Configuration management module.
Version: 2021-01-26
module huawei-cfg { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-cfg"; prefix cfg; import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Configuration management module."; revision "2021-01-26" { description "Add load configuration."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-03-18" { description "Fix units problems."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2020-02-21" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "config"; typedef config-checkpoint-client { type enumeration { enum "cli" { value 0; description "The client that creates a configuration checkpoint is CLI."; } enum "netconf" { value 1; description "The client that generates a configuration checkpoint is NETCONF."; } enum "snmp" { value 2; description "The client that creates a configuration checkpoint is SNMP."; } enum "rollback" { value 3; description "The client that generates a configuration checkpoint is rollback. A configuration checkpoint is generated because a rollback command is run."; } enum "y2" { value 4; description "The client that generates a configuration checkpoint is y2. A configuration checkpoint is generated because the startup configuration of the system is different from the latest configuration checkpoint."; } enum "restore" { value 5; description "The client that generates a configuration checkpoint is restore. A configuration checkpoint is generated because the startup configuration of the system is different from the latest configuration checkpoint."; } enum "system" { value 6; description "The client that generates a configuration checkpoint is system. A configuration checkpoint is generated because the current user information cannot be obtained."; } enum "mml" { value 7; description "The client that generates a configuration checkpoint is mml. A configuration checkpoint is generated because the startup configuration of the system is different from the latest configuration checkpoint."; } enum "inner" { value 8; description "The client that generates a configuration checkpoint is inner. A configuration checkpoint is generated because the startup configuration of the system is different from the latest configuration checkpoint."; } } description "Client type."; } typedef cfg-transport-type { type enumeration { enum "ftp" { value 1; description "FTP protocol."; } enum "tftp" { value 2; description "TFTP protocol."; } enum "sftp" { value 3; description "SFTP protocol."; } enum "http" { value 5; description "HTTP protocol."; } } description "Server type."; } typedef cfg-server-type { type enumeration { enum "ftp" { value 1; description "FTP protocol."; } enum "tftp" { value 2; description "TFTP protocol."; } enum "sftp" { value 3; description "SFTP protocol."; } } description "Server type."; } typedef cfg-operation-type { type enumeration { enum "running2net" { value 1; description "Back up the device configuration to a server."; } enum "net2startup" { value 2; description "Configure the configuration file on the server as the next startup configuration file."; } } description "Operation type."; } typedef cfg-operation-state { type enumeration { enum "running" { value 1; description "The operation is being processed."; } enum "success" { value 2; description "The operation is successful."; } enum "invalid-operation" { value 3; description "Invalid operation."; } enum "invalid-server-address" { value 4; description "Invalid server IP address."; } enum "invalid-source-name" { value 5; description "Invalid source file name."; } enum "invalid-dest-name" { value 6; description "Invalid destination file name."; } enum "device-busy" { value 7; description "The device is busy."; } enum "device-full" { value 8; description "The disk space of the device is full."; } enum "file-open-error" { value 9; description "The file fails to be opened."; } enum "file-transfer-error" { value 10; description "The file fails to be transferred."; } enum "auth-fail" { value 11; description "The server authentication fails."; } enum "timeout" { value 12; description "File transfer timeout."; } enum "startup-file-locked" { value 13; description "Startup file locked."; } enum "unknown-failure" { value 14; description "Unknown error."; } } description "Operation state."; } typedef command-result { type enumeration { enum "unknown-command" { value 0; description "The failed reason of a configuration command is unknown command."; } enum "execute-failed" { value 1; description "The failed reason of a configuration command is executed failed."; } enum "execute-timeout" { value 2; description "The failed reason of a configuration command is executed timeout."; } } description "Command result."; } typedef cfg-hwcm-operation-type { type enumeration { enum "running2startup" { value 1; description "Save the running configuration to the next startup configuration file."; } enum "startup2running" { value 2; description "Load the next startup configuration file to the device."; } enum "running2net" { value 3; description "Back up the device configuration to a server."; } enum "net2running" { value 4; description "Download the configuration file from the server to the device and run it."; } enum "net2startup" { value 5; description "Configure the configuration file on the server as the next startup configuration file."; } enum "startup2net" { value 6; description "Back up the next startup configuration file to a server."; } enum "delstartup" { value 7; description "Delete the next startup configuration file."; } } description "HWCM operation type."; } typedef cfg-trial-status { type enumeration { enum "inactive" { value 0; description "The system is not in trial running mode."; } enum "active" { value 1; description "The system is in trial running mode."; } enum "canceling" { value 2; description "The system is reverting the trial configuration."; } enum "wait-cancel" { value 3; description "The system will revert to the previous configuration."; } } description "Trial status."; } typedef cfg-service-type { type enumeration { enum "common" { value 0; description "Common service type."; } enum "cfg" { value 4; description "CFG service type."; } } description "File service type."; } typedef load-config-type { type enumeration { enum "merge" { value 0; description "Merge contents with existing configuration."; } enum "replace" { value 1; description "Replace contents with existing configuration."; } } description "Load configuration type."; } typedef shareable-type { type enumeration { enum "password" { value 1; description "Password."; } enum "default" { value 2; description "Default."; } } description "The shareable type to operate a configuration file.."; } container cfg { description "Configuration management module."; container autosave { presence "Enable autosave"; description "Configure used for automatically saving configurations."; leaf interval-time { type uint32 { range "30..43200"; } units "min"; must "../interval-time > ../delay-time" { error-app-tag "The interval time must be more than the delay time."; } default "30"; description "The system automatically saves configurations every a specified interval."; } leaf delay-time { type uint32 { range "1..60"; } units "min"; must "../interval-time > ../delay-time" { error-app-tag "The interval time must be more than the delay time."; } default "5"; description "When the system configuration changes, the system automatically saves the configuration after a specified delay."; } leaf cpu-limit { type uint32 { range "1..100"; } default "50"; description "Upper limit of the CPU usage for automatically saving configurations."; } } // container autosave container lock-by-users { description "List of lock configuration."; list lock-by-user { key "lock-username"; max-elements 1; description "Configure lock configuration."; leaf lock-username { type string { length "1..253"; } description "Name of a user who locks the configuration."; } leaf lock-time { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "Time when the configuration is locked."; } leaf identifier { type uint32; config false; description "Unique ID of a configuration lock."; } leaf unlock-username { type string { length "1..253"; } config false; description "Name of a user who unlocks the configuration."; } leaf unlock-time { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "Time when the configuration is unlocked."; } } // list lock-by-user } // container lock-by-users container checkpoints { config false; description "List of all configuration checkpoints in the system."; list checkpoint { key "commit-id"; config false; max-elements 100; description "Operational state of configuration checkpoints in the system."; leaf commit-id { type string { length "1..20"; } config false; description "Uniquely identify a configuration checkpoint."; } leaf user-label { type string { length "1..256"; } config false; description "Label for identifying a configuration checkpoint, which is a character string that does not start with a digit."; } leaf username { type string { length "1..253"; } config false; description "Name of the user who committed a configuration to trigger the generation of a configuration checkpoint."; } leaf line { type string { length "1..85"; } config false; description "Instance of the terminal accessed by the user who committed a configuration to trigger the generation of a configuration checkpoint."; } leaf client { type config-checkpoint-client; config false; description "Type of the tool agent accessed by the user who committed a configuration to trigger the generation of a configuration checkpoint."; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "Time when a configuration checkpoint was created."; } leaf description { type string { length "1..60"; } config false; description "Description of a configuration checkpoint. A user can set a description for a configuration checkpoint to be generated when committing a configuration."; } container current-point-changes { config false; description "List of configuration change information recorded in all configuration checkpoints. List of the configuration change information recorded in each configuration checkpoint is separately displayed."; list current-point-change { key "index"; config false; description "Operational state of configuration change between a specified configuration checkpoint and the previous configuration checkpoint."; leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "Index of a configuration change. A configuration checkpoint records a configuration change after a configuration is committed. Each configuration change is identified by an index."; } leaf config-change { type string { length "1..3200"; } config false; description "Configuration change command."; } } // list current-point-change } // container current-point-changes container since-point-changes { config false; description "List of configuration changes between a specified configuration checkpoint and the current configuration."; list since-point-change { key "index"; config false; description "Operational state of configuration change between a specified configuration checkpoint and the current configuration."; leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "Index of a configuration change. A configuration checkpoint records a configuration change after a configuration is committed. Each configuration change is identified by an index."; } leaf config-change { type string { length "1..3200"; } config false; description "Configuration change command."; } } // list since-point-change } // container since-point-changes } // list checkpoint } // container checkpoints container global-switch { description "Configure the globally configuration management feature."; leaf configuration-slave-detect-switch { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable function to automatically verify the configurations of the master and slave main control boards."; } leaf appdata-detect-switch { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable function to automatically verify application data."; } leaf checkpoint-switch { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable switch of saving check ponit."; } } // container global-switch container backup-and-recovery-states { config false; description "List of operation states delivered by the NMS."; list backup-and-recovery-state { key "index"; config false; max-elements 5; description "Operational state of a configuration file."; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..2147483647"; } config false; description "Operation ID."; } leaf operation-type { type cfg-hwcm-operation-type; config false; description "Operation type delivered by the NMS."; } leaf state { type cfg-operation-state; config false; description "Operation result."; } leaf operate-progress { type uint32 { range "0..100"; } config false; description "Operation progress."; } leaf start-time { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "Operation start time."; } leaf last-time { type pub-type:time-tick; config false; description "Operation end time."; } leaf filename { ext:support-filter "true"; type string { length "5..64"; } config false; description "Name of a configuration file."; } leaf service-type { type cfg-service-type; config false; description "File service type."; } } // list backup-and-recovery-state } // container backup-and-recovery-states container autosave-checkpoint { description "Configure start-time for automatically saving checkpoint."; leaf start-time { type pub-type:time-hhmm { length "3..5"; pattern '(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])|[0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|[0-9])'; } units "min"; default "02:00"; description "The system automatically save checkpoint at a specified time of the day."; } } // container autosave-checkpoint container configuration-operation-cpu-limit { description "Configure the CPU suppress on configuration operation."; leaf snmp-cpu-limit { when "../snmp-switch = 'true'"; type uint32 { range "30..100"; } default "100"; description "CPU usage threshold that triggers rate limiting on users that access through SNMP."; } leaf snmp-switch { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable function of CPU usage-based rate limiting for users that access through SNMP."; } leaf netconf-cpu-limit { when "../netconf-switch = 'true'"; type uint32 { range "30..100"; } default "100"; description "CPU usage threshold that triggers rate limiting on users that access through NETCONF."; } leaf netconf-switch { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable function of CPU usage-based rate limiting for users that access through NETCONF."; } } // container configuration-operation-cpu-limit container backup-servers { description "List of backup servers. A maximum of five backup servers can be configured."; list backup-server { key "server-ip vpn-instance"; max-elements 5; description "Configure backup server used for automatically saving uploaded files."; leaf server-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the backup server."; } leaf vpn-instance { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf transport-type { type cfg-server-type; mandatory true; description "Type of the protocol for transporting the backup file."; } leaf username { when "not(../transport-type='tftp')"; type string { length "1..64"; } mandatory true; description "User name for connecting the backup server."; } leaf password { when "not(../transport-type='tftp')"; type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..432"; } mandatory true; description "Password for connecting the backup server."; } leaf path { type string { length "1..64"; } description "Path for backing up the configuration file."; } leaf port { when "not(../transport-type='tftp')"; type uint16 { range "1..65535"; } description "Port of a backup server."; } } // list backup-server } // container backup-servers container startup-infos { config false; description "List of information about system startup."; list startup-info { key "position"; config false; description "Operational state of information about a system startup."; leaf position { type string { length "0..32"; } config false; description "Position of the device."; } leaf configed-system-software { type string { length "0..255"; } config false; description "File name of the system software that is set by users for the current startup."; } leaf current-system-software { type string { length "0..255"; } config false; description "File name of the system software that is applied for the current startup."; } leaf next-system-software { type string { length "0..255"; } config false; description "File name of the system software that is applied for the next startup."; } leaf current-cfg-file { type string { length "0..255"; } config false; description "Name of the configuration file that is applied for the current startup."; } leaf next-cfg-file { type string { length "0..255"; } config false; description "Name of the configuration file that is applied for the next startup."; } leaf current-patch-file { type string { length "0..255"; } config false; description "Name of the patch file that is applied for the current startup."; } leaf next-patch-file { type string { length "0..255"; } config false; description "Name of the patch file that is applied for the next startup."; } } // list startup-info } // container startup-infos container cfg-files { config false; description "List of configuration files."; list cfg-file { key "filename"; config false; description "Operational state of the specified configuration file that a user can set for the next startup or the information about the difference to current configuration."; leaf filename { type string { length "5..64"; } config false; description "Name of a configuration file."; } leaf size { type uint32; units "Byte"; config false; description "Size of a configuration file."; } leaf create-time { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "Time when a configuration file was created, for example, 2010-11-04 20:01:38 +08:00."; } container file-current-changes { config false; description "List of differences between a specified configuration file and the current configuration."; list file-current-change { key "index"; config false; description "Operational state of a specified configuration file different with the current configuration."; leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "Index of the configuration difference. Each configuration difference has an index."; } leaf config-change { type string { length "1..3200"; } config false; description "Configuration difference command."; } } // list file-current-change } // container file-current-changes } // list cfg-file } // container cfg-files container config-rollback-result { config false; description "Operational state of rollbacking configuration result."; anydata result { description "The result of rollbacking configuration."; } } // container config-rollback-result container config-recover-results { config false; description "List of all configuration restoration results in the system."; list config-recover-result { key "index"; config false; description "Operational state of configuration restoration result in the system."; leaf index { type uint32; config false; description "Index of a configuration command. Each failure command is identified by an index."; } leaf command { type string { length "1..2047"; } config false; description "Configure the command that fails to be restored."; } leaf view { type string { length "1..80"; } config false; description "View of a command that fails to be restored."; } leaf line { type uint32; config false; description "Row number of a command that fails to be restored in a file."; } leaf reason { type command-result; config false; description "Cause of the configuration restoration failure command."; } leaf time { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "The command failed to be executed during configuration restoration."; } } // list config-recover-result } // container config-recover-results container configuration-backup-to-file { presence "Enable configuration-backup-to-file"; description "Configure the start-time and interval for cycle backup the current configuration operation."; leaf interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..7"; } default "1"; description "The system automatically backups configurations every a specified interval day."; } leaf start-time { type pub-type:time-hhmm { length "3..5"; pattern '(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])|[0-9]):([0-5][0-9]|[0-9])'; } units "min"; default "05:00"; description "The system automatically backups running configuration at a specified time of the day."; } } // container configuration-backup-to-file container config-change { config false; description "Operational state of SN of a configuration change. The SN increases by 1 for each configuration change."; leaf flow-id { type uint32; config false; description "SN of the current configuration change of the system."; } leaf baseline-time { type yang:date-and-time; config false; description "Time when the system configuration has a major change, for example, 2012-07-19 14:57:44 +08:00."; } } // container config-change container trial-status { config false; description "Operational state of trial running status of the system, including the status value and remaining time."; leaf status { type cfg-trial-status; config false; description "Including INACTIVE, ACTIVE, CANCELING, and WAITCANCEL."; } leaf time-left { type uint32; units "s"; default "0"; config false; description "Remaining trial running time."; } leaf persist-id { type string { length "1..256"; } config false; description "Persistence id of test running."; } } // container trial-status } // container cfg rpc save { description "Save the current configuration to file."; input { leaf filename { type string { length "5..64"; } mandatory true; description "Name of a configuration file."; } leaf shareable-mode { type shareable-type; description "Specifies the shareable type for encrypting a configuration file."; } leaf password { when "../shareable-mode = 'password'"; type pub-type:password-extend { length "8..128"; } description "Specifies the password for encrypting a configuration file."; } } } // rpc save rpc cfg-file-backup-and-recovery { description "Back up the device configuration to a server or restore the configuration from a server to the next startup configuration file of the device."; input { leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..2147483647"; } mandatory true; description "Operation ID."; } leaf operation-type { type cfg-operation-type; mandatory true; description "Back up the running configuration of the device to a specified server or restore the configuration from a specified server to the next startup file of the device."; } leaf filename { type string { length "5..128"; } description "Name of a configuration file."; } leaf transport-type { type cfg-transport-type; mandatory true; description "Type of the protocol for transporting the backup file."; } leaf server-ip { when "not(../transport-type='http')"; type inet:ip-address-no-zone; mandatory true; description "Server IP address for backing up the configuration file."; } leaf username { when "not(../transport-type='tftp')"; type string { length "1..85"; } description "User name for connecting a server, for example, an FTP server."; } leaf password { when "not(../transport-type='tftp')"; type pub-type:password; description "Password for connecting a server, for example, an FTP server."; } leaf vpn-instance { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Name of a VPN instance."; } leaf use-net-manager-vpn { type boolean; default "false"; description "Whether a global VPN is used."; } leaf port { when "(../transport-type='ftp' or ../transport-type='sftp')"; type uint16 { range "1..65535"; } description "Port of a backup server."; } leaf url { when "../transport-type = 'http'"; type string { length "1..256"; } mandatory true; description "The URL path of the configuration file."; } } } // rpc cfg-file-backup-and-recovery rpc clear-startup { ext:node-ref "/cfg/cfg-files/cfg-file"; description "Cancel the startup file settings. The current and next startup file settings will be empty."; } // rpc clear-startup rpc clear-interface-config { ext:node-ref "/ifm/interfaces/interface"; description "Clear configurations on the interface."; input { leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } mandatory true; description "Interface name."; } } } // rpc clear-interface-config rpc delete-checkpoint-by-oldest-num { ext:node-ref "/cfg/checkpoints/checkpoint"; description "Delete the oldest checkpoints."; input { leaf checkpoint-num { type uint8 { range "1..80"; } description "Number of configuration checkpoints that are deleted."; } } } // rpc delete-checkpoint-by-oldest-num rpc rollback-by-commit-id { ext:node-ref "/cfg/checkpoints/checkpoint"; description "Rollback the system configuration to a specified checkpoint."; input { leaf commit-id { type leafref { path "/cfg:cfg/cfg:checkpoints/cfg:checkpoint/cfg:commit-id"; } description "ID of a configuration checkpoint."; } } } // rpc rollback-by-commit-id rpc rollback-by-user-label { ext:node-ref "/cfg/checkpoints/checkpoint"; description "Rollback the system configuration to a specified checkpoint by user label."; input { leaf commit-id { type leafref { path "/cfg:cfg/cfg:checkpoints/cfg:checkpoint/cfg:commit-id"; } description "ID of a configuration checkpoint."; } leaf user-label { type leafref { path "/cfg:cfg/cfg:checkpoints/cfg:checkpoint/cfg:user-label"; } description "Label of a configuration checkpoint."; } } } // rpc rollback-by-user-label rpc rollback-by-last-num { ext:node-ref "/cfg/checkpoints/checkpoint"; description "Rollback the configurations of several checkpoints."; input { leaf checkpoint-num { type uint8 { range "1..80"; } description "Number of configuration checkpoints that are rolled back."; } } } // rpc rollback-by-last-num rpc rollback-by-file { ext:node-ref "/cfg/cfg-files/cfg-file"; description "Rollback the configuration with a specified configuration file."; input { leaf filename { type leafref { path "/cfg:cfg/cfg:cfg-files/cfg:cfg-file/cfg:filename"; } mandatory true; description "Name of a configuration file."; } } } // rpc rollback-by-file rpc save-all-virtual-systems { description "Saving all virtual-systems to the next startup file."; } // rpc save-all-virtual-systems rpc set-startup { ext:node-ref "/cfg/cfg-files/cfg-file"; description "Configure an existing configuration file as the startup file."; input { leaf filename { type leafref { path "/cfg:cfg/cfg:cfg-files/cfg:cfg-file/cfg:filename"; } mandatory true; description "Name of a configuration file."; } leaf shareable-mode { type shareable-type; description "Specifies the shareable type for decrypting a configuration file."; } leaf password { when "../shareable-mode = 'password'"; type pub-type:password-extend { length "8..128"; } description "Specifies the password for decrypting a configuration file."; } } } // rpc set-startup rpc set-user-label-by-commit-id { ext:node-ref "/cfg/checkpoints/checkpoint"; description "Set the user label of a specified configuration checkpoint."; input { leaf commit-id { type leafref { path "/cfg:cfg/cfg:checkpoints/cfg:checkpoint/cfg:commit-id"; } mandatory true; description "ID of a configuration checkpoint."; } leaf user-label { type string { length "1..256"; pattern '.*[^\s]+.*'; } mandatory true; description "Label of a configuration checkpoint."; } } } // rpc set-user-label-by-commit-id rpc create-user-label-checkpoint { ext:node-ref "/cfg/checkpoints/checkpoint"; description "Create the checkpoint of a specified label."; input { leaf user-label { type string { length "1..256"; pattern '.*[^\s]+.*'; } mandatory true; description "Label of a configuration checkpoint."; } leaf description { type string { length "1..60"; } description "Description of a configuration checkpoint."; } } } // rpc create-user-label-checkpoint rpc delete-user-label-checkpoint { ext:node-ref "/cfg/checkpoints/checkpoint"; description "Delete the checkpoint of a specified label."; input { leaf commit-id { type leafref { path "/cfg:cfg/cfg:checkpoints/cfg:checkpoint/cfg:commit-id"; } description "ID of a configuration checkpoint."; } } } // rpc delete-user-label-checkpoint rpc load-configuration-to-candidate { description "Load local configuration file or the configuration file on a remote server and delivers configurations to the local device."; input { leaf config-type { type load-config-type; description "Type of loading configuration."; } choice server-type { description "Type of the protocol for loading the file."; case local { description "Local system."; leaf local-filename { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Configuration file name of the local system."; } } // case local case ftp { description "FTP protocol."; leaf ftp-server-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the remote FTP server."; } leaf ftp-username { type string { length "1..64"; } description "User name for logging in to the remote FTP server."; } leaf ftp-password { type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..432"; } description "Password for logging in to the remote FTP server."; } leaf ftp-vpn-instance { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VPN instance name of the remote FTP server."; } leaf ftp-filename { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Configuration file name of the remote FTP server."; } } // case ftp case sftp { description "SFTP protocol."; leaf sftp-server-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "IP address of the remote SFTP server."; } leaf sftp-username { type string { length "1..64"; } description "User name for logging in to the remote SFTP server."; } leaf sftp-password { type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..432"; } description "Password for logging in to the remote SFTP server."; } leaf sftp-vpn-instance { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VPN instance name of the remote SFTP server."; } leaf sftp-filename { type string { length "1..128"; } description "Configuration file name of the remote SFTP server."; } } // case sftp case http { description "HTTP protocol."; leaf http-url { type string { length "1..255"; } description "The URL of the remote HTTP server."; } leaf http-vpn-instance { type string { length "1..31"; } description "VPN instance name of the remote HTTP server."; } } // case http } // choice server-type } } // rpc load-configuration-to-candidate rpc load-configuration-to-candidate-result { description "Operational state of loading configuration result."; output { anydata result { description "The result of loading configuration."; } } } // rpc load-configuration-to-candidate-result } // module huawei-cfg
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