This module contains YANG deviations for the OTU Interfaces for T3x0. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Network Communications, inc. A...
Version: 2018-08-13
module { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:fujitsu:params:xml:ns:yang:interface:otu-deviation"; prefix otu-deviation; import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } import fujitsu-otn-otu-interfaces { prefix otu; } organization "Fujitsu Ltd."; contact "Fujitsu Ltd. Address: 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, Texas 75082 Tel: +1-800-USE-FTAC (1-800-873-3822) Email: Web:"; description "This module contains YANG deviations for the OTU Interfaces for T3x0. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Network Communications, inc. All rights reserved. "; revision "2018-08-13" { description "Added op-spec-only and all as supported values for tim-det-mode"; } revision "2018-08-13" { description "rx/tx/exp-tti-op-spec, auto-rx and auto-tx are supported"; } revision "2018-07-30" { description "Added Tim-act-enabled default value"; } revision "2017-05-29" { description "AINS,vstimer and ACTVST are supported"; } revision "2017-05-22" { description " Removing actual-vstimer"; } revision "2017-02-16" { description "pm-value does not supports decimal values for interfaces"; } revision "2016-11-19" { description "added default for gccEnabled"; } revision "2016-09-19" { description "added restriction for rx-tti (op-spec)"; } revision "2016-09-01" { description "added restriction for tti-ansi, tim-det-mode and op-spec (exp-tti and tx-tti)"; } revision "2016-07-27" { description "Changes to support Loopback."; } revision "2015-08-13" { description "Initial revision."; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:fec { deviate add { mandatory true; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:direction { deviate replace { config false; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:location { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "nearEnd" { value 0; description "Loopback location at near-end"; } } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:degthr { deviate replace { type int16 { range "-3..2"; } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:circuit-id { deviate add { default ""; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:list-gcc/otu:gccType { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "gcc0" { value 0; description "gcc0"; } } } deviate add { default "gcc0"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:list-gcc/otu:gccEnabled { deviate add { default "false"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:list-gcc/otu:protocol { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "IP" { value 0; description "IP"; } } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/if:enabled { deviate not-supported; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/if:link-up-down-trap-enable { deviate not-supported; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:actual-vstimer { deviate not-supported; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:auto-rx { deviate add { default "false"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:auto-tx { deviate add { default "false"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:pm/otu:pm-threshold/otu:pm-type { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "binned" { value 2; description "Binned PM type"; } } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:pm/otu:pm-threshold/otu:pm-th-metered { deviate not-supported; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:pm/otu:pm-threshold/otu:pm-th-binned/otu:pm-time-periods/otu:pm-time-period { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "15-min" { value 1; description "15 minutes period"; } enum "1-day" { value 2; description "1 day period"; } } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:standard/otu:itu/otu:tti-itu/otu:tim-det-mode { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "off" { value 0; description "TIM detection off"; } enum "sapi-only" { value 1; description "TIM detection sapi only"; } enum "dapi-only" { value 2; description "TIM detection dapi only"; } enum "op-spec-only" { value 3; description "TIM detection op-spec only"; } enum "sapi-and-dapi" { value 4; description "TIM detection sapi and dapi"; } enum "all" { value 7; description "TIM detection all (sapi, dapi, op-spec)"; } } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:standard/otu:itu/otu:tti-itu/otu:tim-act-enabled { deviate add { default "false"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:pm/otu:pm-threshold/otu:pm-th-binned/otu:pm-time-periods/otu:pm-value { deviate replace { type uint64; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/otu:otu/otu:standard/otu:ansi/otu:tti-ansi { deviate not-supported; } } // module
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