List of paramaters to be matched against an ACL entry
index data
Attributes to be used for Mirroring Sessions
index pipeline-id stage used-count avail-count depth acl-table
udf-group-id match-data match-mask
Attributes to be used for user defined data match
data mask
Attributes to be used for matching
packet fields(inner/outer VLAN ID, L4 src/dst Port, ether type) of size 16 bits or less
data mask
Attributes to be used for matching
packet fields (IPv6 flow-label etc) of size 32 bits or less
data mask
Attributes to be used for matching
packet fields(iner/outer VLAN priority, IP Protocol, DSCP, TTL, TOS, IP flags,
TCP flags, TC, ECN, ICMP Type, ICMP Code, IPv6 next header) of size 8 bits or less