
An experimental YANG module supporting Vector of Profiles for lines. Copyright (c) 2018, Broadband Forum Redistribution a...

Typedef Base type Abstract
bandplan enumeration Valid bandplan definitions.
bpc binary A binary type where each octet represents data belonging to a sub-carrier group. The first octet represents sub-carrier group 0.
channel-estimation-profile-ref leafref Used to reference a channel estimation profile.
cycle-duration union Duration in ms of the MAC cycle.
data-rate uint32 Data rate in kbps.
dba-profile-ref leafref Used to reference a DBA profile.
device-id uint8 Device ID of a node.
dni string Domain Name Identifier of the domain.
domain-id-profile-ref leafref Used to reference a domain-id profile.
domain-name string Domain Name of the domain connected to this interface.
encryption-mode enumeration Encryption mode of the domain.
event-counter32-or-unknown union An event-counter32-or-unknown type represents a non-negative integer which may increase but shall never exceed a maximum value. The maximum value can not be greater than 2^32-1 (4294967295 decimal). The default value for the maximum value is 2^32-1. The value of a event-counter32-or-inactive has its maximum value whenever the information being modeled is greater than or equal to its maximum value. A special value (enum unknown) indicates that the value of this counter is unknown is not active on the line.
forced-resignation-cause enumeration Cause of a forced resignation.
group-size uint8 Group size for channel estimation.
last-event uint32 Number of seconds That passed since the last event.
line-spectrum-profile-ref leafref Used to reference a line spectrum profile.
mac-address enumeration Type of MAC address.
medium enumeration Medium used by this interface.
medium-access enumeration Medium access used by this interface.
node-id-profile-ref leafref Used to reference a node-id profile.
number-of-radio-amateur-mask uint8 Number of radio-amateur masks defined.
number-of-sub-carrier-mask uint8 Number of sub-carrier masks defined
oui string Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI).
percentage-or-inactive union Describes a parameter that can be set as a percentage. The value inactive is used to indicate that the parameter is not used and shall be ignored.
performance-15min-history-interval uint8 Defines the range of 15 minute intervals and defines the position of the interval relative to the current interval where 1 is the most recent interval.
performance-15min-interval uint8 Defines the range of 15 minute intervals.
performance-24hr-history-interval uint8 Defines the range of 24 hour intervals and defines the position of the interval relative to the current interval where 1 is the most recent interval.
performance-24hr-interval uint8 Defines the range of 24 hour intervals.
scheduling-profile-ref leafref Used to reference a scheduling profile.
seconds-counter-15min uint32 A performance counter which counts the number of seconds an event has occurred during a 15 minute interval.
seconds-counter-24hr uint32 A performance counter which counts the number of seconds an event has occurred during a 24 hour interval.
security-profile-ref leafref Used to reference a security profile.
sub-carrier-grouping uint8 Group ID selected for reporting the Bit Allocation Table (BAT).
tid uint16 Sub-carrier index information.
unsuccessful-registration-cause enumeration Cause of an unsuccessful registration.

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