This module contains YANG definitions for the Optical Channel Interfaces of an Optical White Box (OWB). Copyright (c) 2015 Fuji...
Version: 2018-04-11
module fujitsu-optical-channel-interfaces { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:fujitsu:params:xml:ns:yang:interface:och"; prefix och; import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } import iana-if-type { prefix ianaift; } import fujitsu-entity-states { prefix entity-states; } import fujitsu-ains-keywords { prefix ains; } organization "Fujitsu Ltd."; contact "Fujitsu Ltd. Address: 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, Texas 75082 Tel: +1-800-USE-FTAC (1-800-873-3822) Email: Web:"; description "This module contains YANG definitions for the Optical Channel Interfaces of an Optical White Box (OWB). Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved. "; revision "2017-07-14" { description "Modified the OCH Description for better readability"; } revision "2018-04-11" { description " Remove range from center-freqency and center-freqency-rx as well as lambda and lambda-rx"; } revision "2017-10-24" { description " Added differential coding support for qpsk"; } revision "2017-05-26" { description " Flex grid support"; } revision "2017-05-02" { description " Added AINS for och container"; } revision "2016-10-20" { description " changed tx-target-power unit to dBm from dB"; } revision "2016-10-19" { description "Added presence statement for OCH container"; } revision "2016-09-01" { description "Modified the enums of ais-pt leaf"; } revision "2016-06-06" { description "Added rate, tx-target-power, roadm-type, confmode-type, Nyquist, och-notification"; } revision "2015-04-10" { description "Initial revision."; } identity rate-identity { description "A unique rate identification"; } identity R200G { base rate-identity; description "Identity for 200G Rate"; } identity R100G { base rate-identity; description "Identity for 100G Rate"; } identity R10.7G { base rate-identity; description "Identity for 10.7G Rate"; } identity R11.1G { base rate-identity; description "Identity for 11.1G Rate"; } notification och-notif { leaf name { type leafref { path "/if:interfaces/if:interface/if:name"; } } container och { leaf ains { type ains-state; default "disabled"; } leaf vstimer { when "../ains = 'enabled'"; type vstimer; } leaf ACTVST { when "../ains = 'enabled'"; type string; config false; } leaf actual-vstimer { type string { pattern '([0-4][0-8])-([0-5][0-9])'; } config false; description "The amount of time a valid state timer has been running uninterrupted. This timer is in the format <hh>-<mm>."; } leaf oper-status { type oper-status; description "The current operational state of the interface. This leaf has the same semantics as ifOperStatus."; } leaf admin-status { type admin-status; default "down"; description "The desired state of the interface. This leaf has the same read semantics as ifAdminStatus."; } leaf rate { type identityref { base rate-identity; } description "rate"; } leaf slot-width { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "GHz"; description "Channel slot width in GHz"; } leaf center-frequency { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 5; } units "THz"; description "Frequency of the transmit optical channel "; } leaf lambda { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "nm"; description "lambda corresponding to transmit frequency "; } leaf center-frequency-rx { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 5; } units "THz"; description "Frequency of the receive optical channel "; } leaf lambda-rx { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; } units "nm"; description "Lambda corresponding to receive frequency "; } leaf circuit-id { type string { length "0..45"; } description "circuit identifier/user label"; } leaf direction { type enumeration { enum "uni-rx" { value 0; description "unidirectional receive only"; } enum "uni-tx" { value 1; description "unidirectional transmit only"; } enum "bi" { value 2; description "bidirectional"; } } description "direction of interface"; } leaf modulation-format { type enumeration { enum "bpsk" { value 0; description "binary phase-shift keying"; } enum "dc-dp-bpsk" { value 1; description "differential coding dual-polarization binary phase-shift keying"; } enum "qpsk" { value 2; description "quadrature phase-shift keying"; } enum "dp-qpsk" { value 3; description "dual-polarization quadrature phase-shift keying"; } enum "qam16" { value 4; description "quadrature amplitude modulation 16"; } enum "dp-qam16" { value 5; description "dual-polarization quadrature amplitude modulation 16"; } enum "dc-dp-qam16" { value 6; description "differential coding dual-polarization quadrature amplitude modulation 16"; } enum "qam8" { value 7; description "quadrature amplitude modulation 8"; } enum "dp-qam8" { value 8; description "dual-polarization quadrature amplitude modulation 8"; } enum "dc-dp-qam8" { value 9; description "differential coding dual-polarization quadrature amplitude modulation 8"; } enum "dc-dp-qpsk" { value 10; description "differential coding dual-polarization quadrature phase-shift keying"; } } description "modulation format"; } leaf ais-pt { type enumeration { enum "ais-pt-ais" { value 0; description "use AIS-ODU for escalation"; } enum "ais-pt-shutdown" { value 1; description "shutdown transmit laser"; } enum "ais-pt-none" { value 2; description "pass thru"; } } description "alarm escalation setting"; } leaf act-laser { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "when laser status is non known. E.g. in situation when hardware cannot be accessed to know the laser status."; } enum "normal" { value 1; description "laser is on"; } enum "shutdown" { value 2; description "laser is off"; } } description "actual transmit laser status"; } leaf remote-tp-type { type enumeration { enum "fujitsu-tp" { value 0; description "Fujitsu tp"; } enum "non-fujitsu-tp" { value 1; description "Non-Fujitsu tp"; } } default "fujitsu-tp"; description "Remote TP Type Default : fujitsu-tp "; } leaf roadm-type { type enumeration { enum "CD" { value 0; description "CD degree is applicable."; } enum "AWG" { value 1; description "AWG/DIRECT degree is applicable."; } } description "setting of ROADM type."; } leaf confmode-type { type enumeration { enum "100GONLY" { value 0; description "100GONLY if the ROADM systems degree, to which this PIU is connected, carries only 100G wavelengths."; } enum "10GMIX" { value 1; description "10GMIX if the ROADM systems degree, to which this PIU is connected, carries 10G wavelengths along with 100G wavelengths."; } } description "CNFMODE is a setting to get the best optical reach"; } leaf Nyquist { type enumeration { enum "ON" { value 0; } enum "OFF" { value 1; } } description "Current status of Nyquist filter mode."; } leaf tx-target-power { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; range "-5.00..0.00"; } units "dBm"; description "transmit output power setting."; } leaf channel-width { type int16; units "GHz"; description "Channel width in GHz"; } } // container och } // notification och-notif } // module fujitsu-optical-channel-interfaces
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