The MIB module for managing UDP implementations. Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). This version of this MIB module is ...

  • Version: 2005-05-20


      module UDP-MIB {
        yang-version 1;
        prefix UDP-MIB;
        import INET-ADDRESS-MIB {
          prefix inet-address;
        import ietf-inet-types {
          prefix inet;
        import ietf-yang-smiv2 {
          prefix smiv2;
        import ietf-yang-types {
          prefix yang;
          "IETF IPv6 Working Group
          "Bill Fenner (editor)
        AT&T Labs -- Research
        75 Willow Rd.
        Menlo Park, CA 94025
        Phone: +1 650 330-7893
        Email: <fenner@research.att.com>
        John Flick (editor)
        Hewlett-Packard Company
        8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5557
        Roseville, CA 95747
        Phone: +1 916 785 4018
        Email: <john.flick@hp.com>
        Send comments to <ipv6@ietf.org>";
          "The MIB module for managing UDP implementations.
        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  This
        version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4113;
        see the RFC itself for full legal notices.";
        revision "2005-05-20" {
            "IP version neutral revision, incorporating the
          following revisions:
          - Added udpHCInDatagrams and udpHCOutDatagrams in order
            to provide high-capacity counters for fast networks.
          - Added text to the descriptions of all counter objects
            to indicate how discontinuities are detected.
          - Deprecated the IPv4-specific udpTable and replaced it
            with the version neutral udpEndpointTable.  This
            table includes support for connected UDP endpoints
            and support for identification of the operating
            system process associated with a UDP endpoint.
          - Deprecated the udpGroup and replaced it with object
            groups representing the current set of objects.
          - Deprecated udpMIBCompliance and replaced it with
            udpMIBCompliance2, which includes the compliance
            information for the new object groups.
          This version published as RFC 4113.";
        revision "1994-11-01" {
            "Initial SMIv2 version, published as RFC 2013.";
        revision "1991-03-31" {
            "The initial revision of this MIB module was part of
          MIB-II, published as RFC 1213.";
        smiv2:alias "udp" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "udpMIB" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "udpMIBConformance" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "udpMIBCompliances" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        smiv2:alias "udpMIBGroups" {
          smiv2:oid "";
        container UDP-MIB {
          config false;
          container udp {
            smiv2:oid "";
            leaf udpInDatagrams {
              smiv2:max-access "read-only";
              smiv2:oid "";
              type yang:counter32;
                "The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP
              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
              other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
              value of sysUpTime.";
            leaf udpNoPorts {
              smiv2:max-access "read-only";
              smiv2:oid "";
              type yang:counter32;
                "The total number of received UDP datagrams for which
              there was no application at the destination port.
              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
              other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
              value of sysUpTime.";
            leaf udpInErrors {
              smiv2:max-access "read-only";
              smiv2:oid "";
              type yang:counter32;
                "The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be
              delivered for reasons other than the lack of an
              application at the destination port.
              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
              other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
              value of sysUpTime.";
            leaf udpOutDatagrams {
              smiv2:max-access "read-only";
              smiv2:oid "";
              type yang:counter32;
                "The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this
              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
              other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
              value of sysUpTime.";
            leaf udpHCInDatagrams {
              smiv2:max-access "read-only";
              smiv2:oid "";
              type yang:counter64;
                "The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP
              users, for devices that can receive more than 1
              million UDP datagrams per second.
              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
              other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
              value of sysUpTime.";
            leaf udpHCOutDatagrams {
              smiv2:max-access "read-only";
              smiv2:oid "";
              type yang:counter64;
                "The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this
              entity, for devices that can transmit more than 1
              million UDP datagrams per second.
              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
              other times as indicated by discontinuities in the
              value of sysUpTime.";
          }  // container udp
          container udpTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
            status deprecated;
              "A table containing IPv4-specific UDP listener
            information.  It contains information about all local
            IPv4 UDP end-points on which an application is
            currently accepting datagrams.  This table has been
            deprecated in favor of the version neutral
            list udpEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "udpLocalAddress udpLocalPort";
              status deprecated;
                "Information about a particular current UDP listener.";
              leaf udpLocalAddress {
                smiv2:max-access "read-only";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type inet:ipv4-address;
                status deprecated;
                  "The local IP address for this UDP listener.  In the
                case of a UDP listener that is willing to accept
                datagrams for any IP interface associated with the
                node, the value is used.";
              leaf udpLocalPort {
                smiv2:max-access "read-only";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type int32 {
                  range "0..65535";
                status deprecated;
                  "The local port number for this UDP listener.";
            }  // list udpEntry
          }  // container udpTable
          container udpEndpointTable {
            smiv2:oid "";
              "A table containing information about this entity's UDP
            endpoints on which a local application is currently
            accepting or sending datagrams.
            The address type in this table represents the address
            type used for the communication, irrespective of the
            higher-layer abstraction.  For example, an application
            using IPv6 'sockets' to communicate via IPv4 between
            ::ffff: and ::ffff: would use
            InetAddressType ipv4(1).
            Unlike the udpTable in RFC 2013, this table also allows
            the representation of an application that completely
            specifies both local and remote addresses and ports.  A
            listening application is represented in three possible
            1) An application that is willing to accept both IPv4
               and IPv6 datagrams is represented by a
               udpEndpointLocalAddressType of unknown(0) and a
               udpEndpointLocalAddress of ''h (a zero-length
            2) An application that is willing to accept only IPv4
               or only IPv6 datagrams is represented by a
               udpEndpointLocalAddressType of the appropriate
               address type and a udpEndpointLocalAddress of
               '' or '::' respectively.
            3) An application that is listening for datagrams only
               for a specific IP address but from any remote
               system is represented by a
               udpEndpointLocalAddressType of the appropriate
               address type, with udpEndpointLocalAddress
               specifying the local address.
            In all cases where the remote is a wildcard, the
            udpEndpointRemoteAddressType is unknown(0), the
            udpEndpointRemoteAddress is ''h (a zero-length
            octet-string), and the udpEndpointRemotePort is 0.
            If the operating system is demultiplexing UDP packets
            by remote address and port, or if the application has
            'connected' the socket specifying a default remote
            address and port, the udpEndpointRemote* values should
            be used to reflect this.";
            list udpEndpointEntry {
              smiv2:oid "";
              key "udpEndpointLocalAddressType udpEndpointLocalAddress udpEndpointLocalPort udpEndpointRemoteAddressType udpEndpointRemoteAddress udpEndpointRemotePort udpEndpointInstance";
                "Information about a particular current UDP endpoint.
              Implementers need to be aware that if the total number
              of elements (octets or sub-identifiers) in
              udpEndpointLocalAddress and udpEndpointRemoteAddress
              exceeds 111, then OIDs of column instances in this table
              will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and cannot be
              accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.";
              leaf udpEndpointLocalAddressType {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type inet-address:InetAddressType;
                  "The address type of udpEndpointLocalAddress.  Only
                IPv4, IPv4z, IPv6, and IPv6z addresses are expected, or
                unknown(0) if datagrams for all local IP addresses are
              leaf udpEndpointLocalAddress {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type inet-address:InetAddress;
                  "The local IP address for this UDP endpoint.
                The value of this object can be represented in three
                possible ways, depending on the characteristics of the
                listening application:
                1. For an application that is willing to accept both
                   IPv4 and IPv6 datagrams, the value of this object
                   must be ''h (a zero-length octet-string), with
                   the value of the corresponding instance of the
                   udpEndpointLocalAddressType object being unknown(0).
                2. For an application that is willing to accept only IPv4
                   or only IPv6 datagrams, the value of this object
                   must be '' or '::', respectively, while the
                   corresponding instance of the
                   udpEndpointLocalAddressType object represents the
                   appropriate address type.
                3. For an application that is listening for data
                   destined only to a specific IP address, the value
                   of this object is the specific IP address for which
                   this node is receiving packets, with the
                   corresponding instance of the
                   udpEndpointLocalAddressType object representing the
                   appropriate address type.
                As this object is used in the index for the
                udpEndpointTable, implementors of this table should be
                careful not to create entries that would result in OIDs
                with more than 128 subidentifiers; else the information
                cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.";
              leaf udpEndpointLocalPort {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type inet:port-number;
                  "The local port number for this UDP endpoint.";
              leaf udpEndpointRemoteAddressType {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type inet-address:InetAddressType;
                  "The address type of udpEndpointRemoteAddress.  Only
                IPv4, IPv4z, IPv6, and IPv6z addresses are expected, or
                unknown(0) if datagrams for all remote IP addresses are
                accepted.  Also, note that some combinations of
                udpEndpointLocalAdressType and
                udpEndpointRemoteAddressType are not supported.  In
                particular, if the value of this object is not
                unknown(0), it is expected to always refer to the
                same IP version as udpEndpointLocalAddressType.";
              leaf udpEndpointRemoteAddress {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type inet-address:InetAddress;
                  "The remote IP address for this UDP endpoint.  If
                datagrams from any remote system are to be accepted,
                this value is ''h (a zero-length octet-string).
                Otherwise, it has the type described by
                udpEndpointRemoteAddressType and is the address of the
                remote system from which datagrams are to be accepted
                (or to which all datagrams will be sent).
                As this object is used in the index for the
                udpEndpointTable, implementors of this table should be
                careful not to create entries that would result in OIDs
                with more than 128 subidentifiers; else the information
                cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.";
              leaf udpEndpointRemotePort {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type inet:port-number;
                  "The remote port number for this UDP endpoint.  If
                datagrams from any remote system are to be accepted,
                this value is zero.";
              leaf udpEndpointInstance {
                smiv2:max-access "not-accessible";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32 {
                  range "1..4294967295";
                  "The instance of this tuple.  This object is used to
                distinguish among multiple processes 'connected' to
                the same UDP endpoint.  For example, on a system
                implementing the BSD sockets interface, this would be
                used to support the SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT
                socket options.";
              leaf udpEndpointProcess {
                smiv2:max-access "read-only";
                smiv2:oid "";
                type uint32;
                  "The system's process ID for the process associated with
                this endpoint, or zero if there is no such process.
                This value is expected to be the same as
                HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRunIndex or SYSAPPL-MIB::
                sysApplElmtRunIndex for some row in the appropriate
            }  // list udpEndpointEntry
          }  // container udpEndpointTable
        }  // container UDP-MIB
      }  // module UDP-MIB

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