This module contains definitions for System Management. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved.
Version: 2017-02-16
module fujitsu-system { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:fujitsu:params:xml:ns:yang:system"; prefix sys; import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } import fujitsu-entity-states { prefix entity-states; } import fujitsu-equipment { prefix eqpt; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import ietf-netconf-acm { prefix nacm; } import fujitsu-security-certificates { prefix secuCert; } import fujitsu-user-security { prefix secu; } import tailf-xsd-types { prefix xs; } import fujitsu-ains-keywords { prefix ains; } organization "Fujitsu Ltd."; contact "Fujitsu Ltd. Address: 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, Texas 75082 Tel: +1-800-USE-FTAC (1-800-873-3822) Email: Web:"; description "This module contains definitions for System Management. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved. "; revision "2017-02-16" { description "Adding factor range for Ethernet Holdoff Timer (EHT)"; } revision "2017-02-10" { description "Ethernet Holdoff Timer (EHT) enum description updated"; } revision "2017-02-08" { description "Removed saml container as it has been moved to a new yang file."; } revision "2017-02-06" { description "Added address check to NTP server"; } revision "2017-01-29" { description "Moved the default for neMgmtMode to XML file"; } revision "2017-01-26" { description "webgui-timeout help string modified to address FSSPD-487"; } revision "2017-01-12" { description "XPATH corrections to include prefixes for each level"; } revision "2016-11-17" { description "Introduced Ethernet Holdoff Timer (EHT)"; } revision "2016-04-08" { description "Support for AINS has been added."; } revision "2016-02-15" { description "Initial revision."; } feature ntp { description "Indicates that the device can be configured to use one or more NTP servers to set the system date and time."; } feature timezone-name { description "Indicates that the local time zone on the device can be configured to use the TZ database to set the time zone and manage daylight saving time."; reference "RFC 6557: Procedures for Maintaining the Time Zone Database"; } typedef ntp-version { type uint8 { range "3..4"; } default "4"; description "The current NTP version supported by corresponding association. Currently support versions 3 and 4."; } typedef ntp-minpoll { type uint8 { range "4..17"; } default "4"; description "The minimul poll interval for this NTP association. Range: 4-17"; } typedef ntp-maxpoll { type uint8 { range "4..17"; } default "10"; description "The maximul poll interval for this NTP association. Range: 4-17"; } typedef RestartLevel { type enumeration { enum "cold" { value 0; description "cold re-start"; } enum "warm" { value 1; description "warm re-start"; } } description "initialization level for restart"; } typedef EHT-value { type int32 { range "0..20"; } description "Factor for Ethernet Holdoff Timer .. Range <0..20>"; } typedef AAT-value { type enumeration { enum "aat-zero" { value 0; description "alarm activation time = 0"; } enum "aat-twoPointFive" { value 1; description "alarm activation time = 2.5 "; } } description "Activation time for alarms in seconds"; } typedef ADT-value { type enumeration { enum "adt-zero" { value 0; description "alarm de-activation time = 0"; } enum "adt-ten" { value 1; description "alarm de-activation time = 10"; } } description "Deactivation time for alarms in seconds"; } typedef neMgmtModeType { type enumeration { enum "Router" { value 0; description "Router: NE management plane is running in Router mode"; } enum "Bridge" { value 1; description "Bridge: NE management plan is running L2 Bridge"; } enum "MixMode" { value 2; description "MixMode: LCN1 and LCN2 ports in Bridge and all others in Router mode"; } } description " NE management plane modes"; } typedef ctrl-status { type enumeration { enum "no-entry" { value 0; description "no entry"; } enum "not-registered" { value 1; description "not registered"; } enum "registered" { value 2; description "registered"; } } description "status of controller registration"; } augment /eqpt:eqpt/eqpt:shelf/eqpt:slot/eqpt:subslot/eqpt:port { uses ains:ains-prov-keywords { refine ains { must "(current()='disabled' or (current()='enabled' and current()/../eqpt:admin-status='down'))" { error-message "admin-status cannot be up when AINS is enabled"; } } refine vstimer { tailf:default-ref "/sys:system/sys:sys-vstimer"; } } } container system { description "System related configurations"; leaf vendor { type string; description "Vendor Name - \"Fujitsu Limited\" "; } leaf name { type string { length "7..20"; pattern "(([a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9-]*)([a-zA-Z0-9])))"; } description "Admin assigned name/hostname to this system. Name starts with a letter, ends with a letter or digit. Interior characters are only letters, digits and hyphens."; } leaf location { type string; description "location information"; } leaf contact { type string; description "Contact information for this system"; } leaf neType { type string; config false; description "Network Element type"; } leaf neTypeInDB { type string; description "Network Element Type"; } leaf neMgmtMode { tailf:default-ref "/defaults/def-neMgmtMode"; type neMgmtModeType; description "Network Element Management Modes - Router or Bridge"; } leaf softwareVersion { type string; config false; description "Software version of the system"; } leaf upTime { type uint32; config false; description "Number of TimeTicks ( in one hudredth of second) since last time System was initilized"; } leaf autoP { type boolean; description "Global flag to turn ON/OFF auto provisioning on the system"; } leaf EHT { type EHT-value; default "0"; description "Ethernet Holdoff Timer"; } leaf AAT { type AAT-value; description "Alarm Activation Time"; } leaf ADT { type ADT-value; description "Alarm De-activation Time"; } leaf showFwBackwardCompatAllAlarm { type boolean; default "true"; description "true: show firmwareBackwardCompatibleAll alarm false: Do not show firmwareBackwardCompatibleAll alarm"; } leaf sys-vstimer { type string { pattern "((([0-3][0-9]|4[0-7])-([0-5][0-9]))|48-00)"; } default "08-00"; description "value of validation timer in hh-mm"; } container clock { description "Configuration of the system date and time properties."; leaf timezone-name { if-feature timezone-name; type string; default "CST6CDT"; description "The TZ database name to use for the system, such as 'Europe/Stockholm'."; } } // container clock container ntp { if-feature ntp; presence "Enables the NTP client unless the 'enabled' leaf (which defaults to 'true') is set to 'false'"; description "Configuration of the NTP client."; leaf enabled { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/Disable NTP synchronization"; } list servers { key "name"; unique "address"; max-elements 2; description "List of NTP servers to use for system clock synchronization. If '/system/ntp/enabled' is 'true', then the system will attempt to contact and utilize the specified NTP servers."; leaf name { type string; description "An arbitrary name for the NTP server."; } leaf address { type inet:ip-address; must "not(starts-with(current(),'127.'))" { error-message "Loopback addresses are not supported"; } mandatory true; description "The address of the NTP server."; } leaf version { type ntp-version; description "NTP version. Supports versions 3 and 4"; } leaf association-type { type enumeration { enum "server" { value 0; description "Use client association mode. This device will not provide synchronization to the configured NTP server."; } } default "server"; description "The desired association type for this NTP server."; } leaf minpoll { type ntp-minpoll; description "The minimul poll interval used in this association. Range: 4-17"; } leaf maxpoll { type ntp-maxpoll; description "The maximul poll interval used in this association. Range: 4-17"; } leaf prefer { type boolean; default "false"; description "Indicates whether this server should be preferred or not."; } } // list servers } // container ntp container ztp { description "Configuration of the ZTP app."; leaf ztp-enabled { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/Disable ZTP application"; } container ztp-oper-data { config false; leaf controller-reg-status { type ctrl-status; description "Controller registration status."; } leaf controller-ip-addr { type inet:ip-address; description "IP address of the controller"; } } // container ztp-oper-data } // container ztp container services { must "ssh-server/ssh-server-port != ftp/ftp-server/ftp-server-port and ssh-server/ssh-server-port != sftp/sftp-server/sftp-server-port and ssh-server/ssh-server-port != telnet/telnet-port and ssh-server/ssh-server-port != netconf/netconf-port and ssh-server/ssh-server-port != snmp/snmp-port and ftp/ftp-server/ftp-server-port != sftp/sftp-server/sftp-server-port and ftp/ftp-server/ftp-server-port != telnet/telnet-port and ftp/ftp-server/ftp-server-port != netconf/netconf-port and ftp/ftp-server/ftp-server-port != snmp/snmp-port and sftp/sftp-server/sftp-server-port != telnet/telnet-port and sftp/sftp-server/sftp-server-port != netconf/netconf-port and sftp/sftp-server/sftp-server-port != snmp/snmp-port and telnet/telnet-port != netconf/netconf-port and telnet/telnet-port != snmp/snmp-port and netconf/netconf-port != snmp/snmp-port" { error-message "Duplicate port configuration!"; } description "System Service Configuration"; container ssh-server { description "SSH server related configuration "; leaf ssh-server-enabled { type boolean; must "current()='true'" { error-message "Cannot disable SSH"; } default "true"; description "Enable/Disable SSH server"; } leaf ssh-server-port { type uint16 { range "22|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } default "22"; description "SSH server port to listen on: 22|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } } // container ssh-server container web-server { description "Web Server related configuration"; leaf webgui-enabled { type boolean; default "true"; description "Enable/Disable WebGUI"; } leaf webgui-timeout { type xs:duration; description "Timeout value for WebGUI. PT0M means no timeout. Default is PT30M, ie 30 minutes. Please logout and log back in, for changes to take effect after commit"; } container rest { description "rest related configuration"; leaf rest-enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/Disable REST"; } } // container rest container http { presence "Enables http transport"; description "Enables http transport"; leaf http-port { type inet:port-number { range "80|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } default "80"; description "HTTP port to listen on: 80|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } } // container http container https { presence "Enables SSL Transport"; description "Enables SSL Transport"; choice certType { mandatory true; leaf certificate-id { type leafref { path "/secu:security/secuCert:certificates/secuCert:certificate-id"; } description "ID of the certificate from security table"; } leaf system-generated-certificate { type empty; description "Use the system generated certificate"; } } // choice certType leaf https-port { type inet:port-number { range "443|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } default "443"; description "HTTPS port to listen on: 443|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } } // container https } // container web-server container ftp { description "ftp related configuration"; uses ftp-server_g; uses ftp-client_g; } // container ftp container sftp { description "sftp related configuration"; uses sftp-server_g; uses sftp-client_g; } // container sftp container telnet { description "telnet related configuration"; leaf telnet-enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/Disable telnet"; } leaf telnet-port { type uint8 { range "23"; } default "23"; description "Telnet port to listen on: 23"; } } // container telnet container netconf { description "netconf related configuration"; leaf netconf-enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/Disable NETCONF"; } leaf netconf-port { type inet:port-number { range "830|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } default "830"; description "NETCONF port to listen on: 830|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } leaf netconf-timeout { type xs:duration; description "netconf-timeout"; } } // container netconf container snmp { description "SNMP Agent related configuration"; leaf snmp-enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/Disable SNMP Agent"; } leaf snmp-port { type inet:port-number { range "161|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } default "161"; description "SNMP port to listen on: 161|2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } } // container snmp } // container services container filter-timer { description "It is used for the filter management of FAN on Blade. "; list shelfId { key "shelf_Id"; leaf shelf_Id { type leafref { path "/eqpt:eqpt/eqpt:shelf/eqpt:shelfId"; } } leaf repl { type uint8 { range "0..5"; } default "2"; description "Number of times the filter can be cleaned before the filter needs to be replaced. repl = 0 means replace everytime. Clean Time = FILTTM /( REPL + 1) TYPE=REPLACE has to be specified when using REPL in init-filter-timer command."; } leaf filttm { type uint8 { range "0 | 30..180"; } units "day"; default "90"; description "Filter Replace Time (in Days) 0 - The Timer is Inhibited"; } leaf filttmr { type uint8 { range "0..180"; } config false; description "Remaining Filter Replacement Time (in Days)"; } } // list shelfId } // container filter-timer container mem-info { config false; description "It can know use state of the memory."; list target { key "target"; leaf target { type enumeration { enum "workRAM" { value 0; description "Ram"; } enum "storage" { value 1; description "Storage disk"; } } description "WorkRAM or Storage disk"; } leaf size { type uint8; units "byte"; description "On-board memory size"; } leaf used { type uint8; units "byte"; description "Memory utilization"; } leaf avail { type uint8; units "byte"; description "Available Memory size "; } } // list target } // container mem-info } // container system container system-state { description "System group operational state."; container clock { description "Monitoring of the system date and time properties."; leaf datetime { type string { pattern "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}"; } config false; description "The current system date and time."; } } // container clock container cpu-operating-ratio { config false; description "Operating ratio in each CPU core. "; list cores { key "core"; leaf core { type string; } leaf now-5s { type uint8; units "%"; description "Average of CPU availability from now to 5s ago"; } leaf now-60s { type uint8; units "%"; description "Average of CPU availability from now to 60s ago"; } leaf now-300s { type uint8; units "%"; description "Average of CPU availability from now to 300s ago"; } leaf heapMemory { type uint8; units "%"; description "Usage rate of HEAP memory"; } } // list cores } // container cpu-operating-ratio } // container system-state container defaults { leaf def-neMgmtMode { type neMgmtModeType; default "Bridge"; description "Network Element Management Modes - Router or Bridge"; } } // container defaults grouping ftp-server_g { container ftp-server { leaf ftp-server-enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/Disable FTP server"; } leaf ftp-server-port { type uint8 { range "21"; } default "21"; description "FTP server port to listen on: 21"; } } // container ftp-server } // grouping ftp-server_g grouping ftp-client_g { container ftp-client { leaf ftp-client-enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/Disable FTP client"; } } // container ftp-client } // grouping ftp-client_g grouping sftp-server_g { container sftp-server { leaf sftp-server-enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/Disable SFTP server"; } leaf sftp-server-port { type uint16 { range "2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } default "2202"; description "SFTP server port to listen on: 2000..6021|6023..32767|61001..65535"; } } // container sftp-server } // grouping sftp-server_g grouping sftp-client_g { container sftp-client { leaf sftp-client-enabled { type boolean; default "false"; description "Enable/Disable SFTP client"; } } // container sftp-client } // grouping sftp-client_g rpc set-current-datetime { description "Set the /system-state/clock/current-datetime leaf to the specified value. If the system is using NTP (i.e., /system/ntp/enabled is set to 'true'), then this operation will fail with error-tag 'operation-failed' and error-app-tag value of 'ntp-active'."; input { leaf current-datetime { type yang:date-and-time { pattern "(19[7-9][0-9]|20[0-2][0-9]|203[0-5])-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(\\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]))?"; } mandatory true; description "The current system date and time.Format:"; } } output { leaf status { type string; } } } // rpc set-current-datetime rpc restartSystem { input { leaf level { type RestartLevel; mandatory true; description "restart level."; } } output { leaf status { type string; } } } // rpc restartSystem rpc init-filter-timer { description "Please execute it when you clean or exchange the filter of the FAN. The filter timer value becomes 0"; input { leaf shelfID { type leafref { path "/eqpt:eqpt/eqpt:shelf/eqpt:shelfId"; } } } output { leaf status { type string; } } } // rpc init-filter-timer } // module fujitsu-system
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