This MIB module contains the management objects for the management of DOCSIS 3.0 features, primarily channel bonding, interface ...

Typedef Base type Abstract
AmplitudeData binary This data type represents a sequence of spectral amplitudes. Each spectral amplitude value corresponds to a bin. The format of the bin measurement is as follows. Sequence of: 4 bytes: ChCenterFreq The center frequency of the upstream channel. 4 bytes: FreqSpan The width in Hz of the band across which the spectral amplitudes characterizing the channel are measured. 4 bytes: NumberOfBins The number of data points or bins that compose the spectral data. The leftmost bin corresponds to the lower band edge, the rightmost bin corresponds to the upper band edge, and the middle bin center is aligned with the center frequency of the analysis span. 4 bytes: BinSpacing The frequency separation between adjacent bin centers. It is derived from the frequency span and the number of bins or data points. The bin spacing is computed as: BinSpacing = FrequencySpan/(NumberOfBins -1) The larger the number of bins the finer the resolution. 4 bytes: ResolutionBW The resolution bandwidth or equivalent noise bandwidth of each bin. If spectral windowing is used (based on vendor implementation), the bin spacing and resolution bandwidth would not generally be the same. n bytes: Amplitude (2 bytes * NumberOfBins) A sequence of two byte elements. Each element represents the spectral amplitudes in relation to the expected received signal power of a bin, in units of 0.01dB. That is, a test CMTS input signal with square-root raised-cosine spectrum, bandwidth equal to the expected received signal bandwidth, and power equal to the expected received signal power, which is present for the entire spectrum sampling period, will exhibit a spectrum measurement of 0 dB average power in each bin of the signal passband. Each bin element amplitude value format is 2's complement which provides a range of -327.68 dB to 327.67 dB amplitude value for the bin measurement.
AttrAggrRuleMask binary This data type represents a sequence of 32-bit positions that defines logical (e.g., AND, OR) operations to match against the channel list Provisioned Mask and Service Flow Required Mask bit positions when the CMTS is determining the service flow for assignment to a bonding group not configured by the management system.
AttributeMask bits This data type consists of a sequence of 32-bit positions used to select the bonding group or the channel to which a service flow is assigned. DOCSIS defines three types of Attribute Masks for which this type applies: The Provisionied Attribute Mask that is configured to a Bonding Group or a single-channel, whereas the Required Attribute and the Forbidden Attribute Mask are part of the Service Flow QOS Parameter Set to be matched with the Provisioned Attribute Mask of CMTS-configured Bonding Groups or single-channels. DOCSIS reserves the assignment of the meaning of the first 8 bit positions (left to right) as follows: Bit 0: 'bonding' Bit 1: 'lowLatency' Bit 2: 'highAvailability' Bit positions 3-15 are reserved. Bit positions 16-31 are freely assigned by operators to represent their own constraints on the channel(s) selection for a particular service flow.
ChannelList string This data type represents a unique set of channel IDs in either the upstream or the downstream direction. Each octet represents a UCID or DCID depending on the direction of the channels within the list. The CMTS must ensure that this combination of channels is unique per direction within the MAC Domain. In order to facilitate Channel ID combinatorial uniqueness across all channel lists, a query to retrieve the value of an attribute of this type, returns the set of channels in the channel list in ascending order of Channel Ids.
ChId uint32 This data type is an 8-bit number that represents a provisioned Downstream Channel ID (DCID) or a provisioned Upstream Channel ID (UCID). A Channel Id is unique per direction within a MAC Domain. The value zero is reserved for use when the channel ID is unknown.
ChSetId uint32 This data type is a CMTS-derived unique number within a MAC Domain used to reference a Channel Set within the CMTS. Values in the range of 1 to 255 define a single-channel Channel Set and correspond to either the Downstream Channel ID (DCID) or an Upstream Channel ID (UCID) of that channel. Values greater than 255 indicate a Channel Set consisting of two or more channels in the same direction within the MAC Domain. The value zero is reserved for use when the Channel Set is unknown.
CmRegState enumeration This data type defines the CM connectivity state as reported by the CM. The enumerated values associated with the CmRegState are: 'other' indicates any state not described below. 'notReady' indicates that the CM has not started the registration process yet. 'notSynchronized' indicates that the CM has not initiated or completed the synchronization of the downstream physical layer 'phySynchronized' indicates that the CM has completed the synchronization of the downstream physical layer 'dsTopologyResolutionInProgress' indicates that the CM is attempting to determine its MD-DS-SG 'usParametersAcquired' indicates that the CM has completed the upstream parameters acquisition or have completed the downstream and upstream service groups resolution, whether the CM is registering in a pre-3.0 or a 3.0 CMTS. 'rangingInProgress' indicates that the CM has initiated the ranging process. 'rangingComplete' indicates that the CM has completed initial ranging and received a Ranging Status of success from the CMTS in the RNG-RSP message. 'eaeInProgress' indicates that the CM has sent an Auth Info message for EAE. 'dhcpv4InProgress' indicates that the CM has sent a DHCPv4 DISCOVER to gain IP connectivity. 'dhcpv6InProgress' indicates that the CM has sent an DHCPv6 Solicit message. 'dhcpv4Complete' indicates that the CM has received a DHCPv4 ACK message from the CMTS. 'dhcpv6Complete' indicates that the CM has received a DHCPv6 Reply message from the CMTS. 'todEstablished' indicates that the CM has successfully acquired time of day. If the ToD is acquired after the CM is operational, this value should not be reported. 'securityEstablished' indicates that the CM has successfully completed the BPI initialization process. 'configFileDownloadComplete' indicates that the CM has completed the config file download process. 'registrationInProgress' indicates that the CM has sent a Registration Request (REG-REQ or REG-REQ-MP) 'registrationComplete' indicates that the CM has successfully completed the Registration process with the CMTS. 'accessDenied' indicates that the CM has received a registration aborted notification from the CMTS 'operational' indicates that the CM has completed all necessary initialization steps and is operational. 'bpiInit' indicates that the CM has started the BPI initialization process as indicated in the CM config file. If the CM already performed EAE, this state is skipped by the CM. 'forwardingDisabled' indicates that the registration process was completed, but the network access option in the received configuration file prohibits forwarding. 'rfMuteAll' indicates that the CM is instructed to mute all channels in the CM-CTRL-REQ message from CMTS.
CmtsCmRegState enumeration This data type defines the CM connectivity states as reported by the CMTS. The enumerated values associated with the CmtsCmRegState are: 'other' indicates any state not described below. 'initialRanging' indicates that the CMTS has received an Initial Ranging Request message from the CM, and the ranging process is not yet complete. 'rangingAutoAdjComplete' indicates that the CM has completed initial ranging and the CMTS sends a Ranging Status of success in the RNG-RSP. 'startEae' indicates that the CMTS has received an Auth Info message for EAE from the CM. 'startDhcpv4' indicates that the CMTS has received a DHCPv4 DISCOVER message from the CM. 'startDhcpv6' indicates that the CMTS has received a DHCPv6 Solicit message from the CM. 'dhcpv4Complete' indicates that the CMTS has sent a DHCPv4 ACK message to the CM. 'dhcpv6Complete' indicates that the CMTS has sent a DHCPv6 Reply message to the CM. 'startConfigFileDownload' indicates that the CM has started the config file download. If the TFTP Proxy feature is not enabled, the CMTS may not report this state. 'configFileDownloadComplete' indicates that the CM has completed the config file download process. If the TFTP Proxy feature is not enabled, the CMTS is not required to report this state. 'startRegistration' indicates that the CMTS has received a Registration Request (REG-REQ or REG-REQ-MP) from the CM. 'registrationComplete' indicates that the CMTS has received a Registration Acknowledge (REG-ACK) with a confirmation code of okay/success. 'operational' indicates that the CM has completed all necessary initialization steps and is operational. 'bpiInit' indicates that the CMTS has received an Auth Info or Auth Request message as part of BPI Initialization. 'forwardingDisabled' indicates that the registration process was completed, but the network access option in the received configuration file prohibits forwarding. 'rfMuteAll' indicates that the CM is instructed to mute all channels in the CM-CTRL-REQ message from CMTS.
Dsid uint32 This data type defines the 20-bit Downstream Service Identifier (DSID) used by the CM for downstream resequencing, filtering, and forwarding. The value zero is reserved for use when the DSID is unknown or does not apply.
IfDirection enumeration Indicates a direction on an RF MAC interface. The value downstream(1) is from Cable Modem Termination System to Cable Modem. The value upstream(2) is from Cable Modem to Cable Modem Termination System.
RangingState enumeration This data type defines the CM ranging state as reported by the CMTS. The enumerated values associated with the RangingState are: 'other' indicates any state not described below. 'aborted' indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging abort. 'retriesExceeded' indicates that the CM ranging retry limit has exceeded. 'success' indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging success in the ranging response. 'continue' indicates that the CMTS has sent a ranging continue in the ranging response. 'timeoutT4' indicates that the T4 timer expired on the CM.
RcpId binary This data type defines a 'Receive Channel Profile Identifier' (RCP-ID). An RCP-ID consists of 5-octet length string where the first 3-bytes (from left to right corresponds to the Organizational Unique ID (OUI) followed by a two-byte vendor-maintained identifier to represent multiple versions or models of RCP-IDs.
ScdmaSelectionString binary This data type represents the S-CDMA selection string for active codes used with Selectable Active Codes Mode 2. A 128-bit string indicating which codes are active. The first element in the string corresponds to code 0 (the all-ones code), and the last element in the string corresponds to code 127. A '1' element in the string indicates an active code, and a '0' indicates an unused code. A zero-length string is returned for an unknown or non-applicable value.
SpectrumAnalysisWindowFunction enumeration This object controls the windowing function which will be used when performing the discrete fourier transform for the analysis. Note that all window functions may not be supported by all devices. If an attempt is made to set the object to an unsupported window function, an error of inconsistentValue will be returned.
Tlv8 binary This data type represents a single TLV encoding. This first octet represents the Type of the TLV. The second octet represents an unsigned 8-bit Length of the subsequent Value part of the TLV. The remaining octets represent the value. The Value could be an atomic value or a sequence of one or more sub-TLVs.

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