This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for supporting the Broadband Forum requirements on management of Single En...
Version: 2022-05-23
module bbf-selt { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:bbf:yang:bbf-selt"; prefix bbf-selt; include bbf-selt-base; include bbf-selt-pointers; include bbf-selt-pmd; include bbf-selt-pmd-control-body; include bbf-selt-pmd-status-body; include bbf-selt-pmd-profiles; include bbf-selt-pmd-profile-body; include bbf-selt-processing-profiles; include bbf-selt-processing-profile-body; include bbf-selt-result-parameters; include bbf-selt-pmd-measurement-parameter-body; include bbf-selt-processing-derived-parameter-body; organization "Broadband Forum <> Common YANG Work Area"; contact "Comments or questions about this Broadband Forum YANG module should be directed to <>. Editor: Ken Kerpez, ASSIA, Inc. Editor: Joey Boyd, Adtran PS Leader: Joey Boyd, Adtran WA Director: Sven Ooghe, Nokia WA Director: Joey Boyd, Adtran"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for supporting the Broadband Forum requirements on management of Single Ended Line Test (SELT) as defined in ITU-T G.996.2 and BBF TR-298. As such, this module is specific to access network equipment (e.g., BBF-specified Access Nodes and FTTdp DPUs). Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Broadband Forum Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The above license is used as a license under copyright only. Please reference the Forum IPR Policy for patent licensing terms <>. Any moral rights which are necessary to exercise under the above license grant are also deemed granted under this license. This version of this YANG module is part of TR-355a4; see the TR itself for full legal notices."; revision "2022-05-23" { description "Amendment 4. * Approval Date: 2022-05-23 * Publication Date: 2022-05-23."; reference "TR-355a4: YANG Modules for FTTdp Management < TR-355_Amendment-4.pdf>"; } revision "2020-10-13" { description "Amendment 3. * Approval Date: 2020-10-13 * Publication Date: 2020-10-13."; reference "TR-355a3: YANG Modules for FTTdp Management < TR-355_Amendment-3.pdf>"; } revision "2019-06-11" { description "Amendment 2. * Approval Date: 2019-06-11 * Publication Date: 2019-06-11."; reference "TR-355a2: YANG Modules for FTTdp Management < TR-355_Amendment-2.pdf>"; } revision "2018-10-01" { description "Amendment 1. * Approval Date: 2018-10-01 * Publication Date: 2018-10-01."; reference "TR-355a1: YANG Modules for FTTdp Management < TR-355_Amendment-1.pdf>"; } revision "2017-11-27" { description "Corrigendum 2 (fixes to the previous revision). * Approval Date: see revision date above. * Publication Date: 2018-01-19."; reference "TR-355c2: YANG Modules for FTTdp Management < TR-355_Corrigendum-2.pdf>"; } revision "2017-03-13" { description "Corrigendum 1 (fixes to the initial revision). * Approval Date: see revision date above. * Publication Date: 2017-04-12."; reference "TR-355c1: YANG Modules for FTTdp Management < TR-355_Corrigendum-1.pdf>"; } revision "2016-07-18" { description "Initial revision. * Approval Date: see revision date above. * Publication Date: 2016-08-05."; reference "TR-355: YANG Modules for FTTdp Management < TR-355.pdf>"; } // features feature selt-p { description "Indicates support for Single Ended Line Test Processing (SELT-P) profiles."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 Annex B"; } feature extended-bandwidth-selt-uer { description "Indicates support for extended bandwidth Single Ended Line Test (SELT) for reporting the Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER)."; } feature extended-bandwidth-selt-qln { description "Indicates support for extended bandwidth Single Ended Line Test (SELT) for reporting Quiet Line Noise (QLN)."; } feature extended-bandwidth-selt-tflog { description "Indicates support for extended bandwidth Single Ended Line Test (SELT) for reporting the logarithmic power transfer function Tflog(f)."; } // typedefs typedef pmd-function { type enumeration { enum "uer-measurement" { value 1; description "Triggers the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) to start an Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) measurement."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.3.1 (SELT-UME-C)"; } enum "qln-measurement" { value 2; description "Triggers the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) to start a Quiet Line Noise (QLN) measurement."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.3.3 (SELT-QME-C)"; } } description "The Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) function."; } typedef uer-measurement-duration { type uint8 { range "5..240"; } units "seconds"; description "This parameter is the maximum allowed time for Singe Ended Line Test (SELT) Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) measurement, between the time of the start command written by the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent Management Entity (SELT-PMD-ME), and the time the result is available for read operation by SELT-PMD-ME. NOTE - The above duration includes internal pre-processing and post-processing. It is configurable between 5 seconds and 240 seconds, in steps of 1 second."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.1.1 (SELT-UER-MMD-C, SELT-UER-MMD-R)"; } typedef qln-measurement-duration { type uint8 { range "1..240"; } units "seconds"; description "This parameter is the maximum allowed time for Singe Ended Line Test (SELT) Quiet Line Noise (QLN) measurement, between the time of the start command written by the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent Management Entity (SELT-PMD-ME), and the time the result is available for read operation by SELT-PMD-ME. NOTE - The above duration includes internal pre-processing and post-processing. It is configurable between 1 second and 240 seconds, in steps of 1 second."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.1.2 (SELT-QLN-MMD-C, SELT-QLN-MMD-R)"; } typedef pmd-profile-ref { type leafref { path "/bbf-selt:selt/bbf-selt:profiles/bbf-selt:pmd-profile/bbf-selt:name"; } description "Used to reference a Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) profile."; } typedef pmd-result { type enumeration { enum "no-measurement-results-available" { value 0; description "No measurement results are available when no mesurement has been performed yet or after measurement results have been deleted."; } enum "measurement-failed-results-invalid" { value 1; description "The measurement results are invalid after the most recent measurement failed."; } enum "measurement-succeeded-results-valid" { value 2; description "The measurement results are valid after the most recent measurement succeeded."; } } description "The overall results of the SELT PMD measurement."; } typedef sub-carrier-index { type uint16 { range "0..8191"; } description "Identifies a sub-carrier."; } typedef per-sub-carrier-uint8 { type binary { length "0..8192"; } description "A binary type where each octet represents data belonging to a sub-carrier group. The first octet represents sub-carrier group 0 and the last octet represents the sub-carrier group (length - 1)."; } typedef per-sub-carrier-int32-tuple { type binary { length "0..65536"; } description "A binary type where each group of 8 octets represents a tuple. A tuple consists of two 4-octet groups and represents data belonging to a sub-carrier. The first tuple represents sub-carrier group 0 and the last tuple represents sub-carrier group (length/8 - 1). In each 4-octet group in the tuple, the most significant byte is loaded first. The order of the tuples is determined by the node to which this type is associated."; } typedef per-sub-carrier-uint16 { type binary { length "0..16384"; } description "A binary type where each pair of octets represents data belonging to a sub-carrier group. The first pair represents sub-carrier group 0 and the last represents sub-carrier group (length/2 - 1)."; } // groupings grouping selt-pmd-control { description "Defines the parameters contained in the PMD control object."; leaf uer-measurement-enable-c { type boolean; default "false"; status deprecated; description "If true, triggers the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) to start an Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) measurement. A configuration change back to 'false' is required before initiating another update."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.3.1 (SELT-UME-C)"; } leaf qln-measurement-enable-c { type boolean; default "false"; status deprecated; description "If true, triggers the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) to start a Quiet Line Noise (QLN) measurement. A configuration change back to 'false' is required before initiating another update."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.3.3 (SELT-QME-C)"; } } // grouping selt-pmd-control grouping pmd-control { description "Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) control configuration."; leaf pmd-control { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 0; description "The Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) is not configured for a measurement."; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "The Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) is configured for a measurement."; } } default "disable"; description "The Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) is by default 'disable'. When 'disable', the line is in normal operation (e.g., in the L0 state if the line is configured with AdminStatus=up). When 'enable', the Access Node (AN)/Distribution Point Unit (DPU) Maintenance Entity (ME) shall force the line to the L3 state."; } action request-pmd-function-c { description "A measurement is by default not triggered. A measurement is triggered when the action is sent with the appropriate function specified. One or more measurements may be triggered while the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) is configured 'enable', possibly with different CO SELT-PMD configuration parameters. If the triggered measurement cannot be executed, then the Access Node (AN)/Distribution Point Unit (DPU) Maintenance Entity (ME) rejects this action and the CO SELT-PMD status remains 'inactive'."; input { leaf pmd-function { type union { type enumeration { enum "abort" { value 0; description "Triggers the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) to abort any currently ongoing measurement."; } } type pmd-function; } description "The action being requested."; } } } // rpc request-pmd-function-c } // grouping pmd-control grouping co-cpe-parameters { description "Parameters to define the configuration common between the Central Office (CO) CO Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) and Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) SELT-PMD."; leaf uer-measurement-duration { type uer-measurement-duration; description "The Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) duration for the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD)."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.1.1 (SELT-UER-MMD-C, SELT-UER-MMD-R)"; } leaf qln-measurement-duration { type qln-measurement-duration; description "The Quiet Line Noise(QLN) duration for the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD)."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.1.2 (SELT-QLN-MMD-C, SELT-QLN-MMD-R)"; } } // grouping co-cpe-parameters grouping pmd-profile { description "Defines the parameters contained in a Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) profile."; container c { description "Managed data nodes applicable to the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD)."; uses co-cpe-parameters; } // container c container r { description "Managed data nodes applicable to the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD)."; uses co-cpe-parameters; } // container r } // grouping pmd-profile grouping downstream-upstream-parameters { description "Parameters to define the configuration common between the downstream and upstream directions."; container capacity-estimate-signal-psd { description "This configuration parameter defines the Power Spectral Density (PSD) template of the transmit signal to be used in capacity estimate evaluation. The PSD template CAP-SIGNALPSD shall be specified through a set of breakpoints. Each breakpoint shall consist of a frequency index, tn, and a signal PSD level (expressed in dBm/Hz). The parameter shall be a set of breakpoints represented by [(t1, PSD1), (t2, PSD2), ..., (tN, PSDN)], where t1 and tN represent, respectively, the lower frequency of the lowest band over which the capacity estimate is to be calculated, and the highest frequency of highest band over which the capacity estimate is to be calculated. In the case of an estimation of capacity for a multi-band xDSL, the set of breakpoints shall describe the stopbands situated inbetween passbands. NOTE - Stopbands may be described as brickwall stopbands using the lowest valid value (-200 dBm/Hz) or may be described more elaborately. The breakpoints shall be defined so that tn < tn+1 for n = 1 to N - 1. The frequency fn corresponding to the index tn can be found as: fn = tn * Df. The value of Df = 4.3125 kHz and is independent of the subcarrier spacing used for the DMT modulation of the xDSL. The range of valid values for index tn is 0 to 8191 in steps of 1. The range of valid values for PSD is -30 to -200 dBm per Hz in steps of 0.1 dBm per Hz."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.1.2 (CAP-SIGNALPSD)"; list psd { key "t"; max-elements 48; description "A list of Power Spectral Density (PSD) values per breakpoint, t."; leaf t { type uint16 { range "0..8191"; } description "The breakpoint index."; } leaf psd { type int16 { range "-2000..-300"; } units "0.1 dBm per Hz"; mandatory true; description "The Power Spectral Density (PSD) value."; } } // list psd } // container capacity-estimate-signal-psd container capacity-estimate-noise-psd { description "This configuration parameter defines the Power Spectral Density (PSD) template of the received noise to be used in capacity estimate evaluation. The PSD template CAP-NOISEPSD shall be specified through a set of breakpoints. Each breakpoint shall consist of a frequency index tn and a signal PSD level (expressed in dBm/Hz). The parameter shall be a set of breakpoints that are represented by [(t1, PSD1), (t2, PSD2), ... ,(tN, PSDN)], where t1 and tN are, respectively, the lower frequency of the lowest band over which the capacity estimate is to be calculated, and the highest frequency of highest band over which the capacity estimate is to be calculated. In the case of an estimation of capacity for a multi-band xDSL, with the CAP-SIGNALPSD stopbands described as brickwall stopbands, the set of breakpoints for CAP-NOISEPSD is not required to describe the noise in the stopbands situated inbetween passbands. In case the CAP-SIGNALPSD stopbands are not described as brickwall stopbands, the set of breakpoints for CAP-NOISEPSD shall describe the noise in the stopbands situated inbetween passbands. The breakpoints shall be defined so that tn < tn+1 for n = 1 to N - 1. The frequency fn corresponding to the index tn can be found as: fn = tn * Df. The value of Df = 4.3125 kHz and is independent of the subcarrier spacing used for the DMT modulation of the xDSL. The range of valid values for index tn is 0 to 8191, in steps of 1. The range of valid values for PSD is -30 to -200 dBm per Hz, in steps of 0.1 dBm per Hz."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.1.3 (CAP-NOISEPSD)"; list psd { key "t"; max-elements 128; description "A list of Power Spectral Density (PSD) values per breakpoint, t."; leaf t { type uint16 { range "0..8191"; } description "The breakpoint index."; } leaf psd { type int16 { range "-2000..-30"; } units "0.1 dBm per Hz"; mandatory true; description "The Power Spectral Density (PSD) value."; } } // list psd } // container capacity-estimate-noise-psd leaf capacity-estimate-target-noise-margin { type uint16 { range "0..310"; } units "0.1 dB"; description "This is the noise margin to be used in capacity estimate evaluation, relative to a Bit Error Rate (BER) requirement of 1E-7. The range of valid values for CAP-TARSNRM expressed in dB is 0 to 31 dB, in steps of 0.1 dB."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.1.4 (CAP-TARSNRM)"; } } // grouping downstream-upstream-parameters grouping processing-profile { description "Defines the parameters contained in a processing profile."; leaf capacity-estimate-calculation-enabling { type boolean; description "This parameter specifies if the Single Ended Line Test Processing (SELT-P) function shall perform the 'downstream capacity' and 'upstream capacity' estimations, if supported. This parameter is expressed as a boolean flag and takes the value 'false' if xDSL performance estimation is not required, true otherwise."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.1.1 (CECE)"; } container downstream { description "Data nodes applicable in the downstream direction."; uses downstream-upstream-parameters; } // container downstream container upstream { description "Data nodes applicable in the upstream direction."; uses downstream-upstream-parameters; } // container upstream } // grouping processing-profile grouping pmd-status { description "Status parameters for the Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) object."; leaf selt-status-c { type enumeration { enum "inactive" { value 0; description "The Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) is inactive."; } enum "uer-ongoing" { value 1; description "The Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) has an Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) measurement ongoing."; } enum "qln-ongoing" { value 2; description "The Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) has a Quiet Line Noise (QLN) measurement ongoing."; } } description "The status of the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) measurement. Upon the CO SELT PMD request triggering an Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) measurement, the CO SELT PMD status shall become 'uer-ongoing' if the measurement is executed. Upon the CO SELT PMD request triggering a Quiet Line Noise (QLN) measurement, the CO SELT PMD status shall become 'qln-ongoing' if the measurement is executed. Upon abortion, failure or successful completion of the UER or QLN measurement, the CO SELT PMD status shall become 'inactive' and the Access Node (AN)/Distribution Point Unit (DPU) Management Entity (ME) shall send a notification to the NMS."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.3.3"; } leaf uer-results-c { type pmd-result; description "The status of the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) measurement results."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.3.4"; } leaf qln-results-c { type pmd-result; description "The status of the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) Quiet Line Noise (QLN) measurement results."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.3.5"; } } // grouping pmd-status grouping co-cpe-measurement-parameters { description "Defines the measurement parameters common between the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) and Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) SELT-PMD."; container uncalibrated-echo-response { description "The Uncalibrated Echo Response, UER(i* UER_G*Df), shall be represented in linear format by a scale factor and a normalized complex number a(i)+j*b(i), where i is a frequency index i ranging from 0 to NSC-1, the subcarrier spacing, Df = 4.3125 kHz, and (NSC-1) x UER_G x Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. The UER granularity parameter, UER_G, has three valid values: 1, 2, and 12, indicating whether the measurements were performed using a subcarrier spacing of 4.3125 kHz, 8.625 kHz, or 51.75 kHz respectively. The scale factor shall be coded as a 32-bit unsigned integer. Both a(i) and b(i) shall be coded as 32 bit 2's complement signed integers. The value of UER(i* UER_G*Df) shall be defined as: UER(i* UER_G*Df) = (scale/2^31)*(a(i)+j*b(i))/2^31. In order to maximize precision, the scale factor shall be chosen such that max(|a(i)|, |b(i)|) over all i is equal to 2^31-1. NOTE - This data format supports an UER(f) granularity of 2-31 and an UER(f) dynamic range of approximately +6 dB to -186 dB, however it does not imply any future accuracy requirements. An UER(i*UER_G* Df) value indicated as a(i) = b(i) = -2^31 is a special value. It indicates that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier either because it is not supported by the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) function, or that the value is out of range to be represented."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.2.1 (SELT-UER-C, SELT-UER-R)"; leaf scale-factor { type uint32; description "The scale factor used in the Uncalibrated Echo Response (UER) measurement."; } leaf uer-g { type uint8 { range "1 | 2 | 12"; } description "The Single Ended Line Test Uncalibrated Echo Response Group size (SELT-UER_G) is a reported parameter identifying the UER frequency spacing, which is equal to SELT-UER_G x Df with Df = 4.3125 kHz. SELT-UER_G has three valid values: 1, 2, and 12. Section A.2.2.1 refers to SELT-UER_G as the UER granularity parameter, UER_G."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.2.2 (SELT-UER_G)"; } leaf uer { type per-sub-carrier-int32-tuple; description "An array of tuples representing the a(i) and b(i) values as described below. In each tuple, a(i) is loaded first."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.2.1 (SELT-UER-C, SELT-UER-R)"; } } // container uncalibrated-echo-response leaf uncalibrated-echo-response-variance { type per-sub-carrier-uint8; description "The REL_VAR_UER(f) provides the relative variance of the Uncalibrated Echo Response by the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) function for each frequency i * UER_G * Df, where i ranges from 0 to NSC-1, Df = 4.3125 kHz, and (NSC-1) * UER_G * Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. The relative variance of the Uncalibrated Echo Response REL_VAR_UER(i* UER_G *Df) shall be represented as an 8-bit unsigned integer v(i), where i is the subcarrier index i = 0 to NSC-1. The value of REL_VAR_UER(i* UER_G *Df) shall be defined as REL_VAR_UER(i* UER_G *Df) = 3 - v(i)/2 dB. The number v(i) is an 8-bit unsigned integer in the range 0 to 254. This data format supports a REL_VAR_UER(i) over a range from -124 dB to +3 dB for each carrier with a granularity from 0.5 dB. Out of range values shall be clamped to the closest range bound. The special value v(i) = 255 indicates that no measurement is available for that carrier."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.2.2 (SELT-UER-VAR-C, SELT-UER-VAR-R)"; } container quiet-line-noise { description "The Single Ended Line Test Quiet Line Noise (SELTQLN) provides the quiet line noise Power Spectral Density (PSD) as measured by the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) function (see clause A.1.1.2) for each sub-carrier frequency i x SELTQLN_G x Df where i ranges from 0 to NSC-1, Df = 4.3125 kHz, and (NSC-1) x SELTQLN_G x Df is the highest frequency supported by the SELT-PMD functionality. SELTQLN_G has three valid values: 1, 2, and 12, indicating whether the measurements were performed using a subcarrier spacing of 4.3125 kHz, 8.625 kHz, or of 51.75 kHz respectively. SELT quiet line noise SELTQLN(i x SELTQLN_G x Df) shall be represented as an 8 bit unsigned integer n(i), where i is the subcarrier index i = 0 to NSC-1. The value of SELTQLN(i x SELTQLN_G x Df) shall be defined as SELTQLN(i x SELTQLN_G x Df ) = -23 - (n(i)/2) dBm/Hz. This data format supports a SELTQLN(f) granularity of 0.5 dB and an SELTQLN(f) dynamic range of -150 to -23 dBm/Hz."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.2.3 (SELT-QLN-C, SELT-QLN-R)"; leaf seltqln-g { type uint8 { range "1 | 2 | 12"; } description "The Single Ended Line Test Quiet Line Noise Group size (SELTQLN_G) is a reported parameter identifying the SELTQLN frequency spacing, which is equal to SELTQLN_G x Df with Df = 4.3125 kHz. SELTQLN_G has three valid values: 1, 2, and 12."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause A.2.2.3 (SELTQLN_G)"; } leaf qln { type per-sub-carrier-uint8; description "An array of values representing n(i)."; } } // container quiet-line-noise } // grouping co-cpe-measurement-parameters grouping pmd-measurement-parameters { description "Defines the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) measurement parameters."; container c { description "Parameters applicable to the Central Office (CO) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD)."; uses co-cpe-measurement-parameters; } // container c container r { description "Parameters applicable to the Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD)."; uses co-cpe-measurement-parameters; } // container r } // grouping pmd-measurement-parameters grouping downstream-upstream-derived-parameters { description "Derived parameters that are common between the downstream and upstream directions."; leaf capacity-estimate { type bbf-yang:data-rate32; description "This parameter represents a best-effort estimate of the achievable net data rate (in kilobits per second) on the loop under test, under the following assumptions: - Fast mode (i.e., operation with interleaver depth D=1, and INP=0 (no impulse noise protection)) - use of Trellis coding - target margin equal to CAP-TARSNRM (see clause B.2.1.4) - transmit signal PSD at the U-interface of the xTU-transmitter equal to CAP-SIGNALPSD - noise PSD at the U-interface of the xTU-receiver equal to CAP-NOISEPSD - support of bit loading from 1 to 15 bits included, in steps of 1 bit increments. As the capacity is a best-effort estimate, accuracy for this parameter is vendor proprietary. The parameter in the downstream direction is CAPACITYds, and the parameter in the upstream direction is CAPACITYus."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clauses B.2.1.2, B.2.1.3 and B.2.2.7 (CAP-EST)"; } } // grouping downstream-upstream-derived-parameters grouping processing-derived-parameters { description "Defines the Single Ended Line Test Processing (SELT-P) derived parameters."; leaf loop-termination-indicator { type enumeration { enum "open" { value 0; description "Open."; } enum "short" { value 1; description "Short."; } enum "powered-by-cpe" { value 2; description "Powered on Customer Premises Equipment (CPE)."; } enum "unknown" { value 3; description "Unknown (i.e., failure in identifying the termination)."; } } description "Loop termination indicator is a three state indication of the loop termination defined as follows. 1) Open 2) Short 3) Powered on CPE 4) Unknown (i.e., failure in identifying the termination)."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.2.1 (LOOP-TERM)"; } leaf loop-length { type uint16 { range "0..16383"; } units "meters"; description "This parameter is the physical length (in metres) of the loop between the U-C and the U-R interface. The loop length shall be measured with a granularity of 1 meter, with valid range of 0 to 16383 meters."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.2.2 (LOOP-LEN)"; } container loop-topology { description "The loop topology consists of a description of the loop structure, with indication of the physical length of each loop segment. In this parameter, a loop segment is defined as delimited by either a loop termination, or the presence of a bridged tap. NOTE 1 - Two cables with different gauges/cable-types connected in series are considered as a single loop segment. The loop topology is reported as a list of loop segments, using the following conventions: 1) The first loop segment in the list shall be the segment connected to the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) block measuring the SELT-PMD measurement parameters (i.e., the SELT-PMD block shall be the starting point of the topology description). 2) Subsequent loop segments in the list shall describe the loop in the direction toward the farend loop termination. 3) Consecutive loop segments indicated as 'bridged tap' represent bridged taps, each branching off from the main loop at the same point. NOTE 2 - Identification of a bridged tap branching off on a bridged tap is not supported by this parameter. A single loop segment is specified with two sub-parameters: loop segment length (see clause B. and loop segment bridged tap indicator (see clause B. If this parameter is supported, reporting of up to three segments is a mandatory capability. Reporting of additional segments is optional."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.2.3 (LOOP-TOPOLOGY)"; list loop { key "i"; description "A list of loop segments including the length and whether there is a bridged tap."; leaf i { type uint8; description "The segment number. The first loop segment in the list shall be the segment connected to the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) block measuring the SELT-PMD measurement parameters (i.e., the SELT-PMD block shall be the starting point of the topology description). Subsequent loop segments in the list shall shall describe the loop in the direction toward the far-end loop termination."; } leaf len { type uint16 { range "0..16383"; } units "meters"; description "This parameter specifies the physical length of the loop segment, in metres. The loop segment length shall be measured with a granularity of 1 meter, with a valid range of 0 to 16383 meters."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B. (LOOP_SEGM_LENGTH)"; } leaf bti { type enumeration { enum "in-series" { value 0; description "In series."; } enum "bridged-tap" { value 1; description "Bridged tap."; } } description "This parameter specifies whether the loop segment is a bridged tap or arranged in series (i.e., not branching, not a bridged tap). The valid values are: 1) in series 2) bridged tap."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B. (LOOP_SEGM_LENGTH)"; } } // list loop } // container loop-topology container attenuation-characteristics { description "The line attenuation TFlog(f) is the logarithmic power transfer function of the line as a function of frequency when both the near-end and far-end line terminations have the following values: - Source impedance = purely resistive equal to 100 ohms - Termination impedance = purely resistive equal to 100 ohms The definition for reporting the line attenuation TFlog(f) depends on whether or not the option for extended bandwidth Single Ended Line Test (SELT) is applied. The function TFlog(f) consists of an array of values TFlog(i * TFlog_G * Df), with Df = 4.3125 kHz. NOTE - In the case where the instantiation of the LT unit is the same as the instantiation of the xTU transceiver unit, this value may be independent of the subcarrier spacing used for the xDSL DMT modulation. The range of valid values for the index i is 0 to 8191. The attenuation characteristics group size, TFlog_G, has three valid values: 1, 2, and 12, indicating whether the measurements were performed using a subcarrier spacing of 4.3125 kHz, 8.625 kHz, or 51.75 kHz respectively. The range of valid values for TFlog(i * Df) is from +6.0 dB down to -96.2 dB, with a granularity of 0.1 dB (represented as values 0 to 1022). A special value, 1023, is used to indicate that no measurement could be done for this subcarrier because the attenuation is out of the range that can be represented."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.2.6 (ATT-CHAR)"; leaf tflog-g { type uint8 { range "1 | 2 | 12"; } description "The attenuation characteristics group size (TFlog_G) is a reported parameter identifying the attenuation characteristics, TFlog(f), at a frequency spacing equal to TFlog_G x Df with Df = 4.3125 kHz. TFlog_G has three valid values: 1, 2, and 12."; } leaf tflog { type per-sub-carrier-uint16; description "An array of values for Tflog(f)."; } } // container attenuation-characteristics leaf missing-micro-filter { type boolean; description "This parameter is a binary indication of a missing or incorrectly installed splitter or micro-filter at the U-R reference point. A value of 'true' for this flag represents a missing splitter. This parameter is only defined for the SELT-P-R functionality."; reference "ITU-T G.996.2 clause B.2.2.4 (MIS-FILTER)"; } container downstream { description "Managed data nodes applicable in the downstream direction."; uses downstream-upstream-derived-parameters; } // container downstream container upstream { description "Managed data nodes applicable in the upstream direction."; uses downstream-upstream-derived-parameters; } // container upstream } // grouping processing-derived-parameters // objects container selt { description "Single Ended Line Test (SELT) configuration."; container profiles { description "Configuration profiles."; } // container profiles } // container selt augment /if:interfaces/if:interface { when "if:type = 'ianaift:fastdsl'" { description "Only applicable when the interface type is 'fastdsl'."; } description "Data nodes for the configuration of Single Ended Line Test (SELT)."; container selt { presence "If present, indicates that the interface is capable of performing Single Ended Line Test (SELT) functionality as defined in ITU-T G.996.2."; description "Configuration data for Single Ended Line Test (SELT)."; } // container selt } augment /if:interfaces-state/if:interface { when "if:type = 'ianaift:fastdsl'" { description "Only applicable when the interface type is 'fastdsl'."; } description "Data nodes for the operational state data of Single Ended Line Test (SELT)."; container selt { presence "If present, indicates that the interface is capable of performing Single Ended Line Test (SELT) functionality as defined in ITU-T G.996.2."; description "Operational state data for Single Ended Line Test (SELT)."; } // container selt } augment /bbf-selt:selt/bbf-selt:profiles { description "Data nodes for Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) configuration profiles."; list pmd-profile { key "name"; description "A list of Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) profiles."; leaf name { type bbf-yang:string-ascii64; description "A name that uniquely identifies the profile."; } uses pmd-profile; } // list pmd-profile } augment /bbf-selt:selt/bbf-selt:profiles { if-feature selt-p; description "Data nodes for processing profiles."; list processing-profile { key "name"; description "A list of processing profiles."; leaf name { type bbf-yang:string-ascii64; description "A name that uniquely identifies the profile."; } uses processing-profile; } // list processing-profile } augment /if:interfaces/if:interface/bbf-selt:selt { description "Data nodes to support the assignment of Single Ended Line Test (SELT) configuration."; leaf pmd-profile { type pmd-profile-ref; status deprecated; description "References a Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) profile. This method of configuration has been deprecated. The 'profile-config' method should instead be used."; } leaf processing-profile { if-feature selt-p; type leafref { path "/bbf-selt:selt/bbf-selt:profiles/bbf-selt:processing-profile/bbf-selt:name"; } status deprecated; description "References a Single Ended Line Test Processing (SELT-P) profile. This method of configuration has been deprecated. The 'profile-config' method should instead be used."; } container selt-pmd-control { status deprecated; description "Data nodes to support the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) control object. This container was mistakenly renamed to 'pmd-control' starting in Amendment 1 and is now added back to allow a backward compatible transition from Issue 1 to Amendment 4 or later."; uses selt-pmd-control { status deprecated; } } // container selt-pmd-control container pmd-control { status deprecated; description "Data nodes to support the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) control object."; uses selt-pmd-control { status deprecated; } } // container pmd-control choice profile-config { description "The method for configuring profiles used for a Single Ended Line Test (SELT) on this interface. If no method is configured, the default behavior is equivalent to the presence of 'no-profiles-attached'."; leaf no-profiles-attached { type empty; description "If present, indicates that no profiles are attached to this line."; } container direct-attachment-mode { description "Configuration associated with assigning Single Ended Line Test (SELT) profiles."; leaf pmd-profile { type pmd-profile-ref; mandatory true; description "References a Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) profile."; } leaf processing-profile { if-feature selt-p; type leafref { path "/bbf-selt:selt/bbf-selt:profiles/bbf-selt:processing-profile/bbf-selt:name"; } mandatory true; description "References a Single Ended Line Test Processing (SELT-P) profile."; } } // container direct-attachment-mode } // choice profile-config } augment /if:interfaces/if:interface/bbf-selt:selt/bbf-selt:profile-config/bbf-selt:direct-attachment-mode/bbf-selt:direct-attachment-mode { description "Data nodes for the configuration of Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) control."; container pmd-control { description "Data nodes to support the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) control object."; uses pmd-control; } // container pmd-control } augment /if:interfaces-state/if:interface/bbf-selt:selt { description "Data nodes for the configuration of Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) status."; container pmd-status { description "Data nodes to support the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) control object."; uses pmd-status; } // container pmd-status notification selt-pmd-completed { description "Indicates that a Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) function has failed, succeeded or has been aborted."; leaf function { type pmd-function; mandatory true; description "The function that was performed or attempted to perform."; } leaf result { type pmd-result; mandatory true; description "The result of the attempted execution of the Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) function."; } } // notification selt-pmd-completed } augment /if:interfaces-state/if:interface/bbf-selt:selt { description "Data nodes to support the reporting of SELT result parameters."; container pmd-measurement-parameters { description "Single Ended Line Test Physical Medium Dependent (SELT-PMD) measurement parameters."; uses pmd-measurement-parameters; } // container pmd-measurement-parameters container processing-derived-parameters { if-feature selt-p; description "Single Ended Line Test Processing (SELT-P) derived parameters."; uses processing-derived-parameters; } // container processing-derived-parameters } } // module bbf-selt
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