This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR evpn package operational data. This module contains defi...
Version: 2020-05-05
module Cisco-IOS-XR-evpn-oper { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix evpn-oper; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } include Cisco-IOS-XR-evpn-oper-sub1 { revision-date "2020-05-05"; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR evpn package operational data. This module contains definitions for the following management objects: evpn: EVPN Operational Table Copyright (c) 2013-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2020-05-05" { description "changes related to treat SRv6 and SID as well-known when parsing XML for yang 2020-04-02 EVPN DF Election Synchronization with NTP related changes"; } revision "2019-12-20" { description "EVPN SRv6 related changes"; } revision "2019-04-05" { description "Establish semantic version baseline."; } revision "2018-09-26" { description "Duplicate detection parameters config moved from l2vpn to l2rib."; } revision "2017-09-07" { description "Fixed type translation error."; } revision "2017-05-01" { description "Fixing backward compatibility error in module."; } revision "2015-11-09" { description "IOS XR 6.0 revision."; } semver:module-version "4.0.0"; semver:module-version "3.0.0"; semver:module-version "2.0.0"; typedef Rd-addr-index { type uint32 { range "0..65535"; } description "Rd addr index"; } typedef Bgp-route-target-role { type enumeration { enum "both" { value 0; description "Both Import and export roles"; } enum "import" { value 1; description "Import role"; } enum "export" { value 2; description "Export role"; } } description "Bgp route target role"; } typedef Evpn-client-source { type enumeration { enum "local" { value 0; description "Source Local"; } enum "remote" { value 1; description "Source Remote"; } } description "Evpn client source"; } typedef Evpn-client { type enumeration { enum "igmpsn" { value 0; description "IGMPSN client"; } enum "igmp" { value 1; description "IGMP client"; } } description "Evpn client"; } typedef Evpnrdas-display-range { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Evpnrdas display range"; } typedef Rdas-index { type uint32 { range "0..4294967295"; } description "Rdas index"; } typedef Bgp-route-target-format { type enumeration { enum "none" { value 0; description "No route target"; } enum "two-byte-as" { value 1; description "2 Byte AS:nn format"; } enum "four-byte-as" { value 2; description "4 byte AS:nn format"; } enum "ipv4-address" { value 3; description "IP:nn format"; } enum "es-import" { value 1538; description "a.a.i format"; } } description "Bgp route target format"; } grouping EVI-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container evis { description "L2VPN EVPN EVI Table"; list evi { description "L2VPN EVPN EVI Entry"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-EVI-SUMMARY; } // list evi } // container evis } // grouping EVI-TABLE grouping SEGMENT-ROUTING-SRV6 { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container segment-routing-srv6 { description "L2VPN EVPN Segment Routing SRv6"; uses L2VPN-EVPN-SRV6; } // container segment-routing-srv6 } // grouping SEGMENT-ROUTING-SRV6 grouping AC-ID-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container ac-ids { description "EVPN AC ID table"; list ac-id { description "EVPN AC ID table"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf ac-id { type uint32; description "AC ID"; } uses L2VPN-ATOM-ACID; } // list ac-id } // container ac-ids } // grouping AC-ID-TABLE grouping EVI-DETAIL { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container evi-detail { description "L2VPN EVI Detail Table"; container elements { description "EVI BGP RT Detail Info Elements"; list element { description "EVI BGP RT Detail Info"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-EVI-DETAIL; } // list element } // container elements container evi-children { description "Container for all EVI detail info"; container neighbors { description "EVPN Neighbor table"; list neighbor { description "EVPN Neighbor table"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } leaf neighbor-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Neighbor IP"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-NEIGHBOR; } // list neighbor } // container neighbors container ethernet-auto-discoveries { description "EVPN Ethernet Auto-Discovery table"; list ethernet-auto-discovery { description "EVPN Ethernet Auto-Discovery Entry"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } leaf esi1 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 1/5)"; } leaf esi2 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 2/5)"; } leaf esi3 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 3/5)"; } leaf esi4 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 4/5)"; } leaf esi5 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 5/5)"; } leaf ethernet-tag { type uint32; description "Ethernet Tag ID"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-EAD; } // list ethernet-auto-discovery } // container ethernet-auto-discoveries container inclusive-multicasts { description "L2VPN EVPN IMCAST table"; list inclusive-multicast { description "L2VPN EVPN IMCAST table"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } leaf ethernet-tag { type uint32; description "Ethernet Tag"; } leaf originating-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Originating IP"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-IMCAST; } // list inclusive-multicast } // container inclusive-multicasts container route-targets { description "L2VPN EVPN EVI RT Child Table"; list route-target { description "L2VPN EVPN EVI RT Table"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } leaf role { type Bgp-route-target-role; description "Role of the route target"; } leaf format { type Bgp-route-target-format; description "Format of the route target"; } leaf as { type Evpnrdas-display-range; description "Two or Four byte AS Number"; } leaf as-index { type Rdas-index; description "RT AS Index"; } leaf addr-index { type Rd-addr-index; description "RT IP Index"; } leaf address { type inet:ipv4-address-no-zone; description "RT IPv4 Address"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-EVI-BGP-RT; } // list route-target } // container route-targets container macs { description "L2VPN EVPN EVI MAC table"; list mac { description "L2VPN EVPN MAC table"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } leaf ethernet-tag { type uint32; description "Ethernet Tag ID"; } leaf mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address"; } leaf ip-address { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "IP Address"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-MAC; } // list mac } // container macs } // container evi-children } // container evi-detail } // grouping EVI-DETAIL grouping IGMP-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container igmps { description "EVPN IGMP table"; list igmp { description "IGMP Route"; leaf client-type { type Evpn-client; description "Client type"; } leaf source-type { type Evpn-client-source; description "Source type"; } leaf is-leave { type boolean; description "Is leave route type"; } leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVI"; } leaf esi1 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 1/5)"; } leaf esi2 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 2/5)"; } leaf esi3 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 3/5)"; } leaf esi4 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 4/5)"; } leaf esi5 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 5/5)"; } leaf ethernet-tag { type uint32; description "Ethernet Tag ID"; } leaf src-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Source IP Address"; } leaf grp-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Group IP Address"; } leaf originating-ip { type inet:ip-address-no-zone; description "Originating IP Address"; } leaf bd-id { type uint32; description "BD ID"; } leaf bp-xcid { type uint32; description "BP XCID"; } leaf vrf-id { type uint32; description "VRF ID"; } leaf sub-interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Sub-interface name"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-IGMP; } // list igmp } // container igmps } // grouping IGMP-TABLE grouping INTERNAL-ID-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container internal-ids { description "EVPN Internal ID Table"; list internal-id { description "L2VPN EVPN Internal ID"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } leaf esi1 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 1/5)"; } leaf esi2 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 2/5)"; } leaf esi3 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 3/5)"; } leaf esi4 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 4/5)"; } leaf esi5 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 5/5)"; } leaf ethernet-tag { type uint32; description "Ethernet Tag ID"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-LABEL; } // list internal-id } // container internal-ids } // grouping INTERNAL-ID-TABLE grouping ETHERNET-SEGMENT-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container ethernet-segments { description "EVPN Ethernet-Segment Table"; list ethernet-segment { description "EVPN Ethernet-Segment Entry"; leaf interface-name { type xr:Interface-name; description "Interface"; } leaf esi1 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 1/5)"; } leaf esi2 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 2/5)"; } leaf esi3 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 3/5)"; } leaf esi4 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 4/5)"; } leaf esi5 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 5/5)"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-ES; } // list ethernet-segment } // container ethernet-segments } // grouping ETHERNET-SEGMENT-TABLE grouping REMOTE-SHG-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container remote-shgs { description "EVPN Remote SHG table"; list remote-shg { description "EVPN Remote SHG"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf esi1 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 1/5)"; } leaf esi2 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 2/5)"; } leaf esi3 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 3/5)"; } leaf esi4 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 4/5)"; } leaf esi5 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 5/5)"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-REMOTE-SHG; } // list remote-shg } // container remote-shgs } // grouping REMOTE-SHG-TABLE grouping CLIENT { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container client { description "L2VPN EVPN Client"; uses L2VPN-EVPN-CLIENT; } // container client } // grouping CLIENT grouping TEP-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container teps { description "L2VPN EVPN TEP Table"; list tep { key "tep-id"; description "L2VPN EVPN TEP Entry"; container tep-notification-entries { description "L2VPN EVPN TEP Notification Table"; list tep-notification-entry { key "index"; description "L2VPN EVPN TEP Notification Entry"; leaf index { type uint32; description "TEP notification index"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-TEP-NOTIFICATION-ENTRY; } // list tep-notification-entry } // container tep-notification-entries container tep-info { description "L2VPN EVPN TEP Entry"; uses L2VPN-EVPN-TEP; } // container tep-info leaf tep-id { type uint32; description "TEP id"; } } // list tep } // container teps } // grouping TEP-TABLE grouping SUMMARY { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container summary { description "L2VPN EVPN Summary"; uses L2VPN-EVPN-SUMMARY; } // container summary } // grouping SUMMARY grouping EVPN-GROUP-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container evpn-groups { description "EVPN Group Table"; list evpn-group { key "group-number"; description "EVPN Group information"; leaf group-number { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } description "EVPN group number"; } uses EVPN-GRP-INFO; } // list evpn-group } // container evpn-groups } // grouping EVPN-GROUP-TABLE grouping INTERNAL-LABEL-TABLE { description "Common node of active, standby, node"; container internal-labels { description "EVPN Internal Label Table"; list internal-label { description "L2VPN EVPN Internal Label"; leaf evi { type uint32; description "EVPN id"; } leaf encapsulation { type uint32; description "Encap"; } leaf esi1 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 1/5)"; } leaf esi2 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 2/5)"; } leaf esi3 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 3/5)"; } leaf esi4 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 4/5)"; } leaf esi5 { type xr:Hex-integer; description "ES id (part 5/5)"; } leaf ethernet-tag { type uint32; description "Ethernet Tag ID"; } uses L2VPN-EVPN-LABEL; } // list internal-label } // container internal-labels } // grouping INTERNAL-LABEL-TABLE container evpn { config false; description "EVPN Operational Table"; container nodes { description "Table of EVPN operational data for a particular node"; list node { key "node-id"; description "EVPN operational data for a particular node"; leaf node-id { type xr:Node-id; description "Location"; } uses EVPN-GROUP-TABLE; uses REMOTE-SHG-TABLE; uses CLIENT; uses IGMP-TABLE; uses EVI-TABLE; uses SUMMARY; uses EVI-DETAIL; uses TEP-TABLE; uses INTERNAL-LABEL-TABLE; uses INTERNAL-ID-TABLE; uses SEGMENT-ROUTING-SRV6; uses ETHERNET-SEGMENT-TABLE; uses AC-ID-TABLE; } // list node } // container nodes container active { description "Active EVPN operational data"; uses EVPN-GROUP-TABLE; uses REMOTE-SHG-TABLE; uses CLIENT; uses IGMP-TABLE; uses EVI-TABLE; uses SUMMARY; uses EVI-DETAIL; uses TEP-TABLE; uses INTERNAL-LABEL-TABLE; uses INTERNAL-ID-TABLE; uses SEGMENT-ROUTING-SRV6; uses ETHERNET-SEGMENT-TABLE; uses AC-ID-TABLE; } // container active container standby { description "Standby EVPN operational data"; uses EVPN-GROUP-TABLE; uses REMOTE-SHG-TABLE; uses CLIENT; uses IGMP-TABLE; uses EVI-TABLE; uses SUMMARY; uses EVI-DETAIL; uses TEP-TABLE; uses INTERNAL-LABEL-TABLE; uses INTERNAL-ID-TABLE; uses SEGMENT-ROUTING-SRV6; uses ETHERNET-SEGMENT-TABLE; uses AC-ID-TABLE; } // container standby } // container evpn } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-evpn-oper
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