Version: 2020-03-12
module huawei-bras-vas { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-bras-vas"; prefix bras-vas; import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import huawei-aaa { prefix aaa; } import huawei-radius { prefix radius; } import huawei-qos { prefix qos; } import huawei-bras-basic-access { prefix bras-basic-access; } import huawei-devm { prefix devm; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "Bras-vas."; revision "2020-03-12" { description "Modify description."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2019-03-15" { description "Init revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "vas"; typedef bras-vas-flow-queue-type { type enumeration { enum "be" { value 0; description "Service type BE."; } enum "af1" { value 1; description "Service type AF1."; } enum "af2" { value 2; description "Service type AF2."; } enum "af3" { value 3; description "Service type AF3."; } enum "af4" { value 4; description "Service type AF4."; } enum "ef" { value 5; description "Service type EF."; } enum "cs6" { value 6; description "Service type CS6."; } enum "cs7" { value 7; description "Service type CS7."; } } description "Type of flow queue."; } typedef bras-vas-service-source { type enumeration { enum "authentication-ack" { value 1; description "Authentication ack."; } enum "radius" { value 2; description "Radius."; } enum "diameter" { value 3; description "Diameter."; } enum "rui" { value 4; description "Rui."; } } description "Status of the EDSG accounting copy function."; } typedef bras-vas-method-type { type enumeration { enum "local" { value 1; description "Local."; } enum "none" { value 2; description "None."; } enum "radius" { value 3; description "Radius."; } enum "cops" { value 4; description "Cops."; } enum "diameter" { value 5; description "Diameter."; } } description "Method type."; } typedef bras-vas-service-substate { type enumeration { enum "policy-downloading" { value 0; description "Policy downloading."; } enum "authenticating" { value 1; description "Authenticating."; } enum "prepaid-initializing" { value 2; description "Prepaid initializing."; } enum "start-accounting" { value 3; description "Start accounting."; } enum "accounting" { value 4; description "Accounting."; } enum "ready" { value 5; description "Ready."; } enum "flow-query" { value 6; description "Flow query."; } enum "policy-unloading" { value 7; description "Policy unloading."; } enum "stop-accounting" { value 8; description "Stop accounting."; } } description "Service traffic statistics type. The default value is IPv4. This parameter can be set to IPv6."; } typedef bras-vas-rate-limit-mode { type enumeration { enum "user-queue" { value 0; description "The rate limit mode is user queue."; } enum "car" { value 1; description "The rate limit mode is CAR."; } } description "Sets a rate limit mode for EDSG service traffic."; } typedef bras-vas-out-rate-limit-mode { type enumeration { enum "user-queue" { value 1; description "The rate limit mode is user queue."; } enum "car" { value 0; description "The rate limit mode is CAR."; } } description "Sets a rate limit mode for EDSG service traffic."; } typedef bras-vas-service-ip-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 0; description "IPv4."; } enum "ipv6" { value 1; description "IPv6."; } } description "Service ip type."; } typedef bras-vas-policy-type { type enumeration { enum "daa" { value 1; description "Daa policy."; } enum "bod" { value 2; description "Bod policy."; } } description "Vas policy type."; } typedef bras-vas-online-offline-type { type enumeration { enum "offline" { value 0; description "Type of offline."; } enum "online" { value 1; description "Type of online."; } } description "Online or offline."; } typedef bras-vas-quota-out-online-offline-type { type enumeration { enum "offline" { value 1; description "Type of offline."; } enum "online" { value 0; description "Type of online."; } } description "Online or offline."; } typedef flowqueue-direction-type { type enumeration { enum "inbound" { value 1; description "Specifies inbound direction of reporting dropped SQ traffic."; } enum "outbound" { value 2; description "Specifies outbound direction of reporting dropped SQ traffic."; } enum "both" { value 3; description "Specifies inbound and outbound direction of reporting dropped SQ traffic."; } } description "Report dropped flowqueue direction type."; } container bras-vas { description "Bras value-added services."; container global { description "Configure value-added-service."; container value-added-service { description "Configure value-added-service enable list."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable value-added-service."; } } // container value-added-service container account-individual { description "Configure account individual."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable account individual."; } } // container account-individual container policy-name-case-sensitive { description "Configure service policy name case sensitive."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable service policy name case sensitive."; } } // container policy-name-case-sensitive container quota-out { description "Configure the Quota type."; leaf quota-type { type bras-vas-quota-out-online-offline-type; default "online"; description "Quota type."; } leaf diameter-link-down { type bras-vas-quota-out-online-offline-type; default "online"; description "Quota type of diameter link down."; } } // container quota-out container daa-resource-insufficient { description "Configure Resource Application Failures Policy."; leaf type { type enumeration { enum "online" { value 0; description "By default, DAA users remain online after they fail to apply for resources."; } enum "inbound-offline" { value 1; description "Log out DAA users who fail to apply for upstream resources."; } enum "outbound-offline" { value 2; description "Log out DAA users who fail to apply for downstream resources."; } enum "inbound-or-outbound-offline" { value 3; description "Log out DAA users who fail to apply for upstream or downstream resources."; } enum "both-offline" { value 4; description "Log out DAA users who fail to apply for both upstream and downstream resources."; } } default "online"; description "Policy Upon Resource Application Failures."; } } // container daa-resource-insufficient container edsg-queue { description "Configure delayed EDSG user activation."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to adjust the access rate of users who go online by configuring the edsg service to enter the activation queue and suspend the activation."; } } // container edsg-queue container edsg-run-info { config false; description "Statistics of the global service policy configuration."; leaf edsg-run-service-number { type uint32; config false; description "Number of EDSG resources that are in use, this item is displayed only if the EDSG function license is deactivated."; } } // container edsg-run-info container edsg-centralized-ds-lite { description "Configure value-added services on the centralized DS-Lite device."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function of matching EDSG services based on inner IPv4 packets."; } } // container edsg-centralized-ds-lite container daa-report-dropped-flow { description "Configure the function to report DAA users whose packets are dropped."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the function to report DAA users whose packets are dropped."; } } // container daa-report-dropped-flow } // container global container vas-policys { description "List of the vas Policy."; list vas-policy { key "name"; description "Configure a vas policy."; leaf name { ext:case-sensitivity "lower-only"; type string { length "1..63"; pattern '[!-~]{1,63}'; pattern '([^A-Z"%'*/:<>\?@|]{1,63})'; } must "../name != '-' and ../name != '--'"; description "Vas policy name."; } leaf type { ext:operation-exclude "update"; type bras-vas-policy-type; mandatory true; description "Vas policy type."; } container qos-profile { when "../type='bod'"; description "Configure qos profile."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:profiles/qos:profile/qos:name"; } must "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:profiles/qos:profile[qos:name=current()]/qos:mode='normal'"; description "Name of qos profile."; } } // container qos-profile container accounting-scheme { description "Configure accounting scheme."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/aaa:aaa/aaa:accounting-schemes/aaa:accounting-scheme/aaa:acct-scheme-name"; } default "default1"; description "Name of accounting scheme."; } } // container accounting-scheme container daa-service-enable { when "not(../type='bod')"; description "Configure daa service."; leaf user-accounting-together { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the DAA service traffic counts into user traffic."; } leaf traffic-separate { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the DAA service separate function."; } leaf tariff-queue-mapping { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable priority scheduling based on tariff levels."; } leaf accounting-together { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable uniform accounting for DAA services."; } } // container daa-service-enable container dual-stack-accounting-mode { when "../type='daa'"; description "Configure separate traffic statistics mode for dual-stack daa users."; leaf user-queue-separate { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the DAA service separate traffic statistics for dual-stack based on user queues."; } } // container dual-stack-accounting-mode container bind-user-group { description "Configure an ACL user group to a value-added service policy."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/bras-basic-access:bras-basic-access/bras-basic-access:user-groups/bras-basic-access:user-group/bras-basic-access:name"; } description "Specifies the name of a user group, and the user group must not be added to a user group list or a domain without binding nat instance."; } } // container bind-user-group container bind-tariff-levels { when "../type='daa'"; description "List of the tariff level for DAA accounting."; list bind-tariff-level { key "tariff-level"; description "Configure a tariff level for DAA accounting."; leaf tariff-level { type uint8 { range "1..8"; } description "Tariff level for DAA accounting."; } leaf qos-profile-name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:profiles/qos:profile/qos:name"; } must "/qos:qos/qos:queue-scheduler-template/qos:profiles/qos:profile[qos:name=current()]/qos:mode='normal'"; mandatory true; description "Specifies the name of a bound QoS profile."; } } // list bind-tariff-level } // container bind-tariff-levels container tariff-level-accountings { when "../type='daa'"; description "List of the accounting status or IP type for a DAA tariff level."; list tariff-level-accounting { must "./accounting-off = 'true' or ./ip-type-ipv6 = 'true'"; key "level"; description "Configure the accounting status or IP type for a DAA tariff level."; leaf level { type uint8 { range "1..8"; } description "Specifies a DAA tariff level."; } leaf accounting-off { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the accounting status of a DAA tariff level as disabled."; } leaf ip-type-ipv6 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable an IP type for a DAA tariff level as IPv6."; } } // list tariff-level-accounting } // container tariff-level-accountings container user-traffic-statistic { when "../type='daa'"; description "Configure the statistics mode for user traffic. After CAR is performed on a DAA service flow, packets in the DAA service flow are re-marked with different priorities and are scheduled into SQs. In SQ-based traffic statistics, however, DAA traffic and non-DAA traffic are not differentiated. Specify the FQs of which traffic statistics are collected as user traffic statistics."; container inbound { description "Configure the statistics mode for user traffic when SQ scheduling is applied to DAA services."; leaf cs7 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is CS7."; } leaf cs6 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is CS6."; } leaf ef { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is EF."; } leaf af4 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is AF4."; } leaf af3 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is AF3."; } leaf af2 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is AF2."; } leaf af1 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is AF1."; } leaf be { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is BE."; } } // container inbound container outbound { description "Configure the statistics mode for user traffic when SQ scheduling is applied to DAA services."; leaf cs7 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is CS7."; } leaf cs6 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is CS6."; } leaf ef { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is EF."; } leaf af4 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is AF4."; } leaf af3 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is AF3."; } leaf af2 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is AF2."; } leaf af1 { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is AF1."; } leaf be { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a service class is BE."; } } // container outbound } // container user-traffic-statistic container accounting-service-policy { when "../type='daa'"; description "Configure user traffic from to match a DAA service policy."; leaf inbound { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 0; description "Disables user traffic from matching a DAA service policy."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Enables user traffic from to match a DAA service policy."; } enum "auto" { value 2; description "Automatically matches user traffic with a DAA service policy."; } } default "enable"; description "Upstream user traffic."; } leaf outbound { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 0; description "Disables user traffic from matching a DAA service policy."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Enables user traffic from to match a DAA service policy."; } enum "auto" { value 2; description "Automatically matches user traffic with a DAA service policy."; } } default "enable"; description "Downstream user traffic."; } } // container accounting-service-policy container rate-limit-mode { when "../type='daa'"; description "Configure a QoS rate limit mode for downstream DAA services on a board with the eTM subcard installed."; leaf outbond { type bras-vas-out-rate-limit-mode; description "QoS Rate Limit Mode."; } } // container rate-limit-mode container user-group-bind-nats { when "../type='daa'"; description "List of NAT instances with a user group in a value-added-service policy."; list user-group-bind-nat { key "user-group-name"; max-elements 8; description "Configure NAT instances with a user group in a value-added-service policy."; leaf user-group-name { type leafref { path "/bras-basic-access:bras-basic-access/bras-basic-access:user-groups/bras-basic-access:user-group/bras-basic-access:name"; } must "../../../bind-user-group/name != ../user-group-name"; must "count(/bras-basic-access:bras-basic-access/bras-basic-access:user-group-lists/bras-basic-access:user-group-list/bras-basic-access:user-groups/bras-basic-access:user-group[bras-basic-access:name=current()])=0"; description "Specifies the name of a user group, and the user group must not be added to a user group list or a domain without binding nat instance."; } leaf nat-instance-name { type string { length "1..31"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the name of a NAT instance."; } } // list user-group-bind-nat } // container user-group-bind-nats container policy-info { config false; description "Statistics of a specified DAA or BOD value-added service policy."; leaf used-number { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "Number of services that reference a value-added service policy."; } leaf user-number { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "Number of users for whom a value-added service policy is used."; } } // container policy-info } // list vas-policy } // container vas-policys container hw-policy-name-attribute { description "Configure the HW-Policy-Name attribute to carry the EDSG service policy name."; leaf support-edsg { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the HW-Policy-Name attribute to carry the EDSG service policy name."; } } // container hw-policy-name-attribute container accounting-merge-cache { description "Configure a post-merging accounting packet that fails to be sent for value-added services to enter the accounting packet cache. By default, a post-merging accounting packet that fails to be sent for value-added services is disabled from entering the accounting packet cache."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a post-merging accounting packet that fails to be sent for value-added services to enter the accounting packet cache."; } } // container accounting-merge-cache container bod-portal-reserved { description "Configure portal reserved when the type of value added service is bod."; leaf enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable portal reserved when the type of value added service is bod."; } } // container bod-portal-reserved container service-policy-download { presence "service-policy-download."; description "Configure a mode in which an EDSG service policy is obtained."; leaf download-type { type enumeration { enum "local" { value 0; description "Local configuration."; } enum "radius" { value 1; description "Download from an RADIUS server."; } enum "local-radius" { value 2; description "First from the local configuration and then from an RADIUS server."; } enum "radius-local" { value 3; description "First from an RADIUS server and then from the local configuration."; } } default "local"; description "Sets a mode in which an EDSG service policy is obtained."; } leaf radius-server-group-name { when "../download-type ='radius' or ../download-type ='local-radius' or ../download-type ='radius-local'"; type leafref { path "/radius:radius/radius:radius-server-groups/radius:radius-server-group/radius:name"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the name of a RADIUS server group."; } leaf password { when "../download-type ='radius' or ../download-type ='local-radius' or ../download-type ='radius-local'"; type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..128"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies an unencrypted/encrypted password."; } } // container service-policy-download container service-groups { description "List of the service group."; list service-group { key "name"; max-elements 4096; description "Configure a service group."; leaf name { type string { length "1..31"; } must "../name!='a' and ../name!='an' and ../name!='any'"; description "Service group name."; } container service-group-status { config false; description "Operational state of service-group."; leaf is-used { type enumeration { enum "no" { value 0; description "The service-group is unused."; } enum "yes" { value 1; description "The service-group is used."; } } config false; description "Whether the service-group is used or not."; } leaf group-type { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "The type of service-group."; } } // container service-group-status } // list service-group } // container service-groups container coa-hw-policy-name { description "Configure DAA or EDSG service templates delivered by the RADIUS server through Huawei proprietary attributes in COA messages."; leaf daa-same-policy-reply-ack { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to reply with an ACK message when the RADIUS server uses a COA message's HW-Policy-Name (26-95) attribute to deliver the same DAA service policy as that configured on the device in uniform accounting scenarios."; } leaf daa-coexist-with-user { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the user attributes also to take effect if ehty are delivered with a DAA template in the HW-Policy-Name (26-95) attribute through the same COA message which may also carry other DAA service attributes."; } } // container coa-hw-policy-name container prepaid-profiles { description "List of the prepaid service templates."; list prepaid-profile { key "name"; max-elements 1024; description "Configure a prepaid service template."; leaf name { ext:case-sensitivity "lower-only"; type string { length "1..31"; pattern '[a-z0-9._-]{1,31}'; } must "../name != '-' and ../name != '--'"; description "Specifies the name of a prepaid service template."; } container accounting-scheme { description "Configure the accounting scheme for the current pre-paid profile. The scheme must be a configured accounting scheme."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/aaa:aaa/aaa:accounting-schemes/aaa:accounting-scheme/aaa:acct-scheme-name"; } default "default1"; description "Specifies the name of the accounting scheme adopted by the pre-paid profile."; } } // container accounting-scheme container authen-scheme { description "Configure the authentication scheme for the current pre-paid profile. The scheme must be a configured authentication scheme."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/aaa:aaa/aaa:authentication-schemes/aaa:authentication-scheme/aaa:authen-scheme-name"; } default "default1"; description "Specifies the name of the authentication scheme."; } } // container authen-scheme container password { description "Configure the password used for the quotas application sent to the server by the prepaid services."; leaf password { type pub-type:password-extend { length "1..128"; } description "The password is a string ranging from 1 to 16 characters for a simple password and 1 to 128 characters for a ciphertext password."; } } // container password container threshold { description "Configure the threshold that determines when the pre-paid service sends the application for quotas."; leaf time-value { type uint32; units "s"; default "0"; description "Uses a certain period of time as the threshold."; } leaf volume-value { type uint32; default "0"; description "Uses a certain quantity of volume as the threshold."; } leaf volume-unit { type enumeration { enum "bytes" { value 1; description "The unit is bytes."; } enum "kbytes" { value 2; description "The unit is kbytes."; } enum "mbytes" { value 3; description "The unit is mbytes."; } } default "bytes"; description "Unit of the volume."; } } // container threshold container service-volume-quota-apply { description "Configure the traffic direction to which the EDSG service quota applies."; leaf direction { type enumeration { enum "both" { value 0; description "The direction is both inbound and outbound."; } enum "inbound" { value 1; description "The direction is inbound."; } enum "outbound" { value 2; description "The direction is outbound."; } } default "both"; description "The direction of volume Apply."; } } // container service-volume-quota-apply container profile-info { config false; description "Operational state of prepaid profile."; leaf reference-count { type uint32; config false; description "Number of times that a prepaid profile is referenced by service instances."; } } // container profile-info container radius-server-group { description "Configure the RADIUS server group for prepaid profile."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/radius:radius/radius:radius-server-groups/radius:radius-server-group/radius:name"; } description "Specifies the name of the RADIUS server group."; } } // container radius-server-group } // list prepaid-profile } // container prepaid-profiles container edsg-accounting-interim { description "Configure a device to send a real-time accounting packet carrying the HW-Acct-Update-Address (26-159) attribute with a value of 1 for EDSG services when the user address changes. By default, when the user address changes, a device does not send a real-time accounting packet carrying the HW-Acct-Update-Address (26-159) attribute with a value of 1 for EDSG services."; leaf send-update-user-ip-enable { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable a device to send a real-time accounting packet carrying the HW-Acct-Update-Address (26-159) attribute with a value of 1 for EDSG services when the user address changes."; } } // container edsg-accounting-interim container edsg-coexist-attribute { description "Configure a specified attribute to take effect upon delivery in EDSG service scenarios."; leaf filter-id { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the attribute of filter-id."; } leaf traffic-policy { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the attribute of traffic-Policy."; } leaf hw-data-filter { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the attribute of HW-Data-Filter."; } leaf class { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the attribute of class."; } } // container edsg-coexist-attribute container service-record { description "Configure the service activation failure or deactivation record."; leaf active-fail { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the service activation failure record function."; } leaf deactive { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/disable the service deactivation record function."; } } // container service-record container traffic-policy { description "Configure a DAA traffic policy globally."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/qos:qos/qos:classifier-template/qos:traffic-policys/qos:traffic-policy/qos:name"; } description "Specifies the name of a DAA traffic policy."; } } // container traffic-policy container policy-cache-update-interval { description "Configure an interval at which the downloaded EDSG service policy template is updated."; leaf interval { type uint16 { range "5..65535"; } units "min"; description "Specifies the interval at which the downloaded EDSG service policy template is updated."; } } // container policy-cache-update-interval container service-no-server-policy { description "Configure an activation policy for RADIUS servers when an EDSG service policy is not bound to any RADIUS server group."; leaf server-activation-mode { type bras-vas-online-offline-type; default "offline"; description "Configures an activation policy for RADIUS servers when an EDSG service policy is not bound to any RADIUS server group."; } } // container service-no-server-policy container tariff-queue-mapping { ext:generated-by "system"; presence "Tariff queue mapping."; description "Configure the queue scheduling can be performed on different value-added services to ensure that services with higher priorities are forwarded first. It is used to configure the mapping relationship between tariff levels of DAA and flow queues."; leaf-list tariff-level { ext:generated-by "system"; type bras-vas-flow-queue-type; min-elements 8; max-elements 8; ordered-by user; description "Configure a packet type."; } } // container tariff-queue-mapping container service-policys { description "List of the value-added service policy templates."; list service-policy { key "name"; max-elements 4096; description "Configure a value-added service policy template."; leaf name { type string { length "1..64"; pattern '[a-zA-Z0-9._-]{1,64}'; } must "../name != '-' and ../name != '--'"; description "Specify the name of a value-added service policy. When the node of policy-name-case-sensitive is enabled, the service policy name is case-sensitive. When the node of policy-name-case-sensitive is disabled, the service policy name cannot contain uppercase letters."; } leaf mode { ext:operation-exclude "update"; type enumeration { enum "edsg" { value 0; description "Indicates an enhanced dynamic service gateway (EDSG) service policy."; } enum "portal" { value 1; description "Indicates a portal service policy."; } enum "mirror" { value 4; description "Indicates a mirror service policy."; } } mandatory true; description "Indicates a service policy. This leaf cannot be modified. If you need to modify it, delete the policy and then create a new type of policy."; } container service-group { presence "Service-group."; description "Configure a service group for a service policy."; leaf group-name { type leafref { path "../../../../service-groups/service-group/name"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies the name of a service group."; } leaf direction { when "../../mode='edsg'"; type enumeration { enum "inbound" { value 1; description "Inbound."; } enum "outbound" { value 2; description "Outbound."; } enum "both" { value 3; description "Both."; } } default "both"; description "Indicates the direction for a service group."; } leaf priority { when "../../mode='edsg'"; type uint32 { range "0..1000"; } default "0"; description "Specifies a priority value that a service matches."; } } // container service-group container accounting-scheme { when "../mode='edsg'"; description "Configure the accounting scheme for the current service policy. The scheme must be a configured accounting scheme."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/aaa:aaa/aaa:accounting-schemes/aaa:accounting-scheme/aaa:acct-scheme-name"; } default "default1"; description "Specifies the name of the accounting scheme adopted by the pre-paid profile."; } } // container accounting-scheme container radius-server-group { when "../mode='edsg'"; description "Configure the RADIUS server group for service policy. The server group must be a configured server group."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/radius:radius/radius:radius-server-groups/radius:radius-server-group/radius:name"; } description "Specifies the name of the RADIUS server group."; } } // container radius-server-group container traffic-match { when "../mode='edsg'"; description "Configure EDSG service traffic to match a user group."; leaf direction { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "None."; } enum "inbound" { value 1; description "Specifies inbound direction of reporting dropped SQ traffic."; } enum "outbound" { value 2; description "Specifies outbound direction of reporting dropped SQ traffic."; } enum "both" { value 3; description "Specifies inbound and outbound direction of reporting dropped SQ traffic."; } } default "none"; description "Indicates stream direction of EDSG service traffic."; } } // container traffic-match container statistic-ip-type { when "../mode='edsg'"; description "Configure a statistic IP type for EDSG services. The default statistic type is IPv4 for EDSG services."; leaf type { type bras-vas-service-ip-type; default "ipv4"; description "Statistic IP type for EDSG services."; } } // container statistic-ip-type container service-class { when "../mode='edsg'"; description "Configure upstream or downstream service classes."; leaf inbound-class { type bras-vas-flow-queue-type; description "Specifies a service class of inbound direction."; } leaf outbound-class { type bras-vas-flow-queue-type; description "Specifies a service class of outbound direction."; } } // container service-class container authentication-scheme { when "../mode='edsg'"; description "Configure an authentication scheme for the current service policy. The scheme must be a configured authentication scheme."; leaf name { type leafref { path "/aaa:aaa/aaa:authentication-schemes/aaa:authentication-scheme/aaa:authen-scheme-name"; } description "Specifies the name of the authentication scheme."; } } // container authentication-scheme container rate-limit { when "../mode='edsg'"; description "Configure the inbound and outbound rate for the service policy template."; container inbound { presence "Create inbound rate-limit."; description "Configure the inbound rate for the service policy template."; leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Specifies committed information rate."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; must "not(../pir) or (../pir and ../pir >=../cir)"; description "Specifies the peak information rate."; } leaf cbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; description "Specifies the committed burst size."; } leaf pbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; must "not(../pbs) or (../cbs and ../pbs and ../pbs >=../cbs)"; description "Specifies the peak burst size."; } leaf flow-queue-pbs { when "../cbs"; type uint32 { range "1..4194304"; } units "Byte"; must "../flow-queue-pbs>=../cbs"; description "Specifies the peak burst size of flow queue."; } } // container inbound container outbound { presence "Create outbound rate-limit."; description "Configure the outbound rate for the service policy template."; leaf cir { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; mandatory true; description "Specifies committed information rate."; } leaf pir { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; must "not(../pir) or (../pir and ../pir >=../cir)"; description "Specifies the peak information rate."; } leaf cbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; description "Specifies the committed burst size."; } leaf pbs { type uint32 { range "0..4294967294"; } units "kbit/s"; must "not(../pbs) or (../cbs and ../pbs and ../pbs >=../cbs)"; description "Specifies the peak burst size."; } leaf flow-queue-pbs { when "../cbs"; type uint32 { range "1..4194304"; } units "Byte"; must "../flow-queue-pbs>=../cbs"; description "Specifies the peak burst size of flow queue."; } } // container outbound } // container rate-limit container diameter-monitor-key { when "../mode='edsg'"; description "Configure the Characters monitoring key values for the policy business."; leaf key { type uint32 { range "1..4294967294"; } description "Monitoring key values for the policy business."; } } // container diameter-monitor-key container policy-info { config false; description "Statistics of the value-added-service policy."; leaf reference-count { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "Number of services that reference a service policy."; } } // container policy-info } // list service-policy } // container service-policys container service-policy-groups { description "List of value-added service policy template groups."; list service-policy-group { key "name"; max-elements 1024; description "Configure the value-added service policy template group."; leaf name { type string { length "1..63"; pattern '[!-~]{1,63}'; pattern '([^"%'*/:<>\?@|]{1,63})'; } must "../name != '-' and ../name != '--'"; description "The name of service policy group."; } container service-policys { description "List of value-added service policy templates."; list service-policy { key "name"; max-elements 12; description "Configure the value-added service policy template."; leaf name { type leafref { path "../../../../../service-policys/service-policy/name"; } must "../../../../../service-policys/service-policy[name=current()]/mode='edsg'"; description "The name of service policy."; } } // list service-policy } // container service-policys } // list service-policy-group } // container service-policy-groups container mirror-service-policy-rules { description "List of the mapping relation between service policy and option82."; list mirror-service-policy-rule { key "number"; description "Configure the mapping relation between service policy and option82."; leaf number { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "The number of the rule."; } leaf service-policy-name { type leafref { path "../../../service-policys/service-policy/name"; } must "../../../service-policys/service-policy[name=current()]/mode='mirror'"; must "../../../service-policys/service-policy[name=current()]/service-group/group-name"; mandatory true; description "The name of a service policy."; } leaf option82-type { type enumeration { enum "circuit-id" { value 1; description "Circuit id."; } enum "remote-id" { value 2; description "Remote id."; } } mandatory true; description "The type of option82 attribute."; } leaf option82-value { type string { length "1..198"; } mandatory true; description "The information of option82."; } leaf part-match { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable supporting the part matching."; } } // list mirror-service-policy-rule } // container mirror-service-policy-rules container vas-user-id-states { config false; description "List of the value-added service user IDs."; list vas-user-id-state { key "service-type user-id"; config false; description "Statistics of the value-added service user IDs."; leaf service-type { type enumeration { enum "bod" { value 0; description "BOD service type."; } enum "daa" { value 1; description "DAA service type."; } enum "service" { value 2; description "Display entries of users for whom value-added services are configured."; } enum "without-service" { value 3; description "Display entries of users for whom no value-added services are configured."; } enum "edsg" { value 4; description "Display EDSG user entries."; } enum "edsg-radius" { value 5; description "Delivered by the RADIUS server."; } enum "edsg-diameter" { value 6; description "Delivered by the Diameter server."; } enum "daa-inbound" { value 7; description "Inbound direction."; } enum "daa-outbound" { value 8; description "Outbound direction."; } enum "daa-with-droped-flow" { value 9; description "Display DAA users whose packets are dropped."; } } config false; description "User table type."; } leaf user-id { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "ID of a user."; } leaf service-policy-name { ext:support-filter "true"; when "../service-type='daa'"; type string { length "1..63"; } config false; description "Name of a DAA service policy."; } } // list vas-user-id-state } // container vas-user-id-states container edsg-user-infos { config false; description "List of the VAS user IDs of a specified EDSG service."; list edsg-user-info { key "user-id service-index"; description "Statistics of the VAS user IDs of a specified EDSG service."; leaf user-id { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "User access ID."; } leaf service-index { type uint32 { range "0..4095"; } config false; description "Index of a service."; } leaf service-name { ext:support-filter "true"; type string { length "1..200"; } config false; description "Name of a service."; } leaf service-ip-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 0; description "IPv4."; } enum "ipv6" { value 1; description "IPv6."; } } config false; description "Service traffic statistics type."; } leaf service-state { type string { length "1..31"; } config false; description "Service status."; } leaf service-sub-state { type bras-vas-service-substate; config false; description "Service sub-state."; } leaf reserve-policy-name { type string { length "1..200"; } config false; description "Name of the service policy that has been replaced with the service policy delivered using a CoA message."; } leaf service-group { type string { length "1..31"; } config false; description "Service group."; } leaf service-group-index { type uint16 { range "0..65535"; } config false; description "Index of a service group."; } leaf service-group-priority { type uint16 { range "0..65535"; } config false; description "Priority of a service group."; } leaf inbound-service-class { type string { length "1..3"; } config false; description "Inbound service class."; } leaf outbound-service-class { type string { length "1..3"; } config false; description "Outbound service class."; } leaf authen-method { type bras-vas-method-type; config false; description "Authentication method."; } leaf account-method { type bras-vas-method-type; config false; description "Accounting method."; } leaf radius-server-group { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "RADIUS server group."; } leaf account-copy-state { type enumeration { enum "service" { value 0; description "Service."; } enum "prepaid" { value 1; description "Prepaid."; } enum "close" { value 2; description "Close."; } } config false; description "Status of the EDSG accounting copy function."; } leaf account-copy-group { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "RADIUS server group to which EDSG accounting packets are copied."; } leaf account-session-id { type string { length "1..44"; } config false; description "Accounting session ID."; } leaf service-online-time { type string { length "1..8"; } config false; description "Service online duration."; } leaf real-time-accout-interval { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "s"; config false; description "Real time accounting interval."; } leaf up-committed-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "Upstream committed information rate."; } leaf up-peak-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "Upstream peak information rate."; } leaf up-committed-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "Upstream committed burst size."; } leaf up-peak-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "Upstream peak burst size."; } leaf down-committed-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "Downstream CIR."; } leaf down-peak-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "Downstream PIR."; } leaf down-committed-burst-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "Downstream CBS."; } leaf down-peak-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } config false; description "Downstream PBS."; } leaf up-flow-packets-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf up-flow-packets-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf down-flow-packets-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf down-flow-packets-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of RUI-backed up upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of RUI-backed up upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "packet"; config false; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte"; config false; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf prepaid-state { type string { length "1..11"; } config false; description "Prepaid status."; } leaf prepaid-account-method { type bras-vas-method-type; config false; description "Prepaid accounting method."; } leaf volume-quota-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte/s"; config false; description "Traffic volume quota high."; } leaf volume-quota-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte/s"; config false; description "Traffic volume quota low."; } leaf volume-threshold-high { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte/s"; config false; description "Traffic volume threshold high."; } leaf volume-threshold-low { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "Byte/s"; config false; description "Traffic volume threshold low."; } leaf time-quota { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "s"; config false; description "Traffic volume quota."; } leaf time-threshold { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "s"; config false; description "Traffic volume threshold."; } leaf idle-time-out { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "s"; config false; description "Idle timeout."; } leaf http-redirect-profile { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "Name of the redirection profile configured for EDSG services."; } leaf http-redirect-enable { type boolean; config false; description "Whether captive portal is enabled for EDSG services."; } leaf http-redirect-profile-portal { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "Name of the redirection profile configured for captive portal for EDSG services."; } leaf http-service-index { type uint8 { range "0..255"; } config false; description "Index of an EDSG service for which captive portal is enabled."; } leaf service-source { type bras-vas-service-source; config false; description "Service source."; } leaf diameter-monitor-key { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "Diameter monitoring key in the service policy."; } leaf inbound-match-user-group { type boolean; config false; description "Whether upstream EDSG service traffic matches a user group."; } leaf outbound-match-user-group { type boolean; config false; description "Whether downstream EDSG service traffic matches a user group."; } leaf time-range-template { type string { length "1..32"; } config false; description "Name of the time range template that takes effect."; } leaf rui-state { type enumeration { enum "master" { value 1; description "Master."; } enum "slave" { value 2; description "Slave."; } enum "none" { value 3; description "None."; } } config false; description "RUI status of the EDSG service."; } leaf rui-backup-online-time { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } units "s"; config false; description "Online duration of the EDSG service when the slave RUI device activates the EDSG service."; } } // list edsg-user-info } // container edsg-user-infos container user-id-daa-states { config false; description "List of DAA type information about value-added services based on a specified user ID."; list user-id-daa-state { key "user-id tariff-level"; description "Statistics of DAA type information about value-added services based on a specified user ID."; leaf user-id { type uint32; description "User access ID."; } leaf tariff-level { type uint32 { range "1..8"; } description "Tariff level."; } leaf service-name { type string { length "1..200"; } description "Name of a service."; } leaf service-ip-type { type bras-vas-service-ip-type; description "Service traffic statistics type. The default value is IPv4. This parameter can be set to IPv6."; } leaf account-method { type bras-vas-method-type; description "Accounting method."; } leaf normal-server-group { type string { length "1..34"; } description "Name of the policy server that delivers a service policy."; } leaf up-committed-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Upstream committed information rate."; } leaf up-peak-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Upstream peak information rate."; } leaf up-committed-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Upstream committed burst size."; } leaf up-peak-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Upstream peak burst size."; } leaf down-committed-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Downstream CIR."; } leaf down-peak-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Downstream PIR."; } leaf down-committed-burst-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Downstream CBS."; } leaf down-peak-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Downstream PBS."; } leaf service-source-ip { type uint32; description "Source IP of a service."; } leaf service-type { type string { length "1..40"; } description "Type of a service."; } leaf account-start-time { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Time when the accounting starts."; } leaf two-level-acct-server-group { type string { length "1..34"; } description "Radius server group of two level accounting."; } leaf physical-acct-server-group { type string { length "1..34"; } description "Radius server group of physical account."; } leaf up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf ipv6-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream IPv6 accounting high packets."; } leaf ipv6-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream IPv6 accounting low packets."; } leaf ipv6-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream IPv6 accounting high bytes."; } leaf ipv6-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream IPv6 accounting low bytes."; } leaf ipv6-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream IPv6 accounting high packets."; } leaf ipv6-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream IPv6 accounting low packets."; } leaf ipv6-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream IPv6 accounting high bytes."; } leaf ipv6-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream IPv6 accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed up upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed up upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-v6-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of IPv6 upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-v6-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of IPv6 upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-v6-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of IPv6 upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-v6-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of IPv6 upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-v6-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of IPv6 downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-v6-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of IPv6 downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-v6-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of IPv6 downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-v6-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of IPv6 downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-v6-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-v6-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-v6-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-v6-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-v6-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-v6-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-v6-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-v6-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf multicast-down-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of multicast downstream accounting packets."; } leaf multicast-down-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of multicast downstream accounting bytes."; } leaf time-remind { type uint32; units "s"; description "Time remind."; } leaf flow-remained-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Flow remained high byte."; } leaf flow-remained-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Flow remained low byte."; } leaf idle-cut-time { type uint32; units "s"; description "Idle-cut time. The device checks whether a user is in idle state every 120s."; } leaf idle-cut-rate { type uint32; units "1/60 kB/s"; description "Idle-cut rate. The device checks whether a user is in idle state every 120s."; } leaf idle-cut-minute { type uint32; units "min"; description "Idle-cut minute. The device checks whether a user is in idle state every 120s."; } leaf idle-cut-second { type uint32; units "s"; description "Idle-cut second. The device checks whether a user is in idle state every 120s."; } } // list user-id-daa-state } // container user-id-daa-states container user-id-bod-states { config false; description "List of BOD type information about value-added services based on a specified user ID."; list user-id-bod-state { key "user-id"; description "Statistics of BOD type information about value-added services based on a specified user ID."; leaf user-id { type uint32; description "User access ID."; } leaf service-name { type string { length "1..200"; } description "Name of a service."; } leaf service-ip-type { type bras-vas-service-ip-type; description "Service traffic statistics type. The default value is IPv4. This parameter can be set to IPv6."; } leaf account-method { type bras-vas-method-type; description "Accounting method."; } leaf normal-server-group { type string { length "1..34"; } description "Name of the policy server that delivers a service policy."; } leaf up-committed-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Upstream committed information rate."; } leaf up-peak-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Upstream peak information rate."; } leaf up-committed-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Upstream committed burst size."; } leaf up-peak-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Upstream peak burst size."; } leaf down-committed-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Downstream CIR."; } leaf down-peak-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Downstream PIR."; } leaf down-committed-burst-rate { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Downstream CBS."; } leaf down-peak-burst-size { type string { length "1..19"; } description "Downstream PBS."; } leaf service-source-ip { type uint32; description "Source IP of a service."; } leaf service-type { type string { length "1..40"; } description "Type of a service."; } leaf account-start-time { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Time when the accounting starts."; } leaf two-level-acct-server-group { type string { length "1..34"; } description "Radius server group of two level accounting."; } leaf physical-acct-server-group { type string { length "1..34"; } description "Radius server group of physical account."; } leaf up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf ipv6-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream IPv6 accounting high packets."; } leaf ipv6-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream IPv6 accounting low packets."; } leaf ipv6-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream IPv6 accounting high bytes."; } leaf ipv6-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream IPv6 accounting low bytes."; } leaf ipv6-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream IPv6 accounting high packets."; } leaf ipv6-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream IPv6 accounting low packets."; } leaf ipv6-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream IPv6 accounting high bytes."; } leaf ipv6-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream IPv6 accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed up upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed up upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed up downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-v6-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of IPv6 upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-v6-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of IPv6 upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-v6-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of IPv6 upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-v6-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of IPv6 upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf local-v6-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of IPv6 downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf local-v6-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of IPv6 downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf local-v6-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of IPv6 downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf local-v6-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of IPv6 downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-v6-up-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 upstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-v6-up-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 upstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-v6-up-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 upstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-v6-up-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 upstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf remote-v6-down-flow-packets-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 downstream accounting high packets."; } leaf remote-v6-down-flow-packets-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 downstream accounting low packets."; } leaf remote-v6-down-flow-bytes-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 downstream accounting high bytes."; } leaf remote-v6-down-flow-bytes-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Number of RUI-backed IPv6 downstream accounting low bytes."; } leaf multicast-down-packets { type uint64; units "packet"; description "Number of multicast downstream accounting packets."; } leaf multicast-down-bytes { type uint64; units "Byte"; description "Number of multicast downstream accounting bytes."; } leaf time-remind { type uint32; units "s"; description "Time remind."; } leaf flow-remained-high { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Flow remained high byte."; } leaf flow-remained-low { type uint32; units "Byte"; description "Flow remained low byte."; } leaf idle-cut-time { type uint32; units "s"; description "Idle-cut time. The device checks whether a user is in idle state every 120s."; } leaf idle-cut-rate { type uint32; units "1/60 kB/s"; description "Idle-cut rate. The device checks whether a user is in idle state every 120s."; } leaf idle-cut-minute { type uint32; units "min"; description "Idle-cut minute. The device checks whether a user is in idle state every 120s."; } leaf idle-cut-second { type uint32; units "s"; description "Idle-cut second. The device checks whether a user is in idle state every 120s."; } } // list user-id-bod-state } // container user-id-bod-states container vas-edsg-user-id-informations { config false; description "List of the VAS EDSG service of a specified user ID."; list vas-edsg-user-id-information { key "user-access-index"; config false; description "Statistics of the VAS EDSG service of a specified user ID."; leaf user-access-index { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "Index of an access user."; } leaf user-name { type string { length "1..253"; } config false; description "Name of a user."; } leaf traffic-rate-mode { type enumeration { enum "together" { value 0; description "Together."; } enum "separate" { value 1; description "Separate."; } } config false; description "Rate limit mode."; } leaf traffic-statistic-mode { type enumeration { enum "together" { value 0; description "Together."; } enum "separate" { value 1; description "Separate."; } } config false; description "Statistics mode."; } leaf inbound-rate-limit-mode { type bras-vas-rate-limit-mode; config false; description "Inbound rate limit mode."; } leaf outbound-rate-limit-mode { type bras-vas-rate-limit-mode; config false; description "Outbound rate limit mode."; } leaf service-change-mode { type enumeration { enum "stop-start" { value 0; description "Stop-start."; } enum "update" { value 1; description "Update."; } } config false; description "Service change mode."; } leaf stop-accounting-merge { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "Stop accounting merge."; } leaf interim-accounting-merge { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "Interim accounting merge."; } leaf interim-interval { type uint16 { range "0..65535"; } units "min"; config false; description "Merged interim accounting interval."; } leaf interim-hash { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "Merged interim accounting hash."; } leaf inbound-family-schedule { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "Whether EDSG unified scheduling is enabled for upstream family users."; } leaf outbound-family-schedule { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "Whether EDSG unified scheduling is enabled for downstream family users."; } container user-id-edsg-service-briefs { config false; description "List of the VAS EDSG service of a specified user ID."; list user-id-edsg-service-brief { key "service-index"; config false; description "Statistics of the VAS EDSG service of a specified user ID."; leaf service-index { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "Index of a service."; } leaf service-name { type string { length "1..200"; } config false; description "Name of a service."; } leaf service-state { type string { length "1..31"; } config false; description "State of a service."; } } // list user-id-edsg-service-brief } // container user-id-edsg-service-briefs } // list vas-edsg-user-id-information } // container vas-edsg-user-id-informations container edsg-time-range-state { config false; description "Statistics of the edsg time-range."; leaf updated-success-users { type uint32; description "Number Of Users That Success To Be Updated."; } leaf updated-failed-users { type uint32; description "Number Of Users That Fail To Be Updated."; } leaf to-be-update-users { type uint32; description "Number Of Users To Be Updated."; } leaf total-updated-users { type uint32; description "Total Number Of Updated Users."; } } // container edsg-time-range-state container updated-fail-statistic { config false; description "Statistics of update fail record."; leaf sq-resource-fail-num { type uint32; description "Failed to Apply SQ Resource For The Service."; } leaf car-res-fail-num { type uint32; description "Failed to Apply CAR Resource For The Service."; } leaf stat-res-fail-num { type uint32; description "Failed to Apply Statistic Resource For The Service."; } } // container updated-fail-statistic container remote-policy-caches { config false; description "List of the specified EDSG service cache policy."; list remote-policy-cache { key "service-policy-name"; max-elements 4096; description "Statistics of a specified EDSG service cache policy."; leaf service-policy-name { type string { length "1..200"; } description "Specify the name of a remote policy cache."; } leaf service-policy-index { type uint32; description "The service policy index."; } leaf reference-count { type uint32; description "The reference count."; } } // list remote-policy-cache } // container remote-policy-caches container vas-daa-user-id-infos { config false; description "List of the dropped DAA service traffic of a specified user ID."; list vas-daa-user-id-info { key "user-access-index"; description "Statistics of the dropped DAA service traffic of a specified user ID."; leaf user-access-index { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Index of an access user."; } leaf user-state { type uint8; description "State of a user."; } leaf user-name { type string { length "1..253"; } description "Name of a user."; } leaf user-service-number { type uint8; description "Number of user services."; } leaf cops-server-name { type string { length "1..63"; } description "Name of a cops server."; } leaf direction { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Direction of DAA service traffic."; } leaf outbound-rate-limit-mode { type string { length "1..15"; } description "Rate limiting mode of downstream DAA service traffic."; } leaf dropped-flow-upstream-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "High-order number of packets dropped in the upstream direction."; } leaf dropped-flow-upstream-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Low-order number of packets dropped in the upstream direction."; } leaf dropped-flow-downstream-high { type uint32; units "packet"; description "High-order number of packets dropped in the downstream direction."; } leaf dropped-flow-downstream-low { type uint32; units "packet"; description "Low-order number of packets dropped in the downstream direction."; } leaf tariff-level1 { type uint8; description "DAA tariff level 1."; } leaf tariff-level2 { type uint8; description "DAA tariff level 2."; } leaf tariff-level3 { type uint8; description "DAA tariff level 3."; } leaf tariff-level4 { type uint8; description "DAA tariff level 4."; } leaf tariff-level5 { type uint8; description "DAA tariff level 5."; } leaf tariff-level6 { type uint8; description "DAA tariff level 6."; } leaf tariff-level7 { type uint8; description "DAA tariff level 7."; } leaf tariff-level8 { type uint8; description "DAA tariff level 8."; } } // list vas-daa-user-id-info } // container vas-daa-user-id-infos } // container bras-vas } // module huawei-bras-vas
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