This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR infra-syslog package configuration. This module contains...
Version: 2020-05-22
module Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-syslog-cfg { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix infra-syslog-cfg; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR infra-syslog package configuration. This module contains definitions for the following management objects: syslog-service: Syslog Timestamp Services syslog: Modify message logging facilities Copyright (c) 2013-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2020-05-22" { description "Support for syslog format types bsd and rfc5424"; } revision "2019-09-30" { description "Changes done for Openroadm Severity level support"; } revision "2019-07-30" { description "container ipv4-severity-port changed to presence container"; } revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2017-10-31" { description "file path option provided in logging file config"; } revision "2017-09-07" { description "Fixed type translation error."; } revision "2016-06-22" { description "file path removed from logging file config"; } revision "2015-01-07" { description "IOS XR 5.3.1 revision."; } semver:module-version "2.0.0"; semver:module-version "1.0.1"; semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef Logging-tos { type enumeration { enum "precedence" { value 0; description "Logging TOS type precedence"; } enum "dscp" { value 1; description "Logging TOS type DSCP"; } } description "Logging tos"; } typedef Logging-dscp-value { type union { type enumeration { enum "default" { value 0; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 000000"; } enum "af11" { value 10; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 001010"; } enum "af12" { value 12; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 001100"; } enum "af13" { value 14; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 001110"; } enum "af21" { value 18; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 010010"; } enum "af22" { value 20; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 010100"; } enum "af23" { value 22; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 010110"; } enum "af31" { value 26; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 011010"; } enum "af32" { value 28; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 011100"; } enum "af33" { value 30; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 011110"; } enum "af41" { value 34; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 100010"; } enum "af42" { value 36; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 100100"; } enum "af43" { value 38; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 100110"; } enum "ef" { value 46; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 101110"; } enum "cs1" { value 8; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 001000"; } enum "cs2" { value 16; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 010000"; } enum "cs3" { value 24; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 011000"; } enum "cs4" { value 32; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 100000"; } enum "cs5" { value 40; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 101000"; } enum "cs6" { value 48; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 110000"; } enum "cs7" { value 56; description "Applicable to DSCP: bits 111000"; } } type uint32 { range "0..63"; } } description "Logging dscp value"; } typedef Logging-precedence-value { type union { type enumeration { enum "routine" { value 0; description "Applicable to precedence: value 0"; } enum "priority" { value 1; description "Applicable to precedence: value 1"; } enum "immediate" { value 2; description "Applicable to precedence: value 2"; } enum "flash" { value 3; description "Applicable to precedence: value 3"; } enum "flash-override" { value 4; description "Applicable to precedence: value 4"; } enum "critical" { value 5; description "Applicable to precedence: value 5"; } enum "internet" { value 6; description "Applicable to precedence: value 6"; } enum "network" { value 7; description "Applicable to precedence: value 7"; } } type uint32 { range "0..7"; } } description "Logging precedence value"; } typedef Facility { type enumeration { enum "kern" { value 0; description "Kernel Facility"; } enum "user" { value 8; description "User Facility"; } enum "mail" { value 16; description "Mail Facility"; } enum "daemon" { value 24; description "Daemon Facility"; } enum "auth" { value 32; description "Auth Facility"; } enum "syslog" { value 40; description "Syslog Facility"; } enum "lpr" { value 48; description "Lpr Facility"; } enum "news" { value 56; description "News Facility"; } enum "uucp" { value 64; description "Uucp Facility"; } enum "cron" { value 72; description "Cron Facility"; } enum "authpriv" { value 80; description "Authpriv Facility"; } enum "ftp" { value 88; description "Ftp Facility"; } enum "local0" { value 128; description "Local0 Facility"; } enum "local1" { value 136; description "Local1 Facility"; } enum "local2" { value 144; description "Local2 Facility"; } enum "local3" { value 152; description "Local3 Facility"; } enum "local4" { value 160; description "Local4 Facility"; } enum "local5" { value 168; description "Local5 Facility"; } enum "local6" { value 176; description "Local6 Facility"; } enum "local7" { value 184; description "Local7 Facility"; } enum "sys9" { value 192; description "System9 Facility"; } enum "sys10" { value 200; description "System10 Facility"; } enum "sys11" { value 208; description "System11 Facility"; } enum "sys12" { value 216; description "System12 Facility"; } enum "sys13" { value 224; description "System13 Facility"; } enum "sys14" { value 232; description "System14 Facility"; } } description "Facility"; } typedef Logging-dscp { type enumeration { enum "dscp" { value 1; description "Logging TOS type DSCP"; } } description "Logging dscp"; } typedef Logging-levels { type enumeration { enum "emergency" { value 0; description "Emergency Level Msg"; } enum "alert" { value 1; description "Alert Level Msg"; } enum "critical" { value 2; description "Critical Level Msg"; } enum "error" { value 3; description "Error Level Msg"; } enum "warning" { value 4; description "Warning Level Msg"; } enum "notice" { value 5; description "Notification Level Msg"; } enum "info" { value 6; description "Informational Level Msg"; } enum "debug" { value 7; description "Debugging Level Msg"; } enum "disable" { value 15; description "Disable logging"; } } description "Logging levels"; } typedef Syslog-format { type enumeration { enum "rfc5424" { value 1; description "Enable to send the syslog message rfc5424 format"; } enum "bsd" { value 2; description "Enable to send the syslog message as BSD format"; } } description "Syslog format"; } typedef Logging-precedence { type enumeration { enum "precedence" { value 0; description "Logging TOS type precedence"; } } description "Logging precedence"; } typedef Log-opertor { type enumeration { enum "equals-or-higher" { value 0; description "Messages equal or higher than severity (Operator=0)"; } enum "equals" { value 1; description "Messages equal to severity (Operator=1)"; } enum "not-equals" { value 2; description "Messages not equal to severity (Operator=2)"; } } description "Log opertor"; } typedef Time-info { type enumeration { enum "disable" { value 0; description "Exclude"; } enum "enable" { value 1; description "Include"; } } description "Time info"; } typedef Log-message-severity { type enumeration { enum "emergency" { value 0; description "System is unusable (severity=0)"; } enum "alert" { value 1; description "Immediate action needed (severity=1)"; } enum "critical" { value 2; description "Critical conditions (severity=2)"; } enum "error" { value 3; description "Error conditions (severity=3)"; } enum "warning" { value 4; description "Warning conditions (severity=4)"; } enum "notice" { value 5; description "Normal but significant conditions (severity=5)"; } enum "informational" { value 6; description "Informational messages (severity=6)"; } enum "debug" { value 7; description "Debugging messages (severity=7)"; } } description "Log message severity"; } typedef Log-collect-frequency { type enumeration { enum "weekly" { value 1; description "Collect log in files on a weekly basis"; } enum "daily" { value 2; description "Collect log in files on a daily basis"; } } description "Log collect frequency"; } typedef Log-severity { type enumeration { enum "emergency" { value 0; description "System is unusable (severity=0)"; } enum "alert" { value 1; description "Immediate action needed (severity=1)"; } enum "critical" { value 2; description "Critical conditions (severity=2)"; } enum "error" { value 3; description "Error conditions (severity=3)"; } enum "warning" { value 4; description "Warning conditions (severity=4)"; } enum "notice" { value 5; description "Normal but significant conditions (severity=5)"; } enum "informational" { value 6; description "Informational messages (severity=6)"; } enum "debug" { value 7; description "Debugging messages (severity=7)"; } enum "all" { value 8; description "All severity messages (severity=8)"; } enum "none" { value 9; description "None of severity messages (severity=9)"; } } description "Log severity"; } container syslog-service { description "Syslog Timestamp Services"; container timestamps { description "Timestamp debug/log messages configuration"; container log { description "Timestamp log messages"; container log-datetime { description "Timestamp with date and time"; container log-datetime-value { description "Set timestamp for log message"; leaf time-stamp-value { type Time-info; default "enable"; description "Time"; } leaf msec { type Time-info; units "second"; default "enable"; description "Seconds"; } leaf time-zone { type Time-info; default "disable"; description "Timezone"; } leaf year { type Time-info; default "disable"; description "Year"; } } // container log-datetime-value } // container log-datetime leaf log-uptime { type empty; description "Timestamp with systime uptime"; } leaf log-timestamp-disable { type empty; description "Disable timestamp log messages"; } } // container log container debug { description "Timestamp debug messages"; container debug-datetime { description "Timestamp with date and time"; container datetime-value { description "Set time format for debug msg"; leaf time-stamp-value { type Time-info; default "enable"; description "Time"; } leaf msec { type Time-info; units "second"; default "enable"; description "Seconds"; } leaf time-zone { type Time-info; default "disable"; description "Timezone"; } leaf year { type Time-info; default "disable"; description "Year"; } } // container datetime-value } // container debug-datetime leaf debug-timestamp-disable { type empty; description "Disable timestamp debug messages"; } leaf debug-uptime { type empty; description "Timestamp with systime uptime"; } } // container debug leaf enable { type empty; description "Enable timestamp debug/log messages"; } } // container timestamps } // container syslog-service container syslog { description "Modify message logging facilities"; container monitor-logging { description "Set monitor logging"; container monitor-discriminator { description "Set monitor logging discriminators"; leaf match2 { type string; description "Set monitor logging match2 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch1 { type string; description "Set monitor logging no-match1 discriminator"; } leaf match1 { type string; description "Set monitor logging match1 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch3 { type string; description "Set monitor logging no-match3 discriminator"; } leaf match3 { type string; description "Set monitor logging match3 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch2 { type string; description "Set monitor logging no-match2 discriminator"; } } // container monitor-discriminator leaf logging-level { type Logging-levels; default "debug"; description "Monitor Logging Level"; } } // container monitor-logging container history-logging { description "Set history logging"; leaf history-size { type uint32 { range "1..500"; } default "1"; description "Logging history size"; } leaf logging-level { type Logging-levels; default "warning"; description "History logging level"; } } // container history-logging container logging-facilities { description "Modify message logging facilities"; leaf facility-level { type Facility; default "local7"; description "Facility from which logging is done"; } } // container logging-facilities container trap-logging { description "Set trap logging"; leaf logging-level { type Logging-levels; default "info"; description "Trap logging level"; } } // container trap-logging container buffered-logging { description "Set buffered logging parameters"; container buffered-discriminator { description "Set buffered logging discriminators"; leaf match2 { type string; description "Set buffered logging match2 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch1 { type string; description "Set buffered logging no-match1 discriminator"; } leaf match1 { type string; description "Set buffered logging match1 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch3 { type string; description "Set buffered logging no-match3 discriminator"; } leaf match3 { type string; description "Set buffered logging match3 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch2 { type string; description "Set buffered logging no-match2 discriminator"; } } // container buffered-discriminator leaf logging-level { type Logging-levels; default "debug"; description "Logging level for Buffered logging"; } leaf buffer-size { type uint32 { range "307200..125000000"; } default "307200"; description "Logging buffered size"; } } // container buffered-logging container host-server { description "Configure logging host"; container vrfs { description "VRF table"; list vrf { key "vrf-name"; description "VRF specific data"; container ipv6s { description "List of the IPv6 logging host"; list ipv6 { key "address"; description "IPv6 address of the logging host"; container ipv6-severity-port { description "Severity/Port for the logging host"; leaf severity { type Log-severity; default "informational"; description "Severity for the logging host"; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; default "514"; description "Port for the logging host"; } leaf operator { type Log-opertor; default "equals-or-higher"; description "Severity Operator for the logging host"; } } // container ipv6-severity-port container ipv6-severity-levels { status obsolete; description "Severity container of the logging host"; list ipv6-severity-level { key "severity"; status obsolete; description "Severity for the logging host"; leaf severity { type Log-severity; description "Severity for the logging host"; } } // list ipv6-severity-level } // container ipv6-severity-levels leaf address { type inet:ipv6-address-no-zone; description "IPv6 address of the logging host"; } } // list ipv6 } // container ipv6s container hosts { description "List of the logging host"; list host { key "host-name"; description "Name of the logging host"; container host-name-severities { status obsolete; description "Severity container of the logging host"; list host-name-severity { key "severity"; status obsolete; description "Severity for the logging host"; leaf severity { type Log-severity; description "Severity for the logging host"; } } // list host-name-severity } // container host-name-severities container host-severity-port { description "Severity/Port for the logging host"; leaf severity { type Log-severity; default "informational"; description "Severity for the logging host"; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; default "514"; description "Port for the logging host"; } leaf operator { type Log-opertor; default "equals-or-higher"; description "Severity Operator for the logging host"; } } // container host-severity-port leaf host-name { type string; description "Name of the logging host"; } } // list host } // container hosts container ipv4s { description "List of the IPv4 logging host"; list ipv4 { key "address"; description "IPv4 address of the logging host"; container ipv4-severity-levels { status obsolete; description "Severity container of the logging host"; list ipv4-severity-level { key "severity"; status obsolete; description "Severity for the logging host"; leaf severity { type Log-severity; description "Severity for the logging host"; } } // list ipv4-severity-level } // container ipv4-severity-levels container ipv4-severity-port { presence "enable ipv4-severity-port"; description "Severity/Port for the logging host"; leaf severity { type Log-severity; default "informational"; description "Severity for the logging host"; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; default "514"; description "Port for the logging host"; } leaf operator { type Log-opertor; default "equals-or-higher"; description "Severity Operator for the logging host"; } } // container ipv4-severity-port leaf address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IPv4 address of the logging host"; } } // list ipv4 } // container ipv4s leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Name of the VRF instance"; } } // list vrf } // container vrfs } // container host-server container console-logging { description "Set console logging"; container console-discriminator { description "Set console logging discriminators"; leaf match2 { type string; description "Set console logging match2 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch1 { type string; description "Set console logging no-match1 discriminator"; } leaf match1 { type string; description "Set console logging match1 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch3 { type string; description "Set console logging no-match3 discriminator"; } leaf match3 { type string; description "Set console logging match3 discriminator"; } leaf nomatch2 { type string; description "Set console logging no-match2 discriminator"; } } // container console-discriminator leaf logging-level { type Logging-levels; default "warning"; description "Console logging level"; } } // container console-logging container files { description "Configure logging file destination"; list file { key "file-name"; description "Specify File Name"; container file-specification { description "Specifications of the logging file destination"; leaf path { type string; description "File path"; } leaf max-file-size { type uint32; default "1024"; description "Maximum file size (in KB)"; } leaf severity { type uint32; default "6"; description "Severity of messages"; } } // container file-specification container file-log-discriminator { description "Set File logging discriminators"; leaf nomatch2 { type string; description "Set file logging no match discriminator 2"; } leaf match3 { type string; description "Set file logging match discriminator 3"; } leaf nomatch3 { type string; description "Set file logging no match discriminator 3"; } leaf match1 { type string; description "Set file logging match discriminator 1"; } leaf nomatch1 { type string; description "Set file logging no match discriminator 1"; } leaf match2 { type string; description "Set file logging match discriminator 2"; } } // container file-log-discriminator leaf file-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Name of the file"; } } // list file } // container files container ipv4 { description "Syslog TOS bit for outgoing messages"; container dscp { presence "Indicates a dscp node is configured."; status obsolete; description "DSCP value"; leaf type { type Logging-dscp; mandatory true; description "Logging TOS type DSCP"; } leaf unused { type Logging-precedence-value; description "Unused"; } leaf value { type Logging-dscp-value; mandatory true; description "Logging DSCP value"; } } // container dscp container tos { description "Type of service"; leaf type { type Logging-tos; description "Logging TOS type DSCP or precedence"; } leaf precedence { when "../type = 'precedence'" { description "../Type = Precedence"; } type Logging-precedence-value; description "Logging precedence value"; } leaf dscp { when "../type = 'dscp'" { description "../Type = DSCP"; } type Logging-dscp-value; description "Logging DSCP value"; } } // container tos container precedence { presence "Indicates a precedence node is configured."; status obsolete; description "Precedence value"; leaf type { type Logging-precedence; mandatory true; description "Logging TOS type precedence"; } leaf value { type Logging-precedence-value; mandatory true; description "Logging precedence value"; } leaf unused { type Logging-dscp-value; description "Unused"; } } // container precedence } // container ipv4 container archive { description "Archive attributes configuration"; leaf size { type uint32 { range "1..2047"; } description "The total size of the archive"; } leaf file-size { type uint32 { range "1..2047"; } description "The maximum file size for a single log file."; } leaf device { type string; description "'/disk0:' or '/disk1:' or '/harddisk:'"; } leaf threshold { type uint32 { range "1..99"; } units "percentage"; description "The size threshold at which a syslog is generated"; } leaf frequency { type Log-collect-frequency; description "The collection interval for logs"; } leaf severity { type Log-message-severity; description "The minimum severity of log messages to archive"; } leaf length { type uint32 { range "1..256"; } description "The maximum number of weeks of log to maintain"; } } // container archive container ipv6 { description "Syslog traffic class bit for outgoing messages"; container dscp { presence "Indicates a dscp node is configured."; status obsolete; description "DSCP value"; leaf type { type Logging-dscp; mandatory true; description "Logging TOS type DSCP"; } leaf unused { type Logging-precedence-value; description "Unused"; } leaf value { type Logging-dscp-value; mandatory true; description "Logging DSCP value"; } } // container dscp container traffic-class { description "Type of traffic class"; leaf type { type Logging-tos; description "Logging TOS type DSCP or precedence"; } leaf precedence { when "../type = 'precedence'" { description "../Type = Precedence"; } type Logging-precedence-value; description "Logging precedence value"; } leaf dscp { when "../type = 'dscp'" { description "../Type = DSCP"; } type Logging-dscp-value; description "Logging DSCP value"; } } // container traffic-class container precedence { presence "Indicates a precedence node is configured."; status obsolete; description "Precedence value"; leaf type { type Logging-precedence; mandatory true; description "Logging TOS type precedence"; } leaf value { type Logging-precedence-value; mandatory true; description "Logging precedence value"; } leaf unused { type Logging-dscp-value; description "Unused"; } } // container precedence } // container ipv6 container source-interface-table { description "Configure source interface"; container source-interface-values { description "Specify interface for source address in logging transactions"; list source-interface-value { key "src-interface-name-value"; description "Source interface"; container source-interface-vrfs { description "Configure source interface VRF"; list source-interface-vrf { key "vrf-name"; description "Specify VRF for source interface"; leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Name of the VRF instance"; } } // list source-interface-vrf } // container source-interface-vrfs leaf src-interface-name-value { type xr:Interface-name; description "Which Interface"; } } // list source-interface-value } // container source-interface-values } // container source-interface-table leaf logging-format { type Syslog-format; description "Syslog Logging Message Format"; } leaf host-name-prefix { type string; description "Hostname prefix to add on msgs to servers"; } leaf local-log-file-size { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } default "32768"; description "Set size of the local log file"; } leaf enable-console-logging { type boolean; description "Enabled or disabled"; } leaf suppress-duplicates { type empty; description "Suppress consecutive duplicate messages"; } } // container syslog } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-syslog-cfg
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