This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR router-isis package configuration. This YANG module augm...
Version: 2021-05-18
module Cisco-IOS-XR-um-router-isis-cfg { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix um-router-isis-cfg; import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-um-snmp-server-cfg { prefix a1; } import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR router-isis package configuration. This YANG module augments the modules with configuration data. Copyright (c) 2019-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-05-18" { description "Added features, 1. flex-algo srlg exclude 2. advertise application flex-algo link-attributes srlg 2021-04-22 Added te-metric flex-algo feature 2021-03-02 Re-ordered maximum-wait, initial-wait and secondary-wait nodes under level container 2021-02-11 Re-ordered per-link, per-prefix nodes under interface fast-reroute container 2021-01-28 Added cisco-support task yang nodes 2021-01-27 Re-ordered nodes under lsp-gen-interval, min-lsp-arrivaltime container 2021-01-20 Moved presence containers as leafs under snmp-server traps 2021-01-18 Added presence statement and re-ordered few nodes under container max-metric 2021-01-11 Add support to metric and preferred container under tunnel 2021-01-07 Updated range value in leaf multiplier under fallback container 2021-01-06 Added presence statement under link-state container 2020-12-09 Removed cisco-support yang nodes 2020-12-01 Added container anomaly under metric/fallback 2020-11-20 Added metric type te 2020-11-19 Fixed a must statement under absolute, added presence statement to text 2020-11-13 Added container receive and attestation under list process. 2020-11-02 Moved levels container under lsp-password out of it and renamed as lsp-password-levels. 2020-08-20 Added level option under srv6/locator 2020-08-13 Remove presence container and constraints on the match container 2020-08-10 Updated the fallback topology 2020-07-21 Slight changes to prefix-priority nodes 2020-07-17 Added must statements and moved rib-update-delay up one node 2020-07-15 Added down-flag-clear node under redistribute isis 2020-07-14 Added mandatory node to bit-position under affinity-map"; } revision "2020-05-19" { description "Added nodes for new ISIS features 2020-05-07 Added a container anycast and its child nodes 2020-04-14 Updated the constraints in the nodes under stagger to be less strict 2020-03-09 Updated lsp-password and summary-prefix trees with proper constaraint statements"; } revision "2019-06-10" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2019-03-30" { description "Initial draft"; } semver:module-version "3.0.0"; semver:module-version "2.0.0"; semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef Isis-af-name { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 0; description "IPv4"; } enum "ipv6" { value 1; description "IPv6"; } } description "Address-family names"; } typedef Isis-saf-name { type enumeration { enum "unicast" { value 0; description "unicast"; } enum "multicast" { value 1; description "multicast"; } } description "Sub address-family names"; } typedef Isis-saf-multicast { type enumeration { enum "multicast" { value 1; description "multicast"; } } description "Sub address-family names (only multicast)"; } container router { description "Enable a routing process"; container isis { description "ISO IS-IS"; container processes { description "Process ID"; list process { key "process-id"; description "Process ID"; leaf process-id { type string { length "1..36"; } description "Process ID"; } container nsr { presence "Indicates a nsr node is configured."; description "Enable NSR"; } // container nsr container ignore-lsp-errors { description "Ignore LSPs with bad checksums instead of purging the LSP"; container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Purge LSPs with failed checksums"; } // container disable } // container ignore-lsp-errors leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } description "ISIS-MI instance id"; } leaf is-type { type enumeration { enum "level-1" { value 1; description "Act as a station router only"; } enum "level-2-only" { value 2; description "Act as an area router only"; } enum "level-1-2" { value 3; description "Act as both a station router and an area router"; } } description "Area type (level)"; } container log { description "Enable logging"; container adjacency { description "Enable logging of adjacency state"; container changes { presence "Indicates a changes node is configured."; description "Enable logging adjacency state changes"; } // container changes } // container adjacency container pdu { description "Enable PDU logging"; container drops { presence "Indicates a drops node is configured."; description "Enable logging PDU drops"; } // container drops } // container pdu } // container log container lsp-password { must "text or hmac-md5 or keychain"; presence "Indicates a lsp-password node is configured."; description "Configure the area password"; container text { must "not(../hmac-md5 or ../keychain)"; presence "Indicates a text node is configured."; description "Use cleartext password authentication"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // container text container hmac-md5 { must "not(../text or ../keychain)"; presence "Indicates a hmac-md5 node is configured."; description "Use HMAC-MD5 authentication"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // container hmac-md5 container keychain { must "not(../hmac-md5 or ../text)"; presence "Indicates a keychain node is configured."; description "Specifies a Key Chain name will follow"; leaf keychain-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies a Key Chain name will follow"; } } // container keychain container send-only { must "../text or ../hmac-md5 or ../keychain"; presence "Indicates a send-only node is configured."; description "Authenticate outgoing LSPs/SNPs only"; } // container send-only container snp { description "Specify SNP packets authentication mode"; container send-only { must "../../text"; presence "Indicates a send-only node is configured."; description "Authenticate outgoing SNPs, no check on incoming SNPs"; } // container send-only } // container snp container enable-poi { must "../hmac-md5 or ../keychain"; presence "Indicates a enable-poi node is configured."; description "Enable purge originator identification"; } // container enable-poi } // container lsp-password container lsp-password-levels { description "Set lsp-password for one level only"; list level { must "text or hmac-md5 or keychain"; key "level-id"; description "Set lsp-password for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set lsp-password for one level only"; } container text { must "not(../hmac-md5 or ../keychain)"; presence "Indicates a hmac-md5 node is configured."; description "Use cleartext password authentication"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // container text container hmac-md5 { must "not(../text or ../keychain)"; presence "Indicates a hmac-md5 node is configured."; description "Use HMAC-MD5 authentication"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // container hmac-md5 container keychain { must "not(../text or ../hmac-md5)"; presence "Indicates a keychain node is configured."; description "Specifies a Key Chain name will follow"; leaf keychain-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies a Key Chain name will follow"; } } // container keychain container send-only { must "../text or ../hmac-md5 or ../keychain"; presence "Indicates a send-only node is configured."; description "Authenticate outgoing LSPs/SNPs only"; } // container send-only container snp { description "Specify SNP packets authentication mode"; container send-only { must "../../text"; presence "Indicates a send-only node is configured."; description "Authenticate outgoing SNPs, no check on incoming SNPs"; } // container send-only } // container snp container enable-poi { must "../hmac-md5 or ../keychain"; presence "Indicates a enable-poi node is configured."; description "Enable purge originator identification"; } // container enable-poi } // list level container accept { description "Use password for incoming authentication only"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } container levels { description "Set lsp-password for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set lsp-password for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set lsp-password for one level only"; } leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container accept } // container lsp-password-levels leaf vrf-context { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..32"; } description "VRF context for this ISIS process"; } container hostname { description "Dynamic hostname resolution for show/debug output"; container dynamic { description "Dynamic hostname resolution"; container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable dynamic hostname resolution"; } // container disable } // container dynamic } // container hostname container lsp-check-interval { description "Set LSP checksum check interval"; leaf lsp-check-interval-time { type uint32 { range "10..65535"; } description "Set LSP checksum check interval"; } container levels { description "Set LSP check interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set LSP check interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set LSP check interval for one level only"; } leaf lsp-check-interval-time { type uint32 { range "10..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Set LSP checksum check interval"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container lsp-check-interval container lsp-gen-interval { must "maximum-wait or initial-wait or secondary-wait"; presence "Indicates a lsp-gen-interval node is configured."; description "System and Pseudonode LSP generation scheduling parameters"; leaf maximum-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Maximum delay before generating an LSP"; } leaf initial-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Initial delay before generating an LSP"; } leaf secondary-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Secondary delay before generating an LSP"; } } // container lsp-gen-interval container lsp-gen-interval-levels { description "Set LSP generation interval for one level only"; list level { must "maximum-wait or initial-wait or secondary-wait"; key "level-id"; description "Set LSP generation interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set LSP generation interval for one level only"; } leaf maximum-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Maximum delay before generating an LSP"; } leaf initial-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Initial delay before generating an LSP"; } leaf secondary-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Secondary delay before generating an LSP"; } } // list level } // container lsp-gen-interval-levels container max-lsp-lifetime { description "Set maximum LSP lifetime"; leaf max-lsp-lifetime { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } description "Set maximum LSP lifetime"; } container levels { description "Set LSP regeneration interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set LSP regeneration interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set LSP regeneration interval for one level only"; } leaf max-lsp-lifetime { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Set maximum LSP lifetime"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container max-lsp-lifetime container min-lsp-arrivaltime { must "maximum-wait or initial-wait or secondary-wait"; presence "Indicates a min-lsp-arrivaltime node is configured."; description "Set minimum arrival time of incoming LSPs"; leaf maximum-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Maximum delay expected to take since last LSP"; } leaf initial-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Initial delay expected to take since last LSP"; } leaf secondary-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Secondary delay expected to take since last LSP"; } } // container min-lsp-arrivaltime container min-lsp-arrivaltime-levels { description "Set LSP arrival time for one level only"; list level { must "maximum-wait or initial-wait or secondary-wait"; key "level-id"; description "Set LSP arrival time for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set LSP arrival time for one level only"; } leaf maximum-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Maximum delay expected to take since last LSP"; } leaf initial-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Initial delay expected to take since last LSP"; } leaf secondary-wait { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Secondary delay expected to take since last LSP"; } } // list level } // container min-lsp-arrivaltime-levels container lsp-mtu { description "Set maximum LSP size"; leaf lsp-mtu-size { type uint32 { range "128..8979"; } description "Set maximum LSP size"; } container levels { description "Set LSP size for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set LSP size for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set LSP size for one level only"; } leaf lsp-mtu-size { type uint32 { range "128..8979"; } mandatory true; description "Set maximum LSP size"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container lsp-mtu container lsp-refresh-interval { description "Set LSP refresh interval"; leaf lsp-refresh-interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } description "Set LSP refresh interval"; } container levels { description "Set LSP refresh interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set LSP refresh interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set LSP refresh interval for one level only"; } leaf lsp-refresh-interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Set LSP refresh interval"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container lsp-refresh-interval container max-metric { presence "Indicates a no-options node is configured."; description "Signal other routers to use us as transit option of last resort"; container on-startup { description "Set maximum metric temporarily after reboot"; container advertise-maximum-metric { must "not(../wait-for-bgp)"; presence "Indicates a advertise-maximum-metric node is configured."; description "Time in seconds to advertise maximum metric after reboot"; leaf time-to-advertise { type uint32 { range "5..86400"; } mandatory true; description "Time in seconds to advertise maximum metric after reboot"; } } // container advertise-maximum-metric container wait-for-bgp { must "not(../advertise-maximum-metric)"; presence "Indicates a wait-for-bgp node is configured."; description "Set maximum metric on startup until BGP signalsconvergence, or timeout"; } // container wait-for-bgp container external { presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Override metric of prefixes learned from another protocol with maximum metric"; } // container external container interlevel { presence "Indicates a interlevel node is configured."; description "Override metric of prefixes learned from another ISIS level with maximum metric"; } // container interlevel container default-route { presence "Indicates a default-route node is configured."; description "Override default route metric with maximum metric"; } // container default-route container srv6-locator { presence "Indicates a srv6-locator node is configured."; description "Override segment routing ipv6 metric with maximum metric"; } // container srv6-locator } // container on-startup } // container max-metric container max-metric-levels { description "Set maximum metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set maximum metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set maximum metric for one level only"; } container advertise-maximum-metric { must "not(../wait-for-bgp)"; presence "Indicates a advertise-maximum-metric node is configured."; description "Time in seconds to advertise maximum metric after reboot"; leaf time-to-advertise { type uint32 { range "5..86400"; } mandatory true; description "Time in seconds to advertise maximum metric after reboot"; } } // container advertise-maximum-metric container wait-for-bgp { must "not(../advertise-maximum-metric)"; presence "Indicates a wait-for-bgp node is configured."; description "Set maximum metric on startup until BGP signalsconvergence, or timeout"; } // container wait-for-bgp container external { presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Override metric of prefixes learned from another protocol with maximum metric"; } // container external container interlevel { presence "Indicates a interlevel node is configured."; description "Override metric of prefixes learned from another ISIS level with maximum metric"; } // container interlevel container default-route { presence "Indicates a default-route node is configured."; description "Override default route metric with maximum metric"; } // container default-route container srv6-locator { presence "Indicates a srv6-locator node is configured."; description "Override segment routing ipv6 metric with maximum metric"; } // container srv6-locator } // list level } // container max-metric-levels container set-overload-bit { presence "Indicates a set-overloaded-bit node is configured."; description "Signal other routers not to use us in SPF"; container on-startup { description "Set overload-bit temporarily after reboot"; container advertise-as-overloaded { must "not(../wait-for-bgp)"; presence "Indicates a advertise-as-overloaded node is configured."; description "Time in seconds to advertise ourself as overloaded after reboot"; leaf time-to-advertise { type uint32 { range "5..86400"; } mandatory true; description "Time in seconds to advertise ourself as overloaded after reboot"; } } // container advertise-as-overloaded container wait-for-bgp { must "not(../advertise-as-overloaded)"; presence "Indicates a wait-for-bgp node is configured."; description "Set overload bit on startup until BGP signals convergence, or timeout"; } // container wait-for-bgp } // container on-startup container advertise { description "If overload-bit set advertise the following types of IP prefixes"; container external { presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "If overload-bit set advertise IP prefixes learned from other protocols"; } // container external container interlevel { presence "Indicates a interlevel node is configured."; description "If overload-bit set advertise IP prefixes learned from another ISIS level"; } // container interlevel } // container advertise } // container set-overload-bit container set-overload-bit-levels { description "Set overload-bit for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set overload-bit for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set overload-bit for one level only"; } container on-startup { description "Set overload-bit temporarily after reboot"; container advertise-as-overloaded { must "not(../wait-for-bgp)"; presence "Indicates a advertise-as-overloaded node is configured."; description "Time in seconds to advertise ourself as overloaded after reboot"; leaf time-to-advertise { type uint32 { range "5..86400"; } mandatory true; description "Time in seconds to advertise ourself as overloaded after reboot"; } } // container advertise-as-overloaded container wait-for-bgp { must "not(../advertise-as-overloaded)"; presence "Indicates a wait-for-bgp node is configured."; description "Set overload bit on startup until BGP signals convergence, or timeout"; } // container wait-for-bgp } // container on-startup container advertise { description "If overload-bit set advertise the following types of IP prefixes"; container external { presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "If overload-bit set advertise IP prefixes learned from other protocols"; } // container external container interlevel { presence "Indicates a interlevel node is configured."; description "If overload-bit set advertise IP prefixes learned from another ISIS level"; } // container interlevel } // container advertise } // list level } // container set-overload-bit-levels container nets { description "A Network Entity Title (NET) for this process"; list net { key "net-id"; description "A Network Entity Title (NET) for this process"; leaf net-id { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "A Network Entity Title (NET) for this process"; } } // list net } // container nets container link-groups { description "Link Group"; list link-group { key "link-group-name"; description "Link Group"; leaf link-group-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Link Group"; } leaf minimum-members { type uint32 { range "2..64"; } description "Minimum number of members in the link group"; } leaf revert-members { type uint32 { range "2..64"; } description "Number of members after which to revert in the link group"; } container metric-offset { description "Configure the metric offset for link group"; container maximum { presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Maximum wide metric offset. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum leaf default-metric-offset { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Default metric offset: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } } // container metric-offset } // list link-group } // container link-groups container nsf { description "Allow non-stop forwarding (NSF) on next restart"; leaf lifetime { type uint32 { range "5..300"; } description "Maximum route lifetime following restart (seconds)"; } leaf interface-timer { type uint32 { range "1..20"; } description "Timer used to wait for a restart ACK (seconds)"; } leaf interface-expires { type uint32 { range "1..10"; } description "# of times T1 can expire waiting for the restart ACK"; } container cisco { must "not(../ietf)"; presence "Indicates a cisco node is configured."; description "Cisco Proprietary NSF restart"; } // container cisco container ietf { must "not(../cisco)"; presence "Indicates a ietf node is configured."; description "IETF NSF restar"; } // container ietf } // container nsf container trace { description "Set trace buffer parameters"; leaf mode { type enumeration { enum "off" { value 0; description "No tracing"; } enum "basic" { value 1; description "Basic tracing (less overhead)"; } enum "enhanced" { value 2; description "Enhanced tracing (more overhead)"; } } description "Set tracing type"; } leaf detailed { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for detailed traces"; } leaf standard { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for standard traces"; } leaf severe { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for severe traces"; } leaf hello { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for hello traces"; } leaf startup { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for startup traces"; } leaf config { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for config traces"; } leaf lspgen { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for lspgen traces"; } leaf adj { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for adj traces"; } leaf spf { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for spf traces"; } leaf sr { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for sr traces"; } leaf rib { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for rib traces"; } leaf te { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for te traces"; } leaf update { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for update traces"; } leaf pkt { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } description "Buffer size for pkt traces"; } } // container trace leaf triggers { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Set logging triggers for performance testing"; } container address-families { description "Enter the IS-IS address-family configuration submode"; list address-family { key "af-name saf-name"; description "IS-IS address family"; leaf af-name { type Isis-af-name; description "Address family name"; } leaf saf-name { type Isis-saf-name; description "Sub address family name"; } container default-information { description "Control distribution of default information"; container originate { presence "Indicates a originate node is configured."; description "Distribute a default route"; container external { presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Originate default prefix as an external route"; } // container external leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } } // container originate } // container default-information container segment-routing { description "Enable Segment Routing"; container mpls { description "Enable Segment Routing using MPLS encapsulation"; leaf sr-prefer { when "../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; type boolean; description "Prefer segment routing labels over LDP labels"; } container unlabeled { when "../../../af-name = 'ipv6' and ../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Options for prefixes without a segment-routing label"; container protection { description "TI-LFA and microloop protection"; leaf prefix-list { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..1024"; } must "not(../route-policy or ../disable)"; description "Enable TI-LFA and microloop protection based on a prefix list"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; must "not(../prefix-list or ../disable)"; description "Enable TI-LFA and microloop protection based on a route policy"; } container disable { must "not(../prefix-list or ../route-policy)"; presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable TI-LFA and microloop protection"; } // container disable } // container protection } // container unlabeled container connected-prefix-sid-map { presence "Indicates a connected-prefix-sid-map node is configured."; description "Enter connected prefix sid map submode"; container prefixes { when "../../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; list prefix { must "index or absolute"; key "address-prefix"; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; leaf address-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; } container index { must "not(../absolute)"; presence "Indicates a index node is configured."; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf index-id { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container index container absolute { must "not(../index)"; presence "Indicates a absolute node is configured."; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf absolute-value { type uint32 { range "16000..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container absolute container explicit-null { presence "Indicates a explicit-null node is configured."; description "Upstream neighbor must replace prefix-sid with explicit null label"; } // container explicit-null } // list prefix } // container prefixes container flex-algo { when "../../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Specify the custom flex-algo algorithm to use"; list prefix { must "index or absolute"; key "address-prefix flex-algo"; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; leaf address-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; } leaf flex-algo { type uint32 { range "128..255"; } description "Specify the custom flex-algo algorithm to use"; } container index { must "not(../absolute)"; presence "Indicates a index node is configured."; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf index-id { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container index container absolute { must "not(../index)"; presence "Indicates a absolute node is configured."; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf absolute-value { type uint32 { range "16000..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container absolute container explicit-null { presence "Indicates a explicit-null node is configured."; description "Upstream neighbor must replace prefix-sid with explicit null label"; } // container explicit-null } // list prefix } // container flex-algo container strict-spf { when "../../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Use strict-spf"; list prefix { must "index or absolute"; key "address-prefix"; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; leaf address-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; } container index { must "not(../absolute)"; presence "Indicates a index node is configured."; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf index-id { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container index container absolute { must "not(../index)"; presence "Indicates a absolute node is configured."; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf absolute-value { type uint32 { range "16000..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container absolute container explicit-null { presence "Indicates a explicit-null node is configured."; description "Upstream neighbor must replace prefix-sid with explicit null label"; } // container explicit-null } // list prefix } // container strict-spf } // container connected-prefix-sid-map } // container mpls container prefix-sid-map { when "../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Enable prefix-sid-map"; container receive { presence "Indicates a receive node is configured."; description "Use remote mapping server advertisements"; container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable the usage of remote mapping server advertisements"; } // container disable } // container receive container advertise-local { presence "Indicates a advertise-local node is configured."; description "Advertise active local prefix-SID mappings"; container domain-wide { presence "Indicates a domain-wide node is configured."; description "Domain wide prefix-SID mappings"; } // container domain-wide } // container advertise-local } // container prefix-sid-map container bundle-member-adj-sid { when "../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; presence "Indicates a bundle-member-adj-sid node is configured."; description "Enable per bundle member adjacency SID"; } // container bundle-member-adj-sid leaf protected-adjacency-sid-delay { when "../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; type uint32 { range "30..3600"; } description "Protected Adjacency SID deletion delay (seconds)"; } container srv6 { when "../../af-name = 'ipv6' and ../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; presence "Indicates a srv6 node is configured."; description "Enable SRv6"; container locators { description "Enter SRv6 Locator submode"; list locator { key "locator-name"; description "Enter SRv6 Locator submode"; leaf locator-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..59"; } description "Enter SRv6 Locator submode"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Advertise the locator only in the specified level"; } } // list locator } // container locators } // container srv6 } // container segment-routing container distance { description "Configure IS-IS administrative distances"; leaf global-administrative-distance { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Configure IS-IS administrative distances"; } container route-sources { description "Route source for this distance"; list route-source { key "address-prefix"; description "Route source for this distance"; leaf address-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Route source for this distance"; } leaf administrative-distance { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Configure IS-IS administrative distances"; } leaf prefix-access-list { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Prefix-list or access-list to filter routes for this distance"; } } // list route-source } // container route-sources } // container distance container distribute-list { description "Filter routes sent to the RIB"; leaf prefix-list { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..1024"; } description "Filter routes based on a prefix list"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Filter routes based on a route policy"; } } // container distribute-list container redistribute { description "Redistribute information from another routing protocol"; container connected { presence "Indicates a connected node is configured."; description "Connected routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-1) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container connected list ospf { when "../../af-name = 'ipv4'"; key "process-id"; description "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)"; leaf process-id { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)"; } container match { description "Redistribution of OSPF routes"; container internal { must "not(../external or ../nssa-external)"; presence "Indicates a internal node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF internal routes"; } // container internal container external { must "not(../internal or ../nssa-external)"; presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF external routes"; } // container external container nssa-external { must "not(../internal or ../external)"; presence "Indicates a nssa-external node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF NSSA external routes"; } // container nssa-external } // container match container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-1) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list ospf list ospfv3 { when "../../af-name = 'ipv6'"; key "process-id"; description "Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv3)"; leaf process-id { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv3)"; } container match { description "Redistribution of OSPF routes"; container internal { must "not(../external or ../nssa-external)"; presence "Indicates a internal node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF internal routes"; } // container internal container external { must "not(../internal or ../nssa-external)"; presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF external routes"; } // container external container nssa-external { must "not(../internal or ../external)"; presence "Indicates a nssa-external node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF NSSA external routes"; } // container nssa-external } // container match container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-1) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list ospfv3 container static { presence "Indicates a static node is configured."; description "Static routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container static container subscriber { presence "Indicates a subscriber node is configured."; description "Subscriber routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container subscriber container rip { presence "Indicates a rip node is configured."; description "RIP routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container rip container mobile { presence "Indicates a mobile node is configured."; description "Mobile routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container mobile container applications { description "Application routes"; list application { key "application-name"; description "Application routes"; leaf application-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Application routes"; } container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list application } // container applications list isis { key "instance-id"; description "IS-IS"; leaf instance-id { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "IS-IS"; } container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } container down-flag-clear { presence "Indicates a down-flag-clear node is configured."; description "Set the up/down bit to 0 in prefix advertisements"; } // container down-flag-clear } // list isis container bgp { description "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)"; list as { key "as-number"; description "bgp as-number"; leaf as-number { type xr:Bgp-as-number; description "bgp as-number"; } container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list as } // container bgp list eigrp { key "as-number"; description "EIGRP Protocol"; leaf as-number { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } description "EIGRP Protocol"; } container match { description "Redistribution of EIGRP routes"; container internal { must "not(../external)"; presence "Indicates a internal node is configured."; description "Redistribute EIGRP internal routes"; } // container internal container external { must "not(../internal)"; presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Redistribute EIGRP external routes"; } // container external } // container match container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list eigrp } // container redistribute leaf maximum-paths { type uint32 { range "1..64"; } description "Maximum number of active parallel paths per route"; } container router-id { description "Stable IP address for system"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Router ID Interface"; } leaf ip-address { type string; description "Router ID address"; } } // container router-id container advertise { description "Control what we advertise in our LSP"; container passive-only { presence "Indicates a passive-only node is configured."; description "Advertise prefixes of passive interfaces only"; } // container passive-only container link { description "IS Neighbor attributes"; container attributes { presence "Indicates a attributes node is configured."; description "Advertise additional link attributes"; } // container attributes } // container link container application { description "Application Specific Data"; container lfa { description "LFA Application"; container link-attributes { description "Application Specific Link Attributes"; container srlg { presence "Indicates a srlg node is configured."; description "Shared Risk Ling Group"; } // container srlg } // container link-attributes } // container lfa container flex-algo { description "Flex-Algo Application"; container link-attributes { description "Application Specific Link Attributes"; container srlg { presence "Indicates a srlg node is configured."; description "Shared Risk Ling Group"; } // container srlg } // container link-attributes } // container flex-algo } // container application } // container advertise container ucmp { description "UnEqual Cost Multipath feature"; container variance { presence "Indicates a variance node is configured."; description "Specify Variance parameter to filter UCMP paths based on cost"; leaf variance-value { type uint32 { range "101..10000"; } mandatory true; description "Specify Variance parameter to filter UCMP paths based on cost"; } leaf prefix-list { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..1024"; } description "Specify prefix-list name to filter UCMP paths based on prefixes"; } } // container variance container exclude { description "UCMP interface exclusion information"; container interfaces { description "Exclude an interface from UCMP computation"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Exclude an interface from UCMP computation"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Exclude an interface from UCMP computation"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container exclude leaf delay-interval { type uint32 { range "100..65535"; } description "UCMP delay interval"; } } // container ucmp container microloop { description "Enable microloop protection feature"; container avoidance { presence "Indicates a avoidance node is configured."; description "Enable local microloop avoidance"; container protected { must "not(../segment-routing)"; presence "Indicates a protected node is configured."; description "Enable microloop avoidance for only protected prefixes"; } // container protected container segment-routing { must "not(../protected)"; presence "Indicates a segment-routing node is configured."; description "Enable segment routing microloop avoidance "; } // container segment-routing } // container avoidance leaf avoidance-rib-update-delay { type uint32 { range "1000..65535"; } description "Delay in milliseconds"; } } // container microloop container apply-weight { description "Apply weight"; container ecmp-only { must "not(../ucmp-only)"; presence "Indicates a ecmp-only node is configured."; description "Apply weights to ecmp paths only"; container bandwidth { presence "Indicates a bandwidth node is configured."; description "Apply weight calculated based on interface bandwidth"; } // container bandwidth } // container ecmp-only container ucmp-only { must "not(../ecmp-only)"; presence "Indicates a ucmp-only node is configured."; description "Apply weights to ucmp paths only"; } // container ucmp-only } // container apply-weight container summary-prefixes { presence "Indicates a summary-prefix node is configured."; description "Configure IP address prefixes"; list summary-prefix { key "address-prefix"; description "Summary prefix"; leaf address-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; } leaf tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Set a tag"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Summarize routes in one level only"; } leaf algorithm { when "../../../af-name = 'ipv6' and ../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; type uint32 { range "128..255"; } description "Flexible Algorithm number"; } container explicit { when "../../../af-name = 'ipv6' and ../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; presence "Indicates a explicit node is configured."; description "Strict flex-algo locator summarization mode"; } // container explicit } // list summary-prefix } // container summary-prefixes container metric { description "Configure default metric"; container default-metric { description "Default metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; leaf default-metric-value { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Default metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } container levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf default-metric-value { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Default metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container default-metric } // container metric container metric-style { description "Use old-style (ISO 10589) or new-style packet formats"; container narrow { must "not(../wide or ../transition)"; presence "Indicates a narrow node is configured."; description "Use old style of TLVs with narrow metric"; } // container narrow container wide { must "not(../narrow or ../transition)"; presence "Indicates a wide node is configured."; description "Use new style of TLVs to carry wider metric"; } // container wide container transition { must "not(../narrow or ../wide)"; presence "Indicates a transition node is configured."; description "Send and accept both styles of TLVs during transition"; } // container transition container levels { description "Set metric-style for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric-style for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric-style for one level only"; } container narrow { must "not(../wide or ../transition)"; presence "Indicates a narrow node is configured."; description "Use old style of TLVs with narrow metric"; } // container narrow container wide { must "not(../narrow or ../transition)"; presence "Indicates a wide node is configured."; description "Use new style of TLVs to carry wider metric"; } // container wide container transition { must "not(../narrow or ../wide)"; presence "Indicates a transition node is configured."; description "Send and accept both styles of TLVs during transition"; } // container transition } // list level } // container levels } // container metric-style container spf-interval { description "Route calculation scheduling parameters (FSPF, ISPF, PRC)"; container maximum-wait { description "Maximum delay before running a route calculation"; leaf maximum-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Maximum delay before running a route calculation"; } } // container maximum-wait container initial-wait { description "Initial delay before running a route calculation"; leaf initial-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Initial delay before running a route calculation"; } } // container initial-wait container secondary-wait { description "Secondary delay before running a route calculation"; leaf secondary-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Secondary delay before running a route calculation"; } } // container secondary-wait container levels { description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; list level { must "maximum-wait-time or initial-wait-time or secondary-wait-time"; key "level-id"; description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; } leaf maximum-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Maximum delay before running a route calculation"; } leaf initial-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Initial delay before running a route calculation"; } leaf secondary-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Secondary delay before running a route calculation"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container spf-interval container spf { description "SPF configuration"; container periodic { description "Configure the periodic SPF"; container interval { description "Set the maximum interval in between SPF runs"; leaf interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..3600"; } description "Set the maximum interval in between SPF runs"; } container levels { description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; } leaf interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..3600"; } mandatory true; description "Set the maximum interval in between SPF runs"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container interval container disable { description "Disable the periodic SPF"; container disable-periodic-spf { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable the periodic SPF"; } // container disable-periodic-spf container levels { description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; list level { must "disable-periodic-spf"; key "level-id"; description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; } container disable-periodic-spf { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable the periodic SPF"; } // container disable-periodic-spf } // list level } // container levels } // container disable } // container periodic container prefix-priority { description "Configure a prefix priority list"; list prefix-priority { must "tag or access-list-name"; key "priority"; description "Configure a prefix priority list"; leaf priority { type enumeration { enum "critical" { value 0; description "Specify critical priority prefixes"; } enum "high" { value 1; description "Specify high priority prefixes"; } enum "medium" { value 2; description "Specify medium priority prefixes"; } } description "prefix priority"; } leaf tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } must "not(../access-list-name)"; description "Specify a tag to indicate priority"; } leaf access-list-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } must "not(../tag)"; description "Access-list name"; } } // list prefix-priority container levels { description "Configure SPF prefix priority list for one level only"; list level { must "tag or access-list-name"; key "level-id priority"; description "Configure SPF prefix priority list for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure SPF prefix priority list for one level only"; } leaf priority { type enumeration { enum "critical" { value 0; description "Specify critical priority prefixes"; } enum "high" { value 1; description "Specify high priority prefixes"; } enum "medium" { value 2; description "Specify medium priority prefixes"; } } description "prefix priority"; } leaf tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } must "not(../access-list-name)"; description "Specify a tag to indicate priority"; } leaf access-list-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } must "not(../tag)"; description "Access-list name"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container prefix-priority } // container spf container maximum-redistributed-prefixes { description "Maximum number of redistributed prefixes"; leaf maximum-prefixes { type uint32 { range "1..28000"; } description "Maximum number of redistributed prefixes"; } container levels { description "Set maximum redistributed prefixes for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set maximum redistributed prefixes for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set maximum redistributed prefixes for one level only"; } leaf maximum-prefixes { type uint32 { range "1..28000"; } mandatory true; description "Maximum number of redistributed prefixes"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container maximum-redistributed-prefixes container propagates { description "Propagate routes between IS-IS levels"; list propagate { key "level into-level"; description "Source level"; leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } } leaf into-level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "into"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; mandatory true; description "Propagate only specified routes"; } } // list propagate } // container propagates container adjacency-check { description "Suppress checking of consistent AF support on received IIHs"; container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable adjacency-checking"; } // container disable } // container adjacency-check container route { description "Control the advertisement of routes in the RIB"; container source { description "Control the path source value"; container first-hop { presence "Indicates a first-hop node is configured."; description "Use the IP address of the first-hop"; } // container first-hop } // container source } // container route container attached-bit { description "Modify behavior of the attached-bit"; container send { description "Modify how we set the attached bit"; container always-set { must "not(../never-set)"; presence "Indicates a always-set node is configured."; description "Always set the attached bit in our LSP"; } // container always-set container never-set { must "not(../always-set)"; presence "Indicates a never-set node is configured."; description "Never set the attached bit our LSP"; } // container never-set } // container send container receive { description "Modify how we treat received attached bits"; container ignore { presence "Indicates a ignore node is configured."; description "Ignore the attached bit in received LSPs"; } // container ignore } // container receive } // container attached-bit container fast-reroute { description "Configure Fast ReRoute"; leaf delay-interval { type uint32 { range "100..60000"; } description "Delay before running FRR computation"; } container per-link { when "../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Prefix independent per-link computation"; container priority-limit { description "Limit backup computation upto the prefix priority"; container critical { must "not(../high or ../medium)"; presence "Indicates a critical node is configured."; description "Compute for critical priority prefixes only"; } // container critical container high { must "not(../critical or ../medium)"; presence "Indicates a high node is configured."; description "Compute for critical & high priority prefixes"; } // container high container medium { must "not(../critical or ../high)"; presence "Indicates a medium node is configured."; description "Compute for critical, high & medium priority prefixes"; } // container medium container levels { description "Set priority-limit for one level only"; list level { must "critical or high or medium"; key "level-id"; description "Set priority-limit for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set priority-limit for one level only"; } container critical { must "not(../high or ../medium)"; presence "Indicates a critical node is configured."; description "Compute for critical priority prefixes only"; } // container critical container high { must "not(../critical or ../medium)"; presence "Indicates a high node is configured."; description "Compute for critical & high priority prefixes"; } // container high container medium { must "not(../critical or ../high)"; presence "Indicates a medium node is configured."; description "Compute for critical, high & medium priority prefixes"; } // container medium } // list level } // container levels } // container priority-limit container use-candidate-only { description "Exclude all interfaces from computation"; container candidate-only { presence "Indicates a use-candidate-only node is configured."; description "Exclude all interfaces from computation"; } // container candidate-only container levels { description "Exclude all interfaces for one level only"; list level { must "candidate-only"; key "level-id"; description "Exclude all interfaces for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Exclude all interfaces for one level only"; } container candidate-only { presence "Indicates a use-candidate-only node is configured."; description "Exclude all interfaces from computation"; } // container candidate-only } // list level } // container levels } // container use-candidate-only } // container per-link container per-prefix { when "../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Prefix dependent computation"; container priority-limit { description "Limit backup computation upto the prefix priority"; container critical { must "not(../high or ../medium)"; presence "Indicates a critical node is configured."; description "Compute for critical priority prefixes only"; } // container critical container high { must "not(../critical or ../medium)"; presence "Indicates a high node is configured."; description "Compute for critical & high priority prefixes"; } // container high container medium { must "not(../critical or ../high)"; presence "Indicates a medium node is configured."; description "Compute for critical, high & medium priority prefixes"; } // container medium container levels { description "Set priority-limit for one level only"; list level { must "critical or high or medium"; key "level-id"; description "Set priority-limit for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set priority-limit for one level only"; } container critical { must "not(../high or ../medium)"; presence "Indicates a critical node is configured."; description "Compute for critical priority prefixes only"; } // container critical container high { must "not(../critical or ../medium)"; presence "Indicates a high node is configured."; description "Compute for critical & high priority prefixes"; } // container high container medium { must "not(../critical or ../high)"; presence "Indicates a medium node is configured."; description "Compute for critical, high & medium priority prefixes"; } // container medium } // list level } // container levels } // container priority-limit container use-candidate-only { description "Exclude all interfaces from computation"; container candidate-only { presence "Indicates a use-candidate-only node is configured."; description "Exclude all interfaces from computation"; } // container candidate-only container levels { description "Exclude all interfaces for one level only"; list level { must "candidate-only"; key "level-id"; description "Exclude all interfaces for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Exclude all interfaces for one level only"; } container candidate-only { presence "Indicates a use-candidate-only node is configured."; description "Exclude all interfaces from computation"; } // container candidate-only } // list level } // container levels } // container use-candidate-only container tiebreaker { description "Configure tiebreaker for multiple backups"; container downstream { description "Prefer backup path via downstream node"; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container downstream container lc-disjoint { description "Prefer line card disjoint backup path"; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container lc-disjoint container lowest-backup-metric { description "Prefer backup path with lowest total metric"; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container lowest-backup-metric container node-protecting { description "Prefer node protecting backup path"; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container node-protecting container primary-path { description "Prefer backup path from ECMP set"; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container primary-path container secondary-path { description "Prefer non-ECMP backup path"; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container secondary-path container srlg-disjoint { description "Prefer SRLG disjoint backup path"; leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf index { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container srlg-disjoint } // container tiebreaker container load-sharing { description "Load share prefixes across multiple backups"; container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable load sharing"; } // container disable container levels { description "Disable load sharing for one level only"; list level { must "disable"; key "level-id"; description "Disable load sharing for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Disable load sharing for one level only"; } container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable load sharing"; } // container disable } // list level } // container levels } // container load-sharing container remote-lfa { description "Enable remote LFA related configuration"; container prefix-list { description "Filter PQ node router ID based on prefix list"; leaf prefix-list-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..1024"; } description "Filter PQ node router ID based on prefix list"; } container levels { description "Enable router ID filtering for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Enable router ID filtering for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Enable router ID filtering for one level only"; } leaf prefix-list-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } mandatory true; description "Filter PQ node router ID based on prefix list"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container prefix-list } // container remote-lfa container srlg-protection { description "Type of SRLG protection"; container weighted-global { presence "Indicates a weighted-global node is configured."; description "Weighted global SRLG protection"; } // container weighted-global container levels { description "Set SRLG protection type for one level only"; list level { must "weighted-global"; key "level-id"; description "Set SRLG protection type for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set SRLG protection type for one level only"; } container weighted-global { presence "Indicates a weighted-global node is configured."; description "Weighted global SRLG protection"; } // container weighted-global } // list level } // container levels } // container srlg-protection } // container per-prefix } // container fast-reroute container monitor-convergence { presence "Indicates a monitor-convergence node is configured."; description "Enables convergence monitoring"; leaf prefix-list { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..1024"; } description "Enables Individual Prefix Monitoring"; } container track-ip-frr { presence "Indicates a track-ip-frr node is configured."; description "Enables Tracking IP-Frr Convergence"; } // container track-ip-frr } // container monitor-convergence container mpls { description "Configure MPLS routing protocol parameters"; container ldp { description "Configure LDP parameters"; container auto-config { presence "Indicates a auto-config node is configured."; description "Enable LDP IGP interface auto-configuration"; } // container auto-config } // container ldp container traffic-eng { description "Routing protocol commands for MPLS Traffic Engineering"; container router-id { description "Traffic Engineering stable IP address for system"; leaf ip-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "configure this node"; } leaf interface { type xr:Interface-name; description ""; } } // container router-id container igp-intact { presence "Indicates a igp-intact node is configured."; description "Install both TE and non-TE nexthops in the RIB."; } // container igp-intact container multicast-intact { presence "Indicates a multicast-intact node is configured."; description "Install non-TE nexthops in the RIB for use by multicast"; } // container multicast-intact container level-1-2 { presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Enable mpls traffic-eng at both level 1 and 2"; } // container level-1-2 container level-1 { presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Enable mpls traffic-eng at level 1"; } // container level-1 container level-2-only { presence "Indicates a level-2-only node is configured."; description "Enable mpls traffic-eng at level 2"; } // container level-2-only container tunnel { description "Tunnel selection"; container restricted { presence "Indicates a restricted node is configured."; description "Use only primary tunnel for destination IP address"; } // container restricted container preferred { presence "Indicates a preferred node is configured."; description "Prefer TE tunnels over equal-cost physical paths"; } // container preferred container metric { description "Default metric for forwarding-adjacency tunnels"; leaf default-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Default metric for forwarding-adjacency tunnels"; } container levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf default-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Default metric for forwarding-adjacency tunnels"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container metric } // container tunnel } // container traffic-eng } // container mpls container single-topology { when "../af-name = 'ipv6' and ../saf-name = 'unicast'"; presence "Indicates a single-topology node is configured."; description "Run IPv6 Unicast using the standard (IPv4 Unicast) topology"; } // container single-topology } // list address-family list address-family-topology { key "af-name saf-name topology-name"; description "IS-IS address family with a non-default topology"; leaf af-name { type Isis-af-name; description "Address family name"; } leaf saf-name { type Isis-saf-multicast; description "Sub address family name"; } leaf topology-name { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specify a non-default topology"; } container default-information { description "Control distribution of default information"; container originate { presence "Indicates a originate node is configured."; description "Distribute a default route"; container external { presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Originate default prefix as an external route"; } // container external leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } } // container originate } // container default-information container segment-routing { description "Enable Segment Routing"; container mpls { description "Enable Segment Routing using MPLS encapsulation"; container connected-prefix-sid-map { presence "Indicates a connected-prefix-sid-map node is configured."; description "Enter connected prefix sid map submode"; } // container connected-prefix-sid-map } // container mpls } // container segment-routing container distance { description "Configure IS-IS administrative distances"; leaf global-administrative-distance { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Configure IS-IS administrative distances"; } container route-sources { description "Route source for this distance"; list route-source { key "address-prefix"; description "Route source for this distance"; leaf address-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Route source for this distance"; } leaf administrative-distance { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Configure IS-IS administrative distances"; } leaf prefix-access-list { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Prefix-list or access-list to filter routes for this distance"; } } // list route-source } // container route-sources } // container distance container distribute-list { description "Filter routes sent to the RIB"; leaf prefix-list { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..1024"; } description "Filter routes based on a prefix list"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Filter routes based on a route policy"; } } // container distribute-list container redistribute { description "Redistribute information from another routing protocol"; container connected { presence "Indicates a connected node is configured."; description "Connected routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-1) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container connected list ospf { when "../../af-name = 'ipv4'"; key "process-id"; description "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)"; leaf process-id { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)"; } container match { description "Redistribution of OSPF routes"; container internal { must "not(../external or ../nssa-external)"; presence "Indicates a internal node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF internal routes"; } // container internal container external { must "not(../internal or ../nssa-external)"; presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF external routes"; } // container external container nssa-external { must "not(../internal or ../external)"; presence "Indicates a nssa-external node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF NSSA external routes"; } // container nssa-external } // container match container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-1) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list ospf list ospfv3 { when "../../af-name = 'ipv6'"; key "process-id"; description "Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv3)"; leaf process-id { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Open Shortest Path First (OSPFv3)"; } container match { description "Redistribution of OSPF routes"; container internal { must "not(../external or ../nssa-external)"; presence "Indicates a internal node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF internal routes"; } // container internal container external { must "not(../internal or ../nssa-external)"; presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF external routes"; } // container external container nssa-external { must "not(../internal or ../external)"; presence "Indicates a nssa-external node is configured."; description "Redistribute OSPF NSSA external routes"; } // container nssa-external } // container match container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-1) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list ospfv3 container static { presence "Indicates a static node is configured."; description "Static routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container static container subscriber { presence "Indicates a subscriber node is configured."; description "Subscriber routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container subscriber container rip { presence "Indicates a rip node is configured."; description "RIP routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container rip container mobile { presence "Indicates a mobile node is configured."; description "Mobile routes"; container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // container mobile container applications { description "Application routes"; list application { key "application-name"; description "Application routes"; leaf application-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Application routes"; } container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list application } // container applications list isis { key "instance-id"; description "IS-IS"; leaf instance-id { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "IS-IS"; } container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } container down-flag-clear { presence "Indicates a down-flag-clear node is configured."; description "Set the up/down bit to 0 in prefix advertisements"; } // container down-flag-clear } // list isis container bgp { description "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)"; list as { key "as-number"; description "bgp as-number"; leaf as-number { type xr:Bgp-as-number; description "bgp as-number"; } container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list as } // container bgp list eigrp { key "as-number"; description "EIGRP Protocol"; leaf as-number { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } description "EIGRP Protocol"; } container match { description "Redistribution of EIGRP routes"; container internal { must "not(../external)"; presence "Indicates a internal node is configured."; description "Redistribute EIGRP internal routes"; } // container internal container external { must "not(../internal)"; presence "Indicates a external node is configured."; description "Redistribute EIGRP external routes"; } // container external } // container match container level-1-2 { must "not(../level-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-1-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into both levels"; } // container level-1-2 container level-2 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-1)"; presence "Indicates a level-2 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 2 only (the default)"; } // container level-2 container level-1 { must "not(../level-1-2) and not(../level-2)"; presence "Indicates a level-1 node is configured."; description "Redistribute routes into level 1 only"; } // container level-1 leaf metric { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Metric for redistributed routes"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Route policy reference"; } leaf metric-type { type enumeration { enum "internal" { value 0; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type"; } enum "external" { value 1; description "Set IS-IS External metric type"; } enum "rib-metric-as-internal" { value 2; description "Set IS-IS Internal metric type and use RIB metric"; } enum "rib-metric-as-external" { value 3; description "Set IS-IS External metric type and use RIB metric"; } } description "IS-IS metric type for redistributed routes"; } } // list eigrp } // container redistribute leaf maximum-paths { type uint32 { range "1..64"; } description "Maximum number of active parallel paths per route"; } container advertise { description "Control what we advertise in our LSP"; container passive-only { presence "Indicates a passive-only node is configured."; description "Advertise prefixes of passive interfaces only"; } // container passive-only container link { description "IS Neighbor attributes"; container attributes { presence "Indicates a attributes node is configured."; description "Advertise additional link attributes"; } // container attributes } // container link container application { description "Application Specific Data"; container lfa { description "LFA Application"; container link-attributes { description "Application Specific Link Attributes"; container srlg { presence "Indicates a srlg node is configured."; description "Shared Risk Ling Group"; } // container srlg } // container link-attributes } // container lfa container flex-algo { description "Flex-Algo Application"; container link-attributes { description "Application Specific Link Attributes"; container srlg { presence "Indicates a srlg node is configured."; description "Shared Risk Ling Group"; } // container srlg } // container link-attributes } // container flex-algo } // container application } // container advertise container ucmp { description "UnEqual Cost Multipath feature"; container variance { presence "Indicates a variance node is configured."; description "Specify Variance parameter to filter UCMP paths based on cost"; leaf variance-value { type uint32 { range "101..10000"; } mandatory true; description "Specify Variance parameter to filter UCMP paths based on cost"; } leaf prefix-list { type string { length "1..1024"; } description "Specify prefix-list name to filter UCMP paths based on prefixes"; } } // container variance container exclude { description "UCMP interface exclusion information"; container interfaces { description "Exclude an interface from UCMP computation"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Exclude an interface from UCMP computation"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Exclude an interface from UCMP computation"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container exclude leaf delay-interval { type uint32 { range "100..65535"; } description "UCMP delay interval"; } } // container ucmp container microloop { description "Enable microloop protection feature"; container avoidance { presence "Indicates a avoidance node is configured."; description "Enable local microloop avoidance"; container protected { must "not(../segment-routing)"; presence "Indicates a protected node is configured."; description "Enable microloop avoidance for only protected prefixes"; } // container protected container segment-routing { must "not(../protected)"; presence "Indicates a segment-routing node is configured."; description "Enable segment routing microloop avoidance "; } // container segment-routing } // container avoidance leaf avoidance-rib-update-delay { type uint32 { range "1000..65535"; } description "Delay in milliseconds"; } } // container microloop container apply-weight { description "Apply weight"; container ecmp-only { must "not(../ucmp-only)"; presence "Indicates a ecmp-only node is configured."; description "Apply weights to ecmp paths only"; container bandwidth { presence "Indicates a bandwidth node is configured."; description "Apply weight calculated based on interface bandwidth"; } // container bandwidth } // container ecmp-only container ucmp-only { must "not(../ecmp-only)"; presence "Indicates a ucmp-only node is configured."; description "Apply weights to ucmp paths only"; } // container ucmp-only } // container apply-weight container summary-prefixes { description "Configure IP address prefixes"; list summary-prefix { key "address-prefix"; description "Summary prefix"; leaf address-prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "Specify prefix associated with this Prefix Segement ID"; } leaf tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Set a tag"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Summarize routes in one level only"; } leaf algorithm { when "../../../af-name = 'ipv6' and ../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; type uint32 { range "128..255"; } description "Flexible Algorithm number"; } container explicit { when "../../../af-name = 'ipv6' and ../../../saf-name = 'unicast'"; presence "Indicates a explicit node is configured."; description "Strict flex-algo locator summarization mode"; } // container explicit } // list summary-prefix } // container summary-prefixes container metric { description "Configure default metric"; container default-metric { description "Default metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; leaf default-metric-value { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Default metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } container levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf default-metric-value { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Default metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container default-metric } // container metric container metric-style { description "Use old-style (ISO 10589) or new-style packet formats"; container narrow { must "not(../wide or ../transition)"; presence "Indicates a narrow node is configured."; description "Use old style of TLVs with narrow metric"; } // container narrow container wide { must "not(../narrow or ../transition)"; presence "Indicates a wide node is configured."; description "Use new style of TLVs to carry wider metric"; } // container wide container transition { must "not(../narrow or ../wide)"; presence "Indicates a transition node is configured."; description "Send and accept both styles of TLVs during transition"; } // container transition container levels { description "Set metric-style for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric-style for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric-style for one level only"; } container narrow { must "not(../wide or ../transition)"; presence "Indicates a narrow node is configured."; description "Use old style of TLVs with narrow metric"; } // container narrow container wide { must "not(../narrow or ../transition)"; presence "Indicates a wide node is configured."; description "Use new style of TLVs to carry wider metric"; } // container wide container transition { must "not(../narrow or ../wide)"; presence "Indicates a transition node is configured."; description "Send and accept both styles of TLVs during transition"; } // container transition } // list level } // container levels } // container metric-style container spf-interval { description "Route calculation scheduling parameters (FSPF, ISPF, PRC)"; container maximum-wait { description "Maximum delay before running a route calculation"; leaf maximum-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Maximum delay before running a route calculation"; } container levels { description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; } leaf maximum-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } mandatory true; description "Maximum delay before running a route calculation"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container maximum-wait container initial-wait { description "Initial delay before running a route calculation"; leaf initial-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Initial delay before running a route calculation"; } container levels { description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; } leaf initial-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } mandatory true; description "Initial delay before running a route calculation"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container initial-wait container secondary-wait { description "Secondary delay before running a route calculation"; leaf secondary-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } description "Secondary delay before running a route calculation"; } container levels { description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set SPF interval for one level only"; } leaf secondary-wait-time { type uint32 { range "0..120000"; } mandatory true; description "Secondary delay before running a route calculation"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container secondary-wait } // container spf-interval container spf { description "SPF configuration"; container periodic { description "Configure the periodic SPF"; container interval { description "Set the maximum interval in between SPF runs"; leaf interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..3600"; } description "Set the maximum interval in between SPF runs"; } container levels { description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; } leaf interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..3600"; } mandatory true; description "Set the maximum interval in between SPF runs"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container interval container disable { description "Disable the periodic SPF"; container disable-periodic-spf { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable the periodic SPF"; } // container disable-periodic-spf container levels { description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; list level { must "disable-periodic-spf"; key "level-id"; description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure periodic SPF interval for for one level only"; } container disable-periodic-spf { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable the periodic SPF"; } // container disable-periodic-spf } // list level } // container levels } // container disable } // container periodic container prefix-priority { description "Configure a prefix priority list"; list prefix-priority { must "tag or access-list-name"; key "priority"; description "Configure a prefix priority list"; leaf priority { type enumeration { enum "critical" { value 0; description "Specify critical priority prefixes"; } enum "high" { value 1; description "Specify high priority prefixes"; } enum "medium" { value 2; description "Specify medium priority prefixes"; } } description "prefix priority"; } leaf tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } must "not(../access-list-name)"; description "Specify a tag to indicate priority"; } leaf access-list-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } must "not(../tag)"; description "Access-list name"; } } // list prefix-priority container levels { description "Configure SPF prefix priority list for one level only"; list level { must "tag or access-list-name"; key "level-id priority"; description "Configure SPF prefix priority list for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure SPF prefix priority list for one level only"; } leaf priority { type enumeration { enum "critical" { value 0; description "Specify critical priority prefixes"; } enum "high" { value 1; description "Specify high priority prefixes"; } enum "medium" { value 2; description "Specify medium priority prefixes"; } } description "prefix priority"; } leaf tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } must "not(../access-list-name)"; description "Specify a tag to indicate priority"; } leaf access-list-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } must "not(../tag)"; description "Access-list name"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container prefix-priority } // container spf container maximum-redistributed-prefixes { description "Maximum number of redistributed prefixes"; leaf maximum-prefixes { type uint32 { range "1..28000"; } description "Maximum number of redistributed prefixes"; } container levels { description "Set maximum redistributed prefixes for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set maximum redistributed prefixes for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set maximum redistributed prefixes for one level only"; } leaf maximum-prefixes { type uint32 { range "1..28000"; } mandatory true; description "Maximum number of redistributed prefixes"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container maximum-redistributed-prefixes container propagates { description "Propagate routes between IS-IS levels"; list propagate { key "level into-level"; description "Source level"; leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } } leaf into-level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "into"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; mandatory true; description "Propagate only specified routes"; } } // list propagate } // container propagates container adjacency-check { description "Suppress checking of consistent AF support on received IIHs"; container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable adjacency-checking"; } // container disable } // container adjacency-check container route { description "Control the advertisement of routes in the RIB"; container source { description "Control the path source value"; container first-hop { presence "Indicates a first-hop node is configured."; description "Use the IP address of the first-hop"; } // container first-hop } // container source } // container route container attached-bit { description "Modify behavior of the attached-bit"; container send { description "Modify how we set the attached bit"; container always-set { must "not(../never-set)"; presence "Indicates a always-set node is configured."; description "Always set the attached bit in our LSP"; } // container always-set container never-set { must "not(../always-set)"; presence "Indicates a never-set node is configured."; description "Never set the attached bit our LSP"; } // container never-set } // container send container receive { description "Modify how we treat received attached bits"; container ignore { presence "Indicates a ignore node is configured."; description "Ignore the attached bit in received LSPs"; } // container ignore } // container receive } // container attached-bit leaf topology-id { type uint32 { range "6..4095"; } description "Specify the IS-IS MT ID for this topology"; } container fast-reroute { description "Configure Fast ReRoute"; leaf delay-interval { type uint32 { range "100..60000"; } description "Delay before running FRR computation"; } } // container fast-reroute container monitor-convergence { presence "Indicates a monitor-convergence node is configured."; description "Enables convergence monitoring"; leaf prefix-list { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..1024"; } description "Enables Individual Prefix Monitoring"; } container track-ip-frr { presence "Indicates a track-ip-frr node is configured."; description "Enables Tracking IP-Frr Convergence"; } // container track-ip-frr } // container monitor-convergence } // list address-family-topology } // container address-families container interfaces { description "Enter the IS-IS interface configuration submode"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Enter the IS-IS interface configuration submode"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Enter the IS-IS interface configuration submode"; } leaf circuit-type { type enumeration { enum "level-1" { value 1; description "Form level-1 adjacencies only"; } enum "level-2-only" { value 2; description "Form level-2 adjacencies only"; } enum "level-1-2" { value 3; description "Form level-1 and level-2 adjacencies"; } } description "Configure circuit type for interface"; } container csnp-interval { description "Set CSNP interval"; leaf csnp-interval-time { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Set CSNP interval"; } container levels { description "Set the CSNP interval only at the supplied level"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set the CSNP interval only at the supplied level"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set the CSNP interval only at the supplied level"; } leaf csnp-interval-time { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Set CSNP interval"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container csnp-interval container hello-padding { description "Add padding to IS-IS hello packets"; container disable { must "not(../sometimes)"; presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable hello-padding"; } // container disable container sometimes { must "not(../disable)"; presence "Indicates a sometimes node is configured."; description "Enable hello-padding during adjacency formation only"; } // container sometimes container levels { description "Set hello-interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set hello-interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set hello-interval for one level only"; } container disable { must "not(../sometimes)"; presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable hello-padding"; } // container disable container sometimes { must "not(../disable)"; presence "Indicates a sometimes node is configured."; description "Enable hello-padding during adjacency formation only"; } // container sometimes } // list level } // container levels } // container hello-padding container hello-interval { description "Set Hello interval in seconds"; leaf hello-interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } description "Set Hello interval in seconds"; } container levels { description "Set hello-interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set hello-interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set hello-interval for one level only"; } leaf hello-interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Set Hello interval in seconds"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container hello-interval container hello-multiplier { description "Set multiplier for Hello holding time"; leaf hello-multiplier-value { type uint32 { range "3..1000"; } description "Set multiplier for Hello holding time"; } container levels { description "Set hello-multiplier for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set hello-multiplier for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set hello-multiplier for one level only"; } leaf hello-multiplier-value { type uint32 { range "3..1000"; } mandatory true; description "Set multiplier for Hello holding time"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container hello-multiplier container lsp-interval { description "Set LSP transmission interval"; leaf lsp-interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Set LSP transmission interval"; } container levels { description "set lsp-interval for this level"; list level { key "level-id"; description "set lsp-interval for this level"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "set lsp-interval for this level"; } leaf lsp-interval-time { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } mandatory true; description "Set LSP transmission interval"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container lsp-interval container hello-password { must "text or hmac-md5 or keychain"; presence "Indicates a hello-password node is configured."; description "Configure the IIH password"; container text { must "not(../hmac-md5 or ../keychain)"; presence "Indicates a text node is configured."; description "Use cleartext password authentication"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // container text container hmac-md5 { must "not(../text or ../keychain)"; presence "Indicates a hmac-md5 node is configured."; description "Use HMAC-MD5 authentication"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // container hmac-md5 container keychain { must "not(../text or ../hmac-md5)"; presence "Indicates a keychain node is configured."; description "Specifies a Key Chain name will follow"; leaf keychain-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies a Key Chain name will follow"; } } // container keychain container send-only { presence "Indicates a send-only node is configured."; description "Do not require authentication of incoming IIHs"; } // container send-only } // container hello-password container hello-password-levels { description "Set hello-password for one level only"; list level { must "text or hmac-md5 or keychain"; key "level-id"; description "Set hello-password for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set hello-password for one level only"; } container text { must "not(../hmac-md5 or ../keychain)"; presence "Indicates a text node is configured."; description "Use cleartext password authentication"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // container text container hmac-md5 { must "not(../text or ../keychain)"; presence "Indicates a hmac-md5 node is configured."; description "Use HMAC-MD5 authentication"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted LSP/SNP password"; } } // container hmac-md5 container keychain { must "not(../text or ../hmac-md5)"; presence "Indicates a keychain node is configured."; description "Specifies a Key Chain name will follow"; leaf keychain-name { type string { length "1..1024"; } mandatory true; description "Specifies a Key Chain name will follow"; } } // container keychain container send-only { presence "Indicates a send-only node is configured."; description "Do not require authentication of incoming IIHs"; } // container send-only } // list level } // container hello-password-levels container hello-password-accept { description "Use password for incoming authentication only"; leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; description "The encrypted hello password"; } container levels { description "Set hello-password for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set hello-password for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set hello-password for one level only"; } leaf encrypted { type xr:Proprietary-password; mandatory true; description "The encrypted hello password"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container hello-password-accept container lsp { description "LSP configuration"; container fast-flood { description "LSP fast flood configuration"; container threshold { description "Set LSP transmission fast flood threshold"; leaf number-of-lsps { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Set LSP transmission fast flood threshold"; } container levels { description "Set lsp fast-flood threshold for this level"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set lsp fast-flood threshold for this level"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set lsp fast-flood threshold for this level"; } leaf number-of-lsps { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } mandatory true; description "Set LSP transmission fast flood threshold"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container threshold } // container fast-flood } // container lsp container priority { description "Set priority for Designated Router election"; leaf priority-value { type uint32 { range "0..127"; } description "Set priority for Designated Router election"; } container levels { description "Set priority for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set priority for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set priority for one level only"; } leaf priority-value { type uint32 { range "0..127"; } mandatory true; description "Set priority for Designated Router election"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container priority container point-to-point { presence "Indicates a point-to-point node is configured."; description "Treat active LAN interface as point-to-point"; } // container point-to-point container retransmit-interval { description "Interval between retransmissions of the same LSP"; leaf retransmit-interval-time { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Interval between retransmissions of the same LSP"; } container levels { description "Set retransmit-interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set retransmit-interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set retransmit-interval for one level only"; } leaf retransmit-interval-time { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Interval between retransmissions of the same LSP"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container retransmit-interval container retransmit-throttle-interval { description "Minimum interval betwen retransissions of different LSPs"; leaf retransmit-throttle-interval-time { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Minimum interval betwen retransissions of different LSPs"; } container levels { description "Set retransmit-throttle-interval for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set retransmit-throttle-interval for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set retransmit-throttle-interval for one level only"; } leaf retransmit-throttle-interval-time { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } mandatory true; description "Minimum interval betwen retransissions of different LSPs"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container retransmit-throttle-interval container link-down { description "Configure interface down event parameters"; container fast-detect { presence "Indicates a fast-detect node is configured."; description "Enable high priority detection"; } // container fast-detect } // container link-down container prefix-attributes { description "Set Prefix Attributes"; container n-flag-clear { presence "Indicates a n-flag-clear node is configured."; description "Clear N-flag"; } // container n-flag-clear container levels { description "Clear N-flag for this level"; list level { must "n-flag-clear"; key "level-id"; description "Clear N-flag for this level"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Clear N-flag for this level"; } container n-flag-clear { presence "Indicates a n-flag-clear node is configured."; description "Clear N-flag"; } // container n-flag-clear } // list level } // container levels container anycast { presence "Indicates a anycast node is configured."; description "Prefix has anycast semantics"; } // container anycast container anycast-levels { description "Set anycast for this level"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set anycast for this level"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set anycast for this level"; } } // list level } // container anycast-levels } // container prefix-attributes container affinity { description "Application specific interface affinities"; container flex-algos { description "Affinities for Flexible Algorithm application"; leaf-list flex-algo { type string { length "1..32"; } max-elements 32; description "Affinities for Flexible Algorithm application"; } } // container flex-algos } // container affinity container override { description "Override a configuration setting"; container metrics { description "Override the configured link metrics"; container maximum { must "not(../high or ../disabled)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set metric to unreachable value (wide metrics only)"; } // container maximum container high { must "not(../maximum or ../disabled)"; presence "Indicates a high node is configured."; description "Set metric to highest reachable value"; } // container high container disabled { must "not(../maximum or ../high)"; presence "Indicates a disabled node is configured."; description "Ignore reverse-metric requests from neighbors"; } // container disabled } // container metrics } // container override container delay { description "Delay configuration setting"; container normalize { description "Delay normalization setting"; leaf interval { type uint32 { range "1..16777215"; } description "Normalization interval"; } leaf offset { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } must "../interval"; description "Normalization offset"; } } // container normalize } // container delay container bfd { description "Configure BFD parameters"; container fast-detect { description "Enable Fast detection"; container ipv4 { presence "Indicates a ipv4 node is configured."; description "Address Family"; } // container ipv4 container ipv6 { presence "Indicates a ipv6 node is configured."; description "Address Family"; } // container ipv6 } // container fast-detect leaf minimum-interval { type uint32 { range "3..30000"; } description "Hello interval"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..50"; } description "Detect multiplier"; } } // container bfd container passive { must "not(../suppressed or ../shutdown)"; presence "Indicates a passive node is configured."; description "Do not establish adjacencies over this interface"; } // container passive container suppressed { must "not(../passive or ../shutdown)"; presence "Indicates a suppressed node is configured."; description "Do not advertise connected prefixes of this interface"; } // container suppressed container shutdown { must "not(../passive or ../suppressed)"; presence "Indicates a shutdown node is configured."; description "Shutdown IS-IS on this interface"; } // container shutdown container mesh-group { description "Set IS-IS mesh group"; leaf mesh-group-number { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Mesh group number"; } container blocked { presence "Indicates a blocked node is configured."; description "Block LSPs on this interface"; } // container blocked } // container mesh-group container address-families { description "Enter the IS-IS interface address-family configuration submode"; list address-family { key "af-name saf-name"; description "Address family"; leaf af-name { type Isis-af-name; description "Address family name"; } leaf saf-name { type Isis-saf-name; description "Sub address family name"; } container metric { description "Configure the metric for interface"; leaf default-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } must "not(../maximum)"; description "Default metric"; } container maximum { must "not(../default-metric)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum container levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf default-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } must "not(../maximum)"; description "Default metric"; } container maximum { must "not(../default-metric)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // list level } // container levels container fallback { description "Configure the metric fallback for interface"; container bandwidth { description "fallback based on bandwidth change"; leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "../threshold"; description "fallback based on bandwidth change"; } leaf threshold { type uint32 { range "1..100"; } must "../multiplier"; description "Threshold interms of percentage of bandwidth"; } } // container bandwidth container anomaly { description "Increase the link metric when a delay/loss anomaly occurs"; container te-metric { description "Modify the TE metric"; container delay { must "not(../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier or ../maximum) and (increment or multiplier or maximum)"; presence "Indicates a delay node is configured."; description "Only increase the link metric when a delay anomaly occurs"; leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container delay container loss { must "not(../delay or ../increment or ../multiplier or ../maximum) and (increment or multiplier or maximum)"; presence "Indicates a loss node is configured."; description "Only increase the link metric when a loss anomaly occurs"; leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container loss leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container te-metric container te-metric-levels { description "Increase metric for one level only"; list level { must "delay or loss or increment or multiplier or maximum"; key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } container delay { must "not(../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier or ../maximum) and (increment or multiplier or maximum)"; presence "Indicates a delay node is configured."; description "Only increase the link metric when a delay anomaly occurs"; leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container delay container loss { must "not(../delay or ../increment or ../multiplier or ../maximum) and (increment or multiplier or maximum)"; presence "Indicates a loss node is configured."; description "Only increase the link metric when a loss anomaly occurs"; leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container loss leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // list level } // container te-metric-levels container delay { must "not(../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier or ../maximum) and (increment or multiplier or maximum)"; presence "Indicates a delay node is configured."; description "Only increase the link metric when a delay anomaly occurs"; leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container delay container loss { must "not(../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier or ../maximum) and (increment or multiplier or maximum)"; presence "Indicates a loss node is configured."; description "Only increase the link metric when a loss anomaly occurs"; leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container loss leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum container levels { description "Increase metric for one level only"; list level { must "delay or loss or increment or multiplier or maximum"; key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } container delay { must "not(../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier or ../maximum) and (increment or multiplier or maximum)"; presence "Indicates a delay node is configured."; description "Only increase the link metric when a delay anomaly occurs"; leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container delay container loss { must "not(../delay or ../increment or ../multiplier or ../maximum) and (increment or multiplier or maximum)"; presence "Indicates a loss node is configured."; description "Only increase the link metric when a loss anomaly occurs"; leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // container loss leaf increment { type uint32 { range "1..16777213"; } must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../multiplier or ../maximum)"; description "Increment the link metric by the following amount"; } leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../increment or ../maximum)"; description "Multiply the link metric by the following amount"; } container maximum { must "not(../delay or ../loss or ../increment or ../multiplier)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Set the maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // list level } // container levels } // container anomaly } // container fallback } // container metric container te-metric { description "Configure an application specific TE metric for the interface"; leaf flex-algo { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Configure a Flex-algo TE metric for the interface"; } } // container te-metric container te-metric-levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf flex-algo { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Configure a Flex-algo TE metric for the interface"; } } // list level } // container te-metric-levels container mpls { when "../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Configure MPLS routing protocol parameters"; container ldp { description "Configure LDP parameters"; container sync { presence "Indicates a sync node is configured."; description "Configure LDP ISIS synchronization"; leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set LDP synchronization for one level only"; } } // container sync } // container ldp } // container mpls container tag { description "Set interface tag"; leaf interface-tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Set interface tag"; } container levels { description "Set the tag only at supplied level"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set the tag only at supplied level"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set the tag only at supplied level"; } leaf interface-tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } mandatory true; description "Set interface tag"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container tag container prefix-sid { tailf:dependency "../../../interface-name"; when "../saf-name = 'unicast' and ../../../interface-name[starts-with(text(),'Loopback')]"; container sid { must "index or absolute"; presence "Indicates a sid node is configured."; description "Specify the Prefix Segment ID"; container index { must "not(../absolute)"; presence "Indicates a index node is configured."; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf sid-index { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container index container absolute { must "not(../index)"; presence "Indicates a absolute node is configured."; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf sid-value { type uint32 { range "16000..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container absolute container explicit-null { presence "Indicates a explicit-null node is configured."; description "Upstream neighbor must replace prefix-sid with explicit null label"; } // container explicit-null container n-flag-clear { presence "Indicates a n-flag-clear node is configured."; description "Clear N-flag for the prefix-SID "; } // container n-flag-clear } // container sid container strict-spf { must "index or absolute"; presence "Indicates a strict-spf node is configured."; description "Strict-SPF Prefix SID Configuration"; container index { must "not(../absolute)"; presence "Indicates a index node is configured."; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf sid-index { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container index container absolute { must "not(../index)"; presence "Indicates a absolute node is configured."; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf sid-value { type uint32 { range "16000..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container absolute container explicit-null { presence "Indicates a explicit-null node is configured."; description "Upstream neighbor must replace prefix-sid with explicit null label"; } // container explicit-null container n-flag-clear { presence "Indicates a n-flag-clear node is configured."; description "Clear N-flag for the prefix-SID "; } // container n-flag-clear } // container strict-spf container algorithms { description "Algorithm Specific Prefix SID Configuration"; list algorithm { key "algorithm-number"; description "Algorithm Specific Prefix SID Configuration"; leaf algorithm-number { type uint32 { range "128..255"; } description "Algorithm Specific Prefix SID Configuration"; } container index { must "not(../absolute)"; presence "Indicates a index node is configured."; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf sid-index { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the index of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container index container absolute { must "not(../index)"; presence "Indicates a absolute node is configured."; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; leaf sid-value { type uint32 { range "16000..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Specify the absolute value of Prefix Segement ID"; } } // container absolute container explicit-null { presence "Indicates a explicit-null node is configured."; description "Upstream neighbor must replace prefix-sid with explicit null label"; } // container explicit-null container n-flag-clear { presence "Indicates a n-flag-clear node is configured."; description "Clear N-flag for the prefix-SID "; } // container n-flag-clear } // list algorithm } // container algorithms } // container prefix-sid container adjacency-sid { when "../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Specify the Adjacency Segment ID"; container indexes { description "Specify the index of Adjacency Segement ID"; list index { key "sid-index"; description "Specify the index of Adjacency Segement ID"; leaf sid-index { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } description "Specify the index of Adjacency Segement ID"; } container protected { presence "Indicates a protected node is configured."; description "Protect Adjacency SID"; } // container protected } // list index } // container indexes container absolutes { description "Specify the absolute value of Adjacency Segement ID"; list absolute { key "sid-value"; description "Specify the absolute value of Adjacency Segement ID"; leaf sid-value { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } description "Specify the absolute value of Adjacency Segement ID"; } container protected { presence "Indicates a protected node is configured."; description "Protect Adjacency SID"; } // container protected } // list absolute } // container absolutes } // container adjacency-sid container fast-reroute { when "../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Configure Fast ReRoute"; container computation { container per-link-computation { must "not(../per-prefix-computation)"; presence "Indicates a per-link-computation node is configured."; description "Prefix independent per-link computation"; } // container per-link-computation container per-prefix-computation { must "not(../per-link-computation)"; presence "Indicates a per-prefix-computation node is configured."; description "Prefix dependent computation"; } // container per-prefix-computation container levels { description "Configure FRR for one level only"; list level { must "per-link-computation or per-prefix-computation"; key "level-id"; description "Configure FRR for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure FRR for one level only"; } container per-link-computation { must "not(../per-prefix-computation)"; presence "Indicates a per-link node is configured."; description "Prefix independent per-link computation"; } // container per-link-computation container per-prefix-computation { must "not(../per-link-computation)"; presence "Indicates a per-prefix node is configured."; description "Prefix dependent computation"; } // container per-prefix-computation } // list level } // container levels } // container computation container per-link { description "Prefix independent per-link computation"; container exclude { description "FRR exclusion information"; container interfaces { description "Exclude an interface from computation"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Exclude an interface from computation"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Exclude an interface from computation"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Exclude interface for one level only"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container exclude container lfa-candidate { description "FRR LFA candidate information"; container interfaces { description "Include an interface to LFA candidate in computation"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Include an interface to LFA candidate in computation"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Include an interface to LFA candidate in computation"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Include interface for one level only"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container lfa-candidate } // container per-link container per-prefix { description "Prefix dependent computation"; container remote-lfa { description "Enable remote LFA computation"; container tunnel { description "Enable remote LFA computation using tunnels"; container mpls-ldp { presence "Indicates a mpls-ldp node is configured."; description "Use MPLS LDP tunnel to reach the remote LFA node"; } // container mpls-ldp container levels { description "Enable remote LFA for one level only"; list level { must "mpls-ldp"; key "level-id"; description "Enable remote LFA for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Enable remote LFA for one level only"; } container mpls-ldp { presence "Indicates a mpls-ldp node is configured."; description "Use MPLS LDP tunnel to reach the remote LFA node"; } // container mpls-ldp } // list level } // container levels } // container tunnel container maximum-metric { description "Limit remote LFA node selection within the metric"; leaf metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777215"; } description "Value of the metric"; } container levels { description "Enable remote LFA max metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Enable remote LFA max metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Enable remote LFA max metric for one level only"; } leaf metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777215"; } mandatory true; description "Value of the metric"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container maximum-metric } // container remote-lfa container per-prefix { description "Prefix dependent computation"; container ti-lfa { presence "Indicates a ti-lfa node is configured."; description "Enable TI LFA computation"; } // container ti-lfa container levels { description "Enable EPCFRR LFA for one level only"; list level { must "ti-lfa"; key "level-id"; description "Enable EPCFRR LFA for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Enable EPCFRR LFA for one level only"; } container ti-lfa { presence "Indicates a ti-lfa node is configured."; description "Enable TI LFA computation"; } // container ti-lfa } // list level } // container levels } // container per-prefix container tiebreaker { description "Configure tiebreaker for multiple backups"; container node-protecting { description "Prefer node protecting backup path"; container index { description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; leaf preference-order { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf preference-order { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container index } // container node-protecting container srlg-disjoint { description "Prefer SRLG disjoint backup path"; container index { description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; leaf preference-order { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } leaf preference-order { type uint32 { range "1..255"; } mandatory true; description "Set preference order among tiebreakers"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container index } // container srlg-disjoint container default { description "Prefer default (link protecting) backup path"; container default-backup-path { presence "Indicates a default node is configured."; description "Prefer default (link protecting) backup path"; } // container default-backup-path container levels { description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; list level { must "default-backup-path"; key "level-id"; description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Configure tiebreaker for one level only"; } container default-backup-path { presence "Indicates a default node is configured."; description "Prefer default (link protecting) backup path"; } // container default-backup-path } // list level } // container levels } // container default } // container tiebreaker container exclude { description "FRR exclusion information"; container interfaces { description "Exclude an interface from computation"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Exclude an interface from computation"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Exclude an interface from computation"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Exclude interface for one level only"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container exclude container lfa-candidate { description "FRR LFA candidate information"; container interfaces { description "Include an interface to LFA candidate in computation"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Include an interface to LFA candidate in computation"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Include an interface to LFA candidate in computation"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Include interface for one level only"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container lfa-candidate } // container per-prefix } // container fast-reroute container link-group { presence "Indicates a link-group node is configured."; description "Set interface link group"; leaf link-group-name { type string { length "1..40"; } mandatory true; description "Set interface link group"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set the tag only at supplied level"; } } // container link-group container weight { description "Configure weight for the interface"; leaf weight-value { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Configure weight for the interface"; } container levels { description "Set weight for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set weight for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set weight for one level only"; } leaf weight-value { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Configure weight for the interface"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container weight container auto-metric { description "Configure the auto-metric for interface"; container proactive-protect { description "set auto-metric proactive-protect mode"; leaf absolute-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Absolute metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } container levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf absolute-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Absolute metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container proactive-protect } // container auto-metric container advertise { when "../saf-name = 'unicast'"; description "Configure the AF specific advertisement"; container prefix { description "Configure the prefix advertisement"; leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Filter routes based on a route policy"; } container levels { description "Set advertisement for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set advertisement for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set advertisement for one level only"; } leaf route-policy { type xr:Route-policy-name; description "Filter routes based on a route policy"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container prefix } // container advertise container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable IS-IS for this topology on this interface"; } // container disable } // list address-family list address-family-topology { key "af-name saf-name topology-name"; description "Address family with a non-default topology"; leaf af-name { type Isis-af-name; description "Address family name"; } leaf saf-name { type Isis-saf-name; description "Sub address family name"; } leaf topology-name { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Specify a non-default topology"; } container metric { description "Configure the metric for interface"; leaf default-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } must "not(../maximum)"; description "Default metric"; } container maximum { must "not(../default-metric)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum container levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf default-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } must "not(../maximum)"; description "Default metric"; } container maximum { must "not(../default-metric)"; presence "Indicates a maximum node is configured."; description "Maximum wide metric. All routers will exclude this link from their SPF"; } // container maximum } // list level } // container levels container fallback { description "Configure the metric fallback for interface"; container bandwidth { description "fallback based on bandwidth change"; leaf multiplier { type uint32 { range "2..100000"; } must "../threshold"; description "fallback based on bandwidth change"; } leaf threshold { type uint32 { range "1..100"; } must "../multiplier"; description "Threshold interms of percentage of bandwidth"; } } // container bandwidth } // container fallback } // container metric container te-metric { description "Configure an application specific TE metric for the interface"; leaf flex-algo { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Configure a Flex-algo TE metric for the interface"; } } // container te-metric container te-metric-levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf flex-algo { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Configure a Flex-algo TE metric for the interface"; } } // list level } // container te-metric-levels container tag { description "Set interface tag"; leaf interface-tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Set interface tag"; } container levels { description "Set the tag only at supplied level"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set the tag only at supplied level"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set the tag only at supplied level"; } leaf interface-tag { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } mandatory true; description "Set interface tag"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container tag container link-group { presence "Indicates a link-group node is configured."; description "Set interface link group"; leaf link-group-name { type string { length "1..40"; } mandatory true; description "Set interface link group"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set the tag only at supplied level"; } } // container link-group container weight { description "Configure weight for the interface"; leaf weight-value { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Configure weight for the interface"; } container levels { description "Set weight for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set weight for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set weight for one level only"; } leaf weight-value { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Configure weight for the interface"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container weight container auto-metric { description "Configure the auto-metric for interface"; container proactive-protect { description "set auto-metric proactive-protect mode"; leaf absolute-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } description "Absolute metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } container levels { description "Set metric for one level only"; list level { key "level-id"; description "Set metric for one level only"; leaf level-id { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set metric for one level only"; } leaf absolute-metric { type uint32 { range "1..16777214"; } mandatory true; description "Absolute metric: <1-63> for narrow, <1-16777214> for wide"; } } // list level } // container levels } // container proactive-protect } // container auto-metric container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable IS-IS for this topology on this interface"; } // container disable } // list address-family-topology } // container address-families } // list interface } // container interfaces container distribute { description "Distribute routing information to external services"; container link-state { presence "Indicates a link-state node is configured"; description "Distribute the link-state database to external services"; leaf instance-id { type uint32 { range "32..4294967295"; } description "Set distribution process instance identifier"; } leaf throttle { type uint32 { range "1..20"; } description "Set throttle update in seconds"; } leaf level { type uint32 { range "1..2"; } description "Set distribution for one level only"; } } // container link-state } // container distribute container segment-routing { description "IS-IS segment-routing configuration"; container global-block { presence "Indicates a global-block node is configured."; description "Prefix-SID Global label Block (SRGB)"; leaf lower-bound { type uint32 { range "16000..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "Prefix-SID Global label Block (SRGB)"; } leaf upper-bound { type uint32 { range "1..1048575"; } mandatory true; description "The upper bound SRGB"; } } // container global-block } // container segment-routing container adjacency { description "ISIS adjacency bring up"; container stagger { presence "Indicates a stagger node is configured."; description "Stagger ISIS adjacency bring up"; leaf initial-number-of-neighbors { type uint32 { range "2..65000"; } must "../maximum-simultaneous-neighbors"; description "Initial number of neighbors to bring up (default 2)"; } leaf maximum-simultaneous-neighbors { type uint32 { range "2..65000"; } must "../initial-number-of-neighbors"; description "Maximum simultaneous neighbors to bring up (default 64)"; } } // container stagger } // container adjacency container flex-algos { description "Flex Algorithm definition"; list flex-algo { key "algorithm-number"; description "Flex Algorithm definition"; leaf algorithm-number { type uint32 { range "128..255"; } description "Flex Algorithm definition"; } container affinity { description "Specify affinity names to exclude"; container exclude-anies { description "Exclude objects in flex-algo calculation"; leaf-list exclude-any { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..32"; } max-elements 32; description "Exclude objects in flex-algo calculation"; } } // container exclude-anies container include-anies { description "Include objects in flex-algo calculation"; leaf-list include-any { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..32"; } max-elements 32; description "Include objects in flex-algo calculation"; } } // container include-anies container include-alls { description "Include objects in flex-algo calculation"; leaf-list include-all { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..32"; } max-elements 32; description "Include objects in flex-algo calculation"; } } // container include-alls } // container affinity container srlg { description "Specify SRLG names"; container exclude-anies { description "Exclude objects in flex-algo calculation"; leaf-list exclude-any { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..32"; } max-elements 32; description "Exclude objects in flex-algo calculation"; } } // container exclude-anies } // container srlg leaf priority { type uint32 { range "0..255"; } description "Flex-Algo definition priority"; } container metric-type { description "Metric-type used by flex-algo calculation"; container delay { must "not(../te)"; presence "Indicates a delay node is configured."; description "Use delay as metric"; } // container delay container te { must "not(../delay)"; presence "Indicates a te node is configured."; description "Use Traffic Engineering metric"; } // container te } // container metric-type container fast-reroute { description "Configure Fast ReRoute"; container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable Fast ReRoute for Flex-Algo"; } // container disable } // container fast-reroute container microloop { description "Configure Microloop"; container avoidance { description "Configure Microloop Avoidance"; container disable { presence "Indicates a disable node is configured."; description "Disable Microloop Avoidance for Flex-Algo"; } // container disable } // container avoidance } // container microloop container advertise-definition { presence "Indicates a advertise-definition node is configured."; description "Advertise the Flex-Algo Definition"; } // container advertise-definition container prefix-metric { presence "Indicates a prefix-metric node is configured."; description "Use Flex-Algo Prefix Metric"; } // container prefix-metric } // list flex-algo } // container flex-algos container affinity-maps { description "Affinity map configuration"; list affinity-map { key "affinity-map-name"; description "Affinity map configuration"; leaf affinity-map-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..32"; } description "Affinity map configuration"; } leaf bit-position { type uint32 { range "0..255"; } mandatory true; description "Bit position for affinity attribute value"; } } // list affinity-map } // container affinity-maps container srlg { presence "Indicates a srlg node is configured."; description "ISIS SRLG submode"; container names { description "SRLG Name"; list name { key "srlg-name"; description "SRLG Name"; leaf srlg-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..64"; } description "SRLG Name"; } leaf admin-weight { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Administrative weight: default inherited from the global admin-weight"; } container static { description "Configure static SRLG under name"; container ipv4 { description "IPv4 address"; list address { must "next-hop"; key "local-address"; description "IPv4 address of local end-point of the link"; leaf local-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IPv4 address of local end-point of the link"; } container next-hop { description "Next hop of the link"; list address { key "remote-address"; description "IPv4 address of local end-point of the link"; leaf remote-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IPv4 address of remote end-point of the link"; } } // list address } // container next-hop } // list address } // container ipv4 } // container static } // list name } // container names leaf admin-weight { type uint32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Default administrative weight for all SRLGs, default is 1"; } } // container srlg container purge-transmit { description "Control TLVs permitted in purge LSP"; container strict { presence "Indicates a strict node is configured."; description "Only authentication TLV is allowed"; leaf apply-for-level-only { type enumeration { enum "level-1" { value 1; description "Apply for Level-1 only"; } enum "level-2" { value 2; description "Apply for Level-2 only"; } } description "configure this node"; } } // container strict } // container purge-transmit container receive { description "Control if ASLA takes precedence over Legacy"; container application { description "Select Application"; container flex-algo { description "Flex-Algo Applciation"; container delay { description "Unidirectionial Min Delay metric"; container app-only { presence "Indicates a app-only node is configured."; description "ASLA to take precedence"; } // container app-only } // container delay } // container flex-algo } // container application } // container receive container attestation { presence "Indicates a attestation node is configured."; description "ISIS Attestation submode"; container application { description "Application"; container flex-algo { presence "Indicates a flex-algo node is configured."; description "Flexible Algorithm application"; container trust-vector { presence "Indicates a trust-vector node is configured."; description "Trust Vector Configuration"; container boot-integrity-passed { description "Boot Integrity Passed"; leaf affinity { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Affinity configuration"; } } // container boot-integrity-passed container boot-integrity-failed { description "Boot Integrity Failed"; leaf affinity { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Affinity configuration"; } } // container boot-integrity-failed container failures-found { description "Failures Found"; leaf affinity { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Affinity configuration"; } } // container failures-found } // container trust-vector } // container flex-algo container traffic-engineering { presence "Indicates a traffic-engineering node is configured."; description "Traffic-engineering application"; container trust-vector { presence "Indicates a trust-vector node is configured."; description "Trust Vector Configuration"; container boot-integrity-passed { description "Boot Integrity Passed"; leaf affinity { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Affinity configuration"; } } // container boot-integrity-passed container boot-integrity-failed { description "Boot Integrity Failed"; leaf affinity { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Affinity configuration"; } } // container boot-integrity-failed container failures-found { description "Failures Found"; leaf affinity { type string { length "1..32"; } description "Affinity configuration"; } } // container failures-found } // container trust-vector } // container traffic-engineering } // container application } // container attestation } // list process } // container processes } // container isis } // container router } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-um-router-isis-cfg
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