This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR ip-rsvp package operational data. This module contains d...
Version: 2019-04-05
module Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-rsvp-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix ip-rsvp-oper; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-rsvp-oper-sub1 { revision-date "2019-04-05"; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR ip-rsvp package operational data. This module contains definitions for the following management objects: rsvp-standby: RSVP operational data for standby role rsvp: RSVP operational data Copyright (c) 2013-2019 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2017-09-07" { description "Fixed type translation error."; } revision "2017-05-01" { description "Fixing backward compatibility error in module."; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef Rsvp-mode { type enumeration { enum "send" { value 0; description "Send"; } enum "receive" { value 1; description "Receive"; } } description "Rsvp mode"; } typedef Rsvp-session { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 1; description "Show IPv4 sessions only"; } enum "p2p-lsp-ipv4" { value 7; description "Show IPv4 P2P LSP sessions only"; } enum "ouni-ipv4" { value 9; description "Show IPv4 OUNI sessions only"; } enum "p2mp-lsp-ipv4" { value 13; description "Show IPv4 P2MP LSP sessions only"; } } description "Rsvp session"; } container rsvp-standby { config false; description "RSVP operational data for standby role"; container interface-neighbor-briefs { description "Table of brief info about I/F neighbors"; list interface-neighbor-brief { key "neighbor-address"; description "Brief info for a single interface neighbor"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Address of global neighbor"; } leaf node-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor node address"; } list interface-neighbor-list-compact { description "Compact list of I/F Neighbors"; leaf interface-neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Interface Neighbor address"; } leaf neighbor-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Neighbor's Interface handle"; } } // list interface-neighbor-list-compact } // list interface-neighbor-brief } // container interface-neighbor-briefs container controller-summaries { description "Table of summary info about RSVP-enabled controllers"; list controller-summary { key "controller-name"; description "Summary info about an RSVP-enabled controller"; leaf controller-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Controller Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } leaf paths-in { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming path states"; } leaf paths-out { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing path states"; } leaf reservations-in { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming reservation states"; } leaf reservations-out { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing reservation states"; } } // list controller-summary } // container controller-summaries container authentication-briefs { description "Table for Authentication related information"; list authentication-brief { key "source-address destination-address mode-id interface-name"; description "Brief Authentication information"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf mode-id { type Rsvp-mode; description "Mode (Tx or Rx)"; } leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "InterfaceName"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor address"; } leaf direction { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction; description "Direction"; } leaf key-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-ki; description "Key type"; } leaf key-source { type string; description "Key source"; } leaf key-id { type uint64; description "Key ID"; } leaf key-id-valid { type uint32; description "Key validity"; } } // list authentication-brief } // container authentication-briefs container session-briefs { description "Table of brief info about sessions"; list session-brief { description "Brief info about session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session leaf ps-bs { type uint32; description "Number of path state block states"; } leaf rs-bs { type uint32; description "Number of reservation state block states"; } leaf requests { type uint32; description "Number of request states"; } leaf detail-list-size { type uint32; description "Number of elements in detail list"; } } // list session-brief } // container session-briefs container psb-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about path state blocks"; list psb-detailed { description "Detailed info for a single path state block"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port "; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container template { description "RSVP Template"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container template container session-attribute { description "RSVP Session Attribute"; container sess-attribute-flags { description "Session Attributes"; leaf is-local-protect { type boolean; description "Local Protection"; } leaf is-node-protect { type boolean; description "Node Protection"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protect { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection"; } leaf is-record-labels { type boolean; description "Records Labels"; } leaf is-shared-explicit-requested { type boolean; description "Shared Explicit Requested"; } } // container sess-attribute-flags leaf setup-priority { type uint8; description "Setup Priority"; } leaf reservation-priority { type uint8; description "Reservation Priority"; } } // container session-attribute container traffic-spec { description "RSVP Traffic Spec Info"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container traffic-spec container generic-traffic-spec { description "RSVP Generic Traffic Spec Info"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec container path-flags { description "Path Flags"; leaf is-non-rsvp-hop-upstream { type boolean; description "Non-RSVP Hop Upstream"; } leaf is-local-sender { type boolean; description "Local Sender"; } leaf is-message-id-valid { type boolean; description "MessageID Valid"; } leaf is-local-repair { type boolean; description "Rerouted"; } leaf is-bidirectional { type boolean; description "Bidirectional"; } leaf is-lockout { type boolean; description "Locked Out"; } } // container path-flags container hop { description "Path Hop Info"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf neighbor-logical-interface-handle { type uint32; description "Neighbor Logical Interface Handle"; } } // container hop container policy-source-info { description "Policy Sources Info"; leaf is-te-link { type boolean; description "Policy Source is TE Link"; } leaf is-local { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Local"; } leaf is-cops { type boolean; description "Policy Source is COPS"; } leaf is-default { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Default"; } leaf is-cable { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Cable"; } } // container policy-source-info container header { description "RSVP Header Info"; leaf rsvp-version { type uint8; description "RSVP Version"; } leaf rsvp-header-flags { type uint8; description "RSVP Header Flags (defined in RFC2205 Section 3 .1.1)"; } leaf rsvp-ttl { type uint8; description "RSVP TTL"; } leaf rsvp-message-type { type uint8; description "RSVP Message Type"; } leaf ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP Type of Service"; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "IP TTL"; } leaf ip-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP Source Address"; } } // container header container expiry-time { description "Expiry Time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container expiry-time container policy-flags { description "Policy Flags"; leaf is-accepted { type boolean; description "Accepted"; } leaf is-installed { type boolean; description "Installed"; } leaf is-forwarding { type boolean; description "Forwarding"; } } // container policy-flags container policy-query-flags { description "Policy Query Flags"; leaf is-needed { type boolean; description "Needed"; } leaf is-report-required { type boolean; description "Report Required"; } leaf is-resync { type boolean; description "Resynchronization"; } leaf is-bypass { type boolean; description "Bypass"; } } // container policy-query-flags container label-info { description "Label Information"; container generic-local-downstream-label { description "Generic Local Downstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-local-downstream-label container generic-outgoing-downstream-label { description "Generic Outgoing Downstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-outgoing-downstream-label container generic-merge-point-label { description "Generic MergePoint Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-merge-point-label container generic-outgoing-upstream-label { description "Generic Outgoing Upstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-outgoing-upstream-label container generic-local-upstream-label { description "Generic Local Upstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-local-upstream-label container generic-recovery-label { description "Generic Recovery Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-recovery-label leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Is the label information valid"; } leaf local-downstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Local Downstream Label"; } leaf outgoing-downstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Outgoing Downstream Label"; } leaf merge-point-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "MergePoint Label"; } leaf outgoing-upstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Outgoing Upstream Label"; } leaf local-upstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Local Upstream Label"; } leaf recovery-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Recovery Label"; } leaf lsp-wrap-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "LSP Wrap Label"; } } // container label-info container class-type { description "DS-TE Class-Type"; leaf is-class-type-info-valid { type boolean; description "Is the Class-Type information valid"; } leaf class-type { type uint8; description "DS-TE Class-Type"; } } // container class-type leaf input-interface { type string; description "Path Input Interface"; } leaf backup-tunnel-name { type string; description "Path Backup Tunnel"; } leaf is-in-ero-valid { type boolean; description "Incoming ERO validity"; } leaf is-out-ero-valid { type boolean; description "Outgoing ERO validity"; } list pfc { description "Path Forwarding Contexts"; container policy-flags { description "Policy Flags"; leaf is-accepted { type boolean; description "Accepted"; } leaf is-installed { type boolean; description "Installed"; } leaf is-forwarding { type boolean; description "Forwarding"; } } // container policy-flags container policy-query-flags { description "Policy Query Flags"; leaf is-needed { type boolean; description "Needed"; } leaf is-report-required { type boolean; description "Report Required"; } leaf is-resync { type boolean; description "Resynchronization"; } leaf is-bypass { type boolean; description "Bypass"; } } // container policy-query-flags leaf output-interface { type string; description "Output interface"; } } // list pfc list in-ero { description "Incoming Explicit Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-ipv4'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The ERO IPV4 Address"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint8; description "ERO Prefix Length"; } } // container ipv4ero-sub-object container unnumbered-ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-un-num'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_UNNUM'"; } description "Unnumbered ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-interface-id { type uint32; description "The Interface ID in ERO"; } leaf ero-router-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Router ID in ERO"; } leaf status { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj-status; description "Status of ERO"; } } // container unnumbered-ero-sub-object leaf ero-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj; description "EROType"; } } // list in-ero list out-ero { description "Outgoing Explicit Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-ipv4'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The ERO IPV4 Address"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint8; description "ERO Prefix Length"; } } // container ipv4ero-sub-object container unnumbered-ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-un-num'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_UNNUM'"; } description "Unnumbered ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-interface-id { type uint32; description "The Interface ID in ERO"; } leaf ero-router-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Router ID in ERO"; } leaf status { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj-status; description "Status of ERO"; } } // container unnumbered-ero-sub-object leaf ero-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj; description "EROType"; } } // list out-ero } // list psb-detailed } // container psb-detaileds container controller-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about RSVP-enabled controllers"; list controller-detailed { key "controller-name"; description "Detailed info about an RSVP-enabled controller"; leaf controller-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Controller Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information container flags { description "Interface flags"; leaf is-mpls-enabled { type boolean; description "MPLS enabled on interface"; } leaf is-refresh-reduction-enabled { type boolean; description "Refresh Reduction enabled"; } leaf is-pacing-enabled { type boolean; description "Message pacing enabled"; } leaf is-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Refresh enabled"; } leaf is-s-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Summary Refresh enabled"; } leaf is-interface-down { type boolean; description "Interface is DOWN"; } leaf is-interface-created { type boolean; description "Interface is created"; } leaf is-rel-s-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Use reliable xmt for SRefresh"; } leaf is-backup-tunnel { type boolean; description "This is backup tunnel"; } leaf is-rsvp-configured { type boolean; description "RSVP explicitly configured"; } leaf is-non-default-vrf { type boolean; description "Interface is defined in non-Default VRF"; } leaf is-message-bundling-enabled { type boolean; description "Use bundling for outgoing RSVP messages."; } } // container flags leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } leaf signalling-ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP TOS (precedence/DSCP) to use in signalling messages"; } leaf integrity-send-password { type string { length "0..40"; } description "Integrity send password"; } leaf integrity-receive-password { type string { length "0..40"; } description "Integrity receive password"; } leaf integrity-receive-password-optional { type uint8; description "Integrity recv password optional"; } leaf refresh-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Refresh timer state"; } leaf summary-refresh-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Summary refresh timer state"; } leaf refresh-interval { type int32; units "millisecond"; description "Refresh interval in msecs"; } leaf out-of-band-refresh-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Out-of-band Refresh interval in msecs"; } leaf summary-refresh-max-size { type uint32; units "byte"; description "Max size in bytes of a single SRefresh"; } leaf bundle-message-max-size { type uint32; units "byte"; description "Max size in bytes of a single Bundle message"; } leaf expiry-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Expiry timer state"; } leaf expiry-states { type int32; description "Number of states for expiry check"; } leaf expiry-interval { type int32; units "millisecond"; description "Expiry interval in msecs"; } leaf expiry-drops-tolerated { type int32; description "Number of missed messages tolerated"; } leaf out-of-band-expiry-drops-tolerated { type uint32; description "Number of out-of-band missed messages tolerated"; } leaf ack-hold-time { type uint32; description "ACK hold time in msec"; } leaf ack-max-size { type uint32; description "Max size for ACK message"; } leaf retransmit-time { type uint32; description "Retransmit time in msec"; } leaf pacing-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Pacing interval in msecs"; } leaf pacing-message-rate { type uint32; description "No. of messages per interval"; } leaf pacing-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "State of pacing timer"; } leaf pacing-messages { type int32; description "Number of messages deferred for pacing"; } list neighbor-array { max-elements 6; description "Neighbor array"; container expiry-time { description "Expiry time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container expiry-time leaf is-neighbor-refresh-reduction-capable { type boolean; description "Is neighbor capable of Refresh Reduction"; } leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf message-ids { type uint32; description "Number of MessageIDs"; } leaf outgoing-states { type int32; description "Number of outgoing states to the neighbour"; } list neighbor-message-id { max-elements 6; description "List of Neighbor MessageIDs"; leaf message-id { type Rsvp-mgmt-messageid; description "Message ID"; } } // list neighbor-message-id } // list neighbor-array } // list controller-detailed } // container controller-detaileds container frr-summary { description "Fast Re-Route Summary State Information"; container path-states { description "Path state counters"; leaf total { type uint32; description "Total number of instances of this state"; } leaf active-instances { type uint32; description "Number of active instances of this state"; } leaf ready-instances { type uint32; description "Number of ready instances of this state"; } leaf active-wait-instances { type uint32; description "Number of instances of this state awaiting Path messages to be sent out or Resv messages to be received"; } } // container path-states container reservation-states { description "Rerservation state counters"; leaf total { type uint32; description "Total number of instances of this state"; } leaf active-instances { type uint32; description "Number of active instances of this state"; } leaf ready-instances { type uint32; description "Number of ready instances of this state"; } leaf active-wait-instances { type uint32; description "Number of instances of this state awaiting Path messages to be sent out or Resv messages to be received"; } } // container reservation-states } // container frr-summary container rsb-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about reservation state blocks"; list rsb-detailed { description "Detailed info for a single reservation state block"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port "; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Information"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter container rsb-flags { description "Reservation State Block Flags"; leaf is-local-receiver { type boolean; description "Local Receiver"; } leaf is-message-id-valid { type boolean; description "MessageID Valid"; } leaf is-local-repair { type boolean; description "Rerouted"; } leaf is-merge-point { type boolean; description "Is node a Merge Point"; } leaf is-lockout { type boolean; description "Locked Out"; } } // container rsb-flags container hop { description "Hop Infomation"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf neighbor-logical-interface-handle { type uint32; description "Neighbor Logical Interface Handle"; } } // container hop container policy-sources { description "RSVP Policy Sources"; leaf is-te-link { type boolean; description "Policy Source is TE Link"; } leaf is-local { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Local"; } leaf is-cops { type boolean; description "Policy Source is COPS"; } leaf is-default { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Default"; } leaf is-cable { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Cable"; } } // container policy-sources container header { description "RSVP Header Information"; leaf rsvp-version { type uint8; description "RSVP Version"; } leaf rsvp-header-flags { type uint8; description "RSVP Header Flags (defined in RFC2205 Section 3 .1.1)"; } leaf rsvp-ttl { type uint8; description "RSVP TTL"; } leaf rsvp-message-type { type uint8; description "RSVP Message Type"; } leaf ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP Type of Service"; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "IP TTL"; } leaf ip-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP Source Address"; } } // container header container policy-flags { description "RSVP Policy Flags"; leaf is-accepted { type boolean; description "Accepted"; } leaf is-installed { type boolean; description "Installed"; } leaf is-forwarding { type boolean; description "Forwarding"; } } // container policy-flags container expiry-time { description "Expiry Time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container expiry-time container policy-query-flags { description "RSVP Query Flags"; leaf is-needed { type boolean; description "Needed"; } leaf is-report-required { type boolean; description "Report Required"; } leaf is-resync { type boolean; description "Resynchronization"; } leaf is-bypass { type boolean; description "Bypass"; } } // container policy-query-flags container label-info { description "Label Information"; container generic-local-downstream-label { description "Generic Local Downstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-local-downstream-label container generic-outgoing-downstream-label { description "Generic Outgoing Downstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-outgoing-downstream-label container generic-merge-point-label { description "Generic MergePoint Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-merge-point-label container generic-outgoing-upstream-label { description "Generic Outgoing Upstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-outgoing-upstream-label container generic-local-upstream-label { description "Generic Local Upstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-local-upstream-label container generic-recovery-label { description "Generic Recovery Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-recovery-label leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Is the label information valid"; } leaf local-downstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Local Downstream Label"; } leaf outgoing-downstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Outgoing Downstream Label"; } leaf merge-point-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "MergePoint Label"; } leaf outgoing-upstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Outgoing Upstream Label"; } leaf local-upstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Local Upstream Label"; } leaf recovery-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Recovery Label"; } leaf lsp-wrap-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "LSP Wrap Label"; } } // container label-info leaf input-adjusted-interface { type string; description "Input Adjusted Interface"; } leaf input-physical-interface { type string; description "Input Physical Interface"; } } // list rsb-detailed } // container rsb-detaileds container interface-summaries { description "Table of summary info about RSVP-enabled interfaces"; list interface-summary { key "interface-name"; description "Summary info about an RSVP-enabled interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } leaf paths-in { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming path states"; } leaf paths-out { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing path states"; } leaf reservations-in { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming reservation states"; } leaf reservations-out { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing reservation states"; } } // list interface-summary } // container interface-summaries container hello-instance-briefs { description "Table of brief info about hello instances"; list hello-instance-brief { key "source-address destination-address"; description "Brief info for a single hello instance"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf neighbor-hello-state { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-state; description "Neighbor Hello state"; } leaf instance-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance; description "Hello instance type"; } leaf hello-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface to use"; } leaf lost-communication-total { type uint16; description "Total number of times communication got lost"; } } // list hello-instance-brief } // container hello-instance-briefs container authentication-details { description "Table for detailed authentication related information"; list authentication-detail { key "source-address destination-address mode-id interface-name"; description "Brief Authentication information"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf mode-id { type Rsvp-mode; description "Mode (Tx or Rx)"; } leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "InterfaceName"; } container auth-compact { description "Basic authentication data"; leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor address"; } leaf direction { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction; description "Direction"; } leaf key-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-ki; description "Key type"; } leaf key-source { type string; description "Key source"; } leaf key-id { type uint64; description "Key ID"; } leaf key-id-valid { type uint32; description "Key validity"; } } // container auth-compact container direction-info { description "direction info"; container send-info { when "../auth-direction = 'rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction-send'" { description "../AuthDirection = 'RSVPMgmtAuthDirectionSend'"; } description "send info"; container counters { description "Counters"; leaf authentication-sent { type uint32; description "Messages sent"; } leaf authentication-failures { type uint32; description "Failures"; } leaf authentication-send-challenges-received { type uint32; description "Challenges received"; } leaf authentication-challenge-responses-sent { type uint32; description "Challenge responses sent"; } } // container counters leaf sequence { type uint64; description "Sequence number"; } } // container send-info container receive-info { when "../auth-direction = 'rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction-recv'" { description "../AuthDirection = 'RSVPMgmtAuthDirectionRecv'"; } description "receive info"; container counters { description "Counters"; leaf authentication-received-valid-messages { type uint32; description "Valid messages"; } leaf authentication-received-challenges-sent { type uint32; description "Challenges sent"; } leaf authentication-received-challenge-response { type uint32; description "Challenge responses received"; } leaf authentication-received-challenges-resent { type uint32; description "Challenges resent"; } leaf authentication-received-challenge-timeouts { type uint32; description "Challenge timeouts"; } leaf authentication-received-during-challenge { type uint32; description "Authentication received during challenge"; } leaf authentication-received-incomplete { type uint32; description "Authentication received incomplete"; } leaf authentication-received-no-integrity { type uint32; description "Authentication received with no integrity"; } leaf authentication-received-bad-digest { type uint32; description "Authentication received with bad digest"; } leaf authentication-received-wrong-digest-type { type uint32; description "Authentication received with wrong digest type"; } leaf authentication-received-sequence-number-duplicate { type uint32; description "Authentication received with duplicate sequence number"; } leaf authentication-received-sequence-number-outof-range { type uint32; description "Authentication received with sequence number out of range"; } leaf authentication-received-wrong-challenges-response { type uint32; description "Incorect challenge responses received"; } leaf authentication-received-challenges-response-duplicate { type uint32; description "Duplicate challenge responses received"; } leaf authentication-received-response-late { type uint32; description "Challenge responses received late"; } leaf authentication-received-bad-message-format { type uint32; description "Authentication received with bad mesage format"; } } // container counters leaf sequence { type uint64; description "Sequence number"; } leaf sequence-window-size { type uint32; description "Sequence window size"; } leaf sequence-window-count { type uint32; description "Sequence window count"; } list sequence-window { max-elements 64; description "Sequence window"; leaf entry { type uint64; description "Sequence window"; } } // list sequence-window } // container receive-info leaf auth-direction { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction; description "AuthDirection"; } } // container direction-info leaf key-status { type uint32; description "Key status"; } leaf key-digest-info { type uint32; description "Direction"; } leaf lifetime { type uint32; units "second"; description "Lifetime (seconds)"; } leaf lifetime-left { type uint32; units "second"; description "Remaining lifetime (seconds)"; } leaf challenge-status { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-challenge-status; description "Challenge status"; } } // list authentication-detail } // container authentication-details container rsb-briefs { description "Table of brief info about reservation state blocks"; list rsb-brief { description "Brief info for a single reservation state block"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port "; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Info"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter leaf input-interface { type string; description "Reservation Input Interface"; } } // list rsb-brief } // container rsb-briefs container counters { description "Counters"; container interface-messages { description "Table of message counters"; list interface-message { key "interface-name"; description "Interface message counters"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name. 'None' is used internally where the true interface is unknown (e.g. for routed packets)"; } container received-messages { description "Count of messages received"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container received-messages container transmitted-messages { description "Count of messages transmitted"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container transmitted-messages container bundle-received-messages { description "Count of Bundle messages received"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container bundle-received-messages container bundle-transmitted-messages { description "Count of Bundle messages transmitted"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container bundle-transmitted-messages leaf retransmitted-messages { type uint32; description "Count of messages retransmitted"; } leaf out-of-order-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Out of Order messages"; } leaf rate-limited-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Rate Limited messages"; } } // list interface-message } // container interface-messages container message-summary { description "Summary information for all RSVP message counters"; container received-messages { description "Count of messages received"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container received-messages container transmitted-messages { description "Count of messages transmitted"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container transmitted-messages container bundle-received-messages { description "Count of Bundle messages received"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container bundle-received-messages container bundle-transmitted-messages { description "Count of Bundle messages transmitted"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container bundle-transmitted-messages leaf retransmitted-messages { type uint32; description "Count of messages retransmitted"; } leaf out-of-order-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Out of Order messages"; } leaf rate-limited-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Rate Limited messages"; } } // container message-summary container prefix-filtering { description "Prefix filtering counters"; container accesses { description "AccessList specific prefix filtering counters"; list access { key "access-list-name"; description "Prefix filtering counters for a specific AccessList"; leaf access-list-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..65"; } description "AccessList Name"; } container forwarded { description "Count of messages which got forwarded"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container forwarded container locally-destined { description "Count of locally destined messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container locally-destined container dropped { description "Count of messages dropped"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container dropped container total { description "Count of total messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container total } // list access } // container accesses container interfaces { description "Interface specific prefix filtering counters"; container summary { description "Summary of prefix filtering counts for all interfaces"; container forwarded { description "Count of messages which got forwarded"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container forwarded container locally-destined { description "Count of locally destined messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container locally-destined container dropped { description "Count of messages dropped"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container dropped container default-action-dropped { description "Count of messages which got dropped due to default ACL action"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container default-action-dropped container default-action-processed { description "Count of messages which were processed due to default ACL action"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container default-action-processed container total { description "Count of total messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container total } // container summary container interfaces { description "Table of interface specific prefix filtering counters"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Prefix filtering counters for a specific interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Interface Name. 'None' is used internally where the true interface is unknown (e.g. for routed packets)"; } container forwarded { description "Count of messages which got forwarded"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container forwarded container locally-destined { description "Count of locally destined messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container locally-destined container dropped { description "Count of messages dropped"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container dropped container default-action-dropped { description "Count of messages which got dropped due to default ACL action"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container default-action-dropped container default-action-processed { description "Count of messages which were processed due to default ACL action"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container default-action-processed container total { description "Count of total messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container total } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container interfaces } // container prefix-filtering container out-of-resource { description "Out of resource counters"; container interfaces { description "Interface specific out of resource counters"; container summary { description "Summary of out of resource counts for all interfaces"; leaf dropped-path-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages dropped due to an out of resource condition"; } } // container summary container interfaces { description "Table of interface specific out of resource counters"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Out of resource counters for a specific interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Interface Name. 'None' is used internally where the true interface is unknown (e.g. for routed packets)"; } leaf dropped-path-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages dropped due to an out of resource condition"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container interfaces } // container out-of-resource container interface-events { description "Event counters"; list interface-event { key "interface-name"; description "Event counters for an interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name. 'None' is used internally where the true interface is unknown (e.g. for routed packets)"; } leaf expired-paths { type uint32; description "Counter for Expired Path states"; } leaf expired-reservations { type uint32; description "Counter for Expired Reservation states"; } leaf nac-ks { type uint32; description "Counter for NACKs received"; } } // list interface-event } // container interface-events container nsr { description "Summary information for all RSVP NSR counters"; leaf last-cleared-timestamp { type uint32; units "second"; description "The timestamp, in seconds, when these statistics are cleared since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970"; } leaf rsvp-process-role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } leaf last-idt-states { type uint32; description "Last IDT number of states"; } leaf total-states { type uint32; description "Total number of states"; } leaf total-deletions { type uint32; description "Total number of deletions"; } leaf total-nacks { type uint64; description "Total number of NACKs"; } leaf total-id-ts { type uint32; description "Total number of IDTs"; } } // container nsr container issu { description "Summary information for all RSVP ISSU counters"; leaf last-cleared-timestamp { type uint32; units "second"; description "The timestamp, in seconds, when these statistics are cleared since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970"; } leaf rsvp-process-role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } leaf last-idt-states { type uint32; description "Last IDT number of states"; } leaf total-states { type uint32; description "Total number of states"; } leaf total-deletions { type uint32; description "Total number of deletions"; } leaf total-nacks { type uint64; description "Total number of NACKs"; } leaf total-id-ts { type uint32; description "Total number of IDTs"; } } // container issu container database { description "Summary information for all RSVP database counters"; leaf sessions { type uint32; description "Number of sessions"; } leaf incoming-paths { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming path states"; } leaf outgoing-paths { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing path states"; } leaf incoming-reservations { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming reservation states"; } leaf outgoing-reservations { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing reservation states"; } leaf interfaces { type uint32; description "Number of Interfaces"; } } // container database container event-syncs { description "Table containing event sync counters"; list event-sync { key "interface-name"; description "Event sync counters"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf expired-paths { type uint32; description "Counter for Expired Path states"; } leaf expired-reservations { type uint32; description "Counter for Expired Reservation states"; } leaf nac-ks { type uint32; description "Counter for NACKs received"; } } // list event-sync } // container event-syncs } // container counters container interface-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about RSVP-enabled interfaces"; list interface-detailed { key "interface-name"; description "Detailed info about an RSVP-enabled interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information container flags { description "Interface flags"; leaf is-mpls-enabled { type boolean; description "MPLS enabled on interface"; } leaf is-refresh-reduction-enabled { type boolean; description "Refresh Reduction enabled"; } leaf is-pacing-enabled { type boolean; description "Message pacing enabled"; } leaf is-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Refresh enabled"; } leaf is-s-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Summary Refresh enabled"; } leaf is-interface-down { type boolean; description "Interface is DOWN"; } leaf is-interface-created { type boolean; description "Interface is created"; } leaf is-rel-s-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Use reliable xmt for SRefresh"; } leaf is-backup-tunnel { type boolean; description "This is backup tunnel"; } leaf is-rsvp-configured { type boolean; description "RSVP explicitly configured"; } leaf is-non-default-vrf { type boolean; description "Interface is defined in non-Default VRF"; } leaf is-message-bundling-enabled { type boolean; description "Use bundling for outgoing RSVP messages."; } } // container flags leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } leaf signalling-ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP TOS (precedence/DSCP) to use in signalling messages"; } leaf integrity-send-password { type string { length "0..40"; } description "Integrity send password"; } leaf integrity-receive-password { type string { length "0..40"; } description "Integrity receive password"; } leaf integrity-receive-password-optional { type uint8; description "Integrity recv password optional"; } leaf refresh-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Refresh timer state"; } leaf summary-refresh-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Summary refresh timer state"; } leaf refresh-interval { type int32; units "millisecond"; description "Refresh interval in msecs"; } leaf out-of-band-refresh-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Out-of-band Refresh interval in msecs"; } leaf summary-refresh-max-size { type uint32; units "byte"; description "Max size in bytes of a single SRefresh"; } leaf bundle-message-max-size { type uint32; units "byte"; description "Max size in bytes of a single Bundle message"; } leaf expiry-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Expiry timer state"; } leaf expiry-states { type int32; description "Number of states for expiry check"; } leaf expiry-interval { type int32; units "millisecond"; description "Expiry interval in msecs"; } leaf expiry-drops-tolerated { type int32; description "Number of missed messages tolerated"; } leaf out-of-band-expiry-drops-tolerated { type uint32; description "Number of out-of-band missed messages tolerated"; } leaf ack-hold-time { type uint32; description "ACK hold time in msec"; } leaf ack-max-size { type uint32; description "Max size for ACK message"; } leaf retransmit-time { type uint32; description "Retransmit time in msec"; } leaf pacing-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Pacing interval in msecs"; } leaf pacing-message-rate { type uint32; description "No. of messages per interval"; } leaf pacing-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "State of pacing timer"; } leaf pacing-messages { type int32; description "Number of messages deferred for pacing"; } list neighbor-array { max-elements 6; description "Neighbor array"; container expiry-time { description "Expiry time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container expiry-time leaf is-neighbor-refresh-reduction-capable { type boolean; description "Is neighbor capable of Refresh Reduction"; } leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf message-ids { type uint32; description "Number of MessageIDs"; } leaf outgoing-states { type int32; description "Number of outgoing states to the neighbour"; } list neighbor-message-id { max-elements 6; description "List of Neighbor MessageIDs"; leaf message-id { type Rsvp-mgmt-messageid; description "Message ID"; } } // list neighbor-message-id } // list neighbor-array } // list interface-detailed } // container interface-detaileds container controller-briefs { description "Table of brief info about RSVP-enabled controller"; list controller-brief { key "controller-name"; description "Brief info about an RSVP-enabled controller"; leaf controller-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Controller Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } } // list controller-brief } // container controller-briefs container graceful-restart { description "Info about graceful-restart"; container recovery-time-left { description "How much recovery timer remains"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container recovery-time-left container recovery-timer-exp-time { description "Time at which recovery timer will expire"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container recovery-timer-exp-time leaf is-gr-enabled { type boolean; description "Whether GR is enabled"; } leaf global-neighbors { type uint32; description "Global neighbor count"; } leaf restart-time { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Restart time (milliseconds)"; } leaf recovery-time { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Recovery time (milliseconds)"; } leaf is-recovery-timer-running { type boolean; description "Whether recovery timer is running"; } leaf hello-interval { type uint32; description "Interval at which hello messages are sent"; } leaf missed-hellos { type uint8; description "Max number of hellos missed before hellos declared down"; } leaf pending-states { type uint32; description "Total number of pending states"; } list local-node-address { description "Local node address"; leaf local-node-ip-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local node address"; } leaf application-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-gr-app; description "GR local node-id app type"; } } // list local-node-address } // container graceful-restart container hello-interface-instance-briefs { description "Table of brief info about i/f-based hello instances"; list hello-interface-instance-brief { key "source-address destination-address"; description "Brief info for a single interface-based hello instance"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf instance-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance; description "Hello instance type"; } leaf hello-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface to use"; } } // list hello-interface-instance-brief } // container hello-interface-instance-briefs container hello-interface-instance-details { description "Table of detailed info about i/f-based hello instances"; list hello-interface-instance-detail { key "source-address destination-address"; description "Detailed info for a single interface-based hello instance"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } container last-message-sent-time { description "Last Ack/msg sent time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container last-message-sent-time leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf hello-global-neighbor-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Global Neighbor ID"; } leaf instance-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance; description "Hello instance type"; } leaf hello-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface to use"; } leaf source-instance { type uint32; description "Source Instance"; } leaf destination-instance { type uint32; description "Destination Instance"; } leaf hello-messages-sent { type uint64; description "Number of hello messages sent"; } leaf hello-messages-received { type uint64; description "Number of hello messages received"; } } // list hello-interface-instance-detail } // container hello-interface-instance-details container interface-neighbor-details { description "Table of detailed info about I/F neighbors"; list interface-neighbor-detail { key "neighbor-address"; description "Detailed info for a single interface neighbor"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Address of global neighbor"; } leaf node-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor node address"; } list interface-neighbor-list-detail { description "Detail list of I/F Neighbors"; leaf interface-neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Interface Neighbor address"; } leaf neighbor-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Neighbor's Interface handle"; } leaf is-rr-enabled { type boolean; description "Is Neighbor's RR enable"; } leaf neighbor-epoch { type uint32; description "Neighbor's epoch value"; } leaf out-of-order-messages { type uint32; description "Number of out of order msgs"; } leaf retransmitted-messages { type uint32; description "Number of retransmitted msgs"; } } // list interface-neighbor-list-detail } // list interface-neighbor-detail } // container interface-neighbor-details container nsr { description "RSVP NSR information"; container status { description "RSVP NSR status information"; container idt-status { description "IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container idt-status container previous-idt-status { description "Previous IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container previous-idt-status leaf role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } } // container status } // container nsr container summary { description "RSVP summary information"; container issu-status { description "Issu status"; container idt-status { description "IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container idt-status container previous-idt-status { description "Previous IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container previous-idt-status leaf role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } } // container issu-status container nsr-status { description "NSR status"; container idt-status { description "IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container idt-status container previous-idt-status { description "Previous IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container previous-idt-status leaf role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } } // container nsr-status container database-counters { description "All database counters"; leaf sessions { type uint32; description "Number of sessions"; } leaf incoming-paths { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming path states"; } leaf outgoing-paths { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing path states"; } leaf incoming-reservations { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming reservation states"; } leaf outgoing-reservations { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing reservation states"; } leaf interfaces { type uint32; description "Number of Interfaces"; } } // container database-counters leaf interfaces { type uint32; description "Total interfaces"; } leaf ls-ps { type uint32; description "Total LSPs"; } } // container summary container frrs { description "Table of detailed info about Fast Re-route states"; list frr { description "Detailed info for a single Fast Re-route state"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port"; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp leaf path-status { type Rsvp-mgmt-frr-state-enum; description "RSVP FRR Path States"; } leaf reservation-status { type Rsvp-mgmt-frr-state-enum; description "RSVP FRR Reservation States"; } } // list frr } // container frrs container request-briefs { description "Table of brief info about requests"; list request-brief { description "Brief info for a request"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port"; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Information"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style leaf output-interface { type string; description "Output Interface"; } } // list request-brief } // container request-briefs container request-details { description "Table of detail info about requests"; list request-detail { description "Detail info for a request"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port"; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Information"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style container req-flags { description "Request flags"; leaf is-local-receiver { type boolean; description "Local Receiver"; } leaf is-refreshing { type boolean; description "Is neighbor refreshing"; } leaf is-send-confirm { type boolean; description "Send Confirm message"; } leaf is-ack-outstanding { type boolean; description "Is ACK message outstanding"; } leaf is-message-id-allocated { type boolean; description "Is MessageID allocated"; } leaf is-nack-received { type boolean; description "A NACK message was received"; } leaf is-retransmit { type boolean; description "Retransmit the message"; } leaf is-paced { type boolean; description "Message is paced"; } leaf is-label-request-in-path { type boolean; description "The Path message contains Label Request"; } leaf is-rro-in-path { type boolean; description "The Path message contains RRO"; } leaf is-record-label-in-path { type boolean; description "Path has Session-Attr object with Record Labels set"; } leaf is-merge-point { type boolean; description "Is node a Merge Point"; } } // container req-flags container hop { description "Hop Infomation"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf neighbor-logical-interface-handle { type uint32; description "Neighbor Logical Interface Handle"; } } // container hop container header { description "RSVP Header Information"; leaf rsvp-version { type uint8; description "RSVP Version"; } leaf rsvp-header-flags { type uint8; description "RSVP Header Flags (defined in RFC2205 Section 3 .1.1)"; } leaf rsvp-ttl { type uint8; description "RSVP TTL"; } leaf rsvp-message-type { type uint8; description "RSVP Message Type"; } leaf ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP Type of Service"; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "IP TTL"; } leaf ip-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP Source Address"; } } // container header container policy-sources { description "RSVP Policy Sources"; leaf is-te-link { type boolean; description "Policy Source is TE Link"; } leaf is-local { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Local"; } leaf is-cops { type boolean; description "Policy Source is COPS"; } leaf is-default { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Default"; } leaf is-cable { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Cable"; } } // container policy-sources container policy-flags { description "RSVP Policy Flags"; leaf is-accepted { type boolean; description "Accepted"; } leaf is-installed { type boolean; description "Installed"; } leaf is-forwarding { type boolean; description "Forwarding"; } } // container policy-flags container policy-query-flags { description "RSVP Query Flags"; leaf is-needed { type boolean; description "Needed"; } leaf is-report-required { type boolean; description "Report Required"; } leaf is-resync { type boolean; description "Resynchronization"; } leaf is-bypass { type boolean; description "Bypass"; } } // container policy-query-flags leaf output-interface { type string; description "output Interface"; } list psb-key { description "List of RSB keys"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "Point-to-multipoint ID"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf destination-port-or-tunnel-id { type uint32; description "Destination Port or Tunnel ID. For the LSP and OUNI session types this represents the Tunnel ID whereas for the UDP session type this represents the Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol. UDP session type this represents the Protocol (UDP not supported at present)"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Protocol or Extended Tunnel ID. For the LSP and OUNI sesion types this represents the Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "Session Type (e.g. LSP, OUNI or UDP)"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port-or-lsp-id { type uint32; description "Source Port or LSP_ID. For the LSP and OUNI session types this represents the LSP_ID whereas for the UDP session type this represents the SourcePort"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrfid { type Rsi-vrf-id; description "Signalling VRF ID"; } } // list psb-key list rsb-key { description "List of RSB keys"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "Point-to-multipoint ID"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf destination-port-or-tunnel-id { type uint32; description "Destination Port or Tunnel ID. For the LSP and OUNI session types this represents the Tunnel ID whereas for the UDP session type this represents the Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol. UDP session type this represents the Protocol (UDP not supported at present)"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Protocol or Extended Tunnel ID. For the LSP and OUNI sesion types this represents the Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "Session Type (e.g. LSP, OUNI or UDP)"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port-or-lsp-id { type uint32; description "Source Port or LSP_ID. For the LSP and OUNI session types this represents the LSP_ID whereas for the UDP session type this represents the SourcePort"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrfid { type Rsi-vrf-id; description "Signalling VRF ID"; } } // list rsb-key } // list request-detail } // container request-details container interface-briefs { description "Table of brief info about RSVP-enabled interfaces"; list interface-brief { key "interface-name"; description "Brief info about an RSVP-enabled interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } } // list interface-brief } // container interface-briefs container session-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about sessions"; list session-detailed { description "Detailed info about session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container compact { description "Compact session data"; container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session leaf ps-bs { type uint32; description "Number of path state block states"; } leaf rs-bs { type uint32; description "Number of reservation state block states"; } leaf requests { type uint32; description "Number of request states"; } leaf detail-list-size { type uint32; description "Number of elements in detail list"; } } // container compact container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp list psb-rsb-info { description "Path and Reservation Info"; list psb-info { description "Path Info"; container generic-in-label { description "Generic Label for inbound traffic"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-in-label container traffic-spec { description "Traffic Spec object"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container traffic-spec container generic-traffic-spec { description "Generic Traffic Spec object"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec container association { description "Association object"; container ipv4 { when "../association-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AssociationType = 'IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ASSOCIATION Object"; leaf type { type uint16; description "Association Type (RFC 4872)"; } leaf id { type uint16; description "Association ID"; } leaf source { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Association IPV4 Source Address"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv6 { when "../association-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AssociationType = 'IPv6'"; } description "IPV6 ASSOCIATION Object"; leaf type { type uint16; description "Association Type (RFC 4872)"; } leaf id { type uint16; description "Association ID"; } leaf source { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Association IPV6 Source Address"; } } // container ipv6 container extended-ipv4 { when "../association-type = 'extended-ipv4'" { description "../AssociationType = 'ExtendedIPv4'"; } description "EXTENDED IPV4 ASSOCIATION Object"; leaf type { type uint16; description "Association Type (RFC 4872)"; } leaf id { type uint16; description "Association ID"; } leaf source { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Association IPV4 Source Address"; } leaf global-source { type uint32; description "Global Association Source"; } list extended-id { description "Extended Association ID"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Extended Association ID"; } } // list extended-id } // container extended-ipv4 container extended-ipv6 { when "../association-type = 'extended-ipv6'" { description "../AssociationType = 'ExtendedIPv6'"; } description "EXTENDED IPV6 ASSOCIATION Object"; leaf type { type uint16; description "Association Type (RFC 4872)"; } leaf id { type uint16; description "Association ID"; } leaf source { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Association IPV6 Source Address"; } leaf global-source { type uint32; description "Global Association Source"; } list extended-id { description "Extended Association ID"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Extended Association ID"; } } // list extended-id } // container extended-ipv6 leaf association-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-association; description "AssociationType"; } } // container association container protection { description "Protection object"; container lsp-flags { description "PROTECTION Object LSP Flags"; leaf rerouting { type boolean; description "Full Rerouting"; } leaf rerouting-no-et { type boolean; description "Rerouting Without Extra-Traffic"; } leaf one-to-n-protection-et { type boolean; description "1:N Protection with Extra-Traffic"; } leaf one-plus-one-uni { type boolean; description "1+1 Unidirectional Protection"; } leaf one-plus-one-bi { type boolean; description "1+1 Bidirectional Protection"; } } // container lsp-flags container link-flags { description "PROTECTION Object Link Flags"; leaf enhanced { type boolean; description "Indicates Enhanced Protection Scheme"; } leaf ded1-plus1 { type boolean; description "Dedicated 1+1 Protection"; } leaf ded1-to1 { type boolean; description "Dedicated 1:1 Protection"; } leaf shared { type boolean; description "Shared Link Layer Protection"; } leaf unprotected { type boolean; description "LSP should not use any Link Layer Protection"; } leaf extra-traffic { type boolean; description "LSP should use Links that are protecting other (primary) traffic"; } leaf reserved-bit1 { type boolean; description "Reserved Bit 1"; } leaf reserved-bit2 { type boolean; description "Reserved Bit 2"; } } // container link-flags leaf s { type boolean; description "Secondary Bit"; } leaf p { type boolean; description "Protecting Bit"; } leaf n { type boolean; description "Notification Bit"; } leaf o { type boolean; description "Operational Bit"; } } // container protection container reverse-lsp { description "Reverse LSP object"; container generic-traffic-spec { description "Generic Traffic Spec object"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec list ero { description "Explicit Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-ipv4'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The ERO IPV4 Address"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint8; description "ERO Prefix Length"; } } // container ipv4ero-sub-object container unnumbered-ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-un-num'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_UNNUM'"; } description "Unnumbered ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-interface-id { type uint32; description "The Interface ID in ERO"; } leaf ero-router-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Router ID in ERO"; } leaf status { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj-status; description "Status of ERO"; } } // container unnumbered-ero-sub-object leaf ero-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj; description "EROType"; } } // list ero list unsup-sub-object { description "Unsupported REVERSE_LSP Sub Objects"; list rsvp-mgmt-rev-lsp-unsupported-subobj { description "rsvp mgmt rev lsp unsupported subobj"; leaf entry { type uint8; description "rsvp mgmt rev lsp unsupported subobj"; } } // list rsvp-mgmt-rev-lsp-unsupported-subobj } // list unsup-sub-object } // container reverse-lsp leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Entry validity"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } leaf in-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface on which inbound message was received"; } leaf in-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Label for inbound traffic"; } leaf lsp-wrap-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "LSP Wrap Label"; } leaf is-bad-address { type boolean; description "Address validity"; } leaf incoming-interface-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of Path's incoming interface"; } leaf is-ero-valid { type boolean; description "ERO validity"; } leaf is-rro-valid { type boolean; description "RRO validity"; } leaf is-traffic-spec-valid { type boolean; description "Traffic Spec validity"; } leaf tunnel-name { type string; description "Tunnel name"; } list ero { description "Explicit Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-ipv4'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The ERO IPV4 Address"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint8; description "ERO Prefix Length"; } } // container ipv4ero-sub-object container unnumbered-ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-un-num'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_UNNUM'"; } description "Unnumbered ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-interface-id { type uint32; description "The Interface ID in ERO"; } leaf ero-router-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Router ID in ERO"; } leaf status { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj-status; description "Status of ERO"; } } // container unnumbered-ero-sub-object leaf ero-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj; description "EROType"; } } // list ero list rro { description "Record Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'ipv4rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'IPv4RROType'"; } description "IPV4 RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO IPV4 Subobject Flags"; leaf is-protection-available { type boolean; description "Local Protection Available"; } leaf is-protection-in-use { type boolean; description "Local Protection In Use"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protected { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-protection-available { type boolean; description "Node Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-id { type boolean; description "Node ID In Use"; } } // container flags leaf rro-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RRO IPV4 Address"; } } // container ipv4rro-sub-object container label-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'label-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'LabelRROType'"; } description "Label RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO Subobject Label Flags"; leaf is-global-label { type boolean; description "Label is Global across all interfaces"; } } // container flags leaf label { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject Label Value"; } leaf is-label-variable-length { type boolean; description "Is the RRO Subobject Label Variable Length"; } list variable-length-label { description "The RRO Subobject Variable Length Label"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject Variable Length Label"; } } // list variable-length-label } // container label-rro-sub-object container unnumbered-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'unnumbered-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'UnnumberedRROType'"; } description "Unnumbered RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO Subobject Unnumbered Flags"; leaf is-protection-available { type boolean; description "Local Protection Available"; } leaf is-protection-in-use { type boolean; description "Local Protection In Use"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protected { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-protection-available { type boolean; description "Node Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-id { type boolean; description "Node ID In Use"; } } // container flags leaf interface-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RRO Interface Address"; } leaf interface-id { type uint32; description "The RRO Interface ID"; } } // container unnumbered-rro-sub-object container srlg-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'srlg-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'SRLG_RROType'"; } description "SRLG RRO Sub Object"; list srl-gs { description "The RRO Subobject SRLGs"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject SRLGs"; } } // list srl-gs } // container srlg-rro-sub-object leaf rro-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-rro-subobj; description "RROType"; } } // list rro } // list psb-info list rsb-info { description "Reservation Info"; container generic-out-label { description "Generic Label for outbound traffic"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-out-label container flow-spec { description "Flow spec object"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec object"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Entry validity"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf out-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface on which outbound message was sent"; } leaf out-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Label for outbound traffic"; } leaf backup-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Backup tunnel interface"; } leaf backup-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Backup label"; } leaf is-rro-valid { type boolean; description "RRO validity"; } leaf is-flow-spec-valid { type boolean; description "FlowSpec validity"; } list rro { description "Record route object"; container ipv4rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'ipv4rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'IPv4RROType'"; } description "IPV4 RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO IPV4 Subobject Flags"; leaf is-protection-available { type boolean; description "Local Protection Available"; } leaf is-protection-in-use { type boolean; description "Local Protection In Use"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protected { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-protection-available { type boolean; description "Node Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-id { type boolean; description "Node ID In Use"; } } // container flags leaf rro-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RRO IPV4 Address"; } } // container ipv4rro-sub-object container label-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'label-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'LabelRROType'"; } description "Label RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO Subobject Label Flags"; leaf is-global-label { type boolean; description "Label is Global across all interfaces"; } } // container flags leaf label { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject Label Value"; } leaf is-label-variable-length { type boolean; description "Is the RRO Subobject Label Variable Length"; } list variable-length-label { description "The RRO Subobject Variable Length Label"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject Variable Length Label"; } } // list variable-length-label } // container label-rro-sub-object container unnumbered-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'unnumbered-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'UnnumberedRROType'"; } description "Unnumbered RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO Subobject Unnumbered Flags"; leaf is-protection-available { type boolean; description "Local Protection Available"; } leaf is-protection-in-use { type boolean; description "Local Protection In Use"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protected { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-protection-available { type boolean; description "Node Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-id { type boolean; description "Node ID In Use"; } } // container flags leaf interface-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RRO Interface Address"; } leaf interface-id { type uint32; description "The RRO Interface ID"; } } // container unnumbered-rro-sub-object container srlg-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'srlg-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'SRLG_RROType'"; } description "SRLG RRO Sub Object"; list srl-gs { description "The RRO Subobject SRLGs"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject SRLGs"; } } // list srl-gs } // container srlg-rro-sub-object leaf rro-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-rro-subobj; description "RROType"; } } // list rro } // list rsb-info } // list psb-rsb-info } // list session-detailed } // container session-detaileds container hello-instance-details { description "Table of detailed info about hello instances"; list hello-instance-detail { key "source-address destination-address"; description "Detailed info for a single hello instance"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } container up-time { description "Hello up time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container up-time container communication-lost-time { description "Time when communication was lost"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container communication-lost-time leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf hello-instance-owner { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance-owner; description "Hello instance owner"; } leaf neighbor-hello-state { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-state; description "Neighbor Hello state"; } leaf instance-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance; description "Hello instance type"; } leaf hello-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface to use"; } leaf hello-interval { type uint32; description "Hello Interval"; } leaf missed-acks-allowed { type uint32; description "Number of missed Hello allowed"; } leaf source-instance { type uint32; description "Source Instance"; } leaf destination-instance { type uint32; description "Destination Instance"; } leaf communication-lost-reason { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-down-reason; description "Reason why communication was lost"; } leaf total-communication-lost { type uint16; description "Total number of times communication got lost"; } leaf communication-lost-hello-missed { type uint16; description "Lost Comm. Hello missed count"; } leaf communication-lost-wrong-source-inst { type uint16; description "Count of lost comm. due to wrong Source Inst"; } leaf communication-lost-wrong-destination-inst { type uint16; description "Count of lost comm. due to wrong Destination Inst"; } leaf communication-lost-interface-down { type uint16; description "Count of lost comm. due to interface down"; } leaf communication-lost-neighbor-disabled-hello { type uint16; description "Count of lost comm. due to nbor disabling Hellos"; } leaf hello-messages-sent { type uint64; description "Number of hello messages sent"; } leaf hello-messages-received { type uint64; description "Number of hello messages received"; } leaf hello-request-suppressed { type uint64; description "Count of Hello Requests suppessed"; } } // list hello-instance-detail } // container hello-instance-details container global-neighbor-details { description "Table of detailed info about global neighbors"; list global-neighbor-detail { key "neighbor-address"; description "Detail info for a single global neighbor"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Address of global neighbor"; } container global-neighbor-flags { description "Global Neighbor Flags"; leaf is-application-ouni { type boolean; description "OUNI Application"; } leaf is-application-mpls { type boolean; description "MPLS Application"; } } // container global-neighbor-flags container restart-time-left { description "How much restart time remains"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container restart-time-left container restart-timer-expiry-time { description "When will restart timer expire"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container restart-timer-expiry-time container recovery-time-left { description "How much recovery timer remains"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container recovery-time-left container recovery-timer-exp-time { description "Time at which recovery timer will expire"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container recovery-timer-exp-time leaf is-gr-enabled { type boolean; description "Is GR enabled"; } leaf node-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor node address"; } leaf restart-state { type Rsvp-mgmt-restart-state; description "Current restart state"; } leaf restart-time { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "GR Restart Time (milliseconds)"; } leaf is-restart-timer-running { type boolean; description "Is GR restart timer running"; } leaf recovery-time { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "GR Recovery Time (milliseconds)"; } leaf is-recovery-timer-running { type boolean; description "Is RSVP recovery timer running"; } leaf hello-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Hello Interval (milliseconds)"; } leaf missed-hellos { type uint8; description "Hello missed count"; } leaf pending-states { type uint32; description "Number of pending states for this neighbor"; } list local-node-address { description "Local node address"; leaf entry { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local node address"; } } // list local-node-address list interface-neighbor { description "Interface Neighbor List"; leaf entry { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Interface Neighbor List"; } } // list interface-neighbor list neighbor-hello-state { description "Neighbor's hello state"; leaf entry { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-state; description "Neighbor's hello state"; } } // list neighbor-hello-state list lost-communication-reason { description "Reason why communication was lost"; leaf entry { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-down-reason; description "Reason why communication was lost"; } } // list lost-communication-reason list lost-communication-total { description "Total number of times communication got lost"; leaf entry { type uint16; description "Total number of times communication got lost"; } } // list lost-communication-total list up-time { description "Hello up time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // list up-time list lost-communication-time { description "Time when communication was lost"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // list lost-communication-time } // list global-neighbor-detail } // container global-neighbor-details container psb-briefs { description "Table of brief info about path state blocks"; list psb-brief { description "Brief info for a single path state block"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port "; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container template { description "RSVP Template"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container template container session-attribute { description "RSVP Session Attribute"; container sess-attribute-flags { description "Session Attributes"; leaf is-local-protect { type boolean; description "Local Protection"; } leaf is-node-protect { type boolean; description "Node Protection"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protect { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection"; } leaf is-record-labels { type boolean; description "Records Labels"; } leaf is-shared-explicit-requested { type boolean; description "Shared Explicit Requested"; } } // container sess-attribute-flags leaf setup-priority { type uint8; description "Setup Priority"; } leaf reservation-priority { type uint8; description "Reservation Priority"; } } // container session-attribute container traffic-spec { description "RSVP Traffic Spec Info"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container traffic-spec container generic-traffic-spec { description "RSVP Generic Traffic Spec Info"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec leaf input-interface { type string; description "Path Input Interface"; } } // list psb-brief } // container psb-briefs container global-neighbor-briefs { description "Table of brief info about global neighbors"; list global-neighbor-brief { key "neighbor-address"; description "Brief info for a single global neighbor"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Address of global neighbor"; } container global-neighbor-flags { description "Global Neighbor Flags"; leaf is-application-ouni { type boolean; description "OUNI Application"; } leaf is-application-mpls { type boolean; description "MPLS Application"; } } // container global-neighbor-flags leaf is-gr-enabled { type boolean; description "Is GR enabled"; } leaf node-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor node address"; } leaf restart-state { type Rsvp-mgmt-restart-state; description "Restart state"; } list local-node-address { description "Local node address"; leaf entry { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local node address"; } } // list local-node-address list neighbor-hello-state { description "Neighbor Hello state"; leaf entry { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-state; description "Neighbor Hello state"; } } // list neighbor-hello-state list lost-communication-reason { description "Reason why communication was lost"; leaf entry { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-down-reason; description "Reason why communication was lost"; } } // list lost-communication-reason list lost-communication-total { description "Total number of times communication got lost"; leaf entry { type uint16; description "Total number of times communication got lost"; } } // list lost-communication-total list up-time { description "Time hellos have been up"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // list up-time list lost-communication-time { description "Time when communication was lost"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // list lost-communication-time } // list global-neighbor-brief } // container global-neighbor-briefs } // container rsvp-standby container rsvp { config false; description "RSVP operational data"; container issu { description "RSVP ISSU information"; container status { description "RSVP ISSU status information"; container idt-status { description "IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container idt-status container previous-idt-status { description "Previous IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container previous-idt-status leaf role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } } // container status } // container issu container bw-pool-info { description "All B/W Pool info"; leaf max-res-pool-percent { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "Maxium reservable I/F percent B/W"; } leaf bc0-percent { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "BC0 I/F percent B/W"; } leaf bc1-percent { type uint32; units "percentage"; description "BC1 I/F percent B/W"; } leaf is-max-res-pool-percent-configured { type boolean; description "Is maximum reservable default I/F percent configured"; } leaf is-bc0-percent-configured { type boolean; description "Is BC0 default I/F percent configured"; } leaf is-bc1-percent-configured { type boolean; description "Is BC1 default I/F percent configured"; } leaf bandwidth-configuration-model { type Igpte-lib-bw-model; description "Bandwith configuration model currently in use (MAM/RDM)"; } } // container bw-pool-info container pxsb-details { description "Table of detailed PXSB info"; list pxsb-detail { description "Detailed PXSB info"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port"; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container template { description "RSVP Template"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container template container traffic-spec { description "RSVP Traffic Spec Info"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container traffic-spec container generic-traffic-spec { description "RSVP Generic Traffic Spec Info"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec container hop { description "Path Hop Info"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf neighbor-logical-interface-handle { type uint32; description "Neighbor Logical Interface Handle"; } } // container hop container rsvp-header { description "RSVP Header"; leaf rsvp-version { type uint8; description "RSVP Version"; } leaf rsvp-header-flags { type uint8; description "RSVP Header Flags (defined in RFC2205 Section 3 .1.1)"; } leaf rsvp-ttl { type uint8; description "RSVP TTL"; } leaf rsvp-message-type { type uint8; description "RSVP Message Type"; } leaf ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP Type of Service"; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "IP TTL"; } leaf ip-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP Source Address"; } } // container rsvp-header leaf input-interface { type string; description "Path Input Interface"; } leaf dynamic-state { type uint32; description "Dynamic State Handle"; } } // list pxsb-detail } // container pxsb-details container rxsb-details { description "Table of detailed RXSB info"; list rxsb-detail { description "Detailed RXSB info"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port"; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Information"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container hop { description "Path Hop Info"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf neighbor-logical-interface-handle { type uint32; description "Neighbor Logical Interface Handle"; } } // container hop container rsvp-header { description "RSVP Header"; leaf rsvp-version { type uint8; description "RSVP Version"; } leaf rsvp-header-flags { type uint8; description "RSVP Header Flags (defined in RFC2205 Section 3 .1.1)"; } leaf rsvp-ttl { type uint8; description "RSVP TTL"; } leaf rsvp-message-type { type uint8; description "RSVP Message Type"; } leaf ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP Type of Service"; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "IP TTL"; } leaf ip-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP Source Address"; } } // container rsvp-header leaf input-interface { type string; description "Path Input Interface"; } leaf dynamic-state { type uint32; description "Dynamic State Handle"; } } // list rxsb-detail } // container rxsb-details container interface-neighbor-briefs { description "Table of brief info about I/F neighbors"; list interface-neighbor-brief { key "neighbor-address"; description "Brief info for a single interface neighbor"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Address of global neighbor"; } leaf node-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor node address"; } list interface-neighbor-list-compact { description "Compact list of I/F Neighbors"; leaf interface-neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Interface Neighbor address"; } leaf neighbor-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Neighbor's Interface handle"; } } // list interface-neighbor-list-compact } // list interface-neighbor-brief } // container interface-neighbor-briefs container controller-summaries { description "Table of summary info about RSVP-enabled controllers"; list controller-summary { key "controller-name"; description "Summary info about an RSVP-enabled controller"; leaf controller-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Controller Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } leaf paths-in { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming path states"; } leaf paths-out { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing path states"; } leaf reservations-in { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming reservation states"; } leaf reservations-out { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing reservation states"; } } // list controller-summary } // container controller-summaries container authentication-briefs { description "Table for Authentication related information"; list authentication-brief { key "source-address destination-address mode-id interface-name"; description "Brief Authentication information"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf mode-id { type Rsvp-mode; description "Mode (Tx or Rx)"; } leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "InterfaceName"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor address"; } leaf direction { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction; description "Direction"; } leaf key-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-ki; description "Key type"; } leaf key-source { type string; description "Key source"; } leaf key-id { type uint64; description "Key ID"; } leaf key-id-valid { type uint32; description "Key validity"; } } // list authentication-brief } // container authentication-briefs container session-briefs { description "Table of brief info about sessions"; list session-brief { description "Brief info about session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session leaf ps-bs { type uint32; description "Number of path state block states"; } leaf rs-bs { type uint32; description "Number of reservation state block states"; } leaf requests { type uint32; description "Number of request states"; } leaf detail-list-size { type uint32; description "Number of elements in detail list"; } } // list session-brief } // container session-briefs container psb-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about path state blocks"; list psb-detailed { description "Detailed info for a single path state block"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port "; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container template { description "RSVP Template"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container template container session-attribute { description "RSVP Session Attribute"; container sess-attribute-flags { description "Session Attributes"; leaf is-local-protect { type boolean; description "Local Protection"; } leaf is-node-protect { type boolean; description "Node Protection"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protect { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection"; } leaf is-record-labels { type boolean; description "Records Labels"; } leaf is-shared-explicit-requested { type boolean; description "Shared Explicit Requested"; } } // container sess-attribute-flags leaf setup-priority { type uint8; description "Setup Priority"; } leaf reservation-priority { type uint8; description "Reservation Priority"; } } // container session-attribute container traffic-spec { description "RSVP Traffic Spec Info"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container traffic-spec container generic-traffic-spec { description "RSVP Generic Traffic Spec Info"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec container path-flags { description "Path Flags"; leaf is-non-rsvp-hop-upstream { type boolean; description "Non-RSVP Hop Upstream"; } leaf is-local-sender { type boolean; description "Local Sender"; } leaf is-message-id-valid { type boolean; description "MessageID Valid"; } leaf is-local-repair { type boolean; description "Rerouted"; } leaf is-bidirectional { type boolean; description "Bidirectional"; } leaf is-lockout { type boolean; description "Locked Out"; } } // container path-flags container hop { description "Path Hop Info"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf neighbor-logical-interface-handle { type uint32; description "Neighbor Logical Interface Handle"; } } // container hop container policy-source-info { description "Policy Sources Info"; leaf is-te-link { type boolean; description "Policy Source is TE Link"; } leaf is-local { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Local"; } leaf is-cops { type boolean; description "Policy Source is COPS"; } leaf is-default { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Default"; } leaf is-cable { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Cable"; } } // container policy-source-info container header { description "RSVP Header Info"; leaf rsvp-version { type uint8; description "RSVP Version"; } leaf rsvp-header-flags { type uint8; description "RSVP Header Flags (defined in RFC2205 Section 3 .1.1)"; } leaf rsvp-ttl { type uint8; description "RSVP TTL"; } leaf rsvp-message-type { type uint8; description "RSVP Message Type"; } leaf ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP Type of Service"; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "IP TTL"; } leaf ip-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP Source Address"; } } // container header container expiry-time { description "Expiry Time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container expiry-time container policy-flags { description "Policy Flags"; leaf is-accepted { type boolean; description "Accepted"; } leaf is-installed { type boolean; description "Installed"; } leaf is-forwarding { type boolean; description "Forwarding"; } } // container policy-flags container policy-query-flags { description "Policy Query Flags"; leaf is-needed { type boolean; description "Needed"; } leaf is-report-required { type boolean; description "Report Required"; } leaf is-resync { type boolean; description "Resynchronization"; } leaf is-bypass { type boolean; description "Bypass"; } } // container policy-query-flags container label-info { description "Label Information"; container generic-local-downstream-label { description "Generic Local Downstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-local-downstream-label container generic-outgoing-downstream-label { description "Generic Outgoing Downstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-outgoing-downstream-label container generic-merge-point-label { description "Generic MergePoint Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-merge-point-label container generic-outgoing-upstream-label { description "Generic Outgoing Upstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-outgoing-upstream-label container generic-local-upstream-label { description "Generic Local Upstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-local-upstream-label container generic-recovery-label { description "Generic Recovery Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-recovery-label leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Is the label information valid"; } leaf local-downstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Local Downstream Label"; } leaf outgoing-downstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Outgoing Downstream Label"; } leaf merge-point-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "MergePoint Label"; } leaf outgoing-upstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Outgoing Upstream Label"; } leaf local-upstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Local Upstream Label"; } leaf recovery-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Recovery Label"; } leaf lsp-wrap-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "LSP Wrap Label"; } } // container label-info container class-type { description "DS-TE Class-Type"; leaf is-class-type-info-valid { type boolean; description "Is the Class-Type information valid"; } leaf class-type { type uint8; description "DS-TE Class-Type"; } } // container class-type leaf input-interface { type string; description "Path Input Interface"; } leaf backup-tunnel-name { type string; description "Path Backup Tunnel"; } leaf is-in-ero-valid { type boolean; description "Incoming ERO validity"; } leaf is-out-ero-valid { type boolean; description "Outgoing ERO validity"; } list pfc { description "Path Forwarding Contexts"; container policy-flags { description "Policy Flags"; leaf is-accepted { type boolean; description "Accepted"; } leaf is-installed { type boolean; description "Installed"; } leaf is-forwarding { type boolean; description "Forwarding"; } } // container policy-flags container policy-query-flags { description "Policy Query Flags"; leaf is-needed { type boolean; description "Needed"; } leaf is-report-required { type boolean; description "Report Required"; } leaf is-resync { type boolean; description "Resynchronization"; } leaf is-bypass { type boolean; description "Bypass"; } } // container policy-query-flags leaf output-interface { type string; description "Output interface"; } } // list pfc list in-ero { description "Incoming Explicit Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-ipv4'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The ERO IPV4 Address"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint8; description "ERO Prefix Length"; } } // container ipv4ero-sub-object container unnumbered-ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-un-num'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_UNNUM'"; } description "Unnumbered ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-interface-id { type uint32; description "The Interface ID in ERO"; } leaf ero-router-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Router ID in ERO"; } leaf status { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj-status; description "Status of ERO"; } } // container unnumbered-ero-sub-object leaf ero-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj; description "EROType"; } } // list in-ero list out-ero { description "Outgoing Explicit Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-ipv4'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The ERO IPV4 Address"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint8; description "ERO Prefix Length"; } } // container ipv4ero-sub-object container unnumbered-ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-un-num'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_UNNUM'"; } description "Unnumbered ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-interface-id { type uint32; description "The Interface ID in ERO"; } leaf ero-router-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Router ID in ERO"; } leaf status { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj-status; description "Status of ERO"; } } // container unnumbered-ero-sub-object leaf ero-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj; description "EROType"; } } // list out-ero } // list psb-detailed } // container psb-detaileds container controller-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about RSVP-enabled controllers"; list controller-detailed { key "controller-name"; description "Detailed info about an RSVP-enabled controller"; leaf controller-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Controller Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information container flags { description "Interface flags"; leaf is-mpls-enabled { type boolean; description "MPLS enabled on interface"; } leaf is-refresh-reduction-enabled { type boolean; description "Refresh Reduction enabled"; } leaf is-pacing-enabled { type boolean; description "Message pacing enabled"; } leaf is-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Refresh enabled"; } leaf is-s-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Summary Refresh enabled"; } leaf is-interface-down { type boolean; description "Interface is DOWN"; } leaf is-interface-created { type boolean; description "Interface is created"; } leaf is-rel-s-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Use reliable xmt for SRefresh"; } leaf is-backup-tunnel { type boolean; description "This is backup tunnel"; } leaf is-rsvp-configured { type boolean; description "RSVP explicitly configured"; } leaf is-non-default-vrf { type boolean; description "Interface is defined in non-Default VRF"; } leaf is-message-bundling-enabled { type boolean; description "Use bundling for outgoing RSVP messages."; } } // container flags leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } leaf signalling-ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP TOS (precedence/DSCP) to use in signalling messages"; } leaf integrity-send-password { type string { length "0..40"; } description "Integrity send password"; } leaf integrity-receive-password { type string { length "0..40"; } description "Integrity receive password"; } leaf integrity-receive-password-optional { type uint8; description "Integrity recv password optional"; } leaf refresh-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Refresh timer state"; } leaf summary-refresh-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Summary refresh timer state"; } leaf refresh-interval { type int32; units "millisecond"; description "Refresh interval in msecs"; } leaf out-of-band-refresh-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Out-of-band Refresh interval in msecs"; } leaf summary-refresh-max-size { type uint32; units "byte"; description "Max size in bytes of a single SRefresh"; } leaf bundle-message-max-size { type uint32; units "byte"; description "Max size in bytes of a single Bundle message"; } leaf expiry-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Expiry timer state"; } leaf expiry-states { type int32; description "Number of states for expiry check"; } leaf expiry-interval { type int32; units "millisecond"; description "Expiry interval in msecs"; } leaf expiry-drops-tolerated { type int32; description "Number of missed messages tolerated"; } leaf out-of-band-expiry-drops-tolerated { type uint32; description "Number of out-of-band missed messages tolerated"; } leaf ack-hold-time { type uint32; description "ACK hold time in msec"; } leaf ack-max-size { type uint32; description "Max size for ACK message"; } leaf retransmit-time { type uint32; description "Retransmit time in msec"; } leaf pacing-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Pacing interval in msecs"; } leaf pacing-message-rate { type uint32; description "No. of messages per interval"; } leaf pacing-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "State of pacing timer"; } leaf pacing-messages { type int32; description "Number of messages deferred for pacing"; } list neighbor-array { max-elements 6; description "Neighbor array"; container expiry-time { description "Expiry time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container expiry-time leaf is-neighbor-refresh-reduction-capable { type boolean; description "Is neighbor capable of Refresh Reduction"; } leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf message-ids { type uint32; description "Number of MessageIDs"; } leaf outgoing-states { type int32; description "Number of outgoing states to the neighbour"; } list neighbor-message-id { max-elements 6; description "List of Neighbor MessageIDs"; leaf message-id { type Rsvp-mgmt-messageid; description "Message ID"; } } // list neighbor-message-id } // list neighbor-array } // list controller-detailed } // container controller-detaileds container frr-summary { description "Fast Re-Route Summary State Information"; container path-states { description "Path state counters"; leaf total { type uint32; description "Total number of instances of this state"; } leaf active-instances { type uint32; description "Number of active instances of this state"; } leaf ready-instances { type uint32; description "Number of ready instances of this state"; } leaf active-wait-instances { type uint32; description "Number of instances of this state awaiting Path messages to be sent out or Resv messages to be received"; } } // container path-states container reservation-states { description "Rerservation state counters"; leaf total { type uint32; description "Total number of instances of this state"; } leaf active-instances { type uint32; description "Number of active instances of this state"; } leaf ready-instances { type uint32; description "Number of ready instances of this state"; } leaf active-wait-instances { type uint32; description "Number of instances of this state awaiting Path messages to be sent out or Resv messages to be received"; } } // container reservation-states } // container frr-summary container rsb-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about reservation state blocks"; list rsb-detailed { description "Detailed info for a single reservation state block"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port "; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Information"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter container rsb-flags { description "Reservation State Block Flags"; leaf is-local-receiver { type boolean; description "Local Receiver"; } leaf is-message-id-valid { type boolean; description "MessageID Valid"; } leaf is-local-repair { type boolean; description "Rerouted"; } leaf is-merge-point { type boolean; description "Is node a Merge Point"; } leaf is-lockout { type boolean; description "Locked Out"; } } // container rsb-flags container hop { description "Hop Infomation"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf neighbor-logical-interface-handle { type uint32; description "Neighbor Logical Interface Handle"; } } // container hop container policy-sources { description "RSVP Policy Sources"; leaf is-te-link { type boolean; description "Policy Source is TE Link"; } leaf is-local { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Local"; } leaf is-cops { type boolean; description "Policy Source is COPS"; } leaf is-default { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Default"; } leaf is-cable { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Cable"; } } // container policy-sources container header { description "RSVP Header Information"; leaf rsvp-version { type uint8; description "RSVP Version"; } leaf rsvp-header-flags { type uint8; description "RSVP Header Flags (defined in RFC2205 Section 3 .1.1)"; } leaf rsvp-ttl { type uint8; description "RSVP TTL"; } leaf rsvp-message-type { type uint8; description "RSVP Message Type"; } leaf ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP Type of Service"; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "IP TTL"; } leaf ip-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP Source Address"; } } // container header container policy-flags { description "RSVP Policy Flags"; leaf is-accepted { type boolean; description "Accepted"; } leaf is-installed { type boolean; description "Installed"; } leaf is-forwarding { type boolean; description "Forwarding"; } } // container policy-flags container expiry-time { description "Expiry Time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container expiry-time container policy-query-flags { description "RSVP Query Flags"; leaf is-needed { type boolean; description "Needed"; } leaf is-report-required { type boolean; description "Report Required"; } leaf is-resync { type boolean; description "Resynchronization"; } leaf is-bypass { type boolean; description "Bypass"; } } // container policy-query-flags container label-info { description "Label Information"; container generic-local-downstream-label { description "Generic Local Downstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-local-downstream-label container generic-outgoing-downstream-label { description "Generic Outgoing Downstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-outgoing-downstream-label container generic-merge-point-label { description "Generic MergePoint Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-merge-point-label container generic-outgoing-upstream-label { description "Generic Outgoing Upstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-outgoing-upstream-label container generic-local-upstream-label { description "Generic Local Upstream Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-local-upstream-label container generic-recovery-label { description "Generic Recovery Label"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-recovery-label leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Is the label information valid"; } leaf local-downstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Local Downstream Label"; } leaf outgoing-downstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Outgoing Downstream Label"; } leaf merge-point-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "MergePoint Label"; } leaf outgoing-upstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Outgoing Upstream Label"; } leaf local-upstream-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Local Upstream Label"; } leaf recovery-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Recovery Label"; } leaf lsp-wrap-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "LSP Wrap Label"; } } // container label-info leaf input-adjusted-interface { type string; description "Input Adjusted Interface"; } leaf input-physical-interface { type string; description "Input Physical Interface"; } } // list rsb-detailed } // container rsb-detaileds container interface-summaries { description "Table of summary info about RSVP-enabled interfaces"; list interface-summary { key "interface-name"; description "Summary info about an RSVP-enabled interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } leaf paths-in { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming path states"; } leaf paths-out { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing path states"; } leaf reservations-in { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming reservation states"; } leaf reservations-out { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing reservation states"; } } // list interface-summary } // container interface-summaries container hello-instance-briefs { description "Table of brief info about hello instances"; list hello-instance-brief { key "source-address destination-address"; description "Brief info for a single hello instance"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf neighbor-hello-state { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-state; description "Neighbor Hello state"; } leaf instance-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance; description "Hello instance type"; } leaf hello-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface to use"; } leaf lost-communication-total { type uint16; description "Total number of times communication got lost"; } } // list hello-instance-brief } // container hello-instance-briefs container authentication-details { description "Table for detailed authentication related information"; list authentication-detail { key "source-address destination-address mode-id interface-name"; description "Brief Authentication information"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf mode-id { type Rsvp-mode; description "Mode (Tx or Rx)"; } leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "InterfaceName"; } container auth-compact { description "Basic authentication data"; leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor address"; } leaf direction { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction; description "Direction"; } leaf key-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-ki; description "Key type"; } leaf key-source { type string; description "Key source"; } leaf key-id { type uint64; description "Key ID"; } leaf key-id-valid { type uint32; description "Key validity"; } } // container auth-compact container direction-info { description "direction info"; container send-info { when "../auth-direction = 'rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction-send'" { description "../AuthDirection = 'RSVPMgmtAuthDirectionSend'"; } description "send info"; container counters { description "Counters"; leaf authentication-sent { type uint32; description "Messages sent"; } leaf authentication-failures { type uint32; description "Failures"; } leaf authentication-send-challenges-received { type uint32; description "Challenges received"; } leaf authentication-challenge-responses-sent { type uint32; description "Challenge responses sent"; } } // container counters leaf sequence { type uint64; description "Sequence number"; } } // container send-info container receive-info { when "../auth-direction = 'rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction-recv'" { description "../AuthDirection = 'RSVPMgmtAuthDirectionRecv'"; } description "receive info"; container counters { description "Counters"; leaf authentication-received-valid-messages { type uint32; description "Valid messages"; } leaf authentication-received-challenges-sent { type uint32; description "Challenges sent"; } leaf authentication-received-challenge-response { type uint32; description "Challenge responses received"; } leaf authentication-received-challenges-resent { type uint32; description "Challenges resent"; } leaf authentication-received-challenge-timeouts { type uint32; description "Challenge timeouts"; } leaf authentication-received-during-challenge { type uint32; description "Authentication received during challenge"; } leaf authentication-received-incomplete { type uint32; description "Authentication received incomplete"; } leaf authentication-received-no-integrity { type uint32; description "Authentication received with no integrity"; } leaf authentication-received-bad-digest { type uint32; description "Authentication received with bad digest"; } leaf authentication-received-wrong-digest-type { type uint32; description "Authentication received with wrong digest type"; } leaf authentication-received-sequence-number-duplicate { type uint32; description "Authentication received with duplicate sequence number"; } leaf authentication-received-sequence-number-outof-range { type uint32; description "Authentication received with sequence number out of range"; } leaf authentication-received-wrong-challenges-response { type uint32; description "Incorect challenge responses received"; } leaf authentication-received-challenges-response-duplicate { type uint32; description "Duplicate challenge responses received"; } leaf authentication-received-response-late { type uint32; description "Challenge responses received late"; } leaf authentication-received-bad-message-format { type uint32; description "Authentication received with bad mesage format"; } } // container counters leaf sequence { type uint64; description "Sequence number"; } leaf sequence-window-size { type uint32; description "Sequence window size"; } leaf sequence-window-count { type uint32; description "Sequence window count"; } list sequence-window { max-elements 64; description "Sequence window"; leaf entry { type uint64; description "Sequence window"; } } // list sequence-window } // container receive-info leaf auth-direction { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-direction; description "AuthDirection"; } } // container direction-info leaf key-status { type uint32; description "Key status"; } leaf key-digest-info { type uint32; description "Direction"; } leaf lifetime { type uint32; units "second"; description "Lifetime (seconds)"; } leaf lifetime-left { type uint32; units "second"; description "Remaining lifetime (seconds)"; } leaf challenge-status { type Rsvp-mgmt-auth-challenge-status; description "Challenge status"; } } // list authentication-detail } // container authentication-details container rsb-briefs { description "Table of brief info about reservation state blocks"; list rsb-brief { description "Brief info for a single reservation state block"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port "; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Info"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter leaf input-interface { type string; description "Reservation Input Interface"; } } // list rsb-brief } // container rsb-briefs container counters { description "Counters"; container interface-messages { description "Table of message counters"; list interface-message { key "interface-name"; description "Interface message counters"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name. 'None' is used internally where the true interface is unknown (e.g. for routed packets)"; } container received-messages { description "Count of messages received"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container received-messages container transmitted-messages { description "Count of messages transmitted"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container transmitted-messages container bundle-received-messages { description "Count of Bundle messages received"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container bundle-received-messages container bundle-transmitted-messages { description "Count of Bundle messages transmitted"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container bundle-transmitted-messages leaf retransmitted-messages { type uint32; description "Count of messages retransmitted"; } leaf out-of-order-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Out of Order messages"; } leaf rate-limited-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Rate Limited messages"; } } // list interface-message } // container interface-messages container message-summary { description "Summary information for all RSVP message counters"; container received-messages { description "Count of messages received"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container received-messages container transmitted-messages { description "Count of messages transmitted"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container transmitted-messages container bundle-received-messages { description "Count of Bundle messages received"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container bundle-received-messages container bundle-transmitted-messages { description "Count of Bundle messages transmitted"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf reservation { type uint32; description "Count of Reservation messages"; } leaf path-error { type uint32; description "Count of PathError messages"; } leaf reservation-error { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationError messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-tear { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf bundle { type uint32; description "Count of Bundle messages"; } leaf ack { type uint32; description "Count of ACK messages"; } leaf srefresh { type uint32; description "Count of Srefresh messages"; } leaf hello { type uint32; description "Count of Hello messages"; } leaf challenge { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Challenge messages"; } leaf response { type uint32; description "Count of Integrity Response messages"; } } // container bundle-transmitted-messages leaf retransmitted-messages { type uint32; description "Count of messages retransmitted"; } leaf out-of-order-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Out of Order messages"; } leaf rate-limited-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Rate Limited messages"; } } // container message-summary container prefix-filtering { description "Prefix filtering counters"; container accesses { description "AccessList specific prefix filtering counters"; list access { key "access-list-name"; description "Prefix filtering counters for a specific AccessList"; leaf access-list-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string { length "1..65"; } description "AccessList Name"; } container forwarded { description "Count of messages which got forwarded"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container forwarded container locally-destined { description "Count of locally destined messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container locally-destined container dropped { description "Count of messages dropped"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container dropped container total { description "Count of total messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container total } // list access } // container accesses container interfaces { description "Interface specific prefix filtering counters"; container summary { description "Summary of prefix filtering counts for all interfaces"; container forwarded { description "Count of messages which got forwarded"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container forwarded container locally-destined { description "Count of locally destined messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container locally-destined container dropped { description "Count of messages dropped"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container dropped container default-action-dropped { description "Count of messages which got dropped due to default ACL action"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container default-action-dropped container default-action-processed { description "Count of messages which were processed due to default ACL action"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container default-action-processed container total { description "Count of total messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container total } // container summary container interfaces { description "Table of interface specific prefix filtering counters"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Prefix filtering counters for a specific interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Interface Name. 'None' is used internally where the true interface is unknown (e.g. for routed packets)"; } container forwarded { description "Count of messages which got forwarded"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container forwarded container locally-destined { description "Count of locally destined messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container locally-destined container dropped { description "Count of messages dropped"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container dropped container default-action-dropped { description "Count of messages which got dropped due to default ACL action"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container default-action-dropped container default-action-processed { description "Count of messages which were processed due to default ACL action"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container default-action-processed container total { description "Count of total messages"; leaf path { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages"; } leaf path-tear { type uint32; description "Count of PathTear messages"; } leaf reservation-confirm { type uint32; description "Count of ReservationConfirm messages"; } leaf total { type uint32; description "Total count of messages"; } } // container total } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container interfaces } // container prefix-filtering container out-of-resource { description "Out of resource counters"; container interfaces { description "Interface specific out of resource counters"; container summary { description "Summary of out of resource counts for all interfaces"; leaf dropped-path-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages dropped due to an out of resource condition"; } } // container summary container interfaces { description "Table of interface specific out of resource counters"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Out of resource counters for a specific interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Interface Name. 'None' is used internally where the true interface is unknown (e.g. for routed packets)"; } leaf dropped-path-messages { type uint32; description "Count of Path messages dropped due to an out of resource condition"; } } // list interface } // container interfaces } // container interfaces } // container out-of-resource container interface-events { description "Event counters"; list interface-event { key "interface-name"; description "Event counters for an interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name. 'None' is used internally where the true interface is unknown (e.g. for routed packets)"; } leaf expired-paths { type uint32; description "Counter for Expired Path states"; } leaf expired-reservations { type uint32; description "Counter for Expired Reservation states"; } leaf nac-ks { type uint32; description "Counter for NACKs received"; } } // list interface-event } // container interface-events container nsr { description "Summary information for all RSVP NSR counters"; leaf last-cleared-timestamp { type uint32; units "second"; description "The timestamp, in seconds, when these statistics are cleared since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970"; } leaf rsvp-process-role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } leaf last-idt-states { type uint32; description "Last IDT number of states"; } leaf total-states { type uint32; description "Total number of states"; } leaf total-deletions { type uint32; description "Total number of deletions"; } leaf total-nacks { type uint64; description "Total number of NACKs"; } leaf total-id-ts { type uint32; description "Total number of IDTs"; } } // container nsr container issu { description "Summary information for all RSVP ISSU counters"; leaf last-cleared-timestamp { type uint32; units "second"; description "The timestamp, in seconds, when these statistics are cleared since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970"; } leaf rsvp-process-role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } leaf last-idt-states { type uint32; description "Last IDT number of states"; } leaf total-states { type uint32; description "Total number of states"; } leaf total-deletions { type uint32; description "Total number of deletions"; } leaf total-nacks { type uint64; description "Total number of NACKs"; } leaf total-id-ts { type uint32; description "Total number of IDTs"; } } // container issu container database { description "Summary information for all RSVP database counters"; leaf sessions { type uint32; description "Number of sessions"; } leaf incoming-paths { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming path states"; } leaf outgoing-paths { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing path states"; } leaf incoming-reservations { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming reservation states"; } leaf outgoing-reservations { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing reservation states"; } leaf interfaces { type uint32; description "Number of Interfaces"; } } // container database container event-syncs { description "Table containing event sync counters"; list event-sync { key "interface-name"; description "Event sync counters"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf expired-paths { type uint32; description "Counter for Expired Path states"; } leaf expired-reservations { type uint32; description "Counter for Expired Reservation states"; } leaf nac-ks { type uint32; description "Counter for NACKs received"; } } // list event-sync } // container event-syncs } // container counters container interface-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about RSVP-enabled interfaces"; list interface-detailed { key "interface-name"; description "Detailed info about an RSVP-enabled interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information container flags { description "Interface flags"; leaf is-mpls-enabled { type boolean; description "MPLS enabled on interface"; } leaf is-refresh-reduction-enabled { type boolean; description "Refresh Reduction enabled"; } leaf is-pacing-enabled { type boolean; description "Message pacing enabled"; } leaf is-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Refresh enabled"; } leaf is-s-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Summary Refresh enabled"; } leaf is-interface-down { type boolean; description "Interface is DOWN"; } leaf is-interface-created { type boolean; description "Interface is created"; } leaf is-rel-s-refresh-enabled { type boolean; description "Use reliable xmt for SRefresh"; } leaf is-backup-tunnel { type boolean; description "This is backup tunnel"; } leaf is-rsvp-configured { type boolean; description "RSVP explicitly configured"; } leaf is-non-default-vrf { type boolean; description "Interface is defined in non-Default VRF"; } leaf is-message-bundling-enabled { type boolean; description "Use bundling for outgoing RSVP messages."; } } // container flags leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } leaf signalling-ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP TOS (precedence/DSCP) to use in signalling messages"; } leaf integrity-send-password { type string { length "0..40"; } description "Integrity send password"; } leaf integrity-receive-password { type string { length "0..40"; } description "Integrity receive password"; } leaf integrity-receive-password-optional { type uint8; description "Integrity recv password optional"; } leaf refresh-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Refresh timer state"; } leaf summary-refresh-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Summary refresh timer state"; } leaf refresh-interval { type int32; units "millisecond"; description "Refresh interval in msecs"; } leaf out-of-band-refresh-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Out-of-band Refresh interval in msecs"; } leaf summary-refresh-max-size { type uint32; units "byte"; description "Max size in bytes of a single SRefresh"; } leaf bundle-message-max-size { type uint32; units "byte"; description "Max size in bytes of a single Bundle message"; } leaf expiry-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "Expiry timer state"; } leaf expiry-states { type int32; description "Number of states for expiry check"; } leaf expiry-interval { type int32; units "millisecond"; description "Expiry interval in msecs"; } leaf expiry-drops-tolerated { type int32; description "Number of missed messages tolerated"; } leaf out-of-band-expiry-drops-tolerated { type uint32; description "Number of out-of-band missed messages tolerated"; } leaf ack-hold-time { type uint32; description "ACK hold time in msec"; } leaf ack-max-size { type uint32; description "Max size for ACK message"; } leaf retransmit-time { type uint32; description "Retransmit time in msec"; } leaf pacing-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Pacing interval in msecs"; } leaf pacing-message-rate { type uint32; description "No. of messages per interval"; } leaf pacing-timer-state { type Rsvp-timer-state; description "State of pacing timer"; } leaf pacing-messages { type int32; description "Number of messages deferred for pacing"; } list neighbor-array { max-elements 6; description "Neighbor array"; container expiry-time { description "Expiry time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container expiry-time leaf is-neighbor-refresh-reduction-capable { type boolean; description "Is neighbor capable of Refresh Reduction"; } leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf message-ids { type uint32; description "Number of MessageIDs"; } leaf outgoing-states { type int32; description "Number of outgoing states to the neighbour"; } list neighbor-message-id { max-elements 6; description "List of Neighbor MessageIDs"; leaf message-id { type Rsvp-mgmt-messageid; description "Message ID"; } } // list neighbor-message-id } // list neighbor-array } // list interface-detailed } // container interface-detaileds container controller-briefs { description "Table of brief info about RSVP-enabled controller"; list controller-brief { key "controller-name"; description "Brief info about an RSVP-enabled controller"; leaf controller-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Controller Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } } // list controller-brief } // container controller-briefs container graceful-restart { description "Info about graceful-restart"; container recovery-time-left { description "How much recovery timer remains"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container recovery-time-left container recovery-timer-exp-time { description "Time at which recovery timer will expire"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container recovery-timer-exp-time leaf is-gr-enabled { type boolean; description "Whether GR is enabled"; } leaf global-neighbors { type uint32; description "Global neighbor count"; } leaf restart-time { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Restart time (milliseconds)"; } leaf recovery-time { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Recovery time (milliseconds)"; } leaf is-recovery-timer-running { type boolean; description "Whether recovery timer is running"; } leaf hello-interval { type uint32; description "Interval at which hello messages are sent"; } leaf missed-hellos { type uint8; description "Max number of hellos missed before hellos declared down"; } leaf pending-states { type uint32; description "Total number of pending states"; } list local-node-address { description "Local node address"; leaf local-node-ip-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local node address"; } leaf application-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-gr-app; description "GR local node-id app type"; } } // list local-node-address } // container graceful-restart container hello-interface-instance-briefs { description "Table of brief info about i/f-based hello instances"; list hello-interface-instance-brief { key "source-address destination-address"; description "Brief info for a single interface-based hello instance"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf instance-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance; description "Hello instance type"; } leaf hello-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface to use"; } } // list hello-interface-instance-brief } // container hello-interface-instance-briefs container hello-interface-instance-details { description "Table of detailed info about i/f-based hello instances"; list hello-interface-instance-detail { key "source-address destination-address"; description "Detailed info for a single interface-based hello instance"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } container last-message-sent-time { description "Last Ack/msg sent time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container last-message-sent-time leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf hello-global-neighbor-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Global Neighbor ID"; } leaf instance-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance; description "Hello instance type"; } leaf hello-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface to use"; } leaf source-instance { type uint32; description "Source Instance"; } leaf destination-instance { type uint32; description "Destination Instance"; } leaf hello-messages-sent { type uint64; description "Number of hello messages sent"; } leaf hello-messages-received { type uint64; description "Number of hello messages received"; } } // list hello-interface-instance-detail } // container hello-interface-instance-details container interface-neighbor-details { description "Table of detailed info about I/F neighbors"; list interface-neighbor-detail { key "neighbor-address"; description "Detailed info for a single interface neighbor"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Address of global neighbor"; } leaf node-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor node address"; } list interface-neighbor-list-detail { description "Detail list of I/F Neighbors"; leaf interface-neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Interface Neighbor address"; } leaf neighbor-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Neighbor's Interface handle"; } leaf is-rr-enabled { type boolean; description "Is Neighbor's RR enable"; } leaf neighbor-epoch { type uint32; description "Neighbor's epoch value"; } leaf out-of-order-messages { type uint32; description "Number of out of order msgs"; } leaf retransmitted-messages { type uint32; description "Number of retransmitted msgs"; } } // list interface-neighbor-list-detail } // list interface-neighbor-detail } // container interface-neighbor-details container nsr { description "RSVP NSR information"; container status { description "RSVP NSR status information"; container idt-status { description "IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container idt-status container previous-idt-status { description "Previous IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container previous-idt-status leaf role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } } // container status } // container nsr container summary { description "RSVP summary information"; container issu-status { description "Issu status"; container idt-status { description "IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container idt-status container previous-idt-status { description "Previous IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container previous-idt-status leaf role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } } // container issu-status container nsr-status { description "NSR status"; container idt-status { description "IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container idt-status container previous-idt-status { description "Previous IDT status"; leaf sync-status { type Rsvp-sync-status; description "Sync status"; } leaf not-ready-reason { type Rsvp-proc-nsr-not-ready-reason; description "Not ready reason"; } leaf idt-start-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT start timestamp in seconds"; } leaf idt-end-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "IDT end timestamp in seconds"; } leaf declare-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Declare ready timestamp in seconds"; } leaf withdraw-time { type uint32; units "second"; description "Withdraw ready timestamp in seconds"; } } // container previous-idt-status leaf role { type Rsvp-proc-role; description "Process role"; } } // container nsr-status container database-counters { description "All database counters"; leaf sessions { type uint32; description "Number of sessions"; } leaf incoming-paths { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming path states"; } leaf outgoing-paths { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing path states"; } leaf incoming-reservations { type uint32; description "Number of locally created and incoming reservation states"; } leaf outgoing-reservations { type uint32; description "Number of outgoing reservation states"; } leaf interfaces { type uint32; description "Number of Interfaces"; } } // container database-counters leaf interfaces { type uint32; description "Total interfaces"; } leaf ls-ps { type uint32; description "Total LSPs"; } } // container summary container frrs { description "Table of detailed info about Fast Re-route states"; list frr { description "Detailed info for a single Fast Re-route state"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port"; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp leaf path-status { type Rsvp-mgmt-frr-state-enum; description "RSVP FRR Path States"; } leaf reservation-status { type Rsvp-mgmt-frr-state-enum; description "RSVP FRR Reservation States"; } } // list frr } // container frrs container request-briefs { description "Table of brief info about requests"; list request-brief { description "Brief info for a request"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port"; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Information"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style leaf output-interface { type string; description "Output Interface"; } } // list request-brief } // container request-briefs container request-details { description "Table of detail info about requests"; list request-detail { description "Detail info for a request"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port"; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container flow-spec { description "Flow Spec Information"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec Information"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec container filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container filter container style { description "RSVP Style"; leaf reservation-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-reservation-type-enum; description "The Reservation Type: WF, SE or FF"; } } // container style container req-flags { description "Request flags"; leaf is-local-receiver { type boolean; description "Local Receiver"; } leaf is-refreshing { type boolean; description "Is neighbor refreshing"; } leaf is-send-confirm { type boolean; description "Send Confirm message"; } leaf is-ack-outstanding { type boolean; description "Is ACK message outstanding"; } leaf is-message-id-allocated { type boolean; description "Is MessageID allocated"; } leaf is-nack-received { type boolean; description "A NACK message was received"; } leaf is-retransmit { type boolean; description "Retransmit the message"; } leaf is-paced { type boolean; description "Message is paced"; } leaf is-label-request-in-path { type boolean; description "The Path message contains Label Request"; } leaf is-rro-in-path { type boolean; description "The Path message contains RRO"; } leaf is-record-label-in-path { type boolean; description "Path has Session-Attr object with Record Labels set"; } leaf is-merge-point { type boolean; description "Is node a Merge Point"; } } // container req-flags container hop { description "Hop Infomation"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of the neighbor"; } leaf neighbor-logical-interface-handle { type uint32; description "Neighbor Logical Interface Handle"; } } // container hop container header { description "RSVP Header Information"; leaf rsvp-version { type uint8; description "RSVP Version"; } leaf rsvp-header-flags { type uint8; description "RSVP Header Flags (defined in RFC2205 Section 3 .1.1)"; } leaf rsvp-ttl { type uint8; description "RSVP TTL"; } leaf rsvp-message-type { type uint8; description "RSVP Message Type"; } leaf ip-tos { type uint8; description "IP Type of Service"; } leaf ip-ttl { type uint8; description "IP TTL"; } leaf ip-source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP Source Address"; } } // container header container policy-sources { description "RSVP Policy Sources"; leaf is-te-link { type boolean; description "Policy Source is TE Link"; } leaf is-local { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Local"; } leaf is-cops { type boolean; description "Policy Source is COPS"; } leaf is-default { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Default"; } leaf is-cable { type boolean; description "Policy Source is Cable"; } } // container policy-sources container policy-flags { description "RSVP Policy Flags"; leaf is-accepted { type boolean; description "Accepted"; } leaf is-installed { type boolean; description "Installed"; } leaf is-forwarding { type boolean; description "Forwarding"; } } // container policy-flags container policy-query-flags { description "RSVP Query Flags"; leaf is-needed { type boolean; description "Needed"; } leaf is-report-required { type boolean; description "Report Required"; } leaf is-resync { type boolean; description "Resynchronization"; } leaf is-bypass { type boolean; description "Bypass"; } } // container policy-query-flags leaf output-interface { type string; description "output Interface"; } list psb-key { description "List of RSB keys"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "Point-to-multipoint ID"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf destination-port-or-tunnel-id { type uint32; description "Destination Port or Tunnel ID. For the LSP and OUNI session types this represents the Tunnel ID whereas for the UDP session type this represents the Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol. UDP session type this represents the Protocol (UDP not supported at present)"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Protocol or Extended Tunnel ID. For the LSP and OUNI sesion types this represents the Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "Session Type (e.g. LSP, OUNI or UDP)"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port-or-lsp-id { type uint32; description "Source Port or LSP_ID. For the LSP and OUNI session types this represents the LSP_ID whereas for the UDP session type this represents the SourcePort"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrfid { type Rsi-vrf-id; description "Signalling VRF ID"; } } // list psb-key list rsb-key { description "List of RSB keys"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "Point-to-multipoint ID"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf destination-port-or-tunnel-id { type uint32; description "Destination Port or Tunnel ID. For the LSP and OUNI session types this represents the Tunnel ID whereas for the UDP session type this represents the Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol. UDP session type this represents the Protocol (UDP not supported at present)"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Protocol or Extended Tunnel ID. For the LSP and OUNI sesion types this represents the Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "Session Type (e.g. LSP, OUNI or UDP)"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port-or-lsp-id { type uint32; description "Source Port or LSP_ID. For the LSP and OUNI session types this represents the LSP_ID whereas for the UDP session type this represents the SourcePort"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrfid { type Rsi-vrf-id; description "Signalling VRF ID"; } } // list rsb-key } // list request-detail } // container request-details container interface-briefs { description "Table of brief info about RSVP-enabled interfaces"; list interface-brief { key "interface-name"; description "Brief info about an RSVP-enabled interface"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } container bandwidth-information { description "Interface bandwidth information"; container pre-standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'pre-standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'PreStandard'"; } description "Prestandard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-subpool-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in subpool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-subpool-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container pre-standard-dste-interface container standard-dste-interface { when "../dste-mode = 'standard'" { description "../DSTEMode = 'Standard'"; } description "Standard DSTE interface information"; leaf allocated-bit-rate { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Bandwidth (bits per second) now allocated"; } leaf max-flow-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed per flow"; } leaf max-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed"; } leaf max-pool0-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC0 pool"; } leaf max-pool1-bandwidth { type uint64; units "bit/s"; description "Max bandwidth (bits per second) allowed in BC1 pool"; } leaf is-max-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc0-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC0 B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } leaf is-max-bc1-bandwidth-absolute { type boolean; description "True if the Max BC1 sub-pool B/W is an absolute value and false if its a percentage"; } } // container standard-dste-interface leaf dste-mode { type Rsvp-mgmt-dste-modes; description "DSTEMode"; } } // container bandwidth-information leaf interface-name-xr { type string; description "Interface Name"; } } // list interface-brief } // container interface-briefs container session-detaileds { description "Table of detailed info about sessions"; list session-detailed { description "Detailed info about session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container compact { description "Compact session data"; container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session leaf ps-bs { type uint32; description "Number of path state block states"; } leaf rs-bs { type uint32; description "Number of reservation state block states"; } leaf requests { type uint32; description "Number of request states"; } leaf detail-list-size { type uint32; description "Number of elements in detail list"; } } // container compact container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp list psb-rsb-info { description "Path and Reservation Info"; list psb-info { description "Path Info"; container generic-in-label { description "Generic Label for inbound traffic"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-in-label container traffic-spec { description "Traffic Spec object"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container traffic-spec container generic-traffic-spec { description "Generic Traffic Spec object"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec container association { description "Association object"; container ipv4 { when "../association-type = 'ipv4'" { description "../AssociationType = 'IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ASSOCIATION Object"; leaf type { type uint16; description "Association Type (RFC 4872)"; } leaf id { type uint16; description "Association ID"; } leaf source { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Association IPV4 Source Address"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv6 { when "../association-type = 'ipv6'" { description "../AssociationType = 'IPv6'"; } description "IPV6 ASSOCIATION Object"; leaf type { type uint16; description "Association Type (RFC 4872)"; } leaf id { type uint16; description "Association ID"; } leaf source { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Association IPV6 Source Address"; } } // container ipv6 container extended-ipv4 { when "../association-type = 'extended-ipv4'" { description "../AssociationType = 'ExtendedIPv4'"; } description "EXTENDED IPV4 ASSOCIATION Object"; leaf type { type uint16; description "Association Type (RFC 4872)"; } leaf id { type uint16; description "Association ID"; } leaf source { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Association IPV4 Source Address"; } leaf global-source { type uint32; description "Global Association Source"; } list extended-id { description "Extended Association ID"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Extended Association ID"; } } // list extended-id } // container extended-ipv4 container extended-ipv6 { when "../association-type = 'extended-ipv6'" { description "../AssociationType = 'ExtendedIPv6'"; } description "EXTENDED IPV6 ASSOCIATION Object"; leaf type { type uint16; description "Association Type (RFC 4872)"; } leaf id { type uint16; description "Association ID"; } leaf source { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Association IPV6 Source Address"; } leaf global-source { type uint32; description "Global Association Source"; } list extended-id { description "Extended Association ID"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Extended Association ID"; } } // list extended-id } // container extended-ipv6 leaf association-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-association; description "AssociationType"; } } // container association container protection { description "Protection object"; container lsp-flags { description "PROTECTION Object LSP Flags"; leaf rerouting { type boolean; description "Full Rerouting"; } leaf rerouting-no-et { type boolean; description "Rerouting Without Extra-Traffic"; } leaf one-to-n-protection-et { type boolean; description "1:N Protection with Extra-Traffic"; } leaf one-plus-one-uni { type boolean; description "1+1 Unidirectional Protection"; } leaf one-plus-one-bi { type boolean; description "1+1 Bidirectional Protection"; } } // container lsp-flags container link-flags { description "PROTECTION Object Link Flags"; leaf enhanced { type boolean; description "Indicates Enhanced Protection Scheme"; } leaf ded1-plus1 { type boolean; description "Dedicated 1+1 Protection"; } leaf ded1-to1 { type boolean; description "Dedicated 1:1 Protection"; } leaf shared { type boolean; description "Shared Link Layer Protection"; } leaf unprotected { type boolean; description "LSP should not use any Link Layer Protection"; } leaf extra-traffic { type boolean; description "LSP should use Links that are protecting other (primary) traffic"; } leaf reserved-bit1 { type boolean; description "Reserved Bit 1"; } leaf reserved-bit2 { type boolean; description "Reserved Bit 2"; } } // container link-flags leaf s { type boolean; description "Secondary Bit"; } leaf p { type boolean; description "Protecting Bit"; } leaf n { type boolean; description "Notification Bit"; } leaf o { type boolean; description "Operational Bit"; } } // container protection container reverse-lsp { description "Reverse LSP object"; container generic-traffic-spec { description "Generic Traffic Spec object"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec list ero { description "Explicit Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-ipv4'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The ERO IPV4 Address"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint8; description "ERO Prefix Length"; } } // container ipv4ero-sub-object container unnumbered-ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-un-num'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_UNNUM'"; } description "Unnumbered ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-interface-id { type uint32; description "The Interface ID in ERO"; } leaf ero-router-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Router ID in ERO"; } leaf status { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj-status; description "Status of ERO"; } } // container unnumbered-ero-sub-object leaf ero-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj; description "EROType"; } } // list ero list unsup-sub-object { description "Unsupported REVERSE_LSP Sub Objects"; list rsvp-mgmt-rev-lsp-unsupported-subobj { description "rsvp mgmt rev lsp unsupported subobj"; leaf entry { type uint8; description "rsvp mgmt rev lsp unsupported subobj"; } } // list rsvp-mgmt-rev-lsp-unsupported-subobj } // list unsup-sub-object } // container reverse-lsp leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Entry validity"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf lsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP ID"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } leaf in-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface on which inbound message was received"; } leaf in-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Label for inbound traffic"; } leaf lsp-wrap-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "LSP Wrap Label"; } leaf is-bad-address { type boolean; description "Address validity"; } leaf incoming-interface-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "IP address of Path's incoming interface"; } leaf is-ero-valid { type boolean; description "ERO validity"; } leaf is-rro-valid { type boolean; description "RRO validity"; } leaf is-traffic-spec-valid { type boolean; description "Traffic Spec validity"; } leaf tunnel-name { type string; description "Tunnel name"; } list ero { description "Explicit Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-ipv4'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_IPv4'"; } description "IPV4 ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The ERO IPV4 Address"; } leaf prefix-length { type uint8; description "ERO Prefix Length"; } } // container ipv4ero-sub-object container unnumbered-ero-sub-object { when "../ero-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-ero-type-un-num'" { description "../EROType = 'RSVP_MGMT_ERO_TYPE_UNNUM'"; } description "Unnumbered ERO Sub Object"; leaf is-strict-route { type boolean; description "ERO Entry Is Strict"; } leaf ero-interface-id { type uint32; description "The Interface ID in ERO"; } leaf ero-router-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Router ID in ERO"; } leaf status { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj-status; description "Status of ERO"; } } // container unnumbered-ero-sub-object leaf ero-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-ero-subobj; description "EROType"; } } // list ero list rro { description "Record Route Sub Objects"; container ipv4rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'ipv4rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'IPv4RROType'"; } description "IPV4 RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO IPV4 Subobject Flags"; leaf is-protection-available { type boolean; description "Local Protection Available"; } leaf is-protection-in-use { type boolean; description "Local Protection In Use"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protected { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-protection-available { type boolean; description "Node Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-id { type boolean; description "Node ID In Use"; } } // container flags leaf rro-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RRO IPV4 Address"; } } // container ipv4rro-sub-object container label-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'label-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'LabelRROType'"; } description "Label RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO Subobject Label Flags"; leaf is-global-label { type boolean; description "Label is Global across all interfaces"; } } // container flags leaf label { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject Label Value"; } leaf is-label-variable-length { type boolean; description "Is the RRO Subobject Label Variable Length"; } list variable-length-label { description "The RRO Subobject Variable Length Label"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject Variable Length Label"; } } // list variable-length-label } // container label-rro-sub-object container unnumbered-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'unnumbered-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'UnnumberedRROType'"; } description "Unnumbered RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO Subobject Unnumbered Flags"; leaf is-protection-available { type boolean; description "Local Protection Available"; } leaf is-protection-in-use { type boolean; description "Local Protection In Use"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protected { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-protection-available { type boolean; description "Node Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-id { type boolean; description "Node ID In Use"; } } // container flags leaf interface-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RRO Interface Address"; } leaf interface-id { type uint32; description "The RRO Interface ID"; } } // container unnumbered-rro-sub-object container srlg-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'srlg-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'SRLG_RROType'"; } description "SRLG RRO Sub Object"; list srl-gs { description "The RRO Subobject SRLGs"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject SRLGs"; } } // list srl-gs } // container srlg-rro-sub-object leaf rro-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-rro-subobj; description "RROType"; } } // list rro } // list psb-info list rsb-info { description "Reservation Info"; container generic-out-label { description "Generic Label for outbound traffic"; container generalized-label { when "../generic-label-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-label-type-gmpls'" { description "../GenericLabelType = 'RSVP_MGMT_LABEL_TYPE_GMPLS'"; } description "Generalized Label"; list value { description "Generalized Label Value"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "Generalized Label Value"; } } // list value } // container generalized-label leaf generic-label-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-generic-label; description "GenericLabelType"; } } // container generic-out-label container flow-spec { description "Flow spec object"; leaf flow-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-max-burst { type uint64; description "The Flow Maximum Burst"; } leaf flow-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-min-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Minimum Unit"; } leaf flow-max-unit { type uint32; description "The Flow Maximum Unit"; } leaf flow-requested-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "The Flow Requested Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf flow-slack { type uint32; description "The Flow Slack"; } leaf flow-qos { type Rsvp-mgmt-qos-service-enum; description "The Flow Quality of Service"; } } // container flow-spec container generic-flow-spec { description "Generic Flow Spec object"; container g709otn-flow-spec { when "../flow-spec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../FlowSpecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN FlowSpec"; leaf flow-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Flow Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf flow-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow NVC"; } leaf flow-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Flow Multiplier"; } leaf flow-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Flow Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-flow-spec leaf flow-spec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-flow-spec; description "FlowSpecType"; } } // container generic-flow-spec leaf is-valid { type boolean; description "Entry validity"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf out-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface on which outbound message was sent"; } leaf out-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Label for outbound traffic"; } leaf backup-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Backup tunnel interface"; } leaf backup-label { type Rsvp-mgmt-mpls-label; description "Backup label"; } leaf is-rro-valid { type boolean; description "RRO validity"; } leaf is-flow-spec-valid { type boolean; description "FlowSpec validity"; } list rro { description "Record route object"; container ipv4rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'ipv4rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'IPv4RROType'"; } description "IPV4 RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO IPV4 Subobject Flags"; leaf is-protection-available { type boolean; description "Local Protection Available"; } leaf is-protection-in-use { type boolean; description "Local Protection In Use"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protected { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-protection-available { type boolean; description "Node Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-id { type boolean; description "Node ID In Use"; } } // container flags leaf rro-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RRO IPV4 Address"; } } // container ipv4rro-sub-object container label-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'label-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'LabelRROType'"; } description "Label RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO Subobject Label Flags"; leaf is-global-label { type boolean; description "Label is Global across all interfaces"; } } // container flags leaf label { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject Label Value"; } leaf is-label-variable-length { type boolean; description "Is the RRO Subobject Label Variable Length"; } list variable-length-label { description "The RRO Subobject Variable Length Label"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject Variable Length Label"; } } // list variable-length-label } // container label-rro-sub-object container unnumbered-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'unnumbered-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'UnnumberedRROType'"; } description "Unnumbered RRO Sub Object"; container flags { description "The RRO Subobject Unnumbered Flags"; leaf is-protection-available { type boolean; description "Local Protection Available"; } leaf is-protection-in-use { type boolean; description "Local Protection In Use"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protected { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-protection-available { type boolean; description "Node Protection Available"; } leaf is-node-id { type boolean; description "Node ID In Use"; } } // container flags leaf interface-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The RRO Interface Address"; } leaf interface-id { type uint32; description "The RRO Interface ID"; } } // container unnumbered-rro-sub-object container srlg-rro-sub-object { when "../rro-type = 'srlg-rro-type'" { description "../RROType = 'SRLG_RROType'"; } description "SRLG RRO Sub Object"; list srl-gs { description "The RRO Subobject SRLGs"; leaf entry { type uint32; description "The RRO Subobject SRLGs"; } } // list srl-gs } // container srlg-rro-sub-object leaf rro-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-rro-subobj; description "RROType"; } } // list rro } // list rsb-info } // list psb-rsb-info } // list session-detailed } // container session-detaileds container hello-instance-details { description "Table of detailed info about hello instances"; list hello-instance-detail { key "source-address destination-address"; description "Detailed info for a single hello instance"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } container up-time { description "Hello up time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container up-time container communication-lost-time { description "Time when communication was lost"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container communication-lost-time leaf source-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source address"; } leaf destination-address-xr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf hello-instance-owner { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance-owner; description "Hello instance owner"; } leaf neighbor-hello-state { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-state; description "Neighbor Hello state"; } leaf instance-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-instance; description "Hello instance type"; } leaf hello-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface to use"; } leaf hello-interval { type uint32; description "Hello Interval"; } leaf missed-acks-allowed { type uint32; description "Number of missed Hello allowed"; } leaf source-instance { type uint32; description "Source Instance"; } leaf destination-instance { type uint32; description "Destination Instance"; } leaf communication-lost-reason { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-down-reason; description "Reason why communication was lost"; } leaf total-communication-lost { type uint16; description "Total number of times communication got lost"; } leaf communication-lost-hello-missed { type uint16; description "Lost Comm. Hello missed count"; } leaf communication-lost-wrong-source-inst { type uint16; description "Count of lost comm. due to wrong Source Inst"; } leaf communication-lost-wrong-destination-inst { type uint16; description "Count of lost comm. due to wrong Destination Inst"; } leaf communication-lost-interface-down { type uint16; description "Count of lost comm. due to interface down"; } leaf communication-lost-neighbor-disabled-hello { type uint16; description "Count of lost comm. due to nbor disabling Hellos"; } leaf hello-messages-sent { type uint64; description "Number of hello messages sent"; } leaf hello-messages-received { type uint64; description "Number of hello messages received"; } leaf hello-request-suppressed { type uint64; description "Count of Hello Requests suppessed"; } } // list hello-instance-detail } // container hello-instance-details container global-neighbor-details { description "Table of detailed info about global neighbors"; list global-neighbor-detail { key "neighbor-address"; description "Detail info for a single global neighbor"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Address of global neighbor"; } container global-neighbor-flags { description "Global Neighbor Flags"; leaf is-application-ouni { type boolean; description "OUNI Application"; } leaf is-application-mpls { type boolean; description "MPLS Application"; } } // container global-neighbor-flags container restart-time-left { description "How much restart time remains"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container restart-time-left container restart-timer-expiry-time { description "When will restart timer expire"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container restart-timer-expiry-time container recovery-time-left { description "How much recovery timer remains"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container recovery-time-left container recovery-timer-exp-time { description "Time at which recovery timer will expire"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // container recovery-timer-exp-time leaf is-gr-enabled { type boolean; description "Is GR enabled"; } leaf node-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor node address"; } leaf restart-state { type Rsvp-mgmt-restart-state; description "Current restart state"; } leaf restart-time { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "GR Restart Time (milliseconds)"; } leaf is-restart-timer-running { type boolean; description "Is GR restart timer running"; } leaf recovery-time { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "GR Recovery Time (milliseconds)"; } leaf is-recovery-timer-running { type boolean; description "Is RSVP recovery timer running"; } leaf hello-interval { type uint32; units "millisecond"; description "Hello Interval (milliseconds)"; } leaf missed-hellos { type uint8; description "Hello missed count"; } leaf pending-states { type uint32; description "Number of pending states for this neighbor"; } list local-node-address { description "Local node address"; leaf entry { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local node address"; } } // list local-node-address list interface-neighbor { description "Interface Neighbor List"; leaf entry { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Interface Neighbor List"; } } // list interface-neighbor list neighbor-hello-state { description "Neighbor's hello state"; leaf entry { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-state; description "Neighbor's hello state"; } } // list neighbor-hello-state list lost-communication-reason { description "Reason why communication was lost"; leaf entry { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-down-reason; description "Reason why communication was lost"; } } // list lost-communication-reason list lost-communication-total { description "Total number of times communication got lost"; leaf entry { type uint16; description "Total number of times communication got lost"; } } // list lost-communication-total list up-time { description "Hello up time"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // list up-time list lost-communication-time { description "Time when communication was lost"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // list lost-communication-time } // list global-neighbor-detail } // container global-neighbor-details container psb-briefs { description "Table of brief info about path state blocks"; list psb-brief { description "Brief info for a single path state block"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Destination Address"; } leaf destination-port { type uint32; description "Destination Port"; } leaf protocol { type uint32; description "Protocol"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Extended Tunnel ID"; } leaf session-type { type Rsvp-session; description "Session Type"; } leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "P2MP ID"; } leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint32; description "Source Port "; } leaf sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Subgroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint32; description "Subgroup ID"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } container session { description "RSVP Session Information"; container rsvp-session { description "RSVP Session"; container ipv4 { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-udp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUDP_IPv4'"; } description "UDP IPv4 session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf protocol { type uint8; description "Protocol type (originally defined in RFC 790, further values in subsequent RFCs)"; } leaf destination-port { type uint16; description "The Session Destination Port"; } } // container ipv4 container ipv4-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeLSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 LSP session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-lsp-session container ipv4-uni-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-uni-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeUNI_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 UNI session"; leaf destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Destination address"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Address"; } } // container ipv4-uni-session container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session { when "../session-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-session-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../SessionType = 'RSVPMgmtSessionTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP session"; leaf p2mp-id { type uint32; description "The Point to Multipoint ID"; } leaf tunnel-id { type uint16; description "The Session Tunnel ID"; } leaf extended-tunnel-id { type inet:ipv4-address; description "The Session Extended Tunnel ID"; } } // container ipv4-p2mp-lsp-session leaf session-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-session; description "SessionType"; } } // container rsvp-session } // container session container s2l-sub-lsp { description "RSVP S2L Sub-LSP information"; leaf s2l-destination-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "S2L Sub-LSP Destination Address"; } } // container s2l-sub-lsp container template { description "RSVP Template"; container rsvp-filter { description "RSVP Filter"; container udp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeIPv4'"; } description "UDP IPV4 FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } } // container udp-ipv4-session container p2mp-ipv4-session { when "../filter-type = 'rsvp-mgmt-filter-type-p2mp-lsp-ipv4'" { description "../FilterType = 'RSVPMgmtFilterTypeP2MP_LSP_IPv4'"; } description "IPv4 P2MP LSP FilterSpec"; leaf source-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Source Address"; } leaf source-port { type uint16; description "Source Port"; } leaf p2mp-sub-group-origin { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Point to Multipoint SubGroup Origin"; } leaf sub-group-id { type uint16; description "Point to Multipoint Subgroup ID"; } } // container p2mp-ipv4-session leaf filter-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-filter; description "FilterType"; } } // container rsvp-filter } // container template container session-attribute { description "RSVP Session Attribute"; container sess-attribute-flags { description "Session Attributes"; leaf is-local-protect { type boolean; description "Local Protection"; } leaf is-node-protect { type boolean; description "Node Protection"; } leaf is-bandwidth-protect { type boolean; description "Bandwidth Protection"; } leaf is-record-labels { type boolean; description "Records Labels"; } leaf is-shared-explicit-requested { type boolean; description "Shared Explicit Requested"; } } // container sess-attribute-flags leaf setup-priority { type uint8; description "Setup Priority"; } leaf reservation-priority { type uint8; description "Reservation Priority"; } } // container session-attribute container traffic-spec { description "RSVP Traffic Spec Info"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container traffic-spec container generic-traffic-spec { description "RSVP Generic Traffic Spec Info"; container g709otn-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'g709otn'" { description "../TspecType = 'G709OTN'"; } description "G709 OTN Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-signal-type { type uint8; description "G709 OTN Traffic Signal Type (Refer G709 v3)"; } leaf traffic-nvc { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic NVC"; } leaf traffic-multiplier { type uint16; description "G709 OTN Traffic Multiplier"; } leaf traffic-bit-rate { type uint64; description "G709 OTN Traffic Bit Rate"; } } // container g709otn-tspec container intsrv-tspec { when "../tspec-type = 'intsrv'" { description "../TspecType = 'INTSRV'"; } description "Integrated Services Sender Tspec"; leaf traffic-average-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Average Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-max-burst { type uint64; description "Traffic Maximum Burst"; } leaf traffic-peak-rate { type uint64; units "byte/s"; description "Traffic Peak Rate in bytes per second"; } leaf traffic-min-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Minimum Unit"; } leaf traffic-max-unit { type uint32; description "Traffic Maximum Unit"; } } // container intsrv-tspec leaf tspec-type { type Rsvp-mgmt-tspec; description "TspecType"; } } // container generic-traffic-spec leaf input-interface { type string; description "Path Input Interface"; } } // list psb-brief } // container psb-briefs container global-neighbor-briefs { description "Table of brief info about global neighbors"; list global-neighbor-brief { key "neighbor-address"; description "Brief info for a single global neighbor"; leaf neighbor-address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Address of global neighbor"; } container global-neighbor-flags { description "Global Neighbor Flags"; leaf is-application-ouni { type boolean; description "OUNI Application"; } leaf is-application-mpls { type boolean; description "MPLS Application"; } } // container global-neighbor-flags leaf is-gr-enabled { type boolean; description "Is GR enabled"; } leaf node-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Neighbor node address"; } leaf restart-state { type Rsvp-mgmt-restart-state; description "Restart state"; } list local-node-address { description "Local node address"; leaf entry { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Local node address"; } } // list local-node-address list neighbor-hello-state { description "Neighbor Hello state"; leaf entry { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-state; description "Neighbor Hello state"; } } // list neighbor-hello-state list lost-communication-reason { description "Reason why communication was lost"; leaf entry { type Rsvp-mgmt-hello-down-reason; description "Reason why communication was lost"; } } // list lost-communication-reason list lost-communication-total { description "Total number of times communication got lost"; leaf entry { type uint16; description "Total number of times communication got lost"; } } // list lost-communication-total list up-time { description "Time hellos have been up"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // list up-time list lost-communication-time { description "Time when communication was lost"; leaf seconds { type int32; units "second"; description "Time Value in Seconds"; } leaf nanoseconds { type int32; units "nanosecond"; description "Time Value in Nano-seconds"; } } // list lost-communication-time } // list global-neighbor-brief } // container global-neighbor-briefs } // container rsvp } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-ip-rsvp-oper
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