This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR lmp package operational data. This module contains defin...
Version: 2019-04-05
module Cisco-IOS-XR-lmp-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix lmp-oper; import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-lmp-oper-sub1 { revision-date "2019-04-05"; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR lmp package operational data. This module contains definitions for the following management objects: lmp: Main common UCP/OLM operational data Copyright (c) 2013-2019 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "1.0.1"; container lmp { config false; description "Main common UCP/OLM operational data"; container global-status { description "Global OLM process information"; container local-ouni-lmp-node-id { description "Local OUNI LMP Node ID"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container local-ouni-lmp-node-id container local-mpls-te-lmp-node-id { description "MPLS TE LMP Node ID"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container local-mpls-te-lmp-node-id container local-gmpls-uni-lmp-node-id { description "GMPLS UNI LMP Node ID"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container local-gmpls-uni-lmp-node-id leaf local-ouni-lmp-node-id-interface { type string; description "Local OUNI LMP Node ID I/F"; } leaf local-ouni-lmp-node-id-type { type Olm-router-id; description "Local OUNI LMP Node ID type"; } leaf is-ouni-config-exist { type boolean; description "TRUE if any OLM OUNI config exists"; } leaf is-gmpls-nni-config-exist { type boolean; description "TRUE if any OLM/LNP GMPLS NNI config exists"; } leaf is-gmpls-uni-config-exist { type boolean; description "TRUE if any OLM/LMP GMPLS UNI config exists"; } } // container global-status container clients { description "UCP OLM clients container class"; list client { key "client-name"; description "Information on a particular OLM API client"; leaf client-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Client name"; } container connected-time { description "The time the clientconnected in sec"; leaf time-connected { type uint32; description "The time the clientconnected in sec"; } } // container connected-time leaf node-name { type string; description "The RP name that the clientprocess is running on"; } } // list client } // container clients container gmpls-uni { description "GMPLS UNI specific OLM/LMP configuration"; container te-links { description "UCP OLM TE Links container class"; list te-link { key "controller-name"; description "Information on a particular OLM TE Link"; leaf controller-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Controller name"; } container local-link-id { description "The local datalink ID"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container local-link-id container remote-link-id { description "The remote datalink ID"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container remote-link-id container local-te-link-id { description "Local TE-Link ID/ TNA address"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container local-te-link-id container remote-te-link-id { description "Remote TE-Link ID/ TNA address"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container remote-te-link-id container neighbor-address { description "The address of the neighbor"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container neighbor-address container remote-ipcc-address { description "The remote node's IPCC address"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container remote-ipcc-address leaf interface-name { type string; description "Interface forOLM info"; } leaf protocol-owner { type Olm-object-owner; description "Protocol owningthis te-link"; } leaf neighbor-name { type string; description "The name of the neighbor"; } leaf ipcc-id { type uint32; description "The IPCC ID"; } leaf ipc-ctype { type Olmipcc; description "OLM IPCC type"; } leaf ipcc-name { type string; description "The name ofthe IPCC associated with the TE Link"; } leaf local-mux-cap { type Olm-mux-cap; description "The local mux capability"; } leaf remote-mux-cap { type Olm-mux-cap; description "The remote mux capability"; } leaf im-state { type Olm-comp-link-im-state; description "data link IM state"; } leaf lmp-state { type Olm-comp-link-lmp-state; description "data link LMP state"; } leaf te-link-lmp-state { type Olmte-link-lmp-state; description "TE LinkLMP state"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-local-minimum-bandwidth { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "GMPLS localminimum B/W in bytes/sec"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-local-maximum-bandwidth { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "GMPLS localmaximum B/W in bytes/sec"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-neighbor-minimum-bandwidth { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "GMPLSneighbor minimum B/W in bytes/sec"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-neighbor-maximum-bandwidth { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "GMPLSneighbor maximum B/W in bytes/sec"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-local-encoding-type { type Olm-link-encoding; description "GMPLS locallink encoding type"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-neighbor-encoding-type { type Olm-link-encoding; description "GMPLS neighborlink encoding type"; } leaf is-lmp-enabled { type boolean; description "Is LMP enabledon this TE link"; } leaf lmp-transmit-msg-id { type uint32; description "LMP transmitmessage ID"; } leaf lmp-receive-msg-id { type uint32; description "LMP receivemessage ID"; } leaf-list lmp-comp-link-status { type Olm-comp-link-lmp-status; description "Component link LMP status indicators"; } } // list te-link } // container te-links container neighbors { description "UCP OLM neighbors container class"; list neighbor { key "neighbor-name"; description "Information on a particular OLM neighbor"; leaf neighbor-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..64"; } description "Neighbor name"; } container neighbor-address { description "The remote node ID of the neighbor"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container neighbor-address leaf protocol-owner { type Olm-object-owner; description "Protocol owningthis neighbor"; } leaf ipcc-id { type uint32; description "The global active IPCCfor this neighbor"; } leaf is-lmp-enabled { type boolean; description "Is LMP enabled on this neighbor [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf is-lmp-config-disabled { type boolean; description "Are LMP hellos disabled through configuration for this neighbor [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-transmit-msg-id { type uint32; description "LMP transmit message ID [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-receive-msg-id { type uint32; description "LMP receive message ID [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-link-sum-transmit-packets { type uint32; description "LMP link summary transmit packet count [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-link-sum-receive-packets { type uint32; description "LMP link summary receive packet count[DEPRECATED]"; } list te-link { description "A list of TE Links connected to this neighbor"; container local-link-id { description "The local datalink ID"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container local-link-id container remote-link-id { description "The remote datalink ID"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container remote-link-id container local-te-link-id { description "Local TE-Link ID/ TNA address"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container local-te-link-id container remote-te-link-id { description "Remote TE-Link ID/ TNA address"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container remote-te-link-id container neighbor-address { description "The address of the neighbor"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container neighbor-address container remote-ipcc-address { description "The remote node's IPCC address"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container remote-ipcc-address leaf interface-name { type string; description "Interface forOLM info"; } leaf protocol-owner { type Olm-object-owner; description "Protocol owningthis te-link"; } leaf neighbor-name { type string; description "The name of the neighbor"; } leaf ipcc-id { type uint32; description "The IPCC ID"; } leaf ipc-ctype { type Olmipcc; description "OLM IPCC type"; } leaf ipcc-name { type string; description "The name ofthe IPCC associated with the TE Link"; } leaf local-mux-cap { type Olm-mux-cap; description "The local mux capability"; } leaf remote-mux-cap { type Olm-mux-cap; description "The remote mux capability"; } leaf im-state { type Olm-comp-link-im-state; description "data link IM state"; } leaf lmp-state { type Olm-comp-link-lmp-state; description "data link LMP state"; } leaf te-link-lmp-state { type Olmte-link-lmp-state; description "TE LinkLMP state"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-local-minimum-bandwidth { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "GMPLS localminimum B/W in bytes/sec"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-local-maximum-bandwidth { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "GMPLS localmaximum B/W in bytes/sec"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-neighbor-minimum-bandwidth { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "GMPLSneighbor minimum B/W in bytes/sec"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-neighbor-maximum-bandwidth { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "GMPLSneighbor maximum B/W in bytes/sec"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-local-encoding-type { type Olm-link-encoding; description "GMPLS locallink encoding type"; } leaf gmpls-te-link-neighbor-encoding-type { type Olm-link-encoding; description "GMPLS neighborlink encoding type"; } leaf is-lmp-enabled { type boolean; description "Is LMP enabledon this TE link"; } leaf lmp-transmit-msg-id { type uint32; description "LMP transmitmessage ID"; } leaf lmp-receive-msg-id { type uint32; description "LMP receivemessage ID"; } leaf-list lmp-comp-link-status { type Olm-comp-link-lmp-status; description "Component link LMP status indicators"; } } // list te-link list ipcc { description "A list of IPCCs connected to this neighbor"; container remote-ipcc-address { description "The remote node'sIPCC address"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container remote-ipcc-address container source-ip-cc-address { description "The local IPCC address"; container address { description "Address Union"; leaf address-type { type Olm-addr-type-id; description "AddressType"; } leaf ipv4-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv4'"; } type inet:ipv4-address; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf ipv6-address { when "../address-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AddressType = 'IPv6'"; } type Ipv6-address; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf unnumbered-address { when "../address-type = 'unnumbered'" { description "../AddressType = 'Unnumbered'"; } type uint32; description "Unnumberedaddress"; } } // container address } // container source-ip-cc-address leaf ipcc-id { type uint32; description "Global active IPCCfor this neighbor"; } leaf ipc-ctype { type Olmipcc; description "OLM IPCC type"; } leaf interface-name { type string; description "The interface name forI/F IPCCs"; } leaf neighbor-name { type string; description "Neighbor name of theIPCCs neighbor"; } leaf ipcc-state { type Olmipcc-state; description "OLM IPCC master state"; } leaf lmp-hello-interval { type uint32; description "LMP hello send interval in msec [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-interval-minimum { type uint32; description "LMP minimum acceptable hello send interval [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-interval-maximum { type uint32; description "LMP maximum acceptable hello send interval [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-dead-interval { type uint32; description "LMP hello dead interval [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-dead-interval-minimum { type uint32; description "LMP minimum acceptable hello dead interval [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-dead-interval-maximum { type uint32; description "LMP maximum acceptable hello dead interval [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-transmit-packets { type uint32; description "LMP hello transmit packet count[DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-receive-packets { type uint32; description "LMP hello receive packet count [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-transmit-packet-sequence-number { type uint32; description "LMP hello transmit packet sequence number [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-hello-receive-packet-sequence-number { type uint32; description "LMP hello receive packet sequence number[DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-transmit-msg-id { type uint32; description "LMP transmit message ID[DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-receive-msg-id { type uint32; description "LMP receive message ID[DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-link-sum-transmit-packets { type uint32; description "LMP link summary transmit packet count [DEPRECATED]"; } leaf lmp-link-sum-receive-packets { type uint32; description "LMP link summary receive packet count [DEPRECATED]"; } } // list ipcc } // list neighbor } // container neighbors } // container gmpls-uni container component-link-ids { description "UCP OLM component link ID container class"; list component-link-id { key "controller-name"; description "Retrieve the LMP component link ID for a given controller"; leaf controller-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Controller name"; } leaf component-interface-id { type uint32; description "LMP component link ID for an I/F"; } } // list component-link-id } // container component-link-ids } // container lmp } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-lmp-oper
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