This module is used to define the RPC calls to 1) collect debug logs into a single file on the RAM disk 2) display the local...
Version: 2018-09-24
module fujitsu-log { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:fujitsu:params:xml:ns:yang:fujitsu-log"; prefix fujitsu-log; import fujitsu-equipment { prefix eqpt; } organization "Fujitsu Ltd."; contact "Fujitsu Ltd. Address: 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, Texas 75082 Tel: +1-800-USE-FTAC (1-800-873-3822) Email: Web:"; description "This module is used to define the RPC calls to 1) collect debug logs into a single file on the RAM disk 2) display the local syslog security log contents 3) clear the local syslog 4) generate HW/FW version log. 5) trigger on-deman micro blade logging. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved. "; revision "2018-09-24" { description "create-tech-info: shelf-id and slot-id don't use leafref to handle DBCOR case"; } revision "2018-05-22" { description "create-tech-info: shelf-id is mandatory and slot-id is option"; } revision "2018-04-06" { description "Fix various misspellings"; } revision "2017-08-30" { description "This revision updates the error-message for RPC call: - show-log"; } revision "2017-08-23" { description "tailf keyword refactoring and log range increased"; } revision "2017-07-25" { description "This revision adds the new logType(CLLOG) in trigger-tech-info"; } revision "2017-05-30" { description "This revision adds the following RPC call: - show-log"; } revision "2017-02-24" { description "This revision modifies the logType struct for the following RPC call: - trigger-tech-info"; } revision "2017-02-06" { description "This revision adds the following RPC call: - trigger-tech-info"; } revision "2017-01-13" { description "This revision adds the following RPC call: - generate-hw-version-log"; } revision "2015-10-13"; grouping eqpt-id { leaf shelf-id { type string; mandatory true; description "shelf ID"; } leaf slot-id { type string; description "slot ID"; } } // grouping eqpt-id rpc create-tech-info { description "Collects all LOG data for debugging and places it in a location accessible via ftp/sftp."; input { uses eqpt-id; } output { leaf status { type string { length "4..255"; } } } } // rpc create-tech-info rpc syslog-get { description "Contents of syslog are displayed."; input { leaf read-from-linenumber { type int32; mandatory true; description "Start Line number of syslog to be read from"; } leaf num-of-lines { type int32 { range "1..5000"; } mandatory true; description "Number of lines to be read - Range 5000 lines"; } } output { leaf-list status { type string { length "1..max"; } description "All of syslog are displayed. (It is likely to become a multi-line. )"; } leaf total-num-of-lines { type string; description "Total Number of lines in syslog"; } } } // rpc syslog-get rpc clear-syslog { description "Syslog is cleared. "; output { leaf status { type string { length "1..max"; } description "response of command"; } } } // rpc clear-syslog rpc security-log-get { description "Contents of security logs are displayed."; input { leaf read-from-linenumber { type int32; mandatory true; } leaf num-of-lines { type int32 { range "1..5000"; } mandatory true; description "Number of lines to be read - Range 5000 lines"; } } output { leaf-list status { type string { length "1..max"; } description "All of security-log are displayed. (It is likely to become a multi-line. )"; } } } // rpc security-log-get typedef date-time { type string { pattern "\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}(T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2})?"; } description "Date with optional local time. YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS]"; } rpc swerr-log-get { description "Display swerr log content."; input { leaf shelf-id { type leafref { path "/eqpt:eqpt/eqpt:shelf/eqpt:shelfId"; } description "shelf ID"; } leaf slot { type uint32; default "0"; description "Display swerrs from specified slot. Default: 0"; } choice filter { case time { leaf from { type date-time; description "Display swerrs from timestamp(YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS])"; } leaf to { type date-time; description "Display swerrs till timestamp(YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS])"; } leaf count { type uint32 { range "1..max"; } description "Display up to specified number of swerrs"; } } // case time leaf first { type uint32; description "Display up to first specified number of swerrs"; } leaf last { type uint32; description "Display up to last specified number of swerrs"; } } // choice filter } output { leaf-list status { type string; } } } // rpc swerr-log-get rpc generate-hw-version-log { description "Generate HW/FW version log."; input { leaf shelf-id { type leafref { path "/eqpt:eqpt/eqpt:shelf/eqpt:shelfId"; } description "shelf ID"; } } output { leaf status { type string { length "4..255"; } } } } // rpc generate-hw-version-log typedef logType { type enumeration { enum "MBLOG" { value 0; description "MB Log"; } enum "FWLOG" { value 1; description "FW Log"; } enum "PBCNTLOG" { value 2; description "PBCNT Log"; } enum "CLLOG" { value 3; description "CL Log"; } } } rpc trigger-tech-info { description "Triggers generation of ON-Demand Log data"; input { uses eqpt-id; leaf trigger { type logType; mandatory true; description "Log Type"; } } output { leaf status { type string { length "4..255"; } } } } // rpc trigger-tech-info rpc show-log { description "Display contents of the LOG file from the specified shelf."; input { leaf shelf-id { type leafref { path "/eqpt:eqpt/eqpt:shelf/eqpt:shelfId"; } description "shelf ID"; } leaf log-file { type string { length "1..255"; pattern "([a-zA-Z0-9_./\\-]*)" { error-message "The log-file name can be with or without complete file path. if file path is given, log-file file path must be /var/log/. Allowed characters are only alphabets, digits, minus, forward slash, underscore and dot"; } } mandatory true; description "log file to be displayed from /var/log directory "; } } output { leaf status { type enumeration { enum "Successful" { value 1; } enum "Failed" { value 2; } } mandatory true; description "Successful or Failed"; } leaf-list status-message { type string { length "1..max"; } description "Gives a more detailed reason for success / failure"; } } } // rpc show-log } // module fujitsu-log
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