
Inter-AS routing protocol that exchanges Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) with other BGP systems.

Typedef Base type Abstract
add-path-cap-type enumeration The type of bgpcommAddPathCap.
af-type enumeration The type of bgpcommPrefix.
apply-label-type enumeration The type of bgpcommApplyLabel.
as-number-type enumeration The Type of the AS number that is used to establish a dynamic peer relationship.
as-number-validate string AS number is not include.
attribute-set-type enumeration The type of attrSet.
bfd-state enumeration The state of bgpBfd.
bgp-advertise-route-mode enumeration The mode of advertise route.
bgp-orf-mode-type enumeration The mode of bgpcommonOrf.
bgp-orf-type enumeration The type of bgpcommonOrf.
connect-mode enumeration The connect mode of bgp common peer.
cra-match-mode enumeration The mode of bgpcommonCraMatch.
dampening-route-ext-peer-type enumeration The peer type of bgp dampening route.
dampening-route-peer-type enumeration The peer type of bgp dampening route.
dependent-prefix-filter-type enumeration The type of matching dependent routes.
direction-type enumeration The type of bgpcommDirection.
entropy-label-attribute-type enumeration The attribute type of advertising entropy labels.
epe-state enumeration The type of bgpEpeState.
exp-mode-type enumeration The type of bgpcommExpMode.
first-as-state enumeration The type of bgpCheckFirstAsRealState.
group-af-type enumeration The type of bgpcommPrefix.
group-type enumeration The type of bgp common peer.
import-rib-ipv4-safi-type enumeration The src address type of import rib.
import-rib-ipv6-safi-type enumeration The src address type of import rib.
instance-af-type enumeration The type of bgpcommPrefix.
instance-group-af-type enumeration The type of bgpcommPrefix.
ipv4-export-filter-protocol-type enumeration The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute.
ipv4-import-route-protocol-type enumeration The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute.
ipv4multi-import-route-protocol-type enumeration The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute.
ipv6-export-filter-protocol-type enumeration The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute.
ipv6-import-route-protocol-type enumeration The protocol of bgpcommonImRoute.
lsp-operation-type enumeration The label operation mode.
memory-priority enumeration The priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs.
nexthop-configuration-type enumeration The nexthop configuration of bgp.
nexthop-priority-address-type enumeration The address type of nexthop priority.
paf-control-feature-type enumeration The features controlled by PAF.
password-type enumeration The type of bgpcommPassword.
path-attr-treat-type enumeration Processing mode of path attribute.
peer-attr-enable-type enumeration State of the attribute on peer.
peer-cap-config-state enumeration The type of check-first-as-tri-state.
peer-comm-config-type enumeration State of the configuration on peer.
peer-enable-config-type enumeration State of the configuration on peer.
peer-establish-mode enumeration The mode in which a BGP peer is established.
peer-memory-priority enumeration The priority that determines the disconnection order of a BGP peer relationship if memory overload occurs.
peer-ssl-role-type enumeration The type of SSL role.
peer-state enumeration The state of bgpcommPeer.
peer-state-type enumeration The state of peer state.
peer-type-info enumeration The type of bgp common peer.
region-validation-bestroute-type enumeration The BGP region validation bestroute type.
route-limit-type enumeration The type of bgpcommRouteLmt.
rpd-cap-type enumeration The type of flowRtpDistribute.
select-depend-ip-type enumeration The type of nexthop select depend.
select-depend-type enumeration The type of nexthop select depend.
select-depend-type-ext enumeration The type of nexthop select depend.
sid-type enumeration SID types.
ssl-role-type enumeration The type of SSL role.
vrf-import-rib-ipv4-safi-type enumeration The src address type of import rib.
vrf-nexthop-configuration-type enumeration The nexthop configuration of bgp.

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