This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR msdp package operational data. This module contains defi...
Version: 2019-08-27
module Cisco-IOS-XR-msdp-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix msdp-oper; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-msdp-oper-sub1 { revision-date "2019-08-27"; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR msdp package operational data. This module contains definitions for the following management objects: msdp: MSDP operational data Copyright (c) 2013-2019 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2019-08-27" { description "Providing MSDP information."; } revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef Bgp-asn-plain { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "Bgp asn plain"; } container msdp { config false; description "MSDP operational data"; container standby { description "Standby Process"; container default-context { description "Default Context"; container stat-peers { description "Statistics for MSDP Peers"; list stat-peer { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Statistics Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer's Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer's State"; } leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "SA count (entries with E flag set)"; } leaf rpf-failures { type uint32; description "TLVs which failed RPF"; } leaf rpf-enqueued { type uint32; description "TLVs enqueued"; } leaf rpf-dequeued { type uint32; description "TLVs dequeued"; } leaf keep-alive-received { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf notification-received { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-received { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-received { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-response-received { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-received { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-unknown-received { type uint32; description "Unknown type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf keep-alive-sent { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs sent"; } leaf notification-sent { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-sent { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-response { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-sent { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "Total SA messages received"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "Total SA messages sent"; } } // list stat-peer } // container stat-peers container peers { description "MSDP Peers"; list peer { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } container peer-sumary-info { description "Basic peer Information"; leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS number"; } leaf peer-flag { type uint32; description "Peer flags"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer state"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description"; } leaf started { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } leaf reset { type uint32; description "Number of times peers has reset"; } leaf connect-attempt { type uint32; description "Number of connect attempts"; } leaf establish-transition { type uint32; description "No. of transitions to ESTB state"; } leaf tlv-sent { type uint32; description "TLV Sent"; } leaf tlv-received { type uint32; description "TLV Received"; } leaf active-sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA Count"; } leaf max-sa { type uint32; description "Peer Max SA"; } leaf peer-sso-state { type Msdp-session-sso-state; description "Peer SSO state"; } leaf oper-downs { type uint32; description "Number of TCP SSO oper-downs"; } leaf sso-started { type uint32; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } } // container peer-sumary-info container peer-timer-values { description "Peer specific timer values"; leaf connect-retry-interval { type uint32; description "Connect Retry Interval"; } leaf holdtime { type uint32; description "SA Holdtime"; } leaf keep-alive-interval { type uint32; description "Keepalive Interval"; } } // container peer-timer-values container peer-statistics { description "Peer statistics"; leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer's Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer's State"; } leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "SA count (entries with E flag set)"; } leaf rpf-failures { type uint32; description "TLVs which failed RPF"; } leaf rpf-enqueued { type uint32; description "TLVs enqueued"; } leaf rpf-dequeued { type uint32; description "TLVs dequeued"; } leaf keep-alive-received { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf notification-received { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-received { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-received { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-response-received { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-received { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-unknown-received { type uint32; description "Unknown type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf keep-alive-sent { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs sent"; } leaf notification-sent { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-sent { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-response { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-sent { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "Total SA messages received"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "Total SA messages sent"; } } // container peer-statistics leaf local-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local Address"; } leaf local-port { type uint16; description "Local TCP Port"; } leaf remote-port { type uint16; description "Remote TCP Port"; } leaf ttl { type int32; description "TTL"; } leaf write-queue-length { type int32; units "byte"; description "Bytes on the writeQ"; } leaf read-queue-length { type int32; units "byte"; description "Bytes on the readQ"; } leaf expires { type uint64; units "second"; description "When the peer times out (seconds)"; } leaf cleared { type uint64; units "second"; description "last time cleared (seconds)"; } leaf last-in-message-time-stamp { type uint64; description "last timestamp msg was received"; } leaf established-time-stamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp when moved in/out of established state"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA Sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "SA Received"; } leaf discarded { type uint32; description "Output Messages blocked"; } leaf in-sa-acl { type string; description "Incoming SA ACL"; } leaf out-sa-acl { type string; description "Outgoing SA ACL"; } leaf in-rp-acl { type string; description "Incoming RP ACL"; } leaf out-rp-acl { type string; description "Outgoing RP ACL"; } leaf incoming-sa-route-map { type string; description "Incoming SA route-map"; } leaf outgoing-sa-route-map { type string; description "Outgoing SA route-map"; } leaf incoming-rp-route-map { type string; description "Incoming RP route-map"; } leaf outgoing-rp-route-map { type string; description "Outgoing RP route-map"; } leaf sa-request-input-filter { type string; description "SA-Req input filter"; } leaf mesh-group-name { type string; description "Mesh group name"; } leaf is-password-configured { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been configured for this peer"; } leaf is-password-set-on-listen { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been set for this peer on the listen socket"; } leaf is-password-set-on-active { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been set for this peer on the active socket"; } leaf keep-alive-timer-period { type uint32; description "KeepAlive timer period"; } leaf peer-time-out-timer-period { type uint32; description "Peer timeout timer period"; } } // list peer } // container peers container peer-summaries { description "MSDP Peers summary"; list peer-summary { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Summary Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS number"; } leaf peer-flag { type uint32; description "Peer flags"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer state"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description"; } leaf started { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } leaf reset { type uint32; description "Number of times peers has reset"; } leaf connect-attempt { type uint32; description "Number of connect attempts"; } leaf establish-transition { type uint32; description "No. of transitions to ESTB state"; } leaf tlv-sent { type uint32; description "TLV Sent"; } leaf tlv-received { type uint32; description "TLV Received"; } leaf active-sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA Count"; } leaf max-sa { type uint32; description "Peer Max SA"; } leaf peer-sso-state { type Msdp-session-sso-state; description "Peer SSO state"; } leaf oper-downs { type uint32; description "Number of TCP SSO oper-downs"; } leaf sso-started { type uint32; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } } // list peer-summary } // container peer-summaries container sa-caches { description "MSDP SA Cache table - sources with Local & External flags Set"; list sa-cache { key "source-address group-address"; description "MSDP SA Cache Entry - Sources with Local & External flags set"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Previous Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Previous Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list sa-cache } // container sa-caches container rpfs { description "MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding Info"; list rpf { key "rp-address"; description "MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding entries"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf local-as-number-string { type string; description "Local AS Number"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "Matching Rule"; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RPF peer"; } leaf peer-as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS Number"; } leaf bgp-nexthop { type inet:ipv4-address; description "BGP Nexthop"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Nexthop AS Number"; } leaf matching-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Matching Prefix"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix Length"; } leaf as-path { type yang:hex-string; description "The AS Path"; } } // list rpf } // container rpfs container routing-context { description "MSDP routing context"; leaf context-name { type string; description "Name of context"; } leaf context-id { type uint32; description "Context identifier"; } leaf table-id { type uint32; description "Active table identifier"; } leaf table-count { type uint32; description "Count of tables"; } leaf active-table-count { type uint32; description "Count of active tables"; } leaf inheritable-ttl { type uint32; description "TTL inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-max-sa { type uint32; description "Maximum SAs inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-keepalive-period { type uint32; description "Keepalive period inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-peer-timeout-period { type uint32; description "Peer timeout period inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-connect-source { type string; description "Connect source interface inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-sa-filter-in { type string; description "SA filter in inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-sa-filter-out { type string; description "SA filter out inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-rp-filter-in { type string; description "RP filter in inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-rp-filter-out { type string; description "RP filter out inheritable by peers"; } leaf originator-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator address"; } leaf originator-interface-name { type string; description "Originator interface name"; } leaf default-peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Default peer address"; } leaf sa-holdtime { type uint32; description "SA holdtime"; } leaf allow-encaps-count { type uint32; description "Count of allowed encaps"; } leaf context-sa-maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum SA in the context"; } leaf as-number { type uint32; description "Local AS Number"; } leaf peer-count { type uint32; description "Count of peers"; } leaf estasblished-peer-count { type uint32; description "Count of peers in established state"; } leaf group-count { type uint32; description "Count of groups present"; } leaf source-count { type uint32; description "Count of sources present"; } leaf rp-count { type uint32; description "Count of RPs present"; } leaf external-source-count { type uint32; description "Count of external sources present"; } leaf group-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of group count"; } leaf source-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of source count"; } leaf rp-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of RP count"; } leaf external-source-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of external sources count"; } leaf mrib-update-count { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB Updates"; } leaf mrib-update-no-change-count { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates with no change"; } leaf mrib-update-group { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB update for *,G routes"; } leaf mrib-update-source { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates for S,G routes"; } leaf mrib-update-drop-invalid-group { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid group address"; } leaf mrib-update-drop-invalid-group-length { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid group length"; } leaf mribu-pdate-drop-invalid-source { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid source address"; } leaf mrib-update-group-auto-rp { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for AutoRP address"; } leaf pim-suppress-shared-tree-join { type boolean; description "Suppress shared tree join configured"; } } // container routing-context container cache-summary { description "Cache Summary"; container rp-cache-summaries { description "RP specific Cache Summary Table"; list rp-cache-summary { key "rp-address"; description "Cache Summary RP"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator RP address"; } leaf rp-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Prefix used for this RP"; } leaf rp-prefix-length { type int32; description "Prefix length used for this RP"; } leaf sa-total { type uint32; description "SA count "; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RPF Peer"; } } // list rp-cache-summary } // container rp-cache-summaries container cache-summary-preface { description "Cache Summary Preface"; leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA count"; } leaf rp-count { type uint32; description "RP count "; } leaf source-count { type uint32; description "Source count "; } leaf group-count { type uint32; description "Group count "; } } // container cache-summary-preface container as-cache-summaries { description "AS specific Cache Summary Table"; list as-cache-summary { key "as"; description "Cache Summary AS"; leaf as { type Bgp-asn-plain; description "AS Number"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf sa-total { type uint32; description "SA count "; } leaf number-of-rp { type uint32; description "Number of RPs"; } } // list as-cache-summary } // container as-cache-summaries } // container cache-summary container all-sa-caches { description "All of MSDP SA Cache ignoring source flags"; list all-sa-cache { key "source-address group-address"; description "MSDP All SA Cache Entries ignoring source flags"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list all-sa-cache } // container all-sa-caches container as-source-group-sa-caches { description "AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache table"; list as-source-group-sa-cache { key "as source-address group-address"; description "AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries"; leaf as { type Bgp-asn-plain; description "AS Number"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list as-source-group-sa-cache } // container as-source-group-sa-caches container rp-source-group-sa-caches { description "RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache table"; list rp-source-group-sa-cache { key "rp-address source-address group-address"; description "RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list rp-source-group-sa-cache } // container rp-source-group-sa-caches } // container default-context container process { description "Process"; container globals { description "MSDP Global Data"; container rp-information { description "RP information"; list msdp-rp-bag { description "Point to the next one"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RP Address"; } leaf rp-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Prefix used for this RP"; } leaf rp-prefix-length { type int32; description "Prefix length used for this RP"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Advertizing Peer"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RPF Peer"; } leaf rp-source-count { type uint32; description "Total source count"; } leaf rp-sources-active { type uint32; description "Active source count"; } leaf heard { type uint32; units "second"; description "Last Heard From (seconds)"; } } // list msdp-rp-bag } // container rp-information leaf process-id { type uint32; description "MSDP Process ID, 0 if disabled"; } leaf local-as-number-string { type string; description "AS number we operate within"; } leaf caching { type int32; description "Is SA caching enabled"; } leaf default-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The default peer address"; } leaf is-pim-connected { type boolean; description "Is MSDP registered with PIM for Registers"; } leaf originator-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator ID"; } leaf active-sources { type uint32; description "Total Active Sources"; } leaf active-groups { type uint32; description "Total Active Groups"; } leaf active-rp { type uint32; description "Number of active RPs (local and remote)"; } leaf external-sa { type uint32; description "Number of externally learns SA states"; } leaf items-allocated { type uint64; description "Current List Items Allocated"; } leaf lists-allocated { type uint64; description "Current Lists Allocated"; } leaf items-free { type uint64; description "Total List Items freed"; } leaf lists-free { type uint64; description "Total Lists freed"; } leaf sa-buffers-allocated { type uint32; description "Total SA buffers allocated"; } leaf sa-buffers-free { type uint32; description "Total SA buffers free"; } leaf source-buffers-allocated { type uint32; description "Total SA Source buffers allocated"; } leaf source-buffers-free { type uint32; description "Total SA Sourcebuffers free"; } leaf group-buffers-allocated { type uint32; description "Total SA Group buffers allocated"; } leaf group-buffers-free { type uint32; description "Total SA Group buffers free"; } leaf rp-buffers-allocated { type uint32; description "Total SA RP buffers allocated"; } leaf rp-buffers-free { type uint32; description "Total SA RP buffers free"; } leaf maximum-sources { type uint32; description "Maximum Sources Seen"; } leaf maximum-groups { type uint32; description "Maximum Groups Seen"; } leaf maximum-rp-sources { type uint32; description "Maximum RPs Seen"; } leaf maximum-external-sa { type uint32; description "Maximum external SA seen"; } } // container globals container nsf { description "NSF Information"; leaf is-multicast-nsf-active { type boolean; description "Is Multicast NSF active"; } leaf multicast-nsf-timeout { type uint64; description "MSDP NSF period in sec"; } leaf multicast-nsf-time-left { type uint64; description "MSDP NSF expiry time in sec"; } leaf last-nsf-on { type int64; description "Time when MSDP went NSF"; } leaf last-nsf-off { type int64; description "Time when MSDP came out of NSF"; } leaf last-nsf-on-sec { type int64; description "Time in sec since last NSF on event"; } leaf last-nsf-off-sec { type int64; description "Time in sec since last NSF off event"; } leaf last-icd-notif-recv { type int64; description "Time when last ICD Notif Rcvd"; } leaf last-icd-notif-recvsec { type int64; description "Time in sec since last ICD Notif"; } } // container nsf container summary { description "MSDP Process Summary Info"; leaf is-maximum-disable { type boolean; description "Is maximum enforcement disabled"; } leaf global-maximum-sa { type uint32; description "Global OOR Limit"; } leaf external-active-sa { type uint32; description "Current Active Ext. SAs"; } leaf is-node-low-memory { type boolean; description "Is node in low memory condition"; } } // container summary container nsr { description "NSR Information"; leaf state { type uint8; description "NSR state"; } leaf rmf-notification-done { type boolean; description "RMF Notification done"; } leaf rmf-timer-valid { type boolean; description "Is RMF timer running ?"; } leaf rmf-timer-expiry { type uint64; description "Time for RMF timer to expire"; } leaf last-rmf-ready { type uint64; description "Time when RMF Rdy notif was sent"; } leaf last-rmf-not-ready { type uint64; description "Time when RMF Not-Rdy notif was sent"; } leaf count-rmf-ready { type uint32; description "No. of times RMF Ready notif was sent"; } leaf count-rmf-not-ready { type uint32; description "No. of times RMF Not Ready notif was sent"; } leaf nsr-force-timer-left { type uint64; units "second"; description "NSR Force Timer left in seconds"; } } // container nsr } // container process container vrfs { description "VRF Table"; list vrf { key "vrf-name"; description "VRF Name"; leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..32"; } description "VRF name"; } container stat-peers { description "Statistics for MSDP Peers"; list stat-peer { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Statistics Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer's Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer's State"; } leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "SA count (entries with E flag set)"; } leaf rpf-failures { type uint32; description "TLVs which failed RPF"; } leaf rpf-enqueued { type uint32; description "TLVs enqueued"; } leaf rpf-dequeued { type uint32; description "TLVs dequeued"; } leaf keep-alive-received { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf notification-received { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-received { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-received { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-response-received { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-received { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-unknown-received { type uint32; description "Unknown type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf keep-alive-sent { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs sent"; } leaf notification-sent { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-sent { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-response { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-sent { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "Total SA messages received"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "Total SA messages sent"; } } // list stat-peer } // container stat-peers container peers { description "MSDP Peers"; list peer { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } container peer-sumary-info { description "Basic peer Information"; leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS number"; } leaf peer-flag { type uint32; description "Peer flags"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer state"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description"; } leaf started { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } leaf reset { type uint32; description "Number of times peers has reset"; } leaf connect-attempt { type uint32; description "Number of connect attempts"; } leaf establish-transition { type uint32; description "No. of transitions to ESTB state"; } leaf tlv-sent { type uint32; description "TLV Sent"; } leaf tlv-received { type uint32; description "TLV Received"; } leaf active-sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA Count"; } leaf max-sa { type uint32; description "Peer Max SA"; } leaf peer-sso-state { type Msdp-session-sso-state; description "Peer SSO state"; } leaf oper-downs { type uint32; description "Number of TCP SSO oper-downs"; } leaf sso-started { type uint32; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } } // container peer-sumary-info container peer-timer-values { description "Peer specific timer values"; leaf connect-retry-interval { type uint32; description "Connect Retry Interval"; } leaf holdtime { type uint32; description "SA Holdtime"; } leaf keep-alive-interval { type uint32; description "Keepalive Interval"; } } // container peer-timer-values container peer-statistics { description "Peer statistics"; leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer's Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer's State"; } leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "SA count (entries with E flag set)"; } leaf rpf-failures { type uint32; description "TLVs which failed RPF"; } leaf rpf-enqueued { type uint32; description "TLVs enqueued"; } leaf rpf-dequeued { type uint32; description "TLVs dequeued"; } leaf keep-alive-received { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf notification-received { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-received { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-received { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-response-received { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-received { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-unknown-received { type uint32; description "Unknown type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf keep-alive-sent { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs sent"; } leaf notification-sent { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-sent { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-response { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-sent { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "Total SA messages received"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "Total SA messages sent"; } } // container peer-statistics leaf local-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local Address"; } leaf local-port { type uint16; description "Local TCP Port"; } leaf remote-port { type uint16; description "Remote TCP Port"; } leaf ttl { type int32; description "TTL"; } leaf write-queue-length { type int32; units "byte"; description "Bytes on the writeQ"; } leaf read-queue-length { type int32; units "byte"; description "Bytes on the readQ"; } leaf expires { type uint64; units "second"; description "When the peer times out (seconds)"; } leaf cleared { type uint64; units "second"; description "last time cleared (seconds)"; } leaf last-in-message-time-stamp { type uint64; description "last timestamp msg was received"; } leaf established-time-stamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp when moved in/out of established state"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA Sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "SA Received"; } leaf discarded { type uint32; description "Output Messages blocked"; } leaf in-sa-acl { type string; description "Incoming SA ACL"; } leaf out-sa-acl { type string; description "Outgoing SA ACL"; } leaf in-rp-acl { type string; description "Incoming RP ACL"; } leaf out-rp-acl { type string; description "Outgoing RP ACL"; } leaf incoming-sa-route-map { type string; description "Incoming SA route-map"; } leaf outgoing-sa-route-map { type string; description "Outgoing SA route-map"; } leaf incoming-rp-route-map { type string; description "Incoming RP route-map"; } leaf outgoing-rp-route-map { type string; description "Outgoing RP route-map"; } leaf sa-request-input-filter { type string; description "SA-Req input filter"; } leaf mesh-group-name { type string; description "Mesh group name"; } leaf is-password-configured { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been configured for this peer"; } leaf is-password-set-on-listen { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been set for this peer on the listen socket"; } leaf is-password-set-on-active { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been set for this peer on the active socket"; } leaf keep-alive-timer-period { type uint32; description "KeepAlive timer period"; } leaf peer-time-out-timer-period { type uint32; description "Peer timeout timer period"; } } // list peer } // container peers container peer-summaries { description "MSDP Peers summary"; list peer-summary { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Summary Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS number"; } leaf peer-flag { type uint32; description "Peer flags"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer state"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description"; } leaf started { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } leaf reset { type uint32; description "Number of times peers has reset"; } leaf connect-attempt { type uint32; description "Number of connect attempts"; } leaf establish-transition { type uint32; description "No. of transitions to ESTB state"; } leaf tlv-sent { type uint32; description "TLV Sent"; } leaf tlv-received { type uint32; description "TLV Received"; } leaf active-sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA Count"; } leaf max-sa { type uint32; description "Peer Max SA"; } leaf peer-sso-state { type Msdp-session-sso-state; description "Peer SSO state"; } leaf oper-downs { type uint32; description "Number of TCP SSO oper-downs"; } leaf sso-started { type uint32; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } } // list peer-summary } // container peer-summaries container sa-caches { description "MSDP SA Cache table - sources with Local & External flags Set"; list sa-cache { key "source-address group-address"; description "MSDP SA Cache Entry - Sources with Local & External flags set"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Previous Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Previous Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list sa-cache } // container sa-caches container rpfs { description "MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding Info"; list rpf { key "rp-address"; description "MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding entries"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf local-as-number-string { type string; description "Local AS Number"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "Matching Rule"; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RPF peer"; } leaf peer-as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS Number"; } leaf bgp-nexthop { type inet:ipv4-address; description "BGP Nexthop"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Nexthop AS Number"; } leaf matching-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Matching Prefix"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix Length"; } leaf as-path { type yang:hex-string; description "The AS Path"; } } // list rpf } // container rpfs container routing-context { description "MSDP routing context"; leaf context-name { type string; description "Name of context"; } leaf context-id { type uint32; description "Context identifier"; } leaf table-id { type uint32; description "Active table identifier"; } leaf table-count { type uint32; description "Count of tables"; } leaf active-table-count { type uint32; description "Count of active tables"; } leaf inheritable-ttl { type uint32; description "TTL inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-max-sa { type uint32; description "Maximum SAs inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-keepalive-period { type uint32; description "Keepalive period inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-peer-timeout-period { type uint32; description "Peer timeout period inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-connect-source { type string; description "Connect source interface inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-sa-filter-in { type string; description "SA filter in inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-sa-filter-out { type string; description "SA filter out inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-rp-filter-in { type string; description "RP filter in inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-rp-filter-out { type string; description "RP filter out inheritable by peers"; } leaf originator-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator address"; } leaf originator-interface-name { type string; description "Originator interface name"; } leaf default-peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Default peer address"; } leaf sa-holdtime { type uint32; description "SA holdtime"; } leaf allow-encaps-count { type uint32; description "Count of allowed encaps"; } leaf context-sa-maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum SA in the context"; } leaf as-number { type uint32; description "Local AS Number"; } leaf peer-count { type uint32; description "Count of peers"; } leaf estasblished-peer-count { type uint32; description "Count of peers in established state"; } leaf group-count { type uint32; description "Count of groups present"; } leaf source-count { type uint32; description "Count of sources present"; } leaf rp-count { type uint32; description "Count of RPs present"; } leaf external-source-count { type uint32; description "Count of external sources present"; } leaf group-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of group count"; } leaf source-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of source count"; } leaf rp-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of RP count"; } leaf external-source-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of external sources count"; } leaf mrib-update-count { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB Updates"; } leaf mrib-update-no-change-count { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates with no change"; } leaf mrib-update-group { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB update for *,G routes"; } leaf mrib-update-source { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates for S,G routes"; } leaf mrib-update-drop-invalid-group { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid group address"; } leaf mrib-update-drop-invalid-group-length { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid group length"; } leaf mribu-pdate-drop-invalid-source { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid source address"; } leaf mrib-update-group-auto-rp { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for AutoRP address"; } leaf pim-suppress-shared-tree-join { type boolean; description "Suppress shared tree join configured"; } } // container routing-context container cache-summary { description "Cache Summary"; container rp-cache-summaries { description "RP specific Cache Summary Table"; list rp-cache-summary { key "rp-address"; description "Cache Summary RP"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator RP address"; } leaf rp-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Prefix used for this RP"; } leaf rp-prefix-length { type int32; description "Prefix length used for this RP"; } leaf sa-total { type uint32; description "SA count "; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RPF Peer"; } } // list rp-cache-summary } // container rp-cache-summaries container cache-summary-preface { description "Cache Summary Preface"; leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA count"; } leaf rp-count { type uint32; description "RP count "; } leaf source-count { type uint32; description "Source count "; } leaf group-count { type uint32; description "Group count "; } } // container cache-summary-preface container as-cache-summaries { description "AS specific Cache Summary Table"; list as-cache-summary { key "as"; description "Cache Summary AS"; leaf as { type Bgp-asn-plain; description "AS Number"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf sa-total { type uint32; description "SA count "; } leaf number-of-rp { type uint32; description "Number of RPs"; } } // list as-cache-summary } // container as-cache-summaries } // container cache-summary container all-sa-caches { description "All of MSDP SA Cache ignoring source flags"; list all-sa-cache { key "source-address group-address"; description "MSDP All SA Cache Entries ignoring source flags"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list all-sa-cache } // container all-sa-caches container as-source-group-sa-caches { description "AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache table"; list as-source-group-sa-cache { key "as source-address group-address"; description "AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries"; leaf as { type Bgp-asn-plain; description "AS Number"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list as-source-group-sa-cache } // container as-source-group-sa-caches container rp-source-group-sa-caches { description "RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache table"; list rp-source-group-sa-cache { key "rp-address source-address group-address"; description "RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list rp-source-group-sa-cache } // container rp-source-group-sa-caches } // list vrf } // container vrfs } // container standby container active { description "Active Process"; container default-context { description "Default Context"; container stat-peers { description "Statistics for MSDP Peers"; list stat-peer { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Statistics Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer's Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer's State"; } leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "SA count (entries with E flag set)"; } leaf rpf-failures { type uint32; description "TLVs which failed RPF"; } leaf rpf-enqueued { type uint32; description "TLVs enqueued"; } leaf rpf-dequeued { type uint32; description "TLVs dequeued"; } leaf keep-alive-received { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf notification-received { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-received { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-received { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-response-received { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-received { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-unknown-received { type uint32; description "Unknown type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf keep-alive-sent { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs sent"; } leaf notification-sent { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-sent { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-response { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-sent { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "Total SA messages received"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "Total SA messages sent"; } } // list stat-peer } // container stat-peers container peers { description "MSDP Peers"; list peer { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } container peer-sumary-info { description "Basic peer Information"; leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS number"; } leaf peer-flag { type uint32; description "Peer flags"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer state"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description"; } leaf started { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } leaf reset { type uint32; description "Number of times peers has reset"; } leaf connect-attempt { type uint32; description "Number of connect attempts"; } leaf establish-transition { type uint32; description "No. of transitions to ESTB state"; } leaf tlv-sent { type uint32; description "TLV Sent"; } leaf tlv-received { type uint32; description "TLV Received"; } leaf active-sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA Count"; } leaf max-sa { type uint32; description "Peer Max SA"; } leaf peer-sso-state { type Msdp-session-sso-state; description "Peer SSO state"; } leaf oper-downs { type uint32; description "Number of TCP SSO oper-downs"; } leaf sso-started { type uint32; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } } // container peer-sumary-info container peer-timer-values { description "Peer specific timer values"; leaf connect-retry-interval { type uint32; description "Connect Retry Interval"; } leaf holdtime { type uint32; description "SA Holdtime"; } leaf keep-alive-interval { type uint32; description "Keepalive Interval"; } } // container peer-timer-values container peer-statistics { description "Peer statistics"; leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer's Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer's State"; } leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "SA count (entries with E flag set)"; } leaf rpf-failures { type uint32; description "TLVs which failed RPF"; } leaf rpf-enqueued { type uint32; description "TLVs enqueued"; } leaf rpf-dequeued { type uint32; description "TLVs dequeued"; } leaf keep-alive-received { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf notification-received { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-received { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-received { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-response-received { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-received { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-unknown-received { type uint32; description "Unknown type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf keep-alive-sent { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs sent"; } leaf notification-sent { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-sent { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-response { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-sent { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "Total SA messages received"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "Total SA messages sent"; } } // container peer-statistics leaf local-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local Address"; } leaf local-port { type uint16; description "Local TCP Port"; } leaf remote-port { type uint16; description "Remote TCP Port"; } leaf ttl { type int32; description "TTL"; } leaf write-queue-length { type int32; units "byte"; description "Bytes on the writeQ"; } leaf read-queue-length { type int32; units "byte"; description "Bytes on the readQ"; } leaf expires { type uint64; units "second"; description "When the peer times out (seconds)"; } leaf cleared { type uint64; units "second"; description "last time cleared (seconds)"; } leaf last-in-message-time-stamp { type uint64; description "last timestamp msg was received"; } leaf established-time-stamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp when moved in/out of established state"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA Sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "SA Received"; } leaf discarded { type uint32; description "Output Messages blocked"; } leaf in-sa-acl { type string; description "Incoming SA ACL"; } leaf out-sa-acl { type string; description "Outgoing SA ACL"; } leaf in-rp-acl { type string; description "Incoming RP ACL"; } leaf out-rp-acl { type string; description "Outgoing RP ACL"; } leaf incoming-sa-route-map { type string; description "Incoming SA route-map"; } leaf outgoing-sa-route-map { type string; description "Outgoing SA route-map"; } leaf incoming-rp-route-map { type string; description "Incoming RP route-map"; } leaf outgoing-rp-route-map { type string; description "Outgoing RP route-map"; } leaf sa-request-input-filter { type string; description "SA-Req input filter"; } leaf mesh-group-name { type string; description "Mesh group name"; } leaf is-password-configured { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been configured for this peer"; } leaf is-password-set-on-listen { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been set for this peer on the listen socket"; } leaf is-password-set-on-active { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been set for this peer on the active socket"; } leaf keep-alive-timer-period { type uint32; description "KeepAlive timer period"; } leaf peer-time-out-timer-period { type uint32; description "Peer timeout timer period"; } } // list peer } // container peers container peer-summaries { description "MSDP Peers summary"; list peer-summary { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Summary Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS number"; } leaf peer-flag { type uint32; description "Peer flags"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer state"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description"; } leaf started { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } leaf reset { type uint32; description "Number of times peers has reset"; } leaf connect-attempt { type uint32; description "Number of connect attempts"; } leaf establish-transition { type uint32; description "No. of transitions to ESTB state"; } leaf tlv-sent { type uint32; description "TLV Sent"; } leaf tlv-received { type uint32; description "TLV Received"; } leaf active-sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA Count"; } leaf max-sa { type uint32; description "Peer Max SA"; } leaf peer-sso-state { type Msdp-session-sso-state; description "Peer SSO state"; } leaf oper-downs { type uint32; description "Number of TCP SSO oper-downs"; } leaf sso-started { type uint32; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } } // list peer-summary } // container peer-summaries container sa-caches { description "MSDP SA Cache table - sources with Local & External flags Set"; list sa-cache { key "source-address group-address"; description "MSDP SA Cache Entry - Sources with Local & External flags set"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Previous Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Previous Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list sa-cache } // container sa-caches container rpfs { description "MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding Info"; list rpf { key "rp-address"; description "MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding entries"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf local-as-number-string { type string; description "Local AS Number"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "Matching Rule"; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RPF peer"; } leaf peer-as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS Number"; } leaf bgp-nexthop { type inet:ipv4-address; description "BGP Nexthop"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Nexthop AS Number"; } leaf matching-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Matching Prefix"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix Length"; } leaf as-path { type yang:hex-string; description "The AS Path"; } } // list rpf } // container rpfs container routing-context { description "MSDP routing context"; leaf context-name { type string; description "Name of context"; } leaf context-id { type uint32; description "Context identifier"; } leaf table-id { type uint32; description "Active table identifier"; } leaf table-count { type uint32; description "Count of tables"; } leaf active-table-count { type uint32; description "Count of active tables"; } leaf inheritable-ttl { type uint32; description "TTL inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-max-sa { type uint32; description "Maximum SAs inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-keepalive-period { type uint32; description "Keepalive period inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-peer-timeout-period { type uint32; description "Peer timeout period inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-connect-source { type string; description "Connect source interface inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-sa-filter-in { type string; description "SA filter in inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-sa-filter-out { type string; description "SA filter out inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-rp-filter-in { type string; description "RP filter in inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-rp-filter-out { type string; description "RP filter out inheritable by peers"; } leaf originator-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator address"; } leaf originator-interface-name { type string; description "Originator interface name"; } leaf default-peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Default peer address"; } leaf sa-holdtime { type uint32; description "SA holdtime"; } leaf allow-encaps-count { type uint32; description "Count of allowed encaps"; } leaf context-sa-maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum SA in the context"; } leaf as-number { type uint32; description "Local AS Number"; } leaf peer-count { type uint32; description "Count of peers"; } leaf estasblished-peer-count { type uint32; description "Count of peers in established state"; } leaf group-count { type uint32; description "Count of groups present"; } leaf source-count { type uint32; description "Count of sources present"; } leaf rp-count { type uint32; description "Count of RPs present"; } leaf external-source-count { type uint32; description "Count of external sources present"; } leaf group-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of group count"; } leaf source-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of source count"; } leaf rp-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of RP count"; } leaf external-source-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of external sources count"; } leaf mrib-update-count { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB Updates"; } leaf mrib-update-no-change-count { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates with no change"; } leaf mrib-update-group { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB update for *,G routes"; } leaf mrib-update-source { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates for S,G routes"; } leaf mrib-update-drop-invalid-group { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid group address"; } leaf mrib-update-drop-invalid-group-length { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid group length"; } leaf mribu-pdate-drop-invalid-source { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid source address"; } leaf mrib-update-group-auto-rp { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for AutoRP address"; } leaf pim-suppress-shared-tree-join { type boolean; description "Suppress shared tree join configured"; } } // container routing-context container cache-summary { description "Cache Summary"; container rp-cache-summaries { description "RP specific Cache Summary Table"; list rp-cache-summary { key "rp-address"; description "Cache Summary RP"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator RP address"; } leaf rp-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Prefix used for this RP"; } leaf rp-prefix-length { type int32; description "Prefix length used for this RP"; } leaf sa-total { type uint32; description "SA count "; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RPF Peer"; } } // list rp-cache-summary } // container rp-cache-summaries container cache-summary-preface { description "Cache Summary Preface"; leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA count"; } leaf rp-count { type uint32; description "RP count "; } leaf source-count { type uint32; description "Source count "; } leaf group-count { type uint32; description "Group count "; } } // container cache-summary-preface container as-cache-summaries { description "AS specific Cache Summary Table"; list as-cache-summary { key "as"; description "Cache Summary AS"; leaf as { type Bgp-asn-plain; description "AS Number"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf sa-total { type uint32; description "SA count "; } leaf number-of-rp { type uint32; description "Number of RPs"; } } // list as-cache-summary } // container as-cache-summaries } // container cache-summary container all-sa-caches { description "All of MSDP SA Cache ignoring source flags"; list all-sa-cache { key "source-address group-address"; description "MSDP All SA Cache Entries ignoring source flags"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list all-sa-cache } // container all-sa-caches container as-source-group-sa-caches { description "AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache table"; list as-source-group-sa-cache { key "as source-address group-address"; description "AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries"; leaf as { type Bgp-asn-plain; description "AS Number"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list as-source-group-sa-cache } // container as-source-group-sa-caches container rp-source-group-sa-caches { description "RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache table"; list rp-source-group-sa-cache { key "rp-address source-address group-address"; description "RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list rp-source-group-sa-cache } // container rp-source-group-sa-caches } // container default-context container process { description "Process"; container globals { description "MSDP Global Data"; container rp-information { description "RP information"; list msdp-rp-bag { description "Point to the next one"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RP Address"; } leaf rp-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Prefix used for this RP"; } leaf rp-prefix-length { type int32; description "Prefix length used for this RP"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Advertizing Peer"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RPF Peer"; } leaf rp-source-count { type uint32; description "Total source count"; } leaf rp-sources-active { type uint32; description "Active source count"; } leaf heard { type uint32; units "second"; description "Last Heard From (seconds)"; } } // list msdp-rp-bag } // container rp-information leaf process-id { type uint32; description "MSDP Process ID, 0 if disabled"; } leaf local-as-number-string { type string; description "AS number we operate within"; } leaf caching { type int32; description "Is SA caching enabled"; } leaf default-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The default peer address"; } leaf is-pim-connected { type boolean; description "Is MSDP registered with PIM for Registers"; } leaf originator-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator ID"; } leaf active-sources { type uint32; description "Total Active Sources"; } leaf active-groups { type uint32; description "Total Active Groups"; } leaf active-rp { type uint32; description "Number of active RPs (local and remote)"; } leaf external-sa { type uint32; description "Number of externally learns SA states"; } leaf items-allocated { type uint64; description "Current List Items Allocated"; } leaf lists-allocated { type uint64; description "Current Lists Allocated"; } leaf items-free { type uint64; description "Total List Items freed"; } leaf lists-free { type uint64; description "Total Lists freed"; } leaf sa-buffers-allocated { type uint32; description "Total SA buffers allocated"; } leaf sa-buffers-free { type uint32; description "Total SA buffers free"; } leaf source-buffers-allocated { type uint32; description "Total SA Source buffers allocated"; } leaf source-buffers-free { type uint32; description "Total SA Sourcebuffers free"; } leaf group-buffers-allocated { type uint32; description "Total SA Group buffers allocated"; } leaf group-buffers-free { type uint32; description "Total SA Group buffers free"; } leaf rp-buffers-allocated { type uint32; description "Total SA RP buffers allocated"; } leaf rp-buffers-free { type uint32; description "Total SA RP buffers free"; } leaf maximum-sources { type uint32; description "Maximum Sources Seen"; } leaf maximum-groups { type uint32; description "Maximum Groups Seen"; } leaf maximum-rp-sources { type uint32; description "Maximum RPs Seen"; } leaf maximum-external-sa { type uint32; description "Maximum external SA seen"; } } // container globals container nsf { description "NSF Information"; leaf is-multicast-nsf-active { type boolean; description "Is Multicast NSF active"; } leaf multicast-nsf-timeout { type uint64; description "MSDP NSF period in sec"; } leaf multicast-nsf-time-left { type uint64; description "MSDP NSF expiry time in sec"; } leaf last-nsf-on { type int64; description "Time when MSDP went NSF"; } leaf last-nsf-off { type int64; description "Time when MSDP came out of NSF"; } leaf last-nsf-on-sec { type int64; description "Time in sec since last NSF on event"; } leaf last-nsf-off-sec { type int64; description "Time in sec since last NSF off event"; } leaf last-icd-notif-recv { type int64; description "Time when last ICD Notif Rcvd"; } leaf last-icd-notif-recvsec { type int64; description "Time in sec since last ICD Notif"; } } // container nsf container summary { description "MSDP Process Summary Info"; leaf is-maximum-disable { type boolean; description "Is maximum enforcement disabled"; } leaf global-maximum-sa { type uint32; description "Global OOR Limit"; } leaf external-active-sa { type uint32; description "Current Active Ext. SAs"; } leaf is-node-low-memory { type boolean; description "Is node in low memory condition"; } } // container summary container nsr { description "NSR Information"; leaf state { type uint8; description "NSR state"; } leaf rmf-notification-done { type boolean; description "RMF Notification done"; } leaf rmf-timer-valid { type boolean; description "Is RMF timer running ?"; } leaf rmf-timer-expiry { type uint64; description "Time for RMF timer to expire"; } leaf last-rmf-ready { type uint64; description "Time when RMF Rdy notif was sent"; } leaf last-rmf-not-ready { type uint64; description "Time when RMF Not-Rdy notif was sent"; } leaf count-rmf-ready { type uint32; description "No. of times RMF Ready notif was sent"; } leaf count-rmf-not-ready { type uint32; description "No. of times RMF Not Ready notif was sent"; } leaf nsr-force-timer-left { type uint64; units "second"; description "NSR Force Timer left in seconds"; } } // container nsr } // container process container vrfs { description "VRF Table"; list vrf { key "vrf-name"; description "VRF Name"; leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..32"; } description "VRF name"; } container stat-peers { description "Statistics for MSDP Peers"; list stat-peer { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Statistics Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer's Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer's State"; } leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "SA count (entries with E flag set)"; } leaf rpf-failures { type uint32; description "TLVs which failed RPF"; } leaf rpf-enqueued { type uint32; description "TLVs enqueued"; } leaf rpf-dequeued { type uint32; description "TLVs dequeued"; } leaf keep-alive-received { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf notification-received { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-received { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-received { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-response-received { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-received { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-unknown-received { type uint32; description "Unknown type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf keep-alive-sent { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs sent"; } leaf notification-sent { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-sent { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-response { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-sent { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "Total SA messages received"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "Total SA messages sent"; } } // list stat-peer } // container stat-peers container peers { description "MSDP Peers"; list peer { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } container peer-sumary-info { description "Basic peer Information"; leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS number"; } leaf peer-flag { type uint32; description "Peer flags"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer state"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description"; } leaf started { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } leaf reset { type uint32; description "Number of times peers has reset"; } leaf connect-attempt { type uint32; description "Number of connect attempts"; } leaf establish-transition { type uint32; description "No. of transitions to ESTB state"; } leaf tlv-sent { type uint32; description "TLV Sent"; } leaf tlv-received { type uint32; description "TLV Received"; } leaf active-sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA Count"; } leaf max-sa { type uint32; description "Peer Max SA"; } leaf peer-sso-state { type Msdp-session-sso-state; description "Peer SSO state"; } leaf oper-downs { type uint32; description "Number of TCP SSO oper-downs"; } leaf sso-started { type uint32; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } } // container peer-sumary-info container peer-timer-values { description "Peer specific timer values"; leaf connect-retry-interval { type uint32; description "Connect Retry Interval"; } leaf holdtime { type uint32; description "SA Holdtime"; } leaf keep-alive-interval { type uint32; description "Keepalive Interval"; } } // container peer-timer-values container peer-statistics { description "Peer statistics"; leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer's Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer's State"; } leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "SA count (entries with E flag set)"; } leaf rpf-failures { type uint32; description "TLVs which failed RPF"; } leaf rpf-enqueued { type uint32; description "TLVs enqueued"; } leaf rpf-dequeued { type uint32; description "TLVs dequeued"; } leaf keep-alive-received { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf notification-received { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-received { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-received { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-sa-response-received { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-received { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs rcvd"; } leaf tlv-unknown-received { type uint32; description "Unknown type TLVs rcvd"; } leaf keep-alive-sent { type uint32; description "Keepalives type TLVs sent"; } leaf notification-sent { type uint32; description "Notification type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-request-sent { type uint32; description "SA Request type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-sa-response { type uint32; description "SA Response type TLVs sent"; } leaf tlv-encapsulation-data-sent { type uint32; description "SA Encap Data TLVs sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "Total SA messages received"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "Total SA messages sent"; } } // container peer-statistics leaf local-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local Address"; } leaf local-port { type uint16; description "Local TCP Port"; } leaf remote-port { type uint16; description "Remote TCP Port"; } leaf ttl { type int32; description "TTL"; } leaf write-queue-length { type int32; units "byte"; description "Bytes on the writeQ"; } leaf read-queue-length { type int32; units "byte"; description "Bytes on the readQ"; } leaf expires { type uint64; units "second"; description "When the peer times out (seconds)"; } leaf cleared { type uint64; units "second"; description "last time cleared (seconds)"; } leaf last-in-message-time-stamp { type uint64; description "last timestamp msg was received"; } leaf established-time-stamp { type uint64; description "Timestamp when moved in/out of established state"; } leaf sa-sent { type uint32; description "SA Sent"; } leaf sa-received { type uint32; description "SA Received"; } leaf discarded { type uint32; description "Output Messages blocked"; } leaf in-sa-acl { type string; description "Incoming SA ACL"; } leaf out-sa-acl { type string; description "Outgoing SA ACL"; } leaf in-rp-acl { type string; description "Incoming RP ACL"; } leaf out-rp-acl { type string; description "Outgoing RP ACL"; } leaf incoming-sa-route-map { type string; description "Incoming SA route-map"; } leaf outgoing-sa-route-map { type string; description "Outgoing SA route-map"; } leaf incoming-rp-route-map { type string; description "Incoming RP route-map"; } leaf outgoing-rp-route-map { type string; description "Outgoing RP route-map"; } leaf sa-request-input-filter { type string; description "SA-Req input filter"; } leaf mesh-group-name { type string; description "Mesh group name"; } leaf is-password-configured { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been configured for this peer"; } leaf is-password-set-on-listen { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been set for this peer on the listen socket"; } leaf is-password-set-on-active { type boolean; description "Has a peer password been set for this peer on the active socket"; } leaf keep-alive-timer-period { type uint32; description "KeepAlive timer period"; } leaf peer-time-out-timer-period { type uint32; description "Peer timeout timer period"; } } // list peer } // container peers container peer-summaries { description "MSDP Peers summary"; list peer-summary { key "peer-address"; description "MSDP Peer Summary Info"; leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Peer Address"; } leaf peer-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Peer Address"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS number"; } leaf peer-flag { type uint32; description "Peer flags"; } leaf peer-state { type Msdp-peer-state; description "Peer state"; } leaf description { type string; description "Description"; } leaf started { type uint64; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } leaf reset { type uint32; description "Number of times peers has reset"; } leaf connect-attempt { type uint32; description "Number of connect attempts"; } leaf establish-transition { type uint32; description "No. of transitions to ESTB state"; } leaf tlv-sent { type uint32; description "TLV Sent"; } leaf tlv-received { type uint32; description "TLV Received"; } leaf active-sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA Count"; } leaf max-sa { type uint32; description "Peer Max SA"; } leaf peer-sso-state { type Msdp-session-sso-state; description "Peer SSO state"; } leaf oper-downs { type uint32; description "Number of TCP SSO oper-downs"; } leaf sso-started { type uint32; units "second"; description "Time in current state (seconds)"; } } // list peer-summary } // container peer-summaries container sa-caches { description "MSDP SA Cache table - sources with Local & External flags Set"; list sa-cache { key "source-address group-address"; description "MSDP SA Cache Entry - Sources with Local & External flags set"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Previous Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Previous Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list sa-cache } // container sa-caches container rpfs { description "MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding Info"; list rpf { key "rp-address"; description "MSDP Reverse Path Forwarding entries"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf local-as-number-string { type string; description "Local AS Number"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "Matching Rule"; } leaf peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RPF peer"; } leaf peer-as-number-string { type string; description "Peers AS Number"; } leaf bgp-nexthop { type inet:ipv4-address; description "BGP Nexthop"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Nexthop AS Number"; } leaf matching-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Matching Prefix"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix Length"; } leaf as-path { type yang:hex-string; description "The AS Path"; } } // list rpf } // container rpfs container routing-context { description "MSDP routing context"; leaf context-name { type string; description "Name of context"; } leaf context-id { type uint32; description "Context identifier"; } leaf table-id { type uint32; description "Active table identifier"; } leaf table-count { type uint32; description "Count of tables"; } leaf active-table-count { type uint32; description "Count of active tables"; } leaf inheritable-ttl { type uint32; description "TTL inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-max-sa { type uint32; description "Maximum SAs inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-keepalive-period { type uint32; description "Keepalive period inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-peer-timeout-period { type uint32; description "Peer timeout period inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-connect-source { type string; description "Connect source interface inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-sa-filter-in { type string; description "SA filter in inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-sa-filter-out { type string; description "SA filter out inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-rp-filter-in { type string; description "RP filter in inheritable by peers"; } leaf inheritable-rp-filter-out { type string; description "RP filter out inheritable by peers"; } leaf originator-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator address"; } leaf originator-interface-name { type string; description "Originator interface name"; } leaf default-peer-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Default peer address"; } leaf sa-holdtime { type uint32; description "SA holdtime"; } leaf allow-encaps-count { type uint32; description "Count of allowed encaps"; } leaf context-sa-maximum { type uint32; description "Maximum SA in the context"; } leaf as-number { type uint32; description "Local AS Number"; } leaf peer-count { type uint32; description "Count of peers"; } leaf estasblished-peer-count { type uint32; description "Count of peers in established state"; } leaf group-count { type uint32; description "Count of groups present"; } leaf source-count { type uint32; description "Count of sources present"; } leaf rp-count { type uint32; description "Count of RPs present"; } leaf external-source-count { type uint32; description "Count of external sources present"; } leaf group-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of group count"; } leaf source-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of source count"; } leaf rp-count-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of RP count"; } leaf external-source-hwm { type uint32; description "High water mark of external sources count"; } leaf mrib-update-count { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB Updates"; } leaf mrib-update-no-change-count { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates with no change"; } leaf mrib-update-group { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB update for *,G routes"; } leaf mrib-update-source { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates for S,G routes"; } leaf mrib-update-drop-invalid-group { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid group address"; } leaf mrib-update-drop-invalid-group-length { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid group length"; } leaf mribu-pdate-drop-invalid-source { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for an invalid source address"; } leaf mrib-update-group-auto-rp { type uint32; description "Count of MRIB updates dropped for AutoRP address"; } leaf pim-suppress-shared-tree-join { type boolean; description "Suppress shared tree join configured"; } } // container routing-context container cache-summary { description "Cache Summary"; container rp-cache-summaries { description "RP specific Cache Summary Table"; list rp-cache-summary { key "rp-address"; description "Cache Summary RP"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Originator RP address"; } leaf rp-prefix { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Prefix used for this RP"; } leaf rp-prefix-length { type int32; description "Prefix length used for this RP"; } leaf sa-total { type uint32; description "SA count "; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RPF Peer"; } } // list rp-cache-summary } // container rp-cache-summaries container cache-summary-preface { description "Cache Summary Preface"; leaf sa-count { type uint32; description "Active SA count"; } leaf rp-count { type uint32; description "RP count "; } leaf source-count { type uint32; description "Source count "; } leaf group-count { type uint32; description "Group count "; } } // container cache-summary-preface container as-cache-summaries { description "AS specific Cache Summary Table"; list as-cache-summary { key "as"; description "Cache Summary AS"; leaf as { type Bgp-asn-plain; description "AS Number"; } leaf as-number-string { type string; description "Peer's ASnum"; } leaf sa-total { type uint32; description "SA count "; } leaf number-of-rp { type uint32; description "Number of RPs"; } } // list as-cache-summary } // container as-cache-summaries } // container cache-summary container all-sa-caches { description "All of MSDP SA Cache ignoring source flags"; list all-sa-cache { key "source-address group-address"; description "MSDP All SA Cache Entries ignoring source flags"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list all-sa-cache } // container all-sa-caches container as-source-group-sa-caches { description "AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache table"; list as-source-group-sa-cache { key "as source-address group-address"; description "AS Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries"; leaf as { type Bgp-asn-plain; description "AS Number"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list as-source-group-sa-cache } // container as-source-group-sa-caches container rp-source-group-sa-caches { description "RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache table"; list rp-source-group-sa-cache { key "rp-address source-address group-address"; description "RP Filtered MSDP SA Cache Entries"; leaf rp-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RP Address"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf group-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Group Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf source-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Prefix length"; } leaf source-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf group-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Group address"; } leaf group-prefix-length { type uint32; description "Group Prefix length"; } leaf group-flag { type uint32; description "Source specific flags"; } leaf rp-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "RP address that orginated this source"; } leaf rpf-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we accepted this SA from"; } leaf rpf-as-number-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf advertizing-peer { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The peer we should have"; } leaf advertizing-peer-as-string { type string; description "The AS of the peer that advertised this"; } leaf matching-rule { type Msdp-rpf-rule; description "The RPF rule used to select this SA"; } leaf sa-received-count { type uint32; description "The number of SA messages recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-bytes { type uint32; units "byte"; description "The bytes of encapsulated data recv'd"; } leaf encapsulated-data-packets { type uint32; description "No. of encapsulated data pkts recv'd"; } leaf created { type uint64; description "Time entry was created"; } leaf expires { type uint64; description "When the entry expires"; } } // list rp-source-group-sa-cache } // container rp-source-group-sa-caches } // list vrf } // container vrfs } // container active } // container msdp } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-msdp-oper
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