
IPv4 address management.

Grouping Objects Abstract
common-config export-route unr-tag dns-server warning-exhaust The configuration for all type IP address pool.
constant-index constant-index Statistics of the constant index for an IPv4 address pool.
date-time-config day hour minute Define the time include day hour and minute.
delayed-release delayed-release Define the configure IP address delayed release function for IP address pool.
dhcp-server-group name Bind a dhcp-server group to an IP address pool.
gateway gate-ip gate-mask Configure the gateway and gate mask for the IP address pool.
import-vpn-instance name Bind a specified VPN instance to an address pool.
ip-address-info address-infos The info of IP address.
ip-address-number total-number used-number idle-number conflict-number disable-number reserved-number static-bind-number delayed-number Statistics of IP address.
ip-attribute-public ip-attribute-public Enable the ip attribute public function for IP address pool.
ip-pool-max-usage total-number used-number time The max usage of IP address.
ip-pool-usage total-number used-number ratio The usage of IP address.
lease-management lease-management Enables the lease management function for IP address pool.
lock lock Lock an IPv4 pool.
rui-slave rui-slave Indicate RUI-slave address pools.
specified-up occupied-policy Configure an IP address pool to be exclusively used by a vBRAS-UP or UP backup policy profile in CU separation multi-instance scenarios.
time-default-config day hour minute Define the time include day hour and minute.
vpn-instance vpn-instance Specify the name of vpn-instance binded.
warning-threshold warning-threshold Define the configure warning threshold of IPv4 address usage.

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