This submodule contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR infra-xtc-agent package operational data. Copyright (...
Version: 2021-05-21
submodule Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-agent-oper-sub3 { yang-version 1; belongs-to Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-agent-oper { prefix Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-agent-oper; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-agent-oper-sub1 { revision-date "2021-05-21"; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This submodule contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR infra-xtc-agent package operational data. Copyright (c) 2013-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-05-21" { description "Added path invalidation drop flag in policy bag. 2021-04-22 Added TE metric field for Flex-algo ASLA. 2021-02-18 Remove deprecated performance-measurement oper bag and renamed pm config field name in xtc_pm_lsp_info. Added performance-measurement config data bag in lsp bag. 2021-02-08 Added performance-measurement config data bag in lsp bag. 2020-12-13 Added performance-measurement liveness-detection oper schema. 2020-10-27 Added A flag set field in show command to support A flag sent from PM side 2020-09-16 Adding operational nodes for new features path invalidation drop protected and unprotected path 2020-09-04 Modified the Extended-Affinities and ASLA-Extended-Affinities to be list instead of a leaf-list 2020-05-12 Add SRv6TE policy operational data 2020-05-05 changes related to treat SRv6 and SID as well-known when parsing XML for yang"; } revision "2020-01-16" { description "Removed event buffer from SR-TE policy model. Implement new statistic info for policy performance-measurement session. Added support for per-flow policy output. Added additional filter for policy type i.e. per-flow and per-destination."; } revision "2019-09-09" { description "PCE/SRTE topology should display P-flag set for OSPF prefix-SID with explicit-null"; } revision "2019-05-01" { description "Added operational models for interface database."; } revision "2019-04-15" { description "Hierarchical changes to policy forwarding model to organize the paths under the proper segment lists and LSPs."; } revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2018-11-28" { description "Various modifications to policy-related models for better compatibility with the IETF policy draft."; } revision "2017-09-11" { description "Initial version"; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "4.0.0"; semver:module-version "3.0.0"; semver:module-version "2.0.0"; semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef Tcp-auth { type enumeration { enum "tcp-authentication-none" { value 0; description "TCP Authentication None"; } enum "tcp-authentication-keychain" { value 1; description "TCP EA Keychain"; } enum "tcp-authentication-password-clear" { value 2; description "MD5 password clear"; } enum "tcp-authentication-password-encrypted" { value 3; description "MD5 password encrypted"; } enum "tcp-authentication-option" { value 4; description "TCP Authentication Option"; } } description "TCP authentication type"; } grouping PCEP-CONN-PWD-BAG { description "PCEP connection password information"; leaf type { type Tcp-auth; description "password type"; } leaf keychain-name { type string; description "Keychain Name"; } leaf md5-password { type string; description "MD5 Password"; } leaf ao-keychain-name { type string; description "Authentication Option Keychain Name"; } leaf ao-include-options-enable { type boolean; description "AO Include Option Enable"; } leaf ao-accept-mismatch-enable { type boolean; description "AO Accept Mismatch Enable"; } } // grouping PCEP-CONN-PWD-BAG grouping PCEP-CONN-STATS-BAG { description "PCEP CONN STATS information"; leaf ka-msg-rx { type uint64; description "KA messages rxed"; } leaf ka-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "KA messages fail rxed"; } leaf ka-msg-tx { type uint64; description "KA messages txed"; } leaf ka-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "KA messages fail txed"; } leaf pcreq-msg-rx { type uint64; description "PCREQ messages rxed"; } leaf pcreq-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "PCREQ messages fail rxed"; } leaf pcreq-msg-tx { type uint64; description "PCREQ messages txed"; } leaf pcreq-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "PCREQ messages fail txed"; } leaf pcrep-msg-rx { type uint64; description "PCREP messages rxed"; } leaf pcrep-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "PCREP messages fail rxed"; } leaf pcrep-msg-tx { type uint64; description "PCREP messages txed"; } leaf pcrep-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "PCREP messages fail txed"; } leaf pcrpt-msg-rx { type uint64; description "PCRPT messages rxed"; } leaf pcrpt-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "PCRPT messages fail rxed"; } leaf pcrpt-msg-tx { type uint64; description "PCRPT messages txed"; } leaf pcrpt-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "PCRPT messages fail txed"; } leaf pcupd-msg-rx { type uint64; description "PCUPD messages rxed"; } leaf pcupd-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "PCUPD messages fail rxed"; } leaf pcupd-msg-tx { type uint64; description "PCUPD messages txed"; } leaf pcupd-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "PCUPD messages fail txed"; } leaf open-msg-rx { type uint64; description "OPEN messages rxed"; } leaf open-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "OPEN messages fail rxed"; } leaf open-msg-tx { type uint64; description "OPEN messages txed"; } leaf open-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "OPEN messages fail txed"; } leaf pcerr-msg-rx { type uint64; description "PCERR messages rxed"; } leaf pcerr-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "PCERR messages fail rxed"; } leaf pcerr-msg-tx { type uint64; description "PCERR messages txed"; } leaf pcerr-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "PCERR messages fail txed"; } leaf pcntf-msg-rx { type uint64; description "PCNTF messages rxed"; } leaf pcntf-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "PCNTF messages fail rxed"; } leaf pcntf-msg-tx { type uint64; description "PCNTF messages txed"; } leaf pcntf-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "PCNTF messages fail txed"; } leaf pce-eos-msg-tx { type uint64; description "PCE EOS messages txed"; } leaf pce-eos-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "PCE EOS messages fail txed"; } leaf close-msg-rx { type uint64; description "CLOSE messages rxed"; } leaf close-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "CLOSE messages fail rxed"; } leaf close-msg-tx { type uint64; description "CLOSE messages txed"; } leaf close-msg-fail-tx { type uint64; description "CLOSE messages fail txed"; } leaf unexpected-msg-rx { type uint64; description "Unexpected messages rxed"; } leaf corrupted-msg-rx { type uint64; description "Corrupted messages rxed"; } leaf reply-time-index { type uint32; description "index into recorded reply time"; } leaf minimum-reply-time { type uint64; description "min reply time"; } leaf maximum-reply-time { type uint64; description "max reply time"; } leaf requests-timed-out { type uint64; description "requests timed out"; } leaf last-pcerr-type-rx { type uint8; description "last PCERR type received"; } leaf last-pcerr-val-rx { type uint8; description "last PCERR value received"; } leaf last-pcerr-rx-ts { type uint64; description "last time when PCERR was received"; } leaf last-pcerr-type-tx { type uint8; description "last PCERR type transmitted"; } leaf last-pcerr-val-tx { type uint8; description "last PCERR value transmitted"; } leaf last-pcerr-tx-ts { type uint64; description "last time when PCERR was transmitted"; } leaf pcinitiate-msg-rx { type uint64; description "PCINITIATE messages rxed"; } leaf pcinitiate-msg-fail-rx { type uint64; description "PCINITIATE messages fail rxed"; } leaf-list recorded-reply-time { type uint64; max-elements 10; description "Recorded reply time"; } } // grouping PCEP-CONN-STATS-BAG grouping PCEP-SOCKET-BAG { description "PCEP SOCKET information"; leaf fd { type int64; description "file descriptor"; } leaf wnotify { type boolean; description "write notify"; } leaf rnotify { type boolean; description "read notify"; } leaf refcnt { type uint32; description "ref count"; } leaf selected { type boolean; description "selected"; } leaf owner { type uint32; description "owner"; } leaf csockaddr-str { type string; description "client address"; } leaf ssockaddr-str { type string; description "server address"; } } // grouping PCEP-SOCKET-BAG grouping PCEP-CONN-BAG { description "PCEP CONN information"; container socket-info { description "socket info"; uses PCEP-SOCKET-BAG; } // container socket-info container pcep-server-addr { description "PCEP server address"; uses XTC-IP-ADDR-TYPE; } // container pcep-server-addr container pcep-client-addr { description "PCEP client address"; uses XTC-IP-ADDR-TYPE; } // container pcep-client-addr container stats { description "stats"; uses PCEP-CONN-STATS-BAG; } // container stats container password { description "Password Information"; uses PCEP-CONN-PWD-BAG; } // container password leaf handle { type uint32; description "internal handle"; } leaf state-str { type string; description "connection state"; } leaf pce-group-name { type string; description "PCE group name"; } leaf local-ok { type boolean; description "local accepted"; } leaf remote-ok { type boolean; description "remote accepted"; } leaf open-retry { type uint32; description "open retry count"; } leaf ref-cnt { type uint32; description "ref count"; } leaf rx-state-str { type string; description "socket state"; } leaf holddown-counter { type uint16; description "holddown counter"; } leaf pcep-up-ts { type uint64; description "PCEP up timestamp"; } leaf precedence { type uint8; description "Precedence"; } leaf ka-interval-local { type uint32; description "KA interval local"; } leaf ka-interval-remote { type uint32; description "KA interval remote"; } leaf dead-interval-local { type uint32; description "Dead interval local"; } leaf dead-interval-remote { type uint32; description "Dead interval remote"; } leaf pcep-session-id-local { type uint32; description "PCEP session ID local"; } leaf pcep-session-id-remote { type uint32; description "PCEP session ID remote"; } leaf pcep-server-ipv4-addr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "PCEP server Ipv4 address"; } leaf pcep-client-ipv4-addr { type inet:ipv4-address; description "PCEP client Ipv4 address"; } leaf is-stateful-local { type boolean; description "is stateful local"; } leaf is-stateful-remote { type boolean; description "is stateful remote"; } leaf is-stateful-u-flag-local { type boolean; description "is stateful with U flag local"; } leaf is-stateful-u-flag-remote { type boolean; description "is stateful with U flag remote"; } leaf is-segment-routing-local { type boolean; description "is segment routing local"; } leaf is-segment-routing-remote { type boolean; description "is segment routing remote"; } leaf is-initiate-local { type boolean; description "local initiate capability"; } leaf is-initiate-remote { type boolean; description "remote initiate capability"; } leaf is-best-pce { type boolean; description "is this the best PCE to delegate to"; } leaf sr-msd-local { type uint8; description "SR MSD local"; } leaf sr-msd-remote { type uint8; description "SR MSD remote"; } } // grouping PCEP-CONN-BAG grouping PCEP-HOP-SR-IPV4 { description "PCEP SR IPv4 hop information"; leaf type { type uint8; description "SID type"; } leaf cflag { type boolean; description "C flag"; } leaf sid { type uint32; description "SID"; } leaf remote-addr { type uint32; description "Remote address"; } leaf local-addr { type uint32; description "Local address"; } } // grouping PCEP-HOP-SR-IPV4 grouping PCEP-HOP-IPV4 { description "PCEP IPv4 hop information"; leaf v4-addr { type uint32; description "IPv4 prefix"; } leaf prefix-len { type uint8; description "Prefix length"; } } // grouping PCEP-HOP-IPV4 grouping PCEP-HOP-DATA { description "PCEP HOP DATA"; container ipv4 { when "../hop-type = 'pcep-hop-type-ipv4'" { description "../HopType = 'PCEP_HOP_TYPE_IPV4'"; } description "IPv4 hop info"; uses PCEP-HOP-IPV4; } // container ipv4 container sr-v4 { when "../hop-type = 'pcep-hop-type-srv4'" { description "../HopType = 'PCEP_HOP_TYPE_SRV4'"; } description "SR IPv4 hop info"; uses PCEP-HOP-SR-IPV4; } // container sr-v4 leaf hop-type { type uint8; description "HopType"; } } // grouping PCEP-HOP-DATA grouping PCEP-HOP-BAG { description "PCEP HOP information"; container data { description "data"; uses PCEP-HOP-DATA; } // container data leaf loose { type boolean; description "is loose hop"; } } // grouping PCEP-HOP-BAG grouping PCEP-PATH-STATS-BAG { description "PCEP PATH stats"; leaf reports-requested { type uint64; description "Reports requested"; } leaf reports-sent { type uint64; description "Reports sent"; } leaf reports-failed-to-send { type uint64; description "Reports failed"; } } // grouping PCEP-PATH-STATS-BAG grouping PCEP-PATH-BAG { description "PCEP PATH information"; container stats { description "stats"; uses PCEP-PATH-STATS-BAG; } // container stats leaf pce-group-name { type string; description "PCE group name"; } leaf used-bw { type int64; description "used bw"; } leaf requested-bw { type int64; description "requested bw"; } leaf metric-value { type int64; description "metric value"; } leaf refcnt { type int64; description "refcnt"; } leaf lsp-plsp-id { type uint32; description "LSP PLSP ID"; } leaf binding-sid-value { type uint32; description "Binding SID"; } leaf lsp-id-tlv-ext-tunnel-id { type uint32; description "Ext Tun ID"; } leaf lsp-id-tlv-tunnel-endpoint-address { type uint32; description "Tun endpoint address"; } leaf lsp-id-tlv-tunnel-sender-address { type uint32; description "Tun sender address"; } leaf srp-id { type uint32; description "SRP ID"; } leaf lsp-id-tlv-lsp-id { type uint16; description "LSP ID"; } leaf lsp-id-tlv-tunnel-id { type uint16; description "Tunnel ID"; } leaf lsp-id { type uint16; description "Application LSP ID"; } leaf binding-sid-type { type uint16; description "Binding SID type"; } leaf lsp-oper { type uint8; description "LSP oper flags"; } leaf path-setup-type { type uint8; description "Path setup type"; } leaf metric-type { type uint8; description "Metric type"; } leaf is-reported { type boolean; description "is reported"; } leaf lsp-a-flag { type boolean; description "LSP A Flag"; } leaf lsp-r-flag { type boolean; description "LSP R Flag"; } leaf lsp-s-flag { type boolean; description "LSP S Flag"; } leaf lsp-d-flag { type boolean; description "LSP D Flag"; } leaf lsp-c-flag { type boolean; description "LSP C Flag"; } list ero-hop { description "ero hop"; uses PCEP-HOP-BAG; } // list ero-hop list rro-hop { description "rro hop"; uses PCEP-HOP-BAG; } // list rro-hop } // grouping PCEP-PATH-BAG grouping PCEP-PLSP-EVENT-BAG { description "PCEP PLSP event"; leaf ts { type uint64; description "Timestamp"; } leaf desc { type string; description "Description"; } } // grouping PCEP-PLSP-EVENT-BAG grouping PCEP-PLSP-STATS-BAG { description "PCEP PLSP stats"; leaf paths-created { type uint64; description "Paths Created"; } leaf paths-destroyed { type uint64; description "Paths Destroyed"; } leaf path-create-errors { type uint64; description "Path create errors"; } leaf path-destroy-errors { type uint64; description "Path destroy errors"; } leaf requests-created { type uint64; description "Requests created"; } leaf requests-destroyed { type uint64; description "Requests destroyed"; } leaf requests-failed { type uint64; description "Requests failed"; } } // grouping PCEP-PLSP-STATS-BAG grouping PCEP-PLSP-BAG { description "PCEP PLSP information"; container stats { description "Stats"; uses PCEP-PLSP-STATS-BAG; } // container stats leaf plsp-id-xr { type uint32; description "PLSP ID"; } leaf sym-path-name { type string; description "Symbolic Path Name"; } leaf refcnt { type int64; description "Refcnt"; } leaf conn-delegated-to { type uint32; description "CONN delegated to"; } list event-history { max-elements 10; description "event history"; uses PCEP-PLSP-EVENT-BAG; } // list event-history list path { description "path"; uses PCEP-PATH-BAG; } // list path } // grouping PCEP-PLSP-BAG } // submodule Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-xtc-agent-oper-sub3
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