This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR fib-common package operational data. This module contain...
Version: 2020-12-02
module Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix fib-common-oper; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper-sub7 { revision-date "2020-12-02"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper-sub6 { revision-date "2020-12-02"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper-sub5 { revision-date "2020-12-02"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper-sub4 { revision-date "2020-12-02"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper-sub3 { revision-date "2020-12-02"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper-sub2 { revision-date "2020-12-02"; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper-sub1 { revision-date "2020-12-02"; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR fib-common package operational data. This module contains definitions for the following management objects: fib-statistics: cef interface drops operational data fib: FIB operational data oc-aft-l3: Openconfig L3 abstract forwarding table data mpls-forwarding: MPLS forwarding operational data Copyright (c) 2013-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2020-12-02" { description "Adding per-object accounting. 2020-10-20 NBC documentation of CSCvu06764, CSCvv14573,CSCvv76648 2020-05-26 Update SRv6 Block Space naming convention 2020-05-05 changes related to treat SRv6 and SID as well-known when parsing XML for yang"; } revision "2020-01-16" { description "NBC documentation of CSCvs27272,CSCvs22018,CSCvs45512 2019-10-29 Updated srv6 global bag"; } revision "2019-09-27" { description "IOS XR 7.0.x revision."; } revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2019-04-02" { description "Fixed schema descriptions."; } revision "2017-09-07" { description "Fixed type translation error."; } revision "2017-05-01" { description "Fixing backward compatibility error in module."; } revision "2017-01-20" { description "IOS XR 6.2.1 revision"; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "3.0.0"; semver:module-version "2.0.0"; semver:module-version "1.1.0"; semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef Fib-route-source { type enumeration { enum "lsd" { value 5; description "LSD"; } enum "rib" { value 7; description "RIB"; } enum "mrib" { value 13; description "MRIB"; } } description "Fib route source"; } typedef Fib-protocol { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 0; description "ipv4 protocol"; } enum "ipv6" { value 1; description "ipv6 protocol"; } enum "mpls" { value 2; description "MPLS protocol"; } } description "Fib protocol"; } typedef Fib-object { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "None"; } enum "adjacency" { value 8; description "NHINFO"; } enum "all" { value 23; description "ALL"; } } description "Fib object"; } typedef Fibipv6-flow-label { type uint32 { range "0..1048575"; } description "Fibipv6 flow label"; } typedef Fib-object-attribute { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "Invalid type of attribute"; } enum "error" { value 1; description "Error type of attribute"; } enum "out-of-resource" { value 2; description "Out-of-Resource type of attribute"; } enum "oadjacency" { value 3; description "Adjacency type of attribute"; } } description "Fib object attribute"; } typedef Fibafi-proto { type enumeration { enum "ipv4" { value 0; description "ipv4 protocol"; } enum "ipv4-mpls" { value 1; description "ipv4 mpls protocol"; } enum "ipv6" { value 2; description "ipv6 protocol"; } enum "ipv6-mpls" { value 3; description "ipv6 mpls protocol"; } } description "Fibafi proto"; } typedef Fib-label { type uint32 { range "16..1048575"; } description "Fib label"; } typedef Fibllc-entry { type enumeration { enum "xc" { value 1; description "LabelXconnect"; } enum "pfx" { value 2; description "IPPrefix"; } } description "Fibllc entry"; } typedef Fibnh-info-repl { type enumeration { enum "fib-nh-repl-none" { value 0; description "None Replicated NHINFO"; } enum "fib-nh-repl-rsvpte" { value 1; description "Replicated NHINFO for TE Accounting"; } enum "fib-nh-repl-sr-mpls" { value 2; description "Replicated NHINFO for SR MPLS Accounting"; } enum "fib-nh-repl-bm" { value 3; description "Replicated NHINFO for Bundle member"; } } description "Fibnh info repl"; } typedef Fibfrr { type enumeration { enum "fib-te-frr-node" { value 0; description "TE FRR"; } enum "fib-te-frr-intf" { value 1; description "TE Interface FRR"; } enum "fib-te-frr-protected-nh" { value 2; description "TE Protected FRR"; } enum "fib-te-frr-backup-nh" { value 3; description "TE Backup FRR"; } enum "fib-per-link-frr-protected-nh" { value 4; description "Per Link Protected FRR"; } enum "fib-per-link-frr-backup-nh" { value 5; description "Per Link Backup FRR"; } enum "fib-prefix-frr-protected-nh" { value 6; description "Per Prefix Protected FRR"; } enum "fib-prefix-frr-backup-nh" { value 7; description "Per Prefix Backup FRR"; } enum "fib-pic-frr-protected-nh" { value 8; description "BGP PIC Protected FRR"; } enum "fib-pic-frr-backup-nh" { value 9; description "BGP PIC Backup FRR"; } } description "Fibfrr"; } typedef Fib-link { type enumeration { enum "link-ipv4" { value 0; description "IPv4 link protocol"; } enum "link-ipv6" { value 1; description "IPv6 link protocol"; } enum "link-mpls" { value 2; description "MPLS link protocol"; } } description "Fib link"; } typedef Mpls-label { type uint32 { range "16..1048575"; } description "Mpls label"; } typedef Mplseos { type enumeration { enum "eos0" { value 0; description "EOS Disable"; } enum "eos1" { value 1; description "EOS Enable"; } } description "Mplseos"; } typedef Prefix-len-range { type uint32 { range "0..128"; } description "Prefix len range"; } typedef Generic-index { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Generic index"; } grouping STATE { description "Common node of prefix, label"; container state { description "Operational data"; uses FIB-OC-AFT-PREFIX-STATE; } // container state } // grouping STATE grouping OBJECT-TABLE { description "Common node of summary-protocol, total"; container objects { description "Object Table"; list object { key "object-id"; description "Object Table entry"; leaf object-id { type uint32; description "Object ID"; } uses FIB-BAG-SUM-OBJ; } // list object } // container objects } // grouping OBJECT-TABLE grouping PREFIX-TABLE { description "Common node of ipv6-unicast, ipv4-unicast"; container prefixes { description "Table of IP prefixes"; list prefix { key "prefix"; description "Prefix data"; leaf prefix { type string; description "Prefix"; } uses NEXT-HOP-TABLE; uses STATE; } // list prefix } // container prefixes } // grouping PREFIX-TABLE grouping NEXT-HOP-TABLE { description "Common node of prefix, label"; container next-hops { description "A next-hop associated with the forwarding instance"; list next-hop { key "index"; description "A next-hop associated with the forwarding instance"; leaf index { type uint32; description "A unique index identifying the next-hop entry for the AFT entry"; } uses FIB-OC-AFT-PATH; } // list next-hop } // container next-hops } // grouping NEXT-HOP-TABLE container fib-statistics { config false; description "cef interface drops operational data"; container nodes { description "List of nodes"; list node { key "node-name"; description "Specific node operational data"; container drops { description "Specific node drops"; uses FIB-STATISTICS-BAG-DROPS; } // container drops leaf node-name { type xr:Node-id; description "Node name"; } } // list node } // container nodes } // container fib-statistics container fib { config false; description "FIB operational data"; container nodes { description "Table of nodes"; list node { key "node-name"; description "Operational data for a specific Node"; container global { description "FIB Global info"; container fib-cofo { description "Collapsed Forwarding"; container fib-cofo-idb { description "Collapsed Forwarding IDB Table"; container fib-cofo-idb-table-entries { description "Collapsed Forwarding Idb Table Entries"; list fib-cofo-idb-table-entry { description "Collapsed Forwarding Idb Table Entries"; leaf sdr-id { type uint32; description "SDR ID value"; } leaf if-index { type uint32; description "Interface Index"; } uses FIB-SH-COFO-IDB-TBL-ENTRY-INFO; } // list fib-cofo-idb-table-entry } // container fib-cofo-idb-table-entries } // container fib-cofo-idb container fib-cofo-table-id { description "Collapsed Forwarding Table Id Table"; container fib-cofo-table-id-entries { description "Collapsed Forwarding Table Id Entries"; list fib-cofo-table-id-entry { description "Collapsed Forwarding Idb Table Entries"; leaf sdr-id { type uint32; description "SDR ID value"; } leaf protocol { type Fib-protocol; description "Protocol"; } leaf rd { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Route Distinguisher"; } leaf table-id { type uint32; description "Table Id"; } uses FIB-SH-COFO-TBL-ID-ENTRY-INFO; } // list fib-cofo-table-id-entry } // container fib-cofo-table-id-entries container fib-cofo-table-id-summary { description "Collapsed Forwarding Table Id Entries"; uses FIB-SH-COFO-TBL-ID-DB-SUM; } // container fib-cofo-table-id-summary } // container fib-cofo-table-id } // container fib-cofo container summary { description "Global Summary"; container total { description "Display total"; container counters { description "Display total counters and common info"; uses FIB-GLOBAL-SUMMARY-TOTAL; } // container counters uses OBJECT-TABLE; } // container total container summary-protocols { description "Summary Protocol Table"; list summary-protocol { key "protocol-name"; description "Summary Protocol Table entry"; container proto-counters { description "Display protocol counters"; uses FIB-GLOBAL-SUMMARY-PROTO; } // container proto-counters leaf protocol-name { type Fibafi-proto; description "Protocol Name"; } uses OBJECT-TABLE; } // list summary-protocol } // container summary-protocols } // container summary container object-history { description "FIB Global Object History"; container obj-history-protos { description "Proto Table"; list obj-history-proto { key "protocol-name"; description "Protocol Table entry"; leaf protocol-name { type Fibafi-proto; description "Protocol Name"; } uses FIB-GLOBAL-SUMMARY-OBJ-HISTORY-PROTO; } // list obj-history-proto } // container obj-history-protos } // container object-history container aggregation-db { description "Aggregation database"; container aggregation-entries { description "Aggregation table"; list aggregation-entry { description "Aggregation table entry"; leaf protocol { type Fib-protocol; description "Protocol type"; } leaf object-type { type Fib-object; description "Object Type"; } leaf attribute-type { type Fib-object-attribute; description "Attribute Type"; } leaf is-mpls { type boolean; description "Is MPLS flag?"; } leaf adjacency-interface { type xr:Interface-name; description "Adjacency interface name"; } uses FIB-GLOBAL-AGGREGATION-ENTRY; } // list aggregation-entry } // container aggregation-entries container aggregation-summary { description "Aggregation table summary"; uses FIB-GLOBAL-AGGREGATION-SUMMARY; } // container aggregation-summary } // container aggregation-db } // container global container global-main { description "FIB Global info from the Main thread"; container clients { description "Client table"; list client { key "client-id"; description "FIB Client"; leaf client-id { type uint32; description "Client ID"; } uses FIB-GLOBAL-CLIENT; } // list client } // container clients } // container global-main container protocols { description "Protocol table"; list protocol { key "protocol-name"; description "Protocol table entry"; container resource-oor { description "Resource out of resource information"; uses FIB-SH-RSRC-AVAIL-OOR-STATE; } // container resource-oor container issu-state { description "CEF ISSU State"; uses FIB-ISSU-STATE; } // container issu-state container cef-tables { description "Details for cef tables db"; list cef-table { description "Details for cef_db corresponding to table_id"; leaf table-id { type xr:Hex-integer; description "Table Id"; } leaf vrf-name { type string; description "VRF Name"; } uses FIB-SH-SUM; } // list cef-table } // container cef-tables container interfaces { description "Interface list data details"; list interface { description "Details for interface list data"; leaf protocol-id { type Fib-protocol; description "Protocol ID"; } leaf interface-list-id { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Interface List ID"; } leaf interface-list-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Interface List Name"; } uses FIB-GENERIC-INTF-LIST-DATA; } // list interface } // container interfaces container resource { description "Resource information"; container resource-detail-info { description "Detailed info"; uses FIB-SH-RSRC-AVAIL-STATE; } // container resource-detail-info container resource-hardware-ingress-info { description "Detailed info with ingress hardware info"; uses FIB-SH-RSRC-AVAIL-STATE; } // container resource-hardware-ingress-info container resource-hardware-egress-info { description "Detailed info with egress hardware info"; uses FIB-SH-RSRC-AVAIL-STATE; } // container resource-hardware-egress-info container resource-summary-info { description "Summary info"; uses FIB-SH-RSRC-AVAIL-STATE; } // container resource-summary-info } // container resource container fib-summaries { description "Summary for FIB tables"; list fib-summary { description "Summary for the requested fib table"; leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } leaf table-id { type xr:Hex-integer; description "FIB table id"; } uses FIB-SH-SUM; } // list fib-summary } // container fib-summaries container object-queues { description "Object queue details"; list object-queue { key "object-queue-id"; description "Details for corresponding object queue id"; leaf object-queue-id { type uint32 { range "0..255"; } description "Object Queue ID"; } uses FIB-OBJECT-QUEUE-INFO; } // list object-queue } // container object-queues container external-summary-all { description "Summary for all external clients"; uses FIB-SH-TBL-EXT-SUM-ALL; } // container external-summary-all container frr-log { description "Table of Fast Reroute activation logs"; container frr-interfaces { description "FRR Interface Table"; list frr-interface { key "frr-interface-name"; description "Specify FRR Interface Name"; container logs { description "FRR log table"; list log { key "log-index"; description "Specify index into frr log table"; leaf log-index { type uint32; description "FRR Log Index"; } uses FIB-SH-FRR-LOG; } // list log } // container logs leaf frr-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } } // list frr-interface } // container frr-interfaces } // container frr-log container retry-db-entries { description "Details for retry db"; list retry-db-entry { description "Details for retry_db corresponding to index"; leaf index { type Generic-index; description "Index"; } leaf frsc { type Generic-index; description "Frsc"; } leaf queue-id { type Generic-index; description "Queue Id"; } uses FIB-RETRY-DB-INFO; } // list retry-db-entry } // container retry-db-entries container vrfs { description "VRF table"; list vrf { key "vrf-name"; description "VRF table entry"; container ip-prefix-details { description "IP FIB prefix detail table"; list ip-prefix-detail { description "IP FIB prefix detail table entry"; leaf prefix { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Destination IP address"; } leaf prefix-length { type xr:Ipv6-prefix-length; description "IP FIB prefix length"; } uses FIB-SH-TBL-FIB; } // list ip-prefix-detail } // container ip-prefix-details container summary { description "Operational data for FIB Tablee"; uses FIB-SH-SUM; } // container summary container attributes { description "Information on attribute data"; list attribute { description "Attribute Data"; leaf attribute-index { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Attribute Index"; } leaf attribute-local-index { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Attribute Local Index"; } uses FIB-ATTRIBUTE-DET; } // list attribute } // container attributes container ipv6-d-var-details { description "IPv6 FIB prefix DVAR table"; list ipv6-d-var-detail { description "IPv6 FIB prefix dvar entry"; leaf table-id { type xr:Hex-integer; description "Table Id"; } leaf prefix { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "IPv6 address"; } leaf prefix-length { type xr:Ipv6-prefix-length; description "IPv6 prefix length"; } uses FIB-SH-TBL-FIB-DVARS; } // list ipv6-d-var-detail } // container ipv6-d-var-details container interface-infos { description "Table of InterfaceInfo"; list interface-info { key "link-type"; description "Specify link type"; container interfaces { description "Table of interfaces"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Specify Interface name"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } uses FIB-SH-INT; } // list interface } // container interfaces leaf link-type { type Fib-link; description "Link type"; } } // list interface-info } // container interface-infos container recursive-nexthops { description "Information on Recursive Nexthop"; list recursive-nexthop { description "Route address, Prefix length"; leaf address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "Route Address "; } leaf prefix-length { type xr:Ipv4-prefix-length; description "Prefix Length"; } uses FIB-SH-REC-NH; } // list recursive-nexthop } // container recursive-nexthops container ip-prefix-briefs { description "IP FIB prefix brief table"; list ip-prefix-brief { description "IP FIB prefix brief table entry"; leaf prefix { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Destination IP address"; } leaf prefix-length { type xr:Ipv6-prefix-length; description "IP FIB prefix length"; } uses FIB-SH-TBL-FIB; } // list ip-prefix-brief } // container ip-prefix-briefs container ipv4-d-var-details { description "IPv4 FIB prefix DVAR table"; list ipv4-d-var-detail { description "IPv4 FIB prefix dvar entry"; leaf table-id { type xr:Hex-integer; description "Table Id"; } leaf prefix { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "IPv4 address"; } leaf prefix-length { type xr:Ipv4-prefix-length; description "IPv4 prefix length"; } uses FIB-SH-TBL-FIB-DVARS; } // list ipv4-d-var-detail } // container ipv4-d-var-details container attribute-summary { description "Information on attribute summary"; uses FIB-ATTRIBUTE-SUMMARY; } // container attribute-summary container ipv6-recursive-nexthops { description "Information on IPv6 Recursive Nexthop"; list ipv6-recursive-nexthop { description "IPv6 Route address, IPv6 Prefix length"; leaf address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "IPv6 Route Address "; } leaf prefix-length { type xr:Ipv6-prefix-length; description "IPv6 Prefix Length"; } uses FIB-SH-REC-NH; } // list ipv6-recursive-nexthop } // container ipv6-recursive-nexthops container nh-info { description "FIB NHInfo table"; container nh-info-detail-hardware-egress { description "NHInfoTable is accessed by two keys; {NHInterface,NHAddress}"; container nh-info-special-detail-hardware-egress { description "Detail hardware engress info for Special nhinfo"; container nh-info-special-null-detail-hardware-egress { description "Detail hardware engress info for special-null NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-null-detail-hardware-egress container nh-info-special-punt-detail-hardware-egress { description "Detail hardware engress info for special-punt NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-punt-detail-hardware-egress container nh-info-special-discard-detail-hardware-egress { description "Detail hardware engress info for special-discard NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-discard-detail-hardware-egress container nh-info-special-drop-detail-hardware-egress { description "Detail hardware engress info for special-drop NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-drop-detail-hardware-egress } // container nh-info-special-detail-hardware-egress container nh-info-local-detail-hardware-egresses { description "Local (non-remote) nhinfo"; list nh-info-local-detail-hardware-egress { description "Detail NHinfo entry"; leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-proto { type Fib-protocol; description "Next-hop proto"; } leaf nh-pfx-length { type uint32; description "Next-hop prefix length"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format"; } uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // list nh-info-local-detail-hardware-egress } // container nh-info-local-detail-hardware-egresses container nh-info-remote-detail-hardware-egresses { description "Detail hardware egress info for remote NHInfo table"; list nh-info-remote-detail-hardware-egress { description "Detail NHinfo entry"; leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-proto { type Fib-protocol; description "Next-hop proto"; } leaf nh-pfx-length { type uint32; description "Next-hop prefix length"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format"; } uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // list nh-info-remote-detail-hardware-egress } // container nh-info-remote-detail-hardware-egresses } // container nh-info-detail-hardware-egress container nh-info-detail { description "NHInfoTable is accessed by two keys; {NHInterface,NHAddress}"; container nh-info-local-details { description "Local (non-remote) nhinfo"; list nh-info-local-detail { description "Detail NHinfo entry"; leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-proto { type Fib-protocol; description "Next-hop proto"; } leaf nh-pfx-length { type uint32; description "Next-hop prefix length"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format"; } uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // list nh-info-local-detail } // container nh-info-local-details container nh-info-special-detail { description "Special nhinfo"; container nh-info-special-punt-detail { description "Detail special-punt NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-punt-detail container nh-info-special-drop-detail { description "Detail special-drop NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-drop-detail container nh-info-special-null-detail { description "Detail special-null NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-null-detail container nh-info-special-discard-detail { description "Detail special-discard NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-discard-detail } // container nh-info-special-detail container nh-info-remote-details { description "Detailed Remote NHInfo table"; list nh-info-remote-detail { description "Detail NHinfo entry"; leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-proto { type Fib-protocol; description "Next-hop proto"; } leaf nh-pfx-length { type uint32; description "Next-hop prefix length"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format"; } uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // list nh-info-remote-detail } // container nh-info-remote-details } // container nh-info-detail container nh-info-detail-hardware-ingress { description "NHInfoTable is accessed by two keys; {NHInterface,NHAddress}"; container nh-info-remote-detail-hardware-ingresses { description "Detailed hardware ingress info for remote NHInfo table"; list nh-info-remote-detail-hardware-ingress { description "Detail NHinfo entry"; leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-proto { type Fib-protocol; description "Next-hop proto"; } leaf nh-pfx-length { type uint32; description "Next-hop prefix length"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format"; } uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // list nh-info-remote-detail-hardware-ingress } // container nh-info-remote-detail-hardware-ingresses container nh-info-local-detail-hardware-ingresses { description "Local (non-remote) nhinfo"; list nh-info-local-detail-hardware-ingress { description "Detail NHinfo entry"; leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-proto { type Fib-protocol; description "Next-hop proto"; } leaf nh-pfx-length { type uint32; description "Next-hop prefix length"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format"; } uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // list nh-info-local-detail-hardware-ingress } // container nh-info-local-detail-hardware-ingresses container nh-info-special-detail-hardware-ingress { description "Special nhinfo"; container nh-info-special-punt-detail-hardware-ingress { description "Detail hardware ingress info for special-punt NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-punt-detail-hardware-ingress container nh-info-special-null-detail-hardware-ingress { description "Detail hardware ingress info for special-null NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-null-detail-hardware-ingress container nh-info-special-drop-detail-hardware-ingress { description "Detail hardware ingress info for special-drop NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-drop-detail-hardware-ingress container nh-info-special-discard-detail-hardware-ingress { description "Detail hardware ingress info for special-discard NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-discard-detail-hardware-ingress } // container nh-info-special-detail-hardware-ingress } // container nh-info-detail-hardware-ingress container nh-info-brief { description "NHInfoTable is accessed by two keys; {NHInterface,NHAddress}"; container nh-info-special-brief { description "Special nhinfo"; container nh-info-special-discard-brief { description "Brief special-discard NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-discard-brief container nh-info-special-null-brief { description "Brief special-null NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-null-brief container nh-info-special-punt-brief { description "Brief special-punt NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-punt-brief container nh-info-special-drop-brief { description "Brief special-drop NHInfo entry"; uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // container nh-info-special-drop-brief } // container nh-info-special-brief container nh-info-remote-briefs { description "remote nhinfo"; list nh-info-remote-brief { description "Detail NHinfo entry"; leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-proto { type Fib-protocol; description "Next-hop proto"; } leaf nh-pfx-length { type uint32; description "Next-hop prefix length"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format"; } uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // list nh-info-remote-brief } // container nh-info-remote-briefs container nh-info-local-briefs { description "Local (non-remote) nhinfo"; list nh-info-local-brief { description "Brief NHinfo entry"; leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-proto { type Fib-protocol; description "Next-hop proto"; } leaf nh-pfx-length { type uint32; description "Next-hop prefix length"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format"; } uses FIB-SH-NHINFO; } // list nh-info-local-brief } // container nh-info-local-briefs } // container nh-info-brief } // container nh-info leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } } // list vrf } // container vrfs container exact-routes { description "Exact Route Table"; list exact-route { description "Exact route for the given source and destination addresses"; leaf protocol-name { type Fib-protocol; description "Fib Protocol Name"; } leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "VRF Name"; } leaf source { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Source address"; } leaf destination { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Destination address"; } leaf ipv6-flow-label { type Fibipv6-flow-label; description "IPv6 flow label (applies only to and used only for IPv6)"; } uses FIB-SH-TBL-FIB; } // list exact-route } // container exact-routes container protocol-global { description "FIB SRV6 global information"; container segment-routing { description "FIB SRV6 global segment routing information"; container srv6 { description "FIB ipv6 global segment routing srv6 information"; uses FIB-SRV6-GBL-UPD; } // container srv6 } // container segment-routing } // container protocol-global container nh-ids { description "NHIdTable is accessed by two keys; {NHId} and/or {NHInterface,NHAddress"; list nh-id { description "NextHopId table entry"; leaf nh-id { type uint32; description "NexthopId Value"; } leaf nh-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf nh-address { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Next-hop address in string format (e.g., 1 .2.3.4)"; } uses FIB-SH-NHID-ENTRY; } // list nh-id } // container nh-ids container frr-nhinfo-pendings { description "FIB FRR NHINFO pending information"; list frr-nhinfo-pending { description "FIB FRR Nhinfo pending information"; leaf queue-index { type Generic-index; description "FIB FRR Queue Index"; } leaf frr-type { type Fibfrr; description "FRR Type"; } leaf link-type { type Fib-link; description "Link Type"; } leaf prefix-length { type Prefix-len-range; description "Prefix Length"; } leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } leaf main-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Main Interface Name"; } leaf next-hop-prefix { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "NextHop Address"; } leaf replicated-nh-type { type Fibnh-info-repl; description "Replicated NextHop Type"; } uses FIB-SH-FRR-NHINFO; } // list frr-nhinfo-pending } // container frr-nhinfo-pendings container external-client-summaries { description "External Client Summary Table"; list external-client-summary { description "Summary of the external clients"; leaf ecd-ver { type uint32; description "Ecd Version"; } leaf id { type uint32; description "ID of the client: ECDv1 is component id, ECDv2 is client id"; } uses FIB-SH-TBL-EXT-CLIENT-SUM; } // list external-client-summary } // container external-client-summaries container misc { description "CEF misc hidden data"; uses FIB-SH-MISC; } // container misc container object-queue-entries { description "Object queue entry details"; list object-queue-entry { key "object-queue-id"; description "Object queue id"; container object-queue-entry-infos { description "Details for corresponding object queue entry"; list object-queue-entry-info { key "item-index"; description "Details for corresponding object queue entry"; leaf item-index { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Item Index"; } uses FIB-OBJECT-QUEUE-ITEM-INFO; } // list object-queue-entry-info } // container object-queue-entry-infos leaf object-queue-id { type uint32 { range "0..255"; } description "Object Queue ID"; } } // list object-queue-entry } // container object-queue-entries container local-label { description "Fib Local label"; container conflicts { description "FIB Local-label conflicts database"; list conflict { description "CEF Local-label conflicts entry"; leaf label { type Fib-label; description "Local label"; } leaf source { type Fib-route-source; description "Route source"; } leaf ll-ctype { type Fibllc-entry; description "Type of entry"; } leaf pfx-tbl-id { type uint32; description "Table ID of IP prefix"; } leaf prefix { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "IP Prefix"; } leaf prefix-len { type uint32; description "Length of IP Prefix"; } uses FIB-MPLS-LLC; } // list conflict } // container conflicts } // container local-label leaf protocol-name { type Fib-protocol; description "Protocol Name "; } } // list protocol } // container protocols leaf node-name { type xr:Node-id; description "Node name"; } } // list node } // container nodes } // container fib container oc-aft-l3 { config false; description "Openconfig L3 abstract forwarding table data"; container vrfs { description "Table VRFs - openconfig network-instances"; list vrf { key "vrf-name"; description "VRF/network-instace table"; container abstract-forwarding-tables { description "Abstract forwarding table per FIB protocol"; container mpls { description "MPLS abstract forwarding table"; container labels { description "Table of MPLS labels"; list label { key "label"; description "Label data"; leaf label { type string; description "Label"; } uses NEXT-HOP-TABLE; uses STATE; } // list label } // container labels } // container mpls container ipv6-unicast { description "IPv6 abstract forwarding table"; uses PREFIX-TABLE; } // container ipv6-unicast container ipv4-unicast { description "IPv4 abstract forwarding table"; uses PREFIX-TABLE; } // container ipv4-unicast } // container abstract-forwarding-tables leaf vrf-name { type xr:Cisco-ios-xr-string; description "Network Instance Name"; } } // list vrf } // container vrfs } // container oc-aft-l3 container mpls-forwarding { config false; description "MPLS forwarding operational data"; container nodes { description "Table of Nodes"; list node { key "node-name"; description "Operational data for a specific Node"; container forwarding-summary { description "MPLS forwarding summary"; uses MPLS-FWDING-SUMMARY; } // container forwarding-summary container frr-logs { description "FRR Log Table"; list frr-log { key "event-id"; description "FRR Log information"; leaf event-id { type uint32; description "Event ID"; } uses FIB-MPLS-FRR-EVENT; } // list frr-log } // container frr-logs container label-fib { description "Labels For FIB"; container forwarding-details { description "MPLS Forwarding Detail table"; list forwarding-detail { description "MPLS forwarding details"; leaf label-value { type Mpls-label; description "Local label value"; } leaf eos { type Mplseos; description "End of stack flag"; } uses MPLS-SH-LEAF; } // list forwarding-detail } // container forwarding-details container informations { description "Forwarding filtering details"; list information { description "MPLS forwarding information"; leaf label-value { type Mpls-label; description "Local label value"; } leaf eos { type Mplseos; description "End of stack flag"; } uses MPLS-SH-LEAF; } // list information } // container informations container label-security { description "MPLS label security"; container interfaces { description "MPLS label security interface table"; list interface { key "interface-name"; description "Specify interface Name"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } uses MPLS-LABEL-SECURITY-INTF; } // list interface } // container interfaces container summary { description "MPLS label security summary"; uses MPLS-LABEL-SECURITY-SUMMARY; } // container summary } // container label-security } // container label-fib container tunnel { description "TE Tunnel information"; container forwarding-tunnels { description "Forwarding details for TE tunnels"; list forwarding-tunnel { key "interface-name"; description "Forwarding information for the TE tunnel"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } uses MPLS-SH-TEHEAD; } // list forwarding-tunnel } // container forwarding-tunnels } // container tunnel container frr-database { description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database"; container frrdb-summary { description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Summary"; uses FIB-MPLS-FRR-DB-SUM; } // container frrdb-summary container frrdb-protected-interface-table-summaries { description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Protected Interface Summary Table"; list frrdb-protected-interface-table-summary { key "interface-name"; description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Protected Interface Summary"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } uses FIB-MPLS-FRR-DB-SUM; } // list frrdb-protected-interface-table-summary } // container frrdb-protected-interface-table-summaries container frrdb-tunnel-midpoint-summary { description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Tunnel Midpoint Summary"; uses FIB-MPLS-FRR-DB-SUM; } // container frrdb-tunnel-midpoint-summary container frrdb-tunnel-midpoints { description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Tunnel Midpoint Table"; list frrdb-tunnel-midpoint { key "local-label"; description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Tunnel Midpoint Entry"; leaf local-label { type Mpls-label; description "Local label value"; } uses MPLS-FRR-DB-ENTRY; } // list frrdb-tunnel-midpoint } // container frrdb-tunnel-midpoints container frrdb-tunnel-heads { description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Tunnel Head Table"; list frrdb-tunnel-head { key "interface-name"; description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Tunnel Head Entry"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } uses MPLS-FRR-DB-ENTRY; } // list frrdb-tunnel-head } // container frrdb-tunnel-heads container frrdb-tunnel-head-summary { description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Tunnel Head Summary"; uses FIB-MPLS-FRR-DB-SUM; } // container frrdb-tunnel-head-summary container frrdb-backup-interface-summaries { description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Backup Interface Summary Table"; list frrdb-backup-interface-summary { key "interface-name"; description "MPLS forwarding FRR Database Backup Interface Summary"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface Name"; } uses FIB-MPLS-FRR-DB-SUM; } // list frrdb-backup-interface-summary } // container frrdb-backup-interface-summaries } // container frr-database leaf node-name { type xr:Node-id; description "Node ID"; } } // list node } // container nodes } // container mpls-forwarding } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-fib-common-oper
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