Example show command extension for yangcli-pro
Version: 2018-03-17
module example-fan { yang-version 1.1; namespace "http://example.com/ns/example-fan"; prefix fan; import yangcli-pro { prefix yp; } organization "Example, Inc."; contact "Support <support@example.com>."; description "Example show command extension for yangcli-pro"; revision "2018-03-17" { description "Add example-cmd"; } revision "2017-12-04" { description "Change to YANG 1.1 to allow empty in case"; } revision "2014-12-05" { description "Initial version"; } augment /yp:show/yp:input/yp:showtype { case fan { leaf fan { type union { type empty; type uint32 { range "1 .. max"; } } mandatory true; description "The fan number to show or the primary fan if no value is given."; } leaf diagnostics { type empty; description "If present, display extra diagnostics info"; } } // case fan leaf version { type empty; description "Example.com version"; } } rpc example-cmd { description "Example external command"; input { leaf parm1 { type string; description "The first example parameter"; } leaf parm2 { type int32; description "The second example parameter"; } } } // rpc example-cmd } // module example-fan
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