This is the MIB Module for DOCSIS 2.0 compliant Radio Frequency (RF) interfaces in Cable Modems (CM) and Cable Modem Termination...

Typedef Base type Abstract
DocsEqualizerData binary This data type represents the equalizer data as measured at the receiver interface. The format of the equalizer follows the structure of the Transmit Equalization Adjust RNG-RSP TLV of DOCSIS RFI v2.0 : 1 byte Main tap location 1..(n + m) 1 byte Number of forward taps per symbol 1 byte Number of forward taps: n 1 byte Number of reverse taps: m Following are the equalizer coefficients: First, forward taps coefficients: 2 bytes F1 (real), 2 bytes F1 (imag) ... 2 bytes Fn (real), 2 bytes Fn (imag) Then, reverse taps coefficients: 2 bytes D1 (real), 2 bytes D1 (imag) ... 2 bytes Dm (real), 2 bytes Dm (imag) The equalizer coefficients are considered signed 16-bit integers in the range from -32768 (0x8000) to 32767 (0x7FFF). DOCSIS specifications require up to a maximum of 64 equalizer taps (n + m); therefore, this object size can get up 260 bytes (4 + 4x64). The minimum object size (other than zero) for a t-spaced tap with a minimum of 8 symbols will be 36 (4 + 4x8).
DocsisQosVersion enumeration Indicates the quality of service level.
DocsisUpstreamType enumeration Indicates the DOCSIS Upstream Channel Type.
DocsisUpstreamTypeStatus enumeration Indicates the DOCSIS Upstream Channel Type Status. The shared channel indicator type is not valid, since this type is used to specifically identify PHY mode.
DocsisVersion enumeration 'docsis10' indicates DOCSIS 1.0. 'docsis11' indicates DOCSIS 1.1. 'docsis20' indicates DOCSIS 2.0. 'docsis30' indicates DOCSIS 3.0.
TenthdB int32 This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dB. Units are in tenths of a dB; for example, 5.1 dB will be represented as 51.
TenthdBmV int32 This data type represents power levels that are normally expressed in dBmV. Units are in tenths of a dBmV; for example, 5.1 dBmV will be represented as 51.

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