This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR perf-meas package operational data. This module contains...
Version: 2021-06-02
module Cisco-IOS-XR-perf-meas-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix perf-meas-oper; import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-perf-meas-oper-sub2 { revision-date "2021-06-02"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-perf-meas-oper-sub1 { revision-date "2021-06-02"; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR perf-meas package operational data. This module contains definitions for the following management objects: performance-measurement: Performance Measurement operational data performance-measurement-responder: Performance Measurement operational data Copyright (c) 2013-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-06-02" { description "Added session id to endpoint liveness bag. 2021-04-17 Removed liveness parameters from delay profile bag. 2021-02-26 Remove PM hidden show cli, loss, history packet. 2021-02-16 Remove liveness history and liveness detection verbose from sr-policy delay schema. 2021-01-08 Added srpolicy liveness schema. 2021-01-08 Added srpolicy liveness history schema and renamed liveness detection schema. 2020-12-19 Added schema for endpoint liveness profile. 2020-12-02 Add sr-policy liveness profile bag and oper schema. 2020-11-26 Update endpoint show command bags in order to support liveness-detection. 2020-11-17 Added new bag for PPS info. IosSetYangSchemaRev Cisco-IOS-XR-perf-meas-oper 2020-10-27 Added anomaly support for sr-policy min delay metrics. 2020-10-27 Added all endpoint show commands support and respective bags. 2020-10-15 Update probe running reason name for link down. 2020-10-02 Added anomaly support for interface min delay metrics. 2020-08-06 Added liveness session state history information. 2020-07-23 Fixed typos in perf-meas oper bag."; } revision "2020-06-24" { description "Update perf-meas oper schema task group. 2020-04-10 Added new TX error counter for next hop MAC missing. 2020-03-31 721 nohelp CLI for liveness, loopback, endpoint, src-port, named profile, distribution. 2020-03-25 Add trace id in PM session bag. 2020-03-17 Added new types counters to count different types of PM DM sessions. 2020-03-09 Added new types of probe running errors and counters for probe running errors. 2020-02-24 Modifid type of service knobs from array to integer. 2020-02-21 Modify router alert type 2020-02-19 Modifiy periodic minimum change value. 2020-02-13 Modifiy delay-measurement hisotry key words. 2020-01-22 Added a new advertisement reason for interface delay-measurement. 2019-12-16 Revision IOS XR 7.2.1 Added responder src address and num of hops for PM DM. 2019-12-09 Added new reason for DM probe not running. 2019-11-18 Revision IOS XR 7.2.1 Added EDT for Liveness state for SR Policy Candidate path atmoic path."; } revision "2019-10-19" { description "Added burst-interval-effective to oper data."; } revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2018-12-13" { description "Revision IOS XR 7.0.1 Added delay measurment for SR Policy and RSVP-TE LSP."; } revision "2017-10-17" { description "Revision Zero."; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "4.0.0"; semver:module-version "3.0.0"; semver:module-version "2.0.0"; semver:module-version "1.0.0"; container performance-measurement { config false; description "Performance Measurement operational data"; container nodes { description "Node table for node-specific operational data"; list node { key "node"; description "Node-specific data for a particular node"; container sr-policies { description "SR Policies"; container sr-policy-details { description "Table of SR Policies detail info"; list sr-policy-detail { key "policy-name"; description "SR Policy information"; leaf policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Policy name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address leaf color { type uint32; description "Color"; } leaf policy-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } leaf candidate-path-total-count { type uint32; description "Number of candidate-paths in the SR Policy"; } list candidate-path { description "List of candidate-paths"; container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the candidate-path"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Current advertisement information of the candidate-path"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container last-probe-results { description "Last probe results of candidate-path"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container last-probe-results container current-probe { description "Information for the current probe"; container probe-results { description "Summarized results of the current probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-results leaf probe-start-time-stamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp in milliseconds of the current probe start (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf next-probe-start-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next probe starts"; } leaf next-packet-sent-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next packet is sent"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Burst interval (in milliseconds)"; } leaf burst-interval-is-stretched { type boolean; description "True if the burst interval has been stretched for packet rate-limiting"; } leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the current probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the current probe"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } } // container current-probe container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the candidate-path"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the candidate-path"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container liveness-detection-info { description "Information for liveness detection"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container liveness-detection-info leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol-origin of the candidate-path"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } leaf source-address-v4 { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address of the candidate-path"; } leaf reverse-path-label { type uint32; description "Reverse-path label"; } leaf profile-name { type string; description "SR Policy delay-measurement profile name"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-in-sec { type uint32; units "second"; description "Interval of periodic advertisement in seconds"; } leaf liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "Liveness detection is enabled"; } leaf segment-list-total-count { type uint32; description "Number of segment lists in the candidate-path"; } list segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the segment-list"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Current advertisement information of the segment-list"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container current-probe-results { description "Current probe results of the segment-list"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container current-probe-results container last-probe-results { description "Last probe results of the segment-list"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container last-probe-results container liveness-detection-info { description "Information for liveness detection"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container liveness-detection-info container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the segment-list"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the segment-list"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Name of the segment-list"; } leaf atomic-path-total-count { type uint32; description "Number of atomic paths in the segment-list"; } leaf liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "Liveness detection is enabled"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-path { description "List of atomic paths"; container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the atomic path"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Current advertisement information of the atomic path"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container current-probe-results { description "Current probe results of the atomic path"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container current-probe-results container last-probe-results { description "Last probe results of the atomic path"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container last-probe-results container liveness-detection-info { description "Information for liveness detection"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container liveness-detection-info container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the atomic path"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the atomic path"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container responder-address { description "Address of the Responder"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container responder-address leaf outgoing-interface { type uint32; description "Outgoing interface of the atomic path"; } leaf session-id { type uint32; description "Session ID of the atomic path"; } leaf liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "Liveness detection is enabled"; } leaf query-number-of-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops traversed by the query packet"; } list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels of the atomic path"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels of the atomic path"; } } // list label list current-probe-history { description "Current probe history of the atomic path"; leaf measurement-value { type uint64; description "Measurement value (nsec)"; } leaf query-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp when the measurement was taken (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list current-probe-history } // list atomic-path } // list segment-list } // list candidate-path } // list sr-policy-detail } // container sr-policy-details container sr-policy-delay { description "SR Policy Delay-measurement information"; container sr-policy-last-advertisements { description "Table of last advertisement metrics"; list sr-policy-last-advertisement { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Last advertisement metrics information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-path { description "List of candidate-paths"; container metrics { description "Candidate-path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-path { description "List of atomic paths"; container metrics { description "Atomic Path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels"; } } // list label } // list atomic-path } // list segment-list } // list candidate-path } // list sr-policy-last-advertisement } // container sr-policy-last-advertisements container sr-policy-probe-computation-histories { description "Table of probe computation history"; list sr-policy-probe-computation-history { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Probe computation history information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address leaf color { type uint32; description "Color"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-paths-history { description "List of candidate-paths"; container history-info { description "History info of the candidate-path"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } list segment-lists-history { description "List of segment-lists"; container history-info { description "History info of the segment-list"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-paths-history { description "List of atomic paths"; container history-info { description "History info of the atomic path "; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address } // list atomic-paths-history } // list segment-lists-history } // list candidate-paths-history } // list sr-policy-probe-computation-history } // container sr-policy-probe-computation-histories container sr-policy-advertisement-histories { description "Table of advertisement history"; list sr-policy-advertisement-history { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Advertisement history information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address leaf color { type uint32; description "Color"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-paths-history { description "List of candidate-paths"; container history-info { description "History info of the candidate-path"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } list segment-lists-history { description "List of segment-lists"; container history-info { description "History info of the segment-list"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-paths-history { description "List of atomic paths"; container history-info { description "History info of the atomic path "; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address } // list atomic-paths-history } // list segment-lists-history } // list candidate-paths-history } // list sr-policy-advertisement-history } // container sr-policy-advertisement-histories container sr-policy-last-probe-verboses { description "Table of last probe metrics verbose"; list sr-policy-last-probe-verbose { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Last probe verbose information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-path { description "List of candidate-paths"; container metrics { description "Candidate-path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-path { description "List of atomic paths"; container metrics { description "Atomic Path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels"; } } // list label } // list atomic-path } // list segment-list } // list candidate-path } // list sr-policy-last-probe-verbose } // container sr-policy-last-probe-verboses container sr-policy-last-advertisement-verboses { description "Table of last advertisement verbose information"; list sr-policy-last-advertisement-verbose { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Last advertisement verbose metrics information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-path { description "List of candidate-paths"; container metrics { description "Candidate-path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-path { description "List of atomic paths"; container metrics { description "Atomic Path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels"; } } // list label } // list atomic-path } // list segment-list } // list candidate-path } // list sr-policy-last-advertisement-verbose } // container sr-policy-last-advertisement-verboses container sr-policy-last-probes { description "Table of last probe metrics"; list sr-policy-last-probe { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Last probe information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-path { description "List of candidate-paths"; container metrics { description "Candidate-path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-path { description "List of atomic paths"; container metrics { description "Atomic Path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels"; } } // list label } // list atomic-path } // list segment-list } // list candidate-path } // list sr-policy-last-probe } // container sr-policy-last-probes container sr-policy-last-aggregation-verboses { description "Table of last probe aggregation verbose"; list sr-policy-last-aggregation-verbose { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Last probe aggregation verbose information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-path { description "List of candidate-paths"; container metrics { description "Candidate-path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-path { description "List of atomic paths"; container metrics { description "Atomic Path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels"; } } // list label } // list atomic-path } // list segment-list } // list candidate-path } // list sr-policy-last-aggregation-verbose } // container sr-policy-last-aggregation-verboses container sr-policy-aggregation-histories { description "Table of aggregation history"; list sr-policy-aggregation-history { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Aggregation history information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address leaf color { type uint32; description "Color"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-paths-history { description "List of candidate-paths"; container history-info { description "History info of the candidate-path"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } list segment-lists-history { description "List of segment-lists"; container history-info { description "History info of the segment-list"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-paths-history { description "List of atomic paths"; container history-info { description "History info of the atomic path "; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address } // list atomic-paths-history } // list segment-lists-history } // list candidate-paths-history } // list sr-policy-aggregation-history } // container sr-policy-aggregation-histories container sr-policy-last-aggregations { description "Table of last aggregation"; list sr-policy-last-aggregation { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Last aggregation information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-path { description "List of candidate-paths"; container metrics { description "Candidate-path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-path { description "List of atomic paths"; container metrics { description "Atomic Path metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels"; } } // list label } // list atomic-path } // list segment-list } // list candidate-path } // list sr-policy-last-aggregation } // container sr-policy-last-aggregations } // container sr-policy-delay container sr-policy-liveness { description "SR Policy Liveness-Detection information"; container pm-sr-policy-last-liveness-detection-verboses { description "Table of last liveness detection information"; list pm-sr-policy-last-liveness-detection-verbose { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Last liveness verbose information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } leaf color { type uint32; description "Color"; } leaf liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "True if liveness detection is enabled for the policy"; } list candidate-path { description "List of candidate-paths"; container liveness-detection-info { description "Information of liveness detection session state"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container liveness-detection-info leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } list segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container liveness-detection-info { description "Information of liveness detection session state"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container liveness-detection-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-path { description "List of atomic paths"; container liveness-detection-info { description "Information of liveness detection session state"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container liveness-detection-info list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels"; } } // list label } // list atomic-path } // list segment-list } // list candidate-path } // list pm-sr-policy-last-liveness-detection-verbose } // container pm-sr-policy-last-liveness-detection-verboses container pm-sr-policy-liveness-session-state-histories { description "Table of liveness session state history"; list pm-sr-policy-liveness-session-state-history { key "sr-policy-name"; description "Liveness session state history information"; leaf sr-policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "SR Policy name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address leaf color { type uint32; description "Color"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-paths-history { description "List of candidate-paths"; container history-info { description "History info of the candidate-path"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } list segment-lists-history { description "List of segment-lists"; container history-info { description "History info of the segment-list"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list atomic-paths-history { description "List of atomic paths"; container history-info { description "History info of the atomic path "; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address } // list atomic-paths-history } // list segment-lists-history } // list candidate-paths-history } // list pm-sr-policy-liveness-session-state-history } // container pm-sr-policy-liveness-session-state-histories } // container sr-policy-liveness container sr-policy-counters { description "Table of SR Policies counters info"; list sr-policy-counter { key "policy-name"; description "SR Policy counter information"; leaf policy-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Policy name"; } leaf policy-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the SR Policy"; } list candidate-counter { description "List of candidate path counters"; container counters { description "Candidate-path counters"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container counters leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference of the candidate-path"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator of the candidate-path"; } list segment-list-counter { description "List of counters for segment-lists in this candidate-path"; container counters { description "Segment-list counters"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container counters leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list segment-list-counter } // list candidate-counter } // list sr-policy-counter } // container sr-policy-counters } // container sr-policies container rsvpte-tunnels { description "RSVP-TE tunnels"; container rsvpte-counters { description "Table of RSVP-TE tunnel counters info"; list rsvpte-counter { key "tunnel-name"; description "RSVP-TE counter information"; leaf tunnel-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Tunnel name"; } leaf tunnel-name-xr { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } list rsvptelsp-delay-counter { description "List of LSPs"; container counters { description "LSP counters"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container counters leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } } // list rsvptelsp-delay-counter } // list rsvpte-counter } // container rsvpte-counters container rsvpte-details { description "Table of RSVP-TE tunnels detail info"; list rsvpte-detail { key "tunnel-name"; description "RSVP-TE information"; leaf tunnel-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Tunnel name"; } leaf tunnel-name-xr { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Ifhandle of the tunnel"; } leaf tunnel-destination-ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address destination of the tunnel"; } list rsvptelsp-delay-session { description "RSVP-TE LSP delay-measurement sessions"; container last-probe-results { description "Last probe results of LSP"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container last-probe-results container current-probe { description "Information for the current probe of the LSP"; container probe-results { description "Summarized results of the current probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-results leaf probe-start-time-stamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp in milliseconds of the current probe start (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf next-probe-start-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next probe starts"; } leaf next-packet-sent-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next packet is sent"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Burst interval (in milliseconds)"; } leaf burst-interval-is-stretched { type boolean; description "True if the burst interval has been stretched for packet rate-limiting"; } leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the current probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the current probe"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } } // container current-probe container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the RSVP-TE LSP"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Next advertisement information of the RSVP-TE LSP"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the RSVP-TE LSP"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the RSVP-TE LSP"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container responder-address { description "Address of the Responder"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container responder-address leaf session-id { type uint32; description "Session ID of the LSP"; } leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } leaf lsp-source-ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "LSP Source IPv4 Address"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-in-sec { type uint32; units "second"; description "Interval of periodic advertisement in seconds"; } leaf query-number-of-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops traversed by the query packet"; } list probe-history { description "Current probe history of the LSP"; leaf measurement-value { type uint64; description "Measurement value (nsec)"; } leaf query-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp when the measurement was taken (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list probe-history } // list rsvptelsp-delay-session } // list rsvpte-detail } // container rsvpte-details container rsvpte-delay { description "RSVP-TE tunnel delay-measurement information"; container rsvpte-last-advertisements { description "Table of last advertisement metrics"; list rsvpte-last-advertisement { key "tunnel-name"; description "Last advertisement metrics information"; leaf tunnel-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Tunnel name"; } leaf tunnel-name-xr { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } list lsp { description "List of LSPs"; container metrics { description "LSP metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list lsp } // list rsvpte-last-advertisement } // container rsvpte-last-advertisements container rsvpte-last-aggregations { description "Table of last probe aggregation"; list rsvpte-last-aggregation { key "tunnel-name"; description "Last probe aggregation information"; leaf tunnel-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "SR Policy name"; } leaf tunnel-name-xr { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } list lsp { description "List of LSPs"; container metrics { description "LSP metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list lsp } // list rsvpte-last-aggregation } // container rsvpte-last-aggregations container rsvpte-aggregation-histories { description "Table of aggregation history"; list rsvpte-aggregation-history { key "tunnel-name"; description "Aggregation history information"; leaf tunnel-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Tunnel name"; } leaf tunnel-name-xr { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } list lsp { description "List of LSPs"; container history-union { description "History info of the RSVP-TE LSP"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-union leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } } // list lsp } // list rsvpte-aggregation-history } // container rsvpte-aggregation-histories container rsvpte-last-probes { description "Table of last probe metrics"; list rsvpte-last-probe { key "tunnel-name"; description "Last probe information"; leaf tunnel-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Tunnel name"; } leaf tunnel-name-xr { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } list lsp { description "List of LSPs"; container metrics { description "LSP metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list lsp } // list rsvpte-last-probe } // container rsvpte-last-probes container rsvpte-advertisement-histories { description "Table of advertisement history for the RSVP-TE LSP"; list rsvpte-advertisement-history { key "tunnel-name"; description "Advertisement history information for the RSVP-TE LSP"; leaf tunnel-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Tunnel name"; } leaf tunnel-name-xr { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } list lsp { description "List of LSPs"; container history-union { description "History info of the RSVP-TE LSP"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-union leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } } // list lsp } // list rsvpte-advertisement-history } // container rsvpte-advertisement-histories container rsvpte-probe-computation-histories { description "Table of probe computation history"; list rsvpte-probe-computation-history { key "tunnel-name"; description "Probe computation history information"; leaf tunnel-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Tunnel name"; } leaf tunnel-name-xr { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } list lsp { description "List of LSPs"; container history-union { description "History info of the RSVP-TE LSP"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-union leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } } // list lsp } // list rsvpte-probe-computation-history } // container rsvpte-probe-computation-histories } // container rsvpte-delay } // container rsvpte-tunnels container local-capability-info { description "Capability information for the local hardware"; container performance-measurement-capability-info { description "PM capability info"; container netio-capability-info { description "Capability information for NETIO"; leaf netio-max-supported-inject-pps-limit { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second limit for NETIO inject"; } leaf netio-min-supported-inject-interval { type uint32; description "Interval in msec supported for NETIO inject"; } } // container netio-capability-info container spio-capability-info { description "Capability information for SPIO"; leaf spio-max-supported-inject-pps-limit { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second limit for SPIO inject"; } leaf spio-min-supported-inject-interval { type uint32; description "Interval in msec supported for SPIO inject"; } } // container spio-capability-info container pd-dll-capability-info { description "Capability information for PD-DLL"; leaf pd-dll-max-supported-inject-pps-limit { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second limit for PD-DLL inject"; } leaf pd-dll-min-supported-inject-interval { type uint32; description "Interval in msec supported for PD-DLL inject"; } } // container pd-dll-capability-info container hardware-offload-capability-info { description "Capability information for Hardware offload"; leaf hardware-offload-npu-count { type uint32; description "Number of NPU available for Hardware Offload"; } leaf hardware-offload-max-supported-inject-pps-limit-per-npu { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second limit for Hardware Offload inject per NPU"; } leaf hardware-offload-min-supported-inject-interval-per-npu { type uint32; description "Interval in msec supported for Hardware Offload per NPU"; } leaf hardware-offload-maxupported-session-number-per-npu { type uint32; description "Max number of sessions supported for Hardware Offload per NPU"; } } // container hardware-offload-capability-info leaf netio-supported { type boolean; description "True if NETIO is supported on this location for Performance-measurement"; } leaf spio-supported { type boolean; description "True if SPIO is supported on this location for Performance-measurement"; } leaf pd-dll-supported { type boolean; description "True if PD-DLL is supported on this location for Performance-measurement"; } leaf hardware-offload-supported { type boolean; description "True if Hardware Offload is supported on this location for Performance-measurement"; } leaf remote-punt-supportec { type boolean; description "True if packet remote punt is supported on this location for Performance-measurement"; } leaf linecard-distribution-supported { type boolean; description "True if linecard distribution is supported on this location"; } } // container performance-measurement-capability-info leaf performance-measurement-supported { type boolean; description "True if performance-measurement is supported on this location"; } } // container local-capability-info container endpoints { description "Endpoints"; container endpoint-liveness { description "Endpoint Liveness-Detection information"; container endpoint-last-liveness-detection-verboses { description "Table of last liveness detection information"; list endpoint-last-liveness-detection-verbose { key "endpoint-name"; description "Last liveness verbose information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address container end-point-session-source-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point session source address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-session-source-address leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the endpoint session"; } leaf vrf-name { type string; description "Name of the VRF"; } list ep-consolidated-liveness { description "Consolidated liveness details of this endpoint"; leaf ep-live-profile-name { type string; description "Endpoint liveness-detection profile name"; } list ep-liveness-segment-list { description "List of liveness segment-lists in the endpoint"; container ep-liveness-info { description "Information of endpoint liveness detection session"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container ep-liveness-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Name of the segment-list"; } leaf session-id { type uint32; description "ID of the session"; } leaf liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "Liveness detection is enabled"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list ep-liveness-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-liveness } // list endpoint-last-liveness-detection-verbose } // container endpoint-last-liveness-detection-verboses } // container endpoint-liveness container endpoint-delay { description "Endpoint Delay-measurement information"; container endpoint-last-probe-verboses { description "Table of last probe metrics verbose"; list endpoint-last-probe-verbose { key "endpoint-name"; description "Last probe verbose information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the Endpoint"; } list ep-consolidated-metric { description "List of Consolidated Metrics of all segment lists"; list ep-segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list ep-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-metric } // list endpoint-last-probe-verbose } // container endpoint-last-probe-verboses container endpoint-probe-computation-histories { description "Table of probe computation history"; list endpoint-probe-computation-history { key "endpoint-name"; description "Probe computation history information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address container end-point-session-source-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point session source address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-session-source-address leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the endpoint session"; } leaf vrf-name { type string; description "Name of the VRF"; } leaf ep-liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "True if liveness detection is enabled for the endpoint"; } list ep-segment-lists-history { description "List of segment-lists"; container history-info { description "History info of the segment-list"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } } // list ep-segment-lists-history } // list endpoint-probe-computation-history } // container endpoint-probe-computation-histories container endpoint-last-advertisements { description "Table of last advertisement metrics"; list endpoint-last-advertisement { key "endpoint-name"; description "Last advertisement metrics information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the Endpoint"; } list ep-consolidated-metric { description "List of Consolidated Metrics of all segment lists"; list ep-segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list ep-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-metric } // list endpoint-last-advertisement } // container endpoint-last-advertisements container endpoint-last-probes { description "Table of last probe metrics"; list endpoint-last-probe { key "endpoint-name"; description "Last probe information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the Endpoint"; } list ep-consolidated-metric { description "List of Consolidated Metrics of all segment lists"; list ep-segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list ep-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-metric } // list endpoint-last-probe } // container endpoint-last-probes container endpoint-last-aggregations { description "Table of Endpoint last aggregation"; list endpoint-last-aggregation { key "endpoint-name"; description "Last aggregation information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the Endpoint"; } list ep-consolidated-metric { description "List of Consolidated Metrics of all segment lists"; list ep-segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list ep-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-metric } // list endpoint-last-aggregation } // container endpoint-last-aggregations container endpoint-last-advertisement-verboses { description "Table of last advertisement verbose information"; list endpoint-last-advertisement-verbose { key "endpoint-name"; description "Last advertisement verbose metrics information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the Endpoint"; } list ep-consolidated-metric { description "List of Consolidated Metrics of all segment lists"; list ep-segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list ep-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-metric } // list endpoint-last-advertisement-verbose } // container endpoint-last-advertisement-verboses container endpoint-last-aggregationverboses { description "Table of last probe aggregation verbose"; list endpoint-last-aggregationverbose { key "endpoint-name"; description "Last probe aggregation verbose information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the Endpoint"; } list ep-consolidated-metric { description "List of Consolidated Metrics of all segment lists"; list ep-segment-list { description "List of segment-lists"; container metrics { description "Segment-list metrics"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container metrics leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time when the metrics were computed (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list ep-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-metric } // list endpoint-last-aggregationverbose } // container endpoint-last-aggregationverboses container endpoint-aggregation-histories { description "Table of aggregation history"; list endpoint-aggregation-history { key "endpoint-name"; description "Aggregation history information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address container end-point-session-source-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point session source address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-session-source-address leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the endpoint session"; } leaf vrf-name { type string; description "Name of the VRF"; } leaf ep-liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "True if liveness detection is enabled for the endpoint"; } list ep-segment-lists-history { description "List of segment-lists"; container history-info { description "History info of the segment-list"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } } // list ep-segment-lists-history } // list endpoint-aggregation-history } // container endpoint-aggregation-histories container endpoint-advertisement-histories { description "Table of advertisement history"; list endpoint-advertisement-history { key "endpoint-name"; description "Advertisement history information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address container end-point-session-source-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point session source address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-session-source-address leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the endpoint session"; } leaf vrf-name { type string; description "Name of the VRF"; } leaf ep-liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "True if liveness detection is enabled for the endpoint"; } list ep-segment-lists-history { description "List of segment-lists"; container history-info { description "History info of the segment-list"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } } // list ep-segment-lists-history } // list endpoint-advertisement-history } // container endpoint-advertisement-histories } // container endpoint-delay container endpoint-counters { description "Table of Endpoint counters info"; list endpoint-counter { key "endpoint-name"; description "Endpoint counter information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the endpoint session"; } list consolidated-counters-data { description "List of consolidated data counters"; list segment-list-counter { description "List of counters for segment-lists in this consolidated data"; container counters { description "Segment-list counters"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container counters leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name, not set if path is dynamic"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list segment-list-counter } // list consolidated-counters-data } // list endpoint-counter } // container endpoint-counters container endpoint-commons { description "Table of Endpoint common info"; list endpoint-common { key "endpoint-name"; description "Endpoint information"; leaf endpoint-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the endpoint session"; } list endpoint-delay { description "List of Endpoint delay measurement"; container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address container end-point-session-source-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point session source address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-session-source-address leaf endpoint-name { type string; description "Name of the endpoint session"; } leaf vrf-name { type string; description "Name of the VRF"; } leaf description { type string; description "Endpoint Description"; } list ep-consolidated-detail { description "Consolidated Details to hold all segment lists of this endpoint"; leaf ep-cons-profile-name { type string; description "Endpoint delay-measurement profile name"; } list ep-segment-list { description "List of segment-lists in the endpoint"; leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Name of the segment-list"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment list delay-measurement-session { description "List of all the Delay-measurement sessions of this segment-list"; container current-probe { description "Information for the current probe"; container probe-results { description "Summarized results of the current probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-results leaf probe-start-time-stamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp in milliseconds of the current probe start (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf next-probe-start-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next probe starts"; } leaf next-packet-sent-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next packet is sent"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Burst interval (in milliseconds)"; } leaf burst-interval-is-stretched { type boolean; description "True if the burst interval has been stretched for packet rate-limiting"; } leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the current probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the current probe"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } } // container current-probe container session-counters { description "Counters info for the session"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container session-counters container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the session"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Next advertisement information of the session"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the session"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the session"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container responder-address { description "Address of the Responder"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container responder-address leaf session-id { type uint32; description "ID of the session"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport Type of the session"; } leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "Measurement Type of the session"; } leaf profile-name { type string; description "Interface delay-measurement profile name"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-in-sec { type uint32; units "second"; description "Interval of periodic advertisement in seconds"; } leaf query-number-of-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops traversed by the query packet"; } list probe-history { description "Current probe history"; leaf measurement-value { type uint64; description "Measurement value (nsec)"; } leaf query-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp when the measurement was taken (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list probe-history } // list delay-measurement-session } // list ep-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-detail } // list endpoint-delay list endpoint-liveness { description "List of Endpoint liveness"; container end-point-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address container end-point-session-source-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 End point session source address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-session-source-address leaf endpoint-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the endpoint session"; } leaf vrf-name { type string; description "Name of the VRF"; } list ep-consolidated-liveness { description "Consolidated liveness details of this endpoint"; leaf ep-live-profile-name { type string; description "Endpoint liveness-detection profile name"; } list ep-liveness-segment-list { description "List of liveness segment-lists in the endpoint"; container ep-liveness-info { description "Information of endpoint liveness detection session"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container ep-liveness-info leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Name of the segment-list"; } leaf session-id { type uint32; description "ID of the session"; } leaf liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "Liveness detection is enabled"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } list segment { description "List of segments"; container ip-address { description "Segment IP address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container ip-address leaf mpls-label { type uint32; description "Segment mpls label"; } } // list segment } // list ep-liveness-segment-list } // list ep-consolidated-liveness } // list endpoint-liveness } // list endpoint-common } // container endpoint-commons } // container endpoints container sessions { description "Table of sessions"; list session { key "session-id"; description "Session information"; leaf session-id { type uint32; description "Session ID"; } container session { description "Session union"; container interface-session { when "../type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../type = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Interface session"; container next-hop { description "Nexthop address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container next-hop container session { description "Interface session"; container current-probe { description "Information for the current probe"; container probe-results { description "Summarized results of the current probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-results leaf probe-start-time-stamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp in milliseconds of the current probe start (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf next-probe-start-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next probe starts"; } leaf next-packet-sent-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next packet is sent"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Burst interval (in milliseconds)"; } leaf burst-interval-is-stretched { type boolean; description "True if the burst interval has been stretched for packet rate-limiting"; } leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the current probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the current probe"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } } // container current-probe container session-counters { description "Counters info for the session"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container session-counters container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the session"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Next advertisement information of the session"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the session"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the session"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container responder-address { description "Address of the Responder"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container responder-address leaf session-id { type uint32; description "ID of the session"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport Type of the session"; } leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "Measurement Type of the session"; } leaf profile-name { type string; description "Interface delay-measurement profile name"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-in-sec { type uint32; units "second"; description "Interval of periodic advertisement in seconds"; } leaf query-number-of-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops traversed by the query packet"; } list probe-history { description "Current probe history"; leaf measurement-value { type uint64; description "Measurement value (nsec)"; } leaf query-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp when the measurement was taken (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list probe-history } // container session leaf interface-name { type string; description "Interface name"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Interface handle"; } } // container interface-session container rsvpte-tunnel-session { when "../type = 'rsvp-te-transport-type'" { description "../type = 'RSVP_TETransportType'"; } description "RSVP-TE tunnel session"; container lsp-session { description "RSVP-TE LSP session"; container last-probe-results { description "Last probe results of LSP"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container last-probe-results container current-probe { description "Information for the current probe of the LSP"; container probe-results { description "Summarized results of the current probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-results leaf probe-start-time-stamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp in milliseconds of the current probe start (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf next-probe-start-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next probe starts"; } leaf next-packet-sent-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next packet is sent"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Burst interval (in milliseconds)"; } leaf burst-interval-is-stretched { type boolean; description "True if the burst interval has been stretched for packet rate-limiting"; } leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the current probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the current probe"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } } // container current-probe container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the RSVP-TE LSP"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Next advertisement information of the RSVP-TE LSP"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the RSVP-TE LSP"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the RSVP-TE LSP"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container responder-address { description "Address of the Responder"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container responder-address leaf session-id { type uint32; description "Session ID of the LSP"; } leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } leaf lsp-source-ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "LSP Source IPv4 Address"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-in-sec { type uint32; units "second"; description "Interval of periodic advertisement in seconds"; } leaf query-number-of-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops traversed by the query packet"; } list probe-history { description "Current probe history of the LSP"; leaf measurement-value { type uint64; description "Measurement value (nsec)"; } leaf query-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp when the measurement was taken (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list probe-history } // container lsp-session leaf tunnel-name { type string; description "RSVP-TE tunnel name"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Interface handle"; } } // container rsvpte-tunnel-session container sr-policy-session { when "../type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../type = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "SR Policy session"; container end-point-address { description "End point address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-address container atomic-path { description "SR Policy atomic path session"; container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the atomic path"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Current advertisement information of the atomic path"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container current-probe-results { description "Current probe results of the atomic path"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container current-probe-results container last-probe-results { description "Last probe results of the atomic path"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the probe"; } } // container last-probe-results container liveness-detection-info { description "Information for liveness detection"; leaf session-is-up { type boolean; description "Liveness session state"; } leaf miss-count { type uint32; description "Number of continuously missed probe packets"; } leaf last-session-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp of the last liveness session state change"; } } // container liveness-detection-info container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the atomic path"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the atomic path"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container responder-address { description "Address of the Responder"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container responder-address leaf outgoing-interface { type uint32; description "Outgoing interface of the atomic path"; } leaf session-id { type uint32; description "Session ID of the atomic path"; } leaf liveness-detection-enabled { type boolean; description "Liveness detection is enabled"; } leaf query-number-of-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops traversed by the query packet"; } list hop-address { description "Hop addresses list"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // list hop-address list label { description "MPLS labels of the atomic path"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "MPLS labels of the atomic path"; } } // list label list current-probe-history { description "Current probe history of the atomic path"; leaf measurement-value { type uint64; description "Measurement value (nsec)"; } leaf query-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp when the measurement was taken (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list current-probe-history } // container atomic-path leaf color { type uint32; description "Color"; } leaf policy-name { type string; description "Policy name"; } leaf instance { type uint32; description "Session instance"; } leaf preference { type uint32; description "Preference"; } leaf origin { type Pm-xtc-srpolicy-origin; description "Protocol origin"; } leaf discriminator { type uint32; description "Discriminator"; } leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name"; } } // container sr-policy-session container endpoint-session { when "../type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../type = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Endpoint session"; container end-point-dest-address { description "Endpoint destination address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-dest-address container end-point-src-address { description "Endpoint source address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container end-point-src-address container session { description "Endpoint session"; container current-probe { description "Information for the current probe"; container probe-results { description "Summarized results of the current probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-results leaf probe-start-time-stamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp in milliseconds of the current probe start (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf next-probe-start-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next probe starts"; } leaf next-packet-sent-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next packet is sent"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Burst interval (in milliseconds)"; } leaf burst-interval-is-stretched { type boolean; description "True if the burst interval has been stretched for packet rate-limiting"; } leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the current probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the current probe"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } } // container current-probe container session-counters { description "Counters info for the session"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container session-counters container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the session"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Next advertisement information of the session"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the session"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the session"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container responder-address { description "Address of the Responder"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container responder-address leaf session-id { type uint32; description "ID of the session"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport Type of the session"; } leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "Measurement Type of the session"; } leaf profile-name { type string; description "Interface delay-measurement profile name"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-in-sec { type uint32; units "second"; description "Interval of periodic advertisement in seconds"; } leaf query-number-of-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops traversed by the query packet"; } list probe-history { description "Current probe history"; leaf measurement-value { type uint64; description "Measurement value (nsec)"; } leaf query-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp when the measurement was taken (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list probe-history } // container session leaf endpoint-name { type string; description "Endpoint name"; } leaf vrf-name { type string; description "VRF name"; } leaf segment-list-name { type string; description "Segment-list name"; } } // container endpoint-session leaf type { type Pm-transport; description "type"; } } // container session leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "Measurement type"; } } // list session } // container sessions container summary { description "Summary information for all the measurement and transportation type on querier"; container delay-summary { description "Summary info of delay measurement"; container endpoint-delay-summary { description "Summary of Endpoint delay measurement"; container delay-session-counters { description "PM delay session counters for a transport type"; leaf total-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of delay measurement sessions enabled"; } leaf total-probe-running-with-error-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running with error delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-ipv4-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running ipv4 delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-ipv6-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running ipv6 delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-mpls-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running mpls delay measurement sessions"; } } // container delay-session-counters container delay-transport-counters { description "PM delay counters for a transport types"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container delay-transport-counters } // container endpoint-delay-summary container interface-delay-summary { description "Summary info of Interface delay measurement"; container delay-session-counters { description "PM delay session counters for a transport type"; leaf total-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of delay measurement sessions enabled"; } leaf total-probe-running-with-error-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running with error delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-ipv4-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running ipv4 delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-ipv6-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running ipv6 delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-mpls-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running mpls delay measurement sessions"; } } // container delay-session-counters container delay-transport-counters { description "PM delay counters for a transport types"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container delay-transport-counters } // container interface-delay-summary container sr-policy-delay-summary { description "Summary of SR Policy delay measurement"; container delay-session-counters { description "PM delay session counters for a transport type"; leaf total-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of delay measurement sessions enabled"; } leaf total-probe-running-with-error-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running with error delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-ipv4-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running ipv4 delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-ipv6-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running ipv6 delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-mpls-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running mpls delay measurement sessions"; } } // container delay-session-counters container delay-transport-counters { description "PM delay counters for a transport types"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container delay-transport-counters } // container sr-policy-delay-summary container rsvp-te-delay-summary { description "Summary of RSVP-TE delay measurement"; container delay-session-counters { description "PM delay session counters for a transport type"; leaf total-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of delay measurement sessions enabled"; } leaf total-probe-running-with-error-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running with error delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-ipv4-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running ipv4 delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-ipv6-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running ipv6 delay measurement sessions"; } leaf total-probe-running-mpls-delay-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of running mpls delay measurement sessions"; } } // container delay-session-counters container delay-transport-counters { description "PM delay counters for a transport types"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container delay-transport-counters } // container rsvp-te-delay-summary container delay-global-counters { description "Global counters for PM delay measurement"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-invalid-session-id { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by invalid session ID"; } leaf received-packet-error-no-session { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by no session"; } } // container delay-global-counters } // container delay-summary container loss-summary { description "Loss summary"; container interface-loss-summary { description "Interface loss summary"; container loss-transport-counters { description "TODO: PM loss counters for a transport types"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container loss-transport-counters leaf total-loss-sessions { type uint32; description "Number of loss measurement sessions enabled"; } } // container interface-loss-summary container delay-global-counters { description "PM delay global counters"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-invalid-session-id { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by invalid session ID"; } leaf received-packet-error-no-session { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by no session"; } } // container delay-global-counters } // container loss-summary leaf total-endpoints { type uint32; description "Number of endpoints"; } leaf total-interfaces { type uint32; description "Number of interfaces"; } leaf total-sr-policies { type uint32; description "Number of SR Policies"; } leaf total-rsvp-te-tunnels { type uint32; description "Number of RSVP-TE tunnels"; } } // container summary container interfaces { description "Physical and bundle interfaces"; container interface-details { description "Interface detailed table"; list interface-detail { key "interface-name"; description "Detailed interface information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface name"; } container in-use-source-ip-address { description "Source IP address used for PM probe packet"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container in-use-source-ip-address container in-use-destination-ip-address { description "Destination IP address used for PM probe packet"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container in-use-destination-ip-address container next-hop { description "Nexthop address of the interface"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container next-hop container loss-measurement-session { description "Loss-measurement session"; container probe-window { description "Probe window loss"; leaf last-tx-packet-counter { type uint64; description "Last TX packet counter"; } leaf last-rx-packet-counter { type uint64; description "Last RX packet counter"; } leaf current-packet-tx-in-window { type uint64; description "Current packet TX in window"; } leaf current-packet-rx-in-window { type uint64; description "Current packet RX in window"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // container probe-window container periodic-window { description "Periodic window loss"; leaf last-tx-packet-counter { type uint64; description "Last TX packet counter"; } leaf last-rx-packet-counter { type uint64; description "Last RX packet counter"; } leaf current-packet-tx-in-window { type uint64; description "Current packet TX in window"; } leaf current-packet-rx-in-window { type uint64; description "Current packet RX in window"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // container periodic-window container advertisement { description "Loss advertisement"; leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } leaf timestamp-of-advertisement { type uint64; description "Advertisement timestamp"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } } // container advertisement leaf session-id { type uint32; description "Session ID"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average"; } leaf next-probe-start-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next probe starts"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } list interface-loss-sub-session { description "Interface loss-measurement sub-sessions"; container probe-window { description "Probe window loss"; leaf last-tx-packet-counter { type uint64; description "Last TX packet counter"; } leaf last-rx-packet-counter { type uint64; description "Last RX packet counter"; } leaf current-packet-tx-in-window { type uint64; description "Current packet TX in window"; } leaf current-packet-rx-in-window { type uint64; description "Current packet RX in window"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // container probe-window container periodic-window { description "Periodic window loss"; leaf last-tx-packet-counter { type uint64; description "Last TX packet counter"; } leaf last-rx-packet-counter { type uint64; description "Last RX packet counter"; } leaf current-packet-tx-in-window { type uint64; description "Current packet TX in window"; } leaf current-packet-rx-in-window { type uint64; description "Current packet RX in window"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // container periodic-window leaf interface-name { type string; description "Interface name"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Interface handle"; } leaf interface-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if interface state is up"; } leaf session-id { type uint32; description "Session ID"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average"; } } // list interface-loss-sub-session } // container loss-measurement-session leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the interface"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Ifhandle of the interface"; } leaf interface-state { type boolean; description "State of the interface"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address of the interface"; } leaf source-v6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Source IPv6 Address of the interface"; } leaf link-local-iv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Link local IPv6 of the interface"; } leaf source-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "Source Mac address of the interface"; } leaf next-hop-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "Next-hop Mac address of the next-hop IP address"; } leaf primary-vlan-tag { type uint16; description "Primary VLAN Tag of the interface"; } leaf secondary-vlan-tag { type uint16; description "Secondary VLAN Tag of the interface"; } list delay-measurement-session { description "List of all the Delay-measurement sessions of the interface"; container current-probe { description "Information for the current probe"; container probe-results { description "Summarized results of the current probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-results leaf probe-start-time-stamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp in milliseconds of the current probe start (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf next-probe-start-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next probe starts"; } leaf next-packet-sent-time-remaining-in-millisec { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Time in milliseconds until the next packet is sent"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Burst interval (in milliseconds)"; } leaf burst-interval-is-stretched { type boolean; description "True if the burst interval has been stretched for packet rate-limiting"; } leaf number-of-packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of packets sent in the current probe"; } leaf number-of-packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of packets received in the current probe"; } leaf probe-not-running-reason { type Pm-probe-running-error-reason; description "Reason why probe is not running"; } } // container current-probe container session-counters { description "Counters info for the session"; container generic-counters { description "Generic counters for a PM interface instance"; leaf query-packets-sent { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf query-packet-sent-errors { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-ip-address { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no IP address"; } leaf query-packets-received { type uint64; description "Number of received query packets"; } leaf received-packet-error-negative-delay { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving negative delay"; } leaf received-packet-error-delay-exceeds-threshold { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by measured delay is invalid due to exceeding threshold"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-tx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Tx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-missing-rx-timestamp { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by received packet is missing Rx timestamp"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-full { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is full"; } leaf received-packet-error-probe-not-started { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by receiving packet when probe is not started"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-error { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code error from responder"; } leaf received-packet-control-code-notification { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by a control code notification from responder"; } leaf probes-started { type uint64; description "Number of probes started"; } leaf probes-complete { type uint64; description "Number of probes completed"; } leaf probes-incomplete { type uint64; description "Number of probes incomplete"; } leaf advertisement { type uint64; description "Number of advertisements"; } } // container generic-counters container exclusive-counters { description "Exclusive counters for a PM interface instance"; container interface-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'interface-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'InterfaceTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for interface"; leaf query-packet-sent-error-interface-down { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by interface down"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-no-mpls-caps { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by no MPLS caps"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4-down-with-v4-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv4 protocl in down state with configured IPv4 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv6-down-with-v6-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by IPv6 protocl in down state with configured IPv6 next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-ipv4ipv6-down-without-next-hop { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by both IPv4 and IPv6 protocl in down state without configured next hop"; } leaf query-packet-sent-error-next-hop-mac-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by missing next hop MAC"; } } // container interface-exclusive-counters container sr-policy-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for SR Policies"; leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container sr-policy-exclusive-counters container endpoint-exclusive-counters { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Counters exclusive for Endpoint"; leaf query-packets-sent-error-sl-label-missing { type uint64; description "Number of query packets sent error caused by Missing Segment list Labels"; } leaf liveness-detection-missed-count { type uint64; description "Number of missed packets"; } } // container endpoint-exclusive-counters leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container exclusive-counters } // container session-counters container last-advertisement-information { description "Last advertisement information of the session"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement-information container next-advertisement-information { description "Next advertisement information of the session"; container advertisement-interval-values { description "Next advertisement values"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertisement-interval-values leaf advertisement-interval-probes-remaining { type uint32; description "Probes remaining until next periodic advertisement check"; } leaf rolling-average { type uint32; description "Rolling average value (uSec)"; } } // container next-advertisement-information container last-notification-control-code { description "Last notifcation control code received of the session"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-notification-control-code container last-error-control-code { description "Last error control code received of the session"; leaf control-code { type uint8; description "MPLS PM RFC 6374 control code"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Received timestamp of the control code (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-error-control-code container responder-address { description "Address of the Responder"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container responder-address leaf session-id { type uint32; description "ID of the session"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport Type of the session"; } leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "Measurement Type of the session"; } leaf profile-name { type string; description "Interface delay-measurement profile name"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-in-sec { type uint32; units "second"; description "Interval of periodic advertisement in seconds"; } leaf query-number-of-hops { type uint8; description "Number of hops traversed by the query packet"; } list probe-history { description "Current probe history"; leaf measurement-value { type uint64; description "Measurement value (nsec)"; } leaf query-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp when the measurement was taken (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list probe-history } // list delay-measurement-session } // list interface-detail } // container interface-details container interface-delay { description "Delay-measurement information"; container interface-probe-computation-histories { description "Table of probe computation history"; list interface-probe-computation-history { key "interface-name"; description "Probe computation history information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface name"; } container history-info { description "History info of the interface"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the interface"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Ifhandle of the interface"; } } // list interface-probe-computation-history } // container interface-probe-computation-histories container interface-aggregation-histories { description "Table of aggregation history"; list interface-aggregation-history { key "interface-name"; description "Aggregation history information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface name"; } container history-info { description "History info of the interface"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the interface"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Ifhandle of the interface"; } } // list interface-aggregation-history } // container interface-aggregation-histories container interface-advertisement-histories { description "Table of advertisement history information"; list interface-advertisement-history { key "interface-name"; description "Advertisement history information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface name"; } container history-info { description "History info of the interface"; container probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeProbe'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement probe history"; list probe-history { description "List of samples of probe history records"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // list probe-history } // container probe-history container aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAggregated'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement aggregation history"; list aggregated-history { description "List of samples of aggregation history records"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // list aggregated-history } // container aggregated-history container advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of delay-measurement advertisement history"; list advertisement-history { description "List of samples of advertisement history records"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf advertisement-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time advertisement was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } } // list advertisement-history } // container advertisement-history container liveness-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-liveness-state'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLivenessState'"; } description "Info of liveness session history"; list liveness-hisotry { description "List of records of liveness history"; leaf liveness-state-change-timestamp { type uint64; description "Time liveness session state was changed"; } leaf liveness-state-is-up { type boolean; description "True if liveness session is in UP state"; } } // list liveness-hisotry } // container liveness-history container lm-probe-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-probe'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMProbe'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement probe history"; list lm-probe-hisotry { description "LM probe history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this probe interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this probe interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-probe-hisotry } // container lm-probe-history container lm-packet-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-packet'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMPacket'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement packet history"; list lm-packet-hisotry { description "LM packet history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf tx-counter { type uint64; description "TX counter"; } leaf rx-counter { type uint64; description "RX RX counter"; } } // list lm-packet-hisotry } // container lm-packet-history container lm-aggregated-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-aggregated'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAggregated'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement aggregation history"; list lm-aggregated-hisotry { description "LM aggregation history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf num-sent-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been sent in this aggregation interval"; } leaf num-received-packet { type uint64; description "Number of packets been received in this aggregation interval"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-aggregated-hisotry } // container lm-aggregated-history container lm-advertisement-history { when "../history-type = 'history-type-lm-advertisement'" { description "../HistoryType = 'HistoryTypeLMAdvertisement'"; } description "Info of loss-measurement advertisement history"; list lm-advertisement-history { description "LM advertisement history"; leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Timestamp (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Advertisement reason"; } leaf loss-percentage { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Packet loss percentage"; } } // list lm-advertisement-history } // container lm-advertisement-history leaf history-type { type Pm-history; description "HistoryType"; } } // container history-info leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the interface"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Ifhandle of the interface"; } } // list interface-advertisement-history } // container interface-advertisement-histories container interface-last-aggregations { description "Table of last aggregation"; list interface-last-aggregation { key "interface-name"; description "Last aggregation information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface name"; } container last-aggregation { description "Last aggregation interval"; container aggregated-probe-values { description "Summarised results of the aggregated probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container aggregated-probe-values leaf aggregation-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time probe aggregation was done (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } } // container last-aggregation leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface name"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Interface handle"; } } // list interface-last-aggregation } // container interface-last-aggregations container interface-last-probes { description "Table of last probes"; list interface-last-probe { key "interface-name"; description "Last measurement information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface name"; } container last-probe { description "Last probe info for delay measurement"; container probe-values { description "Summarized results of the probe"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container probe-values leaf probe-start-timestamp { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time last probe started (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf packets-sent { type uint32; description "Number of query packets sent"; } leaf packets-received { type uint32; description "Number of query Packets received"; } } // container last-probe } // list interface-last-probe } // container interface-last-probes container interface-last-advertisements { description "Table of last advertisements"; list interface-last-advertisement { key "interface-name"; description "Last advertisement information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface name"; } container last-advertisement { description "Last advertisement info for delay measurement"; container advertised-values { description "Advertised delay information"; leaf average { type uint32; description "Average value (uSec)"; } leaf minimum { type uint32; description "Minimum value (uSec)"; } leaf maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum value (uSec)"; } leaf variance { type uint32; description "Variance value (uSec)"; } } // container advertised-values leaf time-of-advertisement { type uint64; units "millisecond"; description "Time of the advertisement (milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } leaf advertisement-reason { type Pm-advert-reason; description "Reason for advertisement"; } leaf aflag-set { type boolean; description "A flag is set"; } } // container last-advertisement } // list interface-last-advertisement } // container interface-last-advertisements } // container interface-delay } // container interfaces container profile { description "Profile information for all the measurement and transportation type on querier"; container delay-profile { description "Profile info of delay measurement"; container interface-delay-profile { description "Profile of Interface delay measurement"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container interface-delay-profile container sr-policy-delay-profile { description "Profile of SR Policy delay measurement"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container sr-policy-delay-profile container rsvp-te-delay-profile { description "Profile of RSVP-TE delay measurement"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container rsvp-te-delay-profile container endpoint-delay-profile { description "Profile of Endpoint delay measurement"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container endpoint-delay-profile } // container delay-profile container loss-profile { description "Profile info of loss measurement"; container interface-delay-profile { description "Profile info of Interface loss measurement"; leaf probe-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Interval (sec)"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf effective-periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } } // container interface-delay-profile } // container loss-profile container liveness-profile { description "Profile info of liveness detection"; container sr-policy-liveness-profile { description "Profile of SR Policy liveness detection "; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address container liveness-detection-config { description "Liveness detection config"; container sr-policy-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of SR Policy"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-detection container ep-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of Endpoint"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container ep-liveness-detection leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container liveness-detection-config leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure liveness detection with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-profile container endpoint-liveness-profile { description "Profile of Endpoint liveness detection "; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address container liveness-detection-config { description "Liveness detection config"; container sr-policy-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of SR Policy"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-detection container ep-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of Endpoint"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container ep-liveness-detection leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container liveness-detection-config leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure liveness detection with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } } // container endpoint-liveness-profile } // container liveness-profile } // container profile container pps-summary { description "Summary information for PPS on querier"; container pps-pool { description "PPS resource pool"; container single-pps-pool { when "../pps-pool-type = 'single-pps-pool'" { description "../PPSPoolType = 'SinglePPSPool'"; } description "Single PPS pool"; leaf maximum-pps-for-all-session { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Total maximum packets per second allowed for all the sessions"; } leaf total-pps-requested { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Total packets per second requested for all the sessions"; } leaf minimum-pps-budget { type uint32; description "Guaranteed Minimum PPS budget per transport type"; } leaf pps-budget-rebalance-threshold { type uint32; description "PPS budget will be rebalanced when the changed requested PPS crosses this threshold"; } } // container single-pps-pool container multiple-pps-pool { when "../pps-pool-type = 'multiple-pps-pool'" { description "../PPSPoolType = 'MultiplePPSPool'"; } description "Multiple PPS pool"; leaf maximum-pps-for-interface-session { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Total maximum packets per second allowed for Interface sessions"; } leaf total-pps-requested-for-interface-session { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Total packets per second requested for Interface sessions"; } leaf maximum-pps-for-mutihop-session { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Total maximum packets per second allowed for multi-hop delay sessions"; } leaf total-pps-requested-for-mh-session { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Total packets per second requested for multi-hop delay sessions"; } leaf minimum-pps-budget { type uint32; description "Guaranteed Minimum PPS budget per transport type"; } leaf pps-budget-rebalance-threshold { type uint32; description "PPS budget will be rebalanced when the changed requested PPS crosses this threshold"; } } // container multiple-pps-pool leaf pps-pool-type { type Pm-rl-pps-pool; description "PPSPoolType"; } } // container pps-pool container interface-session-info { description "Information for interface performance measurement sessions"; leaf pps-budget { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second resource assigned for this type of session"; } leaf requested-pps { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second requested"; } leaf current-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage current value"; } leaf dampened-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage dampened value"; } leaf inuse-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage inuse value"; } } // container interface-session-info container sr-policy-session-info { description "Information for SR Policy performance measurement sessions"; leaf pps-budget { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second resource assigned for this type of session"; } leaf requested-pps { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second requested"; } leaf current-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage current value"; } leaf dampened-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage dampened value"; } leaf inuse-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage inuse value"; } } // container sr-policy-session-info container rsvp-te-session-info { description "Information for RSVP-TE tunnel performance measurement sessions"; leaf pps-budget { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second resource assigned for this type of session"; } leaf requested-pps { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second requested"; } leaf current-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage current value"; } leaf dampened-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage dampened value"; } leaf inuse-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage inuse value"; } } // container rsvp-te-session-info container endpoint-session-info { description "Information for Endpoint performance measurement sessions"; leaf pps-budget { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second resource assigned for this type of session"; } leaf requested-pps { type uint32; units "packet/s"; description "Packets per second requested"; } leaf current-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage current value"; } leaf dampened-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage dampened value"; } leaf inuse-multi-hop-burst-interval-stretch-factor { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Multi hop session's burst interval stretch factor percentage inuse value"; } } // container endpoint-session-info } // container pps-summary container distribution-records { description "Table of linecard session distribution records"; list distribution-record { key "record-name"; description "linecard session distribution record"; leaf record-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Distribution record name"; } leaf distribution-record-name { type string; description "Name of the distribution record"; } leaf linecard-name { type string; description "Name of the linecard"; } leaf record-creation-timestamp { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time when the distribution record were created (seconds since Jan. 1, 1970)"; } list session { description "List of DR sessions"; leaf distribution-record-name { type string; description "Name of the distribution record"; } leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } leaf delay-notification-received { type boolean; description "True if the delay notification message was received"; } leaf liveness-notification-received { type boolean; description "True if the liveness notification message was received"; } } // list session } // list distribution-record } // container distribution-records container name-profile { description "Profile Name"; container delay-profile-rsvptes { description "RSVP-TE profile name table"; list delay-profile-rsvpte { key "profile-name"; description "RSVP-TE delay profile name"; leaf profile-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Profile name"; } container profile { description "Profile bag"; container delay { when "../measurement-type = 'delay-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'DelayMeasurementType'"; } description "Delay-Measurement name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container delay container loss { when "../measurement-type = 'loss-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LossMeasurementType'"; } description "Loss-Measurement name profile bag"; leaf probe-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Interval (sec)"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf effective-periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } } // container loss container liveness { when "../measurement-type = 'liveness-detection-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LivenessDetectionType'"; } description "Liveness-detection name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address container liveness-detection-config { description "Liveness detection config"; container sr-policy-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of SR Policy"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-detection container ep-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of Endpoint"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container ep-liveness-detection leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container liveness-detection-config leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure liveness detection with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } } // container liveness leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "MeasurementType"; } } // container profile leaf name { type string; description "Profile name"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport type"; } } // list delay-profile-rsvpte } // container delay-profile-rsvptes container delay-profile-endpoints { description "Endpoint profile name table"; list delay-profile-endpoint { key "profile-name"; description "Endpoint delay profile name"; leaf profile-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Profile name"; } container profile { description "Profile bag"; container delay { when "../measurement-type = 'delay-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'DelayMeasurementType'"; } description "Delay-Measurement name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container delay container loss { when "../measurement-type = 'loss-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LossMeasurementType'"; } description "Loss-Measurement name profile bag"; leaf probe-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Interval (sec)"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf effective-periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } } // container loss container liveness { when "../measurement-type = 'liveness-detection-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LivenessDetectionType'"; } description "Liveness-detection name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address container liveness-detection-config { description "Liveness detection config"; container sr-policy-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of SR Policy"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-detection container ep-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of Endpoint"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container ep-liveness-detection leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container liveness-detection-config leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure liveness detection with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } } // container liveness leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "MeasurementType"; } } // container profile leaf name { type string; description "Profile name"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport type"; } } // list delay-profile-endpoint } // container delay-profile-endpoints container liveness-profile-endpoints { description "Endpoint liveness profile name table"; list liveness-profile-endpoint { key "profile-name"; description "Endpoint liveness profile name"; leaf profile-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Profile name"; } container profile { description "Profile bag"; container delay { when "../measurement-type = 'delay-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'DelayMeasurementType'"; } description "Delay-Measurement name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container delay container loss { when "../measurement-type = 'loss-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LossMeasurementType'"; } description "Loss-Measurement name profile bag"; leaf probe-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Interval (sec)"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf effective-periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } } // container loss container liveness { when "../measurement-type = 'liveness-detection-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LivenessDetectionType'"; } description "Liveness-detection name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address container liveness-detection-config { description "Liveness detection config"; container sr-policy-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of SR Policy"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-detection container ep-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of Endpoint"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container ep-liveness-detection leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container liveness-detection-config leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure liveness detection with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } } // container liveness leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "MeasurementType"; } } // container profile leaf name { type string; description "Profile name"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport type"; } } // list liveness-profile-endpoint } // container liveness-profile-endpoints container delay-profile-sr-policies { description "SR Policy profile name table"; list delay-profile-sr-policy { key "profile-name"; description "SR Policy delay profile name"; leaf profile-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Profile name"; } container profile { description "Profile bag"; container delay { when "../measurement-type = 'delay-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'DelayMeasurementType'"; } description "Delay-Measurement name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container delay container loss { when "../measurement-type = 'loss-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LossMeasurementType'"; } description "Loss-Measurement name profile bag"; leaf probe-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Interval (sec)"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf effective-periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } } // container loss container liveness { when "../measurement-type = 'liveness-detection-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LivenessDetectionType'"; } description "Liveness-detection name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address container liveness-detection-config { description "Liveness detection config"; container sr-policy-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of SR Policy"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-detection container ep-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of Endpoint"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container ep-liveness-detection leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container liveness-detection-config leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure liveness detection with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } } // container liveness leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "MeasurementType"; } } // container profile leaf name { type string; description "Profile name"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport type"; } } // list delay-profile-sr-policy } // container delay-profile-sr-policies container delay-profile-interfaces { description "Interface profile name table"; list delay-profile-interface { key "profile-name"; description "Interface delay profile name"; leaf profile-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Profile name"; } container profile { description "Profile bag"; container delay { when "../measurement-type = 'delay-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'DelayMeasurementType'"; } description "Delay-Measurement name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container delay container loss { when "../measurement-type = 'loss-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LossMeasurementType'"; } description "Loss-Measurement name profile bag"; leaf probe-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Interval (sec)"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf effective-periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } } // container loss container liveness { when "../measurement-type = 'liveness-detection-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LivenessDetectionType'"; } description "Liveness-detection name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address container liveness-detection-config { description "Liveness detection config"; container sr-policy-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of SR Policy"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-detection container ep-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of Endpoint"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container ep-liveness-detection leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container liveness-detection-config leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure liveness detection with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } } // container liveness leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "MeasurementType"; } } // container profile leaf name { type string; description "Profile name"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport type"; } } // list delay-profile-interface } // container delay-profile-interfaces container liveness-profile-sr-policies { description "SR Policy profile name table"; list liveness-profile-sr-policy { key "profile-name"; description "SR Policy liveness profile name"; leaf profile-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Profile name"; } container profile { description "Profile bag"; container delay { when "../measurement-type = 'delay-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'DelayMeasurementType'"; } description "Delay-Measurement name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address leaf probe-computation-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf probe-computation-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Probe Computation Interval (sec)"; } leaf tos-traffic-class-value { type uint8; description "TOS Traffic Class value specified for protocol PM-MPLS"; } leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-count { type uint32; description "Number of burst in one probe"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf router-alert { type boolean; description "IP router alert option"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure the delay with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf advertisement-logging-delay-exceeded-enabled { type boolean; description "Enable emitting syslog when delay exceeds threshold"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-average-delay { type boolean; description "Check Average-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-minimum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Minimum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf advertisement-threshold-check-maximum-delay { type boolean; description "Check Maximum-delay For Advertisement Threshold Crossing"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-upper-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Upper Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-lower-bound { type uint32; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Lower Bound (uSec)"; } leaf anomaly-check-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Anomaly Check Enabled"; } } // container delay container loss { when "../measurement-type = 'loss-measurement-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LossMeasurementType'"; } description "Loss-Measurement name profile bag"; leaf probe-interval { type uint32; description "Probe Interval (sec)"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Periodic Enabled"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Interval (sec)"; } leaf effective-periodic-advertisement-interval { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Effective (sec)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Threshold (%)"; } leaf periodic-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Periodic Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-threshold { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Threshold (%)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-minimum-change { type uint32; description "Advertisement Accelerated Minimum Change (uSec)"; } leaf accelerated-advertisement-enabled { type boolean; description "Advertisement Accelerated Enabled"; } } // container loss container liveness { when "../measurement-type = 'liveness-detection-type'" { description "../MeasurementType = 'LivenessDetectionType'"; } description "Liveness-detection name profile bag"; container destination-sweeping-address { description "IPv4/IPv6 sweeping address"; leaf ip-address-type { type Pm-addr; description "IPAddressType"; } leaf ipv4 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type Pm-ipv4-addr; description "IPv4 address type"; } leaf ipv6 { when "../ip-address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../IPAddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Pm-ipv6-addr; description "IPv6 address type"; } } // container destination-sweeping-address container liveness-detection-config { description "Liveness detection config"; container sr-policy-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'sr-policy-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'SRPolicyTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of SR Policy"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container sr-policy-liveness-detection container ep-liveness-detection { when "../transport-type = 'endpoiont-transport-type'" { description "../TransportType = 'EndpoiontTransportType'"; } description "Liveness detection info of Endpoint"; leaf multiplier { type uint8; description "Detect multiplier"; } leaf logging-state-change-enabled { type boolean; description "Emit syslog when the state of the session changes"; } } // container ep-liveness-detection leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "TransportType"; } } // container liveness-detection-config leaf tos-dscp-value { type uint8; description "TOS DSCP value specified for protocol TWAMP-LIGHT"; } leaf burst-interval { type uint32; description "Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf burst-interval-effective { type uint32; description "Effective Burst Interval (msec)"; } leaf delay-measurement-mode { type Pm-delay-mode; description "Delay Measurement Mode Type"; } leaf payload-type { type Pm-payload; description "Type of the probe packet payload"; } leaf encap-mode { type Pm-encap-mode; description "Encap Mode"; } leaf destination-sweeping-mode-enabled { type boolean; description "Measure liveness detection with ECMP hashing by sweeping destination address"; } leaf destination-sweeping-range { type uint32; description "Number of IP addresses to sweep"; } } // container liveness leaf measurement-type { type Pm-measurement; description "MeasurementType"; } } // container profile leaf name { type string; description "Profile name"; } leaf transport-type { type Pm-transport; description "Transport type"; } } // list liveness-profile-sr-policy } // container liveness-profile-sr-policies } // container name-profile leaf node { type xr:Node-id; description "Node"; } } // list node } // container nodes } // container performance-measurement container performance-measurement-responder { config false; description "Performance Measurement operational data"; container nodes { description "Node table for node-specific operational data"; list node { key "node"; description "Node-specific data for a particular node"; container summary { description "Summary information for all the measurement and transportation type on responder"; container responder-counters { description "Global counters of responder"; leaf reply-packet-sent { type uint64; description "Number of response packets sent"; } leaf reply-packet-sent-error { type uint64; description "Number of response packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-received { type uint64; description "Number of response packets received"; } leaf received-packet-error-uro-tlv-not-present { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by URO TLV not present"; } leaf received-packet-error-invalid-source-port-number { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by source port number is invaid"; } leaf received-packet-error-no-source-address { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by no source address"; } leaf received-packet-error-no-return-path { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by no return path"; } leaf received-packet-error-invalid-querier-control-code { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by querier control code is invalid"; } leaf received-packet-error-unsupported-timestamp-format { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by timestamp format in the packet is not supported"; } leaf received-packet-error-timestamp-not-available { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by timestamp in received packet is not available"; } leaf received-packet-error-unsupported-mandatory-tlv { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by unsupported mandatory TLV"; } leaf received-packet-error-invalid-packet { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by invalid packet"; } } // container responder-counters leaf total-interfaces { type uint32; description "Number of interfaces in the responder cache"; } leaf packet-rate { type uint32; description "Global incoming packet rate"; } leaf packet-rate-high-water-mark { type uint32; description "Global incoming packet rate high water mark"; } } // container summary container interfaces { description "Table of interfaces"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Interface information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface name"; } container interface-counters { description "Per interface responder counters"; leaf reply-packet-sent { type uint64; description "Number of response packets sent"; } leaf reply-packet-sent-error { type uint64; description "Number of response packets sent error"; } leaf query-packet-received { type uint64; description "Number of response packets received"; } leaf received-packet-error-uro-tlv-not-present { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by URO TLV not present"; } leaf received-packet-error-invalid-source-port-number { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by source port number is invaid"; } leaf received-packet-error-no-source-address { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by no source address"; } leaf received-packet-error-no-return-path { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by no return path"; } leaf received-packet-error-invalid-querier-control-code { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by querier control code is invalid"; } leaf received-packet-error-unsupported-timestamp-format { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by timestamp format in the packet is not supported"; } leaf received-packet-error-timestamp-not-available { type uint64; description "Number of packet error caused by timestamp in received packet is not available"; } leaf received-packet-error-unsupported-mandatory-tlv { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by unsupported mandatory TLV"; } leaf received-packet-error-invalid-packet { type uint64; description "Number of received packet error caused by invalid packet"; } } // container interface-counters leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Name of the interface"; } leaf interface-handle { type uint32; description "Ifhandle of the interface"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address of the interface"; } leaf source-v6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Source V6 Address of the interface"; } leaf link-local-iv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Link local IPv6 of the interface"; } leaf packet-rate { type uint32; description "Incoming packet rate of the interface"; } leaf packet-rate-high-water-mark { type uint32; description "Incoming packet rate high water mark of the interface"; } leaf cleanup-time-remaining { type uint32; units "second"; description "Seconds until an inactive interface is cleaned up"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces leaf node { type xr:Node-id; description "Node"; } } // list node } // container nodes } // container performance-measurement-responder } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-perf-meas-oper
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