This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR mpls-ldp package operational data. This module contains ...
Version: 2021-04-06
module Cisco-IOS-XR-mpls-ldp-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix mpls-ldp-oper; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-mpls-ldp-oper-sub3 { revision-date "2021-04-06"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-mpls-ldp-oper-sub2 { revision-date "2021-04-06"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-mpls-ldp-oper-sub1 { revision-date "2021-04-06"; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR mpls-ldp package operational data. This module contains definitions for the following management objects: mpls-ldp: MPLS LDP operational data Copyright (c) 2013-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-04-06" { description "Added BSID data in LDP forwarding 2021-03-10 Added adj_grp count leaf to ldp summary 2020-08-14 Added ELC parameter."; } revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2017-09-07" { description "Fixed type translation error."; } revision "2017-05-01" { description "Fixing backward compatibility error in module."; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "1.1.0"; semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef Mpls-ldp-oper-af-name { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 1; description "IPv4"; } enum "ipv6" { value 2; description "IPv6"; } enum "all" { value 65535; description "All"; } } description "Mpls ldp oper af name"; } grouping NSR-SUMMARY-ALL { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container nsr-summary-all { description "Summary information regarding LDP NSR State"; uses LDP-NSR-SUM; } // container nsr-summary-all } // grouping NSR-SUMMARY-ALL grouping LDP-ID { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container ldp-id { description "Local LDP Id"; uses LDP-LDPID-INFO; } // container ldp-id } // grouping LDP-ID grouping CAPABILITY-TABLE { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container capabilities { description "LDP capability database information"; list capability { key "capability-type"; description "Information on LDP capability"; leaf capability-type { type uint32; description "The capability type (IANA assigned)"; } uses LDP-CAP-INFO; } // list capability } // container capabilities } // grouping CAPABILITY-TABLE grouping NEIGHBOR-CAPABILITY-TABLE { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container neighbor-capabilities { description "LDP Neighbors Capabilities"; list neighbor-capability { description "Information on capabilities of a particular LDP neighbor"; leaf lsr-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "LSR ID of neighbor"; } leaf label-space-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Label space ID of neighbor"; } uses LDP-NBR-CAP-INFO; } // list neighbor-capability } // container neighbor-capabilities } // grouping NEIGHBOR-CAPABILITY-TABLE grouping VRF-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container vrfs { description "VRF specific operational data"; list vrf { key "vrf-name"; description "Operational data for given VRF"; leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } uses GRACEFUL-RESTART; uses CAPABILITY-TABLE; uses SUMMARY; uses AF-TABLE; uses NEIGHBOR-BRIEF-TABLE; uses BACKOFF-PARAMETERS; uses BACKOFF-TABLE; uses NSR; uses PARAMETERS; uses ISSU; uses NEIGHBOR-CAPABILITY-TABLE; uses NEIGHBOR-TABLE; uses LDP-ID; uses STATISTICS-TABLE; } // list vrf } // container vrfs } // grouping VRF-TABLE grouping BACKOFF-PARAMETERS { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container backoff-parameters { description "The LDP Backoff Parameters"; uses LDP-BACKOFF-INFO; } // container backoff-parameters } // grouping BACKOFF-PARAMETERS grouping HA-SUMMARY { description "Common node of nsr, issu"; container ha-summary { description "LDP HA Summary"; uses LDP-NSR-SUM; } // container ha-summary } // grouping HA-SUMMARY grouping STATISTICS-TABLE { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container statistics { description "The LDP Statistics"; list statistic { description "Statistical Information on a particular LDP neighbor"; leaf lsr-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "LSR ID of neighbor"; } leaf label-space-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Label space ID of neighbor"; } uses LDP-STATS-INFO; } // list statistic } // container statistics } // grouping STATISTICS-TABLE grouping DISCOVERY-SUMMARY-ALL { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container discovery-summary-all { description "Summary information regarding LDP discovery"; uses LDP-DISCOVERY-SUMMARY-INFO; } // container discovery-summary-all } // grouping DISCOVERY-SUMMARY-ALL grouping BINDINGS-SUMMARY-ALL { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container bindings-summary-all { description "Aggregate VRF counters for the LDP Label Infomation Base (LIB)"; uses LDP-BINDING-SUMMARY; } // container bindings-summary-all } // grouping BINDINGS-SUMMARY-ALL grouping DEFAULT-VRF { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container default-vrf { description "DefaultVRF specific operational data"; uses GRACEFUL-RESTART; uses CAPABILITY-TABLE; uses SUMMARY; uses AF-TABLE; uses NEIGHBOR-BRIEF-TABLE; uses BACKOFF-PARAMETERS; uses BACKOFF-TABLE; uses NSR; uses PARAMETERS; uses ISSU; uses NEIGHBOR-CAPABILITY-TABLE; uses NEIGHBOR-TABLE; uses LDP-ID; uses STATISTICS-TABLE; } // container default-vrf } // grouping DEFAULT-VRF grouping NEIGHBOR-BRIEF-TABLE { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container neighbor-briefs { description "The LDP Neighbors (brief)"; list neighbor-brief { description "Brief information on a particular LDP neighbor"; leaf lsr-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "LSR ID of neighbor"; } leaf label-space-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Label space ID of neighbor"; } uses LDP-NEIGHBOR-BRIEF-INFO; } // list neighbor-brief } // container neighbor-briefs } // grouping NEIGHBOR-BRIEF-TABLE grouping ATO-MDB-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container ato-mdb-table-entries { description "AToM DB Table"; list ato-mdb-table-entry { description "Entries in AToM DB"; leaf peer-id { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Peer ID"; } leaf fe-ctype { type uint32; description "FEC Type"; } leaf pw-id { type uint32; description "PW ID"; } leaf agi-type { type uint32; description "AGI Type"; } leaf agi { type uint32; description "AGI"; } leaf saii-type { type uint32; description "SAII Type"; } leaf saii-local-id { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "SAII Local ID"; } leaf saii-global-id { type uint32; description "SAII Global ID"; } leaf saii-prefix { type xr:Hex-integer; description "SAII Prefix"; } leaf saii-ac-id { type uint32; description "SAII AC ID"; } leaf taii-type { type uint32; description "TAII Type"; } leaf taii-local-id { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "TAII Local ID"; } leaf taii-global-id { type uint32; description "TAII Global ID"; } leaf taii-prefix { type xr:Hex-integer; description "TAII Prefix"; } leaf taii-ac-id { type uint32; description "TAII AC ID"; } uses L2VPN-LDP-ATOM; } // list ato-mdb-table-entry } // container ato-mdb-table-entries } // grouping ATO-MDB-TABLE grouping PARAMETERS { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container parameters { description "LDP parameters"; uses LDP-PARAMETERS; } // container parameters } // grouping PARAMETERS grouping FORWARDING-SUMMARY-ALL { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container forwarding-summary-all { description "Summary information regarding LDP forwarding setup"; uses LDP-FWD-SUMM-INFO; } // container forwarding-summary-all } // grouping FORWARDING-SUMMARY-ALL grouping SUMMARY { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container summary { description "LDP VRF summary"; uses LDP-SUMMARY-VRF; } // container summary } // grouping SUMMARY grouping MPLS-LDP-OPER-SUMMARY { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrfCommon node of active, standby, node"; container summary { description "LDP summary"; uses LDP-SUMMARY; } // container summary } // grouping MPLS-LDP-OPER-SUMMARY grouping HA-STATISTICS { description "Common node of nsr, issu"; container ha-statistics { description "LDP NSR Statistics related information"; container ha-global { description "LDP NSR Global Statistics information"; uses LDP-NSR-GBL-STATS-INFO; } // container ha-global uses HA-NEIGHBOR-TABLE; } // container ha-statistics } // grouping HA-STATISTICS grouping NSR { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container nsr { description "LDP NSR related information"; container nsr-pending { description "LDP NSR Pending related information"; uses HA-NEIGHBOR-TABLE; } // container nsr-pending uses HA-SUMMARY; uses HA-STATISTICS; } // container nsr } // grouping NSR grouping GRACEFUL-RESTART { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container graceful-restart { description "LDP Graceful Restart info"; uses LDP-GR-GLOBAL-INFO; } // container graceful-restart } // grouping GRACEFUL-RESTART grouping HA-NEIGHBOR-TABLE { description "Common node of nsr-pending, ha-statistics"; container ha-neighbors { description "The LDP HA Neighbors"; list ha-neighbor { description "Information on a particular LDP HA neighbor"; leaf lsr-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "LSR ID of neighbor"; } leaf label-space-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Label space ID of neighbor"; } uses LDP-NSR-STATS-NBR-INFO; } // list ha-neighbor } // container ha-neighbors } // grouping HA-NEIGHBOR-TABLE grouping NEIGHBOR-TABLE { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container neighbors { description "The LDP Neighbors"; list neighbor { description "Information on a particular LDP neighbor"; leaf lsr-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "LSR ID of neighbor"; } leaf label-space-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Label space ID of neighbor"; } uses LDP-NEIGHBOR-INFO; } // list neighbor } // container neighbors } // grouping NEIGHBOR-TABLE grouping ISSU { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container issu { description "LDP ISSU related information"; uses HA-SUMMARY; uses HA-STATISTICS; } // container issu } // grouping ISSU grouping BACKOFF-TABLE { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container backoffs { description "The LDP backoff"; list backoff { description "LDP Backoff Information"; leaf lsr-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "LSR ID of neighbor"; } leaf label-space-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Label space ID of neighbor"; } uses LDP-BACKOFF-ENTRY-INFO; } // list backoff } // container backoffs } // grouping BACKOFF-TABLE grouping AF-TABLE { description "Common node of default-vrf, vrf"; container afs { description "Address Family specific operational data"; list af { key "af-name"; description "Operational data for given Address Family"; container interface-summary { description "IPv4 interface summary information"; uses LDP-INTF-SUM; } // container interface-summary container bindings { description "The LDP Bindings"; list binding { key "prefix"; description "Binding Information"; leaf prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "The IP Prefix"; } uses LDP-TIB-ENTRY-DETAIL; } // list binding } // container bindings container igp { description "LDP IGP related information"; container syncs { description "LDP IGP Sync related information"; list sync { key "interface-name"; description "LDP-IGP Synchronization related information for an interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "The Interface Name"; } uses LDP-IGP-SYNC-INFO; } // list sync } // container syncs container sync-delay-restart { description "LDP-IGP Synchronization Delay related information"; uses LDP-IGP-SYNC-DELAY-RESTART-INFO; } // container sync-delay-restart } // container igp container bindings-summary { description "Counters for the LDP Label Infomation Base (LIB)"; uses LDP-BINDING-SUMMARY; } // container bindings-summary container interfaces { description "LDP Interface related information"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "IPv4 interface information"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "The Interface Name"; } uses LDP-INTF; } // list interface } // container interfaces container discovery { description "The LDP Discovery"; container link-hellos { description "The LDP Discovery link"; list link-hello { key "interface-name"; description "Information on LDP link discovery"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "The Interface Name"; } uses LDP-DISCOVERY-LINK-INFO; } // list link-hello } // container link-hellos container summary { description "Summarized information on LDP discovery"; uses LDP-DISCOVERY-SUMMARY-INFO; } // container summary container targeted-hellos { description "The LDP Discovery Targeted"; list targeted-hello { description "Information on LDP targeted discovery"; leaf local-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Local IP Address"; } leaf target-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "The target IP Address"; } uses LDP-TARGETED-HELLO-INFO; } // list targeted-hello } // container targeted-hellos container brief { description "Brief information on LDP discovery"; container link-hello-briefs { description "The LDP Discovery link brief information"; list link-hello-brief { key "interface-name"; description "Brief information on LDP link discovery"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "The Interface Name"; } uses LDP-DISCOVERY-LINK-BRIEF-INFO; } // list link-hello-brief } // container link-hello-briefs container targeted-hello-briefs { description "The LDP Discovery Targeted brief information"; list targeted-hello-brief { description "Brief information on LDP targeted discovery"; leaf local-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Local IP Address"; } leaf target-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "The target IP Address"; } uses LDP-TARGETED-HELLO-BRIEF-INFO; } // list targeted-hello-brief } // container targeted-hello-briefs } // container brief container stats { description "The LDP Discovery Statistics"; list stat { description "Information on LDP discovery statistics"; leaf lsr-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "LSR ID of neighbor"; } leaf label-space-id { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Label space ID of neighbor"; } uses LDP-DISCOVERY-ADJ-GRP-INFO; } // list stat } // container stats } // container discovery container forwardings { description "The LDP Forwarding rewrites"; list forwarding { key "prefix"; description "Information on a particular LDP forwarding rewrite"; leaf prefix { type inet:ip-prefix; description "The IP Prefix"; } uses LDP-FWD-PFX-INFO; } // list forwarding } // container forwardings container bindings-advertise-spec { description "Advertisement Spec (ACL) for LDP Label Infomation Base (LIB)"; uses LDP-BINDING-ADVT-SPEC; } // container bindings-advertise-spec container forwarding-summary { description "Summary information regarding LDP forwarding setup"; uses LDP-FWD-SUMM-INFO; } // container forwarding-summary leaf af-name { type Mpls-ldp-oper-af-name; description "Address Family name"; } } // list af } // container afs } // grouping AF-TABLE container mpls-ldp { config false; description "MPLS LDP operational data"; container global { description "Global MPLS LDP operational data"; container standby { description "Standby MPLS LDP operational data"; uses DEFAULT-VRF; uses FORWARDING-SUMMARY-ALL; uses BINDINGS-SUMMARY-ALL; uses ATO-MDB-TABLE; uses NSR-SUMMARY-ALL; uses MPLS-LDP-OPER-SUMMARY; uses VRF-TABLE; uses DISCOVERY-SUMMARY-ALL; } // container standby container active { description "Active MPLS LDP operational data"; uses DEFAULT-VRF; uses FORWARDING-SUMMARY-ALL; uses BINDINGS-SUMMARY-ALL; uses ATO-MDB-TABLE; uses NSR-SUMMARY-ALL; uses MPLS-LDP-OPER-SUMMARY; uses VRF-TABLE; uses DISCOVERY-SUMMARY-ALL; } // container active } // container global container nodes { description "Location MPLS LDP operational data"; list node { key "node-name"; description "The MPLD LDP operational data for a particular node"; leaf node-name { type xr:Node-id; description "The identifier for the node"; } uses DEFAULT-VRF; uses FORWARDING-SUMMARY-ALL; uses BINDINGS-SUMMARY-ALL; uses ATO-MDB-TABLE; uses NSR-SUMMARY-ALL; uses MPLS-LDP-OPER-SUMMARY; uses VRF-TABLE; uses DISCOVERY-SUMMARY-ALL; } // list node } // container nodes } // container mpls-ldp } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-mpls-ldp-oper
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