This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for wireless rrm data types. Copyright (c) 2016-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc...
Version: 2021-07-01
module Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-rrm-types { yang-version 1; namespace ""; prefix wireless-rrm-types; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import cisco-semver { prefix cisco-semver; } organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 W Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 1800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for wireless rrm data types. Copyright (c) 2016-2021 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved."; revision "2021-07-01" { description "- Added 6 GHz radio band enum for 802.11 interface type - Added DTLS connection status for RF group member"; reference "4.3.0"; } revision "2019-11-01" { description "Added class type enum for cleanair device class-type."; reference "4.2.0"; } revision "2019-05-01" { description "Added semantic version"; reference "4.1.0"; } revision "2018-11-15" { description "- Removed rrm channel list static array - Cleaned up spelling errors in descriptions."; reference "4.0.0"; } revision "2018-06-18" { description "Remove of grouping. List of Channel Numbers"; reference "3.0.0"; } revision "2018-01-24" { description "The first generally available version"; reference "2.0.0"; } revision "2017-05-05" { description "Initial revision"; reference "1.0.0"; } cisco-semver:module-version "4.3.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "4.2.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "4.1.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "4.0.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "3.0.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "2.0.0"; cisco-semver:module-version "1.0.0"; typedef enm-rrm-phy-type { type enumeration { enum "rrm-phy-80211b" { value 1; description "Represents the 802.11b/g interface type for this entry."; } enum "rrm-phy-80211a" { value 2; description "Represents the 802.11a/c interface type for this entry."; } enum "rrm-phy-80211xor" { value 3; description "Represents the 802.11abgn interface type for this entry."; } enum "rrm-phy-80211-6ghz" { value 4; description "802.11 6 GHz band interface type."; } } description "This object uniquely represents the 802.11 interface type for this entry."; } typedef enm-rrm-ctrl-mode { type enumeration { enum "rrm-automatic-mode" { value 0; description "Represents group mode as Auto selection mode"; } enum "rrm-run-once-mode" { value 1; description "Represents group mode as Run once selection mode"; } enum "rrm-static-mode" { value 2; description "Represents group mode as Static selection mode"; } enum "rrm-leader-mode" { value 3; description "Represents group mode as rf static leader"; } enum "rrm-restart-mode" { value 4; description "Represents group mode as restart"; } } description "This object represents current rf group mode"; } typedef enm-ca-si-capable { type enumeration { enum "spectrum-mode-ca" { value 1; description "Represents the Access point is CA type for this entry."; } enum "spectrum-mode-si" { value 2; description "Represents the Access point is SI type for this entry."; } enum "spectrum-mode-invalid" { value 3; description "Represents the Access point is CA type for this entry."; } } description "This object uniquely represents the 802.11 interface type for this entry."; } typedef enm-cleanair-class-type { type enumeration { enum "pmac-dev-unknown" { value 0; description "Cleanair device class type unknown"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-bt" { value 1; description "Cleanair device class type bluetooth pico-net"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-mwave" { value 8; description "Cleanair device class type microwaves"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-fh" { value 10; description "Cleanair device class type 802.11 - frequency hopping version"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-bti" { value 17; description "Cleanair device class type bluetooth inquiry and paging"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-gtdd" { value 18; description "Cleanair device class type generic periodic fixed frequency"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-jam" { value 19; description "Cleanair device class type jammer"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-wform" { value 25; description "Cleanair device class type generic continuous"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-dect" { value 26; description "Cleanair device class type DECT like phone networks"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-video" { value 27; description "Cleanair device class type video (sub-case of generic continuous class type)"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-zigbee" { value 28; description "Cleanair device class type 802.15.4 e.g. ZigBee, HART, etc."; } enum "pmac-dev-id-wifi-norm" { value 29; description "Cleanair device class type standard 802.11 a/b/g/n/j"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-wifi-iq" { value 30; description "Cleanair device class type spectrally inverted 802.11"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-wifi-chan" { value 31; description "Cleanair device class type 802.11 on non standard channels"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-wifi-sup-g" { value 32; description "Cleanair device class type Super G variant of WiFi"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-radar" { value 33; description "Cleanair device class type radar"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-canopy" { value 34; description "Cleanair device class type Motorola canopy"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-xbox" { value 35; description "Cleanair device class type XBOX wireless controller"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-wmxm" { value 36; description "Cleanair device class type 802.16 e mobile WiMAX"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-wmxf" { value 37; description "Cleanair device class type 802.16 d fixed WiMAX"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-exalt" { value 38; description "Cleanair device class type Exalt Bridge"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-ibeacon" { value 41; description "Cleanair device class type iBeacon"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-max" { value 42; description "Cleanair device class type maximum value"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-aci" { value 254; description "Cleanair device class type Wi-Fi adjacent channel interference"; } enum "pmac-dev-id-undef" { value 255; description "Cleanair device undefined class type"; } } description "Cleanair device class type"; } typedef enm-rrm-dtls-status { type enumeration { enum "rrm-dtls-invalid" { value 0; description "Invalid DTLS state."; } enum "rrm-dtls-disabled" { value 1; description "DTLS connection is disabled for RF group member."; } enum "rrm-dtls-init" { value 2; description "DTLS connection initiated for RF group member."; } enum "rrm-dtls-in-handshake" { value 3; description "DTLS connection is in handshake phase for RF group member."; } enum "rrm-dtls-in-cert-verify" { value 4; description "DTLS connection is in certificate verification state for RF group member."; } enum "rrm-dtls-sess-established" { value 5; description "DTLS connection is in session established state for RF group member."; } enum "rrm-dtls-in-key-plumbing" { value 6; description "DTLS connection is in key plumbing state for RF group member."; } enum "rrm-dtls-key-plumbed" { value 7; description "DTLS connection has plumbed the key for RF group member."; } } description "DTLS connection status for RF group member."; } grouping st-member-id { description "This object represents the rf group member identifier"; leaf-list byte-var { type uint8; max-elements 6; ordered-by user; description "This value contains the ip address of member in the first four bytes and the last two bytes contains the maximum number of Radios handled by the rf group leader"; } } // grouping st-member-id grouping st-group-id { description "This object represents the rf group identifier"; leaf wlc-mac { type yang:mac-address; description "This value contains the rf group leader's ip address in the first four bytes and the last two bytes contains the maximum number of Radios handled by the rf group leader"; } leaf cnt { type uint16; description "This value contains a random counter that is created every time the rf group initializes"; } } // grouping st-group-id grouping st-rrm-msg-seq { description "Field is used in rrm message retry mechanism"; leaf seq-num { type uint32; description "Indicates rrm message sequence number"; } leaf duplicate { type uint32; description "Indicates if the message received is duplicate of previously received message"; } } // grouping st-rrm-msg-seq grouping st-rrm-channels-list { description "List of Channel Numbers"; leaf-list channel { type uint16; max-elements 64; ordered-by user; description "Channel Number"; } } // grouping st-rrm-channels-list grouping st-rrm-common-ctrl-confg { description "This object represents rrm common control config for various algorithms"; leaf mode { type enm-rrm-ctrl-mode; description "Represents algorithms current mode"; } leaf update-counter { type uint32; description "Indicates the number of times the corresponding algorithm has run"; } leaf update-interval-sec { type uint32; description "Time interval before which the algorithm was run"; } leaf contribution { type uint8; description "Contributing factors to the algorithm"; } } // grouping st-rrm-common-ctrl-confg grouping st-rrm-dpc-config { description "Represents rrm tpc algorithm related configuration"; container rf { description "Contains general configuration that is applicable to all the algorithms"; uses wireless-rrm-types:st-rrm-common-ctrl-confg; } // container rf leaf dpc-min-tx-power-limit { type int8; description "Minimum tx power that the tpc algorithm can assign to any radio"; } leaf dpc-max-tx-power-limit { type int8; description "Maximum tx power that the tpc algorithm can assign to any radio"; } leaf tx-power-control-threshold { type int8; description "Indicates tx power threshold for tpc algorithm"; } } // grouping st-rrm-dpc-config } // module Cisco-IOS-XE-wireless-rrm-types
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