This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR ethernet ping and traceroute actions. Copyright (c) 2020...
Version: 2020-11-19
module Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-cfm-act { yang-version 1.1; namespace ""; prefix ethernet-cfm-act; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import Cisco-IOS-XR-types { prefix xr; } import cisco-semver { prefix semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR ethernet ping and traceroute actions. Copyright (c) 2020-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2020-11-19" { description "IOS XR 7.4.1 revision."; } semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef cfm-version-type { type uint8 { range "0..31"; } description "CFM protocol version"; } typedef cfm-cos-type { type uint8 { range "0..7"; } description "Class of Service value"; } typedef cfm-exploratory-traceroute-reply-filter-type { type enumeration { enum "default" { value 0; description "Default Reply Filtering"; } enum "all-ports" { value 1; description "Request Replies from all ports"; } } description "Reply Filter for exploratory linktrace replies"; } typedef Mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "MAC address type"; } typedef Cfm-pm-lt-mode { type enumeration { enum "cfm-pm-lt-mode-basic" { value 1; description "Basic IEEE 802.1ag Linktrace"; } enum "cfm-pm-lt-mode-exploratory" { value 2; description "Cisco Exploratory Linktrace"; } } description "Type of Linktrace operation"; } typedef Cfm-bag-optional-hex-data { type yang:hex-string; description "Hex binary data which may be optionally present."; } typedef Cfm-bag-optional-string { type string; description "String which may be optionally present."; } typedef Cfm-bag-md-level { type enumeration { enum "level0" { value 0; description "CFM level 0"; } enum "level1" { value 1; description "CFM level 1"; } enum "level2" { value 2; description "CFM level 2"; } enum "level3" { value 3; description "CFM level 3"; } enum "level4" { value 4; description "CFM level 4"; } enum "level5" { value 5; description "CFM level 5"; } enum "level6" { value 6; description "CFM level 6"; } enum "level7" { value 7; description "CFM level 7"; } } description "CFM level"; } typedef Cfm-pm-elr-egress-action { type enumeration { enum "elr-egress-ok" { value 1; description "Egress port is OK"; } enum "elr-egress-down" { value 2; description "Egress port is down"; } enum "elr-egress-blocked" { value 3; description "Egress port is STP Blocked"; } enum "elr-egress-vid" { value 4; description "Egress port is VID Blocked"; } enum "elr-egress-mac" { value 255; description "Egress port is MAC Pruned"; } } description "Egress actions used in the Reply Egress TLV"; } typedef Cfm-pm-elr-ingress-action { type enumeration { enum "elr-ingress-ok" { value 1; description "Ingress port is OK"; } enum "elr-ingress-down" { value 2; description "Ingress port is down"; } enum "elr-ingress-blocked" { value 3; description "Ingress port is STP Blocked"; } enum "elr-ingress-vid" { value 4; description "Ingress port is VID Blocked"; } } description "Ingress actions used in the Reply Ingress TLV"; } typedef Cfm-pm-elr-relay-action { type enumeration { enum "elr-relay-hit" { value 1; description "ELR target Hit"; } enum "elr-relay-fdb" { value 2; description "ELR forwarded by filtering database"; } enum "elr-relay-flood" { value 3; description "ELR has been flood forwarded"; } enum "elr-relay-drop" { value 4; description "ELR has been ropped"; } } description "ELR Relay actions, used in ELRs"; } typedef Cfm-pm-last-hop-fmt { type enumeration { enum "last-hop-none" { value 0; description "No last hop identifier"; } enum "last-hop-host-name" { value 1; description "Last hop identifier is a hostname"; } enum "last-hop-egress-id" { value 2; description "Last hop identifier is an egress ID"; } } description "Last hop identifier format"; } typedef Cfm-pm-egress-action { type enumeration { enum "egress-ok" { value 1; description "Egress port is OK"; } enum "egress-down" { value 2; description "Egress port is down"; } enum "egress-blocked" { value 3; description "Egress port is STP Blocked"; } enum "egress-vid" { value 4; description "Egress port is VID Blocked"; } } description "Egress action"; } typedef Cfm-pm-port-id-fmt { type enumeration { enum "port-id-interface-alias" { value 1; description "Port ID is an interface alias"; } enum "port-id-port-component" { value 2; description "Port ID is a component name"; } enum "port-id-mac-address" { value 3; description "Port ID is a MAC address"; } enum "port-id-network-address" { value 4; description "Port ID is a network address"; } enum "port-id-interface-name" { value 5; description "Port ID is an interface name"; } enum "port-id-agent-circuit-id" { value 6; description "Port ID is an agent name"; } enum "port-id-local" { value 7; description "Port ID is a local name"; } enum "port-id-unknown" { value 8; description "Port ID format unknown"; } } description "Port ID format"; } typedef Cfm-pm-ingress-action { type enumeration { enum "ingress-ok" { value 1; description "Ingress port is OK"; } enum "ingress-down" { value 2; description "Ingress port is down"; } enum "ingress-blocked" { value 3; description "Ingress port is STP Blocked"; } enum "ingress-vid" { value 4; description "Ingress port is VID Blocked"; } } description "Ingress actions used in the Reply Ingress TLV"; } typedef Cfm-pm-id-fmt { type enumeration { enum "id-format-is-string" { value 0; description "ID format is a string"; } enum "id-format-is-mac-address" { value 1; description "ID format is a MAC address"; } enum "id-format-is-raw-hex" { value 2; description "ID format is raw hex"; } } description "Port or chassis ID format"; } typedef Cfm-pm-chassis-id-fmt { type enumeration { enum "chassis-id-chassis-component" { value 1; description "Chassis ID is a component name"; } enum "chassis-id-interface-alias" { value 2; description "Chassis ID is an interface alias"; } enum "chassis-id-port-component" { value 3; description "Chassis ID is a port component name"; } enum "chassis-id-mac-address" { value 4; description "Chassis ID is a MAC address"; } enum "chassis-id-network-address" { value 5; description "Chassis ID is a network address"; } enum "chassis-id-interface-name" { value 6; description "Chassis ID is an interface name"; } enum "chassis-id-local" { value 7; description "Chassis ID is a local name"; } enum "chassis-id-unknown-type" { value 8; description "Unknown Chassis ID type"; } } description "Chassis ID type"; } typedef Cfm-pm-relay-action { type enumeration { enum "relay-hit" { value 1; description "LTR target Hit"; } enum "relay-fdb" { value 2; description "LTR forwarded by filtering database"; } enum "relay-mpdb" { value 3; description "LTR forwarded by CCM Learning database"; } } description "LTR relay action"; } typedef Cfm-pm-elm-reply-filter { type enumeration { enum "reply-filter-not-present" { value 0; description "Reply Filter not present"; } enum "reply-filter-default" { value 1; description "Reply from ports which are not MAC-pruned, VID-pruned, or STP-blocked"; } enum "reply-filter-vlan-topology" { value 2; description "Reply from ports which are not VID-pruned or STP-blocked"; } enum "reply-filter-spanning-tree" { value 3; description "Reply from ports which are not STP-blocked"; } enum "reply-filter-all-ports" { value 4; description "Reply from all ports"; } } description "Reply filter used for Exploratory Linktrace operations. Most of these values can't be returned alias cfm-exploratory-traceroute-reply-filter-type is used as input"; } typedef Cfm-pm-elt-delay-model { type enumeration { enum "delay-model-invalid" { value 0; description "Not a valid delay model"; } enum "delay-model-logarithmic" { value 1; description "Reply using logarithmic delay model"; } enum "delay-model-constant" { value 2; description "Reply using constant delay model"; } } description "Delay model used for Exploratory Linktrace operations"; } grouping CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE { description "Egress ID"; leaf unique-id { type uint16; mandatory true; description "Egress port unique ID"; } leaf mac-address { type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "Egress port MAC address"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE grouping CFM-PM-PORT-ID-VAL { description "Port ID Value"; leaf port-id-format { type Cfm-pm-id-fmt; mandatory true; description "Format that the port ID takes: string, MAC or raw"; } leaf port-id-string { when "../port-id-format = 'id-format-is-string'" { description "Identify port by string"; } type Cfm-bag-optional-string; mandatory true; description "Port ID String"; } leaf port-id-mac { when "../port-id-format = 'id-format-is-mac-address'" { description "Identify port by MAC address"; } type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "Port ID MAC Address"; } leaf port-id-raw { when "../port-id-format != 'id-format-is-string' and ../port-id-format != 'id-format-is-mac-address'" { description "Identify port"; } type Cfm-bag-optional-hex-data; mandatory true; description "Undecoded Port ID"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-PORT-ID-VAL grouping CFM-PM-PORT-ID { description "The type of port ID and its format and value"; container port-id-value { description "Port ID (Current)"; uses CFM-PM-PORT-ID-VAL; } // container port-id-value leaf port-id-type { type Cfm-pm-port-id-fmt; mandatory true; description "Port ID type"; } leaf port-id-type-value { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Port ID type numerical value"; } leaf port-id { type yang:hex-string; status deprecated; description "Port ID (Deprecated)"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-PORT-ID grouping CFM-PM-ELR-REPLY-EGRESS { description "ELR Reply egress TLV"; container last-egress-id { description "Last Egress ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE; } // container last-egress-id container next-egress-id { description "Next Egress ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE; } // container next-egress-id container port-id { presence "true"; description "ELR egress port ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-PORT-ID; } // container port-id leaf action { type Cfm-pm-elr-egress-action; mandatory true; description "Reply egress action"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf mac-address { type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "MAC address of egress interface"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-ELR-REPLY-EGRESS grouping CFM-PM-ELR-REPLY-INGRESS { description "ELR Reply ingress TLV"; container last-egress-id { description "Last egress ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE; } // container last-egress-id container next-egress-id { description "Next egress ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE; } // container next-egress-id container port-id { presence "true"; description "ELR reply ingress port ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-PORT-ID; } // container port-id leaf action { type Cfm-pm-elr-ingress-action; mandatory true; description "ELR Reply ingress action"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf mac-address { type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "MAC address"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-ELR-REPLY-INGRESS grouping CFM-PM-ELR-HDR { description "ELR frame header"; leaf level { type Cfm-bag-md-level; mandatory true; description "MD level"; } leaf version { type cfm-version-type; mandatory true; description "CFM protocol version"; } leaf forwarded { type boolean; mandatory true; description "ELR was forwarded"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf terminal-mep { type boolean; mandatory true; description "Terminal MEP reached"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf reply-filter-unknown { type boolean; mandatory true; description "Reply Filter unrecognized"; } leaf transaction-id { type uint32; mandatory true; description "ELR transaction ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn 20.41.1"; } leaf ttl { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Time to Live"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf relay-action { type Cfm-pm-elr-relay-action; mandatory true; description "Relay action"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf next-hop-timeout { type uint32; units "second"; mandatory true; description "Next Hop Timeout, in seconds"; } leaf delay-model { type Cfm-pm-elt-delay-model; mandatory true; description "Delay model for delay calculations"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Fig N-2"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-ELR-HDR grouping CFM-PM-CHASSIS-ID-VAL { description "Chassis ID Value"; leaf chassis-id-format { type Cfm-pm-id-fmt; mandatory true; description "ChassisIDFormat"; } leaf chassis-id-string { when "../chassis-id-format = 'id-format-is-string'" { description "Identify chassis by string"; } type Cfm-bag-optional-string; mandatory true; description "Chassis ID String"; } leaf chassis-id-mac { when "../chassis-id-format = 'id-format-is-mac-address'" { description "Identify chassis by MAC address"; } type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "Chassis ID MAC Address"; } leaf chassis-id-raw { when "../chassis-id-format != 'id-format-is-string' and ../chassis-id-format != 'id-format-is-mac-address'" { description "Identify chassis"; } type Cfm-bag-optional-hex-data; mandatory true; description "Undecoded Chassis ID"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-CHASSIS-ID-VAL grouping CFM-PM-CHASSIS-ID { description "Chassis ID type, format and value"; container chassis-id-value { description "Chassis ID (Current)"; uses CFM-PM-CHASSIS-ID-VAL; } // container chassis-id-value leaf chassis-id-type { type Cfm-pm-chassis-id-fmt; mandatory true; description "Chassis ID Type"; } leaf chassis-id-type-value { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Chassis ID numerical value Type"; } leaf chassis-id { type yang:hex-string; status deprecated; description "Chassis ID (Deprecated)"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-CHASSIS-ID grouping CFM-PM-SENDER-ID { description "Sender ID TLV"; container chassis-id { presence "true"; description "Sender chassis ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-CHASSIS-ID; } // container chassis-id leaf management-address-domain { type yang:hex-string; description "Management address domain"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf management-address { type yang:hex-string; must "../management-address-domain"; description "Management address"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-SENDER-ID grouping CFM-PM-LAST-HOP { description "Last hop type"; container egress-id { when "../last-hop-format = 'last-hop-egress-id'" { description "Identify last hop by egress id"; } description "Egress ID"; uses CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE; } // container egress-id leaf last-hop-format { type Cfm-pm-last-hop-fmt; mandatory true; description "Format last hop identifier takes"; } leaf host-name { when "../last-hop-format = 'last-hop-host-name'" { description "Identify last hop by hostname"; } type Cfm-bag-optional-string; mandatory true; description "Identify last hop by hostname"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-LAST-HOP grouping CFM-PM-UNKNOWN-TLV { description "Unknown TLV"; leaf typecode { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Type code of TLV"; } leaf value { type yang:hex-string; description "Binary data in TLV"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-UNKNOWN-TLV grouping CFM-PM-ORG-SPEC-TLV { description "Organizational-specific TLV"; leaf oui { type yang:hex-string; mandatory true; description "Organizationally-unique ID"; } leaf subtype { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Subtype of TLV"; } leaf value { type yang:hex-string; description "Binary data in TLV"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-ORG-SPEC-TLV grouping CFM-PM-ELR { description "Exploratory Linktrace Reply (ELR) message "; container header { description "ELR frame header"; uses CFM-PM-ELR-HDR; } // container header container sender-id { presence "ELR contained a sender-id TLV"; description "Sender ID TLV"; uses CFM-PM-SENDER-ID; } // container sender-id container reply-ingress { presence "Indicates existence of reply ingress TLV"; description "Reply ingress TLV"; uses CFM-PM-ELR-REPLY-INGRESS; } // container reply-ingress container reply-egress { presence "Indicates existence of reply egress TLV"; description "Reply egress TLV"; uses CFM-PM-ELR-REPLY-EGRESS; } // container reply-egress container last-hop { description "Last hop ID"; uses CFM-PM-LAST-HOP; } // container last-hop leaf raw-data { type yang:hex-string; mandatory true; description "Undecoded frame"; } list organization-specific-tlv { description "Organizational-specific TLVs"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-ORG-SPEC-TLV; } // list organization-specific-tlv list unknown-tlv { description "Unknown TLVs"; uses CFM-PM-UNKNOWN-TLV; } // list unknown-tlv } // grouping CFM-PM-ELR grouping CFM-PM-REPLY-EGRESS { description "Reply egress TLV"; container port-id { description "Port ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-PORT-ID; } // container port-id leaf action { type Cfm-pm-egress-action; mandatory true; description "Reply egress action"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf mac-address { type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "Reply egress MAC address"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-REPLY-EGRESS grouping CFM-PM-REPLY-INGRESS { description "Reply ingress TLV"; container port-id { description "Port ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-PORT-ID; } // container port-id leaf action { type Cfm-pm-ingress-action; mandatory true; description "Reply ingress action"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf mac-address { type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "Reply ingress MAC address"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-REPLY-INGRESS grouping CFM-PM-LTR-EGRESS-ID { description "LTR Egress ID TLV"; container last-egress-id { description "Last egress ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE; } // container last-egress-id container next-egress-id { description "Next egress ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-EGRESS-ID-TYPE; } // container next-egress-id } // grouping CFM-PM-LTR-EGRESS-ID grouping CFM-PM-LTR-HDR { description "LTR frame header"; leaf level { type Cfm-bag-md-level; mandatory true; description "LTR MD level"; } leaf version { type cfm-version-type; mandatory true; description "CFM protocol version"; } leaf use-fdb-only { type boolean; mandatory true; description "Use filtering DB only"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf forwarded { type boolean; mandatory true; description "LTR was forwarded"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf terminal-mep { type boolean; mandatory true; description "Terminal MEP reached"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf transaction-id { type uint32; mandatory true; description "Transaction ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn 20.41.1"; } leaf ttl { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Time to live"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } leaf relay-action { type Cfm-pm-relay-action; mandatory true; description "Relay action for the LTR"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-LTR-HDR grouping CFM-PM-LTR { description "Linktrace reply (LTR) message "; container header { description "LTR frame header"; uses CFM-PM-LTR-HDR; } // container header container sender-id { presence "Indicates LTR contained a sender-id TLV"; description "Sender ID TLV"; uses CFM-PM-SENDER-ID; } // container sender-id container egress-id { presence "Indicates LTR contains an egress ID TLV"; description "Egress ID TLV"; uses CFM-PM-LTR-EGRESS-ID; } // container egress-id container reply-ingress { presence "Indicates existence of reply ingress TLV"; description "Reply ingress TLV"; uses CFM-PM-REPLY-INGRESS; } // container reply-ingress container reply-egress { presence "Indicates existence of reply egress TLV"; description "Reply egress TLV"; uses CFM-PM-REPLY-EGRESS; } // container reply-egress container last-hop { description "Last hop ID"; uses CFM-PM-LAST-HOP; } // container last-hop leaf raw-data { type yang:hex-string; mandatory true; description "Undecoded frame"; } list organization-specific-tlv { description "Organizational-specific TLVs"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn"; uses CFM-PM-ORG-SPEC-TLV; } // list organization-specific-tlv list unknown-tlv { description "Unknown TLVs"; uses CFM-PM-UNKNOWN-TLV; } // list unknown-tlv } // grouping CFM-PM-LTR grouping CFM-PM-LT-OPTS-EXPLORATORY { description "options for an Exploratory Linktrace"; leaf delay-model { type Cfm-pm-elt-delay-model; mandatory true; description "Delay model for delay calculations"; } leaf delay-constant-factor { type uint32; mandatory true; description "Constant Factor for delay calculations"; } leaf reply-filter { type Cfm-pm-elm-reply-filter; mandatory true; description "Reply Filtering mode used by responders"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-LT-OPTS-EXPLORATORY grouping CFM-PM-LT-OPTS-BASIC { description "Options for a basic IEEE 802.1ag Linktrace used in response"; leaf is-auto { type boolean; mandatory true; description "Traceroute was initiated automatically"; } leaf fdb-only { type boolean; mandatory true; description "Only use the Filtering Database for forwarding lookups"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-LT-OPTS-BASIC grouping CFM-PM-LT-OPTS { description "Options affecting the behavior of the traceroute"; container basic-options { when "../mode = 'cfm-pm-lt-mode-basic'" { description "Use basic options"; } description "Options for a basic IEEE 802.1ag Linktrace"; uses CFM-PM-LT-OPTS-BASIC; } // container basic-options container exploratory-options { when "../mode = 'cfm-pm-lt-mode-exploratory'" { description "Use exploratory options"; } description "Options for an Exploratory Linktrace"; uses CFM-PM-LT-OPTS-EXPLORATORY; } // container exploratory-options leaf mode { type Cfm-pm-lt-mode; mandatory true; description "Which linktrace mode to use: exploratory or basic"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-LT-OPTS grouping CFM-PM-LT-INFO { description "Information about a traceroute request used in response"; container options { description "Options affecting traceroute behavior"; uses CFM-PM-LT-OPTS; } // container options leaf domain { type string; mandatory true; description "Maintenance domain name"; } leaf service { type string; mandatory true; description "Service name"; } leaf level { type Cfm-bag-md-level; mandatory true; description "Maintenance level"; } leaf source-mep-id { type uint16 { range "1..8191"; } mandatory true; description "Source MEP ID"; } leaf source-interface { type xr:Interface-name; mandatory true; description "Source interface"; } leaf source-mac-address { type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "Source MAC address"; } leaf target-mac-address { type Mac-address; mandatory true; description "Target MAC address"; } leaf directed-mac-address { type Mac-address; description "Directed MAC address"; } leaf target-mep-id { type uint16 { range "1..8191"; } mandatory true; description "Target MEP ID"; } leaf timestamp { type uint64; units "second"; mandatory true; description "Timestamp when linktrace initiated (seconds since epoch))"; } leaf ttl { type uint8; mandatory true; description "Time to live"; } leaf transaction-id { type uint32; mandatory true; description "Transaction ID"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn 20.41.1"; } } // grouping CFM-PM-LT-INFO grouping CFM-PM-MEP-TR-CACHE-BAG { description "Traceroute result output"; container traceroute-information { description "Information about the traceroute operation"; uses CFM-PM-LT-INFO; } // container traceroute-information leaf replies-dropped { type uint32; mandatory true; description "Count of ignored replies for this request"; } list linktrace-reply { description "Received linktrace replies"; uses CFM-PM-LTR; } // list linktrace-reply list exploratory-linktrace-reply { description "Received exploratory linktrace replies"; uses CFM-PM-ELR; } // list exploratory-linktrace-reply } // grouping CFM-PM-MEP-TR-CACHE-BAG grouping TRACEROUTE-PING-CFM-INFO-TYPE { description "CFM domain and service specification"; leaf domain { type string; mandatory true; description "Specify name of domain"; } leaf service { type string; mandatory true; description "Specify name of service"; } } // grouping TRACEROUTE-PING-CFM-INFO-TYPE grouping TRACEROUTE-PING-REMOTE-TARGET-TYPE { description "Information on remote session target"; leaf mac { type yang:mac-address; description "Target MAC address"; } leaf target-mep-id { type uint16 { range "1..8191"; } description "Target MEP ID"; } } // grouping TRACEROUTE-PING-REMOTE-TARGET-TYPE grouping TRACEROUTE-PING-SOURCE-TYPE { description "Specify ping or traceroute source"; leaf source-mep-id { type uint16 { range "1..8191"; } description "Specify source MEP"; } leaf source-interface-name { type string; mandatory true; description "Specify source interface"; } } // grouping TRACEROUTE-PING-SOURCE-TYPE rpc traceroute-ethernet-cfm { xr:xr-task "ethernet-services"; description "Send a linktrace message"; input { uses TRACEROUTE-PING-CFM-INFO-TYPE; uses TRACEROUTE-PING-REMOTE-TARGET-TYPE; uses TRACEROUTE-PING-SOURCE-TYPE; leaf explore { type boolean; description "Perform an exploratory traceroute"; } leaf from { type yang:mac-address; must "../explore and ../explore = 'true'"; description "MAC address to explore beyond"; } leaf reply_filter { type cfm-exploratory-traceroute-reply-filter-type; must "not(../explore) or ../explore = 'false'"; description "Replay filtering on all ports.Only specify if Explore is FALSE"; } leaf cos { type cfm-cos-type; description "Class of Service"; } leaf timeout { type uint32 { range "1..31535999"; } units "seconds"; default "5"; description "Seconds to wait for each response"; } leaf fdb_only { type boolean; must "not(../explore) or ../explore = 'false'"; description "Replies based on Filtering DB. Only specify if Explore is FALSE"; } leaf ttl { type uint16 { range "1..255"; } default "64"; description "Specify the initial TTL"; } } output { uses CFM-PM-MEP-TR-CACHE-BAG; } } // rpc traceroute-ethernet-cfm rpc ping-ethernet-cfm { xr:xr-task "ethernet-services"; description "Initiate a ping operation"; input { uses TRACEROUTE-PING-CFM-INFO-TYPE; uses TRACEROUTE-PING-REMOTE-TARGET-TYPE; uses TRACEROUTE-PING-SOURCE-TYPE; leaf interval { type uint32 { range "1..4294967295"; } units "seconds"; default "1"; description "Interval between ping messages (seconds)"; } leaf timeout { type uint32 { range "1..2147483647"; } units "seconds"; default "5"; description "Timeout for each ping response (seconds)"; } leaf count { type uint32 { range "1..1000000"; } default "5"; description "Number of ping messages to send"; } leaf data-length { type uint16 { range "22..10000"; } units "bytes"; description "Minimum size to pad ping frame to, in bytes"; } leaf data-pattern { type yang:hex-string; description "Pattern of hexadecimal data to include."; } leaf cos { type cfm-cos-type; description "Class of Service"; } } output { leaf lbrs-rcvd { type uint32; mandatory true; description "Number of loopback replies received"; reference "IEEE 802.1Q-2018 Sn 20.30.7"; } leaf lbrs-out-of-sequence { type uint32; mandatory true; description "Number of loopback replies received out-of-sequence"; } leaf lbrs-bad-data { type uint32; mandatory true; description "Number of loopback rpls rcvd with non-matching user-specified data"; } leaf rtt-min { type uint32; units "milliseconds"; mandatory true; description "Minimum round-trip time (in milliseconds)"; } leaf rtt-avg { type uint32; units "milliseconds"; mandatory true; description "Average round-trip time (in milliseconds)"; } leaf rtt-max { type uint32; units "milliseconds"; mandatory true; description "Maximum round-trip time (in milliseconds)"; } leaf rcvd-duration { type uint32; units "milliseconds"; mandatory true; description "Time between first and last loopback replies received (in ms)"; } } } // rpc ping-ethernet-cfm } // module Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-cfm-act
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