } description "Valid flag type."; } container cgn { description "Carrier Grade NAT."; container nat-session-statisticss { config false; description "List of nat sessions statistics."; list nat-session-statistics { key "slot engine card"; description "Statistics of nat sessions."; leaf slot { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf engine { type engine-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or card."; } leaf card { type card-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or engine."; } leaf session-count { type uint32; description "Current nat sessions count."; } } // list nat-session-statistics } // container nat-session-statisticss container nat-service-infos { config false; description "List of nat service information."; list nat-service-info { key "slot engine card"; description "Statistics of nat service."; leaf slot { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf engine { type engine-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or card."; } leaf card { type card-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or engine."; } container payload-statistics { description "List of nat payload statistics."; list payload-statistic { key "start-time end-time"; description "Statistics of nat payload."; leaf start-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Start time when statistics were collected."; } leaf end-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "End time when statistics were collected."; } leaf sampling-interval { ext:support-filter "true"; type uint8 { range "1..24"; } units "h"; description "Interval for sampling."; } leaf send-average-packet-speed { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Average number of sent packet speed."; } leaf send-maximum-packet-speed { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Maximum number of sent packet speed."; } leaf send-average-bit-speed { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Average number of sent bit speed."; } leaf send-maximum-bit-speed { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Maximum number of sent bit speed."; } leaf received-average-packet-speed { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Average value of received packet speed."; } leaf received-maximum-packet-speed { type uint64; units "pps"; description "Maximum number of received packet speed."; } leaf received-average-bit-speed { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Average number of received bit speed."; } leaf received-maximum-bit-speed { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Maximum number of received bit speed."; } } // list payload-statistic } // container payload-statistics } // list nat-service-info } // container nat-service-infos container nat-instance-infos { config false; description "List of nat instance information."; list nat-instance-info { key "slot engine card instance-type instance-name"; description "Statistics of nat instance."; leaf slot { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf engine { type engine-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or card."; } leaf card { type card-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or engine."; } leaf instance-type { type instance-type; description "Instance type."; } leaf instance-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Instance name."; } container session-usages { description "List of nat session usage."; list session-usage { key "start-time end-time"; description "Statistics of nat session."; leaf start-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "Start time when statistics were collected."; } leaf end-time { type yang:date-and-time; description "End time when statistics were collected."; } leaf sampling-interval { ext:support-filter "true"; type uint8 { range "1..24"; } units "h"; description "Interval for sampling."; } leaf current-session-usage { type uint64; description "Current session usage."; } leaf average-session-usage { type uint64; description "Average session usage."; } leaf maximum-session-usage { type uint64; description "Maximum session usage."; } } // list session-usage } // container session-usages } // list nat-instance-info } // container nat-instance-infos container instance-address-usages { config false; description "List of nat address group usage."; list instance-address-usage { key "instance-type instance-name pool-name slot engine card"; description "Statistics of address usage info on a cpu."; leaf instance-type { type instance-type; description "Instance type."; } leaf instance-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "NAT instance name."; } leaf pool-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "NAT address pool name."; } leaf slot { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Specifies the Slot ID of a service board."; } leaf engine { type engine-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or card. This parameter can only be configured on a centralized-boards."; } leaf card { type card-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or engine. This parameter takes effect only on a VSUF-80 or VSUF-160 or VSUI-160-E."; } leaf pool-id { type uint8 { range "0..127"; } description "IP address pool ID."; } leaf pool-address-usage { type pub-type:percent; description "Address usage of an IP address pool. If a section is locked, an attempt to apply for public IP addresses may fail even if address usage is not 100%."; } leaf pool-port-usage { type pub-type:percent; description "Users' actual port usage. The value is the number of user actually used ports/Total number of ports (Reserved ports are not counted for the actually used ports and total ports)."; } leaf pcp-allcated-port-usage { type pub-type:percent; description "Usage of the reserved PCP ports allocated by the RADIUS service. The value is the number of PCP ports allocated by the RADIUS service/Total number of reserved ports."; } leaf pcp-reserved-port-usage { type pub-type:percent; description "Users' actual usage of reserved PCP ports. The value is the number of user actually used PCP ports/Total number of reserved ports (Well-known ports are not counted for the actually used PCP ports and reserved ports)."; } } // list instance-address-usage } // container instance-address-usages } // container cgn rpc get-port-usage-distributes { description "Query port usage distributes in a nat-instance."; input { leaf instance-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "NAT instance name."; } leaf start-port { type uint16; default '0'; description "Displays the number of users assigned a port range with a specified start port number."; } leaf step { type uint16 { range "64..2048"; } description "Displays the number of users assigned a port range with a specified port number step."; } leaf interval-count { type uint8 { range "1..10"; } default '10'; description "Specifies the number of port ranges."; } } output { container port-range-infos { description "List of port range info."; list port-range-info { key "instance-name start-port"; description "Statistics of the users for which ports in specified ranges have been allocated."; leaf instance-name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "NAT instance name."; } leaf start-port { type uint16; description "Start port in a port range."; } leaf end-port { type uint16; description "End port in a port range."; } leaf user-number { type uint16; description "Number of users in a port range."; } } // list port-range-info } // container port-range-infos } } // rpc get-port-usage-distributes augment /lcs:license { description "Configure CGN license for CGN board."; container active-nat-sessions { description "List of active-nat-session-table-size for CGN board."; list active-nat-session { key "slot engine card"; description "Configure active-nat-session-table-size for CGN board."; leaf slot { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf engine { type engine-id; must "((../engine='NA') and (../card='NA')) or ((../engine='NA') and (not(../card='NA'))) or ((not(../engine='NA')) and (../card='NA'))"; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or card."; } leaf card { type card-id; must "((../engine='NA') and (../card='NA')) or ((../engine='NA') and (not(../card='NA'))) or ((not(../engine='NA')) and (../card='NA'))"; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or engine."; } leaf session-number { type uint32 { range "1..32"; } must "((../session-number) mod 2 = 0) and (not(../engine='NA' and ../card='NA'))"; mandatory true; description "The size of nat session table must be a multiple of 2, units: M sessions."; } } // list active-nat-session } // container active-nat-sessions container session-capacitys { config false; description "Operational state of session-table info."; leaf total-size { type uint16; description "Total session size, units: M sessions."; } leaf used-size { type uint16; description "Used session size, units: M sessions."; } leaf free-size { type uint16; description "Free session size, units: M sessions."; } } // container session-capacitys container active-bandwidths { description "List of active bandwidth for CGN board."; list active-bandwidth { key "slot engine card"; description "Configure active-bandwidth for CGN board."; leaf slot { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf engine { type engine-id; must "((../engine='NA') and (../card='NA')) or ((../engine='NA') and (not(../card='NA'))) or ((not(../engine='NA')) and (../card='NA'))"; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or card."; } leaf card { type card-id; must "((../engine='NA') and (../card='NA')) or ((../engine='NA') and (not(../card='NA'))) or ((not(../engine='NA')) and (../card='NA'))"; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or engine."; } leaf bandwidth-value { when "(../engine='NA') and (../card='NA')"; type uint16 { range "20..400"; } units "Gbit/s"; mandatory true; description "The bandwidth value of a VSUI-400 series board must be an integer multiple of 20, the bandwidth value of a VSUP-100 series board must be an integer multiple of 10."; } } // list active-bandwidth } // container active-bandwidths container bandwidth-capacitys { config false; description "List of bandwidth capacity."; list bandwidth-capacity { key "license-type"; description "Statistics of bandwidth capacity."; leaf license-type { type license-type; description "CGN license type."; } leaf total-size { type uint32; description "Total basic bandwidth and license bandwidth of all boards on a device."; } leaf total-license-size { type uint32; description "Total license bandwidth."; } leaf used-license-size { type uint32; description "Used license bandwidth."; } leaf free-license-size { type uint32; description "Remaining license bandwidth."; } container verbose-infos { description "List of bandwidth verbose info."; list verbose-info { key "slot engine card"; description "Operational state of bandwidth."; leaf slot { type string { length "1..16"; } description "Slot ID."; } leaf engine { type engine-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or card."; } leaf card { type card-id; description "The value is NA when the service is based on slot or engine."; } leaf basic-bandwidth { type uint32; units "GB"; description "Basic bandwidth."; } leaf config-bandwidth { type uint32; units "GB"; description "Configured enhanced bandwidth."; } leaf total-bandwidth { type uint32; units "GB"; description "Total bandwidth."; } leaf valid-flag { type valid-flag; description "Whether the bandwidth configuration is valid on the board."; } leaf barcode { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Barcode of device, presence when in cloud mode."; } leaf active-value { type uint32; units "GB"; description "Active value of bandwidth, presence when in cloud mode."; } leaf usage-value { type uint32; units "GB"; description "Usage value of bandwidth, presence when in cloud mode."; } } // list verbose-info } // container verbose-infos } // list bandwidth-capacity } // container bandwidth-capacitys } } // module huawei-cgn
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