
This YANG module defines Ciena's data definition for the management of benchmark Service Activation Testing. Copyright (c) 2016...

Typedef Base type Abstract
basic-color enumeration Traffic color which is associated with the dot1q DEI (drop eligible indictor) bit value.
color enumeration Defines which traffic color needs to be tested. Green test traffic is generated with DEI bit set to 0 and uses the profile bandwidth parameter as the starting bandwidth; yellow test traffic is generated with DEI bit set to 1 and uses the profile excess-bandwidth parameter as the starting bandwidth. When testing for red, the test stream has its DEI bit set to 1 and the starting bandwidth is (excess-bandwidth * 1.25)
frameloss-kpi-percent uint32 Percent of the frameloss test staring bandwidth, the frame loss shouldn't exceed for the test to be considered a pass. The value is given as an integer but represent a 4 decimal point percent. Ex: 0.2000 is reported as 2000.
frameloss-result uint32 Frame loss results in Percent of frame loss start bandwidth are sent as unsigned integer multitplied by 100 to provide a 2 decimal point accuracy. If result is 12.34 %, it is sent as 1234 and should be divided by 100 by the application retrieving the data.
frameloss-test-state-type enumeration Frame loss test states
kpi-result-type enumeration Provides a pass or fail for the test results compared to the selected KPI profile's pass crieteria for the test.
latency-pdv-test-state-type enumeration Possible states for the latency and packet delay variation tests.
name-string string A text string of up to 45 characters.
outage-test-state-type enumeration outage test state.
pcp-bitmap bits Bitmap of the VLAN PCP (Priority Code) value to test with. When The RFC2544 test is selected in the profile, only 1 PCP bit can be set. For other tests, a test session will be run simultaneously for each PCP set in the bitmap. In the latter case, the bandwidth will be distributed among the set of PCPs according to the selected PCP Bandwidth allocation profile. If no such profile is configured, the bandwidth will be evenly distributed among all set PCPs.
priority uint8 Range of priorities from 0-7 inclusive.
rfc2544-test-state-type enumeration RFC 2544 test suite state.
throughput-kpi-percent uint32 Percent of bandwidth that the maximum throughput result shouldn't go below for the test to be considered a pass. The value is given as an integer but represent a 4 decimal point percent. Ex: 0.2000 is reported as 2000.
throughput-result uint32 Throughput results in Mbps are sent as unsigned integer multiplied by 100 to provide a 2 decimal point accuracy. If result is 123.45 Mbps, it is sent as 12345 and should be divided by 100 by the application retrieving the data.
throughput-test-state-type enumeration Throughput test states
y1564-test-state-type enumeration Y1564 test suite state.

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