BGP Monitoring Protocol.
Version: 2021-09-04
module huawei-bmp { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:huawei:yang:huawei-bmp"; prefix bmp; import huawei-network-instance { prefix ni; } import huawei-extension { prefix ext; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import huawei-ifm { prefix ifm; } import huawei-ssl { prefix ssl; } import huawei-pub-type { prefix pub-type; } organization "Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd."; contact "Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: Email:"; description "BGP Monitoring Protocol."; revision "2021-09-04" { description "Update revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } revision "2021-03-02" { description "Initial revision."; reference "Huawei private."; } ext:task-name "bmp"; typedef monitor-af-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4uni" { value 1; description "IPv4 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv4vpn" { value 3; description "IPv4 VPN address family."; } enum "ipv4labeluni" { value 4; description "IPv4 labeled address family."; } enum "ipv6uni" { value 5; description "IPv6 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv6vpn" { value 6; description "IPv6 VPN address family."; } } description "The address family of BMP monitor."; } typedef monitor-vpn-af-type { type enumeration { enum "ipv4uni" { value 1; description "IPv4 unicast address family."; } enum "ipv4labeluni" { value 4; description "IPv4 labeled address family."; } enum "ipv6uni" { value 5; description "IPv6 unicast address family."; } } description "The address family of BMP monitor."; } typedef rib-type { type enumeration { enum "ribin" { value 0; description "Routes received from peers."; } enum "ribout" { value 1; description "Routes advertised to peers."; } } description "The type of routing information base."; } typedef route-policy-mode { type enumeration { enum "null" { value 0; description "Do not configure the policy mode."; } enum "pre-policy" { value 1; description "Regardless of whether the route match the export policy."; } enum "post-policy" { value 2; description "The route that match the route policy."; } } description "The type of policy mode."; } typedef peers-route-policy-mode { type enumeration { enum "pre-policy" { value 1; description "Regardless of whether the route match the export policy."; } enum "post-policy" { value 2; description "The route that match the route policy."; } } description "The type of policy mode."; } typedef rib-type-vpn { type enumeration { enum "ribin" { value 0; description "Routes received from peers."; } enum "ribout" { value 1; description "Routes advertised to peers."; } enum "locrib" { value 2; description "Routes received from peers and locally imported routes."; } } description "The type of routing information base."; } grouping route-mode { description "The BMP monitor route configuration."; leaf adj-rib-mode { type rib-type; description "Route storage type for BMP to monitor."; } leaf policy-mode { type route-policy-mode; must "../policy-mode != 'null'"; description "Policy mode for BMP to monitor."; } } // grouping route-mode grouping peers-route-mode { description "The BMP monitor route configuration."; leaf adj-rib-mode { type rib-type; description "Route storage type for BMP to monitor."; } leaf policy-mode { type peers-route-policy-mode; description "Policy mode for BMP to monitor."; } } // grouping peers-route-mode container bmp { description "Configure BMP."; container bmp { presence "Enable BMP."; description "Enable/disable BMP globally."; leaf statistics-timer { type uint16 { range "15..65535"; } units "s"; default "3600"; description "Configure a statistic report timer."; } leaf interface-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Specifies a source IP address to set up a BMP session."; } } // container bmp } // container bmp augment /ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance { description "BMP session configuration."; container bmp { when "/bmp:bmp/bmp:bmp"; description "Configure BMP."; container sessions { description "List of BMP session."; list session { key "remote-address name"; max-elements 4; description "Configure BMP session."; leaf remote-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Specifies a BMP session address for a BMP device to set up a TCP connection with a monitoring server."; } leaf name { type string { length "1..31"; } description "Specifies a session alias. When the device needs to establish multiple TCP connections with the same monitoring server through different port numbers, specify session aliases for differentiation."; } leaf ssl-policy-name { when "not (contains(../remote-address, ':'))"; type leafref { path "/ssl:ssl/ssl:ssl-policys/ssl:ssl-policy/ssl:policy-name"; } description "Configures a SSL policy for the BMP."; } leaf interface-name { type leafref { path "/ifm:ifm/ifm:interfaces/ifm:interface/ifm:name"; } description "Name of a source interface that sends BMP packets. By default, the outbound interface of a BMP packet serves as the source interface of a BMP packet. To ensure that a router can send BMP packets when a physical interface fails, you can configure the source interface that sends BMP packets as a loopback interface. When using the loopback interface as the source interface, note the following points: The address of the loopback interface of the BMP peer must be reachable."; } leaf interface-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; must "(contains(., ':') and contains(../remote-address, ':')) or (not (contains(., ':')) and not (contains(../remote-address, ':')))"; description "Address of a source interface that sends BMP packets. By default, the outbound interface of a BMP packet serves as the source interface of a BMP packet. To ensure that a router can send BMP packets when a physical interface fails, you can configure the source interface that sends BMP packets as a loopback interface. When using the loopback interface as the source interface, note the following points: The address of the loopback interface of the BMP peer must be reachable."; } leaf tcp-port { type uint16 { range "1..65535"; } description "TCP connection port."; } choice tcp-authentication-type { when "tcp-port"; description "Set password or key-chain name."; case password { description "Set password."; leaf password-text { type pub-type:password-extend; description "The TCP connection password is a string of characters, spaces not supported. If only a space is input, the password is cleared. The password is a string ranging from 1 to 255 characters for a plaintext password and 20 to 432 characters for a cipher-text password. The two ends must have the same password; otherwise, TCP connection cannot be established between the two ends."; } } // case password case key-chain { description "Set key-chain name."; leaf key-chain-name { type string { length "1..47"; pattern '[^A-Z]+'; } description "Specifies the name of the Keychain authentication."; } } // case key-chain } // choice tcp-authentication-type container monitor-all-vpn { presence "List of monitor all the VPN instances."; description "Configure monitor all the VPN instances."; container route-modes { description "List of monitoring modes."; list route-mode { key "address-family adj-rib-mode policy-mode"; description "Configure monitoring mode."; leaf address-family { type monitor-vpn-af-type; description "Address family for BMP to monitor."; } uses route-mode; } // list route-mode } // container route-modes } // container monitor-all-vpn container monitor-vpns { description "List of monitor specific VPN instances."; list monitor-vpn { key "bgp-vpn-name"; description "Configure monitor a specific VPN instance."; leaf bgp-vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "Name of a BGP VPN instance."; } container route-modes { description "List of monitoring modes."; list route-mode { key "address-family adj-rib-mode policy-mode"; description "Configure monitoring mode."; leaf address-family { type monitor-af-type; must "((../../../bgp-vpn-name != '_public_') and (../address-family !='ipv4vpn' and ../address-family !='ipv6vpn')) or (../../../bgp-vpn-name = '_public_')"; description "Address family for BMP to monitor."; } leaf adj-rib-mode { type rib-type-vpn; description "Route storage type for BMP to monitor."; } leaf policy-mode { type route-policy-mode; must "(../policy-mode != 'null' and ../adj-rib-mode != 'locrib') or (../policy-mode = 'null' and ../adj-rib-mode = 'locrib')"; description "Policy mode for BMP to monitor."; } leaf add-path { when "(../policy-mode ='null') and (../adj-rib-mode ='locrib')"; type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/disable the device to send statistics about Add-Path routes of BGP peers to the monitoring server."; } } // list route-mode } // container route-modes } // list monitor-vpn } // container monitor-vpns container monitor-peers { description "List of monitor specific peers."; list monitor-peer { key "bgp-vpn-name address"; description "Configure monitor a specific peer."; leaf bgp-vpn-name { type leafref { path "/ni:network-instance/ni:instances/ni:instance/ni:name"; } description "VPN instance name."; } leaf address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "IP address of a BGP peer."; } container route-modes { description "List of monitoring modes."; list route-mode { key "address-family adj-rib-mode policy-mode"; description "Configure monitoring mode."; leaf address-family { type monitor-af-type; must "((../../../bgp-vpn-name != '_public_') and (../address-family !='ipv4vpn' and ../address-family !='ipv6vpn')) or (../../../bgp-vpn-name = '_public_')"; description "Address family for BMP to monitor."; } uses peers-route-mode; } // list route-mode } // container route-modes } // list monitor-peer } // container monitor-peers } // list session } // container sessions } // container bmp } } // module huawei-bmp
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