This module contains YANG definitions for the ODUCn Interfaces. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Network Communications, inc. Al...
Version: 2016-07-22
module fujitsu-otn-oducn-interfaces { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:fujitsu:params:xml:ns:yang:interface:oducn"; prefix oducn; import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } import fujitsu-state-timer { prefix st; } import fujitsu-entity-states { prefix entity-states; } import fujitsu-otn-odu-interfaces { prefix odu; } import fujitsu-equipment { prefix eqpt; } import fujitsu-entity-maintenance-testsignal { prefix fujitsu-testsignal; } import fujitsu-if-type { prefix fjift; } import fujitsu-gcc { prefix fujitsuGcc; } import fujitsu-otn { prefix otn; } organization "Fujitsu Ltd."; contact "Fujitsu Ltd. Address: 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, Texas 75082 Tel: +1-800-USE-FTAC (1-800-873-3822) Email: Web:"; description "This module contains YANG definitions for the ODUCn Interfaces. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Network Communications, inc. All rights reserved. "; revision "2016-07-22" { description "Removed operate-dm rpc to fix sanity failures."; } revision "2015-05-12" { description "Initial revision."; } identity oducn-rate-identity { description "A unique rate identification of the ODUCn."; } identity ODUC4 { base oducn-rate-identity; description "Identity for an ODUC4"; } identity ODUC3 { base oducn-rate-identity; description "Identity for an ODUC3"; } identity ODUC2 { base oducn-rate-identity; description "Identity for an ODUC2"; } identity ODUC1 { base oducn-rate-identity; description "Identity for an ODUC1"; } identity otn-monitoring-layer-identity { description "An identification for OTN monitoring layer."; } identity otn-section-layer { base otn-monitoring-layer-identity; description "Identity for section layer."; } identity otn-path-layer { base otn-monitoring-layer-identity; description "Identity for path layer."; } identity otn-tandem-connection-layer-1 { base otn-monitoring-layer-identity; description "Identity for tandem connection layer 1."; } identity otn-tandem-connection-layer-2 { base otn-monitoring-layer-identity; description "Identity for tandem connection layer 2."; } identity otn-tandem-connection-layer-3 { base otn-monitoring-layer-identity; description "Identity for tandem connection layer 3."; } identity otn-tandem-connection-layer-4 { base otn-monitoring-layer-identity; description "Identity for tandem connection layer 4."; } identity otn-tandem-connection-layer-5 { base otn-monitoring-layer-identity; description "Identity for tandem connection layer 5."; } identity otn-tandem-connection-layer-6 { base otn-monitoring-layer-identity; description "Identity for tandem connection layer 6."; } identity occupation-entity { description "Identification of occupation in MSI"; } identity unallocated { base occupation-entity; description "Identity for unallocated"; } identity allocated { base occupation-entity; description "Identity for allocated"; } notification oducn-notif { leaf name { type leafref { path "/if:interfaces/if:interface/if:name"; } } container oducn { leaf vstimer { type string { pattern '([0-4][0-8])-([0-5][0-9])'; } description "Valid state Timer. This timer is in the format <hh>-<mm> and inidcates the amount of time to stay in ains state wating foir a valid signal."; } leaf actual-vstimer { type string { pattern '([0-4][0-8])-([0-5][0-9])'; } description "The amount of time a valid state timer has been running uninterrupted. This timer is in the format <hh>-<mm>."; } leaf rate { type identityref { base oducn-rate-identity; } description "rate identity of the ODUCn. 'identityref' is used to allow to extend for future higher rates"; } leaf oper-status { type oper-status; description "The current operational state of the interface. This leaf has the same semantics as ifOperStatus."; } leaf admin-status { type admin-status; default "down"; description "The desired state of the interface. This leaf has the same read semantics as ifAdminStatus."; } leaf ais-pt { type enumeration { enum "ais" { value 0; } enum "none" { value 1; } } } leaf circuit-id { type string { length "0..45"; } description "circuit identifier/user label"; } leaf direction { type enumeration { enum "uni-rx" { value 0; description "unidirectional receive only"; } enum "uni-tx" { value 1; description "unidirectional transmit only"; } enum "bi" { value 2; description "bidirectional"; } } } choice standard { default "itu"; description "choice between ANSI Trail Trace Identifier and ITU-T Trail Trace Identifer (SAPI, DAPI, OperatorSpecific)"; container tti-itu { description "ITU-T Trail Trace Identifer (SAPI, DAPI, OperatorSpecific)"; container tx-tti { description "Transmitted Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf sapi { type itu-otn-tti-sapi; description "Source Access Point Identifier"; } leaf dapi { type itu-otn-tti-dapi; description "Destination Access Point Identifier"; } leaf op-spec { type itu-otn-tti-op-spec; description "TTI Operator Spec"; } } // container tx-tti container rx-tti { config false; description "Received Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf sapi { type itu-otn-oper-tti-sapi; description "Source Access Point Identifier"; } leaf dapi { type itu-otn-oper-tti-dapi; description "Destination Access Point Identifier"; } leaf op-spec { type itu-otn-oper-tti-op-spec; description "TTI Operator Spec"; } } // container rx-tti container exp-tti { description "Expected Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf sapi { type itu-otn-tti-sapi; description "Source Access Point Identifier"; } leaf dapi { type itu-otn-tti-dapi; description "Destination Access Point Identifier"; } leaf op-spec { type itu-otn-tti-op-spec; description "TTI Operator Spec"; } } // container exp-tti leaf tim-det-mode { type itu-tim-det-mode; description "TIM detection mode"; } leaf tim-act-enabled { type boolean; description "Enables TTI Mismatch consequent actions."; } } // container tti-itu container tti-ansi { description "ANSI Trail Trace Identifer"; container tx-tti { description "Transmitted Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf tti { type ansi-otn-tti; description "Trail Trace Identifier"; } } // container tx-tti container rx-tti { config false; description "Received Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf tti { type ansi-otn-tti; description "Trail Trace Identifier"; } } // container rx-tti container exp-tti { description "Expected Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf tti { type ansi-otn-tti; description "Trail Trace Identifier"; } } // container exp-tti leaf tim-act-enabled { type boolean; description "Enables TTI Mismatch consequent actions."; } } // container tti-ansi } // choice standard leaf degthr { type int16 { range "-9..2"; } default "0"; description "DEGTHR:Degraded defect one-second Errored Block Count threshold DEGTHR specifies the exponent part X of 10^X."; } leaf degm { type int8 { range "2..10"; } default "10"; description "DEGM:Degraded defect consecutive one-second monitoring intervals"; } leaf proactive-DM { type boolean; description "enable/disable proactive Delay Measurement"; } list tcm { key "layer"; max-elements 6; leaf layer { type uint8 { range "1..6"; } description "TCM layer"; } leaf extension { type enumeration { enum "normal" { value 0; } enum "erase" { value 1; } enum "passthrough" { value 2; } } description "TCM extension"; } leaf monitoring-mode { type enumeration { enum "not-terminated" { value 0; description "Not Terminated: no detection or generation. Overhead is passed through the interface transparently in receive direction unless extension is set for erase"; } enum "terminated" { value 1; description "Terminated: detection and generation enabled. Overhead is erased (replaced with all zeros) in receive direction, unless extension is set to passthrough"; } enum "monitored" { value 2; description "Monitored: detection enabled. Overhead is passed through the interface transparently in receive direction unless extension is set for erase"; } } description "Monitoring mode of the TCM layer"; } leaf ltc-act-enabled { type boolean; description "enable/disable alarm transfer on detection of LTC"; } leaf auto-rx { type boolean; description "enable/disable generation of transient condition when the value of the TTI changes."; } leaf auto-tx { type boolean; description "enable/disable automatic population of outgoing TTI"; } choice standard { default "itu"; description "choice between ANSI Trail Trace Identifier and ITU-T Trail Trace Identifer (SAPI, DAPI, OperatorSpecific)"; container tti-itu { description "ITU-T Trail Trace Identifer (SAPI, DAPI, OperatorSpecific)"; container tx-tti { description "Transmitted Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf sapi { type itu-otn-tti-sapi; description "Source Access Point Identifier"; } leaf dapi { type itu-otn-tti-dapi; description "Destination Access Point Identifier"; } leaf op-spec { type itu-otn-tti-op-spec; description "TTI Operator Spec"; } } // container tx-tti container rx-tti { config false; description "Received Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf sapi { type itu-otn-oper-tti-sapi; description "Source Access Point Identifier"; } leaf dapi { type itu-otn-oper-tti-dapi; description "Destination Access Point Identifier"; } leaf op-spec { type itu-otn-oper-tti-op-spec; description "TTI Operator Spec"; } } // container rx-tti container exp-tti { description "Expected Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf sapi { type itu-otn-tti-sapi; description "Source Access Point Identifier"; } leaf dapi { type itu-otn-tti-dapi; description "Destination Access Point Identifier"; } leaf op-spec { type itu-otn-tti-op-spec; description "TTI Operator Spec"; } } // container exp-tti leaf tim-det-mode { type itu-tim-det-mode; description "TIM detection mode"; } leaf tim-act-enabled { type boolean; description "Enables TTI Mismatch consequent actions."; } } // container tti-itu container tti-ansi { description "ANSI Trail Trace Identifer"; container tx-tti { description "Transmitted Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf tti { type ansi-otn-tti; description "Trail Trace Identifier"; } } // container tx-tti container rx-tti { config false; description "Received Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf tti { type ansi-otn-tti; description "Trail Trace Identifier"; } } // container rx-tti container exp-tti { description "Expected Trail Trace Identifier"; leaf tti { type ansi-otn-tti; description "Trail Trace Identifier"; } } // container exp-tti leaf tim-act-enabled { type boolean; description "Enables TTI Mismatch consequent actions."; } } // container tti-ansi } // choice standard leaf degthr { type int16 { range "-9..2"; } default "0"; description "DEGTHR:Degraded defect one-second Errored Block Count threshold DEGTHR specifies the exponent part X of 10^X [%]."; } leaf degm { type int8 { range "2..10"; } default "10"; description "DEGM:Degraded defect consecutive one-second monitoring intervals"; } leaf proactive-DM { type boolean; description "enable/disable proactive Delay Measurement"; } leaf tcm-direction { type enumeration { enum "up-tcm" { value 0; description "TCM termination direction faces the switch fabric."; } enum "down-tcm" { value 1; description "TCM termination direction faces the facility"; } } description "Direction of TCM."; } } // list tcm leaf monitoring-mode { type enumeration { enum "not-terminated" { value 0; description "Not Terminated: no detection or generation. Overhead is passed through the interface transparently in receive direction unless extension is set for erase"; } enum "terminated" { value 1; description "Terminated: detection and generation enabled. Overhead is erased (replaced with all zeros) in receive direction, unless extension is set to passthrough"; } enum "monitored" { value 2; description "Monitored: detection enabled. Overhead is passed through the interface transparently in receive direction unless extension is set for erase"; } } description "Monitoring mode of the TCM layer"; } container opu { when "../monitoring-mode != 'not-terminated'"; description "Optical Channel Payload Unit (OPU)"; leaf payload-type { type string { length "2"; pattern "[0-9a-fA-F]*"; } description "Payload Type"; } leaf rx-payload-type { type string { length "2"; pattern "[0-9a-fA-F]*"; } description "Received Payload Type"; } leaf exp-payload-type { type string { length "2"; pattern "[0-9a-fA-F]*"; } description "Expected Payload Type"; } } // container opu } // container oducn } // notification oducn-notif } // module fujitsu-otn-oducn-interfaces
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