
This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for supporting the Broadband Forum requirements on management of Very High...

Grouping Objects Abstract
actual-ndr-inp-rein actual-ndr actual-inp-against-rein This grouping contains Actual Net Data Rate (ACTNDR) and Actual Net Data Rate against Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise (ACTINP-REIN).
actual-ndr-inp-rein actual-ndr actual-inp-against-rein This grouping contains Actual Net Data Rate (ACTNDR) and Actual Net Data Rate against Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise (ACTINP-REIN).
channel-threshold-profile code-violations-threshold forward-error-corrections-threshold uncorrected-dtus-threshold The Channel Thresholds object represents a set of performance monitoring thresholds for a particular channel associated with an xDSL Line at a particular xTU.
channel-threshold-profile code-violations-threshold forward-error-corrections-threshold uncorrected-dtus-threshold retransmitted-dtus-threshold The Channel Threshold parameters represent a set of performance monitoring thresholds for a particular channel associated with an xDSL Line at a particular xTU.
data-gathering-profile logging-depth-event-percentage-o logging-depth-reporting-o logging-depth-event-percentage-r logging-depth-reporting-r logging-report-newer-first These parameters are used to configure data gathering functionality.
data-gathering-profile logging-depth-event-percentage-o logging-depth-reporting-o logging-depth-event-percentage-r logging-depth-reporting-r logging-report-newer-first These parameters are used to configure data gathering functionality.
data-rate-profile minimum-net-data-rate maximum-net-data-rate minimum-data-rate-in-low-power-state maximum-bit-error-ratio data-rate-threshold-upshift data-rate-threshold-downshift minimum-sos-data-rate minimum-expected-throughput-rtx maximum-expected-throughput-rtx maximum-net-data-rate-rtx target-net-data-rate target-expected-throughput leftr-defect-threshold Data rate profile for upstream and downstream.
data-rate-profile minimum-net-data-rate maximum-net-data-rate minimum-data-rate-in-low-power-state maximum-bit-error-ratio data-rate-threshold-upshift data-rate-threshold-downshift minimum-sos-data-rate minimum-expected-throughput-rtx maximum-expected-throughput-rtx maximum-net-data-rate-rtx target-net-data-rate target-expected-throughput leftr-defect-threshold Data rate profile for upstream and downstream.
impulse-noise-monitoring-profile inmiato inmiats inmcc inm-inpeq-mode inm-inpeq-format inm-enable Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) is not required for modem operation but is a capability for the measurement of Impulse Noise. The INM Profile includes the option to control an INM function on the receiver of the xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU).
impulse-noise-monitoring-profile inmiato inmiats inmcc inm-inpeq-mode inm-inpeq-format inm-enable Impulse Noise Monitoring (INM) is not required for modem operation but is a capability for the measurement of Impulse Noise. The INM Profile includes the option to control an INM function on the receiver of the xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU).
impulse-noise-protection-delay-profile force-framer-setting-inp minimum-inp minimum-inp-8 maximum-interleaving-delay maximum-delay-rtx minimum-delay-rtx minimum-inp-against-shine-rtx minimum-inp-against-shine-8-rtx shine-ratio-rtx minimum-inp-against-rein-rtx minimum-inp-against-rein-8-rtx rein-inter-arrival-time-rtx maximum-delay-variation channel-initialization-policy The Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Delay profile contains INP-Delay parameters for each pair of upstream and downstream channels.
impulse-noise-protection-delay-profile force-framer-setting-inp minimum-inp minimum-inp-8 maximum-interleaving-delay maximum-delay-rtx minimum-delay-rtx minimum-inp-against-shine-rtx minimum-inp-against-shine-8-rtx shine-ratio-rtx minimum-inp-against-rein-rtx minimum-inp-against-rein-8-rtx rein-inter-arrival-time-rtx maximum-delay-variation channel-initialization-policy The Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Delay profile contains INP-Delay parameters for each pair of upstream and downstream channels.
impulse-noise-protection-delay-profile-downstream mdosplit attndr-method attndr-mdosplit The Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Delay profile contains INP-Delay parameters for each downstream channel.
impulse-noise-protection-delay-profile-downstream mdosplit attndr-method attndr-mdosplit The Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Delay profile contains INP-Delay parameters for each downstream channel.
impulse-noise-protection-delay-profile-upstream mdosplit attndr-method attndr-mdosplit The Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Delay profile contains INP-Delay parameters for each upstream channel.
impulse-noise-protection-delay-profile-upstream mdosplit attndr-method attndr-mdosplit The Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Delay profile contains INP-Delay parameters for each upstream channel.
inventory g.994.1-vendor-id system-vendor-id version-number serial-number self-test-result transmission-system-capabilities vdsl2-lr-support strongfext-support An xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) object represents an xDSL transceiver at either end of the xDSL Line. This has two instantiations: an xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C), and an xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R).
inventory g.994.1-vendor-id system-vendor-id version-number serial-number self-test-result transmission-system-capabilities vdsl2-lr-support strongfext-support The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) parameters represent an xDSL transceiver at either end of the xDSL Line. This has two instantiations: an xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C), and an xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R).
line-spectrum-profile power-management-mode l0-minimum-time l2-minimum-time l2-maximum-aggregate-power-reduction-per l2-maximum-aggregate-power-reduction-total carmaskds carmaskus vdsl2-carmask msgminds msgminus profiles us0mask cyclic-extension-flag rtx-mode-ds rtx-mode-us The Line Spectrum Profile contains the parameters that are mainly set during the service delivery phase.
line-spectrum-profile power-management-mode l0-minimum-time l2-minimum-time l2-maximum-aggregate-power-reduction-per l2-maximum-aggregate-power-reduction-total carmaskds carmaskus vdsl2-carmask msgminds msgminus profiles us0mask cyclic-extension-flag rtx-mode-ds rtx-mode-us The Line Spectrum Profile contains the parameters that are mainly set during the service delivery phase.
line-status xdsl-transmission-system line-power-management-state initialization-success-failure-cause vdsl2-lr-actual-op-type The xDSL Line status object represents status/state objects for an individual physical transmission line.
line-status xdsl-transmission-system line-power-management-state initialization-success-failure-cause vdsl2-lr-actual-op-type The xDSL Line status parameters represent status/state data nodes for an individual physical transmission line.
line-threshold-profile forward-error-correction-seconds-threshold errored-seconds-threshold severely-errored-seconds-threshold loss-of-signal-seconds-threshold unavailable-seconds-threshold leftr-defects-seconds-threshold leftr-defect-threshold full-initializations-threshold failed-full-initializations-threshold short-initializations-threshold failed-short-initializations-threshold spontaneous-interruptions-threshold The xDSL Line Threshold Template object represents a complete set of performance monitoring thresholds for an xDSL line.
line-threshold-profile forward-error-correction-seconds-threshold errored-seconds-threshold severely-errored-seconds-threshold loss-of-signal-seconds-threshold unavailable-seconds-threshold leftr-defects-seconds-threshold leftr-defect-threshold full-initializations-threshold failed-full-initializations-threshold short-initializations-threshold failed-short-initializations-threshold spontaneous-interruptions-threshold The xDSL Line Threshold Template parameters represent a complete set of performance monitoring thresholds for an xDSL line.
line-time-stamp time-stamp Time stamp for line performance parameters.
line-time-stamp time-stamp Time stamp for line performance parameters.
noise-margin-profile minimum-noise-margin target-noise-margin maximum-noise-margin ra-mode upshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-upshift-sra downshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-downshift-sra Noise margins are important for line robustness and can be configured independently from other spectrum related parameters to reduce the amount of combinations.
noise-margin-profile minimum-noise-margin target-noise-margin maximum-noise-margin ra-mode upshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-upshift-sra downshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-downshift-sra Noise margins are important for line robustness and can be configured independently from other spectrum related parameters to reduce the amount of combinations.
noise-margin-profile-downstream minimum-noise-margin target-noise-margin maximum-noise-margin ra-mode upshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-upshift-sra downshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-downshift-srasnr-mode Noise margin configuration nodes for the downstream noise margin profile.
noise-margin-profile-downstream minimum-noise-margin target-noise-margin maximum-noise-margin ra-mode upshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-upshift-sra downshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-downshift-srasnr-mode Noise margin configuration nodes for the downstream noise margin profile.
noise-margin-profile-upstream minimum-noise-margin target-noise-margin maximum-noise-margin ra-mode upshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-upshift-sra downshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-downshift-srasnr-mode Noise margin configuration nodes for the upstream noise margin profile.
noise-margin-profile-upstream minimum-noise-margin target-noise-margin maximum-noise-margin ra-mode upshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-upshift-sra downshift-noise-margin minimum-time-interval-downshift-srasnr-mode Noise margin configuration nodes for the upstream noise margin profile.
performance-history-15min-parameters number-of-intervals non-valid-intervals Defines common parameters required of historical performance counters across 15 minute intervals.
performance-history-15min-parameters number-of-intervals non-valid-intervals Defines common parameters required of historical performance counters across 15 minute intervals.
performance-history-24hr-parameters number-of-intervals non-valid-intervals Defines common parameters required of historical performance counters across 24 hour intervals.
performance-history-24hr-parameters number-of-intervals non-valid-intervals Defines common parameters required of historical performance counters across 24 hour intervals.
psdmask-descriptor psdmask This grouping is used to define a Power Spectral Density (PSD) mask.
psdmask-descriptor psdmask This grouping is used to define a Power Spectral Density (PSD) mask.
re-initialization-policy-profile ripolicy reinit-time-threshold Configuration of the re-initialization policy allows control of re-initialization based on error performance thresholds of the line.
re-initialization-policy-profile ripolicy reinit-time-threshold Configuration of the re-initialization policy allows control of re-initialization based on error performance thresholds of the line.
sos-profile sos-time sos-ntones sos-crc max-sos snrmoffset-roc inpmin-roc The Save Our Showtime (SOS) Profile provides the parameters to configure the optional procedure for VDSL2 SOS, which rapidly falls-back to a lower speed without a re-initialization.
sos-profile sos-time sos-ntones sos-crc max-sos snrmoffset-roc inpmin-roc The Save Our Showtime (SOS) Profile provides the parameters to configure the optional procedure for VDSL2 SOS, which rapidly falls back to a lower speed without a re-initialization.
sub-carrier-range start-index stop-index Defines a sub-carrier band, i.e., a set of contigious sub-carriers.
sub-carrier-range start-index stop-index Defines a sub-carrier band, i.e., a set of contigious sub-carriers.
test-mode test-mode Data nodes used to invoke test modes and update test parameters.
test-mode test-mode The object contains parameters that invoke test modes and update test parameters.
transmit-psd tssps mrefpsd Transmit Power Spectral Density (PSD) parameters.
transmit-psd tssps mrefpsd The transmit-psd object represents the current transmit power spectral density (PSD).
update-test xtu-c xtu-r This is defined so that test parameters can be forced to be updated.
update-test xtu-c xtu-r This is defined so that test parameters can be forced to be updated.
upstream-power-back-off-profile upbo-electrical-length upbo-force-electrical-length upbopsd-pb upbo-reference-electrical-length-pb aele-mode upbo-elmt This configures Upstream Power Back-Off (UPBO).
upstream-power-back-off-profile upbo-electrical-length upbo-force-electrical-length upbopsd-pb upbo-reference-electrical-length-pb aele-mode upbo-elmt This configures Upstream Power Back-Off (UPBO).
vce vce-id vce-port-index Parameters for Vectoring Control Entity (VCE) identity.
vce vce-id vce-port-index Parameters for Vectoring Control Entity (VCE) identity.
virtual-noise-profile virtual-noise fext-txrefvnds next-txrefvnds txrefvnsfds Configuration parameters for downstream Virtual Noise (VN).
virtual-noise-profile virtual-noise fext-txrefvnds next-txrefvnds txrefvnsfds Configuration parameters for downstream Virtual Noise (VN).
virtual-noise-profile-upstream virtual-noise rxrefvnsfus Configuration parameters for upstream Virtual Noise (VN).
virtual-noise-profile-upstream virtual-noise rxrefvnsfus Configuration parameters for upstream Virtual Noise (VN).
vn-descriptor psdmask Specifies the format of the Virtual Noise (VN) PSD.
vn-descriptor psdmask Specifies the format of the Virtual Noise (VN) PSD.
xlin xlin The Xlin object represents the crosstalk coupling, XLIN(f).
xlin xlin Crosstalk coupling, XLIN(f), parameters.
xtu-band-status line-attenuation signal-attenuation snr-margin upbo-electrical-length-pbn The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Band Status parameters represent current band status and measurements at a particular xTU.
xtu-band-status line-attenuation signal-attenuation snr-margin upbo-electrical-length-pbn The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Band Status object represents current band status and measurements at a particular xTU.
xtu-channel-performance-c measured-time invalid-data-flag code-violations-c forward-error-corrections-c uncorrected-dtu-c retransmitted-dtu-c The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Channel (near-end) performance parameters represent channel performance related data for a particular channel associated with a particular xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C).
xtu-channel-performance-c measured-time invalid-data-flag code-violations-c forward-error-corrections-c uncorrected-dtu-c The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Channel (near-end) performance object represents channel performance related data for a particular channel associated with a particular xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C).
xtu-channel-performance-cfe measured-time invalid-data-flag code-violations-cfe forward-error-corrections-cfe uncorrected-dtu-cfe retransmitted-dtu-cfe The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Channel far-end performance parameters represent channel performance related data for a particular channel associated with a particular xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R).
xtu-channel-performance-cfe measured-time invalid-data-flag code-violations-cfe forward-error-corrections-cfe uncorrected-dtu-cfe The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Channel far-end performance object represents channel performance related data for a particular channel associated with a particular xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R).
xtu-channel-status actual-data-rate previous-data-rate actual-delay actual-inp inpreport nfec rfec actual-number-of-bits-per-symbol actual-interleaving-depth actual-interleaving-block-length actual-latency-path fec-codewords-per-dtu The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Channel Status object represents current channel status / measurements at a particular xTU.
xtu-channel-status actual-data-rate previous-data-rate actual-delay actual-inp inpreport nfec rfec actual-number-of-bits-per-symbol actual-interleaving-depth actual-interleaving-block-length actual-latency-path fec-codewords-per-dtu The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Channel Status parameters represent current channel status/measurements at a particular xTU.
xtu-channel-time-stamp time-stamp Time stamp of channel performance parameters.
xtu-channel-time-stamp time-stamp Time stamp of channel performance parameters.
xtu-c-line-failure-parameters los lof lpr linit loss-of-margin xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C) failure parameters.
xtu-c-line-failure-parameters los lof lpr linit loss-of-margin xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C) failure parameters.
xtu-c-line-performance measured-time invalid-data-flag forward-error-correction-seconds-l errored-seconds-l severely-errored-seconds-l loss-of-signal-seconds-l unavailable-seconds-l inminpeq-l inmme-l inmiat-l sos-success-ne leftr-defects-seconds-counter-ne error-free-bits-counter-ne minimum-error-free-throughput-ne full-initializations failed-full-initializations short-initializations failed-short-initializations loss-of-power-intrpt host-reinit-interruptions spontaneous-intrpt loss-of-signal loss-of-frame loss-of-power maximum-error-free-throughput-ne sra-success-ne Line performance data for a given xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C).
xtu-c-line-performance measured-time invalid-data-flag forward-error-correction-seconds-l errored-seconds-l severely-errored-seconds-l loss-of-signal-seconds-l unavailable-seconds-l inminpeq-l inmme-l inmiat-l sos-success-ne leftr-defects-seconds-counter-ne error-free-bits-counter-ne minimum-error-free-throughput-ne full-initializations failed-full-initializations short-initializations failed-short-initializations loss-of-power-intrpt host-reinit-interruptions spontaneous-intrpt loss-of-signal loss-of-frame loss-of-power maximum-error-free-throughput-ne sra-success-ne Line performance data for a given xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C).
xtu-c-status stamp-test-ne failures downstream upstream xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C) line status. This represents transmission in the upstream direction.
xtu-c-status stamp-test-ne failures downstream upstream xDSL Transceiver Unit - Central office (xTU-C) line status. This represents transmission in the upstream direction.
xtu-data-gathering-report logging-depth actual-logging-depth-reporting event-trace-buffer These parameters are obtained from the data gathering functionality in the xDSL modems for use in testing/diagnostics.
xtu-data-gathering-report logging-depth actual-logging-depth-reporting event-trace-buffer These parameters are obtained from the data gathering functionality in the xDSL modems for use in testing and diagnostics.
xtu-line-status profile limitmask us0mask actual-cyclic-extension actual-aele-mode actual-vector-mode attndr-actual-method Status parameters for the line.
xtu-line-status profile limitmask us0mask actual-cyclic-extension actual-aele-mode actual-vector-mode attndr-actual-method Status parameters for the line.
xtu-line-status-receiver-directional actual-snr-mode attainable-net-data-rate trellis actual-ra-mode rxthrh actual-inp-roc snr-margin-roc stamp-olr actual-ripolicy rtx-used attndr-actual-inp attndr-actual-inp-rein attndr-actual-delay snr-margin Directional line status for receiver.
xtu-line-status-receiver-directional actual-snr-mode attainable-net-data-rate trellis actual-ra-mode rxthrh actual-inp-roc snr-margin-roc stamp-olr actual-ripolicy rtx-used attndr-actual-inp attndr-actual-inp-rein attndr-actual-delay snr-margin Directional line status for receiver.
xtu-line-status-transmitter-directional last-transmitted-state actual-psd actual-aggregate-transmit-power aggachndr Directional line status for transmitter.
xtu-line-status-transmitter-directional last-transmitted-state actual-psd actual-aggregate-transmit-power aggachndr Directional line status for transmitter.
xtu-r-line-failure-parameters los-fe lof-fe lpr-fe loss-of-margin-fe xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R) line failure parameters.
xtu-r-line-failure-parameters los-fe lof-fe lpr-fe loss-of-margin-fe xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R) line failure parameters.
xtu-r-line-performance measured-time invalid-data-flag forward-error-correction-seconds-lfe errored-seconds-lfe severely-errored-seconds-lfe loss-of-signal-seconds-lfe unavailable-seconds-lfe inminpeq-lfe inmme-lfe inmiat-lfe sos-success-fe leftr-defects-seconds-counter-lfe error-free-bits-counter-lfe minimum-error-free-throughput-lfe loss-of-signal-fe loss-of-frame-fe loss-of-power-fe maximum-error-free-throughput-lfe sra-success-fe Line performance data for a given xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R).
xtu-r-line-performance measured-time invalid-data-flag forward-error-correction-seconds-lfe errored-seconds-lfe severely-errored-seconds-lfe loss-of-signal-seconds-lfe unavailable-seconds-lfe inminpeq-lfe inmme-lfe inmiat-lfe sos-success-fe leftr-defects-seconds-counter-lfe error-free-bits-counter-lfe minimum-error-free-throughput-lfe loss-of-signal-fe loss-of-frame-fe loss-of-power-fe maximum-error-free-throughput-lfe sra-success-fe Line performance data for a given xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R).
xtu-r-status stamp-test-fe failures downstream upstream xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R) line status. This represents transmission in the downstream direction.
xtu-r-status stamp-test-fe failures downstream upstream xDSL Transceiver Unit - Remote side (xTU-R) line status. This represents transmission in the downstream direction.
xtu-sub-carrier-status hlin hlog qln snr bitsps gainsps The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Sub-Carrier Status object represents current detailed status / measurements relating to a particular sub-carrier or a sub-carrier group in an xDSL Line at a particular xTU.
xtu-sub-carrier-status hlin hlog qln snr bitsps gainsps The xDSL Transceiver Unit (xTU) Sub-Carrier Status data nodes represent current detailed status / measurements relating to a particular sub-carrier or a sub-carrier group in an xDSL Line at a particular xTU.

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