This module contains supported alarm types. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved.
Version: 2019-01-28
module fujitsu-notification-types { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:fujitsu:params:xml:ns:yang:notifications:notification-types"; prefix notification-types; import fujitsu-notifications { prefix notifications; } organization "Fujitsu Ltd."; contact "Fujitsu Ltd. Address: 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, Texas 75082 Tel: +1-800-USE-FTAC (1-800-873-3822) Email: Web:"; description "This module contains supported alarm types. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved. "; revision "2019-01-28" { description "Added RASIS Util debug event rasisUtilDebug, rasisUtilDebugComplete"; } revision "2018-12-12" { description "Added scripting feature events."; } revision "2018-10-30" { description "Added auto-logoff ip down event."; } revision "2018-10-29" { description "Added File sync events."; } revision "2018-10-16" { description "Added wavelengthContentionGroupNotification."; } revision "2018-05-31" { description "Added softwareActivationCanceled, databaseActivationSuccess, databaseActivationCanceled, databaseCommitSuccess events"; } revision "2018-04-05" { description "Added RSTP events"; } revision "2018-03-13" { description "Added protection manual switch events"; } revision "2018-01-10" { description "Added odu/tcm rx trace changes notification"; } revision "2017-12-11" { description "Added Sync switch events manualSwitch, autoSwitch"; } revision "2017-10-04" { description "Added RASIS Util events rasisUtilCreation, rasisUtilCreationComplete, rasisUtilCreationFailure"; } revision "2017-07-21" { description "Added OTN SNCP and SMR events switchedToProtect, switchedBackToWorking, smrActivationSuccess, smrActivationFail"; } revision "2017-06-09" { description "Add events for sysZeroizationFailed, sysZeroizationCompleted, dataEncZeroizationFailed, and dataEncZeroizationCompleted "; } revision "2017-05-04" { description "Add event for usbSafeToRemove "; } revision "2017-03-29" { description "Update event strings from Fail to Failure for bootloaderUpdateFailure softwareStageFailure softwareCommitSuccessFailure "; } revision "2017-03-23" { description "Add bootloaderUpdateSuccess/Fail softwareStageSuccess/Fail softwareActivationSuccess/Fail softwareCommitSuccess/Fail "; } revision "2016-09-28" { description "Add OTDR Notifications."; } revision "2015-07-26" { description "Initial revision."; } identity switchedToProtect { base notifications:event-identity; description "Switched to Protect Interface"; } identity switchedBackToWorking { base notifications:event-identity; description "Switched back to Working Interface"; } identity manualSwitchAwayFromWork { base notifications:event-identity; description "Manual Switch Away From Work"; } identity manualSwitchAwayFromProtect { base notifications:event-identity; description "Manual Switch Away From Protect"; } identity smrActivationSuccess { base notifications:event-identity; description "Shared Mesh Restoration Path Activation Successful"; } identity smrActivationFail { base notifications:event-identity; description "Shared Mesh Restoration Path Activation Failed"; } identity databaseActivation { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Database Activation"; } identity databaseActivationSuccess { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Database Activation Success"; } identity databaseActivationFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Database Activation Failure"; } identity databaseActivationCanceled { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Database Activation Canceled"; } identity databaseActivationReversion { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Database Activation Reversion"; } identity databaseCommitSuccess { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Database Commit Success"; } identity rasisUtilCreation { base notifications:event-identity; description "RASIS Info Creation"; } identity rasisUtilCreationComplete { base notifications:event-identity; description "RASIS Info Creation Complete"; } identity rasisUtilCreationFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "RASIS Info Creation Failure"; } identity rasisUtilDebug { base notifications:event-identity; description "RASIS Util Debug Session"; } identity rasisUtilDebugComplete { base notifications:event-identity; description "RASIS Util Debug Session Complete"; } identity firmwareActivation { base notifications:event-identity; description "Firmware Activation"; } identity firmwareActivationComplete { base notifications:event-identity; description "Firmware Activation Complete"; } identity firmwareActivationFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "Firmware Activation Failure"; } identity softwareActivation { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Activation"; } identity softwareActivationComplete { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Activation Complete"; } identity softwareActivationFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Activation Failure"; } identity softwareActivationCanceled { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Activation Canceled"; } identity softwareReversion { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Software Reversion"; } identity cancelValidationTimerInProgress { base notifications:event-identity; description "Cancel Validation Timer In Progress"; } identity cancelValidationTimerComplete { base notifications:event-identity; description "Cancel Validation Timer Complete"; } identity cancelValidationTimerFailed { base notifications:event-identity; description "Cancel Validation Timer Failed"; } identity uBootFailOver { base notifications:event-identity; description "Failover due to UBoot error"; } identity softwareFailOver { base notifications:event-identity; description "Failover due to Software error"; } identity bootloaderUpdateSuccess { base notifications:event-identity; description "bootloader Update Success"; } identity bootloaderUpdateFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "bootloader Update Failure"; } identity softwareStageSuccess { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Staging Success"; } identity softwareStageFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Stage Failure"; } identity softwareActivationSuccess { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Activation Success"; } identity softwareCommitSuccess { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Commit Success"; } identity softwareCommitFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "Software Commit Failure"; } identity usbSafeToRemove { base notifications:event-identity; description "USB Device Safe To Remove"; } identity daylightSavingTimeAdjustment { base notifications:event-identity; description "Daylight Saving Time Adjustment"; } identity dateTimeModified { base notifications:event-identity; description "Date Time Modified"; } identity sysNtpSynchronized { base notifications:event-identity; description "NTP: System Clock Synchronized"; } identity sysNtpSwitchOver { base notifications:event-identity; description "NTP Server Switch Over"; } identity sysZeroizationFailed { base notifications:event-identity; description "System zeroization failed"; } identity sysZeroizationCompleted { base notifications:event-identity; description "System zeroization completed"; } identity dataEncZeroizationFailed { base notifications:event-identity; description "Data-encryption zeroization failed"; } identity dataEncZeroizationCompleted { base notifications:event-identity; description "Data-encryption zeroization completed"; } identity wavelengthContentionGroupChange { base notifications:event-identity; description "Wavelength Contention Group Changed wcg-groupid wcg-ports"; } identity lldpNbrInfoChanged { base notifications:event-identity; description "LLDP: Neighbor Information Changed remoteSysName remoteSysMgmtAddressSubType remoteSysMgmtAddress remotePortIdSubType remotePortId remoteChassisIdSubType remoteChassisId All of the above attributes are sent in event"; } identity spanningTreeNewRoot { base notifications:event-identity; description "RSTP New Root"; } identity spanningTreeTopologyChange { base notifications:event-identity; description "RSTP Topology Changed"; } identity systemRestartCold { base notifications:event-identity; description "Cold System Restart"; } identity systemRestartWarm { base notifications:event-identity; description "Warm System Restart"; } identity systemRestartDbInitialization { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Restart - Db initialization"; } identity systemRestartShfprov { base notifications:event-identity; description "System Restart - SHFPROV"; } identity copyFileInProgress { base notifications:event-identity; description "Copy File In Progress nn.n% Complete"; } identity copyFileComplete { base notifications:event-identity; description "Copy File Complete 100% Complete"; } identity copyFileFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "Copy File Failure"; } identity copyFileFailureTransfer { base notifications:event-identity; description "fileTransferFailure - transfer-failed"; } identity copyFileFailureMd5check { base notifications:event-identity; description "fileTransferFailure -md5check-failed"; } identity copyFileFailureVerification { base notifications:event-identity; description "fileTransferFailure -verification-failed"; } identity fileSyncInProgress { base notifications:event-identity; description "File Sync In Progress nn.n% Complete."; } identity fileSyncCompleted { base notifications:event-identity; description "File Sync Complete 100% Complete."; } identity fileSyncFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "File Sync Failure."; } identity fileAlreadyInSync { base notifications:event-identity; description "File Already In Sync."; } identity equipmentPlugin { base notifications:event-identity; description "Equipment Plugged In"; } identity equipmentPlugout { base notifications:event-identity; description "Equipment Plugged Out"; } identity entityOperStatusChangeToUp { base notifications:event-identity; description "Operational Status Change to Up"; } identity entityOperStatusChangeToDown { base notifications:event-identity; description "Operational Status Change to Down "; } identity entityOperStatusChangeToTesting { base notifications:event-identity; description "Operational Status Change to Testing"; } identity entityOperStatusChangeToUnknown { base notifications:event-identity; description "Operational Status Change to Unknown "; } identity entityOperStatusChangeToDormant { base notifications:event-identity; description "Operational Status Change to Dormant"; } identity entityOperStatusChangeToNotPresent { base notifications:event-identity; description "Operational Status Change to Not Present"; } identity entityOperStatusChangeToLowerLayerDown { base notifications:event-identity; description "Operational Status Change to Lower Layer Down "; } identity otuReceivedTraceChange { base notifications:event-identity; description "OTU Received Trace Change"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChange { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm1Up { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm1Up"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm2Up { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm2Up"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm3Up { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm3Up"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm4Up { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm4Up"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm5Up { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm5Up"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm6Up { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm6Up"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm1Down { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm1Down"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm2Down { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm2Down"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm3Down { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm3Down"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm4Down { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm4Down"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm5Down { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm5Down"; } identity oduReceivedTraceChangeTcm6Down { base notifications:event-identity; description "ODU Received Trace Change for Tcm6Down"; } identity autoLogoffAssociationCancellation { base notifications:event-identity; description "Auto Logoff Association Cancellation"; } identity autoLogoffSessionTimeout { base notifications:event-identity; description "Auto Logoff due to Session Timeout"; } identity autoLogoffCableDisconnect { base notifications:event-identity; description "Auto Logoff due to Cable Disconnect"; } identity autoLogoffPasswordChanged { base notifications:event-identity; description "Auto Logoff due to Password must be Changed"; } identity autoLogoffIpDown { base notifications:event-identity; description "Auto Logoff due to IP down"; } identity ForcedLogoff { base notifications:event-identity; description "Forced Logoff"; } identity ipNotReachable { base notifications:event-identity; description "IP Not Reachable"; } identity ipReachable { base notifications:event-identity; description "IP Reachable"; } identity ipPingRequestTimedOut { base notifications:event-identity; description "IP PING Request Timed Out"; } identity otdrScanComplete { base notifications:event-identity; description "OTDR Scan Complete"; } identity otdrScanFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "OTDR Scan Failure"; } identity manualSwitch { base notifications:event-identity; description "Manual Switch"; } identity autoSwitch { base notifications:event-identity; description "Auto Switch"; } identity scriptingSuccess { base notifications:event-identity; description "Scripting Success"; } identity scriptingFailure { base notifications:event-identity; description "Scripting Failure"; } } // module fujitsu-notification-types
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