Deviation YANG definitions for T-Series ethernet interface. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved.
Version: 2019-01-31
module { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix; import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } import fujitsu-ethernet-interfaces { prefix eth; } import fujitsu-equipment { prefix eqpt; } contact "Fujitsu Ltd. Address: 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, Texas 75082 Tel: +1-800-USE-FTAC (1-800-873-3822) Email: Web:"; description "Deviation YANG definitions for T-Series ethernet interface. Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved. "; revision "2019-01-31" { description "Added default value to circuit-id."; } revision "2018-09-18" { description "defaut value added for mac-fcs"; } revision "2018-08-13" { description "policy-profile not supported, 1GE added to rate attribute & deviation removed for testPattern"; } revision "2018-07-11" { description "deviations updated for eth:fec, added autofec"; } revision "2018-03-29" { description "default value added for tx-clock-source"; } revision "2018-03-13" { description "PM supported for tera-dsp, deviation added for testPattern, fec, rate, location, transport-signal-failure, backward-transport-signal-failure, direction, pm-type, pm-th-metered, pm-time-period, pm-value"; } revision "2017-02-07" { description "PM not supported"; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:link-oam { description "ETH does not support this Attribute"; deviate not-supported; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:transport/eth:policy-profile { description "ETH does not support policy-profile"; deviate not-supported; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:fec { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "off" { value 0; description "FEC value is off"; } enum "rsfec" { value 1; description "FEC value is rsfec"; } enum "autofec" { value 2; description "FEC value is autofec"; } } } deviate add { default "off"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:rate { deviate replace { type uint32 { range "1000000 | 10000000 | 100000000"; } default "1000000"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:location { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "nearEnd" { value 0; description "Loopback location at near-end"; } } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:testPattern { deviate add { default "IDLE"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:transport/eth:transport-signal-failure { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "tsf-local-fault" { value 0; description "Local Fault"; } enum "tsf-idle" { value 1; description "Idle"; } } } deviate add { default "tsf-local-fault"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:transport/eth:backward-transport-signal-failure { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "Nothing"; } enum "remote-fault" { value 1; description "Remote Fault"; } } } deviate add { default "none"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:transport/eth:direction { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "bi-dir" { value 2; description "bidirectional"; } } } deviate add { default "bi-dir"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:transport/eth:mac-fcs { deviate add { default "mac-fcs-transport"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:transport/eth:tx-clock-source { deviate add { default "through"; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:pm/eth:pm-threshold/eth:pm-type { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "binned" { value 2; description "Binned PM type"; } } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:pm/eth:pm-threshold/eth:pm-th-metered { deviate not-supported; } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:pm/eth:pm-threshold/eth:pm-th-binned/eth:pm-time-periods/eth:pm-time-period { deviate replace { type enumeration { enum "15-min" { value 1; description "15 minutes period"; } enum "1-day" { value 2; description "1 day period"; } } } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:pm/eth:pm-threshold/eth:pm-th-binned/eth:pm-time-periods/eth:pm-value { deviate replace { type uint64; } } deviation /if:interfaces/if:interface/eth:ethernet/eth:circuit-id { deviate add { default ""; } } } // module
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