This submodule contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR infra-xtc package operational data. Copyright (c) 201...
Version: 2021-04-22
submodule Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-oper-sub1 { yang-version 1; belongs-to Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-oper { prefix Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-oper; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This submodule contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR infra-xtc package operational data. Copyright (c) 2013-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-04-22" { description "Added TE metric field for Flex-algo ASLA. 2021-04-08 Change protection type from integer to enum. 2021-03-31 Added new enumeration Api-peer-stats-info-oper. Changed type of type in API-PEER-STATS-INFO to use Api-peer-stats-info-oper. This is a non backward compatible change. 2021-03-04 Added MSD list per topology link. Added SRLB list per topology node. 2021-01-29 Updated SRv6 Endpoint function from int to enum. 2020-09-16 Adding operational nodes for new features path invalidation drop protected and unprotected path Operational nodes for PCE segment-routing traffic-eng policy 2020-09-01 Added uB6SID field in the LSP object 2020-08-18 Added SRv6 LSP details fields in the LSP object 2020-07-13 Added NodeID fields in the uN SID object in the IPv6 topology. 2020-04-20 Added fields in the PCE IPv6 link object."; } revision "2020-03-17" { description "Add flex-algo related operational nodes. Updated description of statistics-nodes. Add SR-PAG related operational nodes. Add PCE authentication related operational nodes. 2020-02-03 Added TCP AuthenticationOption related operational model. Implemented show pce authentication. Added classes AuthenticationKeyTable and AuthenticationKey. 2019-11-07 Adding leaf preference, leaf interface-name, and leaf profile-id to support a new HTTP API bindpoint for sibling PCEs. 2019-10-09 Adding enum sr-flex-algo-prefix-sid, enum pce-cspf-flex-algo-definition-mistmatch, leaf flex-algo-prefix-sids, list sr-flex-algo, and container flex-algos to support Flex-algo info."; } revision "2019-10-02" { description "Added REST peer statistic information. 2019-09-27 Implement new show pce lsp and show pce initiated tunnels commands for Optima"; } revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2017-09-07" { description "Fixed type translation error."; } revision "2017-08-24" { description "Added C flag to pcep flags."; } revision "2017-06-26" { description "Change identifiers to be more readable."; } revision "2017-05-01" { description "Fixing backward compatibility error in module."; } revision "2016-05-31" { description "Revision description string."; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "3.0.0"; semver:module-version "2.0.0"; semver:module-version "1.1.0"; semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef Nbapi-peer-state { type enumeration { enum "api-peer-state-down" { value 0; description "Operational status down"; } enum "api-peer-state-up" { value 1; description "Operational status up"; } } description "Nbapi peer state"; } typedef Api-peer-stats-info-oper { type enumeration { enum "api-operation-invalid" { value 0; description "Invalid operation"; } enum "api-operation-lsp-create" { value 1; description "LSP create"; } enum "api-operation-lsp-reclaim-delegation" { value 2; description "LSP reclaim delegation"; } enum "api-operation-lsp-drop-delegation" { value 3; description "LSP drop delegation"; } enum "api-operation-lsp-update" { value 4; description "LSP update"; } enum "api-operation-lsp-delete" { value 5; description "LSP delete"; } enum "api-operation-lsp-delete-all" { value 6; description "LSP delete all"; } enum "api-operation-lsp-computation" { value 7; description "LSP compute"; } enum "api-operation-lsp-subscription" { value 8; description "LSP subscrube"; } enum "api-operation-topology-subscription" { value 9; description "Topology subscribe"; } enum "api-operation-topology-subscriptionv2" { value 10; description "Topology subscribe version 2"; } enum "api-operation-peer-subscription" { value 11; description "Peer subscribe"; } enum "api-operation-bwod-subscription" { value 12; description "BWoD subscribe"; } enum "api-operation-p2mp-install" { value 13; description "P2MP install"; } enum "api-operation-p2mp-delete" { value 14; description "P2MP delete"; } enum "api-operation-p2mp-delete-all" { value 15; description "P2MP delete all"; } enum "api-operation-p2mp-reoptimization" { value 16; description "P2MP reoptimization"; } enum "api-operation-p2mp-get-information" { value 17; description "P2MP get information"; } enum "api-operation-external-lsp" { value 18; description "External LSP"; } enum "api-operation-topology-link-attribute" { value 19; description "Topology link attribute update"; } enum "api-operationversion" { value 20; description "API version"; } enum "api-operation-maximum" { value 21; description "Maximum value"; } } description "Api peer stats info oper"; } typedef Pce-headend-swap { type enumeration { enum "pcehs-none" { value 0; description "Headends not swapped"; } enum "pcehs-plain" { value 1; description "Headends swapped"; } enum "pcehs-rwi" { value 2; description "Headends swapped with increment"; } } description "PCE Headends Swap Code"; } typedef Path-work-node { type enumeration { enum "path-work-bag-node-type-work" { value 0; description "work"; } enum "path-work-bag-node-type-worker-prio-1" { value 1; description "reoptimization worker"; } enum "path-work-bag-node-type-region" { value 2; description "region"; } } description "Path work node type"; } typedef Pce-treesid-state { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "No state"; } enum "programming" { value 1; description "Programming non-root nodes"; } enum "programming-root" { value 2; description "Programming the root node"; } enum "pruning" { value 3; description "Pruning stale legs on non-root nodes"; } enum "pruning-root" { value 4; description "Pruning stale legs on root node"; } enum "deleting" { value 5; description "TreeSID is being deleted"; } } description "Pce treesid state"; } typedef Pce-treesid-role { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "No role"; } enum "ingress" { value 1; description "Ingress"; } enum "transit" { value 2; description "Transit"; } enum "egress" { value 3; description "Egress"; } enum "bud-node" { value 4; description "Bud Node"; } } description "Pce treesid role"; } typedef Pce-cspf-rc { type enumeration { enum "pce-cspf-not-set" { value 0; description "Not set"; } enum "pce-cspf-src-not-found" { value 1; description "Source not found"; } enum "pce-cspf-dst-not-found" { value 2; description "Destination not found"; } enum "pce-cspf-second-src-not-found" { value 3; description "Second source not found"; } enum "pce-cspf-second-dst-not-found" { value 4; description "Second destination not found"; } enum "pce-cspf-no-mem" { value 5; description "No memory"; } enum "pce-cspf-ex-path-not-resolved" { value 6; description "Second path not resolved"; } enum "pce-cspf-no-path" { value 7; description "No path"; } enum "pce-cspf-sp-success" { value 8; description "Shortest path success"; } enum "pce-cspf-error" { value 9; description "Error"; } enum "pce-cspf-fallback-srlg-node-node" { value 10; description "Fallback from SRLG-NODE to NODE"; } enum "pce-cspf-fallback-srlg-node-link" { value 11; description "Fallback from SRLG-NODE to LINK"; } enum "pce-cspf-fallback-srlg-node-sp" { value 12; description "Fallback from SRLG-NODE to SP"; } enum "pce-cspf-fallback-node-link" { value 13; description "Fallback from NODE to LINK"; } enum "pce-cspf-fallback-link-sp" { value 14; description "Fallback from LINK to SP"; } enum "pce-cspf-fallback-node-sp" { value 15; description "Fallback from NODE to SP"; } enum "pce-cspf-fallback-srlg-link" { value 16; description "Fallback from SRLG to LINK"; } enum "pce-cspf-fallback-srlg-sp" { value 17; description "Fallback from SRLG to SP"; } enum "pce-cspf-dp-success" { value 18; description "Disjoint path success"; } enum "pce-cspf-flex-algo-definition-mistmatch" { value 19; description "Flex-algo definition mistmatch across IGP domain"; } enum "pce-cspf-latency-bound-exceeded" { value 20; description "Latency bound exceeded for computed path"; } } description "PCE CSPF Result Code"; } typedef Cmn-ha-case { type enumeration { enum "ha-case-migration" { value 0; description "HA Case Migration"; } enum "ha-case-restart" { value 1; description "HA Case Restart"; } enum "ha-case-switchover" { value 2; description "HA Case Switchover"; } enum "ha-case-startup" { value 3; description "HA Case Startup"; } enum "ha-case-invalid" { value 4; description "HA Case Invalid"; } } description "Various HA cases"; } typedef Topo-msd-subtype { type enumeration { enum "msd-type-mpls" { value 1; description "Base MPLS Imposition MSD"; } enum "msd-type-erld" { value 2; description "ERLD MSD"; } enum "msd-type-srh-max-sl" { value 41; description "SRH Max SL"; } enum "msd-type-srh-max-end-pop" { value 42; description "SRH Max End Pop"; } enum "msd-type-srh-max-h-encaps" { value 44; description "SRH Max H.encaps"; } enum "msd-type-srh-max-end-d" { value 45; description "SRH Max End D"; } enum "msd-type-unknown" { value 255; description "Unknown"; } } description "Topo msd subtype"; } typedef Sid { type enumeration { enum "sr-protected-adj-sid" { value 1; description "Protected Adjacency SID"; } enum "sr-unprotected-adj-sid" { value 2; description "Unprotected Adjacency SID"; } enum "sr-bgp-egress-peer-engineering-sid" { value 3; description "BGP egress peer engineering SID"; } enum "sr-reqular-prefix-sid" { value 4; description "Regular prefix SID"; } enum "sr-strict-prefix-sid" { value 5; description "Strict prefix SID"; } enum "sr-flex-algo-prefix-sid" { value 6; description "Flex-algo prefix SID"; } } description "SID Types"; } typedef Cmn-metric { type enumeration { enum "metric-type-none" { value 0; description "Metric Type None"; } enum "metric-type-igp" { value 1; description "Metric Type IGP"; } enum "metric-type-te" { value 2; description "Metric Type TE"; } enum "metric-type-hop-count" { value 3; description "Metric Type hop count"; } enum "metric-type-msd" { value 11; description "Metric Type MSD"; } enum "metric-type-latency" { value 12; description "Metric Type latency"; } } description "PCE Metric Type"; } typedef Pce-igp-info-id { type enumeration { enum "isis" { value 1; description "ISIS"; } enum "ospf" { value 2; description "OSPF"; } enum "bgp" { value 3; description "BGP"; } } description "IGP IDs"; } typedef Cmn-auth { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "None"; } enum "md5-clear" { value 1; description "MD5 Clear"; } enum "md5-encrypted" { value 2; description "MD5 Encrypted"; } enum "authentication-option" { value 3; description "Authentication Option"; } enum "authentication-keychain" { value 4; description "Authentication Keychain"; } enum "max" { value 5; description "Max"; } } description "Cmn auth"; } typedef Pcep-state { type enumeration { enum "tcp-close" { value 0; description "TCP close"; } enum "tcp-listen" { value 1; description "TCP listen"; } enum "tcp-connect" { value 2; description "TCP connect"; } enum "pcep-closed" { value 3; description "PCEP closed"; } enum "pcep-opening" { value 4; description "PCEP opening"; } enum "pcep-open" { value 5; description "PCEP open"; } } description "PCEP State"; } typedef Pce-proto { type enumeration { enum "pcep" { value 0; description "PCE protocol"; } enum "netconf" { value 1; description "Netconf protocol"; } } description "PCE peer protocol"; } typedef Xtc-ipv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Xtc ipv6 address"; } typedef Xtc-ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Xtc ipv4 address"; } typedef Xtc-af-id { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "None"; } enum "ipv4" { value 1; description "IPv4"; } enum "ipv6" { value 2; description "IPv6"; } } description "Xtc af id"; } typedef Pce-rro { type enumeration { enum "rro-type-ipv4-address" { value 0; description "IPv4 Address"; } enum "rro-type-mpls-label" { value 1; description "MPLS Label"; } enum "rro-type-sripv4-node-sid" { value 2; description "Segment Routing IPv4 Node SID"; } enum "rro-type-sripv4-adjacency-sid" { value 3; description "Segment Routing IPv4 Adjacency SID"; } enum "rro-type-sr-nai-null" { value 4; description "Segment Routing with NAI null"; } } description "PCE RRO type"; } typedef Pce-sr-sid { type enumeration { enum "ipv4-node-sid" { value 0; description "IPv4 Node SID"; } enum "ipv4-adjacency-sid" { value 1; description "IPv4 Adjacency SID"; } enum "ipv6-node-sid" { value 2; description "IPv6 Node SID"; } enum "ipv6-adjacency-sid" { value 3; description "IPv6 Adjacency SID"; } enum "ipv4-unnumbered-adjacency-sid" { value 4; description "IPv4 unnumbered adjacency segment identifier"; } enum "ipv6-linklocal-adjacency-sid" { value 5; description "IPv6 linklocal adjacency segment identifier"; } enum "unknown-sid" { value 6; description "Unknown SID"; } } description "PCE SR SID type"; } typedef Lsp-state { type enumeration { enum "lsp-down" { value 0; description "LSP is down"; } enum "lsp-up" { value 1; description "LSP is up"; } } description "LSP setup type"; } typedef Pcep-lsp-state { type enumeration { enum "lsp-down" { value 0; description "LSP is down"; } enum "lsp-up" { value 1; description "LSP is up"; } enum "lsp-active" { value 2; description "LSP is active (carrying traffic)"; } enum "lsp-going-down" { value 3; description "LSP is going down"; } enum "lsp-being-signaled" { value 4; description "LSP is being signaled"; } } description "PCEP operation protocol"; } typedef Lsp-setup { type enumeration { enum "setup-rsvp" { value 0; description "LSP is established using RSVP-TE"; } enum "setup-sr" { value 1; description "LSP is established using SR-TE"; } enum "setup-unknown" { value 2; description "Unknown LSP establishment method"; } } description "LSP setup type"; } typedef Mgmt-srv6-endpoint { type enumeration { enum "unknown" { value 0; description "Unknown Endpoint type"; } enum "end" { value 1; description "End (no PSP/USP)"; } enum "end-with-psp" { value 2; description "End with PSP"; } enum "end-with-usp" { value 3; description "End with USP"; } enum "end-with-psp-usp" { value 4; description "End with PSP/USP"; } enum "end-x" { value 5; description "End.X (no PSP/USP)"; } enum "end-x-with-psp" { value 6; description "End.X with PSP"; } enum "end-x-with-usp" { value 7; description "End.X with USP"; } enum "end-x-with-psp-usp" { value 8; description "End.X with PSP/USP"; } enum "end-tbl" { value 9; description "End.T (no PSP/USP)"; } enum "end-tbl-with-psp" { value 10; description "End.T with PSP"; } enum "end-tbl-with-usp" { value 11; description "End.T with USP"; } enum "end-tbl-with-psp-usp" { value 12; description "End.T with PSP/USP"; } enum "end-b6-insert" { value 13; description "End.B6.Insert"; } enum "end-b6-encaps" { value 14; description "End.B6.Encaps"; } enum "end-bm" { value 15; description "End.BM"; } enum "end-dx6" { value 16; description "End.DX6"; } enum "end-dx4" { value 17; description "End.DX4"; } enum "end-dt6" { value 18; description "End.DT6"; } enum "end-dt4" { value 19; description "End.DT4"; } enum "end-dt46" { value 20; description "End.DT46"; } enum "end-dx2" { value 21; description "End.DX2"; } enum "end-dx2v" { value 22; description "End.DX2V"; } enum "end-dt2u" { value 23; description "End.DT2U"; } enum "end-dt2m" { value 24; description "End.DT2M"; } enum "end-s" { value 25; description "End.S"; } enum "end-b6-insert-red" { value 26; description "End.B6.Insert.Reduced"; } enum "end-b6-encaps-red" { value 27; description "End.B6.Encaps.Reduced"; } enum "end-with-usd" { value 28; description "End with USD"; } enum "end-with-psp-usd" { value 29; description "End with PSP/USD"; } enum "end-with-usp-usd" { value 30; description "End with USP/USD"; } enum "end-with-psp-usp-usd" { value 31; description "End with PSP/USP/USD"; } enum "end-x-with-usd" { value 32; description "End.X with USD"; } enum "end-x-with-psp-usd" { value 33; description "End.X with PSP/USD"; } enum "end-x-with-usp-usd" { value 34; description "End.X with USP/USD"; } enum "end-x-with-psp-usp-usd" { value 35; description "End.X with PSP/USP/USD"; } enum "end-tbl-with-usd" { value 36; description "End.T with USD"; } enum "end-tbl-with-psp-usd" { value 37; description "End.T with PSP/USD"; } enum "end-tbl-with-usp-usd" { value 38; description "End.T with USP/USD"; } enum "end-tbl-with-psp-usp-usd" { value 39; description "End.T with PSP/USP/USD"; } enum "end-op" { value 40; description "End.OP"; } enum "end-otp" { value 41; description "End.OTP"; } enum "un-shift-only" { value 42; description "uN Shift-only"; } enum "un" { value 43; description "uN"; } enum "un-psp" { value 44; description "uN with PSP"; } enum "un-usp" { value 45; description "uN with USP"; } enum "un-psp-usp" { value 46; description "uN with PSP-USP"; } enum "un-usd" { value 47; description "uN with USD"; } enum "un-psp-usd" { value 48; description "uN with PSP-USD"; } enum "un-usp-usd" { value 49; description "uN with USP-USD"; } enum "un-psp-usp-usd" { value 50; description "uN with PSP_USP-USD"; } enum "ua-shift-only" { value 51; description "uA Shift-only"; } enum "ua" { value 52; description "uA"; } enum "ua-psp" { value 53; description "uA with PSP"; } enum "ua-usp" { value 54; description "uA with USP"; } enum "ua-psp-usp" { value 55; description "uA with PSP-USP"; } enum "ua-usd" { value 56; description "uA with USD"; } enum "ua-psp-usd" { value 57; description "uA with PSP-USD"; } enum "ua-usp-usd" { value 58; description "uA with USP-USD"; } enum "ua-psp-usp-usd" { value 59; description "uA with PSP_USP-USD"; } enum "udx6" { value 60; description "uDX6"; } enum "udx4" { value 61; description "uDX4"; } enum "udt6" { value 62; description "uDT6"; } enum "udt4" { value 63; description "uDT4"; } enum "udt46" { value 64; description "uDT46"; } enum "udx2" { value 65; description "uDX2"; } enum "udx2v" { value 66; description "uDX2V"; } enum "udt2u" { value 67; description "uDT2U"; } enum "udt2m" { value 68; description "uDT2M"; } enum "ub6-insert" { value 69; description "uB6 Insert"; } enum "ub6-encaps" { value 70; description "uB6 Encaps"; } enum "ub6-insert-red" { value 71; description "uB6 Insert.Red"; } enum "ub6-encaps-red" { value 72; description "uB6 Encaps.Red"; } enum "ubm" { value 73; description "uBM"; } } description "SRv6 Endpoint Behavior Type"; } typedef Pce-ipv6-address { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Pce ipv6 address"; } typedef Pce-ipv4-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Pce ipv4 address"; } typedef Pce-af-id { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "None"; } enum "ipv4" { value 1; description "IPv4"; } enum "ipv6" { value 2; description "IPv6"; } } description "Pce af id"; } } // submodule Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-oper-sub1
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