This module contains YANG definitions for fujitsu extension of Access Control Lists Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights ...
Version: 2018-06-26
module fujitsu-access-control-list { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:fujitsu:params:xml:ns:yang:interfaces:fujitsu-access-control-list"; prefix fujitsu-acl; import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } import ietf-access-control-list { prefix acl; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import iana-if-type { prefix ianaift; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import fujitsu-protocols { prefix fprot; } organization "Fujitsu Ltd."; contact "Fujitsu Ltd. Address: 2801 Telecom Parkway Richardson, Texas 75082 Tel: +1-800-USE-FTAC (1-800-873-3822) Email: Web:"; description "This module contains YANG definitions for fujitsu extension of Access Control Lists Copyright (c) 2015 Fujitsu Ltd. All rights reserved. "; revision "2018-06-26" { description "Range limitation for tcp/udp port numbers from 1-65535."; } revision "2018-06-07" { description "Changes to include port-range container grouping protocol and tcp-flags provisioning in matches criteria."; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "Initial revision."; } augment /if:interfaces/if:interface { container acl { when "current()/../if:type='ianaift:ip'"; description "ACL related properties."; leaf acl-name { type leafref { path "/acl:access-lists/acl:acl/acl:acl-name"; } description "Access Control List name."; } } // container acl } typedef operator { type enumeration { enum "lt" { value 1; description "Less than."; } enum "gt" { value 2; description "Greater than."; } enum "eq" { value 3; description "Equal to."; } } description "The source and destination port range definitions can be further qualified using an operator. An operator is needed only if lower-port is specified and upper-port is not specified. The operator therefore further qualifies lower-port only."; } grouping port-range-or-operator { description "Grouping for port definitions in the form of a choice statement."; choice port-range-or-operator { description "Choice of specifying a port range or a single port along with an operator."; case range { leaf lower-port { type inet:port-number { range "1..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Lower boundary for a port."; } leaf upper-port { type inet:port-number { range "1..65535"; } must ". >= ../lower-port" { error-message "The upper-port must be greater than or equal to lower-port."; } mandatory true; description "Upper boundry for port."; } } // case range case operator { leaf operator { type operator; default "eq"; description "Operator to be applied on the port below."; } leaf port { type inet:port-number { range "1..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Port number on which to match."; } } // case operator } // choice port-range-or-operator } // grouping port-range-or-operator augment /acl:access-lists/acl:acl/acl:access-list-entries/acl:ace/acl:matches/acl:ace-type/acl:ace-ip { container source-port { when "../acl:protocol = 6 or ../acl:protocol = 17"; description "Source port definition."; uses port-range-or-operator; } // container source-port container destination-port { when "../acl:protocol = 6 or ../acl:protocol = 17"; description "Destination port definition."; uses port-range-or-operator; } // container destination-port leaf-list flags { when "../acl:protocol = 6"; type string; description "Control Bits(URG/ACK/PSH/RST/FIN/SYN)"; } } augment /acl:access-lists { leaf-list auto-permitted-protocols { type fprot:auto-permitted-protocol; description "Auto permit protocols."; } } } // module fujitsu-access-control-list
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