
This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for supporting the Broadband Forum requirements on managing physical devic...

Grouping Objects Abstract
device-alias alias Alias information for the device.
device-alias alias Alias information for the device.
device-management-info ip-address port admin-state Data nodes relating to management plane information needed to reach and communicate with the device.
device-management-info ip-address port admin-state Data nodes relating to management plane information needed to reach and communicate with the device.
device-management-info-state admin-state-last-changed powering-state powering-state-last-changed reachability-state reachability-state-last-changed management-session-state management-session-state-last-changed State data nodes relating to management plane information needed to reach and communicate with the device.
device-management-info-state admin-state-last-changed powering-state powering-state-last-changed reachability-state reachability-state-last-changed management-session-state management-session-state-last-changed State data nodes relating to management plane information needed to reach and communicate with the device.
hardware-management-info device-type serial-num mfg-name model-name The hardware related information for the device.
hardware-management-info device-type serial-num mfg-name model-name The hardware related information for the device.
software-management-info-state software-type current-revision previous-revision current-revision-last-changed State data nodes relating to information that identifies a software component within the device.
software-management-info-state software-type current-revision previous-revision current-revision-last-changed State data nodes relating to information that identifies a software component within the device.

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